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2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

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I&IRC5 TG_08권

Stage 2 First Phonics

퇴좈저널36호-4차, page Preflight (2)


가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에


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< B3E232C8B820C1DFC1B92DB1B9BEEE5F BFC0C8C437BDC3B9DD2E687770>


Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,

004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik

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이보고서는보건복지부에서주관하는국민건강증진기금에의해수행 된것이며, 이보고서에수록된내용은연구자개인적인의견이며보 건복지부의공식견해가아님을밝혀둡니다.



Unit Five: Conversation Three.


소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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step 1-1

(016~037) Task1

중학영어듣기 2학년


55호 1면

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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

274 한국문화 73

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민속지_이건욱T 최종


#1_초급 본문

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세종대 요람


Just Grammar Starter Level 3-º»¹®.PDF


2014 HSC Korean Continuers

슬라이드 1


23 Lesson 1. What are you going to do tomorrow? [개념강의] 24 Lesson 1. What are you going to do tomorrow? [실전강의 A] 25 Lesson 1. What are you going to do


2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628

우리들이 일반적으로 기호


양파 공동체 中 이제 들여보내 다오. 나는 쪼개지고 부서지고 얇아지는 양파를 쥐고 기도했다. 도착하면 뒷문을 열어야지. 뒷문을 열면 비탈진 숲, 숲을 지나면 시냇물, 굴러 떨어진 양파는 첨벙첨벙 건너갈 것이다. 그러면 나는 사라질 수 있겠다. 나는 때때로 양파에 입을

바르게 읽는 성경


PHONE ENGLISH OPIc A ENGLISH CONVERSATION SKY COMMUNITY BOOKS Published by Sky Community Group ISBN 978-89-962782-3-8 No Part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by an means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher

OPIc A Contents Lesson 01 Self Introduction 06 Lesson 02 School 07 Lesson 03 Class 08 Lesson 04 School Activities 09 Lesson 05 Housework 10 Lesson 06 House 11 Lesson 07 Room 12 Lesson 08 House etc. 13 Lesson 09 Neighborhood 14 Lesson 10 Town 15 Lesson 11 Movie 16 Lesson 12 Shopping 17 Lesson 13 Food 18 Lesson 14 Park 19 Lesson 15 Sports / Concert 20 Lesson 16 Game 21 Lesson 17 Foreign language 22 Lesson 18 Camping / Hair 23 Lesson 19 Helping Kids / Chores 24 2

OPIc A Contents Lesson 20 Church / Coaching / Museum 25 Lesson 21 Internet 26 Lesson 22 TV / DVD 27 Lesson 23 Music 28 Lesson 24 Book 29 Lesson 25 Cooking 30 Lesson 26 Musical Instruments 31 Lesson 27 Pet 32 Lesson 28 Travel 33 Lesson 29 Etc. 34 Lesson 30 Role Play - Vacation 35 Lesson 31 Role Play Family / House 36 Lesson 32 Role Play School / Friend 37 Lesson 33 Role Play Work 38 Lesson 34 Role Play Places 39 Lesson 35 Role Play Products 40 Lesson 36 Role Play Hobby 41 Lesson 37 Role Play Travel / Sports 42 Lesson 38 Role Play etc. 43 3

Background Survey 이 배경 설문에 대한 응답을 기초로 각자를 위해 개별화된 시험이 출제될 것입니다. 질문 을 자세히 읽고 지시에 따라 선택해 주십시오. 1.현재 직업이 있으십니까? 1) 풀타임 2) 파트타임 3) 없음 2.어디서 근무하십니까? (하나만 선택) 1) 외부 장소 2) 재택 3) 일하지 않습니다 3.지금까지 총 몇 군데 직장에서 근무해 본 경험이 있습니까? 1) 1 2) 2-3 3) 4+ 4) 일하지 않습니다 4.당신은 부하 직원을 관리하는 관리직을 맡고 있습니까? (하나만 선택) 1) 예 2) 아니오 3) 일하지 않습니다 5.현재 학생이십니까? (하나만 선택) 1) 예, 풀 타임 학생입니다 2) 예, 파트 타임 학생입니다 3) 아니오 6. 현재 어떤 곳에 살고 계십니까? (하나만 선택) 1) 독신자로서 개인 주택이나 아파트에 거주 2) 기혼자로서 배우자와 함께 (그리고 자녀가 있으면 그들을 데리고) 개인 주택이나 아파트에 거주 3) 독신자로서 부모, 조부모, 형제 등의 가족과 함께 개인 주택이나 아파트에 거주 4) 기혼자로서 부모, 조부모, 형제 등의 가족과 함께 개인 주택이나 아파트에 거주 5) 친구나 룸메이트와 함께 주택이나 아파트에 거주 6) 하숙집 등 자취 시설에서 독방 생활 7) 하숙집 등 자취 시설에서 룸메이트와 동숙 8) 학교 기숙사에서 독방 생활 9) 학교 기숙사에서 룸메이트와 동숙 4

Background Survey 7. 여가 시간에는 어떤 활동을 하십니까? (여섯 가지 이상 선택) 쇼핑하기 영화 관람(어른끼리) 영화 관람(아이들과 함께) 외식하기 클럽 가기 연극 관람 콘서트 관람 박물관 관람(어른끼리) 박물관 관람(아이들과 함께) 공원 가기 (어른끼리) 공원 가기 (아이들과 함께) 캠핑 프로 스포츠 관람 아이가 출전하는 운동 시합 응원 가기 스포츠 지도하기 혼자서 게임 즐기기(카드, 비디오게임 등) 어른들끼리 게임 즐기기(카드,당구,보드게임 등) 가족이나 친지 방문 외국어 배우기 관심 과목 수강하기 강습 지도하기 아이의 숙제 도와주기 집안일 거들기 자택 수리 및 개조하기 승용차 점검하기 병원/치과 가기 미장원/이발소 가기 교회 가기 8. 다음 중 어떤 관심사나 취미를 갖고 계십니까 (세 가지 이상 선택) TV나 DVD시청 전화 담소 인터넷 서핑 독서 아이에게 책 읽어 주기 음악 감상 악기 연주 혼자 노래부르기 그룹으로 노래부르기 댄스 교습 춤추기 편지, 단편, 시 등 창작 그림 그리기 바느질 또는 자수 뜨개질 또는 크로셰 요리 정원 가꾸기 애완동물 기르기 9. 어떤 스포츠나 운동을 즐기십니까? (한 가지 이상 선택) 농구 야구/소프트볼 축구 미식축구 럭비 아이스 하키 필드 하키 크리켓 골프 배구 테니스 배드듼턴 탁구 수영 자전거 스쿠버/스노클 스키/스노우보드 수상스키 스케이트 인라인 스케이트 승마 조깅 걷기 요가 하이킹/트레킹 낚시 보트 놀이 헬스 클럽 체조 스포츠나 운동에 참여 안함 10. 다음 중 어떤 휴가나 출장 경험이 있습니까? (한 가지 이상 선택) 국내 출장 해외 출장 집에서 보내는 휴가 국내 여행 해외 여행 5

Lesson 01 Self Introduction Let s get started with the interview. Can you tell me about yourself? Tell me about your house. Tell me something about your family members and your hobby. 6

School Lesson 02 Describe your first visit to your college or school. When was it? Please describe what your school looks like in detail. I d like to know about your classroom. Please describe what the lecture room looks like in detail. How do you usually get from your house to school? Do you use public transportation, or drive a car? Tell me how long it takes you to get your school. 7

Class Lesson 03 Have you ever visited your teacher s office? Tell me about why you went there. And describe the office in as much detail as possible. I would like you to describe about the main courses you have learned. Tell me about the courses. Tell me a description of one of your professors to me. Do you like or dislike him or her? Tell me what kind of person he or she is. What do the students usually do in your school? And what do they also do during the summer and winter vacation? 8

Lesson 04 School Activities You may have experienced in doing any voluntary activities or club activities. Please tell me what kind of activities you performed and why you did them. I d like to know about one of the projects you have accomplished in school. Please tell me what it was about and what you did to complete it. I d like to know about the technologies you usually use at school. 9

Lesson 05 Housework Please tell me what kind of household chores you managed last weekend and what you will manage this weekend. Have you ever repaired the house or done home construction? If so, tell me about the experience in as much detail as you can. What is the hardest part about doing household chores? Why is the household chore so hard? Please tell me the hardest part in much detail. 10

House Lesson 06 Can you describe the interior of your house? Tell me about all of the furniture and appliances in your house in as much detail as possible. Can you tell me what kinds of things are there in the living room? 11

Room Lesson 07 Tell me about your bedroom. Give me a detailed description of your bedroom. What do you usually do in your room? Tell me about all the activities you do in your room in detail. What is the most valuable thing in your room? Please tell me what the most valuable thing is and why it is so valuable in detail. 12

Lesson 08 House / etc. Where do you want to live in the future? Tell me about the place you d like to live in. What do you usually do during the weekends? explain me about your typical holiday from start to finish. What do you think are the merits and the demerits about the house where you live now? 13

Lesson 09 Neighborhood Please describe your neighborhood in detail for me. How often do you meet with your neighbors and what do you usually do with them? Please tell me about interesting episodes that happened in your neighborhood. Just pick one and describe it in detail. 14

Town Lesson 10 Where is the popular places of tourist attractions in your town? tell me why the places are so popular and a lot of people visit there. Does your neighborhood have good public transportation systems? Tell me about the public transportation you use in your neighborhood. 15

Movie Lesson 11 How frequently do you go to the movies? Tell me when you go to the cinema and who you go with usually. Please describe the movie theater you went to recently in detail. What was the title of movie you have watched recently. Tell me about the actors and the story. What is your favorite kind of movie. Please tell me the reason why you like it? 16

Lesson 12 Shopping When did you recently go shopping? Tell me who you went with and what items you purchased in detail. How many hours do you usually spend on shopping? explain me about all the activities during the shopping hours in detail. Is there any certain brand you love to buy? Tell me about the brand of the clothing and shoes. 17

Food Lesson 13 Tell me a detailed description of the restaurant you go to frequently. What food do you like the best? Tell me why you like to eat that food. I d like to know about your traditional dishes. Tell me about some traditional dishes in detail. 18

Lesson 14 Park What is your purpose of going to a park? With whom and how often do you go there? Please describe the park where you visited recently in as much detail as possible. What things do you usually bring when you go to a park? Explain me about all the things in detail. 19

Lesson 15 Sports / Concert What kind of sports games do you like to watch? Tell me why you like them in detail. What kind of sports do you like the best? Choose one and tell me about why you like it the best in detail. How frequently and with whom do you go to concert? Please describe the concert you went recently. 20

Game Lesson 16 What kind of games do you usually play? Tell me about the merits of the game. When do you play and with whom do you play video or computer games? Tell me the reason why people enjoy playing games. What do you think is the purpose of playing games? 21

Lesson 17 Foreign Language How did you begin to learn the foreign language such as English and how have you been learning it so far? What are difficulties of learning? Do you have any memorable experiences while learning of speaking a foreign language? Please tell me about the memorable experiences it in detail. 22

Lesson 18 Camping / Hair When and with whom do you usually leave for camping? Tell me about all of the activities that you do during your camping in detail. What tools and items should you prepare for camping? How often do you have your hair cut? Tell me about all the activities at the beauty salon or barber s shop in detail. Do you have your favorite hairdo? What is it and why do you like it? 23

Lesson 19 Helping Kids / Chores While you help kids with their homework, you may have some difficulties. Please give me a detailed description of all the difficulties. When you help children's studying what efforts have you made so far? Tell me about your efforts in detail. Have you ever unfinished of doing the planned household chores? Tell me what it is and why you couldn t do the chores. 24

Lesson 20 Church / Coaching / Museum Please tell me all the activities people usually do at church in detail. Have you ever you coach someone s studies or lessons? What kinds of studies or lessons have you directed to people? Please describe a museum you visited recently in as much detail as possible. 25

Internet Lesson 21 Which websites do you frequently visit? Why are you interested in the site? What convenient programs or tools do you usually use while browsing the Internet? Do you chat with your friends or other people online? How do you make a conversation on the Internet? Please tell me about the purpose of using the Internet. 26

Lesson 22 TV / DVD For how many hours do you watch TV programs everyday? What kinds of TV programs do you like the best? Tell me why you enjoy watching them in detail. What is the main purpose of purchasing DVDs? 27

Music Lesson 23 What kinds of music do you like the best? Tell me why you like the kind of music. Who is your favorite singer? Explain your favorite singer to me and his or her features. How do you normally listen to music? Tell me when you usually listen to music. 28

Book Lesson 24 How many books do you usually read per month? What kind of books do you enjoy reading? What the is biggest advantage of reading books? Please give me a detailed description of it in as much detail as you can. What is your most memorable book that you have ever read? Please tell me a detailed description of the book. 29

Lesson 25 Cooking What is your favorite food and why do you like it? Tell me one of your favorite foods and explain the recipe to me from beginning to end. What do Korean people usually do before and after having a meal? Tell me about all the activities in detail. 30

Lesson 26 Musical Instruments What kind of instruments are you able to handle? Please tell me a detailed description of all instruments you can play. Have you ever had difficulty in learning how to play instrument? Please explain all the difficulties in much detail. Who is your favorite instrumentalist? Describe him of her to me in detail. 31

Lesson 27 Pet Are there any social problems with pets in Korea? If so, Please tell me about it in detail and state your personal opinion. When you have a pet there may be some merits and demerits of it. Pick one merit and demerits and explain about it. If you have a pet Please tell me about daily routine of your pet from start to end. 32

Travel Lesson 28 Which city did you visit recently and what kind of things did you do there? Please tell me in much detail. What items do you put in your bag? Please tell me about all the things you are required to prepare for your trip. Pick one of your interesting trips in Korea and tell me the whole story in detail. 33

Lesson 29 Etc. When you chat on the phone with your friend What topic do you usually talk about? What is your hobby? describe your hobby for me in detail. Tell me about summer and winter weather in Korea to me in as much detail as possible. 34

Lesson 30 Role Play Vacation Who usually visits your house for holiday? If a guest visits your home, what activities do you do with him or her? Explain summer weather in Korea to me in as much detail as possible. I enjoy watching movies. Ask me three or four questions in order to know about the movie that I saw most recently. 35

Lesson 31 Role Play Family / House Let s assume that you need new TV at home but your parents don t want to have it. Explain why you need new TV and convince them to get it by giving two alternatives. Please ask me Three to four questions to learn more about my family. I live in a house, Please ask me three or four questions that you wish to know about the place where I now live in. When you arrived at home, the door was wide open and you are sure that someone broke in. Call the police to report burglary, explain the situation and offer them the right reason to come as soon as possible. 36

Lesson 32 Role Play School / Friend You are going to travel with your friends. Call one of the travel agencies to ask three or four questions to book the tickets. I am a teacher at a school students. Ask me three to four questions about my occupation. You borrowed a book from your friend, but you spilt milk on it. Call your friend, explain the situation and give him or her solutions to solve the problem. 37

Lesson 33 Role Play Work You are at the airport to pick up important foreign client, but the plane is delayed. Call your boss to explain the situation. Suggest your boss options to resolve the problem. On the day of your presentation, the projector is out of order. Call the person in charge to explain your situation and give a solution to solve this problem. Please ask me three to four questions to know more about my job. Your phone does not work at office. Call the person in charge to explain your situation and ask to solve this problem. You are waiting some products from a delivering company today, but you haven t received yet. Call them and ask three to four questions to confirm the current situation. 38

Lesson 34 Role Play Places You are at the department store to buy a present for your mother s birthday, but you haven t decided yet. Call your father and get an idea to help you choose the right present. Please ask me three to four questions to learn about my house. Let s assume that you are at the airport to go on a trip but you just can t find your ticket. Call the person in charge to explain your situation and ask to solve this problem. Let s suppose that you are planning to have surprise birthday party for your friend, so you have to decide a day, a place, and a time. Call your friend and ask him or her three or four questions to schedule the party. 39

Lesson 35 Role Play Products The computer you recently bought suddenly stopped working. Call the shop to complain about it. Then, offer any solutions to handle this situation. I recently bought new cell phone. Please ask me three to four questions to know more about it. I recently bought a cloth. Ask me three or four questions to know more about the cloth I purchased. Let s assume that you are going to purchase a new TV. call the customer service and ask him or her three or four questions to know the new item concretely. 40

Lesson 36 Role Play Hobby You wish to learn to play piano as your new hobby. Call your friend who is an pianist and request two adequate options for learning to play piano. I like reading books. Please ask me three to four questions about my hobby. Let s assume that you like playing chess very much. You have planned to play chess with your best friend. Call your friend to explain the situation and ask three or four questions to arrange the play. I m going to watch a movie today, but I am not sure what movie I have to see. Call your friend and ask three or four questions to know more about the newly released film. 41

Lesson 37 Role Play Travel / Sports You are planning to travel to Japan with your best friend to spend vacation, but your friend is short on budget. Call your friend and offer two solution to solve this matter. I love traveling. Ask me three to four questions that you wish to know about the places I ve been to. I like to watch sports games. Ask three to four questions to know about the sports game I like the best. Let s assume that you want to order breakfast while staying at a hotel. Call a hotel lobby and ask three or four questions to order breakfast to your room. 42

Lesson 38 Role Play etc. Let s suppose that you need to make a reservation for a hotel. Ask more than three questions to make a reservation. I am a Photographer. Ask me three to four questions that you wish to know about my job. You are about to be late for a meeting with your customer. Call the customer, explain the situation and handle this problem adequately. Let s suppose that you are going to reserve a restaurant for party. Call a restaurant and ask more than three questions to make a reservation. 43