연구자가원하는서열의펩타이드를합성하여제공하는서비스 1. order@peptron.co.kr 로문의 TEL.042-360-8801, FAX.042-360-8808 2. www.peptron.co.kr 접속 주문형펩타이드합성클릭 주문및견적의뢰 β 버젼자동합성기개발합성 capacity 연간 15000 종 Peptide modification Terminal modification labeling * Fatty acid * Hydroxy modified peptide * cyclization * special modification Acetylation, Methylation-, Formyl-, CBZ-, Suc-, Mercapto(actyl-, propionyl-, hexanoyl-) FITC, FAM, Rhodamine B, TAMRA, Mca, Dansyl, EDANS, AMC, Biotin, FLAT peptide Myristic acid, Stearic acid, Palmitic acid phosphorylation, sulfation disufide, head to tail cyclic Folic acid, Vitamine E, Hydroxycinnamic acid, maleimide-, Azido-, Alkyne-, Ferrocenecarboxyl-,cholesterole, etc 항체제작용단백질 Conjugaiton 크기가작아항원제작시세포에의해인식이잘안되는펩타이드항원의크기를인위적으로증가시켜항체제작이가능하게하며, Carrier protein 에존재하는 T-cell epitope 를통해면역반응을증대시켜항체생성을유도합니다. 항체정제용 affinity resin 제작
펩트론의펩타이드합성서비스는철저한품질관리로 2001 년 ISO9001 인증을받았으며, 전세계에수출되고있습니다. 모든펩타이드는질량분석및 HPLC 분석데이터가첨부되며엄격한품질관리를통해공급되고있습니다. 1997 년에설립된펩트론은전국의대학 병원외국가기관을포함한총 500 여개의기관에펩타이드를납품하고있으며, 국내뿐만아니라해외의다양한기관에서도펩트론의펩타이드를인정하고사용하고있습니다. 펩트론펩타이드를이용한실험결과로 SCI 저널에등재된논문 1000 편이상 국적 Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Czech Denmark France Germany Hong Kong India Iran Ireland Israel Italy Japan Latvia Mexico Peru Poland Singapore SP Spain 기관 The Walter And Eliza Hall Institute Of Medical Research University of New South Wales University of Salzburg University of Vienna K.U.Leuven Instituto Pelé Pequeno Príncipe Universidad Federal do rio de Janeiro Universidade Federal do Paraná Elis Int. University of Aarhus University of Copenhagen Institut Pasteur Plant Molecular Biology Institute, Centre national de la recherche scientifique Biomedizinisches Forschungszentrum Phillipps University Marburg TU Dortmund University University of Erlangen The Chinese University of Hong Kong Biohouse Solutions Pvt. Ltd. C-CAMP Indian Immunologicals Limited Indian Institute of Science Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology International Centre for Genetic-Engineering and Biotechnology Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Jawaharlal Nehru University Link Biotech National Brain Research Centre National Centre for Biological Sciences National Institute of Immunology University of Delhi South Campus Vector Control Research Centre School of pharmacy, Mashhad university of medical science Takapou Zist Co. Trinity College University College Cork Ariel University Center of the Shomron Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Hutchison Water Landspitali University Hospital National University Hospital Sheba Medical Center Tel-Aviv University M.B.S. S.R.L.Medical Biological Service Funakoshi Sysmex Corporation Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre University of Latvia UNISSER, Fac. Medicina, UNAM. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Academic Center for Biotechnology of Lipid Aggregates Division of Biomedical Sciences, Johns Hopkins in Singapore Shizenature Pte Ltd Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) Cajal Institute Universities Allied for Essential Medicines 국적 Sudan Sweden Taiwan The Netherlands Turkey United Kingdom Uruguay USA Vietnam 기관 Institute of Endemic Diseases, University of Khartoum Karolinska Institute Academia Sinica Industrial Technology Research Institute Quality Systems Inc. Sanbio B.V. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institude Durham University John Innes Centre The Sainsbury Laboratory University of Glasgow Catedra de Inmunologia-Facultad de Quimica Facultad de Química, Universidad de la República University of Uruguay Access Bio, Inc. BD Biosciences - Pharmingen Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Center for Heart and Regenerative Medicine/VTCRI CHEMICON International, Inc. ebioscience,inc. Fox Chase Cancer Center Free university of Berlin Harvard University HHMI/UC San Diego Howard Hughes Medical Institue,UCSD Invitrogen Drug Discovery Solutions Johns Hopkins University Joslin Diabetes Center MD Anderson NCI/ Rockland Inc. New York Blood Center NIH/NCI NYS Institute for Basic Research Oregon Health & Science University Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Provid Pharmaceuticals R & D Systems San Francisco State University Schering Plough Biopharma Stanford University Texas A&M University The Scripps Research Institue UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA University of California University of California San Diego University of Davis - California University of Louisville University of Maryland University of Massachusetts Medical School University of Texas at Dallas University of Texas-Houston University of Washington Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University /medical center/radiation oncology Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Special Service Hit Peptide Discovery Service Peptron provides Hit Peptide Discovery Service based on its proprietary PeptrEx Technology, which allows to identify novel bioactive peptides for the development of new drugs and functional cosmetic ingredients, and antibody epitope mapping. In case of failure in the discovery of Hit Peptides, Peptron does not charge a fee to customers. Cost: $30,000 for the discovery of one or more Hit Peptides (showing activities in the µm range). CDA Customer: provides sequence Project start Peptron: 1st 96 peptides To be finished after discovery of hit peptides Peptron: 2nd 96 peptides To be finished after discovery of hit peptides Peptron: 3rd 96 peptides Failure in the discovery of hit peptides Success in the discovery of hit peptides To be finalized without charge Customer: receives the hit peptide sequences after payment & 10mg peptides High Serum Stability Peptide Discovery Service Peptron provides discovery service of peptides with high stability in serum, based on its proprietary PeptrEx Technology. In case of failure to raise the stability of native peptides at least twice, Peptron does not charge a fee to customers. Cost: $30,000 for the discovery of one or more stabilized peptides (at least twice increased half-life in serum). CDA Customer: provides sequence Project start Peptron: 1st 10 peptides Peptron: 2nd 10 peptides Peptron: 3rd 10 peptides Failure in the discovery of stabilized peptides Success in the discovery of stabilized peptides To be finalized without charge Customer: receives the stabilized peptide sequences after payment & 10mg peptides 305-811 대전시유성구유성대로 1628 번길 37-24 ( 전민동 ) 37-24, Yuseong-daero 1628beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon TEL +82.42.360.8801 E-mail order@peptron.co.kr
펩트론은환자의마음과몸을편하게해주는치료제를개발하여제공하고, 환자가질병을진단받은후죽는날까지의지대로편안한치료를받을수있게하는것을궁극적목표로삼고있습니다. 305-811 대전시유성구유성대로 1628 번길 37-24 ( 전민동 ) 37-24, Yuseong-daero 1628beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon TEL +82.42.360.8801 E-mail order@peptron.co.kr