Basic Listening Pre- Listening 1st Listening 다음 질문에 대한 적절한 응답을 고르시오. Q. Should I show you around school sometime? a I want to show you my house. b Tha

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

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Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin

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2번 대화를듣고, 남자의심정으로가장알맞은것을고르시오. W :Hey,Mark.WhatareyoudoingthisSaturdaynight? M :Nothingmuch.I m probablyjustgoingtostayhome. W :Oh,realy? M :Yeah.Ireal



Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp DOI: * Experiences of Af


business structure CJ Culture Foundation 문화를 키우다 나누다 CJ문화재단이 하는 일 다양한 장르의 창작자 지원을 통한 문화융성 세계 무대를 향한 도전 함께하는 문화나눔 우리는 문화의 다양성을 추구합니다. CJ문화재단은 자유로운 상상,

1 강. 자기소개 (Self-introduction) 1. Self-introduction 완전정복! 1) Let s start the interview now. Tell me something about yourself. 로시작되는오픽시험에서가장먼저나오는질문! 첫!

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을


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Unit 01 Meeting New People Getting Ready WORDS 다음을 듣고 빈칸을 채운 후, 알맞은 뜻을 찾아 연결하시오. 1. move to the suburbs a 손님들을 맞다 2. friendly smile b 호의적인 미소 3. a next-door neighbor c 첫인상 4. first impression d 옆집 사람 5. greet guests e 교외로 이사가다 EXPRESSIONS 다음을 듣고 빈칸을 채운 후, 질문에 알맞은 응답을 < 기 에 보기>에 고 시오. 고르시오. 고 시오. 1. Are you a new student in this school? d 2. How long will you stay in Korea? a 3. What do you do for work? b 보기 a I ll stay for three months. b I m a computer engineer. c That would be kind of you. e Yes. I m in this class, too. d Yes, I just moved to this town.

Basic Listening Pre- Listening 1st Listening 다음 질문에 대한 적절한 응답을 고르시오. Q. Should I show you around school sometime? a I want to show you my house. b That would be very kind of you. 대화를 듣고, 대화의 상황을 잘 나타낸 그림을 고르시오. a b How do you do? 처음뵙겠습니다. I've always wanted to meet you. 한 번 만나고 싶었어요. I've heard a lot about you. 말씀 많이 들었어요. I hope we can get to know each other better. 당신과 더 친해졌으면 좋겠어요. I'll give you my number. 제 전화번호 알려드릴게요. 여학생과 로 새로 전학온 학생이 남학생이 대화를 나누는 나 는 나 는 상황이다. 상 이다. 상 이다. 2nd Listening 다시 듣고, 대화의 내용과 일치하면 T, 그렇지 않으면 F에 체크(V) 하시오. T F 1. The boy moved to Busan last month. 2. The girl didn t know that the boy would come. 3. The boy thinks the girl is kind to him. 4. They have just met for the first time. 남학생은 지난주에 서울로 이사 으, 으, 으, 으며, 여학생은 선생님을 생님을 생님을 생님을 생님을 통해 학생이 학생이 남학생이 학생이 학생이 학생이 학생이 온다는 소식을 소 을 소 을 소 을 소 을 소 을 소 을 고 고 알고 고 고 고 고 있었다. 있 다. 있 다. 있 다. 있 다. 있 다. 있 다. 통문장 받아쓰기 다음 문장을 두 번씩 듣고, 받아쓰시오. 1. 2. 3. Are you a new student here? I just moved to Seoul last week. That would be very kind of you. W: Hi, are you a new student here? M: Yes, I just moved to Seoul last week. Are you in this class, too? W: Yes. Our teacher told us you were coming. Your name is Juyeong, isn t it? M: Yes, it is. What s your name? W: My name is Sora. It s a pleasure meeting you, Juyeong. M: Nice to meet you, too. W: Should I show you around school sometime? M: That would be very kind of you. Unit 01_ 7

Listening Task A 다음 각각의 소개를 듣고, 그 설명에 해당되는 사람을 고르시오. 1. ② 2. ① 3. ① ② ③ ④ 다음을 듣고, 그 내용과 일치하도록 표를 완성하시오. 1. Nationality & Job Name 1) Dan 2) Marie 3) Rebecca 4. Nationality Job Canada[Canadian] teacher France[French] cook England[English] writer Hobby Dream watching movies movie director traveling flight attendant playing computer games pro-gamer 2. Hobby & Dream Name 1) Mina 2) Junho 3) Sora 1 은 가수, 2는 간호사, 3은 프로 게이머, 4는 소방관이다. B ④ ③ A 1 W: H ello, everyone. I m good at singing and dancing. I get excited when I get on stage. I will do a concert next month and I m looking forward to meeting my fans. 2 W: H ello. I m from the U.S.A. I work in a hospital. I take care of the patients and help the doctors. My job is hard, but it is very important. 3 M: H i. My name is Jerry. I play computer games every day. Sometimes I go on TV and show people how I play. I do my best to win. 4 M: H i. I put out fires and save people s lives. Sometimes my job is very dangerous. But I m proud of myself because I help others. B 1 1) M: Hello, my name is Dan. I m from Canada. I moved last year and now I live in Seoul. I teach English at a high school. 2) W: N ice to meet you. I m Marie. I m from France. I m a cook in a famous French restaurant in Korea. I really enjoy making delicious food for people. 3) W: H ow do you do? My name is Rebecca. I m from England. My job is writing novels. I really like reading books and experiencing new things. 2 1) W: M y name is Mina. I really like watching movies. In the future, I want to be a famous director like Steven Spielberg. 2) M: I m Junho. I love traveling. So I want to be a flight attendant and travel to as many countries as possible. 3) W: I m Sora. I really enjoy playing computer games. I won an online game championship two times. I want to be the best professional gamer in Korea.

C 다음을 듣고, 각 대화의 상황에 어 는 어울리는 그림을 고 시오. 고르시오. 1. a b 헬스클럽에서 스 에서 개인 인 트레이너와 이너와 처음으로 만나 이야기를 이 기를 나누고 나 고 있는 내용이다. 2. a b C 1 M: Hello. Are you Kate? I m David. I m your personal trainer. W: Hi! Glad to meet you. This is my first time exercising in a health club. M: Don t worry. We ll start with light exercise. Did you bring your sportswear? W: Of course. M: Okay, change your clothes first, and then let s meet again here in five minutes. D 이사 온 이웃과 이 과 대화하는 내용이다. 다음을 듣고, 일기의 내용과 일치하 하 Serena에 e e a에 대한 알맞은 내용에 표시( ) 시( ) 하시오. Serena Brown She is a new [student / teacher]. She is from [England / Australia]. She taught English in China for [two / five] years. She ll take some [cooking / Korean] classes during her stay in Korea. 2 M: Hello. I m Derek. I just moved in next door. W: Oh, hi. I m Kerry. Glad to meet you. M: Glad to meet you, too. Actually I m having dinner with some neighbors tonight. Would you like to have dinner with us? W: Of course. Thank you for inviting me. M: My pleasure. Come to my house at 7 o clock tonight. D W: Thursday, June 12, 2008 Today I met a new English conversation teacher. Her name is Serena and she s from Australia. She said she taught English in China for two years before she moved to Seoul. She can speak Korean a little. She is very interested in Korean culture, especially traditional Korean food. So she planned to take some cooking classes. She s very kind and energetic. I m looking forward to her class. Unit 01_

Listening Task DICTATION A 1. W: Hello, everyone. I m good at singing and dancing. I get excited when I get on stage. I will do a concert next month and I m looking forward to meeting my fans. 2. W: Hello. I m from the U.S.A. I work in a hospital. I take care of the patients and very important. help the doctors. My job is hard, but it is 3. M: Hi. My name is Jerry. I play computer games every day. Sometimes I go on TV and show people how I play. I do my best to win. 4. M: Hi. I put out fires and save people s lives. Sometimes my job is very dangerous. But I m proud of myself because I help others. B 1. 1) M: Hello, my name is Dan. I m from Canada. I moved last year and now I live in Seoul. I teach English at a high school. 2) W: Nice to meet you. I m Marie. I m from France. I m a cook in a famous French restaurant in Korea. I really enjoy making delicious food for people. 3) W: How do you do? My name is Rebecca. I m from England. My job is writing novels. I really like reading books and experiencing new things. 2. 1) W: My name is Mina. I really like watching movies. In the future, I want to be a famous director like Steven Spielberg. 2) M: I m Junho. I love traveling. So I want to be a flight attendant and travel to as many countries as possible. 3) W: I m Sora. I really enjoy playing computer games. I won an online game championship two times. I want to be the best professional gamer in Korea. 10

C 1. M: Hello. Are you Kate? I m David. I m your personal trainer. W: Hi! Glad to meet you. This is my first time exercising in a health club. M: Don t worry. We ll start with light exercise. Did you bring your sportswear? W: Of course. M: Okay, change your clothes first, and then let s meet again here in five minutes. 2. M: Hello. I m Derek. I just moved in next door. W: Oh, hi. I m Kerry. Glad to meet you. M: Glad to meet you too. Actually I m having dinner with some neighbors tonight. Would you like to have dinner with us? W: Of course. Thank you for inviting me. M: My pleasure. Come to my house at 7 o clock tonight. D W: Thursday, June 12, 2008 Today I met a new English conversation teacher. Her name is Serena and she s from Australia. She said she taught English in China for two years before she moved to Seoul. She can speak Korean a little. She is very interested in Korean culture, especially traditional Korean food. So she planned to take some cooking classes. She s very kind and energetic. I m looking forward to her class. Unit 01_ 11

Upgrade Listening Listen to the following and answer the questions below. leave a good impression 좋은 인상을 남기다 What was your impression? 어떤 인상을 받으셨습니까? What is the man mainly talking about? 1 secrets to a successful date 2 how to prepare a job interview 3 how to feel better about yourself 4 the problems faced by teenagers 5 ways to make a good impression 다른 사람들에게 좋은 인상을 줄 수 있는 방법들을 소개하는 소 하는 내용이다. Which one does NOT the man suggest? 1 shaking hands firmly 2 smiling when you meet someone new 3 making sure to remember a person s name 4 leaning toward a speaker to show interest 5 having good feelings about yourself 다른 사람의 이름을 이 을 이 을 기억하라는 기 하라는 기 하라는 내용은 되지 언급되지 되지 되지 되지 다. 않 다. 다. 다. 다. 다. M: It s not easy being a teenager. No, I m not talking about all the studying, homework and exams. I m talking about things like going on a first date and trying to make a good impression. You can comb your hair and wear your best clothes, but there s more to making a successful first impression than that. Whenever you meet someone new, greet them with a smile and a friendly hello. If you shake their hand, do it firmly. When they speak, pay attention and lean forward a little bit to show that you are interested. Most of all, remember that if you feel good about yourself, other people will feel the same way too. 12

T O E I C Listening 1 (A) Two boys are riding on a boat. (B) Two boys are fishing together. (C) Two boys are swimming in the river. (D) Two boys are watering the plants. 1. Choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. 2 Q: What do you think of him? (A) He went out in the morning. (B) I don t think he ll like it. (C) He s really nice and sweet. 3 Q: How about going to the movies tonight? (A) I went for a walk instead. (B) Sounds great. (C) Yes, I want to be a movie star. 4-5 M: Star Gym is the best place to work out! Our fitness machines are new. Our air-conditioning is cool. Our staff members are always friendly! And this weekend, Star Gym has a special event. If you become a member of Star Gym this weekend, you will get a discount! Join Star Gym this weekend and save 30 percent on the membership fee! (A) (B) (C) (D) 소 이 소년이 시를 낚시를 하고 있다. [2-3] Listen to the questions and choose the best answer to each one. 2. (A) (B) (C) 그에 대해 어 게 어떻게 생 하 고 생각하냐고 다. 물었다. 3. (A) (B) (C) 영화를 보자고 으 로 했으므로 그에 대한 적절한 적 한 이 응답이 와야 와 한다. [4-5] Listen to the following and choose the best answer to each question. 4. What is the purpose of the passage? (A) to explain (C) to advertise 체육관의 회원을 모집하기 한 위한 고문이다. 광고문이다. (B) to advise (D) to warn 5. What is NOT mentioned as one of the good things about Star Gym? (A) cool air-conditioning (C) friendly staff 버스를 운 한다는 운행한다는 내용은 다 없었다 (B) new fitness machines (D) a free shuttle bus Unit 01_ 13

Actual Test 1. 대화를 듣고, 의 여자의 의 의 장 장 장 장 을 을 을 을 고 시오. 고르시오. 고 시오. 고 시오. 고 시오. 1 2 3 4 5 Note. 1 W: What would you like to be in the future? M: I like Ji-Sung Park, so I want to be a soccer player. W: That s good. M: How about you? W: In my childhood, I wanted to be an entertainer. But now I want to be a movie director. M: That s nice. I hope you become a great movie director. 여자는 어렸을 때는 는 인이 연예인이 인이 되고 싶 지만, 싶었지만, 싶 지만, 지금은 영화 감 이 감독이 감 이 되고 싶어한다. 2. 다음을 듣고, 의 의 운 운 운 운 전화번 를 전화번 를 전화번 를 전화번 를 전화번 를 고 시오. 고 시오. 고르시오. 고 시오. 고 시오. 고 시오. 고 시오. 1 753-6513 2 703-6013 3 703-6030 4 753-6030 5 713-1613 동 원의 동물병원의 전화 번호는 703-6030에서 703-6013으로 경되 다. 변경되었다. When is the phone number going to be changed? 3. 다음을 듣고, 새로 오신 선생님에 관해 알 수 없는 것을 고르시오. [08 영어듣기능력평가 응용] 1 국적 2 이름 3 좋아하는 운동 4 전화번호 선생님의 전화번호는 언급되지 않았다. What will Lily teach? 5 가르칠 과목 4. 대화를 듣고, 남자와 여자의 장 희망이 알맞게 짝지어진 것을 고르시오. 남자 여자 남자 여자 1 가수 - 기자 3 기자 - 요리사 5 가수 - 요리사 남자는 배우, 여자는 요리사가 되는 것이 꿈이다. 2 가수 - 배우 4 배우 - 요리사 5. 대화를 듣고, Sandy가 전화를 받을 수 없는 이유를 고르시오. 1 아파서 2 자고 있어서 3 실에 실에 있어서 4 숙제를 하고 있어서 Sandy는 지금 욕실에 실에 있어서 통화할 수 다. 없다. 다. 5 외출 중이어서 2 (An answering machine beeps.) W: This is Africa Pet Clinic. Next week, we will change our phone number. It ll change from 703-6030 to 703-6013. That number is again: 703-6013. Please use this new number from June 30th. Thank you. 3 M: Let me introduce your new teacher, Lily. She is from the United States. She came to Korea two years ago. Her favorite sport is tennis. She will teach you about American culture. You can email her if you have any questions. 4 W: James, what do you want to be? M: I want to be an actor. Someday you will see me in movies. What is your dream, Alice? W: I enjoy cooking, so I want to be a cook. My mother wants me to be a journalist. But I m not a good writer. M: Don t give up your dream! I think you ll be a very good cook. W: Thank you. 5 (Telephone rings.) W: Hello? M: Hello, can I speak to Sandy, please? W: Who s calling, please? M: This is Tom. Is she still sleeping? W: No, she s in the bathroom right now. Can you call back later? M: Oh, sure. Bye. 14

6. 대화를 듣고, Tom의 고 을 고 을 고 시오. 고르시오. 고 시오. 1 2 3 4 5 Note. 6 M: Jane, where are you and Kate from? W: We are from the U.S.A. M: Are you from New York? W: Yes, we are. M: Then, is your friend Tom from New York too? W: No, he isn t. He s English. But he moved here from London two years ago. Jane과 Kate는 미국 출신이, 출신이며, 출신이, Tom은 영국 런 런 런 런 출신이다. 7. 대화를 듣고, Jake 아버지의 직업으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 1 배우 2 방 가 송 가 작가 3 카메라맨 라 라 4 기자 5 무대감독 TV 보도를 만들고 카메라맨과 일을 함께 한다는 말을 통해 TV 방 국 국 기자임을 기자 을 기자 을 알 수 있다. 8. 다음을 듣고, 두 사람의 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오. 1 2 3 4 5 Long time no see. 는 오랜만에 만나 반가움을 표시할 하는 말이므로 말이 로 말이 로 말이 로 다는 괜찮다는 다는 다는 다는 대 은 대 은 대 은 대 은 대 은 대 은 어색하다. 어 하다. 어 하다. 어 하다. 어 하다. 어 하다. 어 하다. 9. 다음을 듣고, 이 상황에 할 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 1 Hang on, please. 3 Can I take a message? 5 I think you have the wrong number. 2 Sorry, but he s out. 그런 이름을 가진 사람이 집에 없으 로 으 로 전화를 걸었다고 다고 다고 말하는 것이 적 하다. 적절하다. 적 하다. 적 하다. 적 하다. 적 하다. 4 Can I speak to somebody else? 10. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 1 Good job. 3 Good to see you. 5 Let me introduce myself. 어떻게 지냈 고 으 로 물었으 로 잘 지내고 있다는 답이 이 이 가장 적절하다. 적 하다. 적 하다. 적 하다. 적 하다. How long did the man stay in Japan? 2 Pretty good, thanks. 4 You look better. 7 W: What does your father do, Jake? M: He works for a broadcasting station. W: What kind of work does he do? M: When something important happens, he makes a TV report about it. He works with a cameraman. I m proud of him. 8 1 W: What are you interested in? M: I m interested in paintings. 2 W: What do you want to be when you grow up? M: I want to be a doctor. 3 W: When do you go to school? M: At 8 o clock. 4 W: Hi, Jason. Long time no see. M: That s all right. 5 W: Where do you come from? M: I m from India. 9 W: The phone in your house is ringing. You answer the phone. The man on the phone wants to speak to Mr. Smith. But there s nobody by that name in your family. In this case, what would you say to him? 10 M: Hello, Jessica. It s really nice to see you again. W: Hi, Inho. Long time no see. How are you doing? M: I m doing well. I just came back from Japan. I studied Japanese there for two years. W: That s why I haven t seen you for a long time. M: That s right. How have you been? W: Pretty good, thanks. Unit 01_ 15

Actual Test DICTATION 1. W: What would you like to be in the future? M: I like Ji-Sung Park, so I want to be W: That s good. a soccer player. M: How about you? W: In my childhood, I wanted to be an entertainer. But now I want to be a movie director. M: That s nice. I hope you become a great movie director. 2. (An answering machine beeps.) W: This is Africa Pet Clinic. Next week, we will change our phone number. It ll change from 703-6030 to 703-6013. That number is again: 703-6013. Please use this new number from June 30th. Thank you. 3. M: Let me introduce your new teacher, Lily. She is from the United States. She came to Korea two years ago. Her favorite sport is tennis. She will teach you about American culture any questions.. You can email her if you have 4. W: James, what do you want to be? M: I want to be an actor. Someday you will see me in movies. What is your dream, Alice? W: I enjoy cooking, so I want to be a cook. My mother wants me to be a journalist. But I m not a good writer. M: Don t give up your dream! I think you ll be a very good cook. W: Thank you. 5. (Telephone rings.) W: Hello? M: Hello, can I speak to Sandy, please? W: Who's calling, please? M: This is Tom. Is she still sleeping? W: No, she s in the bathroom right now. Can you call back later? M: Oh, sure. Bye. 6. M: Jane, where are you and Kate from? W: We are from the U.S.A. M: Are you from New York? W: Yes, we are. M: Then, is your friend Tom from New York too? 16

W: No, he isn't. He s English. But he moved here from London two years ago. 7. W: What does your father do, Jake? M: He works for a broadcasting station. W: What kind of work does he do? M: When something important happens, he makes a TV report about it. He works with a cameraman. I m proud of him. 8. 1 W: What are you interested in? M: I m interested in paintings. 2 W: What do you want to be when you grow up? M: I want to be a doctor. 3 W: When do you go to school? M: At 8 o clock. 4 W: Hi, Jason. Long time no see. M: That s all right. 5 W: Where do you come from? M: I m from India. 9. W: The phone in your house is ringing. You answer the phone. The man on the phone wants to speak to Mr. Smith. But there s nobody by that name in your family. In this case, what would you say to him? 10. M: Hello, Jessica. It s really nice to see you again. W: Hi, Inho. Long time no see. How are you doing? M: I'm doing well. I just came back from Japan. I studied Japanese there for two years. W: That s why I haven t seen you for a long time. M: That s right. How have you been? W: Pretty good, thanks. Unit 01_ 17