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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운


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71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370


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7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).


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어법성 판단 문제



잡았다. 임진왜란으로 권위가 실추되었던 선조는 명군의 존재를 구세 주 이자 王權을 지켜주는 보호자 로 인식했다. 선조는 그 같은 인 식을 바탕으로 扈聖功臣들을 높이 평가하고 宣武功臣들을 평가 절하함으로써 자신의 권위를 유지하려고 했다. 이제 명에 대한 숭 앙과 충성은


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Unit 1 reading.hwp





수능 CAT


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희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션




2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는




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제 1 강 동사와 문형 자동사와 타동사의 성질 + 목적어 + 전치사 수동태 자동사(vi) X O X 타동사(vt) O X O 문형의 분류 자동사 완전자동사 : S + V - 1형식 불완전자동사 : S + V + SC.- 2형식 타동사 완전타동사 : S + V + O.- 3형식 수여동사 : S + V + IO + DO - 4형식 불완전타동사 : S + V + O + OC.- 5형식 * 완전 : 보어 (X). 불완전 : 보어 (O) A. 1형식 : S + V 1 의미에 유의해야할 완전자동사 (1) do : 충분하다, 좋다 (= be good enough) Anything will do. <반드시 will 수반> (2) matter, count : 중요하다 (= be important) It doesn't matter to me. His opinions does not count. (3) pay : 수지맞다, 이익이 되다 (= be profitable) This business pays. (4) work : 작동하다(= operate), 효과가 있다(= be effective) The machine did not work. This type of medicine works well. 자동사 + 전치사 = 타동사구 자동사가 목적어를 취하려면 반드시 전치사가 필요하다. (1) account for : ~을 설명하다(= explain), ~의 원인이 되다 His illness accounts for his absence. (2) add to : ~을 늘리다, 증가시키다 (= increase) This adds to our difficulties. (3) admit of : ~의 여지가 있다 His conduct admits of no excuse. (4) agree to (+ 사물) : ~에 동의하다 with (+ 사람) : ~와 의견이 같다 on.: ~에 대해 합의하다 I agree to your proposal. I agree with you. They agreed on the plan. (6) apologize to : ~에게 사과하다 She apologized to me for her rudeness. (7) complain of/about : ~에 대하여 불평하다 He always complains of/about his work. (8) conform to : ~에 따르다, 순응하다 You must conform to the rules of the group. (9) consist in : ~에 있다 of : ~로 구성되다 Happiness consists in contentment. My family consists of five people. = My family is composed of five people. = My family is made up of five people. compose : ~을 구성하다(V 3) (= make up) (10) deal with : ~을 다루다 in.: ~을 거래하다 The book deals with economy. He deals in various imported wines at that store. (11) experiment with : ~을 실험하다 They experimented with the new chemicals. (12) graduate from : ~를 졸업하다 I graduated from Korea University. (13) insist on : ~을 주장하다 I insisted on his innocence. (14) interfere with : ~을 방해하다 in : ~을 간섭하다 His father interfered with his plan. He interfered in another person's affairs. (15) object to : ~에 반대하다 (= oppose) I don't object to the plan. (16) operate on : ~을 수술하다 The surgeon operated on him. (17) participate in : ~에 참가하다 (= take part in) We participated in the discussion. (18) result in (+ 결과) : ~을 초래하다..from.(+ 원인) : ~에서 기인하다 The quarrel resulted in heavy loss. The damage resulted from the fire. (19) wait for : ~를 기다리다 (= await).on : ~를 시중들다 (= attend on) Time and tide wait for no man. She will wait on the table. (5) allow for : ~을 고려하다, 참작하다 (= consider) We must allow for some delay.

B. 2형식 : S + V 2 + SC 중요 불완전자동사 주격보어로 명사나 형용사가 온다. 부사는 불완전자동사의 보어가 될 수 없다. (1) 지속 : ~인 채로 있다, 계속 ~이다 be, keep, remain, stay, continue He kept silent all day. The results of the experiment remain a secret. (2) 변화 : ~하게 되다 become + 명사/형용사 make + 명사 get, grow, come, go, turn, fall, run + 형용사 prove, turn out (to be) : ~로 판명되다 He became a doctor/happy. She will make a good wife. It's getting dark. He grew thin and weak. She proved/turned out (to be) a spy. 관용표현 come true/right/loose/easy <실현되다/옳게 되다/느슨해지다/쉬워지다> go bad/mad/blind/bankrupt <상하다,나빠지다/미치다/눈이 멀다/파산하다> turn pale/red/sour/cold <창백해지다/붉어지다/시어지다/추워지다> fall asleep/ill <잠들다/병나다> run short/dry/high <부족하다/마르다/격해지다> (3) 판단 : ~인 것 같다, ~처럼 보이다 seem, appear (to be) He seems/appears (to be) healthy. (4) 감각 : ~하게 보이다[느껴지다] 등 look, feel, smell, taste, sound + 형용사 He looks happily. (X) He looks happy. (O) I don't feel good this morning. The butter smelled bad. Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth. His story sounds strange. C. 3형식 : S + V 3 + O 자동사로 혼동하기 쉬운 타동사 타동사의 목적어가 항상 을/를 로 해석되지는 않는다. 타동사 뒤에 전치사를 쓰면 안 된다. ( )안의 전치사를 쓰면 틀린다. (1) accompany : ~와 동반하다, ~와 동행하다 His secretary accompanied (with) him. (2) address : ~에게 말을 걸다, 연설하다 He addressed (to) us in French. (3) affect/influence : ~에 영향을 미치다 The policy will not affect/influence (on) us. (4) answer : ~에게 대답하다 (= reply to) Have you answered (to) her letter? answer for : ~을 책임지다 We must answer for the consequences. (5) approach : ~에 다가가다, 접근하다 A pretty girl approached (to) me. (6) attend : ~에 참석하다, 출석하다 He attended (at) the meeting. attend to : ~에 주의하다 on : ~를 시중들다, 간호하다 Attend to what your teacher says. The nurses attend on patients. (7) await : ~를 기다리다 (= wait for) He awaited (for) his wife. (8) become/suit : ~에 어울리다 The new shirt becomes (to) you. (9) call/phone : ~에게 전화하다 Call (to) me at the office. call on/at : ~을 방문하다 I called on him last night. <on+사람> I called at his office last night. <at+장소> (10) comprise : ~로 구성되다 (= consist of) This book comprises (of) twenty chapters. (11) contact : ~와 접촉하다, 연락하다 Contact (with) him by mail or phone. (12) discuss : ~에 대해 토의하다 We discussed (about) the problem. (13) enter : ~에 들어가다 (= go into) We entered (into) the restaurant. enter into : ~을 시작하다 (= begin) He entered into the business.

(14) equal/match : ~에 필적하다 No one can equal (with) him in English. (15) greet : ~에게 인사하다 She greeted (to) me kindly. (16) inhabit : ~에 살다, 거주하다 (= live in) Various kinds of fish inhabited (in) the sea. (17) marry : ~와 결혼하다 She married (with) a rich man. be married to : ~와 결혼해 있다 <상태> get married to : ~와 결혼하다 <동작> She is married to a rich man. She got married to him last year. (18) mention : ~에 대하여 언급하다 (= refer to) He mentioned (about) the accident. (19) obey : ~에 복종하다, 준수하다 You should obey (to) your parents. (20) oppose : ~에 반대하다 (= object to) I oppose (to) your proposal. be opposed to : ~에 반대하다 I am opposed to your proposal. (21) reach : ~에 도착하다 (= arrive at/in) I reached (at) New York this morning. (22) resemble : ~와 닮다 (= take after, look like) She resembles (with) her mother. (23) survive : ~에서 살아남다, ~보다 오래 살다 He survived (from) the air crash. to부정사를 목적어로 취하는 동사 주로 미래의 일, 일시적 구체적 행위를 나타내는 경우 (1) want, would like, hope, wish, desire : 원하다 I want to go to the movies tonight. (2) expect : 기대하다 I expect to find a good job (3) decide, determine, resolve, choose : 결정하다 She decided to postpone her departure. (4) plan : 계획하다 I plan to go to Europe. (5) promise : 약속하다 He promised to come here tonight. (6) agree, consent : 동의하다 He agreed to accept the offer. (7) offer : 제의하다 I offered to accompany her. (8) refuse : 거절하다 He refused to take part in our plan. (9) pretend, affect : 가장하다, ~인 체하다 She pretended not to know me. (10) afford : ~할 여유가 있다 <반드시 can/cannot 수반> We can't afford to keep a car. (11) manage : 이럭저럭 ~하다, 간신히 ~하다 He managed to save some money. (12) need : ~할 필요가 있다 He needs to learn English. (13) seek, endeavor : ~하려고 애쓰다, 노력하다 He sought to be friendly. <자동사 + to V>의 관용 표현 (1) fail to ~ : ~하지 못하다 (= can not/do not) He failed to pass the exam. fail in + (동)명사 : 실패하다 He failed in the exam. He failed in persuading her. (2) happen/chance to ~ : 우연히 ~하다 I happened to sit beside her. (3) come/get/grow to ~ : ~하게 되다 <become to ~>는 불가 He came/got/grew to know the fact. cf. He became to know the fact. (X) (4) care to ~ : ~하고 싶다 <care to>는 부정문 의문문에서 like의 뜻. I don't care to go alone. (5) tend to ~ : ~하는 경향이 있다 Some people tends to resist change. (6) bother/trouble to ~ : 일부러 ~하다, 수고하다 Don't bother to fix a lunch for me. (7) long/yearn to ~ : ~하기를 갈망하다 I long to visit my native place. 동명사를 목적어로 취하는 동사 주로 과거의 일, 일반적 습관적 행위를 나타내는 경우 (1) enjoy : 즐기다 He enjoys reading detective novels. (2) practice : 연습하다 You should practice playing the piano regularly. (3) avoid, escape, evade, help : 피하다 She avoided meeting him recently. (4) mind : 꺼리다, 싫어하다 Would you mind opening the window?

(5) resent : 분개하다 He resented being called a fool. (6) finish : 끝내다 I've finished reading that book. (7) stop, quit : 중단하다 Stop talking and listen to me. stop to V : ~하기 위하여 멈추다 부사적 용법의 <목적>의 뜻 I called him, but he didn't stop to talk to me. (8) give up, abandon : 포기하다 She gave up learning how to drive. (9) postpone, put off, delay, defer : 미루다, 연기하다 You must not postpone answering this letter. (10) admit, acknowledge : 인정하다 He admits having done it himself. (11) deny : 부인하다 He denied having met her. (12) allow, permit : 허락하다 They don't allow smoking in the room. (13) forbid : 금지하다 They forbid entering the house. (14) suggest : 제안하다 Father suggested going on a picnic. (15) advise, recommend : 충고하다 I advised his starting at once. (16) consider : 고려하다 I am considering buying a new car. (17) imagine, fancy : 상상하다 I cannot imagine her failing in the exam. (18) anticipate : 기대하다 We anticipated receiving a gift from our uncle. (19) miss : ~하지 못하다, ~하는 것을 놓치다 We missed seeing that film. (20) involve : 포함하다, 수반하다 Most measurements involve reading some type of scale. (21) risk : 위험을 무릅쓰다, 감히 ~하다 I'm willing to risk losing everything. (22) advocate : 주장하다 He advocated abolishing slavery. (23) appreciate : 감사하다 I appreciate your helping me with the work. to부정사/동명사 둘 다 목적어로 취하는 동사 (1) 의미 차이가 없는 경우 begin/start(시작하다), continue(계속하다), intend(의도하다), attempt(시도하다) The baby began to cry/crying. I intend to go/going abroad next year. (2) 의미 차이가 있는 경우. ⅰ) like, love, prefer, hate + ~ing : 일반적 습관적 행위 + to V.: 일시적 구체적 행위 I don't like drinking. <나는 (원래) 술 마시는 것을 좋아하지 않는다.> I don't like to drink. <나는 (지금) 술 마시고 싶지 않다.>.ⅱ) remember, forget, regret + ~ing : 과거의 일 + to V.: 미래의 일 I remember seeing her before. I remember to see her tomorrow. I forgot to post the letter. <편지 부칠 것을 잊었다.> I forgot posting the letter. <편지 부친 것을 잊었다.> regret ~ing : ~한 것을 후회하다 regret to V.: ~하게 되어 유감이다 I regret telling her what I thought. I regret to say that I can't help you.. ⅲ) try + to V.: ~하려고 애쓰다 try + ~ing : 시험삼아 ~해보다 He tried to open the door. He tried opening the door..ⅳ) mean to V.: 의도하다 mean ~ing : 의미하다 I didn't mean to hurt your feeling. Punctuality means being on time. 목적어 다음에 전치사를 수반하는 동사 (1) S + 공급동사 + A + with + B provide/supply A with B : A에게 B를 공급하다 present A with B : A에게 B를 주다, 선사하다 furnish A with B : A에게 B를 설치하다, 공급하다 equip A with B : A에게 B를 갖추다, 장비하다 endow A with B : A에게 B를 부여하다 entrust A with B : A에게 B를 맡기다, 위임하다 Our school provide the children with food. = Our school provide food for the children. They supply us with oil. = They supply oil to us.

(2) S + 제거 박탈동사 + A + of + B rob A of B : A에게서 B를 강탈하다, 빼앗다 deprive A of B : A에게서 B를 빼앗다, 박탈하다 rid A of B : A에게서 B를 제거하다 clear A of B : A에게서 B를 치우다, 제거하다 relieve A of B : A에게서 B를 덜어주다 We must rid the house of cockroaches. rob + 사람/장소 + of + 사물 steal + 사물 + from + 사람/장소 The man robbed her of her handbag. = The man stole her handbag from her. (3) S + 통고 확신동사 + A + of + B remind A of B : A에게 B를 상기시키다 inform/notify A of B : A에게 B를 알리다 warn A of B : A에게 B를 경고하다 convince/assure A of B : A에게 B를 확신시키다 accuse A of B : A를 B로 고발[고소]하다 She reminds me of my dead sister. We finally convinced them of our innocence. (4) S + 상벌동사 + A + for + B praise A for B : A를 B에 대하여 칭찬하다 scold A for B : A를 B에 대하여 꾸짖다 blame A for B : A를 B에 대하여 비난하다 punish A for B : A를 B에 대하여 벌주다 forgive A for B : A를 B에 대하여 용서하다 thank A for B : A에게 B를 감사하다 He blamed his teacher for his failure. thank + 사람 + for + 사물 appreciate + 사물/동명사 Thank you for your kindness. = I appreciate your kindness. (5) S + 금지동사 + O + from ~ing prevent, keep, stop, deter, discourage, prohibit, hinder dissuade, restrain 가 ~하지 못하게 하다 His wife prevented him from going abroad. The doctor prohibited her from smoking. forbid(v 5)+ O + to V The doctor forbade her from smoking. The doctor forbade her to smoke. (X) (O) D. 4형식 : S + V 4 + IO + DO 중요 수여동사 4형식을 3형식으로 전환시 전치사 to, for, of를 쓴다. (1) to를 쓰는 동사 : 직접 전달을 나타내는 동사 give, bring, show, tell, offer, lend, pass, send, pay, allow(주다, 허락하다), owe(빚지다) grant/award(수여하다), hand(건네주다) Mary gave John a flower. = Mary gave a flower to John. (2) for를 쓰는 동사 : 동사 자체에 전달의 뜻이 없는 경우 buy, make, get, find, choose, order(주문하다), spare(나누어주다), win(얻게 해주다), secure(보장하다) My mother made me a cake. = My mother made a cake for me. (3) of를 쓰는 동사 ask She asked me a question. = She asked a question of me. 3형식으로 전환할 수 없는 4형식 동사 envy(부러워하다), forgive/pardon(용서하다), save(덜어 주다), cost(들게 하다) I envy your success to you. (X) I envy you your success. (O) 수여동사 do (1) do (a person) good[harm/damage] : ~에게 이익[피해]를 주다 Exercise will do you much good. = Exercise will do much good to you. Typhoon Sarah did the crops great damage. = Typhoon Sarah did great damage to the crops. (2) do (a person) a favor : ~의 부탁을 들어주다 Will you do me a favor? = Will you do a favor for me? 수여동사로 혼동하기 쉬운 동사 explain(설명하다), introduce(소개하다), suggest/propose(제안하다), announce(알리다), confess(자백하다), admit(인정하다) He explained me his situation...(x) He explained his situation to me. (O) 목적어 자리에 절이 올 때는 전치사 to가 먼저 온다. She explained to me that she was late on account of the traffic jam.

E. 5형식 : S + V 5 + O + OC 5형식 문장의 특징 1 목적어와 목적격보어는 의미상 <주어+술어>의 관계(Nexus)이다. 2 목적격보어 자리에는 <명사 형용사 준동사>가 올 수 있다. 3 목적어와 목적격보어의 관계가 능동관계이면 <to부정사 동사원형 현재분사> 수동관계이면 <과거분사>를 쓴다. S + V 5 + O + to be + 명사.(to be) + 형용사 형용사 앞에서는 <to be>를 생략할 수 있다. 3형식에서는 that절을 목적어로 취한다. think, believe, suppose, imagine, know (인식동사) I believe John to be a good student. = I believe that John is a good student. <3형식> We thought him (to be) foolish. = We thought that he was foolish. <3형식> 인식동사는 3형식에서 to부정사를 목적어로 취하지 않는다. 단 수동태 뒤에서는 to부정사가 올 수 있다. He supposes to speak here. (X) He is supposed to speak here..(o) S + V 5 + O + as + 명사/형용사 목적격보어 앞에 as를 쓰는 동사 as는 절대 생략할 수 없다. regard/think of/look (up)on (~라고 여기다), refer to(~라고 부르다), describe, treat, accept, define, recognize, acknowledge, imagine We regard the dove as the symbol of peace. They think of the idea as absurd. They always referred to him as "blockhead". consider, elect, appoint + O + (to be/as) OC to be나 as를 아무 때나 생략할 수 있다. He considers himself (to be/as) an intellectual. They elected him (to be/as) President. They appointed White (to be/as) manager. S + V 5. + O + 명사/형용사 make(~이 되게 하다), call, name John has made Harry a doctor/happy. They called him a fool. They call that fair. (= consider) They named the child John. S + V 5 + O + to V (1) want, like, would like, wish, desire : 원하다 I want you to finish this work soon. cf. I want this work (to be) finished soon. <수동> (2) expect : 기대하다 I expect him to pass the exam. (3) intend, mean : 의도하다 I intend him to go there. (4) ask, require, request, beg : 요청하다 I asked her to wait for a while. (5) tell, order, command : 명령하다 I ordered him to leave the room. cf. He ordered the work (to be) done. <수동> (6) advise, urge : 권고하다 He advised me not to drink so much. (7) encourage : 격려하다, 장려하다 The teacher encouraged the boy to study hard. (8) persuade : 설득하다 He persuaded me to forgive her. (9) get, cause : ~하게 하다 I'll get him to help you. The rain caused the river to overflow. (10) enable : ~할 수 있게 하다 His efforts enabled him to succeed. (11) force, compel, oblige : 강요하다 They forced me to sign the paper. (12) allow, permit, leave : 허락하다 He allowed them to go home. (13) forbid : 금지하다 The king forbade him to leave the territory. (14) invite : ~하고 싶게 만들다 The cool water of the lake invited us to swim. (15) motivate : 동기를 주다 The new plan motivates the staff to work hard. 주의해야할 동사 (1) 5형식으로 쓸 수 없는 동사 that 절로 hope, say, suggest, propose, demand, insist I hope you to come. I hope that you will come. (X) (O) (2) that절을 취할 수 없는 동사 5형식으로 want, like, would like I want that you will come. I want you to come. (X) (O)

지각동사 지각동사 + O + 동사원형/~ing/p.p see, watch, notice, observe, look at (보다) hear, listen to (듣다) feel (느끼다), smell (냄새를 맡다) I heard someone call my name. <능동 완결> I heard someone calling my name..<능동 진행> I heard my name called. <수동> 특정 순간 표시 부사구가 있는 경우 현재분사만 쓴다. I saw the letter lie on the table this morning. (X) I saw the letter lying on the table this morning. (O) 사역동사 make(강제), let(허락 방임), have(부탁) (1) make + O + 동사원형/p.p He made me do it at once. Can you make yourself understood in English? (2) let + O + 동사원형/be+p.p let은 수동 관계일 때 <be+p.p>를 쓴다. He let me use his car. I will not let the papers be lost. (3) have + O + 동사원형/~ing/p.p I had him repair my car. He had us laughing all through the night. have + O + p.p.ⅰ) 시키다 I had my car repaired. I had my picture taken. I had my hair cut..ⅱ) 당하다 I had my car stolen. I had my leg broken. 중요 5형식 동사 (1) help(v 5) + O + (to) 원형 help(v 3) + (to) 원형 help는 목적격보어나 목적어로 to부정사와 동사원형을 다 쓸 수 있다. He helped me (to) study English. He helped (to) paint the house. (2) keep + O + 형용사/~ing/p.p This coat will keep you warm. She kept me waiting so long. I will keep my fingers crossed. (3) get + O + 형용사/to V/~ing/p.p The child got his hand dirty. I got him to repair my car. He got the clock going. I got my car repaired. (4) leave + O + 형용사/to V/~ing/p.p Leave the door open. He left children to go out. Don't leave the baby crying. Leave the window closed. (5) find + O + 형용사/원형/to V/~ing/p.p I find him foolish. They found the business pay. I found the box to contain nothing. I found him standing at the door. I found the boy seriously wounded. 가목적어 - 진목적어 5형식문장의 목적어로 <부정사 명사절>이 올 때는 반드시 가목적어 it을 쓴다. I found it difficult to do the work. I make it a rule to take a walk in the morning. We took it for granted that they would consent. 명사가 수식어를 동반하여 길어지면 가목적어를 쓰지 않고 <목적격보어 + 목적어>로 도치된다. The computer has made it possible the phenomenal leap in human proficiency. (X) The computer has made possible the phenomenal leap V O.C O in human proficiency. (O) 혼동하기 쉬운 동사 (1) lie/lay lie - lay - lain : (vi) 눕다, 놓여 있다 lay - laid - laid : (vt) 눕히다, 놓다 lie - lied - lied : (vi) 거짓말하다 He lay on the bed and fell asleep. He laid the book on the desk. He lied to the boss and was fired. lay an egg : 알을 낳다 lay the foundation : 기초를 세우다 lay emphasis on : ~에 중점을 두다, 강조하다 (2) rise/raise/arise rise - rose - risen : (vi) 오르다, 올라가다 raise - raised - raised : (vt) 올리다 arise - arose - arisen : (vi) (사건 사고 등이) 발생하다 The sun rises in the east. He raised his right hand. Accidents arise from carelessness. raise a question/an objection : 문제/이의를 제기하다 (3) sit/set/seat sit - sat - sat : (vi) 앉다 seat - seated - seated : (vt) 앉히다 set - set - set : (vt) 놓다 He sat on the chair. Please seat yourself on the chair. = Please be seated on the chair. He set it on the table.

(4) fall/fell fall - fell - fallen : (vi) 떨어지다 fell - felled - felled : (vt) 쓰러뜨리다 Prices are falling. The woodman felled the tree. (5) find/found find - found - found : 발견하다 found - founded - founded : 설립[창설]하다, 기초를 세우다 I found a dollar on the floor. They collected funds and founded a school. (6) hang hang - hung - hung : 걸다, 매달다 hang - hanged - hanged : 교수형에 처하다 I hung a lamp from the ceiling. The man was hanged for murder. (7) affect/effect affect : 영향을 미치다 (= influence) effect : 초래하다, 일으키다 (= cause) Cares affect the health. Their efforts effected a change. effect는 명사일 때 영향 의 뜻으로 쓰인다. Cares have an effect on health. (8) talk/speak/say/tell ⅰ) talk/speak (V 1) talk/speak of[about, to, with] May I talk/speak to Mr. Kim? (V 3) speak + 언어 He speaks English fluently. ⅱ) say (V 3) say + O say + that S + V He said something to her. He said that she was a liar. My watch says two o'clock. <내 시계는 2시를 가리키고 있다.> ⅲ) tell (V 3) tell + O tell + O + of/about He told a lie/the truth/a joke. We will tell him of/about the news. (V 4) tell + IO + DO tell + O + that S + V He told me the truth. He told me that he was coming. (V 5) tell + O + to V : 명령하다 He told me to do that.