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09 2007

09 Vol.377 www.corrections.go.kr 004 006 004 010 032 011 022 032 036 038 041 042 044 046 050

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In a push to establish Correctional Service For the purpose of responding to the increase of new correction requirements, expansion of needs to protect the human rights of inmates, expansion of civil participation in correctional administration, comprehensive action plan on special inmates, such as, the drug offenders, and others, the Ministry of Justice plans to expand one of the present Four Offices and Four Bureaus, Corrections Bureau, is to be expanded into the Correctional Service, and has been communicating with the pertinent ministry, the Ministry of Government Administration & Home Affairs. According to the plan, the current 6 divisions with 1 Correctional Counsel Officer, Corrections Bureau, Ministry of Justice is revised into 9 Divisions, 2 policy officers, Correctional Service, Ministry of Justice. When the organization is reorganized into the Correctional Service, there will be two policy officers of Correctional Policy Officer and Security Policy Officer with the new positions in Classification Treatment Division, Social Reentry Division, and Health Care Division. Monthly Correctional Review * 144

Since the establishment of the Correctional Service is an agenda to be discussed with the Ministry of Government Administration & Home Affairs and other ministries. If the plan is undertaken as planned, it is expected to launch the Correctional Service within this year. * 145

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September 2007, Volume 377 Monthly Correctional Review Kyo-Jung A seat reserved for a guest related to correction 007 It is not special but common in one s everyday life to share love / Park Dong-dae Travel Museum 032 Beyeler Foundation Museum Jo Eun-jeong / Jo Eun-jeong Corrections Leadership 036 Make a mark on a longhorn in the hinterland / Shin Wan-seon Corrections Column 038 Psycho 3 / Hong Seong-yeol Corrections Sarangbang 050 Know-how to enjoy Nakdong Vein Mountain/ Lee Jeong-taek Have been to sightseeing attractions in Cheju Island/ Hong Hyung-pyo To challenge extreme sports / Han Jong-su Sharing aesthetics/ Park Sang-shik The local correctional institution 063 Mokpo correctional institution / Seo Chang-seok Thesis Research 080 Meeting between Michel Foucault and Corrections / Lee Gyu-hyun The social politic implicative meaning of female crimes/ Han Gyoung-hwa News Brief 150 Behind story 183 To find the hidden pictures 184 Editorial Department : Correction Division, Corrections Bureau, Ministry of Justice, Seoul, Republic of Korea 427-720 TEL (82-2)521-9632 FAX (82-2)585-2403 E-mail kjsy365@hanmail.net * 185

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