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R e a d i n g t u t o r

Section 1 01 1. 2. the horror stage 02 1. 2. 03 1. 2. cheek 3. 04 1. 2. 3. 05 1. T T F 2. 3. p.12 01_ 1. 2. the horror stage the horrorstage Each year, / millions of people / go abroad / to work, study, or travel. It s a great way to find out / what life is like / in other parts of the world! However, / it is common / for many people / to experience culture shock / in a foreign country. There are four stages to this. First is the honeymoon stage. As a new visitor, / everything seems new and exciting. You enjoy / tasting the food, / meeting the people, / and seeing famous places. You have a strong desire / to look around and explore. Next comes the horror stage. The excitement goes away, / and you see the country / in a negative light. You begin to complain / about the life and values of the people. The next stage is the humor stage. Now you begin / to look back and laugh / at your mistakes / in the earlier stages. And the final stage is the home stage. At last / you begin to feel at home / and enjoy living in that country. However, it is common for many people to experience culture shock. As a new visitor, everything seems (to be) new and exciting. As 2

seems new exciting seems to be You enjoy tasting the food, meeting the people, and seeing famous places. V O1 O2 O3 enjoy taste, meet, see You have a strong desire to look around and (to) explore. to look around and (to) explore a strong desire to p.13 02_ 1. 2. also Ramadan is the ninth month / of the Muslim lunar calendar. It is a special month of the year / for over one billion Muslims / throughout the world. Muslims celebrate Ramadan / as the month / when the prophet Muhammad / first received the teachings of the Quran, / the holy book of Islam. During the daylight hours, / Muslim adults are not allowed / to eat, drink or smoke. Strong believers may not even swallow / their own saliva. Ramadan is considered / to be a time / for practicing self-control / and showing devotion to God. It is also a time / to study the Quran / and do good deeds / such as helping the poor. For Muslims, / Ramadan is much more / than a yearly custom. It is a time / for them to grow / closer to God / and become better people. Muslims celebrate Ramadan as the month when the prophet Muhammad first received. celebrate A as BA B when the month During the daylight hours, Muslim adults are not allowed to eat, drink or smoke. be allowed to eat, drink, smoke are not allowed to 3

Ramadan is considered to be a time for practicing self-control and showing devotion. consider A to BA B for practicing and showing It is also a time to study the Quran and do good deeds such as helping the poor. to study (to) do a time to such as as helping p.14 03_ 1. 2. cheek 3. cheek In the old days, / kissing was better known / as an act of respect / than one of love. In Persia, / a man would show / his respect for another man / by kissing him / on the lips / if they were in the same social position, / or on the cheek / if they were not. The ancient Greeks and Romans / also used to kiss / the mouth, eyes, hand, / or even the knee or foot, / as a sign of respect / or as a greeting. Among early Christians, / the holy kiss was a sign of friendship. The holy kiss was freely given / between all members of the church, / both male and female, / and was given / on the lips. The social custom of kissing / continued, / and today, / most people recognize the kiss / as a way of expressing love. However, / the older use of the kiss, / to show respect / or to welcome somebody, / is still common. National leaders often greet each other / with a kiss / on the cheek / when they meet. by kissing him on the lips if they were in the same social position, or on the cheek if they were not. 4

However, the older use of the kiss, to show respect or to welcome somebody, is still common. S V the older use of the kiss to show respect or to welcome somebody p.16 04_ 1. 2. 3. Holi Holi Holi Holi Holi Holi Holika Holika wicked wicked It s springtime in India. Flowers are everywhere / and people are running / on the streets / and showering each other with colors. This is the festival of Holi, / celebrated on the day / after the full moon / in early March / every year. During Holi, / you can t walk anywhere / without having colored powder / dropped on you / from rooftops / or being hit with balloons / filled with colored paint. People of all ages / are covered with colors red, green, yellow, blue, black and silver. Holi means / that winter is over / and springtime has arrived. It is a day / to forget one s problems / and just sing and dance. There are several stories / behind the holiday. One story tells / how Holika, / a wicked woman, / tried to kill her young nephew. However, / he prayed to the gods, / who saved him from death. In the end, / Holika dies / and good triumphs over evil. The Holi celebrations actually begin / the night before / when a big fire is lit / to burn up the dried leaves / and dead branches from winter. 5

This is the festival of Holi, (which is) celebrated on the day. celebrated which be is During Holi, you can t walk anywhere without having colored powder dropped on you. cant without v-ing It is a day to forget one s problems and just sing and dance. It is a day to forget ones problems, (to) sing, and (to) dance p.18 05_ 1. T T F 2. 3. with their initials carving carved bear bear in mind be born Do you know / that Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones gave their wedding guests / love spoons with their initials carved on them? A Welsh tradition, / love spoons were originally made / by young men / as a love token / for their sweethearts. They are made of wood / and are carved very beautifully. If the girl kept this present, / all was well, / but if she sent it back, / she did not want him. The tradition of giving a love spoon / as a romantic gesture / dates back many centuries. The earliest known example / was carved in 1677 / and is kept at The Museum of Welsh Life / in Wales. The tradition probably dates back / long before that. The carving of love spoons / on cold and dark winter nights / was a popular pastime / in Wales. There s a romantic meaning / to each part of the spoon. These are the symbols / and their meanings: 6

A bell signifies / a wedding. A two-linked chain shows / the joining of two lives. A cross symbolizes / faith and marriage. Grapes mean / that love bears fruit. A heart is / a sign of true love. A Welsh tradition, love spoons were originally made by young men as. A Welsh tradition love spoons Young men originally made a Welsh tradition, love spoons as The carving of love spoons nights was a popular pastime in Wales. S V C The carving nights was Section 2 01 1. 2. 02 1. 2. 03 1. 2. T F 04 1. 2. relaxed 05 1. 2. 3. While[When] 7

p.22 01_ 1. 2. By the age of 13, / most people have 28 teeth, / including two sets of molars. Then, / at age 18 or later, / a third set of molars begins / to come in. These molars are called wisdom teeth. Why? Because they appear later / in a person s life, / when he or she / is thought to be wiser. Often, / wisdom teeth don t come in at all. Or they cause so much pain / as they come in / that they have to be pulled out. The reason for that pain / is likely to be / that human heads are shaped differently today / compared with many thousands of years ago. (No one uses wisdom teeth to chew / because they re too far back.) Long ago, / people s heads were less rounded / than ours, / and their jaws were large enough / to have the third set of molars. Today our jaws are smaller, / and there s just no room for wisdom teeth. Or they cause so much pain as they come in that they. so that as when less rounded than ours, and their jaws were large enough to have the third set of molars. our heads to have enough p.23 02_ 1. 2. 8

DNA taking taken samples taken which were[had been] Some people love mornings. They jump out of bed early, / make breakfast / and get ready for work. Others stay awake / long after midnight, / then sleep too late / and have to rush to work! Differences in people s sleeping patterns are now known / to be partly caused / by variations in our genes. One gene in particular / decides whether somebody will be a morning person / or a night person. The gene was discovered / in an American family. Many members of the family / had a very unusual sleeping disorder. They could only sleep / between 7 p.m. and 2 a.m. DNA samples taken from the family / showed the problem / to be caused by an unusual pattern / in a certain gene. This gene controls our 24-hour biological clocks, / telling us when to wake up / and when to feel sleepy. Studying this gene could lead / to ways of helping us / when we are forced to work / against our natural body clock. DNA Some people love mornings. / Others stay awake long! Some Others One gene in particular decides whether somebody will be a morning person or a night S V O person. whether A or BA B whether decides, telling us when to wake up and when to feel sleepy. telling and it tells us when to wake up and when to feel sleepy. p.24 03_ 1. 2. T F 9

However OCD Rather than making you happy, / falling in love / could actually make you / a bit crazy and depressed. According to a study in Italy, / people who have recently fallen in love / show signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. People with OCD / behave obsessively / about certain things. They might constantly wash their hands / or check to see / if the door is closed. One symptom of OCD / appears to be unusually low levels of serotonin, / a brain chemical / associated with anxiety and depression. Italian students who claimed / they had recently fallen in love / were found to have / 40% lower levels of serotonin / than their peers. However, / when the same students were tested / after their relationship was a year old, / their serotonin levels had returned to normal. So it is not surprising / that after about one year / many couples become bored with their relationship. It means / the chemical effect of love / is over. OCD OCD OCD wash their hands or check to see if the door is closed. V O if see, a brain chemical (which is) associated with anxiety and depression. be associated with Italian students who claimed they had recently fallen in love were found to have 40%. S V who Italian students So it is not surprising that after about one year many couples become bored. it that that after about one year many couples that 10

p.25 04_ 1. 2. relaxed relaxing relaxed make them relaxing relaxed them relaxed relaxing Researchers at Oxford University have found / that a common cure for sleeplessness, / counting sheep, / does not really work. In an experiment, / 50 people were asked to try / different ways of falling asleep. One group thought of a relaxing scene / like a blue sky or a beach. The second / tried counting sheep. Those who thought of the relaxing scene / fell asleep / several minutes earlier / than normal. On the other hand, / it took a little longer than normal / for those who counted sheep / to fall asleep. While counting sheep, / people tend to think / of other things / such as tomorrow s important meeting. This makes it more difficult to sleep, / said one of the researchers. Thinking of a beautiful beach, / however, / makes them relaxed and peaceful. have found that a common cure for sleeplessness, counting sheep, does not really work. S V have found that a common cure for sleeplessness, counting sheep On the other hand, it took a little longer than normal for those who counted sheep to fall asleep. it takes for to This makes it more difficult to sleep, said one of the researchers. p.26 05_ 1. 2. 3. While[When] 11

When While These days / people everywhere / are joining the well-being movement. Though many still practice aerobics / and lift weights, / others have been turning to the Pilates method of exercising. Celebrities like Madonna and Sharon Stone / also use this slower, smoother method. The founder, / Joseph Pilates, / would be proud to know / his method is finding popularity again. Joseph Pilates was a sick child / who suffered from asthma. He spent his life / looking for ways to become stronger. He began to develop his Pilates method / in the early 1900s. The goal of his exercise program / was to improve posture / and increase flexibility and strength. During World War I, / he was able to test / his method. Serving as a nurse for the war, / Joseph taught his fellow nurses / his fitness method. Each of the nurses / who trained with him / survived the influenza epidemic of 1918. He saw this / as clear proof / of the healing powers / of his program. He went on / to help many wounded soldiers. He did this / by attaching springs to hospital beds / to support their broken arms and legs. Then / he created special exercises / for them to practice / while lying in bed. As a result, / his patients improved faster / than any others!, would be proud to know his method is finding popularity again. to to know if hejoseph Pilatesknew He spent his life looking for ways to become stronger. spend v-ing 12

Section 3 01 1. 02 1. 2. 03 1. 04 1. 2. 05 1. 2. 3. p.30 01_ 1. The musical Cats, / composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, / was first performed in London / on May 11, 1981. It has changed / the history of musicals / by attracting over 50 million audience members / with its fantastic stage, / wonderful costumes, / and beautiful music. Cats has now been translated / into ten languages / and performed in / over three hundred cities / around the world. In 1983, / Cats won seven Tony Awards. Cats is based / on T.S. Eliot s poetry book. It is about a group of cats / that meets together / once a year / to attend the Jellicle Ball. The Jellicle Ball is an event / for cats of the Jellicle tribe / to gather together and celebrate / their own special traits / and the history of their tribe. At each year s Jellicle Ball, / one lucky cat is selected / to be reborn. Hoping to be chosen / as the Jellicle cat, / each cat boasts / about his or her special traits. With singing, dancing, and special effects, / Cats is musical theater / at its finest. Cats has now been translated into ten languages and (has been) performed. translated performed has been The Jellicle Ball is an event for cats of the Jellicle tribe to gather together and (to) celebrate. to to gather together and (to) celebrate cats of the Jellicle tribe p.31 02_ 1. 2. 13

in full swing Spanish architect, Antonio Gaudi / was one of the world s most important architects. He is still admired / for his use of brilliant, / unique, / and creative decoration. Gaudi was born on June 25, 1852, / in Reus, Catalonia / in Spain. He graduated from / the Barcelona School of Architecture / in 1878, / and Barcelona became / the center of his activities. It was there / that he truly developed his personality and architectural style. During his years in Barcelona, / a cultural and political renaissance / was in full swing. The economy was flourishing / and the city was quickly expanding. The growing middle class wanted / to keep up with / the new European styles. Gaudi s architectural style / was influenced by this changing trend / as well as / by the traditional elements of Catalonia. Casa Mila(1906 1910), the Grand House / and Sagrada Familia(1883), the Great Church are / two of Gaudi s most famous works / in Barcelona. Sagrada Familia is still under construction. It was there that he truly developed his personality. It is that therebarcelona influenced by this changing trend as well as by the traditional elements of Catalonia. A as well as BB A p.32 03_ 1. Da Vinci Code The Da Vinci Code, / by Dan Brown, / is one of the best-selling books / in recent times. The story begins late at night / in Paris, where the elderly director of the Louvre / has been murdered / inside the famous art museum. Near the body, / police find a confusing message. While working to solve the strange puzzle, / professor Robert Langdon discovers / that it leads / to a trail of clues / hidden in the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci, / 14

the famous Italian painter. Langdon joins forces with Sophie Neveu, / a French cryptologist, / and they soon learn / that the dead man had belonged / to a secret society / whose members once included Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo and Da Vinci, / among others. Unless Langdon and Neveu can solve the puzzle / in time, / the society s ancient secret / will be lost forever. Breaking the tradition / of most suspense novels, / The Da Vinci Code is fast moving, / intelligent, / and full of factual historical detail. The story begins late at night in Paris, where the elderly director. =and there where where and there there in Paris with Sophie Neveu, a French cryptologist, and they soon learn that the dead man had belonged to a secret society whose members. =of which whose a secret society whose of which p.33 04_ 1. 2. bare bare 15

The English language premiere of Samuel Beckett s play, / Waiting for Godot / was performed in London / in August 1955. It is an avant-garde play / with only five characters / (not including Mr. Godot, / who never arrives) / and a bare stage, / except for one rock and one tree. The play has two acts. The second act repeats / what little action occurs / in the first, / but with a few changes: the tree, / for instance, / gains one leaf. In a statement / that was to become famous, / the critic, / Vivian Mercer, / described Waiting for Godot / as a play / in which nothing happens twice. On opening night, / critics and playgoers greeted the play / with confusion and strong disapproval. Waiting for Godot / was in danger of closing / the first week of its run. However, / some critics managed / to recognize the play / for what history has proven it to be, / a revolutionary moment in theater. The second act repeats what little action occurs in the first,. what little In a statement that was to become famous, the critic, Vivian Mercer, described Waiting for Godot as a play in which nothing happens twice. = The critic, Vivian Mercer described Waiting for Godot as a play in which nothing happens twice, and this statement became famous. recognize the play for what history has proven it to be, a revolutionary moment in theater. = what for what what history has proven it to be a revolutionary moment in theater p.34 05_ 1. 2. 3. However fall in love be famous for: be far from: 16

The Spanish island of Majorca / is famous / for its mild weather and exotic sceneries. This island / is where two remarkable artists, / composer Chopin and writer George Sand, / spent two winters together. In the 19th century, / when it was uncommon for women / to write novels, / Sand was a very famous novel writer. However, / there was another reason / behind George Sand s fame. She was better known / for being Chopin s lover. In 1837, / Chopin and George Sand met / through a friend. Chopin was only 27 / when he first met Sand, / but he was already / a very famous figure in Paris. By the time / the two fell in love, / Chopin was already / in poor health. However, / Chopin s illness / did not stop her / from loving him. In the winter of 1838, / Chopin and Sand moved to Majorca. However, / life in Majorca / was far from comfortable. The island was too windy, / and the house / they lived in / was not heated well. Despite the bad environment, / Chopin was able / to compose some wonderful music. Among the pieces / he composed in Majorca / were the famous 24 Preludes. This island is (the place) where two remarkable artists, composer Chopin and writer George Sand, spent two winters together. where the place In the 19th century, when it was uncommon for women to write novels, Sand was. However, Chopin s illness did not stop her from loving him. stop from v-ing stop keep prevent 17

Section 4 01 1. These days Asian films are becoming popular worldwide and a growing number of Hollywood producers are rushing to remake hit Asian movies. 2. 02 1. 03 1. 2. 04 1. 2. 05 1. 2. language 3. broke breaking p.40 01_ 1. These days Asian films are becoming popular worldwide and a growing number of Hollywood producers are rushing to remake hit Asian movies. 2. hit Asian movies These days / Asian films are becoming popular worldwide / and a growing number of Hollywood producers / are rushing to / remake hit Asian movies. For example, / Shall We Dance / is a remake / of a Japanese movie / with the same title / about a middle-aged man / seeking to find joy / through dancing. This Jennifer Lopez - Richard Gere romance movie / did very well / at the box-office. And the haunted-house thriller / The Grudge / is a remake / of a Japanese horror film / called Ju-on. Hollywood producers / are also eyeing Korean films / for possible remakes. From My Wife Is A Gangster / to Old Boy, / some 10 Korean movies have been sold / to American studios / for remake. Among them, / the romantic comedy / My Sassy Girl / is expected to be released / in 2006. Due to their success / at the box-office / and growing recognition / at international film festivals, / Korean movies are clearly receiving more attention from Hollywood. 18

about a middle-aged man (who is) seeking to find joy through dancing. seeking who be is a Japanese horror film (which is) called Ju-on. called which be is p.41 02_ 1. The University of Minnesota / was having a terrible football season / in 1898. Everyone agreed / that something had to be done. One professor said / that the support of students / was needed / to help the team / to win. The professor invented / a cheer: Let s go, Minnesota! / Let s go, Minnesota! Another game took place, / and the result was disappointing. Minnesota was beaten / 28-0. The cheer didn t work. Something different had to be done / to get the Minnesota fans excited. This is when Jack Campbell, / a first-year student, / stepped in / and became the first ever cheerleader. Someone needs to lead the yells / with organized cheering, / he explained. So at the next game, / Campbell led the crowd / in a cheer / that marked history: Rah, Rah, Rah! Hoo-Rah! Hoo-Rah! Minn-e-So-Tah! Megaphones / like the ones used today / were part of that cheer. Eventually, / drums and other noisemakers / improved the cheers. Thus, / cheerleading in the United States was born. One professor said that the support of students was needed to help the team to win. One professor saidthe support of students is needed to help the team to win. Something different had to be done to get the Minnesota fans excited. 19

something -thing to get to p.42 03_ 1. 2. groundbreaking groundbreaking Oprah Winfrey is one / of the most successful talk show hosts / in America. Not only 20 million people / in America / but also people from 132 other countries / enjoy her show. But, Oprah s childhood / was not that bright. She used drugs / and, / at the age of 14, / gave birth to a premature baby. It soon died, / and Oprah chose to live / with her father. Under his strict guidance, / she found stability / and could change her life. From the start, / Oprah s show was groundbreaking / for several reasons, / but most of all / because she was unafraid / to discuss her own problems / in front of audiences. Unlike other talk show hosts, / she spoke publicly / about her difficult youth / and her problem with obesity. On her show, / she also started / a highly successful book club / to introduce novels / written by lesser-known authors. Oprah tries to make the world / a better place. Each year / she donates millions of dollars / to charities, / including her own Family for Better Lives Foundation. Not only 20 million people in America but also people from. 20

not only A but also B B as well as A On her show, she also started a highly successful book club to introduce novels. to introduce a highly successful book club to p.43 04_ 1. 2. Many people have never heard of curling, / but more than a million people / play this sport / each winter! In Canada, / it s more popular / than ice hockey! It was played / as an official sport / for the first time / at the 1998 Winter Olympics / in Nagano. Curling is a sport / in which players slide round stones / across the ice. The goal is to slide the stones / into a small circle / at the other end / of the playing surface. The rules of the game / are a little complicated. Games are played / by two teams / of four players. The players take turns / throwing stones / until all players / have thrown two stones. Teams earn points / by placing their stones / as close as possible / to the center / of the circle. A match consists of 10 rounds, / and the team / with the highest total score / wins. Curling has been described / as chess on ice / because of the high level of skill required. For example, / players can use their stones / to block their opponents stones / or even to knock them out of the circle. The goal is to slide the stones into a small circle. S V C The goal is to slide Teams earn points by placing their stones as close as possible to. by v-ing as as possible 21

p.44 05_ 1. 2. language 3. broke breaking language catch v-ing Ken Aston, / a referee, / was in charge of a World Cup match / between England and Argentina / in 1966. He caught Antonio Rattin, / the Argentine captain, / breaking the rules. He warned the player, / If you break the rules / one more time, / you will be out. When Rattin broke the rules again, / the referee told him / to leave the field. But Rattin didn t understand English, / so he couldn t understand / what the referee was saying. Fortunately, / Aston had learned some Spanish / in high school. He used it / and finally convinced Rattin / to leave the field. After the match, / Aston started looking / for a way to solve the language problems / on the field. The sight of a red traffic signal / gave him an idea. A traffic signal doesn t speak any language, / yet everyone understands its meaning. He thought / that referees could use yellow cards / to warn the players / and red cards / to tell them / to leave the field. At the 1970 World Cup matches in Mexico, / red and yellow cards were used / for the first time / by FIFA. They proved effective. He caught Antonio Rattin, the Argentine captain, breaking the rules. catch v-ing He thought use yellow cards to warn the players and red cards to tell them to leave the V O1 O2 field. to warn to tell to 22

Section 5 01 1. 2. going shopping 02 1. 2. most 03 1. 2. 04 1. 2. 05 1. 2. 3. p.48 01_ 1. 2. going shopping going shopping Opportunity cost / has something to do with / choosing one product or service / instead of another. The item that you don t pick / is the opportunity cost. Even though you might not realize it, / you consider opportunity cost / every day. I ll give you an example. I go to Clothes Express / and see a really nice shirt. Then I go to Pants Plaza / and see some good-looking pants. The shirt is 10 dollars / and the pants are 15 dollars. Together they cost 25 dollars, / but I only have 20 dollars. If I pick the shirt, / then the pants are my opportunity cost. Opportunity cost can also be / an activity that you don t choose to do / during the day. Let me give you / another example. My friends and I / have a day off. We can either go to the movies / or go shopping. We decide to go to the movies / instead of going shopping. Then the opportunity cost / is going shopping. Clothes Express Pants Plaza 23

Even though you might not realize it, you consider opportunity cost every day. Even though Though, Although, Even if Opportunity cost can also be an activity that you don t choose to do during the day. that an activity We can either go to the movies or go shopping. either A or BA B.A B can go v-ing We decide to go to the movies instead of going shopping. decide to wish, hope, expect of going activity (that) you p.49 02_ 1. 2. most The sense of smell affects customers most. Market researchers have found / that the sense of smell / affects customers / more than any other sense. For this reason, / many businesses use pleasant smells / to sell their products. For example, / the smell of freshly baked bread / tempts us to enter a bakery and buy some. Japanese restaurants / use the scent of oranges or lemons / to remove the smell of fish. The smell of coconuts in a travel agency / makes us think of traveling / to a tropical beach. Used car dealers / put a strong leather smell in their cars / to make customers feel like / they are buying a new one. Even some movie theaters / make audiences enjoy movies more / by using smells / which match the story. This kind of marketing / is 24

definitely an interesting way / to call attention to the products. pleasant smells to sell their products. / in their cars to make customers feel. to sell to make to a travel agency makes us think of traveling to a tropical beach. make p.50 03_ 1. 2. However customization making products exactly according to each buyer's taste For most people, / access to the Internet / will provide all kinds of great new services. Electronic shopping already exists / and many products, / from books to holiday tours, / can be bought over the Internet. For now, / the things you buy on-line / are mostly ready-made. However, / in the future, / customization / making products exactly according to each buyer s taste / will be very popular. Using your computer / you will be connected directly to the factories / that make clothes, cars and other products. Then you will be able to choose the colors, / shapes and other design features / that you want. If you want new clothes, / a laser will scan your body / to determine the exact size. Finally, / the finished product / will be delivered directly / to your door. Using your computer you will be connected directly to. 25

Using your computer If you use your computer choose the colors, shapes and other design features that you want. that the colors, shapes and other design features p.51 04_ 1. 2. have a head for business SlimShakes A web-page designer / is selling his forehead / as advertising space. Andrew Fischer, 20, of Omaha, / put his forehead for sale / on e-bay as advertising space. A week later, / a company paid him $37,375 / to advertise their snoring remedy, SnoreStop. Fischer will display the SnoreStop logo / on his forehead / for one month. Everywhere he goes, / people see the logo, / and ask him about the product. The CEO of SnoreStop, Mr. Christian de Rivel, said / that the company is very happy / with the e-bay purchase. I look forward to / advertising with Andrew, he said. He s a man who clearly has a head for business / in every sense of the word. Fischer is also pleased with the arrangement. People always notice something / out of the ordinary, he said. He also made it clear / that he refuses to advertise any message or product / that is considered unacceptable or offensive. e-bay SnoreStop 37,375 SnoreStop SnoreStop CEO e-bay Everywhere he goes, people see the logo, and ask him about the product. everywhere He also made it clear [that he refuses to advertise any message or product that is considered unacceptable or offensive]. it that 26

that any message or product p.52 05_ 1. 2. 3. Employers of today have realized the importance of feelings in the workplace. who employers shows show In the 21st century, / emotions will be valued / as much as knowledge. These are the words / of famous futurologist Alvin Toffler. Often, / these are as important / as reason and knowledge, / not just in our personal lives, / but in the business world too. For example, / customers tend to purchase products and services / that suit their tastes and feelings, / and workers tend to favor employers / who show their true heart. Employers of today / have realized the importance of feelings / in the workplace. Rather than appearing too important to talk, / modern employers have frank conversations / with their employees / and send self-written e-mails / to new workers. They may give their employees books / as gifts after underlining their favorite lines. They even share some activities / after work / such as bowling. This is known as sentimental management. It deals / not only with the head, / but also with the heart. The benefit of this is that / companies create better employees. By encouraging friendly working relationships / and teaching good skills for dealing with stress, / employees become happier and more trustworthy / both at home and at work., emotions will be valued as much as knowledge. as as purchase products and services that suit their tastes and feelings, and workers tend to favor employers who show their true heart. 27

that products and services who employers It deals not only with the head, but also with the heart. not only A but also B By encouraging and teaching, employees become both at home and at work. encouraging teaching By by v-ing both A and BA B Section 6 01 1. 2. 02 1. 2. 03 1. 04 1. 2. 05 1. 2. p.56 01_ 1. 2. Thiswearing goggles The flame Onions contain / powerful sulfur compounds / that are released into the air / when you slice into them. Tears come out of your eyes / because your body wants to wash away the chemicals / before they affect your eyes. However, / although onion tears are effective, / most people want to prevent them. There are various ways / to do this. / The most 28

obvious way / is wearing goggles. (C) This creates a barrier / between the sulfur compounds and your eyes. (A) Alternatively, / refrigerating an onion before chopping it / minimizes the release of its toxic gas. (B) Another method / is to place a lighted candle near the chopping board. The flame removes the compounds / so that they no longer cause crying. Finally, / you can try sticking your tongue out / while cutting onions. Apparently, / the moisture on your tongue / soaks up the chemicals in the air / before they reach your eyes. There are various ways to do this. to do various ways to this to prevent themonion tears the compounds so that they no longer cause crying. so that no longer p.57 02_ 1. 2. One of the worst things / about teenage skin / is pimples. They always seem to arrive / at the worst possible time, / like just before a party or a date! Fortunately, / there are some natural facial masks / for pimples and other skin problems: If you have pimples, / mix three tablespoons of honey / with two teaspoons of cinnamon / and apply it to your face. Leave the mask on / for 10 minutes. If your skin is oily, / squeeze the juice of one lemon / into a bowl of cold water. Splash this over your face / and massage your skin / for about five minutes. For improving pale skin, / add a few drops of rose water / to a teaspoon of crushed cucumber. Apply this mixture / to your face / and leave it on / for 15 minutes. 29

To prevent dryness of skin, / use a cucumber facial mask. Simply mash a whole cucumber / and apply it / to your face. Leave the mask on / for 20 minutes. One of the worst things about teenage skin is pimples. S V C one of the They always seem to arrive at the worst possible time! = It seems that they always arrive at the worst possible time! p.58 03_ 1. Q. I want to become fit / but I hate all kinds of running. I d like to do something / which is effective / but does not involve a team / or a lot of equipment. A. There are plenty of cheap ways to become fit / that don t involve others. Why not try skipping? A skipping rope is cheap / and will improve your health. Try to skip / at least three times per week. Skipping is an intense activity / so you need to start gradually. To begin with, / skip for 30 seconds / and then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat this / until you have completed five minutes of skipping / in total. You ll soon find / that you will be able to skip / for longer / with shorter rests / as your fitness improves. You should aim to skip / for three minutes in total / with one minute rest / and then repeat / until you ve completed 30 minutes of skipping / in total. Q. A. 30

There are plenty of cheap ways to become fit that don t involve others. to become fit cheap ways to that cheap ways You ll soon find that as your fitness improves. as p.59 04_ 1. 2. Emotional Intelligence (EI) / is the ability to understand your emotions / and those of people around you, / and to act properly / according to this understanding. Emotionally intelligent people / have a self-awareness / that enables them to recognize feelings / and manage their emotions. On a personal level, / emotional intelligence involves motivation / and being able to focus on goals. People with high emotional intelligence / are also good / at understanding the feelings of others. However, / just because you are intellectually intelligent, / it does not necessarily mean / that you are emotionally intelligent. Having a good memory / or being good at solving technical problems / doesn t mean / that you are capable / of dealing well with emotions / or motivating yourself. Highly intelligent people / may lack the social skills / that are associated with high emotional intelligence. Geniuses, / for example, / who show incredible intellectual abilities / in a particular field, / often have trouble / relating to people socially. 31

Emotional intelligence(ei) is the ability to understand your emotions and to act properly. to understand to act the ability to Emotionally intelligent people have a self-awareness that enables them to recognize. enable to However,, it does not necessarily mean that you are emotionally intelligent. necessarily not p.60 05_ 1. 2. If someone asks / how old an egg in your refrigerator is, / you ll probably feel embarrassed. However, / here is a way / to tell the freshness of an egg. Take a container full of water / and put the egg in it. A very fresh egg will sink / to the bottom and lie horizontally. A week-old egg will lie tilted / with its wider end up. A 2~3- week-old egg / will stand upright. After 4 weeks, / the egg will float / and should be thrown away. What makes the egg sink or lie tilted? A very fresh egg has little air inside it, / so the egg doesn t float. As the egg gets older, / the amount of air inside it increases, / and this allows the egg to float. In a fresh egg, / the white part will be thicker, / making the egg ideal for boiling and frying. After a week, / the white part becomes thinner / and easier to separate for making cakes and creams. In 2 ~ 3-week-old eggs, / the yellow part spreads out / and the white part becomes more fluid. These are good for baking bread / or making sauces, / when the appearance is less important. 32

A week-old egg will lie tilted with its wider end up. with What makes the egg sink or lie tilted? make As the egg gets older, this allows the egg to float. allow to Section 7 01 1. 2. 02 1. 03 1. 2. 04 1. 2. 05 1. 2. p.66 01_ 1. 2. to avoid gender discrimination 33

Thanks to the women s rights movement, / words that discriminate against women / have been replaced / in most media. Now this change is taking place / in the Bible / as well. The New International Bible will soon be updated / to avoid gender discrimination. It is true / that some terms in this Bible, / first published in 1978, / were already replaced with language / that could apply to both sexes. But those were only small changes, / like using they in the place of he, / when referring to humankind / in general. Now it will become much more gender-neutral. For example, / a man will be changed to a person / and brothers will become brothers and sisters. It seems that even the Bible / cannot go against / the general trend toward the equality of the sexes., words that discriminate against women have been replaced in most media. S V that words It is true that some terms in this Bible, first published in 1978, were both sexes., like using they in the place of he, when referring to humankind in general. when referring when one referred to p.67 02_ 1. According to a recent survey in England, / an estimated 10,000 laptop computers / and 200,000 cellular phones / were left in taxis / around the world / during the last six months. Taxi drivers in nine cities also said / they had found all kinds of other items / left by passengers, / including a harp, / 37 milk bottles, / and several artificial limbs. One driver said / he even found a baby / in his taxi! The survey found / that Londoners are more careless / than anyone else / with their laptops, / while Danes are most likely / to lose their cellular phones. Most of the items / were eventually returned to their owners, / cab drivers said. One passenger, / who later 34

turned out to be the girlfriend of actor Hugh Grant, / left her ipod music player, cell phone and purse / in a taxi. When the lady taxi driver returned the items, / she received an autograph / from Hugh Grant / as a thank-you. they had found all kinds of other items (which[that] were) left. items left be which[that] were, while Danes are most likely to lose their cellular phones. while be likely to One passenger, who later turned out to be the girlfriend of actor Hugh Grant, left her ipod S V music player, cell phone and purse in a taxi. O who Hugh Grant p.68 03_ 1. 2. We began a journey to find out. 35

Shocking Truth: / Slavery Still Exists Unknown to most people / in the civilized world, / millions of people are still kept as slaves / around the world. Although officially abolished / in most countries / some two centuries ago, / people trafficking and slave labor still exist. There are some places on Earth / that few outsiders ever visit / or even know about vast empty places / where time has stood still / for centuries. Sadly, / Niger is one of those places. It is a poor country / where people live almost entirely / off cattle ranching / and the labor of human slaves. Slavery in Niger is not something / that is hidden. It is an accepted part of society. A study has found / that almost 8% of Niger s population are slaves. You may wonder / how this can be / in the 21st century / and why so few people know about it. We began a journey to find out. (Being) Unknown to most people in the civilized world, millions of people are still kept. Unknown Being Though they are unknown to There are some places on Earth that few outsiders ever visit or even know about vast empty places where time has stood still for centuries. that some places about some places vast empty places where (=in which) It is a poor country where people live almost entirely off cattle ranching. where a poor country in which You may wonder how why so few people know about it. few p.69 04_ 1. 2. 36

A typical school vending machine / in the United States / has only chocolate, candy and potato chips. There are few options / for people who want healthier snacks. However, / this is now changing. Food companies are working hard / to make snacks / that will please health experts / as well as customers. These snacks include things such as nuts and raisins / instead of candy, / and baked bread chips / instead of fried potato chips. The companies hope / their main business will come from schools, / where parents and teachers wish / that students could buy healthier food. Stonyfield Farm, / a health food company, / already has fifteen vending machines / in California, / and has orders from schools / in 36 other states. Their vending machines offer tempting snacks / such as dried mango / instead of candy, / and yogurt drinks / instead of soda. The schools that have purchased these vending machines / say that the new snacks are as popular with students / as the old ones were! Stonyfield Farm There are few options for people who want healthier snacks. few who people to make snacks that will please health experts as well as customers. to make to that snacks A as well as B These snacks include things such as nuts and raisins instead of candy, and baked bread chips instead of fried potato chips. include A such as B instead of C and B instead of C The schools that have purchased these vending machines say that the new snacks are as S V O popular with students as the old ones were! as as p.70 05_ 1. 2. 37

downshift Can we become happy with material prosperity? People in today s modern world / often forget the simple truth / that happiness is not directly related to material prosperity. According to the results of a public happiness survey / taken in 54 countries, / none of the G8 countries / were in the top 40. On the other hand, / some poor third-world countries / including Bangladesh and Nigeria / were high up on the list. This means that people in advanced countries / often experience less happiness / while trying hard to have a better life. In the dictionary, / the term downshift is defined / as the shift of a vehicle s gear / from high gear to low gear. In life, / downshift refers to slowing down the pace / of one s life. (These days / people are too busy / to have time for their family.) There are several examples of this. Some people leave high-paying, stressful jobs / for less-paying, more relaxing jobs. Others leave big cities / where life is too competitive / and move to the countryside. In some cases, / people even move overseas. Downshifters search for a place / that will allow them to live their lives / the way they want to. downshift People in today s modern world often forget the simple truth that happiness is not directly S V O related to material prosperity. the simple truth that These days people are too busy to have time for their family. too to These days people are so busy that they dont have time for their family. Some people leave high-paying, stressful jobs for less-paying, more relaxing jobs. / Others leave big cities where life is too competitive and move to the countryside. Some others Downshifters search for a place that will allow them to live their lives the way (how) they want to (live their lives). allow to 38

the way they want to how the way how want to to to live their lives to Section 8 01 1. 02 1. 2. 03 1. 2. coral reef(s) 04 1. 2. 05 1. 2. 3. p.74 01_ 1. It seems / that humans are not the only creatures / that dream. So don t be surprised / if you see your dog talking in his sleep. Some scientists wanted to find out / if animals dream, / so they did an experiment. They carefully watched / some mammals sleeping. They watched / dogs, cats, cows, horses, giraffes and monkeys. The scientists discovered / that all these animals / show signs of dreaming. About 15 minutes after falling asleep, / their eyes start to move / from side to side / behind their closed eyelids. Their breathing becomes faster / and they may move their legs. Sometimes, / they even make sounds / as if they are trying to bark or meow or moo. These are all signs / that they are dreaming. The scientists don t know / what animals dream about. But it would be exciting / to find out! 39

It seems (that) humans are not the only creatures that dream. = Humans don t seem to be the only creatures that dream. It seems that Some scientists wanted to find out if animals dream, so they did an experiment. if find out p.75 02_ 1. 2. Most people love / to hear birds singing. By the way, / do you know / that male birds do most of the singing? Their songs have two purposes. One of the purposes / is to mark off their area. The other is / to invite female birds to mate. Interestingly, / females usually choose as mates / those male birds / that sing the most. The female birds / do this / not because they like singing / but because they know / that these males have the most food / in their area. How do they know this? It s simple. When males sing a lot, / it means / that they don t have to spend much time / hunting for food. So the females choose these male birds as mates, / not because they sing well / but because they are rich. 40

choose as mates those male birds that sing the most. V O as that those male birds The female birds do this not because they like but because they know. not because A but because B p.76 03_ 1. 2. coral reef(s) However As a result coral reef If you protect nature, / nature will protect you. This is not just a hollow slogan of environmentalists / but a real truth / as recently proved in the Maldives. The Maldives is a country / which consists of nearly 2,000 islands. Eighty percent of its land / is less than two meters above sea level. Because of this, / everyone expected the Maldives / to have suffered serious damage / when an enormous Tsunami hit Southeast Asia. However, / the Maldives did not suffer much damage / thanks to the coral reefs / that surround its islands. Other Southeast Asian countries, / including Thailand, / developed their coastal area / for economic reasons, / and the coral reefs were damaged / in the process. On the other hand, / Maldives strictly banned reckless development / of its beaches and other actions / that could harm the surrounding ecosystem. As a result, / the Maldives was able to minimize / the damage from the recent Tsunami. This is not just a hollow slogan of environmentalists but a real truth. not A but B The Maldives is a country which consists of nearly 2,000 islands. 41

which a country consist of be composed of Because of this, everyone expected Maldives to have suffered. expect to have suffered p.77 04_ 1. 2. Frogs are especially sensitive / to changes in the environment. When they start to disappear, / scientists become worried. Frogs have very thin skin. They have two ways of breathing / through their skin / and with their lungs. If something is wrong in the environment, / frogs are the first / to be affected. And since they live both in water and on land, / frogs also give information / about both places. For these reasons, / they are called indicator animals. If you can see frogs around you, / it means the environment is healthy. However, / many scientists are reporting / that frogs are in danger of extinction. This shows / that there are serious problems / in the environment. Experts think / that the destruction of the ozone layer / may be the main cause, / since ultraviolet rays / affect their skin directly. If something is wrong frogs are the first to be affected. to be affected to be affected And since they live both in water and on land, frogs also give information. since 42