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June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'


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Get your target right with TARGET TEPS 600+ 링구아포럼연구소지음 주인영 정회진 LISTENING


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Being friends with the face in the mirror


[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~

캡틴 버니/Captain Bunny




04 ctive Course

CONTENTS >>> Day 01 Make it small, please! 01 Day 02 What about your PIN number? 05 Day 03 I do it on purpose. 09 Day 04 I m so bored! 13 Day 05 Is there another guest? 17 Day 06 Can t you bend the rules? 21 Day 07 I don t feel like going. 25 Day 08 You have athlete s foot. 29 Day 09 I think I m getting old. 33 Day 10 I d like to have a phone installed. 37

ctive Course Day 11 I m interested in a package tour. 41 Day 12 Did you have a good trip? 43 Day 13 Where did you leave it? 45 Day 14 You re on the wrong road. 47 Day 15 Put yourself in my shoes. 49 Day 16 What s next? 51 CONTENTS >>> Day 17 How did it go? 53 Day 18 Why does he have a long face? 55 Day 19 Can you confirm ~? 57 Day 20 Can you lower the price? 59

What would you like to order? I d like ham and eggs, please. How do you want your eggs? Scrambled, please. Is there anything else? One orange juice. Make it small, please. Notes How do you want/like ~?: ~? scrambled (eggs): 1

Expressions! Make it small.:.,,,! make it ~.. Make it large.! Make it super large, please!.. Make it shorter, please. Dictation!. 1. :. B:,? :. : cheeseburger and a coke, please. B:? :, please. 2. :? B:? :. 3. :? B:.,. : your eggs? B:? : Scrambled and sunny-side up. : your beef, sir? B: Medium, please. Hm, no, well-done. nswers 1. Small or large / Make them small 2. How do you want / What are my choices 3. How do you like / I think I want S More!?: What are my choices?,?, What s on the menu?(?). What are my choices??.!!,. : What are my choices?(?) B: Hotel, B&B, and private lodging.(, B&B,.) 2

I don t eat that junk food. : Want to eat something before the movie starts? B: Yeah. Let s get a burger. : burger? I don t eat that junk food. B: But it s quick and tastes quite good. : I used to, but not any more. There are many healthy foods that taste good. :? B:.. :?. B:. :,.. Notes junk:, healthy: taste good: 3

Expressions! junk food:.., junk food. junk food?,, junk food! Role Play. B. : ren t you hungry? B:!? : Pizza? I don t eat that junk food. B:?. : OK. Eat whatever you want.. :? B: ctually I am! How about ordering some pizza? :?. B: What do you mean junk? It tastes really good. :,. <whatever you want: > Lesson Points 1. How do you begin your sentence when you order your meal at a restaurant? 2. What do you say when you want to order a medium sized drink? 3. What is junk food? 4. Do you eat junk food? Reason your answer. 4

: What about your PIN number? B: 6908. It s the year and the month of my birthday. : Oh, it s not wise to use your date of birth for it. B: Well, it s easy to remember. : What if someone has your card and your ID? B: Right! I need to change my PIN number. :? B: 6908.. :,. B:,. :? B:!. Notes PIN: (personal identification number) date of birth: need to do = have to do Expressions! What about your PIN number?: PIN number number.? 1) What is ~? 2) Can/May I have ~? 3) What about ~?.,?? 1) What s your phone number? 2) Can I have your phone number? 3) What about your phone number?,. Can I ask your phone number?, Can you tell me your phone number? 5

Check up!. 1. What s your PIN number? 2. Do you use your date of birth for your PIN number? 3. It s not wise to use your date of birth for your PIN number. Why? Sample nswers 1. It s 1134. 2. Yes, I do. / No, I don t. 3. nybody can withdraw my money if he or she has my card and ID. 1.? 2.? 3..? S Role Play. B. : Ma am, can I have your PIN number? B: 2235... : Oh, it s not wise to use your phone number for it. B:? : nyone can easily withdraw your money, with your card and phone number.. :,? B: It s 2235. Easy to remember. It s my phone number. :,. B: Why is that? :.. 6

Money burns a hole in my pocket. : Jack, can you loan me some money? B: Sorry. I ve already gone through my paycheck. : So quickly? I thought you were well-off. B: Not me! Money burns a hole in my pocket. : Then, I ll have to ask my sister. :,? B:. :?. B:!. :,. Notes paycheck: ( ) ( ) go through = spend well-off:, Expressions! Money burns a hole in my pocket.:?,,., 1,. Money burns a hole in his pocket!, spendthrift? 7

Check up!. 1. Can you lend me some money? a) I told you! Carry some emergency cash with you! b) Well, I never borrow money. c) Sorry. I m broke. 2. What? You ve already gone through all the money? a) Money burns a hole in my pocket. b) I saved all the money for a rainy day. c) Money talks, you know. 3. Why did you ask him for money? a) I thought he was stingy. b) I thought he was well-off. c) He was not rich enough to buy a car. nswers 1. c) 2. a) 3. b) Lesson Points 1. What expressions can you use when you ask for somebody s phone number? 2. What do you say when you advise your friend not to use her/ his birth date for PIN number? 3. When do you use the expression money burns a hole in my pocket? 4. What do you say when you want to borrow some money from your friend? 8

Three clocks in your bedroom! I want to wake up early in the morning. But none of them has the same time. I do it on purpose. You set this clock an hour ahead! Notes make sure: on purpose:, set (a clock) ahead ~: 9

Expressions! do it on purpose:.. on purpose,. purpose,.?,. I didn t do it on purpose. Dictation!: Somebody did it on purpose!. 1. : 20. B:,. : Your clock is 20 minutes fast! B: Well,. 2. :? B:.. : Who? B: Well, I did it. Otherwise you won t get up in the morning on Sunday. 3. :!. B:. :? : My goldfish is dead! I saw it alive a while ago. B: Well,. : You mean? nswers 1. I do it on purpose 2. set my clock ahead an hour 3. I know who killed it / somebody killed it on purpose 10

My watch gains 10 minutes a day. : Is it already 10:00? B: No, ten to ten. My watch gains ten minutes a day. : That s funny. Mine loses ten minutes a day. B: No kidding. : I m serious. I set my watch by the radio this morning. But it still lost ten minutes. : 10? B:, 10 10. 10. :. 10. B:. :.., 10. Notes ten to ten: 10 10 (to = before) I m serious.:.(=i mean it.) 11

Expressions! My watch gains 10 minutes.:... 1... gain, lose!,, fast slow. _ This clock is 5 minutes fast. S Role Play. B. : Not again! My watch still loses 20 minutes. B: 20? : Yeah. I d better throw it away and buy a new one. B:. 20. : That s nonsense. watch doesn t cost much.. :! 20. B: 20 minutes a day? :.. B: No, you don t have to. Just set your watch forward by 20 minutes every day. :.. <throw ~ away:, don t have to: ~ (=need not)> Lesson Points 1. What expression do you use when you did something as you planned? 2. When do you use the expression No kidding? 3. What are 2 different ways of saying 10:50? 4. What expression do you use when you ask for time? 12

: I m so bored! B: l, it s so typical of you! Do something interesting. : What, for instance? B: Well, go to the movies. : Movies bore me. B: You mean all of them? : They re all about sex and violence. B: What interests you then? : Nothing! :! B:,!,. :? B:,. :. B:? :. B:? :! Notes typical:, for instance:, (=for example) 13

Expressions! I m so bored!: bore, boring, bored.,!, bore ~, boring bored,!, bored, boring! : interest, excite, embarrass, disgust Try it out!,,. 1. :. B:? :.. 2. :,? B:. :?. 3. :,.. B:. : I m so bored. B: You mean? : Yeah. This book is. : Why, Timmy? B: We ll be this weekend. : Really? That s very exciting. : You, l.. B: now. nswers 1. that book bores you / really boring 2. are you so excited / going on a camping trip 3. Iook so bored / Do something interesting / Nothing interests me <go on a camping trip: > 14

I can t help it. : My head is spinning, and I have a scratchy throat. B: Let me see. Hmm, you d better stop working on the computer! : I can t help it. I guess I m addicted to the Internet. B: It s not good for your health. Quit surfing the Net deep into the night. :. B:....! :.. B:.. Notes scratchy:, be addicted to ~: ~ Expressions! I can t help it.:, I can t help it!. help. stop, control. ~ help ~-ing.. I can t help laughing at you. 15

Check up!. 1. Don t drink before bed time. a) I can t help it. I guess I m addicted to whiskey. b) You should try! Stop drinking, Jenny! c) I go to bed early in the evening. 2. I can t help crying at my daughter s wedding. a) Your daughter s wedding was yesterday. b) Honey, calm down. It s a wonderful day. c) Crying doesn t help. nswers 1. a) 2. b) 1.. a).. b)!,. c). 2.. a). b),.. c). Lesson Points 1. What sort of things make you get so bored? 2. Describe the situations that you had to say I can t help it! 3. What can you say when you tell someone to stop doing something? 4. Make a sentence that begins with You d better... 16

Is there another guest, Mac? No. Oh, you mean that empty place? It used to be my dad s place. Used to be? He s been missing for 3 years. So sorry to hear that. Mom keeps that place for him. Notes another = empty: missing: keep a place for: 17

Expressions! Is there another guest?: come Do we have another guest? There is ~ We/You/They have ~ Is there any Korean students in your class? = Do you have any Korean students in your class? Try it out!,,. 1. :? B: :? B: Yes. Grandpa will be coming, too. 2. : B: : Whose bag is this? It s very unique. B: Mine now. Jane s. 3. : B: :, Mom? B: No. That place is for your brother. 4. : B: : He can t come. now. B: I know. But I want to. nswers 1. Do we have another guest 2. It used to be 3. Is there another guest 4. He s in the army / keep that place for him 18

It figures. : Hi, Ed. You re spending more time with your family. B: Too much time, if you ask me. : What do you mean? B: I felt I was the breadwinner before. : But you re retired now. B: Too early! ll I have to do is drive the kids to school. : It figures. : B:. : B: : B:. : Notes breadwinner: Expressions! It[That] figures.: figure understand It figures That figures 19

Check up!. 1. How does Ed spend his time with his kids? 2. Is Ed still working for a company? 3. What does the word, breadwinner mean? nswers 1. He drives the kids to school. 2. No. He s retired now. 3. It means a family member, usually a man, who earns the money. 1.? 2.? 3. Sounds like an merican! film, felt, fort, form figure, filthy, former ex)i felt like a failure. ex)that figures! Lesson Points 1. What is the other simpler way of saying re you expecting another guest to come? 2. When do you use the expression Sorry to hear that.? 3. Explain what a breadwinner is. 4. What is the other way of expressing that you understand something? 20

Excuse me, miss. May I see your driver s license? May I ask why? The sign says No U-turn. I guess I didn t see it. Can t you bend the rules just this once? I m sorry, but I have to give you a ticket. Notes The sign says/reads ~: ~ give a ticket: 21

Expressions! bend?,. rules law., give me a break.,,, Hey, give me a break.,.. Dictation! 1. : You were speeding, miss. B: Sorry, officer. Well, ( ). : Sorry, but ( ). 2. : ( ), sir? B: I wasn t ( ). : No, but can t you ( ), No U-turn? 3. : It s my first time driving. ( )? B: I m afraid not, ma am. I have to give you a ticket. nswers 1. My Mom s in the hospital / I have to give you a ticket 2. May I see your driver s license / speeding / see the sign 3. Can t you bend the rules a little 22

When will it be your turn? : Sara made a lovely bride, didn t she? B: She was gorgeous. You re going to miss her, aren t you? : I sure am. B: When will it be your turn? : Very soon! B: Well, a drink to you and your future husband! Notes make a bride: (make = become) gorgeous:, drink to ~: ~(=toast to) Expressions! turn,?,. It s my turn.? Whose turn, this time? When will it be your turn? (will)! 23

1. Dictation! : Look at her. ( ), isn t she? B: Yes. What a lovely bride she is! : Let s ( )! 2. : Jo s leaving today. ( ), aren t you? B: ( )! 3. : Now your sister is married. ( )? B: I d say Very Soon. nswers 1. She s gorgeous / drink to the bride and groom 2. You re going to miss him / I sure am 3. When will it be your turn Lesson Points 1. In what kind of situations would you use the expression, can t you bend the rules? 2. Describe a bride that you ve seen most recently. 3. Make a sentence using the expression, It s my turn to... 4. When do you use the expression, drink to...? 24

: Department stores are having big sales this week. B: Well, I don t feel like going. We have nothing to buy. : We can still do some window shopping, can t we? B: Just look around? Nah, that s boring. : I ll go by myself then. Notes do window shopping:, Nah = No Expressions! feel OK., feel like ~ing. ~ing.. I feel like crying!, I m in the mood for ~.. 25

Roly Play : Summer vacation s coming soon! B: : Sure. I can t wait to see all my family. You re going, aren t you? B: : Come on, Robert! Don t be silly. : B: Will you go home? : B: Well, I don t feel like going. I failed to pass the bar. : Notes I can t wait to ~: ~ fail to do: ~, ~ bar (exam): ( ) 26

Do you have these shoes in size 8? : May I help you, ma am? B: Do you have these shoes in size 8? : I m not sure. But let me look in the stockroom. B: Thanks. I d like to try on a pair if you have them. : I ll be right back. Notes stockroom: ( ) try on:, Expressions!?., ~ in. Do you have ~? (I) Can I have ~?. What size shoe do you wear?(?) 27

Check up! 1. May I help you, miss? a) Oh, I m just looking. b) Yes. I d like to buy this pants in size 7. c) I don t like the color of that dress. 2. Do you have this suit in size 10? a) Yes, we do. Would you like to try it on? b) That s not my size. c) Sorry, they re out of stock. 3. What size does your husband wear? a) Well, he was wearing size 22 pants before. b) Large will fit him. c) He wears a medium. nswers 1. c) 2. b) 3. a) Lesson Points 1. What expression do you use when you do not want to do something? 2. What is window shopping? 3. What do you say when you ask for a different size at a shop? 4. When do you use the expression, can I try it on? 28

My toes feel very itchy. Let me take a look. h-huh, you have athlete s foot. What? I m not an athlete! Ted, stop joking. You d better take care of it before it gets worse. Well, it s really irritating. pply this cream to those areas. Notes itchy: athlete s foot: athlete: irritating: ; (vexing) 29

Expressions!!., athlete s foot! athlete....? Believe it or not!, have? get. Dictation! 1. : I guess ( ). B: Does it feel itchy? 2. : How can I avoid ( )? B: Keep your feet ( ). 3. : ( ) athlete s foot? B: Very long. I m a regular sufferer. : Then ( ). nswers 1. I have athlete s foot 2. getting athlete s foot / dry and clean 3. How long have you had / you should see a doctor <regular sufferer: > 30

I ll stick with a martini. : It s been ages, Jack! B: You can say that again. nd what will you have? : I ll have a gin and tonic. What about you? B: I ll stick with a martini. : Martini! That s your poison, isn t it? B: Right. By the way, how s Jimmy? Notes martini: ( ) poison: < > ex) What s your poison?(?) You can say that again.: ( ).. Expressions! stick,,. stick ~,. with to., stick with a martini,.. You stick with[to] beer. 31

Check up! 1. Where are they now? a) In a bar. b) On the street. c) In Jimmy s house. 2. Did they meet each other recently? a) Yes, they met last week. b) They don t know each other. c) They haven t met each other for a long time. 3. What does the word, poison mean? a) toxic substance b) alcoholic drinks c) pollution nswers 1. a) 2. c) 3. b) Lesson Points 1. What are the symptoms, showing that you have athlete s foot? 2. What expression do you use when you give some cream to someone? 3. What expression do you use when you agree with someone? 4. Make a sentence, beginning with I ll stick with... 32

: Mac, I think I m getting old. Sue s going to get a face-lift. B: Really? : She even said she d get the rest done, too! B: The rest? : Yeah! Mac, if I looked old, would you still love me? B: Of course, I would. Notes face-lift: Expressions! get.,. It s getting dark.. So sad! I m getting old.,. I m getting fat. 33

Roly Play : You re going bald, l. B: : Hey, You re in your forties. When we get into our forties, we re getting old. B: : B: No, I m not! I m not that old. : B: I don t think so. I m still in my prime. <in one s prime: > 34

It s packed with people. : Whew! I can t even breathe. B: It s packed with people. : I ve never seen so many people on the train at this hour. B: Yeah. There are usually dozens of vacant seats. : Today, there s not even enough room to stand. Notes at this hour:, vacant: (=empty) room:, Expressions!. (packed).., packed with crowded with! ) The dance hall was packed with young people.(.) 35

1. Try it out! : ( ). Let s go some other place. B: OK. Every Sunday, it s ( ). 2. : ( )? Were there a large audience? B: Very cool! But ( ). 3. : Who s that, Larry? It s ( ). B: Jo called just to say hello. : What? ( ) just to say hello! nswers 1. This place is so crowded / packed with young people 2. How was the concert yesterday / there were many vacant seats 3. 3 o clock in the morning / Nobody calls at this hour Lesson Points 1. How would you know that you are getting old? 2. What is a face-lift? 3. What do you say when a certain place is crowded with people? 4. t what time of the day are you likely to find vacant seats on the train? 36

I d like to have a phone installed. Jane Kang. 1500 Iowa venue. OK. Your name and address? Your date of birth, please. Thank you very much. March 11, 1978 Notes install: date of birth: 37

Expressions!. ~ have+ +.? Can I have some softwares installed? Check up! 1. Korea Telephone Company. May I help you? a) Yes. I d like to buy a new television. b) I d like to have a phone installed. c) I ve found a mobile phone on the street. 2. How soon can I have a phone installed? a) The earliest day is this Friday. b) No schedule yet. c) We can help you install a phone. 3. How can I have a phone installed in Chicago? a) Call your nearest police station. b) Call meritech, the local phone company. c) Pay all your phone bills. nswers 1. b) 2. a) 3. b) 38

I d like to have my phone disconnected. : May I help you? B: I d like to have my phone disconnected. I m moving to another city. : Can I have your phone number, please? B: It s 267-3652. : nd the name on the account, please? B: Karl Simon. : When would you like it to be disconnected? B: Tomorrow by 3:00pm. Notes disconnect: another city = different city Expressions! have a phone installed. (disconnected),?, have+ +.?, have my phone connected! 39

Check up! 1. The man makes a phone call to the phone company. Why? ( ) 2. What does the phone company ask him? ( ) 3. When will his phone be disconnected? ( ) 4. Why does he want his phone disconnected? ( ) Sample nswers 1. To have his phone disconnected. 2. His phone number, the name on the account, and date of disconnection. 3. Tomorrow by 3:00pm. 4. He s moving to another city. Lesson Points 1. What do you say when you want someone to install a phone in your house? 2. Say out loud what your address is. 3. What do you do with your phone when you are moving to another city? 4. Make a sentence that begins with When would you like it to be...? 40

Happy Travel. Can I help you? I m interested in the Caribbean vacation package. Oh, yes! I highly recommend it. I saw your ad in the newspaper. Do we have a local guide? Sure, you ll be met at the airport. Notes be interested in ~: ~ highly recommend ~: ~ 41

Expressions! I m interested in ~:?,...., I d like to know about ~, Would you tell me about ~?,!, I m interested in ~. be interested in.. I m really interested in advertising. Dictation!. 1. :? B:.. 2. :.. B:,? 3. :? B:. : a package tour? B: Not really. I d rather travel alone. : It s a terrific package tour.. B: Well, how much is it? : How do I get to the hotel? B: at the airport and. nswers 1. re you interested in 2. I can recommend it highly 3. You ll be met / taken to your hotel Lesson Points 1. What do you say when you strongly suggest someone to do something? 2. List the things that you are interested in. 3. What is the word ad abbreviated for? 4. What place would you recommend as an ideal travel destination? 42

: Mrs. Hastings, did you have a good trip? B: No! It was an awful trip! : I m sorry to hear that. What was wrong? B: You said we d be met at the airport. But we weren t. : Really? I don t understand! B: We had to take a taxi. It cost $30! : But the hotel was nice, wasn t it? B: No! It took us 1 hour by bus to get to the beach. :,? B:!! :,? B:.. :?! B:, 30! :? B:! 1. Notes awful: (=terrible), ex) It was an awful smell!(.) You said ~: ~. 43

Expressions! Did you have a good trip?: How was your trip?(?).,., Did you have a good vacation?, How was your vacation?.?,. have a trip[vacation] I had a wonderful trip., I had a really good time., be, It was wonderful/great/enjoyable., Oh, it was awful/terrible.!! Try it out!,,. 1. :? B:.,. 2. :? B:.,. 3. :? B:! :? B: No. the hotel was very modern. But it was very old and dirty. : How was your trip? B: Oh, it was awful! near the beach. But the beach. : Was there something wrong with your trip? B:! nswers 1. Did you have a good trip / You said 2. They said the hotel was / it was a long way from 3. Everything went wrong Lesson Points 1. What do you say when you ask your friend how her/ his trip was? 2. Describe what your first trip was like. 3. Did anything go wrong in your trip? 4. Make a sentence, using the expression It takes me...to go to... 44

Where is my backpack? I don t know. Where did you leave it? I just put it on the chair a while ago, but now it s gone. re you sure? Of course, I m sure! I bet someone stole it. You should have left it with me. Notes backpack: a while ago: it s gone: I bet ~: ~ leave with B: B 45

Expressions! Where did you leave it?:.,,? put! leave!,. I left my umbrella in the train., leave! with. ) Why don t you leave the kids with me on Friday?(?) S Role Play. B. : Didn t you see my passport? B:.? : I thought I put it in my backpack. But I can t find it now. B:? : Well, I might have left it in the hotel room. B:,.. :? B: No. Where did you leave it? :.. B: re you sure? :,. B: ll right. Call the hotel and check whether they have it. <whether ~ (or not): ~, ex) Let s check whether they still live there (or not).(.)> Lesson Points 1. What should you ask when someone cannot find his/ her property? 2. Make a sentence, using the expression, leave it with... 3. When do you use the expression, it s gone? 4. Describe the incidents that make you feel you are forgetful. 46

: Excuse me. Is this the way to Tampa? B: No, you re on the wrong road. This is 31 going north to Charles. : Oh, no! Can you tell me the way to Tampa? B: Go back about 15 miles and turn left on 19. : Left on 19, or 90? B: 19. That s the road to Tampa. You ll see a sign there. :,? B:,. 31. :!? B: 15 19. :, 19 90? B: 19... Notes Can you tell me the way to ~?: ~? Expressions! You re on the wrong road.:.?! You have the wrong number..,. wrong!!,. I think you have the wrong person. 47

Check up!. ( : man) 1. Where is the man now? a) On the road to Tampa. b) On the road going north to Charles. c) On a country road. 2. What s the problem? a) The man is lost. b) The man s car broke down. c) Nobody recognizes the man in Tampa. 3. What did he say when he asked for directions? a) You re on the wrong road. b) I m lost. c) Can you tell me the way to Tampa? nswers 1. b) 2. a) 3. c) Lesson Points 1. What do you say when you want to check that you are the on right road? 2. What should you do when you found out that you are on the wrong road? 3. Make a sentence that begins with Can you tell me the way to...? 4. What expression do you use when you ask for directions? 48

Going away for your vacation this summer? Yes, you know, vacation means a lot to the kids. I d rather rest at home this summer. I wish I could do that! Then don t go. Go to the spa in a hotel, instead. It s crowded everywhere during the peak season. Well, put yourself in my shoes. I m a father! Notes go away = get away = have a vacation peak season: cf) off-season be crowded (with) ~: (~ ), 49

Expressions! Put yourself in my shoes.:?.,.! ) Have you ever put yourself in another person s shoes? (?) Check up!. 1. The man is planning a vacation for his family. (True/False) 2. The man has already decided where to go. (True/False) 3. The woman is planning on getting away this summer. (True/False) nswers 1. True 2. False 3. False Lesson Points 1. Make a sentence, using the expression, I d rather... 2. What do you say when you want someone to think about the same situation from your stance? 3. Recommend the best place for vacation during the peak season. 4. What time do you get up in the morning? 5. Do you prefer crowded and lively places to quiet and calm places and why? 50

May I help you, sir? OK. First fill out this form. I see. What s next? I d like a bank check in U.S. dollars. What do I have to do? Then, pay for the check. Is that all? Yes. Just a second. I ll make out the check. Notes make out: (, ), ex) I made a check out for $ to H Department.( H. 51

Expressions!, (procedure). first, next, and then, finally!,.? What s next? nd after that? Now what? What do I do now?! Dictation! 1. : Do you need any help? B: Oh, yes. ( ) this fax machine? 2. : ( ), ( ) face-down in here. B: I see. ( )? nswers 1. How do I use 2. First / place your document / What s next Lesson Points 1. What do you say when you do not know what you have to do? 2. Describe the procedure of turning on the computer. 3. What forms did you have to fill in to make an identification card? 4. When do you use the expression, I ll make out the check? 52

: Hi, Ted. Still looking for a new job? B: ctually, I had an interview yesterday. : Oh. How did it go? B: Well, I think I did well. : I have no doubt about it. So you have a very good chance? B: I believe so. The director seems to like me. : Well, good luck, then. Notes I have no doubt about it. = I m sure you did well.(.) have a good chance: seem to do: ~ 53

Expressions!! go,,. How was your interview?(?).,,? : How s everything?(,?) B: Everything goes well!(!) Check up! 1. Ted is invited for a second interview. (True/False) 2. Ted is confident about his job interview. (True/False) 3. Ted is coming in for an interview tomorrow. (True/False) nswers 1. False 2. True 3. False Lesson Points 1. Your friend just had a soccer tournament and you want to ask him about it, what do you say? 2. When do you say I had no doubt about it? 3. Make a sentence, using the expression It seems... 4. Have you ever had an interview, if you have, how did it go? 54

Did you see Jake today? Yes. But why does he have a long face? I don t have the slightest idea. Yeah, since he got a promotion recently. I thought he d be happy. Maybe it s some kind of personal problem. Notes I don t have the slightest idea.:.. get a promotion: (= get promoted) cf) get demoted( ) 55

Expressions!? long face,., look depressed, look blue, look down! long face look?, look long-faced!!, have Why the long face?. Dictation! 1. : Why does Mr. Smith ( )? B: Didn t you hear? He s been demoted recently. 2. : ( ), Jimmy? B: I broke up with Claire. nswers 1. have such a long face 2. Why the long face Lesson Points 1. What do you say when someone looks depressed? 2. Do you have some kind of personal problems? 3. Make a sentence, using the expression I thought he d be... 4. When do you say I don t have the slightest idea? 56

: We need the goods by Friday. Can you confirm that, Mr. White? B: Yes, I can. They ll be with you on Thursday. : Good! Can we send them back if we don t like them? B: Certainly! But you have to send them back the same day. : I see. Many thanks to you. Notes confirm:, They ll be with you ~=You ll receive them ~ send back: the same day: ( ) Expressions!,! confirm., Can you confirm ~?,, Should I confirm my reservation?., confirm. ) Do I need to call and confirm my reservation?(?) 57

Check up! 1. Can you confirm that we ll receive the goods by next Monday? a) Sorry, they re not available. b) Sure, I can. c) We don t accept phone orders. 2. I d like to join this year s training session. a) It usually takes a week. b) When does the training session run? c) Can you confirm your attendance in writing? 3. Can I get a refund if I don t like the suit? a) You got a refund already. b) You certainly can. But you have to send it back the same day. c) Call to confirm your order. nswers 1. b) 2. c) 3. b) Lesson Points 1. How do you begin your sentence when you want someone to make sure it s correctly done? 2. What is the other way of saying It will be sent to you soon? 3. When do you use the expression, Certainly? 4. In what situations would you send back the goods that you ordered? 58

Hello, Mr. Kim. How can I help you? It s $70 per unit. But I can give you a 3% discount. We d like to order XL2003. Can you give me a good price for it? 3%? Can you lower the price a bit more? Well, it depends on the size of your order. Um..., I could give you another 5% discount on that. What about 15,000? Notes give ~ a good price: lower:, per unit:, depend on ~: ~ 59

Expressions!? discount, on sale...,., lower the price. lower,,., get the price down.,, lower the price! Dictation! 1. : ( )? B: The standard unit price is $90. But I can give you a discount on a bulk order. 2. : Um.. that s rather expensive. ( )? B: Sorry, but ( ) I can offer. nswers 1. How much is it per unit 2. Can you lower the price / this is the lowest price 3. get the price down / it depends on Lesson Points 1. What expression do you use to ask for discount? 2. What are the appropriate units for books, fish, length, and computers? 3. What do you say when you want to know the price of an item? 4. What is the highest discount that you were given? 60