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2016 Spring Admission for International Students Application Guidelines < Wonju Campus>

2016 Spring Admission for International Students Application Guidelines Application Guide Application Guide 1 Application schedule 1 Categories and Numbers of Admission Eligibility 3 The Review & Decision Processes Enrollment information in accordance with Korean language proficiency Important Announcements 5 Acceptance of an application Required documents for admission Enrollment information in accordance with Apostille & Consular Verification 2 3 4 7 10 12 Supplementary Documents Personal Statement(Kor) 15 Personal Statement(Eng) 18 Letter of Recommendation(Kor) 21 Letter of Recommendation(Eng) 24 School Performance Records 27 Final School Records 28 Supplementary Material s Form 29 LETTER OF CONSENT (학력조회동의서) LETTER OF REQUEST (학력조회의뢰서) 30 31 기타 Document submission location 32

Application Guide 1. Application Schedule Category Date Location Note Online Application Period 10:00, July 13th (Mon) ~ 17:00, December 3 rd( (Thu), 2015 Homepage of Office of Admissions & Recruitment, Yonsei University Wonju Campus (http:// admission.yonsei.ac.kr/wonju) Applicants will not be able to log-in, enter data or pay the application fee once the deadlines pass. Applications & Supplementar y Documents Submission Registered Mail (Internation al Express) Parcel Delivery or In-person Submission [1st Round] No mail that is postmarked after September 14 th (Mon), 2015 will be accepted. - Applicants of Premedical school must apply before this date. [2nd Round] No mail that is postmarked after December 3 rd (Thu), 2015 will be accepted. [1st Round] Jul.13 th (Mon) ~ Sep.15 th (Tue), 2015 (10:00 16:30) [2nd Round] Jul.13 th (Mon) ~ Dec.4 th (Fri), 2015 (10:00 16:30) [Acceptance will only be available on business days] (우)220-710 강원도 원주시 연세대길 1 연세대학교 입학홍보처 외국인 전형 담당자 앞 (Office of Admissions & Recruitment, Yonsei University 1 Yonseidae-gil, Wonju, Gangwon-do 220-710, Korea) Headquarters of Administration, Room 104 (대학본부 104호) Application form must be registered through internet and printed out. Then submit it with other required documents by using registered mail, delivery or in-person submission. - Applicants of Premedical school must apply before this date. Submission will not be available on weekends and national holidays. Interview shortlist announcement (Premedical School) October 23 rd (Fri), 2015 Homepage of Office of Admissions & Recruitment, Yonsei University Wonju Campus (http:// admission.yonsei.ac.kr/wonju) Interview (Premedical School) 13:00, October 31 st (Sat), 2015 The place of interview is to be announced. Applicants within the shortlist Result Announcement Result Announcement (Premedical school) [1st Round] October 23 rd (Fri), 2015 [2nd Round] January 8 th (Fri), 2016 November 13th(Fri), 2015 Homepage of Office of Admissions & Recruitment, Yonsei University Wonju Campus (http:// admission.yonsei.ac.kr/wonju) Non-Premedical school applicants Premedical school applicants only Enrollment confirmation Deposit payment 09:00, December 8 th (Mon) ~ 16:00, December 10 th (Wed), 2015 Wooribank and all other banks and financial institutions Additional enrollment and Registration 09:00, December 11 th (Thu) ~ 16:00, December 16 th (Tue), 2015 Announcement Homepage of Office of Admissions & Recruitment, Yonsei University Wonju Campus (http:// admission.yonsei.ac.kr/wonju) Registration Wooribank and all other banks and financial institutions Final Tuition Fee Payment 09:00, January 30 th (Fri) ~ 16:00, Febuary 3 rd (Tue), 2016 Wooribank and all other banks and financial institutions Korean Proficiency Test (한국어 능력시험) 14:30, February 15 th (Mon), 2016 Seoul Campus Language Research institute (서울캠퍼스 언어연구교육원 한국어학당) Successful applicants of Eastasia International College, and students who have already taken Korean Proficiency Test are exempt from Korean Proficiency Test Korea Language Institute at Yonsei University Korean Language Proficiency Test of Proficiency in Korean(proof of completion), the National Institute for International Education Test of Proficiency in Korean(TOPIK) Level 3 or less students admission earlier Wonju campus, the Institute of International Education, or form Korea Seoul Campus Language Institute English courses can be completed, and completion of grant conditions to submit proof of completion after completion, according to the ability of this class of Korean 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 3

2. Categories and Number of Admissions Colleges Majors Administration Categories College of Humanities and Arts College of Business College of Science and Technology College of Health Sciences Wonju College of Medicine EIC(Eastasia international college) Korean Language and Literature *English Language and Literature History and Cultural Studies Philosophy Industrial Design Visual Design Digital Arts *Economics Global Public Administration International Relations *Business Administration *Mathematics *Physics *Chemistry and Medical Chemistry Information Statistics *Bioscience Applied Bioscience Packaging Computer Science Information and Communication Science *Environmental Engineering Eco-Environmental Energy Engineering Medical System Engineering Medical BIO Engineering Public Health Administration Clinical Pathology Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Radiology Korean Language and Literature Humanities and Science Design and Art Social Science Business Natural Science Bioscience and Biotechnology Applied Science Computer, Information, and Communication Science Environmental Engineering Medical Engineering Public Health Administration Clinical Pathology Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Radiology Premedical School Premedical School *Nursing Nursing Dental Hygenics Dental Hygienics East Asia Politics and Culture East Asia Economy and Business EIC(Eastasia International College) Number of Admissions ffered Qualified students will be accepted according to the respective number of admission each category offers. Global Elite Division Korean Culture Business Global Elite Divison Notes 1) Applicants of Premedical school must finish online application and document submission during the first round period.[2015.jul.13th.(mon)~sep.15th(tue)16:30, No mail that is postmarked after Sep. 14th, 2015 will be accepted.] 2) Majors/Departments with the * offer curricula for a teaching certificate. 3) If a student applies to a department, the student should apply for the major which is affiliated with the applied department when the student enters university. 4) Students must meet the minimal academic level set by the Admissions committee, or the university will not offer admissions. 4 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

3. Eligibility Both the applicant and the applicant s parents are of non-korean nationality. The applicant must have completed (Korean or overseas) high school education or should be graduating from high school by February of 2016 (March of 2016 in case of applicants under Japanese education system) or the applicant must have been recognized to have completed appropriate secondary education under article 98 of the provision of primary and secondary education ordinances. Also applicant must submit level 3 or higher in Korean language proficiency test like TOPIK (Premedical school students must have level 6) which Yonsei University Wonju Campus recognized before coming semester. (Applicants who apply for EIC, Global Elite Division do not need to submit TOPIK or Korean language proficiency test score.) Important notes for eligibility Those holding Multi-citizenship are not considered as foreigners. Korean-born adoptees of foreign nationality are considered as foreign nationals only if they acquired foreign nationality before entering elementary school(g1). If an applicant is a Taiwanese national and one of the applicant s parents is also a Taiwanese national, he or she is considered as a foreigner and qualifies to apply. The period of studies in elementary, middle and high schools are based on the Korea education system. [For those who have attended foreign schools it is to be considered that elementary school consists of 1 st to 6 th grade, 7 th to 9 th for middle school, and 10 th to 12 th as high school.] A foreign national who has finished primary and secondary education of less than a combines period of 12 years will be offered eligibility, only if that nation s education process is recognized and declared to be comparative to the 12-year Korean education system set be the Minister of Education, Science, and Technology. A comprehensive review of the nation s school system and recognition of the applicant s completion of high school will be performed by an admissions committee based on the domestic high school system. 4. The Review and Decision Processes A. Successful applicants will be selected through a comprehensive evaluation on the Middle and High School Transcripts(Middle school records will be referred on the basis of high school records), Personal Statement, International High School Standards Assessment Materials( 高 考 AP SAT IB etc.), Awards, Certifications, Documents for Language Skills, Profile of Previous School(s), Recommendation Letters(EIC Applicants must submit). But the applicant will be able to be selected for interview if he or she needs to be confirmed his or her submitted documents with the Office of Admission. B. Premedical School Applicants Rounds Application Interview Method Round 1 100% - Round 2 60% 40% Applicants will be selected for an interview through a comprehensive evaluation on the Middle and High School Transcripts(Middle school records will be referred on the basis of high school records), Personal Statement, International High School Standards Assessment Materials( 高 考 AP SAT IB etc.), Awards, Certifications, Documents for Language Skills, Profile of Previous School(s), Recommendation Letters. The final enrollment will be selected as a result of total sum of both examination (application and interviews). If an applicant does not participate in the interview, the applicant will be regarded as a dropout. 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 5

5. Enrollment Information in Accordance with Korean Language Proficiency A. Korean Language Proficiency Test 1) Successful applicants (except for EastAsia International College) must take the Korean Language Proficiency Test at a designated place on Sinchon Campus and they can be recognized the level. Applicants who fail to take the test will be regarded as level 3 regardless of his or her actual Korean language proficiency. 2) Korean Language Proficiency Test Exemption : Completed and passed level 5 at Korean Language Institute(KLI) of Yonsei University, Completed and passed level 5 in Korean language program offered at International Education Center of Yonsei University Wonju Campus or completed and passed level 5 or higher in TOPIK offered at National International Education Institutes. (However, Yonsei University does not allow the completion of Korean language programs offered at any other institute or university.) The final registered applicants who submit certificate for the course completion of Korean Language Institute(KLI), Yonsei University or certificate of completing Korean language program offered at International Education Center of Yonsei University Wonju Campus(who do not submit TOPIK score) must submit the TOPIK transcript within 1 semester after entering to university to the Office of Academic Affairs, Wonju Campus. B. School System of Korean Language Proficiency Successful applicants is given following completion condition as level of Korean Language Proficiency (completion). Korean Language Proficiency Test (Yonsei University Korean Language Institute) Level 5(completed) or higher Level 4(completed) Level 3(completed) Regular Course Credits be able to register courses just like other students Maximum 12 credits per semester Korean Language Courses are NOT required but can be taken Complete part of the regular courses and obligated to take Korean training course Remarks Required Courses Freshman 1 st Semester : RC(1 credit), Leadership Development(2 credits) Freshman 2 nd Semester : Leadership Practice(2 credits) (Students can register for the required courses separately from regular courses.) If students take the Korean Language Courses in Wonju Campus, it will be accepted the credit of regular course. (Students in Premedical School are exempt from this option) For its specialty, students of Premedical school are obliged to take given courses at specific semesters. The students must acquire Level 6 or better grade at Korean language Proficiency Test in order to take regular courses. Thus, the students who do not meet this standard must take a semester off (a leave of absence), acquire Level 6 or better grade at Korean language Proficiency Test and return to the school to take the regular courses. 6 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

Important Announcements 1. Application and Registration A. Multiple Applications and Registrations 1) Successful applicants of the 2015 Spring(March) Admissions for International Students cannot apply to below admissions and all the applicant s acceptances of admission will be canceled if applied. - 2015 Fall(September) International Students Admissions of Wonju Campus - 2015 Fall(September) Overseas Korean Students Admissions of Wonju Campus 2) For Early Admission (including Overseas Koreans and Foreigners, successful applicants who applied for multiple admissions must register for one university only. If applicants found to have registered to multiple universities, the applicant s acceptance of admission will be cancelled as well. B. As the evaluation for applying qualification is composed of verification of academic ability, arrival and departure and various certifications with basic evaluation continuos and synthetically by stage, so we do not notice an examination result and if additional documents were deemed necessary in the document evaluating process, we will contact with applicants individually. C. Even after the application guideline was announced, it may support object is changed if we received guidelines from the Ministry of Education. D. If successful applicants will not pay enrollments confirmation deposit and tuition payment by the due prescribed date, the admission will be canceled. E. Applicants can apply for Foreign admission both Sinchon Campus and Wonju Campus of Yonsei University. For the period and categories of Sinchon Campus Admission, please refer to the homepage of Sinchon Admission Office (http://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/seoul) 2. Notes about the Submission of Documents A. The submitting application must be submitted via Internet only, the school will not accept postal mail. B. Application documents and letters submitted to Yonsei University cannot be revised and returned in any case. C. If an applicant reported Yonsei University as a recipient for the IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, AP, IB scores, the applicant must provide his or her English name and test date to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Wonju Campus when submitting admission documents in order to have the score evaluated by the admissions committee. If the applicant failed to report such matters to the university, the university will not have responsibility for not evaluating the score during the admissions process. (Yonsei University CEEB CODE : 9893) 3. Admission Process A. If an applicant does not follow the admission policy or fails to provide all the materials needed, he or she will not be considered for admission. B. Applicants who are taking the Korean Language Proficiency Test and oral test(interview) must have an admission ticket and proper identification on the day. C. Any misconducts including forgeries, substitute exam-taking or cheating, and applicants who do not meet admission qualification will result in the immediate rejection of the application, or admission will be cancelled even if it has been already offered. D. The decision process will not be publicly available. E. Evaluation and decision processes are determined by the Admissions Committee of Yonsei University 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 7

Wonju Campus. Other considerations will be made in accordance with the procedures and regulations of application of Yonsei University Wonju Campus F. Measure for even scores Sectors Priority Measures Application/Interviews 1 Application score 2 Interview score 4. Other Notes A. Admission decision notification will not be informed individually, so applicants should checked it on the homepage of the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Yonsei University Wonju Campus. (http://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/wonju) B. In case of any emergency contact during admission process, applicants must enter their current mobile numbers and email addresses as well as telephone numbers on the application form, which can be reached immediately. Yonsei University is not responsible for any circumstances that might result from incorrect contact information provided on the application such as failure for the applicant to receive contact from the university. C. Students cannot take a leave of absence during his or her first semester after admissions. However, if a student suffers from an illness or needs to enroll in compulsory military service, the leave of absence is allowed. Detailed information van refer to the regulations of Yonsei University. D. Every applicant those who holding foreign citizenship must join a medical insurance while in the period of attendance at Yonsei University obligatorily, and the type of insurance is 3 types like if one subscribe to insurance at home(it can take a medical coverage in Korea), Regional Health Insurance, Foreign students insurance of domestic insurance company. For more information, we will guide to successful applicants announcement. 8 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

Guidance for Internet Applications 1. Internet Applications Application Deadline : 2015. August. 4 th (Mon) 10:00 ~ August. 20 th (Wed) 17:00 2. Admission Applications Procedure Access the Admission Web site Access the homepage of the Office of Admissions and Recruitment (http://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/wonju) Register and Login Must register by the Applicant s name (Cannot apply with Guardians and other people s ID) Confirm Notices and Consent Please read the guidelines/notices for internet application and confirm the consent about the admissions Input Admission Forms and Attach Photos - Please input personal details, contacts, and admission category accurately (Applicants are responsible for omissions and mistakes) - Attach photos that are recently taken within 3 months as uploading it (JPEG File is preferable) Check the Application Input - Must check the application input before paying the application fee - Cannot change admission category, amend the input information as well as cancel the application for admission after payment for the application fee Pay the application fee - Pay the application fee through Internet Banking, Wire Transferring, Credit Card or Phone Banking services - After applicants pay the application fee, it cannot edit or be reversed, and also the fee won t be refunded. Print the Application Ticket - Confirm application Document submission - Schedule : Check the first page - Registered mail : No mail that is postmarked after May. 14 th (Thu), 2015 will be accepted - Delivery or in-person submission : accepted before 16:30, May.15th(Fri),2015 - Address (우)220-710 강원도 원주시 연세대길 1 연세대학교 입학홍보처 외국인 전형 담당자 앞 Please send by using the envelope when submitting Forms can be downloaded from the homepage of the Office of Admission and Recruitment, Yonsei University Wonju Campus (http://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/wonju) 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 9

3. Application Fee Category Eligibility Amount All Applicants (non-premedical School) Premedical School Applicant and his/her parents must be non-korean 100,000KRW 150,000KRW A. The Premedical School applicant who did not make it to the Round 2 will have his/her application fee for Round 2 (50,000KRW) reimbursed to the reimbursement account the applicant submitted on the application. B. There will be no cancelling or reimbursement after submitting the application form(the point when the application fee was paid). If, however, the Admissions Committee recognizes the canceling because of any natural disasters, misinformation from the administrator or any reasons that the applicant s not responsible for, the application fee can be partially or fully(exclusive of the agency s commission) reimbursed. C. Notes on reimbursement [Announcement from the Ministry of Education regarding the Enforcement Decree of Highschool Education Act] Reasons for reimbursement of application fees and its amount refers to the followings: - The overpayment of the applicant: the exact amount of fees overpaid - Failure to application by the causes/reasons attributable to the university of concern: Full amount of application fee paid - Failure to application from natural disasters: Full amount of application fee paid - Failure to application because of hospitalization due to disease or mishap, or the death of the applicant (must be able to verify the situation of concern): Full amount of application fee paid - Failure to enrollment after experiencing application that is divided into several rounds: Partial amount of application fees paid especially the cost of the round the applicant could not attend. The balance from the income and expense of application fee must be reimbursed to the applicant proportionally until the end of April of the year. In case of reimbursement, the applicant must choose to receive the fee between in-person visit to the school or transfer through the account of financial institution the applicant designates. When the applicant choose to receive the fee via designated financial institution, the cost for using the network of financial institution can be reduced, then reimbursed. When an applicant who have paid the application fee using the account of financial institutes has to receive the reimbursement using the account of financial institutes, and the cost for using the network of financial institution is more then the amount of reimbursement, the fee does not have to be reimbursed. 4. Tuition for 2016 A. All successful applicants must first pay [enrollment confirmation deposit], and then pay the rest of the full tuition during the registration period [January 29 th (Fri) ~ February 2 nd (Tue), 2016] announced with acceptance notification. Detailed statement for 2015 is available at(http://www.yonsei.ac.kr/contents/wonju/tuition.html) 10 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

5. Contacts Inquiry Department in Charge Phone Number Admissions Dept. of Admissions 033-760-2828 Wonju College of Medicine Dept. of Academic Affairs 033-741-0217 Tuition Payment and Refund Dept. of Financial Affairs 033-760-2149 Classes and Academic Records Dept. of Academic Affairs 033-760-2164~8 Scholarship Dept. of Student Affairs and Services 033-760-2126 GED(Global Elite Division) / Korean Language Program / Exchange Students International Education Center 033-760-5084 / 5086 EIC(Eastasia International College) EastAsia International College 033-760-2347 Dormitories Wonju Dormitories 033-760-5300 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 11

Application and Supplementary Documents 1. Information on Application and Supplementary Documents Education Level Verification Documents Documents Completed Application Form High School Diploma or Certificate of (expected) Graduation Elementary, Middle and High School Attendance Certificate Official Transcripts for the Student s Entire High School Course Work Personal Statement Remarks Applicants must print out and keep admission tickets Documents in neither Korean nor English must be attached with accredited translation in either Korean or English (Apostille) May be replaced with school records with grades and scores stated Applicants for EIC must write personal statements in English according to the given format Prescribed format required by Yonsei Proof of Nationality Letter of Recommendation (Korean or English) Scholastic term records Attendance records of final(high) school Letter of Consent Letter of Request Certificate of the relationship between the student and parents issued by government agencies Family Relations Certificate 1) The recommender must seal the recommendation before submitting (Optional to applicants who can, mandatory to applicants for EIC) Must be submitted according to the format given by Yonsei university Wonju campus Example: China Family Register, proof of relative relationships Japan Family Register United States Birth Certificate etc. Notarization of the country(notarization of documents within 2 years) Korean descendants with non-korean citizenship only Certificates demonstrating alien registration of the applicants and parents Korean Language Proficiency Certificate Documents Supplementary Documents Only foreigners who reside in Korea submit this document - TOPIK report card issued by International Education Institute - Certificate of Korean training course from Yonsei University Korean Language Institute or International Education Center in Yonsei University Wonju Campus (It is recommend to submit TOPIK score) Academic assessments data for international high school, awards, certifications, documents for foreign language skills, profile of previous school(s) should be listed on Supplementary Documents form. Applicants who received education in China do not require consul s certification if the applicant submits a copy of diploma certificate or the original copy of academic aptitude certificate Academic aptitude certificate: Please submit the original(english) copy of the certificate available from 教 育 部 学 位 与 研 究 生 教 育 发 展 中 心 [ 会 考 成 绩 表 的 人 证 or 高 考 成 绩 表 的 人 证 is also available] Site of issue http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn Required documents for Chinese nationality applicants - Chinese high school graduates must submit grade reports of the 高 中 学 业 考 试 ( 会 考 ) grade - 高 等 学 校 招 生 考 试 ( 高 考 ) transcripts(reflected in the assessment when it is submitted), Name in Chinese Characters for grade reference, Identification card/applicant/application number( 姓 名, 身 份 证 号, 考 生 号, 准 考 证 号 ) - For Chinese nationality applicants, they may submit notarized documents of Family registration certificate of a student( 居 民 户 口 簿 ) and proof of relatives( 亲 属 关 系 证 明 ) For Taiwanese nationality applicants, they may submit the Family Relations Certificate 1) named with Korean 12 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

nationality parents additionally. [For Korean descendants with non-korean citizenship applicants] The applicant must submit one of the following documents that prove absence of Korean nationality of applicant and parents of the applicant: Family relationship certificate in the applicant s name stating expatriation applicant and parents of the applicant, Family census register(deleted), Foreigner registration verification certificate issued after 2011. - Expatriation report or its sole declaration will not be accepted 1) After the abolition of the Family Registration Act in 2008. 1.1 Family Certificate can be issued at the residential center according to the Registration Act (Chapter No.8435) 2. Notes for Submitting Materials A. All materials that are submitted must include the application number on the upper right margin. B. Applicants who are expected to graduate from a high school must submit a certification of graduation to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Wonju Campus(Main building 124) by August, 28 th (Fri), 2015 after being admitted. C. If an applicant has completed high school in Korea, applicant must submit the school activity records. D. A personal statement is supposed to be written in either English or Korean in the provided form and it cannot replace after the submission during the admission period.(eic applicant must write by English on Personal Statement English Format) E. Certificated that were acquainted during the high school study(awards, AP, SAT or standardized data, Foreign Language Test etc.) will be reflected on the document evaluation. F. Supplementary documents must be listed on Supplementary material s form provided on the homepage of the Office of Admissions and Recruitment. G. Only original documents are accepted. However, if an applicant cannot submit original documents, applicants must bring the original document along with a photocopy of the document to confirm its originality at the time of Yonsei application acceptance. H. If an applicant has multiple names or birth dates, applicant must provide a document stating that the person applying is indeed one. I. Yonsei University only accepts documents that are filled out in Korean or English. Any documents that are not completed in those languages must be affixed by a translated document with notarization. J. Overseas service activities and leadership program in cooperation with private organizations are not reflected in the document evaluation. K. Regional Family Relations Certificate document(example) The philippines : Family Census, Indonesia : KARTU KELUARGA, Bangladesh : 점머 까꺼즈 또는 점마 싸이드티켓, Vietnam : So Ho Khau or Giay khai sinh, Mongolia : Family Relations Certificate, Pakistan : Family Certificate, Sri Lanka : 빠울러 서티피케이트, Myanmar : 가족관계증명서 (잉타웅수사옌), Nepal : 전마달다, Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Ukraina Thailand : birth certificate 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 13

Announcement of Apostille and Consul s Confirmation 1. Submission guide of overseas high school s Education verification documents Applicants should submit one of the below (A~C) as an issued overseas high school graduation certificates and grades during the submission period. If applicants fail to submit it, the applicant should hand in a written statement of reasons before the applicant s admission to the office of admission(centennial Hall). (Documents issued by overseas Korean schools certified by the Ministry of Education do not need Consul s confirmation.) A. Documents of high school diploma or certificate of graduation with Apostille confirmation B. Documents of high school diploma or certificate of graduation with the confirmation of Representative Korean Consul in the country of sojourn or the consular premises in Korea * Instead of confirmation of consul, applicant can submit the confirmation of foreign country s education C. Certification report of education by China s Ministry of Education and Degree Certification Center(www.cdgdc.edu.cn) [Only for the students who acquire education in China] [Certification institution] - Name of Institute: 教 育 部 学 位 与 研 究 生 教 育 发 展 中 心 - Homepage: www.cdgdc.edu.cn - Address: 北 京 市 海 淀 区 王 庄 路 1 号 同 方 科 技 广 场 B 座 18 层 (Zip code:100083) - E-mail: cqv@cdgdc.edu.cn - Phone Number: 010-8237-9480 - If applicant want to be issued in Korea,it is able to apply [Confucius Institute in Seoul] Homepage: http://www.cis.or.kr/main.htm Certificate Center for China Academic report Inquiry TEL. +82-2-554-2688 E-mail cis88@cis.or.kr 2. Reference about Apostille Agreement A. Apostille Agreement 1) Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Document, it takes effect from 2007. 7. 14. 2) For smooth certification of public document, the confirmation of consul in foreign country is abolished the confirmation of publication is approved. 3) The public document that receives Apostille confirmation has same effect with the confirmation of consul in foreign country. 4) When applying for the Confirmation of Visa Issuance, Required forms with the signs of consular or Apostille will be acceptable as the application forms. (Border Control Division-8354, 07.8.13) B. You can check it in the section of Apostille at the homepage of Hague Conference on Private International Law, (www.hcch.net) 3. Procedure of Issuance of Apostille A. Official Document(Public and National School) Issue official document from national country Visit Institute of Apostille Apply issuing of Apostille Evaluation of issuing Apostille from the institute Get issued of Apostille B. Private Document*(Private School) Issue Private document from national country Notarization from the notarization office in national country* Visit Institute of Apostille Apply issuing of Apostille Evaluation of issuing Apostille from the institute Get issued of Apostille 14 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

* For the private document, there can be difference in public certification and the Attorneys-at-Law Act, but Apostille can be confirmed if the documents have notarization from the trading countries. 4. List of Apostille Member Nation(By 2012.07.10., 103 countries) Region Total Nations Asia 13 Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, India, Israel, Turkey, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Oman Europe 46 England, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Italy, Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Macedonia, Armenia, Ukranie, Azerbaijan, Liechtenstein, Republic of San Marino, Andora, Moldova America 24 The United Stated of America, Mexico, Peru, Republic of Dominica, Argentina, Panama, Surinam, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Antigua, Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Honduras, Columbia, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Granada, St.Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, Costarica, Uruguay Africa 10 Oceania 10 South Africa, Mauritius, Republic of Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Botswana, Lesotho, Liberia, Namibia, Swaziland, Malawi New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Maury Islands, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Cook Islands, Tonga, Seychelles, Niue 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 15

Form s Personal Statement(Korean) Personal Statement(English) A Letter of Recommendation(Korean) A Letter of Recommendation(English) School Performance Records Foreign(High) School Attendance Records List of Supplementary Documents LETTER OF CONSENT LETTER OF REQUEST 16 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

수험번호 자 기 소 개 서 (외국인 전형) 지원자 기재사항 성 명 생년월일 고등학교명 최종 해외학교명 및 소재국가 지원 모집단위 원주캠퍼스 학과(부) 년 월 일 본인은 연세대학교 외국인 전형에 지원하기 위해 사실에 입각하여 자기소개서를 작성하였고 대필 또는 표절이 발견될 경우 이에 따른 모든 책임이 지원자에게 있음을 확인합니다. 지원자 자필 서명 연세대학교 총장 귀하 <자기소개서 작성 시 유의사항> 1. 지원자 본인이 사실에 입각하여 자기소개서를 작성하여야 하며 대필 또는 표절 사실이 발견될 경우 평가 결과와 관계없이 불합격 처리합니다. 2. PC를 이용하거나 흑색 필기구(연필 제외)를 사용하여 자필로 작성하십시오. 3. 반드시 본 서식을 사용하여 작성하십시오. (서식은 우리대학교 입학홍보처 홈페이지에서 내려 받거나 복사하여 사용할 수 있습니다.) 4. 본 서식의 1, 2, 3번 문항은 지원자 전원이 작성하며 4번 문항은 해당자에 한해 작성합니다. 5. 해당 문항의 지시에 따라 자기소개서를 작성해야 하며 분량은 정해진 서식(2매)을 초과하지 않아야 합니다. 6. 표지와 본문이 분리되지 않도록 좌측 상단을 staple로 철해 주십시오. 7. 자기소개서는 입학 전형 및 입학 후 학생 지도 자료로 활용되며, 비공개 문서로 관리됩니다. < 1 of 3 > 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 17

수험번호 1. 진학동기 및 계획 가. 우리대학교에 진학하고자 하는 이유는 무엇이고 우리대학교에 진학하기 위하여 어떠한 노력을 하였는지 구체적으로 기술하십시오. 나. 연세대학교 입학 이후의 장래 계획에 대하여 구체적으로 기술하십시오. 2. 단체 활동 가. 중 고교 수학 기간 중 또는 고교 졸업 이후 참여한 교내/외 단체 활동 경험을 쓰고, 나. 활동 경험이 지원자 개인 또는 주변에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지를 본인의 역할과 활동 내용을 바탕으로 기술하십시오. < 2 of 3 > 18 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

수험번호 3. 한국 사회에 대한 이해와 적응 가. 지원자가 긍정적으로 생각하는 한국인, 한국 사회 또는 한국 문화의 특징을 기술하십시오. 나. 한국 대학 입학 이후 경험할 것으로 예상되는 가장 큰 어려움은 무엇이고 어떻게 극복할 것인지를 기술하십시오. 4. 기타(해당자에 한하여 기술함) 가. 위 내용 이외에 지원자를 이해하기 위하여 필요한 특별한 사항이 있거나 자유롭게 추가로 작성할 내용이 있다면 구체적으로 기술하십시오. 나. 고교 졸업 후 어떤 일(진학, 취업 등)을 하였는지 구체적으로 작성 하십시오. < 3 of 3 > 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 19

<Personal Statement 1 page out of 3 page> Application Number Personal Statement (EASTASIA INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE ONLY) Applicant Information Name Date of Birth Name & Address of High School Contact Number (Telephone) (Mobile Phone) E-mail Admission Unit EASTASIA INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE Personal Statement Guidelines The personal statement is an important document that helps us to get acquainted with you as a person. We advise you to take time to reflect on your values, motivations and personal goals before you start writing. Don t feel pressured to search for remarkable and distinctive experiences to display. More so than the experiences themselves, we are interested in how they influenced you and the insights that you gained from them. The essay should be written by you, and not coached so that we can hear your own thoughts and words. Please carefully note the instructions below as you prepare to begin writing. * Please write two essays, of slightly differing lengths, as indicated below. * The essay should be written in your own handwriting using blue or black pen or a word processor using the form provided on the website or the printed photocopies of the form. We recommend a computer-generated copy, as handwriting can be difficult to read. * Upon completion, please attach your personal statement to the application and bind them together on the top left corner. We are delighted with the prospect of reading your personal statement and coming to know who you are. We would also like to assure you that your writing will not be made public as it will only be used for screening/instruction purposes. You have our sincere wishes and encouragement as you begin your reflections. 20 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

<Personal Statement 2 page out of 3 page> Application Number Essay Question 1 (400-500 words) Essay Options: Select from one of the following. 1. Describe a personal, non-academic experience or achievement in which you had to make a difficult decision, and relate the ways in which this experience changed you as a person. 2. We are bombarded with news every day, ranging from the frivolous to the catastrophic. Take one current national or international issue and explain why it is important to you. 3. Choose a real person with whom you have or had a direct relationship(relative, teacher, friend, etc.) or a character that is either fictional or historical. Describe in detail how that person or character changed the way you look at the world around you or at life in general. 4. Diversity is not only important but also a fact of life in an international college such as EIC. Describe how your own personal background would add to that diversity. 5. Topic of your choice. 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 21

<Personal Statement 3 page out of 3 page> Application Number Essay Question 2 (250 words or less) The EastAsia International College is an all-english liberal arts college located within the Yonsei University, the Korea's premier private university. EIC offers a truly multinational experience, with students and faculty from around the world and aims to bring up competent East Asian experts with global and local language skills. What makes EIC an interesting or unique place to you? What part of your experiences and academic preparations in your high school do you expect can make you a successful student at EIC? If you enter EIC, how can you contribute to EIC? 22 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

추 천 서 지원자 기재 사항 지원자 성명 주민등록번호 - 출신 고등학교 (시/도) (시/군/구) 고등학교 연 락 처 E - m a i l 전 형 명 외국인 전형 지원 모집단위 학부(과) 추천서 작성자 기재 사항 추천인 성명 생 년 월 일 년 월 일 전 화 번 호 E - m a i l 소 속 기 관 직위(담당교과) 본인은 지원자에 대한 추천서를 작성 및 제출함에 있어 사실에 입각한 내용만을 공정하게 작성할 것이 며, 향후 어떠한 경우에도 이 추천서의 내용 혹은 그 일부를 지원자와 제삼자에게 공개하지 아니할 것 을 확인 서약합니다. 년 월 일 추천인 서명 또는 날인 연세대학교 총장 귀하 < 1 of 3 > 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 23

1. 추천인이 지도하였거나 알고 지낸 다른 학생들과 비교하여 지원자를 평가한 후 다음 항목에 표기하여 주십시오. 추천인은 지원자를 년 개월 동안 알고 지냈으며, 다음의 평가그룹과 비교하여 평가하였습니다. (다만, 추천인이 지원자의 지도교사가 아닌 경우 기타 란에 비교 대상그룹을 기술해 주십시오.) 지금까지 지도한 고등학생 3학년생 전체 현재 재직 중인 고교의 3학년생 전체 현재 재직 중인 고교의 4년제 대학 지원자 기타 ( ) 구분 평가 항목 평가불가 매우미흡 미흡 보통 우수 (상위5-10%) 매우 우수 (상위1-5%) 매우 탁월 (상위1%이내) 수업시간의 학습태도 학교생활 태도 동료학생들과의 관계 교사에 대한 태도 교내활동 참여 독창적 사고력 논리적 사고력 개인적 자질 도전 정신 리더십 책임감 의사소통 능력 사회봉사활동 참여 지원자가 특별히 우수하여 다음 사항에 해당되는 경우 표기하시거나 기술해 주시기 바랍니다. 지금까지( 년 동안) 지도한 학생 가운데 가장 우수(어떤 측면에서 우수한지 아래 난에 간략히 기술) ( ) 기타 ( ) 아래 2~4번 문항은 해당사항이 없을 경우 해당사항 없음 으로 기술하여 주십시오. 2. 지원자의 학업능력 또는 학교생활 태도(수업태도, 수업참여도, 교내활동 참여 등)와 관련하여 고려하여야 할 사항이 있다면 경험적 사례를 근거로 구체적으로 기술하여 주십시오. < 2 of 3 > 24 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

3. 객관적 지표(교과 또는 학업역량)로 드러나지 않는 지원자의 잠재적 능력 또는 인성과 관련하여 고려해야 할 사항이 있다면 경험적 사례를 근거로 구체적으로 기술하여 주십시오. 4. 지원자의 교육환경(성장과정, 생활여건, 지역적 특성 등)과 관련하여 고려해야 할 사항이 있다면 경험적 사례를 근거로 구체적으로 기술하여 주십시오. 5. 종합평가 : 본인은 지원자를 약간 추천합니다. 추천합니다. 강력히 추천합니다. 매우 강력히 추천합니다. 본 추천서는 입학 관련 사무 이외에 다른 목적에 이용되거나 공개되지 않습니다. < 3 of 3 > 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 25

Letter of Recommendation Applicant Information: To the applicant : After completing all the relevant questions below, the applicant should give this form to a recommender who has taught an academic subject. Legal Name: Date of Birth: Last/Family First Middle mm/dd/yyyy E-mail: Phone number: Name and Address of High school : Applying for Recommender information: Recommender Name: E-mail: Phone number: Institutional Affiliation: Position: How long have you known this applicant and in what capacity? I certify that the information in this letter is accurate, complete and truthful. I also certify that I have kept any information in my recommendation confidential and I will not disclose it under any circumstances. Recommender signature Recommender name(print) Date(month/day/year) To the Recommender: Please seal and send this recommendation letter directly to the address below. Office of Admissions & Recruitment, Yonsei University Wonju Campus 1 Yonseidae-gil, Wonju, Gangwon-do 220-710, Korea < 1 of 3 > 26 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

Applicant name Application Number 1. Please assess the applicant s degree of the following qualities in comparison with other students you have previously taught or been acquainted with. The recommender has known the applicant for years, and compared the applicant against the following group of students. (If the recommender has not taught the applicant, please indicate the standard of judgment.) All 12th grade high school students taught in your career All 12th grade students you are currently teaching All 12th grade students who applied to 4 year colleges Other ( ) Compared to other students, how do you rate this student in terms of: Unable to Evaluate Weak Below average Average Good (Top 5-10%) Excellent (Top 1-5%) Exceptional (Within top 1%) Classroom attitude Consideration for other students Respect for teachers Extracurricular activities Creative thinking Logical Analysis Willingness to attempt Challenges Leadership Responsibility Communication skills Community service If the applicant is especially outstanding in some aspect, please check or explain in the following article. The applicant is evaluated to be best in years of teaching experience. Other( ) 2. If there are any aspects of the applicant s academic ability (e.g. academic attitude, learning capacity, intellectual potential) or personality (e.g. community spirit, moral standards, values) that the evaluators should consider, please explain with specific examples. Please note any active and potential talents or characteristics that cannot be otherwise assessed through grades and other objective indicators. < 2 of 3 > 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 27

Applicant name Application Number 3. If there are any unusual aspects to the applicant s educational background (in upbringing, living conditions, regional characteristics etc.), that the evaluators should consider, please explain with specific examples. 4. How strongly do you recommend this student for Yonsei University? Not recommend With reservation strongly Very strongly With highest regards if you have any reservations about the applicant's character, please explain on a separate sheet of paper. This letter of recommendation will be served ONLY for the purpose of admission process < 3 of 3 > 28 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

외국인 전형 지원자격구분 수학기간 기록표 수험번호 한글이름 영문이름 국 적 1.출신학교별 초중고 수학기간 기록 학 교 재 학 기 간 학 년 / 학 기 학년 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 학 교 명[학제(년제)표시] 소재국가 소재도시 기 간 재학년수 학기 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2...~... 년 개월...~... 년 개월...~... 년 개월...~... 년 개월...~... 년 개월...~... 년 개월...~... 년 개월...~... 년 개월...~... 년 개월...~... 년 개월...~... 년 개월 1 수학기간은 재학증명서 상의 기간을 기재함 2 유치원과정, 대학과정 수학기간은 제외함 2.특이사항 중복수학, 월반, 특정 학기 성적기록 누락, 휴학기간 등 특이사항이 있을 경우 아래의 표에 반드시 기재하여야함. 내 용 기 간 학년/학기 사 유 위 기재 내용은 틀림이 없으며, 만약 허위 기재 사실이 확인되었을 경우 합격한 이후라도 합격 취소나 입학 취소 등 학교측의 상응하는 조치에 승복하겠습니다. 년 월 일 지원자: (서명) 학부모: (서명) 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 29

최종학교(고교과정) 관련 사항 기록표 수험번호 학교 운영기간에 관한 사항 연 락 처 학 교 명 1학기 시작월 2학기 시작월 3학기 시작월 방학기간 1학기 2학기 3학기 학교 주소 학교 이메일 전화번호 팩스번호 1 학교는 해외 소재 학교만 기재하고 반드시 해당 학교의 공식명칭을 기입할 것 2 팩스번호와 전화번호는 국가번호와 지역번호를 반드시 함께 표기 예)82-33-760-2829 3 1~3학기 시작월 및 방학기간 : 해당학교의 학년 당 학기 수에 따라 학기 시작월 및 방학기간을 기재함.(학년 당 학기 수가 2개인 경우 3학기 란은 기재하지 않음) 년 월 일 지원자: (서명) 학부모: (서명) 30 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

지원자 성명 수험번호 기타서류 목록표 연번 일 자 내 용 발행기관 비고 1 년 월 2 년 월 3 년 월 4 년 월 5 년 월 6 년 월 7 년 월 8 년 월 9 년 월 10 년 월 기타서류 목록표 는 해당자에 한하며 지원자가 중요하다고 생각하는 순서대로 기재하시기 바랍니다. 기타서류는 원본을 제출하는 것을 원칙으로 합니다. 단, 원본을 제출할 수 없을 경우 우리 대학교 제출서류 접수 장소에서 원본 대조필하여야 합니다. 기타서류가 없는 경우 기타서류 목록표 는 제출하지 않습니다. 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 31

2016.3.외국인 LETTER OF CONSENT(학력조회동의서) 수험번호 Office of Admissions & Recruitment, Yonsei University 1 Yonseidae-gil, Wonju, 220-710, Korea Tel :+82-33-760-2828, Fax : +82-33-760-2829 http://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/wonju/ Release of Information Form By making application for admission to Undergraduate Programs of Yonsei University, I hereby authorize administrator or other persons to confer with others to obtain and verify my credentials and qualifications as a provider. I release from any and all liability all organizations or individuals who act in good faith and without malice to provide the above information. I consent to the release by any person to other institutions of all information that may be relevant to an evaluation of my credentials and qualifications and hereby release any such person providing such information of any and all liability. 2015... Name(지원자 성명) : Date of Birth(생년월일) : Signature(지원자 서명) : 32 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

2016.3.외국인 LETTER OF REQUEST(학력조회의뢰서) 수험번호 Student's Education Record[지원자 작성란, Student's Section] Student's Name Date of Birth(yyyy/mm/dd) Sex (Male, Female) Name of School(Campus) School Phone No. School Address Period of Enrollment (yyyy/mm/dd ~ yyyy/mm/dd) Date of Graduation / Tranfer Office of Admissions & Recruitment, Yonsei University 1 Yonseidae-gil, Wonju, 220-710, Korea Tel :+82-33-760-2828, Fax : +82-33-760-2829 http://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/wonju/ Attachment(s) : Letter of Consent, (High school transcript(s)) [해외학교 학적담당자 작성란, Verifier/Registrar's Section] Kindly verify the above student information in the box below, and please return to Office of Admissions, Yonsei Univeristy[by air-mail / email attachment / fax, etc]. Verification Tick & Remark 1. Basic Information (Name, DOB, Sex, School Info.) 2. Period of Enrollment Correct Incorrect ( ) Correct Incorrect ( ) 3. Date of Graduation /Transfer Correct Incorrect ( ) 4. Descriptions in Transcript(s) [For High School only] Correct Incorrect ( ) Certified by Name & Position : Signature : Affiliation : Tel : Fax : Email : Date : Comment : 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 33

Place of Admission(Admission Department of Wonju Campus) - 강원도 원주시 연세대길 1 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 입학홍보처(대학본부 124호) 학교오시는 길(교통안내) 1. 고속도로 : 영동고속도로에서 중앙고속도로로 진입(만종분기점), 남원주나들목(남원주 I.C)을 통과하 여 충주 방향으로 7KM 직진 2. 철도 : 서울(청량리) -> 원주 -> 강릉, 안동, 부산 3. 항공 : 원주 - 제주도 4. 시내버스(30번, 31번, 34번) : 시외버스터미널/고속버스터미널 - 학교(교내 진입) 34 연세대학교 원주캠퍼스

연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 입학홍보처 220-710 강원도 원주시 연세대길 1 전화 (033)760-2828 (입학안내) 팩스 (033)760-2829 http://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/wonju 이메일 yonseiwonju@yonsei.ac.kr Office of Admissions & Recruitmenet Yonsei University at Wonju Campus 1 Yonseidae-gil,Wonju, Gangwon-do, 220-710, Korea TEL (82-33)760-2828 FAX (82-33)760-2829 http://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/wonju E-mai yonseiwonju@yonsei.ac.kr