. 1. T V,. 2002.,,.,. 2.. T V DreamSet - 1 -
II. 1.,,,. (Bug ' s Life) (Ant s ), Canal+ NBC. KBS MBC T V, SBS..,., 2 T V,..., 3, - 2 -
..,. 3 (Maya).,,.,,.,,..,.,.., - 3 -
. 2. 2.1 < 1>. M C, (, ) < 1>,,.. - 4 -
3. 1/ 2.. (CyberGlove),.,.,. 12,.. (MC).,. KBS 7. 7,,, Onyx IR, - 5 -
Radamec RP2. (tim e delay ) 4. Perform er S/ W OpenGL, C++ X/ Motif. 2.2,.,. 2.2.1. A scen sion (MotionStar ), Virtual T echnologies (CyberGlov e). 14 (electric m agnetic field),. < 2> - 6 -
< 2>.,. 2.2.2..,.,.,,,.,,. < 3> - 7 -
< 3> 2.2.3 (perform ance animation ) (rigid body ) (tran sform ).,,. (deform able m odel). (anatomy - based deformation ). (joint angle interpolation ). < 4>,. < 5>,. (mesh segm entation )., (Delaunay triangulation ). - 8 -
< 4> < 5>, < 6>.,. < 7>. (a ) (b ) (c) < 6> (a) (b ) (c) < 7> - 9 -
2.3 (performance- based facial anim ation ).,,,.,,.,,.,,. 3., 3,,.. < 8>., (blob ),,,. - 10 -
.. < 8>,. < 9>. < 9>.,.,,,,.,.. < 10>, - 11 -
,. < 10> 2.4, (May a). Alias W av efront Pow eranimator, Visualizer, Explore 3,,. (Plug - in ) MEL (Maya Embeded Language) API(Application Program Interface). MEL,. API C++ (Class ) MEL. MEL API. < 11> - 12 -
.,. MAYA API MEL < 11>,,., API MEL.,,,,,. (Blend Shape). - 13 -
..,., (One Skin Model). (Deformation ).,., (MC). 2.5 T V., 2 22., 3,.. 2.5.1-14 -
,.,.,,. (< 12> < 13> ) < 12>,, < 13>, KBS 3. (articulated body ).,, 10,000.,,,,. 5,000. - 15 -
. 2.5.2,,,.,.,,.,,,. 2.5.3., (pan, tilt, zoom, focu s, dolly )..,,.,. - 16 -
3...,..,,.,. 3.1.,,,,.,.. < 14>.,..,. - 17 -
,,.,,,,,,,,,.,.,. o o o o o / < 14> 3.2.,. 3,., 1/ 4. 2 (blob ),,,,,,.,, - 18 -
.,, (occlu sion ),. < 15>, < 16> 2. < 15> < 16> (time coherency ),.,,. 2 3. (optimization ),. 2 3, 3. 3.3-19 -
. (end- effector ),. B- (multilevel B- spline) (direct m anipulation ). B- / 3 B- /..., 43. < 17> B-. < 17>.,., - 20 -
.., < 18>. < 18> 3.4., (phonem e). < 19>,,.,. ( ) ( ) < 19> LPC(linear prediction coefficient s )/ Cepstrum.,,. - 2 1 -
,.. 3.5,., (global).,,.,. (Wire deform ation ).,,..,. (algebraic combination ). < 20> - 22 -
,,, < 20>.,. - 23 -
. 1.,.,,,,.,.,. ' 97. ' 98 DreamSet ' 99 6,..,,. 2. - 24 -
2.1. Dream Set,,.. '98... < 21>. < 21> 2.2. DreamSet,. DreamSet CPU - 25 -
, (shared m emory ).,..,.. - : - : - : - : 2.3. '98.. (Plug - In ). (Performer ),,. 2.3.1. DreamW indow DreamWindow... < 22>... - 26 -
(marking ). 3D Alias, Maya,. < 23> < 24>. < 22> Dream Set < 23> PICK < 24> VIEW. - 27 -
, < 25>. < 25>.,.. DreamSet..,... 3D,,. 2.3.2. Net w ork DreamSet. DreamSet,, cut dissolve. T CP/ IP, DreamSet DreamSet - 28 -
.. 2.3.3. EventW indow Ev entwindow. < 26>.. < 27>.. < 26> < 27> 2.3.4. Menu Dream Set. Brain st orm E ' studio,,. +. Menu ' 98.,. E ' studio - 29 -
. 2.4.. Process,. Process. Engine.,,.. 2.4.1. Process. Database Engine. 2.4.2. Engine,. PreFrame, PostFrame. PreFram e,. PostFrame,,., ( 1/ 60 ) - 3 0 -
. 2.4.3. Anim ation.....,. Linear, Sm ooth, In - Out. Linear. Smooth. Spline. In - Out Smooth /... 1 2 cut. < 28>..,. < 28> - 3 1 -
< 29>.,. < 29> 2.4.4. Event. Anim ation - 3 2 -
,. Animation. 2.4.5. Camera. pan, tilt, zoom, focu s, position xyz position, hpr rotation, F OV (Field Of View )... ' 97.., zoom, F ocu s F OV. < 30>.,. < 30>... < 30>. Pan, T ilt, Zoom, F ocal Length - 33 -
. < 30>.,. - 34 -
IV. 1. 98. (augment ed reality ), (virtual im aging ), (virtual screen ).., (virtual adv ertising ).,, (digital video effect )., T V,,. - 35 -
2. 2.1 (virtual reality ) ( ). R. T. Azum a 3 (registration ). 2.2,,,, < 31>.,, (virtual version ). < 31> 2.3, - 36 -
, ( ). (optical) (video). HMD (Head- Mounted Display ), HMD.., T V. < 32> 2.4 (registration )... (static error s ) (dynamic errors ) - 37 -
., (parameter ). (delay ).,. J. P. Mellor (MIT ) (feature) (projection m atrix ), 3. G. Simon, M - O. Berger 2 2 3, (occlu sion ). Mellor Berger Koller Neumann < 33> - 38 -
D. Koller, G. Klinker (calibration ), (extended Kalman filter ),. < 33>. U. Neumann (University of Southern California ) (fuzzy ) (multi- resolution ). 2.5.,. CT, MRI. (tracker ),,,,,,., GPS (Global Positioning Sy stem ). 3. (virtual im aging )., - 39 -
,,.. Symah Vision Studio- VS Light, < 34> (mapping )., (perspectiv e tran sform ),. Orad MobileSet RT - SET Pica. < 34>. T V,,. Orad IMadGINE, Symah Vision EPSIS, Princeton Video Image L - VIS. < 35> EPSIS Graphics,,. < 36> - 4 0 -
,. Len s Sen sor P an & T ilt Head Video Input OB Van Mix er Chrom a Key Serial Protocol Interface Cam era Data Delay Line (2F rames ) T racking M odule Eth ernet Delay Lin e (1Fram e) In sertion M odule < 35> < 36> 4. 4.1 < 37>. - 4 1 -
/ RAM CPU / H ard Disk < 37> 2,. Window s - NT PC. 2,,. 30, Matrox Genesis, Genesis - LC, Corona. Genesis DSP,, CPU. MIL (Matrox Imaging Library ) Visual C++. 2 3, GenieDVE. GenieDVE DigiSuite - 4 2 -
Matrox m ovie- 2 (bu s ). DigiSuite m ovie- 2 GenieDVE. GenieDVE 3, movie- 2 DigiSuite. 1, GenieDVE, Digisuite. DigiSuite 1,,. Visual C++, Matrox DigiSDK GenieDVE SDK. MIL (blob image analy sis, ). 4.2,. Hough T ran sform Hough tran sform ( r = x cos + y s in). < 38> r -. - 43 -
, (< 38> ),,. 2 (activ e contour model)., (vertex ).. (gradient - based), (local minima ) (blurring ) (distance m ap).,. < 39> 2 : 10 3 2, 3. 3 3. (norm alization ). - 44 -
(blob analy sis ) (hierarchical search ). 1/ 4, MIL, (search area ),,., (noise),. < 40>. RGB 1/ 4 ( ) RGB - > HLS ( ) HLS T hresholdin g ( ) ( Singular Value Decomposition ) < 40> - 45 -
, 16. 1/ 4,. RGB, HLS (Hue, Lightness, Saturation ). HLS (threshold) 2 (binary image). 2 MIL.,., (indexing, )..,. (linear equation ). 4x4, 8., 4 (x,y ). 4. SVD (Singular Value Decomposition )., - 46 -
. GenieDVE,. 4.3 Matrox DigiSuite. DigiSuite DigiMix DigiMotion, DigiSuit e LE. (alpha key ) (chroma key ).,,..,..,,,,. DigiSuite 2., (inv ert ). (chroma filt er ), DigiSuite. < 41> (filt er graph ). audio renderer audio effect s control filt er. - 47 -
( ) H ardw are Connection T ee Key Control KeySource Key KeyFill Chrom a Key Renderer0 Laye r1 Layer2 Laye r3 Priority Processor ( ) Hardw are Conn ection T ee Key Control KeyFill KeySource Key Chrom a Key Renderer 1 < 41> Pinnacle GenieDVE. GenieDVE movie- 2 DigiSuite 3. GenieDVE 3,.,., 3, IDirectDat a GenieDVE. IDirect Data I/ F Border F ilter comma nd borde r Gen e Ren derer Filter GenieDVE < 42> - 48 -
4.4 < 43>. AVI, (luminance key ).., HLS,. < 43> - 49 -
< 44>, 1/ 4, HLS 2.. < 44> < 45>.,, - 5 0 -
30., /.,,,. < 45> - 5 1 -
.,,.. DreamSet.,. T V,,,.. NT. NT. NT,,.,, 3.. - 5 2 -