001 To master English is not easy. To master English is not easy. 주어 동사 영어를 습득하는 것은 쉽지 않다. to부정사가 주어로 사용된 경우 : 단수취급 1 To learn English is difficult. 2

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

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Output file

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2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는


How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활

328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유

철학탐구 1. 들어가는말,. (pathos),,..,.,.,,. (ethos), (logos) (enthymema). 1).... 1,,... (pistis). 2) 1) G. A. Kennedy, Aristotle on Rhetoric, 1356a(New York :

제 2 장 골프장의 경영

2014 HSC Korean Continuers



Unit 01 주어의 형태 - SENTENCE 001-008 - UNIT TEST -

001 To master English is not easy. To master English is not easy. 주어 동사 영어를 습득하는 것은 쉽지 않다. to부정사가 주어로 사용된 경우 : 단수취급 1 To learn English is difficult. 2 To find distances with one eye closed is not easy. 3 To know oneself is not easy. 4 It is important to have a balanced diet. 10 KEY SENTENCE READING

002 Asking for details didn't seem to be appropriate at the time. Asking for details didn't seem to be appropriate at the time. 주어 동사 세부사항을 묻는 것은 시기상 적절해 보이지 않는다. 동명사가 주어로 사용된 경우 : 단수취급 1 Speaking English is not easy. 2 Sleeping at night, therefore, is no longer the only choice. 3 Looking into the water always leads me to some delightful thought. 4 It is no use trying to persuade him. Unit 01 주어의 형태 11

003 Whether the leader is on the map or not does not matter. Whether the leader is on the map or not does not matter. 주어 동사 그 지도자가 유명한지 아닌지는 문제되지 않는다. Whether + 주어 + 동사 ~ 가 주어로 사용된 경우 : ~인지 아닌지 명사절 If + 주어 + 동사 는 주어로 사용할 수 없다. cf. Whether ~ or not : ~이든 아니든 부사절 Whether A or B : A든 B든 부사절 If + 주어 + 동사 : 만약 ~라면 부사절 1 Whether they deserve blame is a separate matter. 2 Whether we win or lose makes no difference. 3 It is unclear to me whether she likes it or not. 12 KEY SENTENCE READING

004 That she will come is certain. That she will come is certain. 주어 동사 그녀가 온다는 것은 확실하다. That + 주어 + 동사 가 주어로 사용된 경우 명사절 일반적으로 It 을 문장 맨 앞에 놓고 that + 주어 + 동사 를 문장 뒤에 놓는다. It is certain that she will come. 가주어 진주어 1 That the earth is round is common knowledge today. 2 That he wasn't killed is a miracle. 3 It is natural that he should not understand it. Unit 01 주어의 형태 13

005 What we need most are books. What we need most are books. 주어 동사 우리가 가장 필요로 하는 것은 책이다. 선행사를 포함하는 관계대명사 What + (주어) + 동사 가 주어로 사용된 경우 명사절 what = the thing which 1 What she says is true. 2 What surprised me was his cold attitude. 3 What matters most is good health. 14 KEY SENTENCE READING

006 Where they went does not matter. Where they went does not matter. 주어 동사 그들이 어디로 갔는가는 중요하지 않다. 의문사 + (주어) + 동사 가 주어로 사용된 경우 명사절 1 Why Ann left was because she was unhappy. 2 How the old man was able to keep body and soul together is beyond me. 3 It is not decided when we should start. Unit 01 주어의 형태 15

007 How to say hello varies in different cultures. How to say hello varies in different cultures. 주어 동사 인사하는 방법은 문화마다 다르다. 의문사 + to부정사 가 주어로 사용된 경우 명사구 = 의문사 + 주어 + should + 동사원형 명사절 1 How to live longer is a topic that has fascinated mankind for centuries. 2 It is undecided when to start. 16 KEY SENTENCE READING

008 Whomever you like may come. Whomever you like may come. 주어 동사 네가 좋아하는 누구든지 와도 좋다. 복합관계대명사 + (주어) + 동사 가 주어로 사용된 경우 복합관계대명사는 선행사를 포함하는 개념이다. whoever = anyone who whomever = anyone whom whatever = anything that 1 Whoever comes will be welcome. 2 Whatever he does matters little. Unit 01 주어의 형태 17

UNIT TEST 1 Everyone has instincts, and listening to your inner voice is always a good idea. 2 If losing weight is your concern, why don't you walk the dog, get up to turn off the TV, or walk to your mailbox? 3 To have a plan with specific steps is necessary. But once things become really tough, it'll be hard to stay motivated. 4 To achieve independence has been the goal of many nations since the end of the Second World War. 5 It is unclear whether these events are part of a larger pattern of behavior. 6 Whether you agree or not doesn't matter as long as you show interest in the conversation. 7 Whether that power is used well or ill depends upon the moral and political intelligence of the world. 8 Going by previous records, it is almost certain that lawmakers call for an extra one-month session to deal with unresolved legislative items. 18 KEY SENTENCE READING

9 Today it is often reported that among the girls and boys attending elementary school in our country, the number of girls is much smaller than that of boys. 10 Do you not understand now that what the nation is dying of is the darkness in which there is such an obstinate determination to leave her? 11 This aroused my curiosity, so I asked Dr. Ruth himself why he did not pursue a more glittering role in his career. What he told me has changed my life forever. 12 What this means in real life is that if you maintain flexibility you'll be able to perform everyday activities without straining tight muscles. 13 What is most striking in modern society is the increasing focus on "right" including criminal rights, animal rights, and the right to privacy. 14 What I really want to do the most is to use my life in whatever form to affect other people's lives for the good. 15 Women tend to smile more than men, although it is not clear how this difference should be interpreted. 16 When the market starts mauling your portfolio, here is what to do: Invest for the long term and hang on. Unit 01 주어의 형태 19

17 How to give employment to the large number of jobless workers is one of the greatest problems today. 18 Whoever is running Hong Kong has never really had a huge impact on the economy of the place. 19 Whatever color they paint it is fine by me as long as they get it done quickly. 20 Whatever you put on your body or do to your hair or do to your face should be some sort of expression of yourself, not some trend that someone wants you to follow. 20 KEY SENTENCE READING

Unit 02 목적어의 형태 - SENTENCE 009-015 - UNIT TEST -

009 How do they plan to get back their market share? How do they plan to get back their market share? 주어 동사 목적어 어떤 방법으로 그들이 시장 점유율을 회복할 계획인가요? to부정사가 목적어로 사용된 경우 동사 hope, wish, want, care, decide, choose, tend, pretend, agree, determine, promise, refuse 등은 to부정사를 목적어로 취한다. 1 I want to have the ability to speak English well. 2 I promise to wear it very carefully. 3 He chose to run for the election. 22 KEY SENTENCE READING

010 He enjoyed walking in the forest with his family. He enjoyed walking in the forest with his family. 주어 동사 목적어 그는 숲 속에서 가족과 함께 걷는 것을 즐겼다. 동명사가 목적어로 사용된 경우 동사 enjoy, mind, avoid, finish, escape, deny, consider, admit, practice, postpone, risk, put off, give up 등은 동명사를 목적어로 취한다. 1 I am considering writing to my uncle. 2 When you finish doing the crossword, the solution is on the back page. 3 There are some animals that have special ways to avoid being eaten. Unit 02 목적어의 형태 23

011 I wonder where you are. I wonder where you are. 주어 동사 목적어 나는 네가 어디에 있는지 궁금하다. 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 가 목적어로 사용된 경우 명사절 1 He wants to know when he will get to Gyeongju. 2 How you spend your time, energy, and money shows what you value the most. 24 KEY SENTENCE READING

012 I don't know whether you're telling the truth or not. I don't know whether you're telling the truth or not. 주어 동사 목적어 나는 네가 진실을 말하고 있는지 아닌지 모른다. whether / if + 주어 + 동사 가 목적어로 사용된 경우 : ~인지 아닌지 명사절 cf. whether ~ or not : ~이든 아니든 부사절 whether A or B : A든 B든 부사절 if +주어 + 동사 : 만약 ~라면 부사절 1 Nobody knows if the mermaid is a woman or a fish. 2 However, they can not tell whether their marriage can be happy or not during the short period. Unit 02 목적어의 형태 25

013 She learned how to drive a car. She learned how to drive a car. 주어 동사 목적어 그녀는 차를 운전하는 방법을 배웠다. 의문사 + to부정사 가 목적어로 사용된 경우 명사구 = 의문사 + 주어 + should + 동사원형 명사절 1 I don't know how to apologize to you. 2 When we get down to the wire, we'll know better what to do. 26 KEY SENTENCE READING

014 I realized that he knew it from the beginning. I realized that he knew it from the beginning. 주어 동사 목적어 나는 그가 처음부터 그것을 알고 있었다는 것을 깨달았다. that + 주어 + 동사 가 목적어로 사용된 경우 명사절 명사절을 목적어로 이끄는 접속사 that은 문장에서 많이 생략된다. 1 The record shows that he is the most famous actor in Korea. 2 It means that it takes time to achieve an important goal. 3 She warned me that I should be more careful. Unit 02 목적어의 형태 27

015 I didn't quite follow what you were saying. I didn't quite follow what you were saying. 주어 동사 목적어 나는 네가 말하고 있는 것을 도대체 이해할 수 없었다. 선행사를 포함하는 관계대명사 what + (주어) + 동사 가 목적어로 사용된 경우 명사절 what = the thing which 선행사 the thing 은 관계대명사 which 의 선행사 역할과 타동사의 목적어 역할을 동시에 하고 있다. 1 He always does what he believes is right. 2 She pointed to what looked like a bird. 28 KEY SENTENCE READING

UNIT TEST 1 The management has decided to meet the demand of the laborers for increased pay. 2 Many partners of snorers decide to sleep in separate rooms, and the resulting lack of bedtime chatting and physical intimacy can lead to a strained relationship. 3 That means we are ready to stop ignoring it and wait to do something about it. 4 She says she will consider hiring only those who treat their internships like real jobs and show initiative. 5 Jane's an open book. I always know what she is going to do next. 6 Questions have arisen from victims and their families about who is responsible for these avoidable accidents. 7 A new study illustrates the difficulty in predicting how the planet might react to overall warming. 8 As the lives of squid have high concentrations of pollutants, I wonder if eating the liver has a bad effect on the human body. 9 She certainly had a friend called Mark, but I don't know whether he was her boyfriend. Unit 02 목적어의 형태 29

10 Mike called one night very late. He had been drinking - against our wishes - and didn't want to drive home. He asked if I would pick him up. 11 You should consider the working environment before you choose a job. In other words, you should think about whether you would like to work at the place before filling out the application. 12 This primitive shopper did not ask whether the yak was on sale. He did not ask his friends if the yak made him look gorgeous. 13 My husband and I are trying to decide where to go for a vacation. 14 That's what politicians always say when they can't think of what to do next. 15 Deciding how to spend money without going into debt is a zero-sum process. If you want to spend more money on housing, you will have to spend less on your car. 16 I can't make up my mind whether to marry a young attractive lady whom I love or a rich old maid I don't care for at all. 17 You would expect that when an alphabetic plan of writing appeared, most people would have wanted to use it. 18 Venus could be called the Earth's twin. You may think that if Venus is so similar to the Earth, there may be some living things there. 30 KEY SENTENCE EXPRESSION READING 211

19 In some orphanages, the death rate was nearly 100 percent. Even children in the most advanced homes and institutions died frequently from the disease. Researchers finally found that the infants suffered from a lack of touching from parents or nurses. 20 Some people seem to consider that a signature that is hard to read is the demonstration of self-importance. But it has the opposite effect, I believe. That is, illegible signatures just indicate a lack of self-esteem. 21 After listening to what she said, if you read between the lines, you can begin to see what she really means. 22 Sellers are less concerned with what the world needs than with what the world wants. Unit 02 목적어의 형태 31