Murrays Bay Intermediate School Sunrise Avenue, Murrays Bay, Auckland 0630 T: 09 477 2121 and F: 09 478 8071 MBIS International News - Term 3, 2015 Kia ora, every term we will be emailing our MBIS International News to you. It will have information predominantly targeted towards our International Department at MBIS, acknowledging student success and highlighting the various excursions we go on. We would like to welcome the following students to MBIS this term: Peter Choi, Daisy Cai, Maisy Cai, Rowena Goh, George Guo, Sophie Liao, Peter Choi, Daniel Wu and Sean Qiu and farewell Dongjun Kim, Gi Na Kim, Yoonseo Oh, Shuan Tang and Junhu Song who have been at our school for this term only. We hope you enjoyed your educational and cultural experience here at Murrays Bay Intermediate. We would also like to farewell: Julie Moon, Steven Choi and Peter Oh who have all enjoyed their time at our school and are moving back home to Korea. Please keep in touch. Julie Moon Peter Oh Steven Choi Highlights of Term 3: New Classes: Veronica Hendrikse has introduced an after school ELIP class for International students. This has been incredibly successful. She has also recently introduced an English class for adults. If you would like to join this class, please contact Veronica at What a great initiative! ELIP/International Afternoon Tea: On Thursday the 6th of August, the MBIS staff and ELIP Leaders hosted an afternoon tea for new parents to the school. It was a great success. Thank you to those who came along. Danny, Nicole, Yurara and Jimin presenting
Sheep World Excursion On Tuesday 15th September, the ELIP/International Students travelled to Sheep World. As well as demonstrating the NZ sheep and wool story, Sheep World has some great ways to experience NZ nature first hand and to meet with some of our friendly wildlife and farm animals. The students had the opportunity to feed the lambs, which was the highlight for many students. Dongjun (R39) said his highlight was hugging the little sheep. Chuseok Full Moon Festival On Thursday 24 September, the ELIP/International Students celebrated Chuseok by inviting kiwi friends to the International house to play cultural games and eat a variety of food from around the world. Special mention must go to our ELIP leaders who presented so well.
Chinese Speech Competition: Maggie represented MBIS at the Chinese Speech Finals on Wednesday 26th August at Somerville Intermediate School. Congratulations, Maggie. Read their speeches in the student work section below. Please remember that if you change address or phone number to contact: to update these. We hope you all have a lovely term break. Regards, The International/ELIP Team Sandra Jacobs, Paul Evitt, Jung-Hee Kwon, Janene Levett, Lynley Knight, Veronica Hendrikse (HOD ELIP), Alison Lamb (ELIP) Please download our International Department App (by scanning the QR code) and or downloading the Google Site: Welcome to our student work area This is Jimin Choi s (R13), our MBIS International Leader s speech in Korean. Her speech is about why Koreans should come to New Zealand; due to the many opportunities for sports, music and the beautiful scenery. 이름은최지민. 뉴질랜드나이로는 13 살. 한국나이로는 14 살. 한국에서태어나 6 년전에뉴질랜드로이민을옴. 이것들은다저를생각하면떠오르는것들입니다. 자유로움. 자연. 음악. 운동. 이것들은뉴질랜드를생각하면떠오르는것들입니다. 지금한이만육천육백명이한국에서태어나이아름다운나라, 뉴질랜드에살고있습니다. 현제사백오십만명이뉴질랜드에살고있습니다. 그렇다면뉴질랜드에사는사람들에서영점육퍼센트가한국에서태어나뉴질랜드로온사람들입니다. 저는더많은한국사람들이이훌룡한나라로와야된다고생각합니다. 여러분도그렇게생각하시죠? 한국에서는운동을할기회가많이없읍니다. 거의다학생들은학교끋나자마자학원가고밤늦게집으로돌아오고, 학교에서도체육을그렇게많이하는편은아닙니다. 하지만여기, 뉴질랜드는운동을많이시킵니다. 제가다니는학교로예를들면, 거의맨날운동을합니다. 한국은공부를아주중요히생각합니다. 뉴질랜드도공부를꽤중요하게여기지만, 다른것들, 운동, 음악등, 도똑같이중요하게생각합니다. 저는뉴질랜드로오고나서운동을사랑하게됐습니다. 예를들어서, 저는, 한국에선안하지만이나라에선하는운동, 넷볼을 6 년째하고있습니다.
이나라는음악도책임지고학생들에게꼭배우게합니다. 뉴질랜드학교들은다합창단, 다양한밴드들, 핸드벨, 오케스트라등이있습니다. 저는음악또한사랑하는사람이어서이것들을많이해봤고, 계속하고있습니다. 저는노래를부르는것도좋아하고, 플룻을부는것도좋아하고, 다른악기들도배우는걸좋아합니다. 제가만약에한국에있었다면이것들을다한꺼번에못할껍니다. 하지만뉴질랜드는우리가하고싶은걸다하게해주는나라여서우리는하고싶은거다하고, 공부도합니다. 저는뉴질랜드가진짜좋은나라라고생각합니다. 뉴질랜드가왜좋은나라인지이유가하나더있습니다. 뉴질랜드에서어디든둘러보면나무, 잔디, 한마디로말하면자연이보입니다. 한국을보면잔디와나무는많이안보이고큰빌딩들과공장들이많이보입니다. 시골이나산에가면자연이보이지만한국에는사람들이거의다도시에살고있습니다. 뉴질랜드에는자연이어디에나있습니다. 관광객들이많이이나라의자연을보러옵니다. 특히유황과자연때문에유명한로토루아로많이갑니다. 저도저번방학에가족과로토루아로갔습니다. 제일기억에남는건강으로흘러가는원천지물이되게맑아서물밑에있는풀과물고기들이아주뚜렷하게보이는것입니다. 뉴질랜드의장점은너무나도많습니다. 우리가원하는대로운동과음악을할수있고, 어디에나자연이우리주변에있습니다. 뉴질랜드선생님들은공부에대해서많은스트레스를주지않고, 우리가잘하는것을응원해줍니다. 저는이나라에서살고있는걸감사하게생각하고제부모님에게도감사합니다. 다른한국인들도이걸느꼈으면좋겠습니다. 그래서한국에살고있는한국인들은한번이라도뉴질랜드에와봐야된다고생각합니다. 감사합니다. This is Maggie Yu s (R24) speech. This is about the importance of learning Chinese 永远不要放弃中文 Never Give Up Studying Chinese By: Maggie Yu 2015 (Year 7) 我的表弟表妹, 出生并生活在澳大利亚, 他们是我舅舅的孩子 每次我的姥姥姥爷也就是他们的爷爷奶奶跟他们打电话或网络视频时都互相听不太懂对方讲的中文 作为一家人如果大家都不能互相沟通, 那是多么让人沮丧的事啊 和澳大利亚一样, 新西兰也是一个移民国家, 华人占据总人口的约百分之五超过了 20 万人 每个华人家庭都会面临发生在我表弟表妹身上的事情, 也会或多或少听到一些来自孩子们的抱怨声 : 我们为什么要学中文? 在这里电视, 收音机, 学校, 商场, 你所接触到的所有地方都讲英文, 即便你去的是华人超市, 产品上面也会贴有英文说明 那我们为什么还要学中文? 但是我觉得不管你的母语是不是中文, 你都不应该放弃中文的学习 你想变得更聪明吗? 你想让你的社交范围更广吗? 那就别放弃中文, 这样你就至少会两种语言了, 中文和英文 会两种语言以上可以让你跟更多的人交流, 这样你与人交流的范围会更广 能力会更强 掌握双语会对人的大脑产生深刻的影响, 第一, 提高与语言无关的认知能力, 第二, 对获取到的信息记得更牢, 第三, 注意力能在两件事情间自如转换, 甚至还能防止老年痴呆
中国是世界上历史最悠久的国家之一 如果你会中文, 你就不用受制于旅游公司有限的景点路线选择, 你可以随心所欲走遍中国大江南北 中国领土从西向东跨越五个时区, 从北向南跨越温带和热带 所以你既可以看到冰雪纷飞的严寒风貌, 也可以看到一年四季都是酷暑的热带风情 新西兰统计局的数据显示,2014 年新西兰的出口额是 680.5 亿, 其中出口到中国的就有 132.4 亿, 占据了出口额的百分之十九点五, 中国成为新西兰第一大出口国 如果你会中文那你就具有了从这巨大的贸易额中获取财富的优势 永远不要放弃中文, 因为它会给你带来很多财富 掌握两种语言以上可以让你更聪明, 会中文可以让你了解更多关于中国这个世界文明古国, 也可以对你的工作机会 发展能力和前途带来巨大的帮助 如果你的母语不是中文我劝你去学中文并不要放弃和忘记它 如果你来自中国家庭, 我想请问你为什么要放弃中文? 如果以上理由还不足够说服你, 那我会大声的再告诉你一条理由 : 因为你身上流淌着中国人的血 Debate by Daisy Cao (Room 11) Topic: We should have to do homework every day. Doing homework can improve our ability to think. We can learn some learning skills when we do our homework to improve the learning efficiency. It's very good for us to study. Learning skills are very important for us when we are studying. For example, if we are learning math, we can do some mathematical problems. Doing mathematical problems can consolidate the knowledge we learn in the class. We can learn more in the mathematics problems. It can also exercise our thinking. Sometimes we can think about the knowledge what we learn in the class at home, such as debating. When we doing inquiry we are thinking about the question what the teacher asked in the class at home because we don't have enough time to learn it at school. We can also do debating homework at home. We can learn some knowledge in class, and we need do homework in home. Doing homework can make us be interested in learning. And then we will love learning more. So we don't need to do so much homework at home, if we do so much homework we don't have time to play. But doing a little homework every day is good for us. Students writing about special celebrations around the world