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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관


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2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승


141(26) () ( ( ) () () () ) 2) 1932 ()()3) 2 1) ( ) ( ) () () () 4) ( ) 5) 6) ) ) ( ) () 42 () )


2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

Passenger Terminal 1F Limousine Bus Taxi 1. LIMOUSINE BUS (NO.6001, NO.6015) Limousine Bus is the most convenient way to travel from Int l to the Lott






주최 후원 서울독립영화제 2021 The 47th Seoul Independent Film Festival 2021.11.25. Thu. 12.03. Fri. C 아트하우스압구정, C 압구정 주관 한국영화의새로운도전 한국영화의가능성을넓혀가는독립영화를지원하고현 주소를조망하는장으로서서울독립영화제의메인슬로 건은 한국영화의새로운도전 입니다. 1999 년영화진흥 위원회와 ( 사 ) 한국독립영화협회가영화제의변화의지 를담아선정한초기슬로건으로서그목표는지금도유 효합니다. 독립영화는영화운동의도도한물결을넘고 다양한실천과미학적실험을거쳐영화의미래를확장 하고있습니다. 서울독립영화제와함께한국영화의새로 운도전은오늘도계속됩니다. 메인슬로건 SIFF Slogan New Challenges for Korean Cinema The SIFF, as a venue to support independent films which expand the potential of Korean cinema, selects its main slogan, New Challenges for Korean Cinema. This was also the initial slogan in 1999 with the aim of the festival s willingness to change, which is still effective. Independent films are expanding their future through various practices and aesthetic experiments, after they went through high tensions of Korean film movements. Along with the SIFF, new challenges for Korean cinema continue today. 협찬 서울독립영화제 2021 슬로건 SIFF2021 Slogan 협력 서울독립영화제 Seoul Independent Film Festival 서울독립영화제는 ( 사 ) 한국독립영화협회와영화진흥위원회가공동주최하는독립영화축제이다. 1975 년한 국청소년영화제를시작으로금관단편영화제를거쳐한국독립단편영화제, 서울독립영화제로이어진영화제의 발자취는한국독립영화의역사이기도하다. 서울독립영화제는매년연말에개최되며, 장르와형식의구애없 이한해의독립영화를아우르고재조명하는국내경쟁독립영화제이다. 또한독립영화인들이함께모이는축 제의장으로서연대와소통의공간을지향한다. Co-presented by the Association of Korean Independent Film & Video and Korean Film Council, Seoul Independent Film Festival (SIFF) is undoubtedly one of the representative events for independent film in Korea. Starting from Korean Youth Film Festival in 1975, its journey from Golden Crown Short Film Festival to Korean Independent Short Film Festival to present day leaves a memorable footprint in the history of Korean independent cinema. Held at the end of every year, SIFF is a competition film festival and covers all sorts of film genres and forms of the year. It also provides an opportunity for independent filmmakers to join and develop solidarity and mutual understanding. Back to Back 연이어, 등을맞대고, 나아가는 예측할수없는길을내달리는것은두렵지만바통을받아 줄누군가가앞서있다면턱끝까지차오르는숨을버텨볼 만합니다. 서로의등을기대서서새로운미래를바라보는오 늘지치지않고카메라를든손들을기억하겠습니다. 어제본세상을영감으로하여오늘의영화가탄생하고오 늘본영화로다가올내일을떠올리듯이우리와영화는서 로가영향이되어거칠고예민한시대속에서끊임없이독 립영화를이어왔습니다. 우리는지금난생처음맞이하는 어제와다른세계 를손마 주잡고건너가고있습니다. 저너머엔무엇이우리를기다 리고있을까요? 끝이보이지않는팬데믹을통과하며영화 와극장이단절된과거가되지않길바라는소중한열망이 곳곳에서물결칩니다. 수많은가능성을품고있는오늘의영화속에서서로의시 선이치열하게교차할수있기를, 분투하는에너지가마치 Back to Back 연타석홈런이되어마법같은소요를불러일 으킬수있기를, 꼬리에꼬리를물고나아가는의지로때로 는질문이되고, 때로는해답이되어서로가서로를이어가 는연대가되어주기를희망합니다. 그렇게, 서로등을맞대고, 다시! 오늘의독립영화를내일로 쏘아올립니다. Back to Back It is scary to run down an unpredictable path, but if someone is ahead of us to accept a baton, it is worth holding out the breath. Today, we remember the hands holding cameras, while leaning back to back and hoping a new future. Just as today s film is born from an inspiration for the world we saw yesterday, as we imagine tomorrow from the film we see today, we have continued independent films in a rough and delicate era while the film and we have influenced each other. Hand in hand, we are now crossing a World Different From Yesterday that we are facing for the first time in our lives. What is waiting for us out there? Although we pass through this endless pandemic, there are precious aspirations everywhere that the film and theaters are not to be a disconnected past. We hope to exchange our glances fiercely in today s films which have a lot of possibilities, to create a magical disturbance when our struggling energy is possible to become a back-to-back home run, and to become solidarity that connects us as we sometimes throw questions, sometimes answer the questions, as if we form a consecutive loop. Again, back to back! We launch independent films towards tomorrow. 8 9

Contents 공식행사 Official Ceremonies 슬로건 09 Slogan 공식행사 11 Official Ceremonies 개막식 Opening Ceremony 입장권구입안내 12 Ticketing Information 일시 Date 2021. 11. 25. Thu. 19:00 상영일정표 14 Screening Schedule 장소 Venue C 압구정 1 관 C Apgujeong CINEMA 1 코로나 19 방역수칙 31 COVID-19 Prevention Policy 개막사회 Masters of Ceremony 심사위원 32 Juries 권해효 KWON Hae-hyo, 류시현 RYOU Sihyun 시상내역개막작본선단편경쟁본선장편경쟁 33 34 36 44 Awards Opening Film Short Competition Feature Competition 개막작 Opening Film 스프린터 sprinter 최승연 CHOI Seung Yeon 2021 Fiction Color DCP 87min 30sec (E) World Premiere 새로운선택단편 52 New Choice Shorts 새로운선택장편 56 New Choice Features 페스티벌초이스단편쇼케이스 60 Festival Choice Short Showcase 페스티벌초이스장편쇼케이스독립영화아카이브전 66 74 Festival Choice Feature Showcase Independent Film Archive 폐막식 Closing Ceremony 해외초청 77 International Invitation 일시 Date 2021. 12. 03. Fri. 19:00 뉴-쇼츠창작자의작업실토크포럼 81 88 89 New-Shorts Creator s Workroom Talk Forum 장소 Venue C압구정 1관 C Apgujeong CINEMA 1 폐막사회 Masters of Ceremony 서현우 SEO Hyeonwoo, 이상희 LEE Sanghee 시네토크배우프로젝트 - 60초독백페스티벌 90 92 Cine Talk Actors Project: 60-seconds Monologue Festival 폐막작 Closing Film 서울독립영화제2021 수상작 The Awarded Film 독립영화매칭프로젝트 : 넥스트링크 93 Independent Film Matching Project: NEXT LINK 작품색인 94 Index of Films 깜짝상영 96 Surprise Screening 관객이벤트 96 Audience Event 페스티벌맵 97 Festival Map 10 11

입장권구입안내 Ticketing Information 1. 입장권종류 일반상영 8,000 원 1. Ticket Types General Screenings 8,000 won 2. 예매및현장매표안내예매사이트 C 홈페이지 www.cgv.co.kr 예매시간 C 홈페이지영화상영시간 20분이전까지예매가능 C 어플 / 웹영화상영시간 15분이전까지예매가능수령방법 C아트하우스압구정매표소및티켓판매기에서예매번호확인후발권 2. Purchase On-line & On-site Booking at C www.cgv.co.kr Booking closes at C Homepage 20 min prior to the screening C APP/WEB 15 min prior to the screening Pick-up Tickets can be issued at the C ARTHOUSE Apgujeong box office and ticket machine after checking the booking number. 3. 입장권취소및환불안내 - 신용카드, 계좌이체로예매하신경우에는부분취소가불가능합니다. - 온라인예매의경우, 당일취소및환불이불가합니다. ( 취소가능기한 : 상영전일 23시 59분까지 ) * 티켓을대량구매후상영직전취소하거나불법재판매하는 NO-SHOW 발생을근절하기위해, 부득이당일환불을제한하니양해부탁드립니다. 4. 입장권구입시주의사항 - 입장권분실및파손시재발급이불가하오니, 보관에유의하시기바랍니다. - 모든관객은반드시입장권을소지하셔야상영관입장및영화관람이가능합니다. - 영화상영 10분전까지입장하여주시기바랍니다. 영화시작후입장이제한될수있습니다. - 관람등급구분에따라입장이엄격히통제되며, 만 6세미만어린이는입장할수없습니다. - 상영중모든종류의촬영은불가합니다. - 상영관내에는뚜껑이있는음료반입만허용됩니다. 장애인석의경우비장애인이예매할시현장에서취소될수있으며, 상영시작 10분전까지만환불이가능합니다. 3. Cancellation and Refund Policy - Partial cancellation is not allowed when purchase is made by credit card or bank transfer. - Tickets purchased online cannot be cancelled mor refunded on the screening day. (Tickets purchased online can be cancelled and refunded by 23:59 the day before the screening.) * We strictly limit refunds on the screening day in order to prevent NO-SHOW; cancelling a large purchase on the very day of screening; illegal reselling of tickets. We sincerely ask for your understanding. 4. Admission Restrictions - Tickets damaged or misplaced cannot be reissued. - Admission is allowed only to the ticket holders. - Admission is restricted after the screening begins. - Admission will be strictly controlled according to the Assigned Ratings. - Children under the age 6 will not be admitted to the screenings. - Cameras are not permitted in any venue. - Only drinks with a lid is allowed in the theater. In the case of disabled seats, reservations for non-disabled people can be canceled at the site, and refunds can only be made 10 minutes before the screening begins. 12 13

14 상영일정표 Screening Schedule 상영일정표보는법 Legend 등급 Ratings 프리미어 Premiere WP KP CT ST 전체관람가 General 12 세이상관람가 Under 12 not admitted 15 세이상관람가 Under 15 not admitted 청소년관람불가 Under 18 not admitted 월드프리미어 World Premiere 코리안프리미어 Korean Premiere 감독 or 게스트와의만남 Guest Visit 시네토크 Cine Talk 스페셜토크 Special Talk * 게스트스케줄에따라변동될수있습니다. Schedule is subject to change. 자막 Subtitles E 영어자막 English Subtitles K 한글자막 Korean Subtitles in Korean Dialogue KE 한글자막 + 영어대사 Korean Subtitles + English Dialogue KN 한글자막 + 비영어대사 Korean Subtitles + Non-English Dialogue N 대사없음 No Dialogue 무표시 Unmarked 자막없음 No Subtitles * 이티켓카탈로그는 11월 12일자로발간되었습니다. 이후변동사항은서울독립영화제홈페이지 (www.siff.kr) 를참고하시기바랍니다. * This ticket catalogue was printed off on 12th November. Please check out our official website (www.siff.kr) periodically for changes. 극장 Theaters C A1 C아트하우스압구정 ART 1관 C ARTHOUSE Apgujeong ART 1 C A2 C아트하우스압구정 ART 2관 C ARTHOUSE Apgujeong ART 2 C A3 C아트하우스압구정 ART 3관 C ARTHOUSE Apgujeong ART 3 C C1 C압구정 1관 C Apgujeong CINEMA 1 C C2 C압구정 2관 C Apgujeong CINEMA 2 C C3 C압구정 3관 C Apgujeong CINEMA 3 Theater Time Duration End time Section Title Rating Subtitles Page 11.25 THU C C1 C 본관 지하 2 층 19:00 180min 22:00 개막식 스프린터 Opening Film_sprinter 12 E 11, 35 서울독립영화제 2021 에서더욱즐겁게영화를관람하기위해이것만은꼭지켜주세요! Please follow our rules for your pleasant viewing at SIFF2021! 1. 상영관입장모든상영은정시입장 / 정시상영을원칙으로합니다. 상영시작후입장이제한될수있습니다. 2. 입장권소지입장권을소지해야만영화를관람하실수있습니다. 분실또는파손된입장권은재발급되지않으니, 보관에유의해주세요. 3. 휴대전화사용자제독립영화와함께할때휴대전화는잠시꺼두셔도좋습니다. 4. 촬영금지영화가상영되는동안모든사진과동영상촬영이불가합니다. 5. 음식물반입제한상영관내에는뚜껑이있는음료반입만가능합니다. 1. Enter the theater on time Please enter the theater before the film begins. You can be restricted from entering after the screening. 2. Hold the ticket You must hold the ticket to watch a film. If you lost your ticket, or if your ticket were damaged, we cannot re-issue it. Please keep your ticket safe and clean. 3. Refrain from using cellphones Please turn off your phone while you watch our independent films. 4. Prohibition of photography Taking a photo or a video is strictly prohibited during any screening of the film. 5. No food allowed You are allowed to bring in drinks with a lid only. 15

Theater Time Duration End time Section Title Rating Subtitles Page 11.26 FRI C A1 C 신관지하2층 13:00 84min 14:25 2sec 15:20 72min 16:33 22sec 단편경쟁 6 선택장편 7 매미 / 습지장례법 /Trans-Continental-Railway Cicada/Swamp Legacy/Trans-Continental-Railway 벗어날탈脫 Not One and Not Two 15 K, E 42 15 E 59 17:30 87min 18:58 42sec 단편경쟁 1 농몽 / 균열 / 짝사랑 Paraffin Dream/crack/Lovelylove 12 E 37 20:00 76min 21:17 18sec 선택장편 3 작은새와돼지씨 Small Bird and Mr. Pig G K 57 C A2 C 신관지하2층 13:00 113min 14:54 40sec 15:20 122min 17:23 30sec 선택장편 2 장편경쟁 10 서바이벌택틱스 Survival Tactics 흐르다 Flowing 15 E 57 G 49 18:00 70min 19:10 장편경쟁 8 멜팅아이스크림 G 48 Melting Icecream 20:00 75min 21:16 33sec 페초장편 8 포옹 HUG G KN, E 70 C A3 12:30 75min 13:45 선택장편 1 희수 G E 57 C 신관지하2층 14:20 99min 16:00 28sec 장편경쟁 11 The train passed by 그겨울, 나는 Through My Midwinter 12 E 50 17:00 136min 19:16 장편경쟁 6 만인의연인 15 E 47 Nobody s Lover 20:20 76min 21:37 39sec 선택단편 3 버드세이버보고서제 2장 / 듀티 / 완벽한동그라미 / 해로 Birdsaver Report Volume 2/DUTY/The Perfect Circle/The way to the sun 12 E 55 C C2 C 본관 3 층 13:30 89min 46sec 15:00 장편경쟁 1 낮에는덥고밤에는춥고 Hot in Day, Cold at Night G E 45 15:20 94min 16:54 선택장편 6 혜옥이 12 59 Life of Hae-oak 17:50 72min 34sec 19:03 선택장편 5 모퉁이 No surprise G E 58 20:00 81min 32sec 21:22 단편경쟁 4 건전지아빠 / 어디에도없는시간 / 입하 / 퇴직금 BATTERY DADDY/Where would we go/the Intro of Summer/Pay Day 12 E 40 C C3 C 본관 4 층 13:00 95min 23sec 14:36 장편경쟁 3 집에서, 집으로 Home away from home G E 46 15:00 90min 2sec 16:31 페초단편 3 포리징삼부작 / 제씨이야기 / 바다위의별 /1959 년의김시스터즈 - 숙자, 애자, 민자언니들에게 / 불안 은영혼을잠식한다 15 KE, E 63, 64 Foraging Trilogy/Jessie Story/Stars on the Sea/Dear Kimsisters in 1959/Fear Eats the Soul 17:30 80min 6sec 18:51 선택단편 1 외발자전거 / 높이뛰기 / 두여자 / 텐트틴트 Unicycle/High Jump/Two women/no problem 15 E 53 19:40 114min 12sec 21:35 장편경쟁 5 소피의세계 Sophie s world G KN, E 47 17

Theater Time Duration End time Section Title Rating Subtitles Page 11.27 SAT C A1 C 신관 지하 2 층 11:00 93min 12:34 16sec 페초단편 4 거북이와여자들 / 돛대 / 해피해피이혼파티 / 젖꼭지 3차대전 Transmigration: the Turtle and the Women/Mast/HAPPYHAPPY DIVORCEPARTY/Nipple War 3 12 E 65 14:00 90min 15:30 ST 창작자의작업실 2 창작자의작업실 2: 보는음악, 듣는영화 : 이민휘의영화음악 Creator s Workroom 2: Music to Watch, Film to Listen to: LEE Minhwi s Soundtrack G 88 16:00 90min 17:30 ST 창작자의작업실 1 창작자의작업실 1: 영화평론가남다은, 광파측량기술 Creator s Workroom 1: Film Critic NAM Da-eun, Light Wave Distance Measure G 88 17:30 92min 19:03 48sec 페초장편 7 206: 사라지지않는 206: Unearthed 15 K, E 70 20:00 90min 21:31 50sec 장편경쟁 2 피아노프리즘 Piano Prism G K, E, Barrier Free 45 C A2 10:40 94min 12:14 페초장편 4 성적표의김민영 G E 68 C 신관 지하 2 층 Kim Min-young of the Report Card 13:00 80min 14:21 12sec 장편경쟁 4 듣보인간의생존신고 Notes from the Unknown G K 46 15:10 89min 16:40 36sec 페초단편 1 화광 : 디아스포라의묘 / 내코가석재 / 여기, 나의정원 / 내일의연인들 Harvesting the Light: The Graves of Diaspora/Noses On the Run/Here, my garden/ G K, E 61 tomorrow s lovers 17:30 78min 18:49 34sec 페초장편 15 우수 Usu 15 E 73 19:40 122min 21:43 30sec 장편경쟁 10 흐르다 Flowing G 49 C A3 C 신관 지하 2 층 11:30 87min 12:58 22sec 14:00 118min 15:58 단편경쟁 3 페초장편 12 아무도모르게 / 조에아 / 돌림총 Without anyone know/zoea/honor guard 수프와이데올로기 12 K, E 39 G K 72 Soup and Ideology 17:00 119min 19:00 47sec CT 페초장편 13 아치의노래, 정태춘 Song of the Poet 15 E 73 20:00 94min 21:34 선택장편 6 혜옥이 12 59 Life of Hae-oak C C2 C 본관 3층 11:30 107min 13:18 4sec 선택장편 4 바운더리 Boundary:Flaming Feminist Action 15 K, E 58 14:20 82min 15:42 장편경쟁 9 모어 15 E 49 I am More 16:40 139min 19:00 40sec 장편경쟁 12 같은속옷을입는두여자 The Apartment with Two Women 15 E 50 20:00 120min 22:00 장편경쟁 7 컨버세이션 G K, E 48 The Conversation C C3 C 본관 4층 11:00 80min 12:21 10sec 선택단편 2 뭐해 / 쓰는일 / 사진이어붙이기 / 스무겨울 WRYD/return to sender/stitching Photography/Twenty Winters 12 K, E 54 13:20 88min 14:49 38sec 단편경쟁 7 Video Noire/ 씨티백 / 선율 / 보속 Black Video/CITI-100/Melody/Sinner G K, E 43 15:40 81min 17:02 32sec 단편경쟁 2 메이 제주 데이 / 국가유공자 / 불모지 May JEJU Day/Man of National Merit/Wasteland 12 E 38 18:00 65min 19:05 페초장편 3 로그인벨지움 G KN, E 68 Log in Belgium 19 20:00 99min 21:40 28sec 장편경쟁 11 그겨울, 나는 Through My Midwinter 12 E 50

Theater Time Duration End time Section Title Rating Subtitles Page 11.28 SUN C A1 C 신관 지하 2 층 10:40 81min 12:02 32sec 단편경쟁 4 건전지아빠 / 어디에도없는시간 / 입하 / 퇴직금 BATTERY DADDY/Where would we go/the Intro of Summer/Pay Day 12 E 40 13:00 70min 14:10 장편경쟁 8 멜팅아이스크림 G 48 Melting Icecream 15:00 80min 16:21 21sec CT 아카이브 1 짚신 / 땅밑하늘공간 / 뫼비우스의딸 / 그여름 Straw Shoes/Underground Sky/Daughter of Mobius/That Summer G 75 17:20 91min 18:52 51sec CT 아카이브 2 세친구 Three Friends 12 76 19:50 95min 21:26 23sec 장편경쟁 3 집에서, 집으로 Home away from home G E 46 C A2 C 신관 지하 2 층 10:40 80min 12:01 6sec 선택단편 1 외발자전거 / 높이뛰기 / 두여자 / 텐트틴트 Unicycle/High Jump/Two women/no problem 15 E 53 13:00 72min 14:13 34sec 선택장편 5 모퉁이 No surprise G E 58 15:00 87min 16:28 2sec 단편경쟁 5 굿포유 / 황룡산 / 장갑을사러 / 나랑아니면 GOOD for you/gold Dragon Mountain/A Winter Glove/Without You G E 41 17:20 84min 18:45 2sec 단편경쟁 6 매미 / 습지장례법 /Trans-Continental-Railway Cicada/Swamp Legacy/Trans-Continental-Railway 15 K, E 42 19:40 91min 21:11 페초장편 6 섬이없는지도 G K, E 69 Map without Island C A3 C 신관 지하 2 층 11:00 114min 12:55 12sec 13:40 115min 15:36 7sec 장편경쟁 5 페초장편 5 소피의세계 Sophie s world 절해고도 A Lonely Island In the Distant Sea G KN, E 47 G E 69 16:30 136min 18:46 장편경쟁 6 만인의연인 15 E 47 Nobody s Lover 19:40 113min 21:34 40sec 선택장편 2 서바이벌택틱스 Survival Tactics 15 E 57 C C2 C 본관 3층 10:30 87min 11:58 42sec 단편경쟁 1 농몽 / 균열 / 짝사랑 Paraffin Dream/crack/Lovelylove 12 E 37 13:20 112min 15:13 46sec CT 페초장편 14 야나가와 Yanagawa 15 KN, E 73 16:30 121min 18:32 13sec CT 해외초청 2 우연과상상 Wheel of Fortune And Fantasy 15 KN, E 78 19:40 89min 21:10 46sec 장편경쟁 1 낮에는덥고밤에는춥고 Hot in Day, Cold at Night G E 45 C C3 10:40 91min 12:11 페초장편 2 오늘출가합니다 G E 67 C 본관 4 층 I Leave Home 13:10 72min 14:23 22sec 선택장편 7 벗어날탈脫 Not One and Not Two 15 E 59 15:20 87min 16:48 30sec 개막작 스프린터 sprinter 12 E 35 17:40 86min 19:07 43sec 페초장편 10 성덕 Fanatic G E 71 21 20:00 74min 21:15 57sec 페초장편 1 말아 ROLLING G E 67

Theater Time Duration End time Section Title Rating Subtitles Page 11.29 MON C A1 C 신관 지하 2 층 12:00 76min 13:17 18sec 14:10 90min 15:41 50sec 선택장편 3 장편경쟁 2 작은새와돼지씨 Small Bird and Mr. Pig 피아노프리즘 Piano Prism G K 57 G K, E, Barrier Free 45 16:00 87min 17:28 22sec 단편경쟁 3 아무도모르게 / 조에아 / 돌림총 Without anyone know/zoea/honor guard 12 K, E 39 18:00 80min 19:21 10sec 선택단편 2 뭐해 / 쓰는일 / 사진이어붙이기 / 스무겨울 WRYD/return to sender/stitching PhotographyTwenty Winters 12 K, E 54 19:40 95min 21:16 29sec CT 아카이브 3 바리케이드 Barricade 18 76 C A2 C 신관 지하 2 층 11:40 87min 13:08 2sec 13:30 179min 16:30 18sec 단편경쟁 5 해외초청 1 굿포유 / 황룡산 / 장갑을사러 / 나랑아니면 GOOD for you/gold Dragon Mountain/A Winter Glove/Without You 드라이브마이카 Drive My Car G E 41 15 KN 78 17:00 328min 22:29 2sec 해외초청 3 해피아워 HAPPY HOUR 15 KN 79 C A3 12:00 82min 13:22 장편경쟁 9 모어 15 E 49 C 신관 지하 2 층 13:40 65min 14:45 페초장편 3 I am More 로그인벨지움 G KN, E 68 Log in Belgium 15:20 80min 16:41 12sec 장편경쟁 4 듣보인간의생존신고 Notes from the Unknown G K 46 17:00 120min 19:00 장편경쟁 7 컨버세이션 G K, E 48 The Conversation 20:00 75min 21:15 선택장편 1 희수 G E 57 The train passed by C C2 C 본관 3 층 12:00 81min 13:22 32sec 단편경쟁 2 메이 제주 데이 / 국가유공자 / 불모지 May JEJU Day/Man of National Merit/Wasteland 12 E 38 14:30 139min 16:50 40sec 장편경쟁 12 같은속옷을입는두여자 The Apartment with Two Women 15 E 50 17:30 76min 18:47 39sec 선택단편 3 버드세이버보고서제 2 장 / 듀티 / 완벽한동그라미 / 해로 Birdsaver Report Volume 2/DUTY/The Perfect Circle/The way to the sun 12 E 55 19:40 90min 21:11 46sec 페초단편 2 평화가사람속을걸어다니네 / 나쁜친구 / 서울로 / 피아니스트 Peace is Walking through The People/Bad Buddy/In Seoul/The pianist G E 62 C C3 C 본관 4 층 12:20 88min 13:49 38sec 단편경쟁 7 Video Noire/ 씨티백 / 선율 / 보속 Black Video/CITI-100/Melody/Sinner G K, E 43 14:30 91min 16:01 페초장편 6 섬이없는지도 G K, E 69 Map without Island 17:00 118min 18:58 CT 페초장편 12 수프와이데올로기 Soup and Ideology G K 72 20:00 90min 21:31 2sec 페초단편 3 포리징삼부작 / 제씨이야기 / 바다위의별 /1959 년의김시스터즈 - 숙자, 애자, 민자언니들에게 / 불안 은영혼을잠식한다 15 KE, E 63, 64 Foraging Trilogy/Jessie Story/Stars on the Sea/Dear Kimsisters in 1959/Fear Eats the Soul 23

Theater Time Duration End time Section Title Rating Subtitles Page 11.30 TUE C A1 C 신관지하2층 12:40 76min 13:57 39sec 15:00 130min 17:11 31sec 선택단편 3 해외초청 6 버드세이버보고서제 2장 / 듀티 / 완벽한동그라미 / 해로 Birdsaver Report Volume 2/DUTY/The Perfect Circle/The way to the sun 미야모토 Miyamoto 12 E 55 18 KN, E 80 17:30 113min 19:23 해외초청 5 플레이백 15 KN, E 80 Playback 20:00 84min 21:25 59sec 해외초청 4 연인처럼숨을멈춰 Hold Your Breath Like a Lover 15 KN, E 79 C A2 C 신관지하2층 13:30 81min 14:52 32sec 16:00 76min 17:17 18sec 단편경쟁 4 선택장편 3 건전지아빠 / 어디에도없는시간 / 입하 / 퇴직금 BATTERY DADDY/Where would we go/the Intro of Summer/Pay Day 작은새와돼지씨 Small Bird and Mr. Pig 12 E 40 G K 57 18:00 75min 19:16 33sec 페초장편 8 포옹 HUG G KN, E 70 19:40 91min 21:11 페초장편 2 오늘출가합니다 G E 67 I Leave Home C A3 C 신관지하2층 12:00 86min 13:27 43sec 14:30 122min 16:33 30sec 페초장편 10 장편경쟁 10 성덕 Fanatic 흐르다 Flowing G E 71 G 49 17:20 114min 19:15 12sec 장편경쟁 5 소피의세계 Sophie s world G KN, E 47 20:10 79min 21:30 11sec 페초장편 11 물방울을그리는남자 THE MAN WHO PAINTS WATER DROPS G KN 72 C C2 C 본관 3 층 12:30 139min 40sec 14:50 장편경쟁 12 같은속옷을입는두여자 The Apartment with Two Women 15 E 50 15:00 65min 16:05 페초장편 3 로그인벨지움 G KN, E 68 Log in Belgium 17:00 115min 7sec 18:56 페초장편 5 절해고도 A Lonely Island In the Distant Sea G E 69 19:40 111min 23sec 21:32 페초장편 9 낮과달 The Cave G E 71 C C3 C 본관 4 층 13:00 99min 28sec 14:40 장편경쟁 11 그겨울, 나는 Through My Midwinter 12 E 50 15:20 82min 16:42 장편경쟁 9 모어 15 E 49 I am More 17:30 78min 34sec 18:49 페초장편 15 우수 Usu 15 E 73 19:40 107min 4sec 21:28 선택장편 4 바운더리 Boundary:Flaming Feminist Action 15 K, E 58 25

Theater Time Duration End time Section Title Rating Subtitles Page 12.01 WED C A1 C 신관지하2층 13:20 79min 14:40 11sec 15:00 92min 16:33 48sec 페초장편 11 페초장편 7 물방울을그리는남자 THE MAN WHO PAINTS WATER DROPS 206: 사라지지않는 206: Unearthed G KN 72 15 K, E 70 17:20 89min 18:50 46sec 장편경쟁 1 낮에는덥고밤에는춥고 Hot in Day, Cold at Night G E 45 19:40 94min 21:14 페초장편 4 성적표의김민영 G E 68 Kim Min-young of the Report Card C A2 C 신관지하2층 13:00 89min 14:30 36sec 15:20 75min 16:35 페초단편 1 선택장편 1 화광 : 디아스포라의묘 / 내코가석재 / 여기, 나의정원 / 내일의연인들 Harvesting the Light: The Graves of Diaspora/Noses On the Run/Here, my garden/tomorrow s lovers 희수 G K, E 61 G E 57 The train passed by 17:30 90min 19:01 46sec 페초단편 2 평화가사람속을걸어다니네 / 나쁜친구 / 서울로 / 피아니스트 Peace is Walking through The People/Bad Buddy/In Seoul/The pianist G E 62 20:00 87min 21:28 42sec 단편경쟁 1 농몽 / 균열 / 짝사랑 Paraffin Dream/crack/Lovelylove 12 E 37 C A3 C 신관지하2층 12:20 112min 14:13 46sec 14:30 121min 16:32 13sec 페초장편 14 해외초청 2 야나가와 Yanagawa 우연과상상 Wheel of Fortune And Fantasy 15 KN, E 73 15 KN, E 78 17:00 74min 18:15 57sec 페초장편 1 말아 ROLLING G E 67 19:20 179min 22:20 18sec 해외초청 1 드라이브마이카 Drive My Car 15 KN 78 C C2 C 본관 3 층 13:00 68min 12sec 14:09 뉴 - 쇼츠 3 외식 / 프랜시스베이킹 / 프리즈마 / 침묵보다변화를 / 밴드큐 / 컵라면과복숭아 Eating out/francis Baking/prisma/Break the silence/band Q/Cup noodles and Peaches G 86, 87 15:00 87min 30sec 16:28 개막작 스프린터 sprinter 12 E 35 17:30 107min 4sec 19:18 선택장편 4 바운더리 Boundary:Flaming Feminist Action 15 K, E 58 19:40 80min 10sec 21:01 선택단편 2 뭐해 / 쓰는일 / 사진이어붙이기 / 스무겨울 WRYD/return to sender/stitching PhotographyTwenty Winters 12 K, E 54 C C3 12:20 136min 14:36 장편경쟁 6 만인의연인 15 E 47 C 본관 4 층 Nobody s Lover 15:00 119min 47sec 17:00 페초장편 13 아치의노래, 정태춘 Song of the Poet 15 E 73 18:00 66min 42sec 19:07 뉴 - 쇼츠 1 헐리웃키드 / 아듀, 오맹달 / 바다는고향을알고있다 / 데스랠리 / 한남자달린다 / 절대시계를보지말것 / 내방안의 Another World G K, E 82, 83 Hollywood Kid/Adieu, Ng Man-Tat/The Sea Remembers its Hometown/Death Rally/A Man Runs/never watch your watch/another World In My Room 20:00 72min 14sec 21:13 뉴 - 쇼츠 2 코로나극장 / 지붕위의두남자 / 영화감독구교환브이로그 / 소리줍는사람 / 네가사랑한것들을기억할게 / 이별격리 / 손끝 G K, E 84, 85 Corona Theater/Two Men on the Rooftop/Film director vlog/pick Up/I will always love you/breakup and isolation./fingertip 27

Theater Time Duration End time Section Title Rating Subtitles Page 12.02 THU C A1 C 신관 지하 2 층 13:30 70min 14:40 15:20 84min 16:45 2sec 장편경쟁 8 단편경쟁 6 멜팅아이스크림 Melting Icecream 매미 / 습지장례법 /Trans-Continental-Railway Cicada/Swamp Legacy/Trans-Continental-Railway G 48 15 K, E 42 17:10 113min 19:04 40sec 선택장편 2 서바이벌택틱스 Survival Tactics 15 E 57 20:00 80min 21:21 6sec 선택단편 1 외발자전거 / 높이뛰기 / 두여자 / 텐트틴트 Unicycle/High Jump/Two women/no problem 15 E 53 C A2 C 신관 지하 2 층 13:30 72min 14:43 34sec 15:00 94min 16:34 선택장편 5 선택장편 6 모퉁이 No surprise 혜옥이 G E 58 12 59 Life of Hae-oak 17:00 111min 18:52 23sec 페초장편 9 낮과달 The Cave G E 71 19:40 88min 21:09 38sec 단편경쟁 7 Video Noire/ 씨티백 / 선율 / 보속 Black Video/CITI-100/Melody/Sinner G K, E 43 C A3 C 신관 지하 2 층 13:30 87min 14:58 30sec 15:20 81min 16:42 32sec 개막작단편경쟁 2 스프린터 sprinter 메이 제주 데이 / 국가유공자 / 불모지 May JEJU Day/Man of National Merit/Wasteland 12 E 35 12 E 38 17:40 95min 19:16 23sec 장편경쟁 3 집에서, 집으로 Home away from home G E 46 19:40 87min 21:08 22sec 단편경쟁 3 아무도모르게 / 조에아 / 돌림총 Without anyone know/zoea/honor guard 12 K, E 39 C C2 13:30 91min 15:01 페초장편 6 섬이없는지도 G K, E 69 C 본관 3 층 Map without Island 15:30 87min 2sec 16:58 단편경쟁 5 굿포유 / 황룡산 / 장갑을사러 / 나랑아니면 GOOD for you/gold Dragon Mountain/A Winter Glove/Without You G E 41 18:00 72min 22sec 19:13 선택장편 7 벗어날탈脫 Not One and Not Two 15 E 59 19:40 93min 16sec 21:14 페초단편 4 거북이와여자들 / 돛대 / 해피해피이혼파티 / 젖꼭지 3 차대전 Transmigration: the Turtle and the Women/Mast/HAPPYHAPPY DIVORCEPARTY/ 12 E 65 Nipple War 3 C C3 13:00 120min 15:00 장편경쟁 7 컨버세이션 G K, E 48 C 본관 4 층 The Conversation 15:20 90min 50sec 16:51 장편경쟁 2 피아노프리즘 Piano Prism G K, E, Barrier Free 45 17:40 80min 12sec 19:01 장편경쟁 4 듣보인간의생존신고 Notes from the Unknown G K 46 20:00 68min 12sec 21:09 뉴 - 쇼츠 3 외식 / 프랜시스베이킹 / 프리즈마 / 침묵보다변화를 / 밴드큐 / 컵라면과복숭아 Eating out/francis Baking/prisma/Break the silence/band Q/Cup noodles and Peaches G 86, 87 29

Theater Time Duration End time Section Title Rating Subtitles Page 12.03 FRI C A1 C 신관 지하 2 층 12:30 14:20 84min 59sec 113min 13:55 16:13 해외초청 4 해외초청 5 연인처럼숨을멈춰 Hold Your Breath Like a Lover 플레이백 15 KN, E 79 15 KN, E 80 Playback 16:30 130min 31sec 18:41 해외초청 6 미야모토 Miyamoto 18 KN, E 80 C A2 C 신관 지하 2 층 13:00 14:30 80min 21sec 91min 51sec 14:21 16:12 아카이브 1 아카이브 2 짚신 / 땅밑하늘공간 / 뫼비우스의딸 / 그여름 Straw Shoes/Underground Sky/Daughter of Mobius/That Summer 세친구 Three Friends G 75 12 76 16:30 90min 18:00 깜짝상영 관객심사단선정작 G 96 Films selected by Audience Jury C A3 C 신관 지하 2 층 13:00 66min 42sec 14:07 뉴 - 쇼츠 1 헐리웃키드 / 아듀, 오맹달 / 바다는고향을알고있다 / 데스랠리 / 한남자달린다 / 절대시계를보지말것 / 내방안의 Another World Hollywood Kid/Adieu, Ng Man-Tat/The Sea Remembers its Hometown/Death G K, E 82, 83 Rally/A Man Runs/never watch your watch/another World In My Room 15:00 72min 14sec 16:13 뉴 - 쇼츠 2 코로나극장 / 지붕위의두남자 / 영화감독구교환브이로그 / 소리줍는사람 / 네가사랑한것들을기억할게 / 이별격리 / 손끝 G K, E 84, 85 Corona Theater/Two Men on the Rooftop/Film director vlog/pick Up/I will always love you/breakup and isolation./fingertip 17:20 79min 11sec 18:40 페초장편 11 물방울을그리는남자 THE MAN WHO PAINTS WATER DROPS G KN 72 C C1 19:00 180min 22:00 폐막식 폐막작 _ 수상작상영 G 11 C 본관지하 2 층 Closing Film_The Awarded Film 코로나 19 방역수칙 COVID-19 Prevention Policy 1. 코로나19 공통수칙 1 마스크착용은필수입니다. 마스크미착용시서울독립영화제2021 참여가불가하며, 영화관람중에도반드시마스크를착용해주시기바랍니다. * 올바른마스크착용이아닐경우권고후비협조적일시퇴장조치 2 비누로 30초이상손씻기, 행사장내비치된손소독제사용등지속적소독을부탁드립니다. 3 지정좌석외에는착석이불가합니다. 반드시사전예매로지정된좌석에앉아주시기바랍니다. * 등극장내행사포함 4 체온측정시 37.5도이상일경우일정시간경과후비접촉체온계로다시체온을측정합니다. 재측정이후에도 37.5도이상이확인되면즉시귀가조치가이루어집니다. 2. 좌석및입장권안내 1 사회적거리두기방역지침에따라각상영관에서제한된수의좌석만판매합니다. 2 동행인여부와관계없이상영시작전 후좌석이동이불가합니다. ( 포함 ) 3 접촉최소화를위해온라인 키오스크를통한예매를권장합니다. 4 입장권예매는 11월 16일 ( 화요일 ) 14시부터 C 홈페이지및앱을통해가능합니다. 5 상영관내음식물반입은불가하며, 뚜껑이있는음료만반입가능합니다. 1. Common rules for COVID-19 1 Wearing a mask is mandatory. If you do not wear a mask, you cannot participate in the SIFF 2021. Please wear a mask while watching a movie. 2 Wash your hands with soap for more than 30 seconds and use the hand sanitizer provided in the event hall for continuous disinfection. 3 Only designated seats are available. You must be seated in a seat designated for pre-booking. 4 If your body temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees, we will remeasure. If the remeasuring temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees, you should return home immediately. 2. Seat and ticket information 1 According to the social distance guidelines, only the limited number of seats in each theater should be sold. 2 You are not allowed to move seats before and after the screening, regardless of whether you have a companion or not. 3 Ticket purchasing online or via electronic kiosks is recommended to minimize contact. 4 Tickets are available on the C website and application from 2 p.m. November 16th. 5 Food is not allowed in the theater. Only drinks with a lid can be brought in to the theater. 31

심사위원 Juries 시상내역 Awards 본선장편경쟁부문심사위원 Feature Competition Jury 본선단편경쟁부문심사위원 Short Competition Jury 새로운선택부문심사위원 New Choice Jury 조민수 JO Min Soo < 마녀 >, < 초미의관심사 > 배우 Actor of The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion and Jazzy Misfits 한준희 HAN Junhee < 차이나타운 >, <D.P.> 감독 Director of Coinlocker Girl and D.P. 홍지영 HONG Ji Young < 당신, 거기있어줄래요 >, < 새해전야 > 감독 Director of Will You Be There? and New Year Blues 김선 KIM Sun < 무서운이야기 3: 화성에서온소녀 >, < 보이스 > 감독 Director of Horror Stories III and On the Line 김초희 KIM Cho-hee < 산나물처녀 >, < 찬실이는복도많지 > 감독 Director of Ladies Of The Forest and LUCKY CHAN-SIL 이영진 LEE Young Jin 리버스편집장 Editor of REVERSE 김대환 KIM Dae-hwan < 철원기행 >, < 초행 > 감독 Director of End of Winter and The First Lap 김동령 KIM Dongryung < 거미의땅 >, < 임신한나무와도깨비 > 감독 Director of Tour of Duty and The Pregnant Tree and the Goblin 이우정 LEE Woo Jung < 서울생활 >, < 최선의삶 > 감독 Director of Seoul Life and Snowball 본상 SIFF Awards 본선장편경쟁부문 Feature Competition Section 대상본선장편경쟁부문상영작중대상작품을선정하여상금 2,000만원과상패를수여한다. 최우수작품상본선장편경쟁부문상영작중최우수작품을선정하여상금 1,500만원과상패를수여한다. Grand Prize Cash prize of KRW 20,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to one of the films in Feature Competition of SIFF 2021. Best Prize Cash prize of KRW 15,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to one of the films in Feature Competition of SIFF 2021. 본선단편경쟁부문 Short Competition Section 단편대상본선단편경쟁부문상영작중대상작품을선정하여상금 1,000만원과상패를수여한다. 단편최우수작품상본선단편경쟁부문상영작중최우수작품을선정하여상금 700만원과상패를수여한다. 단편우수작품상본선단편경쟁부문상영작중우수작품을선정하여상금 500만원과상패를수여한다. Grand Short Prize Cash prize of KRW 10,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to one of the films in Short Competition of SIFF 2021. First Short Prize Cash prize of KRW 7,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to one of the films in Short Competition of SIFF 2021. Second Short Prize Cash prize of KRW 5,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to one of the films in Short Competition of SIFF 2021. 새로운선택부문 New Choice Section 새로운선택상새로운선택부문상영작중에서선정하여상금 700만원과상패를수여한다. 새로운시선상새로운시선상새로운선택부문상영작중에서선정하여상금 300만원과상패를수여한다. New Choice Award Cash prize of KRW 7,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to the best film in New Choice section of SIFF 2021. New Vision Award Cash prize of KRW 3,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to the second best film in New Choice section of SIFF 2021. 특별상 Special Awards 독립스타상본선장편경쟁및본선단편경쟁부문상영작에출연한배우각 1명씩을선정하여상금 200만원과상패를수여한다. CGK촬영상심사위원 김병정 KIM Byung-jung 촬영감독 Cinematographer 열혈스태프상본선장편경쟁및본선단편경쟁부문상영작에참여한스태프중 1명을선정하여상금 200만원과상패를수여한다. CGK Best Cinematography 이선영 LEE Sun-young 촬영감독 Cinematographer CGK촬영상 ( 사 ) 한국영화촬영감독조합 (CGK) 이본선장편경쟁및본선단편경쟁부문상영작에참여한촬영스태프중 1명을선정하여상금 Award Jury 300만원과상패를수여한다. 독불장군상 ( 사 ) 한국독립영화협회운영위원회가본선장편경쟁및본선단편경쟁부문상영작중에서선정하여상금 200만원과상패를 수여한다. 집행위원회특별상서울독립영화제2021 집행위원회가전체상영작의참여자중선정하여상금 300만원과상패를수여한다. 예심위원남다은 NAM Da-eun 영화평론가 Film Critic 관객상전체상영작중관객투표를통해최고의호평을받은장편과단편에각각상금 150만원과상패를수여한다. Preliminary Jury 박광수 PARK Kwang-soo 강릉독립예술극장신영프로그래머 Independent Star Award Cash prize of KRW 2,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to two actors who each starred in the films Programmer, Shin-Yeong Cinematheque in Feature Competition and Short Competition of SIFF 2021. 박근영 PARK Kun-young 영화감독 < 정말먼곳 > Director of A Distant Place Independent Crew Award Cash prize of KRW 2,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to the best crew of the film in Feature 신아가 SHIN A-ga 영화감독 < 속물들 > Competition or Short Competition of SIFF 2021. CGK Best Cinematography Award Cash prize of KRW 3,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to the best Cinematography crew 안지은 AN Jieun 한국영상자료원프로그래머 Programmer, Korean Film Archive of the film in Feature Competition or Short Competition of SIFF 2021 selected by the Cinematographers Guild of Korea (CGK). 정지혜 JEONG Ji-hye 영화평론가 Film Critic Determination Award Cash prize of KRW 2,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to the film in Feature Competition or Short Competition of SIFF 2021 selected by the committee of the Association of Korean Independent Film & Video. 진명현 Billy JIN 무브먼트대표 MOVement CEO SIFF Committee Award Cash prize of KRW 3,000,000 and a trophy is awarded to the participant in the film selected from all 한재섭 HAN Jae Sub 광주영화영상인연대 씬1980 편집장 sections by the Executive Committee of SIFF 2021. Audience Award Cash prize of KRW 1,500,000 and a trophy are awarded to each feature and short film of SIFF 2021 voted Gwangju Film&Video People s Solidarity Scene 1980 Editor by the audience. 허남웅 HUH Nam-woong 영화평론가 Film Critic 단, 공동수상일경우상금을균등배분한다. 홍은미 HONG Eunmi 영화평론가 Film Critic Co-winners share the cash prize. 32 33

Opening Film 개막작 서울독립영화제가다시축제를연다. Back to Back, 서로의등에기대어, 새로운미래를바라보다 라는의미를담은슬로건과함께올해의문을여는개막작은최승연감독의두번째연출작 < 스프린터 > 다. 월드프리미어로소개되는 < 스프린터 > 는단거리육상선수들이주인공인스포츠영화이다. 10초안팎의짧은시간에인생을걸고세명의선수가트랙을질주한다. 1등만을기억하는세계, 하지만계속 1등을할수는없다는불변의진리. 그모든것을알면서도스프린터들은오늘도시시포스의돌을밀어올린다. 영화 < 스프린터 > 를통해시상대밖에서땀을흘리는수많은무명의얼굴을떠올린다. < 스프린터 > 는 2021 년서울독립영화제의후반제작지원작이며영화진흥위원회와지역영상위원회의지원금으로제작된작품이기도하다. 거대한영화산업가운데작은불씨를품은영화로서, 위드코로나시대수많은가능성을품고있는오늘의영화들과함께환대해주시기를희망한다. 스프린터 sprinter 87min 30sec 11.28 SUN 15:20 C C3 12.01 WED 15:00 C C2 12.02 THU 13:30 C A3 최승연 CHOI Seung Yeon 2021 Fiction Color DCP 87min 30sec (E) World Premiere Cast 박성일, 공민정, 임지호, 전신환 PARK Seong Il, GONG Min Jung, IM Ji Ho, JEON Shin Hwan In 2021, SIFF s slogan is Back to Back, which means that we lean on each other s backs and look at a new future. We open the festival with sprinter, director Choi Seung Yeon s second film. Introduced as a world premiere, sprinter is a sports film. In a short time of about 10 seconds, three sprinters risk their lives and run through the track. The world remembers only the first place, but the immutable truth is that one cannot continue to win the first place forever. Even though they know all of that, the sprinters still lift Sisyphus stone today. The film reminds us the countless unknown faces sweating outside the podium. In addition, sprinter is a film made with post-production support from SIFF as well as subsidies from KOFIC and local film commission. We hope you will welcome sprinter, which has a small spark in the huge film industry, along with the recent films with numerous possibilities in the Living with COVID-19 era. 한때대한민국에서가장빠른 100미터선수였던현수. 아직고등학생이지만점점기록이오르고있는단거리선수준서. 현재대한민국에서가장빠른단거리선수정호. 세선수는각자의이유로국가대표선발전을준비한다. Hyun-soo, the fastest 100-meter player in Korea in the past. Jun-seo, a prospective sprinter who is still a high school student. Jung-ho, the fastest sprinter in Korea right now. The three players prepare for the national team selection for their own reasons. Director s Statement 잘하는일을포기하는상황에대한이야기입니다. 스포츠영화라는장르의특성인경쟁의식을담고싶었고, 각세대별로그방식은다를것이라고생각했습니다. It s a movie about a situation where they give up what they are good at. I wanted to include the competitive consciousness, which is the characteristic of the sports film genre. I thought that the way would be different for each generation. 34 35

Short Competition 본선단편경쟁 서울독립영화제2021에역대가장많은 1,432편의단편이출품됐다. 팬데믹여파에도식지않는창작에대한열기를체감할수있었고, 여건과상황이끊임없이변하고불안이지속되는시기에더욱예민한감각으로시대를읽어내고저마다의방식으로영화를지속해가는결의의작품들을만났다. 서사적, 기술적완성도, 새로운형식에대한실험, 소재의다양성, 깊이있는통찰과사유를두루고려하여분명하고개성있는목소리를지닌작품 24편을기쁜마음으로소개한다. A total of 1,432 films, the largest number ever, were submitted to Short Competition of SIFF 2021. We can feel the enthusiasm for creation that does not cool down even in the pandemic. At a time when conditions and situations constantly change and anxiety persist, we have met the films of resolution to read the times with an acute sense and to make the films in their own way. It is a pleasure to meet 24 films with narrative and technical excellence, experiments on new forms, material diversity, and in-depth insights and thoughts. 본선단편경쟁 1 Short Competition 1 농몽 Paraffin Dream 균열 crack 짝사랑 Lovelylove 11.26 FRI 17:30 C A1 11.28 SUN 10:30 C C2 87min 42sec 12.01 WED 20:00 C A2 권순현 KWON Soon-hyeon 2021 Documentary Color DCP 38min 39sec (E) Cast 익명, 김기보 Anonymous, KIM Gyw-boh 내게촛불은매혹이었다. 세상에마침내종말이찾아온다면이런모습이지않을까상상했다. 광장의사람들은웃고울고소리쳤다. 내손안의작은열기덕분에종말이후찾아올새로운세상을상상할수있었다. 일렁이는불꽃에매혹당하여, 나는촛불을들여유가없는사람들을, 광장을갖지못한사람들을떠올리지않았다. The voice of a shadow introduces itself. The shadow seems to know me and gives some mysterious information about its identity. At the same time, various shadows appear and intersect with live-action images, pictures, computer animations, and photographs. 배기성 BAE Ki-sung 2021 Fiction B/W DCP 19min 41sec (E) Cast 김록경 KIM Lok-kyoung 지방의어느도로앞. 균열 이라는단어가적힌피켓을들고시위중인남자. 하루전, 균열이가득한빌라앞에허름한텐트에서생활중인 40대초반의남자상수. 그는익숙한듯텐트에서나와인력사무소로향한다. 다른인부들과또다른빌라에도착한그. 그곳역시균열이가득하다. In front of a local road, a man is picketing with a sign saying crack. A day ago, Sangsu in his early forties is living in a shabby tent in front of a cracked villa. As if he s familiar with it, he leaves the tent and heads to the manpower office. He arrives at another villa with other workers. The place is also full of cracks. 주영 Jooyoung 2021 Fiction Color DCP 29min 22sec Cast 이한주, 이상희, 양흥주 LEE Han-ju, LEE Sang-hui, YANG Heung-ju 중장비부품을만드는공장에서평범하게일하며살아가는인범에게설레는사람이생겼다. 거창하지는않지만자신의미래를만들기위해차곡차곡준비하며도전하는하영은특별한꿈도미래도없던인범에게자극이되고새로운도전을시작하게한다. In-beom lives an ordinary life working at a heavy equipment manufacturing factory, but one day, he falls in love. Ha-yeong doesn t have lofty goals in life, but she s determined and hardworking towards building up her future little by little. In-beom, who never had any special dreams or future, gets inspired by Ha-yeong and takes on a new challenge. 36 37

본선단편경쟁 2 Short Competition 2 81min 32sec 11.27 S A T 15:40 C C3 11.29 MON 12:00 C C2 12.02 THU 15:20 C A3 본선단편경쟁 3 Short Competition 3 87min 22sec 11.27 S A T 11:30 C A3 11.29 MON 16:00 C A1 12.02 THU 19:40 C A3 메이 제주 데이 May JEJU Day 강희진 Jude KANG 2021 Animation, Documentary Color+B/W DCP 14min 5sec (E) 아무도모르게 Without anyone know 변여빈 BYEON Yeo-bin 2021 Fiction Color DCP 21min 55sec (K, E) Cast 김윤하, 유재원 KIM Yoon-ha, YU Jae-won Voice 고완순, 김부자, 문정심, 양아홍 GO Wan-soon, KIM Bu-ja, MUN Jung-sim, YANG A-hong 한국의하와이라불리는제주도에는해방직후미군정의통제하에 4.3 이라불리는사건이벌어졌고이로인해당시섬전체인구약 10명중 1명꼴로희생되었다. 대량학살의광풍에서살아남은어린이들이, 70년의세월이흐른후그날의기억을애니메이션으로증언한다. In Jeju Island, known as the Hawaii of Korea, an incident called "April 3" killed about one-tenth of whole inhabitant at that time, under control of the U.S. military government, shortly after liberation from Japanese colonial rule. After 70 years, the children who survived the massacre testify the memory of those days. 조에아 ZOEA 폐업을앞둔의원에서일하는남주는성혜와어릴적기억을공유한다. 그리고오랜시간이지난뒤, 성혜가찾아온다. Nam-joo works at a hospital that is about to close. She shares her childhood memories with Sung-hye. And after a long time, Sunghye comes. 유채정 YU Chae 2021 Fiction Color DCP 37min 51sec (E) Cast 김연교, 금효제 KIM Yeon-gyo, KEUM Hyo-je 조에아 Zoea: 어미게에서떨어져나온최초의유생, 알다음의단계. 밀입국 국가유공자 Man of National Merit 박찬우 PARK Chan-woo 2021 Fiction Color DCP 33min 20sec (E) Cast 김삼일, 박일용, 김금순, 류한빈 KIM Sam-il, PARK Il-yong, KIM Geum-sun, RYU Han-bin 국가유공자영춘의생애마지막꿈은호국원에묻히는것이다. 하지만국가는그에게묻힐땅을허락하지않는다. The lifelong dream of Yeongchun, a Korean War veteran, is to be buried in the National Cemetery. But the nation he fought for is unwilling to give him that honor. 자연교는브로커를통해꽃게양어장에들어가고, 뉴스에서는충남태안군해변에서정체불명의보트가발견되었다는소식이들려온다. 양어장의윤수와연교는매일탱크청소만묵묵히해나갈뿐이다. Zoea: A larval form of crabs, next stage from the egg. Young woman arrives at a fish farm through a broker. News reports about a mysterious boat found near the coastal area of Taean, South Chungcheong. Yun-soo and Yeon-gyo s mundane routine continues as they clean the water tanks. 불모지 Wasteland 이탁 LEE Tack 2021 Fiction Color DCP 34min 7sec Cast 오민애, 김재화, 이재인 OH Min-e, KIM Jae-hwa, LEE Jae-in 화천댁은자살한남편의시신을, 서암댁의집텃밭에묻어달라부탁한다. Hwacheon asks to bury her husband s dead body who did suicide, on the Seeoam's backyard. 돌림총 Honor guard 이상민 LEE Sang-min 2021 Fiction Color DCP 27min 36sec (E) Cast 엄준기, 김상흔, 이영중 UHM Jun-ki, KIM Sang-heun, LEE Young-joong 의장대에서 돌림총 이라는동작을배우던중부상을입어행정병으로빠진현규는다시의장대원이되어행사를뛰고싶다. Hyeon-gyu, who was injured and fell into an administrative soldier while learning the motion of the spinning-gun at the honor guard, wants to become a member of the honor guard again and run the event. 38 39

본선단편경쟁 4 Short Competition 4 81min 32sec 11.26 FRI 20:00 C C2 11.28 SUN 10:40 C A1 11.30 TUE 13:30 C A2 본선단편경쟁 5 Short Competition 5 87min 2sec 11.28 SUN 15:00 C A2 11.29 MON 11:40 C A2 12.02 THU 15:30 C C2 건전지아빠 BATTERY DADDY 전승배 JEON Seung-bae 2021 Animation Color DCP 6min 12sec (E) Voice 김하겸 KIM Ha-gyeom 굿포유 GOOD for you 김일현 KIM Ilhyun 2021 Animation, Experimental Color DCP 6min 30sec (E) 건전지아빠는아이들장난감, 리모컨, 도어록등집안구석구석에서활약한다. 그러던어느날사람들과함께계곡으로여행을간다. 모처럼즐거운시간을보내던중 지금부터보고듣는모든것들이바로 ' 당신을위한 ' 굿입니다. All you hear and see from now on are GOOD for you. 갑작스러운폭우로계곡물이불어나는데 Battery Daddy is in charge of every corner of the house, such as children s toys, remote controls, and door locks. One day, Battery Daddy goes on a trip to a valley with others. While having fun, a sudden downpour caused the valley to flood, and everyone was stranded. Battery Daddy tries to power the flashlight with all his might. 황룡산 Gold Dragon Mountain 김무영 KIM Mooyoung 2021 Documentary Color DCP 18min 34sec World Premiere 어디에도없는시간 Where would we go 장태구 JANG Tae-goo 2021 Fiction Color DCP 20min 54sec Cast 이승미, 여정현, 차해수, 김근희 LEE Seung-me, YEO Jeong-hyeon, CHA Haesoo, KIM Geun-hui 승미는절친한친구정현이서울회사에취업한이후통만나지못했다. 물리적인거리감은결국사람과사이를멀어지게만들까. 코로나의영향으로그렇게된걸까생각하는승미는두사람의여행을떠올리며달리기시작한다. Seung-mi hasn t been able to meet her friend Jung-hyun since she got a job in Seoul and they have started to live their own life and have drifted apart. Seung-mi, who thinks maybe it's caused by COVID-19, starts to run while recalling about their trip that they had three years ago. Cast 이용덕, 이경숙, 이병순 LEE Yong-duck, LEE Kyung-suk, LEE Byung-sun 1950 년 10 월경기도금정굴에서일어난민간인학살사건. 남한군경에의해한마을에서 153 명이상이희생된이사건은 1993 년피해자유족들의노력으로세상에알려지면서국가의배상을받았으나여전히희생자들의고향에이들의유해를위한자리는없다. The massacre of civilians in Geum-jeong-gul Cave in Gyeonggi-do in October 1950, in which more than 153 people were killed in a village by South Korean military and police, was compensated by the government in 1993 when it became known through the efforts of the victims' bereaved families, but there is still no place for their remains in their home town. 입하 The Intro of Summer 김예전, 소은성 KIM Yea-jeon, SO Eun-seong 2021 Fiction Color DCP 26min 21sec World Premiere Cast 한초원, 구문회 HAN Cho-won, KOO Moon-hwey 소원과문성은여행을앞두고있다. 그전에두사람은집에있던조명등하나를처분하려고한다. 전구가말썽이지만거래는무사히끝난다. 그들이여행을떠나는날은여름이시작된다는날이다. Sowon and Munseong are about to travel. Before that, they try to sell their lamp in apps for used stuff. The light bulb is in trouble, but the deal ends safely. The day they leave on a trip is the day when summer begins. 장갑을사러 A Winter Glove 이현주 LEE Hyeonju 2021 Fiction Color DCP 28min 50sec (E) Cast 김정민, 양종욱, 김하람 KIM Jungmin, YANG Jongwook, KIM Haram 학원에서피아노를가르치는인경에겐오래된연인상현이있다. 상현은일본으로의발령소식을전하면서도인경에겐같이가자고하지않는다. 상현몰래일본어초급반에등록한인경은수업첫날, 왜일본어를배우느냐는선생님의질문에아무말도하지못한다. 한편그녀는그곳에서피아노를배우고싶다는영균을만난다. In-kyung, a piano teacher at a private academy, is informed by her longtime boyfriend Sang-hyun that he will be taking a job in Japan. She decides to start taking Japanese classes without his knowledge; when asked why she s learning Japanese, In-kyung finds herself unable to answer. In the class, she meets Young-kyun, a young man who wants to learn piano. 퇴직금 Pay Day 전재연 JEON Jae-yeon 2021 Fiction Color DCP 28min 5sec Cast 조민경, 임선우, 이재인, 전성일 JO Min-kyung, LIM Sun-woo, LEE Jae-in, 나랑아니면 Without You 박재현 PARK Jae-hyun 2021 Fiction Color DCP 33min 8sec (E) Cast 권민경, 오강진 KWON Min-kyoung, OH Gang-jin JEON Sung-il 노년의나이로청소일을하고있는김수와박원부부. 코로나전염사태가심각해지 나영은헤어진남자친구진만의전직장에대신퇴직금을받으러간다. 그건진만 고, 마지막으로남은예식장마저쉬게된다. 오랜만에집에서만함께있게된두사람. 과의지긋지긋한관계에대한나영의퇴직금이다. 두사람은각자다른시간에, 시장앞에서사진을인화해주는차량을본적있었다. Na-young goes to Jin-man's ex-job to receive his severance pay instead. An old couple, Kim Su and Park Won work as janitors. The COVID-19 It's Na-young's severance pay for her disgusting relationship with Jin-man. situation gets worse and their last working place, a wedding hall closes down. It has been a long while since they have stayed together at home. They saw the same car, which prints photos in a market in different times. 40 41

본선단편경쟁 6 Short Competition 6 84min 2sec 11.26 FRI 13:00 C A1 11.28 SUN 17:20 C A2 12.02 THU 15:20 C A1 본선단편경쟁 7 Short Competition 7 88min 38sec 11.27 SAT 13:20 C C3 11.29 MON 12:20 C C3 12.02 THU 19:40 C A2 매미 Cicada 윤대원 YOON Dae-woen 2021 Fiction Color DCP 17min 18sec (E) Cast 김니나, 정이재 KIM Nina, JUNG Ejae 소월길에서몸을파는트랜스젠더창현에게낯선듯낯익은손님이찾아온다. Chang-hyeon, a transgender prostitute encounters a visitor who seems both familiar and alienated to him. Video Noire Black Video 성하은 SUNG Ha-eun 2021 Experimental Color DCP 8min 50sec (E) Korean Premiere 나는방으로초대받는다. 누군가나에게말을건다. 나는어떤공간으로계속해서빨려들어간다. I am invited to a room. Someone is talking to me. I keep being sucked into another place. 습지장례법 Swamp Legacy 신종원 SHIN Jong-won 2020 Experimental Color+B/W DCP 14min 55sec (K, E) World Premiere Cast 신종원 SHIN Jong-won 오래전에물려받은조부의기록물들을거꾸로추적해가면서조부의생애를 재구성하는작품. 조부의고향인 1960 년대창녕에서시작해 70 년대구로공 업단지로, 90 년대고척동주택가와 2000 년대파주사찰납골당을경유해 다시우포늪으로돌아가는이야기구조는조부의일생을정직하게답습한다. This is a work that reconstructs the grandfather s life by tracking his records that the narrator inherited while visiting the actual places found in the records and the testimony of his family: from his hometown in the 1960s to present Upo Wetland. In this way the narrator experiences a series of conflicts between his sensibility and that of his grandfather while asking him incessant questions. Trans-Continental-Railway 정재훈 JUNG Jae-hoon 2021 Experimental, Music Video Color DCP 51min 49sec (N) 이영화는유기농맥주의세번째앨범 <TCR (Trans-Continental Railway)> 의뮤직비디오로, 극장에서의상영만을목표로제작되었다. This film is a music video for TCR (Trans-Continental Railway), the third album of the band Organic Beer, and made only for showing in cinemas. 씨티백 CITI-100 선율 Melody 보속 Sinner 황선영 HWANG Sun-young 2021 Documentary Color DCP 29min 13sec (E) World Premiere Cast 이용덕, 이경숙, 이병순 LEE Yong-duck, LEE Kyung-suk, LEE Byung-sun 열여덟가을, 친구기현의부고를들었다. 기현은치킨집배달아르바이트를하던도중교통사고를당했으나, 청소년으로도노동자로도아무런보호를받지못한채순식간에세상에서지워졌다. 나는 2009 년기현의사고를다시마주하며, 지금도여전히길위를떠다니는 기현이들 을만난다. In the fall when I turned eighteen, I received the news of my friend Kihyeon s passing. He got into a traffic accident while working part-time as a delivery boy. Without getting any protection as a teenager or a worker, he was quickly erased from the world. I re-encounter Kihyeon s accident in 2009 while facing all the Kihyeons who are still floating around road in the present. 김윤정 KIM Youn-jeong 2021 Animation, Documentary Color DCP 12min 43sec (E) 방안에갇혀원인모를소음과공포에시달리던나는나와같은일을겪고있는조현병당사자 고유한선 과 바이올렛제이 를만나이야기를나눈다. 이둘은각자의방법과속도에맞추어이세계안을헤엄치고있었다. 각각의음으로표류하던우리의이야기는서로만나하나의선율로완성된다. Trapped in a room and suffering from unknown noise and horror, I meet and talk with GoYuHan Sun and Violet J, a person with a mental disorder who is suffering from the same thing as me. The two were swimming in this world at their own pace and method. Our stories, which were drifting with each note, meet each other and are completed with a single melody. 양재준 YANG Jae-joon 2021 Fiction B/W DCP 37min 52sec World Premiere Cast 강서희, 박세재, 여민구, 이경훈 KANG Seo-hui, PAK Se-jae, YOE Min-gu, LEE Gyeong-hoon 성당의복지시설에서합숙생활을하는성아는고해성사를한뒤보속 ( 고해를한후신부가내려주는속죄를위한실천적인과제 ) 을받는다. 그녀는나름대로최선을다해보속을행하려고하지만, 뜻대로잘되지않고상황은꼬여만간다. 도대체무엇이잘못된것일까? Seong-ah, who lives in a welfare facility in the cathedral, goes to a confession and is given a penance (a practical task for atonement given by the priest after confession). She tries her best to keep up, but things get twisted and don't go as she wants. What is wrong with her? 42 43

Feature Competition 본선장편경쟁 서울독립영화제2021 본선장편경쟁부문에출품된 118편중극영화 7편과다큐멘터리 5편, 총 12편을선보인다. 다양한소재를통해지금여기의삶을주목하며, 독립영화특유의예민한시선과패기를갖춘작품 본선장편경쟁 1 Feature Competition 1 낮에는덥고밤에는춥고 Hot in Day, Cold at Night 11.26 FRI 13:30 C C2 11.28 SUN 19:40 C C2 89min 46sec 12.01 WED 17:20 C A1 박송열 PARK Song-yeol 2021 Fiction Color DCP 89min 46sec (E) Cast 원향라, 박송열 WON Hyang-ra, PARK Song-yeol 실직상태인영태와그의아내정희. 부부는힘들어도사채는절대쓰지말자고다짐한다. 어느날정희모친의생일을맞아가족들이모인다. 다른형제들은모두생일선물로두둑한현금을준비해왔다. 영태는정희에게카드현금서비스라도받아서돈을준비하자고하지만정희는비싼이자에주저한다. 집으로돌아오는길, 영태는괜스레정희를탓한다. 정희는화가나고홧김에사채를빌리러간다. Young-tae and Jeong-hee are basically unemployed. The couple makes a pledge not to use private loans no matter what, fearing they couldn t be saved. One day, they visit Jeong-hee s mom for her birthday. Young-tae finds out that other family members have prepared cash gifts. Young-tae asks Jeong-hee to get a cash advance, but she hesitates at the high interest rate. On the way back home, Young-tae feels shabby and blames her wife. Jeong-hee is angry at him, herself and their hard life, and goes to a loan shark to get a private loan. 들, 시대의공기를영화적언어로표현하고자노력한작품들이다. 이작품들이 2021년독립영화의흐름을가늠하고관객과의소통을통해독립영화의성장을 본선장편경쟁 2 Feature Competition 2 90min 50sec 11.27 SAT 20:00 C A1 11.29 MON 14:10 C A1 12.02 THU 15:20 C C3 이어갈수있는밑거름이되기를바란다. In Feature Competition of SIFF 2021, we present 7 fiction films and 5 documentaries out of total 118 submission films. These films have a unique sensitive gaze and spirit of independent films that pay attention to life on-site with various 피아노프리즘 Piano Prism 오재형 OH Jae-hyeong 2021 Documentary Color DCP 90min 50sec (K, E, Barrier Free) Cast 오재형 OH Jae-hyeong 성인이되어시작한서투른나의피아노, 레슨받으러간학원에서선생님은자주말을못잇고한숨을쉰다. 그러나피아노를중심으로삶은흘러간다. 도시밤거리를걷는기분, 잠꼬대를하거나우울한순간, 어디선가즐겁게노래부르는사람들틈에내피아노가있다. 여러사회이슈에반응하는 subjects. In addition, they try to express the atmosphere of the times in cinematic language. We hope these films will serve as the foundation for the growth of independent films through communication with the audience and for the 내영상에도항상피아노가함께한다. 나는피아노를취미가아닌직업으로삼기로결심한다. My clumsy piano, which I started as an adult. At the academy I went to take lessons, the teacher often sighed and couldn t speak. But life revolves around the piano. It feels like walking down the city streets at night, drooling or in a melancholy moment, and somewhere in the overview of independent films in 2021. midst of people singing happily, my piano is there. And the piano always accompanies my videos responding to social. I decide to make the piano a profession rather than a hobby. 44 45

본선장편경쟁 3 Feature Competition 3 95min 23sec 11.26 FRI 13:00 C C3 11.28 SUN 19:50 C A1 12.02 THU 17:40 C A3 본선장편경쟁 5 Feature Competition 5 114min 12sec 11.26 FRI 19:40 C C3 11.28 SUN 11:00 C A3 11.30 TUE 17:20 C A3 집에서, 집으로 지혜원 JEE Hye-won 2021 Documentary Color DCP 95min 23sec (E) 소피의세계 이제한 LEE Jeahan 2021 Fiction Color DCP 114min 12sec (KN, E) Home away from home Cast 김명희, 서재송, 인현애 KIM Myong-hee, SUH Jae-song, IN Hyun-ae Sophie s world Cast 김새벽, 곽민규, 아나루지에로, 김우겸 KIM Saebyuk, KWAK Minkyu, Ana RUGGIERO, KIM Wookyum 애나, 한국이름김명희. 미국으로입양된지 43년만에한국을방문한그녀가서해바다의외딴섬덕적도를방문한다. 그곳에는고아였던그녀를친자식처럼키워준서재송, 인현애부부가살고있다. 부부의집에는두개의특별한방이있다. 하나는입양보낸아이들에대한기록을보관하는방이고또하나는커서한국을방문한입양인들이고향집삼아잠시머물다떠나는방이다. Anna, Korean name Kim Myong-hee. 43 years after her adoption to the United States, she visits a remote island in the Yellow Sea. There in Deokjeok Island live Suh Jae-song and In Hyun-ae, a couple who raised orphaned Anna as if she were their own. Their house on the island has two special rooms. One is a room full of records of all the children the couple sent for adoption. The other is a temporary home for all adoptees who come visit Korea later in life. 외국인여인소피는필리핀에있는동생을만나러가는길에, 잠시한국에머문다. 그녀는수영과종구가사는, 인왕산이보이는어느집에서나흘을있다떠난다. 2년후, 수영은소피의블로그에있던자신들의사진을우연히발견하게되고, 여행자소피가기록해놓은나흘동안의시간을다시바라볼기회를얻는다. Sophie, a foreign woman, stays in Korea for a while on her way to see her sister in the Philippines. She stays for four days at Suyoung and Jonggu s house where Mountain Inwang can be seen. Two years later, Suyoung finds a photo of themselves on Sophie s blog by coincidence, and gets a chance to look back at the four days that the traveler Sophie had recorded. 본선장편경쟁 4 Feature Competition 4 80min 12sec 11.27 SAT 13:00 C A2 11.29 MON 15:20 C A3 12.02 THU 17:40 C C3 본선장편경쟁 6 Feature Competition 6 136min 11.26 FRI 17:00 C A3 11.28 SUN 16:30 C A3 12.01 WED 12:20 C C3 듣보인간의생존신고 Notes from the Unknown 권하정, 김아현 GWON Hajeong, KIM Ahyun 2021 Documentary Color DCP 80min 12sec (K) World Premiere 만인의연인 Nobody s Lover 한인미 HAN Inmi 2021 Fiction Color DCP 136min (E) Cast 황보운, 서영희, 전석호, 우지현 HWANG Boun, SEO Younghee, JUN Sukho, Cast 권하정, 김아현, 구은하 GWON Ha-jeong, KIM A-hyun, GOO Eun-ha WOO Jihyeon 음악오디션프로그램 < 싱어게인 > 최종우승자이자 장르가 30 호 라는수식 엄마가남자친구와임신해서집을떠나자유진은피자가게에일자리를구한 어로불리며일약스타가된이승윤이유명인이되기직전, 우린 무명 이었 다. 가게에서만난사람들덕분에안정을찾아가고사랑도찾는다. 하지만연 던그를찾아갔었다. 2 년전우연한기회로그의노래를듣곤 2 년뒤무작정 인관계도엄마와의관계도쉽지않고일은점점꼬여만간다. 유진은자신이 찾아가뮤직비디오를찍어주겠다고한다. 뮤직비디오는한번도찍어본적 모든걸망치고있는것만같다. 없는무명인들의어처구니없는제안을시작으로우리들의이름을되찾기위 When her pregnant mother leaves home with her boyfriend, Eugene 한여정이시작된다. finds a job at a pizza shop. Thanks to the people she meets there, Just before Lee Seungyoon became famous after winning the music she is able to find stability and love. However, the relationship with audition program Sing Again, two women just went to Unknown- the lover as well as the relationship with her mother are challenging, musician Seungyoon without any notice. One day in 2018, the two, and things get increasingly complicated. Eugene thinks she s ruining who were going through a very tough time, happened to listen to his everything. song and it healed their wounded hearts. After two years, they boldly suggest him to make his music video without any experience. Starting with the ridiculous proposal, their adventurous journey begins. 46 47