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BIMONTHLY MAGAZINE GUGAKNURI 2012 07+08 vol.126 National Gugak Center 2012 / vol.126 07 + 08 11-1370132-000057-06 ISSN 1739-9599

07 + 08 National Gugak Center 2012 / vol.126 section. 1 20 28 38 46 04 05 08 10 14 17 11-1370132-000057-06 02.580.3397 02.580.3322 www.gugak.go.kr 20 22 26 28 32 34 section. 2 36 38 42 44 46 section. 3 50 54 58 63 64 66 COVERSTORY http://archive.gugak.go.kr

카툰 기획 - 여름방학 특집 글, 그림 차승민 대금연주자 정리 김보람 국립국악원 국악진흥과 국악으로 무더위 날리기 가만히 앉아만 있어도 콧잔등에 땀이 송글송글 맺히는 무더위가 찾아오면 여름방학 이라는 이름의 선물을 받는 이들이 있습니다. 푸른 나이를 지나는 어린 이들, 이 귀하신 분들을 위해 국 립국악원에서도 다채로운 여름 프로그램을 마련했습니다. 최고의 예술가들이 펼치는 공연을 관 람하고, 우리 악기를 직접 만져보며 우리 음악과 춤의 아름다움을 만끽할 수 있는 기회가 될 것 입니다. 온 세상 어린이들이 하하하하 웃으며 국악으로 한 판 놀아 보는디~! 저 멀리 남쪽 끝, 여름이 가장 먼저 찾아오는 곳. 전라남도 진도군에 자리 잡은 국립남도국악원에서는 올해도 어김없이 여름특별문화체험 을 준비했습니다. 천혜의 청정 자연 속에서 무릎장단을 치며 진도 아리랑을 부르고, 달빛 마당에서 엄마, 아빠 손을 잡고 함께 강강술래를 배웁니다. 진도의 명물 진돗개를 만나보고 운림산방과 해양생태관, 신비의 바닷길 등을 둘러보며 진도의 문화를 체험할 수 있는 시간도 있습니다. 가 족과 함께, 국악이 흐르는 무공해 여행을 떠나보세요. 국립남도국악원 여름특별문화체험 일시 2012년 7월 27일(금)~29일(일) / 2박 3일 장소 국립남도국악원(진도 소재) 대상 가족 단위 80명 문의 061.540.4042 접수기간 및 방법 2012년 7월 2일(월)~20일(금) 온라인 접수 0405



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Embrace Korea in Our Hearts Epilogue Training Program for Students of Far Eastern Federal University of Russia at Jindo National Gugak Center AKULENKO VADIM(Professor, Far Eastern Federal University of Russia) The history of our Samulnori troupe started from 1995 when the college of Korean studies was established in the Far Eastern Federal University. President Jang, Ji- Hyeok, main patron of instituting the college, gave Samulnori instruments for present. With the instruments, students organized a Samulori club and practiced Samulnori. Our Troupe mainly consists of students from the college of Korean Studies and has performed for the occasions related to Korean culture. We are originally a Samulnori troupe, but capable of performing Korean traditional dance, as well. Currently, total 23 students are interested in learning Samulnori. Students are evenly composed of four grades and seniors teach juniors. The director of education center in Vladivostok has thankfully arranged Samulnori teachers to come here to teach us from time to time. However, no matter how hard Korean teachers tried to teach us, the short period of time has always failed us to grasp the artistic significations of Samulnori, merely learning their movements. In other words, during the last 15 years, our troupe members has learned and practiced Samulnori hard enough to make steady progress in performing techniques. However, lack of learning time with Korean teachers led us to miss the most crucial elements of Samulnori such as breathing, team work, etc. A new history of our troupe began last January. A chance was given to ten students of our troupe to visit the Jindo National Gugak Center from 12 to 22, January. The visit was arranged by Woo, Il-Am, director of Korean Education Center in Vladivostok and Yoon, Yee-Geun, director of the Jindo National Gugak Center and meant a historic contribution to the development of Korean culture education in the Far Eastern Federal University. Visiting students are mainly sophomores and juniors and have practiced Samulnori for 1~2 years in Russia. January is the final examination period in Russian university, so we got permission from the dean to take the tests in advance of our visit to Jindo. We got on a ship from Vladivostok on January 11 and arrived the Korean port in 20 hours and it took us another 10 hours from Donghae to Jindo. Through it was really a tiring trip, all of us could not close our eyes even at night looking forward to our Samulnori training in Jindo. Next day, we were finally able to see the Gugakwon building, which we could not in darkness when we arrived so late the day before. We were simply impressed by the beauty of center and repeated Wow, this is heaven for us! We only have locker room and practice room back in Russia but here in Jindo, every necessary thing were equipped for Samulnori, even the theater. We always had to start our Samulnori practice after lecture because it s too noisy in Russia, but we could practice all day long here in Jindo. The Samulnori teachers, Lee, Joon-Woo and Hwang Joo-Shik worked so hard to for us. Time passed so fast for us practicing Samulnori for 8 hours a days, eating Korean food, and having conversation with Korean teachers. Teacher, Lee, Joon-Woo, explained, at the first class, the fundamental elements of Samulnori; what is Samulnori, how to breath for Samulnori and others. After the first lesson, though all of us ached all over, we all were eager to practice more even all through the night. We all practiced Jangdan with hands back in our room both before and after each lesson. Though Samulnori practice was more than enough for us, some of female students wanted to learn Janggu dance and luckily they were allowed to learn the dance for performance. We were happy to have more cultural experience than Samulnori and dance practice. We did prior web search on profound culture of Jindo, however, it was far more than we expected to actually touch Jondo dog, smell the ocean scent and taste cultured oyster in Jindo province. This is how we embraced Korea in our hearts. In addition to practice and tour, we had a chance to watch performance by the troupe of Jindo National Gugak Center. We were deeply impressed by the performance, and, specially, to see Pansori and Samulnori on stage was unique experience for us. Some of us have listened Pansori on website and they all agreed that listening live Pansori performance in theater truly surpassed what they had heard before. Regrettably, time flied by us so fast. It was quite pressure for us having to do our own performance in front of the expert traditional artists. We could not but practice to the last minute of the performance, and yet our tension was all the same. It disappeared in a minute only after our performance with the applause of the audience. Nowhere else than the Jindo National Gugak Center could we get such a wonderful chance to enhance our performing ability through Samulnori training program. Our experience at the center for the ten members will surely contribute significantly to the development of Samulnori of our troupe. Back in Russia, we have performed several times for the Russian audience what we learned in Jindo Gugak Center, including Janggu dance and Samulnori and received enthusiastic response. Our troupe and training in Jindo was a hot issue for TV coverage for both local and central TV broadcasting company. These days, ten students who were lucky to visit Korea is busy teaching what they learned I Jindo to their junior and seniors in Russia. In addition to teaching how to play musical instruments, they also try to convey the philosophical approach of Samulnori. In conclusion, our visit to Jindo for training added momentum to our troupe. We all like to express our thanks with all our hearts to Yoon, Lee-Gun, Director of Jindo National Gugak Center as well as all the staffs who kindly arranged our trip to Jindo.


I nterview 2829



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