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step 1-1

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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Teacher s Guide 4 : EXTRA QUESTIONS: USEFUL TIPS: Review Test 24 Review Test 40 * Audio CD Tape.. Model Lesson - Before Reading 1. 2. - While Reading 1. (skimming). 1,. * : (topic sentence). (main idea). 2... (scanning). - After Reading 1. SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY 2. 3. What Do You Think - Test Unit Review Test Unit Word Review Test

Reading < reading > 1. passage ( :. 2. paragraph.. 3. main idea,. 4. topic sentence topic sentence. What is the passage mainly about? What is the best title for the passage? Which is the best choice[expression] for the blank (A)? (A) Which word is closest in meaning to appreciated? appreciated Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? Match each main point to the correct paragraph in the passage. Write T if the statement is true or F if it s false. T F According to the passage, which is NOT true? What is the meaning of the underlined part in paragraph 3? Where would the following sentence best fit?

Unit Reading 1 1 Jobs 1. flavor : Korean food usually has a spicy flavor. 2. dairy : Where can I find the dairy food? 3. ingredient : You can make a great dish with a few ingredients. 4. process : You have to follow the process to use this machine. 5. insure : The company insured the model s legs for its advertisement. 1. John says ice cream is in his genes. John 2. John 3. John 1 8 USEFUL TIPS (news clipper) (play therapist) (mystery shopper) (chicken sexer) (coconut tree climber) Reading 2 1. display : My mother displayed a Christmas tree in front of the house. 2. creation : I think the Eiffel Tower in Paris is the best creation in the world. 3. fragile : Be careful! There are some fragile items in the box. 4. brilliantly : Her diamond ring always shines brilliantly. 5. contain : This snack contains too much sugar. 4

1. Dale Chihuly 2. Dale Chihuly 3. It contains about one thousand multicolored glass flowers that hang from metal branches. 1,000 USEFUL TIPS Unit Reading 1 2 Literature 1. look back on : I sometimes look back on the happy days with John. 2. equipment : May I borrow your audio equipment for two days? 3. expel : He was upset because his son was expelled from school again. 4. fail : Sadly, she failed in the English speech contest. 5. lecture : The lecture on Italian art was not interesting. 1. Holden Caulfield Mr. Spencer 2. I didn t care if my other schools expelled me, either. 3. private public USEFUL TIPS 1951 5

1998 20 100 Reading 2 1. tame : The men tamed their tigers for the circus show. 2. monotonous : I was so sleepy because the movie was monotonous. 3. rush : You don t need to rush, but please do your best. 4. look for : She has been looking for the key for two hours. 5. well : Have you ever seen a well recently? 1. nothing more than only 2. monotonous boring 3. Perhaps what everybody is looking for, he thought, could be found in a little water. USEFUL TIPS B612 Unit Reading 1 3 Origins 1. invent : Do you know who invented the cell phone? 2. glue : This new glue is much better than the old one. 3. separate : Why don t we separate this cake into six pieces? 6

4. manufacture : The company manufactures only computer keyboards. 5. customer : How many customers did you have today? 1. Art Fry Spencer Silver 2. We see these brightly colored pieces of paper stuck everywhere in schools and offices. Reading 2 1. exact : What s the exact meaning of this sentence? 2. organize : My problem is that I have no ability to organize my thinking. 3. double : The price of an apple doubled in a week. 4. come across : I came across her picture in the magazine. 5. advertise : The company is trying hard to advertise its new MP3 player. 1. In those days, the Internet was different to the way it is now. 2. Jerry Yang David Filo Yahoo David 3. yahoo Unit Reading 1 4 Geography 1. strike : About 80% of bird strikes are unreported. 2. flock : The child cried a lot because of the flock of seagulls. 3. crash : There was a serious car crash near my apartment. 4. attract : The title of the book attracted many readers. 5. shelter : The city was busy making shelters after the flood. 7

1. 2. 3. USEFUL TIPS 1.8kg 960km 64 100 200~300 Reading 2 TOEFL 1. 2. 3. The people of San Francisco will always see it as a symbol of their city. 8

Unit Reading 1 5 Language 1. chat : She always chats on the Internet until late at night. 2. slang : Not all slang is impolite and violent. 3. contraction : Contractions are common in spoken English. 4. have to do with : My question has to do with preparing for the exam. 5. confuse : Please don t confuse me with my sister. 1. Internet slang new words, contractions, acronyms, symbols 2. For your information FYI Internet slang acronym 3. terms words USEFUL TIPS NOYB (none of your business) NM (nothing much) BDAY (birthday) TTYL (talk to you later) NVM (never mind) BRB (be right back) Reading 2 1. distance : I had to walk a distance of 2 kilometers. 2. common : This is a list of common errors in English. 3. publish : The company will publish a new magazine next month. 4. variety : You need to add variety to your diet. 5. practice : His accent should improve with practice. 1. high school, secondary school 9

2. 3. With a little practice, you will be able to guess a speaker s country from his or her accent and vocabulary. USEFUL TIPS American English umbrella an ATM machine friend take out food the drink the subway apartment British English brolly cashpoint mate take away food tea the underground flat Unit Reading 1 6 Sports 1. record : He set a new Olympic record in the marathon. 2. encourage : My father encouraged me to sing in front of his friends. 3. opportunity : This is going to be a good opportunity to talk with him. 4. foundation : I want to make a foundation for children in North Korea. 5. facilities : Our town has excellent sports facilities. 1 Mia 15 2. 10 goal 3. Mia Hamm Foundation 10

Reading 2 1. be crazy about : She is crazy about Spielberg s movies. 2. normal : Your weight and height is just normal. 3. bounce : The ball bounced across the street. 4. atmosphere : Even though her room was small, it has a great atmosphere. 5. passion : Nobody can control her passion for chocolate. 1. Brazil has won more World Cups than any other country. 2. futebol de salao 3. Unit Reading 1 7 Current Issues 1. bullying : Bullying is a serious problem in many schools. 2. control : My mother controls all my family members. 3. relationship : What s the relationship between John and you? 4. affect : The movie Life is beautiful affected me a lot. 5. victim : How many victims of the accident were there? 1. Mary bullying Susan 2. By understanding it and working together, we can put an end to bullying. bullying 11

Reading 2 1. plagiarism : My teacher told me about the problem of plagiarism. 2. free : All food here is free, just for today. 3. author : Who is the author of the Harry Potter series? 4. belong to : We all know that Dokdo belongs to Korea. 5. submit : You have to submit your homework by Thursday. Since most books are professionally written, plagiarized work was not hard for teachers to find. 2. 3. 4. submit hand in USEFUL TIPS Unit Reading 1 8 Biology 1. sense : Did you sense a strange atmosphere in this place? 2. shoot out : In the movie, the monster shot out fire and killed 20 people. 3. poison : Does this mushroom contain poison? 4. species : These two yellow flowers are of the same species. 5. drown : I heard a swimmer drowned in the lake yesterday. 12

1. (bell) 2. 2,000 3. its poison is so painful that it usually causes people to drown before they can swim back to the shore. 4. dangerous harmless Reading 2 TOEFL 1. 2. 4 3. 4. Although bison still need to be protected, they are no longer at risk of extinction. 13

Unit Reading 1 9 Space 1. astronaut : Fortunately, the astronauts were safe after the accident. 2. spacecraft : Can you imagine life in a spacecraft? 3. weightless : I want to experience weightless conditions. 4. handstand : He does a handstand every day before going to bed. 5. gravity : What would be like to live without gravity? 1. Neil Armstrong 1969 7 20 2. Dennis Tito 8 3. The American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong Reading 2 1. suffer from : She is suffering from a serious headache. 2. last : I am sure that our love will last forever. 3. regular : Is this a regular sized T-shirt? 4. strap : I was given a watch with a leather strap for my birthday. 5. pastime : Reading comic books is my favorite pastime. 1. 24 2. 3. USEFUL TIPS (PLTS: pilot astronauts) 14

(MS: mission specialist) MS PLTS MS (PS: payload specialist) PS PS Unit Reading 1 10 Health 1. backbreaking : He works in the hot sun every day, and it is really backbreaking. 2. exhausted : Everyone looked so exhausted after the English exam. 3. perform : She performed the tango with him in front of her classmates. 4. meditation : Yoga is good practice for meditation. 5. harmonize : This color harmonizes beautifully with your hair color. 1. I used to try to keep in shape by doing backbreaking exercise programs. 2. USEFUL TIPS (yuj) Reading 2 1. therapy : He is now studying about the effect of speech therapy. 2. virtual : The virtual driving game is popular among teenagers. 15

3. treat : The doctor has treated cancer patients since 1997. 4. face : Working mothers face higher stress after work. 5. overcome : He overcame all the difficulties and finally succeeded. 1. 2. It is much cheaper to show someone a scene of the inside of an airplane than to buy a real plane ticket. 3. USEFUL TIPS Unit Reading 1 11 Technology 1. crash : Two trucks crashed into each other on the highway. 2. sensor : A smoke sensor will work if you smoke in this room. 3. measure : She was shocked after she measured her waist. 4. impact : The impact of the missile was huge and serious. 5. windshield : I clean the windshield of my father s car every Sunday. 1. 2. 12 16

3. 3 Reading 2 1. ceiling : I am going to draw a sky on the ceiling of my room. 2. automatic : The baby is looking at the automatic door curiously. 3. fuel : We used to use coal for fuel. 4. tidy : My mom wants me to keep my room neat and tidy. 5. break : What do you usually do during your lunch break? 1. digital pen 2. 3. But their fancy dance moves would be impossible for people to do! USEFUL TIPS (Ubiquitous) 1988 IT 1999 PDA Unit Reading 1 12 History 1. rule : How many countries did Britain rule throughout history? 2. colony : Do you know of any other British colonies except India? 3. spin : He s painting a spinning woman for his homework. 17

4. independence : Mexico won its independence from Spain. 5. violence : He threatened the young boy with violence. 1. 2. 3. cotton spinning wheel USEFUL TIPS 1920 1947 7 22 Reading 2 TOEFL 1. tobacco, sugar, cotton 2. 27 3. These children were slaves from the moment they were born till the day they died. 4. 18

Unit Reading 1 13 Psychology 1. raise : My grandmother raised me until I was 16. 2. avoid : You have to avoid meat for the time being. 3. fate : She strongly believes in her fate. 4. defeat : The team was defeated in the final match. 5. murderer : The police are running after the murderer. 1. 2. 3. USEFUL TIPS Reading 2 1. exist : Do you believe that God really exists? 2. tragedy : Shakespeare is famous for his tragedies. 3. universal : Air pollution is one of the universal environmental problems. 4. unconscious : He was unconscious for five days after the accident. 5. envy : She looked at his new sports car with envy. 1. negative positive 19

2. Freud also viewed the Electra complex as a universal problem. 3. Unit Reading 1 14 Culture 1. celebrate : Many people gathered to celebrate my sister s graduation. 2. entertain : Jim Carrey s movies entertain me when I feel bad. 3. mascot : Do you remember the mascot for the 88 Seoul Olympics? 4. sculpture : We went to the art museum to see famous sculptures. 5. temperature : Please check the temperature of this room every 2 hours. 1. 1608 2. Bonhomme 3. Bonhomme 34kg 6,000 USEFUL TIPS 2 3 1930 2 1950 2 1 9 10 16 1810 1 1883 20

16 Reading 2 1. treat : My boyfriend s mom treats me well whenever I visit her house. 2. bomb : The soldiers killed their enemy using bombs. 3. guard : How many guards are working in your building? 4. arrest : Finally, the police could arrest the thieves. 5. bonfire : We sat around the bonfire and sang a song. 1. Guy Fawkes James I 2. Guy Fawkes 3. Guy Fawkes Day USEFUL TIPS 8 1947 2 5 8 1965 2~4 Unit Reading 1 15 Environment 1. symptom : Cold symptoms can last from 2 to 14 days. 2. circulation : Please open the window for air circulation in your room. 21

3. worsen : Because the weather worsened, we couldn t go on a picnic. 4. trap : The hunters trapped bears in the woods. 5. dust : I cough a lot when I am in a room with a lot of dust. 1. 2. Either old air doesn t leave the building properly or new air is polluted. 3. Norfolk Building USEFUL TIPS 10 2~3 Reading 2 1. block : Unluckily, she sat behind a tall guy who blocked her view. 2. cycle : Do you know the life cycle of a plant? 3. artificial : I can t believe that this is an artificial lake. 4. waste : My sister tends to waste paper a lot. 5. practical : I don t like flowers and dolls because those are not practical. 1. artificial man-made 2. Trees and plants that are too close to artificial light grow in strange ways and die quickly. 3. 22

Unit Reading 1 16 Social Science 1. population : Do you know the population of your city? 2. warn : He warned me not to go there with John. 3. underpopulation : Underpopulation is one of the serious problems in a country. 4. birthrate : Is the birthrate of your country increasing? 5. retirement : Her early retirement surprised her family. 1. overpopulation underpopulation underpopulation 2. Reading 2 TOEFL 1. 2. go through experience 3. gender stereotypes 23

1 Unit Review Test [1-12] 1. avoid 2. creation 3. flavor 4. gene 5. process 6. spicy 7. glassblowing 8. affect 9. recognize 10. fragile 11. contain 12. insure [13-17] display dairy samples lead careers inspires ingredients 13. The of pizza include flour, meat, and vegetables. 14. If you go to the section, you can find cheese, milk, and yogurt. 15. I think she is the right person to the group. 16. I like Mozart s music. It me. 17. Jeff will some of his paintings at the local art gallery. [18-20] 18. = that the door is locked before you go out. 19. = He made a model plane two milk cartons. 20. Cindy Mike = the schedule, Cindy is supposed to play after Mike. [21-23] 21. The most important way John learned about ice cream was by eating it. 22. He trained his tongue to recognize the difference between good ice cream and the best ice cream. 23. It is the largest piece I have ever made. 24

2 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. wealthy 2. wonder 3. equipment 4. expel 5. depressing 6. eventually 7. tame 8. establish 9. passenger 10. extraordinarily [11-14] lectures upset nevertheless private planets monotonous 11. He felt tired., he started working on the computer again. 12. Mr. Kim s are always interesting. 13. This is work. I want something more exciting. 14. I go to public school, not a one. [15-16] 15. = To me, computers are typewriters. 16. = When I those days, I recognize I was very happy. [17-18] 17. The little prince asked. (the passengers, why, such, in, were, a, all, hurry) 18. He thought in a little water. (for, what, looking, everybody, is, found, could, be) [19-20] 19. When I visited, he was sitting in an old bathrobe, which I found depressing. 20. I told him I was not interested in the Egyptians even though his lectures were interesting. 25

3 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. meanwhile 2. product 3. exact 4. manufacture 5. advertise 6. invent 7. electrical 8. confusing 9. organize 10. solution [11-13] glue agreed choir customer doubled 11. I like his beautiful voice. He is a member of a. 12. For the past three years, the number of students who have their own cell phones has. 13. If you want to attach the paper, use my. [14-15] 14. = I some old photographs in the basement. 15. = She sat down and a cup of coffee. [16-17] 16. The glue was only. (to, strong, hold, together, enough, papers) 17. (way, the, find, to, a website, only) was to type the exact address. [18-19] 18. Without Art s and Spencer s efforts to solve the problem, Post-it notes would never have been invented. 19. Not long after making the list, David and Jerry had a billion-dollar company. 26

4 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. withstand 2. nearby 3. location 4. architecture 5. shelter 6. frightened 7. attract 8. construction 9. impressive 10. destroy [11-13] current lowered completed combined earthquakes 11. Seoul World Cup Stadium was and opened in 2001. 12. They modern styles with traditional ones. 13. He was caught in a strong but swam to safety. [14-15] 14. = We need to to reduce food waste. 15. Allen = Allen emailed me making a phone call. [16-17] 16. The first is to change the airport s environment to. (birds, attractive, it, to, less, make) 17. The people of San Francisco will always. (as, a symbol, see, their, of, city, the bridge) [18-19] 18. Smaller birds can also be a danger, as they tend to fly in flocks. 19. The location also presented designers with another challenge. 27

5 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. careless 2. distance 3. unique 4. variety 5. opinion 6. contaminate 7. share 8. editor 9. greeting 10. publish [11-14] proper slang complains native represents contraction 11. She s may be a of she is or she has. 12. Belt color grades in Taekwondo. 13. She always about her low salary. 14. It is not to wear jeans in formal parties. [15-17] 15. = His mental problems his home environment. 16. 45 = This class is 45 students. 17. = When we were young, people me my sister. [18-19] 18. In this way, chatters are. (grow, the, helping, English, to, language) 19. Chatters are starting. (care, not, about, to, correct, grammar, or, spellings) 28

6 Unit Review Test [1-12] 1. feature 2. scream 3. retire 4. opportunity 5. encourage 6. athlete 7. local 8. passion 9. bounce 10. skill 11. organization 12. atmosphere [13-15] normal goal record facilities female 13. My in life is to make the world a better place. 14. We need to build more educational for poor children. 15. It was a day until I heard the news. [16-18] 16. Mia Hamm Mia Hamm (to, was, soccer, play, determined) from a young age. 17. futebol de salao The ball used for futebol de salao is. (play, more, with, to, difficult) 18. Samba music is played to. (training, make, more, the atmosphere, of, exciting) [19-21] 19. In addition to her many soccer goals, Mia Hamm has one very important life goal. 20. Another secret lies in the Brazilian way of soccer training. 21. Though having retired in December 2004, Mia Hamm is still probably the world s most famous female soccer player. 29

7 Unit Review Test [1-12] 1. equal 2. prove 3. hurt 4. remind 5. affect 6. victim 7. plagiarism 8. professionally 9. author 10. submit 11. yell at 12. fingertip [13-16] control relationship safe shared social copy 13. Don t try to material from the Internet. 14. Honesty is central to a good. 15. Recently, bullying has become a problem that affects all of us. 16. I think ideas should be and discussed openly. [17-19] 17. = I gave him a map he wouldn t get lost. 18. = He is outgoing., his twin brother is shy. 19. = Actually, it s not my camera. It my sister. [20-22] 20. By understanding the problem and working together, we can put an end to bullying. 21. Some students copy words and ideas from the Internet without even knowing it is plagiarism. 22. Your teacher may never know if the work you submit is really yours. 30

8 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. extinction 2. string 3. nerve 4. survive 5. appearance 6. drown 7. harmless 8. tool 9. resource 10. weapon [11-13] spirits remained herds raised vary 11. We can see of buffalos grazing over there. 12. They in shape, from round ones to square ones. 13. I was born and in the countryside. [14-15] 14. His breakfast two boiled eggs and some biscuits. 15. = He was of losing his job because of his laziness. [16-17] 16. They competed to see. (kill, could, the, one, animals, most, in, who, day) 17. The American bison on the grasslands of North America. (no, live, longer, freely, can) [18-19] 18. It s not surprising that the box jellyfish has the title of the most dangerous creature in the world! 19. Bison travel in herds looking for grass to eat. 31

9 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. mankind 2. disposable 3. tourist 4. weightless 5. pastime 6. comfortable 7. handstand 8. bottom 9. muscle 10. regular [11-13] suffer gravity last float leap 11. Things tend to drop to the ground because of. 12. Leaves in the water. They don t sink. 13. The festival is scheduled to for 10 days. [14-15] 14. = is living in a foreign country? 15. Edison = Edison by inventing a light bulb. [16-17] 16. The astronauts (wake, an alarm clock, to, up, use, them) at the right time. 17. Sometimes the astronauts eat regular food. (plates, knives, forks, with, and, using, attached, magnets) [18-19] 18. The astronauts are ready to fix their sleeping bags to a wall. 19. The spacecraft speeds around Earth so quickly that the sun rises 15 times every 24 hours. 32

10 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. exhausted 2. harmonize 3. require 4. meditation 5. flexible 6. emotionally 7. therapy 8. virtual 9. psychologist 10. anxiety [11-13] mental perform improvement original overcome 11. He tried to his handicap. 12. Generally, problems are harder to handle than physical ones. 13. There has been a big in your English. You speak English very well. [14-15] 14. = Yoga also helped my mom to. 15. = He Chinese history. [16-17] 16. My problem was that I. (yoga, a, as, viewed, exercise program, regular) 17. Terry Even once made Terry shake with fear. (an airport, an airplane, from, seeing, take off) [18-19] 18. Someone afraid of high places can be shown a scene from the roof of a tall building. 19. I used to try to keep in shape by doing backbreaking exercise programs. 33

11 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. expert 2. extremely 3. entire 4. impact 5. pressure 6. relaxed 7. metal 8. windshield 9. hydrogen 10. fuel [11-13] rib crash break measure latest 11. How can we the length of an ant? 12. Two passengers were injured in a car. 13. This magazine contains a lot of information about the fashions. [14-15] 14. = This sweater different colors and sizes. 15. = You make mistakes if you do things. [16-17] 16. (you, do, need, all, is, to) jump in, and you re off to work. 17. Their fancy dance moves would! (people, impossible, do, be, to, for) [18-19] 18. It shows whether our chest will survive a crash without causing injuries that could lead to death. 19. There s no need to learn the latest dance steps, as your cyber dance shoes simply guide you. 34

12 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. labor 2. colony 3. awful 4. industry 5. weapon 6. violence 7. slave 8. prohibit 9. independence 10. property [11-13] struggle afford shipped illegal spun 11. It is to drive without a driver s license. 12. Cotton was shipped to England where it was into cloth. 13. After 5 years, they finally won independence. [14-15] 14. = I didn t go to the beaches. I go to the swimming pool. 15. = You should your own judgment rather than listening to others. [16-17] 16. Gandhi Gandhi. (to, Indians, a new kind of, design, encouraged, spinning wheel) 17. The spinning wheel. (cheap, everyone, buy, to, to, had, be, for, enough) [18-19] 18. With such a system, it seemed that slavery would never end. 19. Running away was extremely dangerous, and very few succeeded. 35

13 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. shepherd 2. fate 3. competitive 4. horrible 5. murderer 6. previous 7. exist 8. tragedy 9. myth 10. rivalry [11-13] treated normal unconscious defeated attracted 11. It is said that people s desires appear in their dreams. 12. Our team the opposing team in the third set. 13. I didn t like him because he animals very badly. [14-15] 14. = I got up, the doorbell rang. 15. = She feels that their mother was their father s death. [16-17] 16. The citizens of Thebes were. (their, Oedipus, new, made, king, pleased, and, very) 17. A disease spread to Thebes so Oedipus. (an oracle, the city, to, save, how, asked) [18-19] 18. When Oedipus found her dead, he blinded himself. 19. Freud saw the Oedipus complex as a universal problem in male children. 36

14 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. modern 2. yearly 3. include 4. government 5. entertain 6. bonfire 7. sculpture 8. strict 9. trash 10. bomb [11-13] leading celebrated traditional international arrested 11. The Olympic Games is an event: any country can join the Games. 12. The police two robbers in the house of a retired army officer. 13. Over the last 10 years, Korea has become a nation in Asia. [14-15] 14. = reading books, they made a plan to go shopping. 15. = The Internet has become a necessity for younger generations but older generations. [16-17] 16. The winters can still. (cold, as, as, were, they, once, be) 17. They. (ready, weeks, getting, spent, several, night, the, for, big) [18-19] 18. It is an ice palace built from more than 6,000 blocks of ice, each weighing 34 kilograms. 19. There is also a snow bath event, held in temperatures as cold as -34! 37

15 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. symptom 2. specific 3. source 4. pollute 5. cycle 6. worsen 7. artificial 8. parking lot 9. syndrome 10. circulation [11-13] sore entire classic practical harmful 11. When the earthquake hit the country, the nation was in chaos. 12. I have to see a doctor. I have a throat. 13. This would be ideal, but we need a way to solve the problem. [14-15] 14. = They what caused the fire. 15. = For many people, success is money and possessions. [16-17] 16. Much of this lighting is just. (look, to, the city, attractive, make) 17. We don t just to create an attractive night view. (light, to, the, city, need, entire) [18-19] 18. Either old air doesn t leave the building properly or new air is polluted. 19. The ceiling was actually falling apart, causing people to breathe in harmful dust. 38

16 Unit Review Test [1-10] 1. population 2. elderly 3. workforce 4. occur 5. retirement 6. confident 7. evidence 8. socialization 9. furthermore 10. relatively [11-13] supported warned open-minded stable ambitious 11. The doctor him of the danger of a heart attack. 12. The patient s condition is : it is not getting worse. 13. My boss is. She is willing to listen to other people. [14-17] 14. = Young drivers are have accidents than old drivers. 15. = I was already him looking at me. 16. = He was a very difficult time. 17. = They him because of his accent. [18-21] 18. It is common for women to have children when they are older, or even not at all. 19. That s because it is more expensive to raise children in the city. 20. People are living longer, but with fewer younger people to support them. 21. Society tells them how it expects them to behave as a boy or as a girl. 39

Review Test Unit 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ingredients 14. dairy 15. lead 16. inspires 17. display 18. Make sure 19. out of 20. According to 21. John 22. 23. Unit 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Nevertheless 12. lectures 13. monotonous 14. private 15. nothing more than 16. look back on 17. why all the passengers were in such a hurry 18. what everybody is looking for could be found 19. 20. Unit 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. choir 12. doubled 13. glue 14. came across 15. asked for 16. strong enough to hold papers together 17. The only way to find a website 18. Art Spencer 19. David Jerry Unit 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. completed 12. combined 13. current 14. take steps 15. instead of 16. make it less attractive to birds 40

Review Test 17. see the bridge as a symbol of their city 18. 19. Unit 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. contraction 12. represents 13. complains 14. proper 15. have to do with 16. made up of 17. confused, with 18. helping the English language to grow 19. not to care about correct spellings or grammar Unit 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. goal 14. facilities 15. normal 16. was determined to play soccer 17. more difficult to play with 18. make the atmosphere of training more exciting 19. Mia Hamm 20. 21. 2004 12 Mia Hamm Unit 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. copy 14. relationship 15. social 16. shared 17. so that 18. On the other hand 19. belongs to 20. bullying 21. 22. 41

Review Test Unit 8 1. 2., 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. herds 12. vary 13. raised 14. consists of 15. at risk 16. who could kill the most animals in one day 17. can no longer live freely 18. 19. Unit 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. gravity 12. float 13. last 14. What, like 15. made history 16. use an alarm clock to wake them up 17. using plates, knives, and forks with magnets attached 18. 19. 24 15 Unit 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. overcome 12. mental 13. improvement 14. lose weight 15. specializes in 16. viewed yoga as a regular exercise program 17. seeing an airplane take off from an airport 18. 19. Unit 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. measure 12. crash 13. latest 14. comes in 15. in a hurry 16. All you need to do is 17. be impossible for people to do 42

Review Test 18. 19.. Unit 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. illegal 12. spun 13. struggle 14. Neither did 15. depend on 16. encouraged Indians to design a new kind of spinning wheel 17. had to be cheap enough for everyone to buy 18. 19. Unit 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. unconscious 12. defeated 13. treated 14. As soon as 15. responsible for 16. very pleased and made Oedipus their new king 17. asked an oracle how to save the city 18. 19. Unit 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. international 12. arrested 13. leading 14. Tired of 15. not only, as well 16. be as cold as they once were 17. spent several weeks getting ready for the big night 18. 34kg 6,000 19. 34 Unit 15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 43

Review Test 9. 10. 11. entire 12. sore 13. practical 14. figured out 15. related to 16. to make the city look attractive 17. need to light the entire city 18. 19. Unit 16 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. warned 12. stable 13. open-minded 14. more likely to 15. aware of 16. going through 17. made fun of 18. 19. 20. 21. 44