하나도그냥버릴 tip 이없습니다. 정말유용한 tip 만을제공합니다. 교과서본문을 capture 하여제공하므로좀더원활한지도서연구가가능합니다. 2 차시학습목표 : ➊ 대화를듣고주제와세부내용을이해할수있다. Listen & Speak II / Speak in the Real

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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을




희망풍차는 우리 주변의 소외된 어린이, 어르신, 다문화가족, 북한이주민과의 결연을 통해 생계, 의료, 주거, 교육 등 대상자에게 꼭 필요한 도움을 제공하는 국민참여형 통합적 맞춤형 휴먼 서비스입니다.


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수능 CAT



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#1_초급 본문


2 佛敎學報 第 48 輯 서도 이 목적을 준수하였다. 즉 석문의범 에는 승가의 일상의례 보다는 각종의 재 의식에 역점을 두었다. 재의식은 승가와 재가가 함께 호흡하는 공동의 場이므로 포 교와 대중화에 무엇보다 중요한 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 믿음을 지니고 있었다. 둘째




YBM 실용영어 I, II 교사용자료 2 교사용지도서 1 YBM 교사용지도서는선생님의수업편의를최우선으로생각합니다! 단원설정취지와목표를정리해제시해드립니다. 단원설정취지 새끼거위들의어미역할을하는소녀에대한영화이야기를통해동물에대한사랑과더나아가동물과인간과환경과의관계에대해생각해보게한다. 단원목표 Communicative Functions 사실적정보묻기 Do you know how to care for your dog? 이유묻고답하기 Why do you like dogs? Because they are smart and faithful. 한정하여말하기 As far as I know, iguanas are not common pets. Grammar Points Amy Alden is engaged in a car crash with her mother, who dies in the accident. Low fuel makes them land on a U. S. Air Force base. Master Plan Period Section Activity 1 2 3 Listen, Listen & Speak I pp. 30~31 Listen & Speak II, Speak In the Real World pp. 32~33 Before Reading, Reading pp. 34~35 Listening to dialogs about favorite animals Having a conversation about your pets Listening to a dialog about animals and role-play the dialog Having a conversation about zoo animals at a zoo Building background knowledge of the main text Reading the first part of the text 4 Reading p. 36 Reading the text 5 6 Reading, After Reading pp. 37~38 Language Focus, Writing I pp. 39~40 Reading the last part of text Working with comprehension check-up questions Review of vocabulary, useful expressions, and grammatical points 7 Writing II p. 41 Writing an introduction of a movie 8 Express Yourself pp. 42~43 Listening to a apartment complex manager Reading a passage about keeping pets in an apartment Talking and writing about keeping pets in an apartment 9 Check Yourself pp. 44~45 Working out answers to five types of questions 10 Project, Culture pp. 46~47 Making a story book about abandoned animals Reading about animals as good luck symbols 차시별수업내용과활동을한눈에볼수있도록제시해드립니다. 12

하나도그냥버릴 tip 이없습니다. 정말유용한 tip 만을제공합니다. 교과서본문을 capture 하여제공하므로좀더원활한지도서연구가가능합니다. 2 차시학습목표 : ➊ 대화를듣고주제와세부내용을이해할수있다. Listen & Speak II / Speak in the Real World ➋ 동물에대한대화를가지고 role play 할수있다. ➌ 동물원에서나누는대화를듣고이해하며대화에참여할수있다. 수업자료 : computer, CD-ROM, worksheet Listen & Speak 2 Dialog Practice 1. Listen and fill in the blanks. Warm-up Hello, everyone. Today we re going to study Listen & Speak II and Speak in the Real World. Open your books to page 32. Development Amy: These days, I am interested in polar bears. Minho: Why are you interested in them? Amy: It s because I saw a film about them. The movie illustrates how climate change affected their life. Minho: Yeah, I heard the same thing from environmentalists. Amy: As far as I know, it s really. Minho: Right. Do you know any way to them? Amy: One simple way is saving electricity. Minho: I see. 2. Listen again and check your answers. Then, practice the dialog with your partner. Listen and Speak II Role-play Do a role-play with the information below. A Dialog Practice First, will you read the dialog in the box and guess the words for the blanks? a c penguins oil spill my dad helping clean up the oil spill b d zoo animals visitors zoo keepers being careful not to feed them birds 1. Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. destroyed forest animal lovers recycling paper Your Own Amy: These days, I am interested in polar bears. Minho: Why are you interested in them? Amy: It s because I saw a documentary film about them. The movie illustrates how climate change affected their life. Minho: Yeah, I heard the same thing from environmentalists. Amy: As far as I know, it s really serious. Minho: Right. Do you know any way to help them out? Amy: One simple way is saving electricity. Minho: I see. 2. Let s check the answers while listening to the dialog again. Did you fill in all the blanks? Good. Now, practice the dialog with your partner. B Role-Play Let s do a role-play with the information below. Look at the dialog cues to practice. Choose one of the roles in the dialog and practice the dialog with your partner. After role-playing dialog, change the roles. Now, make your own cues for the dialog. I d like you to volunteer for your dialog presentation. Any volunteer to present? 32 sample dialog for Your Own Amy: These days, I am interested in elephants. Minho: Why are you interested in them? Amy: It s because I saw a documentary film about them. The movie illustrates how elephant-ivory trades affected their life. Minho: Yeah, I heard the same thing from my biology teacher. Amy: As far as I know, it s really serious. Minho: Right. Do you know any way to help them out? Amy: One simple way is never buying ivory products. Minho: I see. Thanks for the presentation. Now let s move on to Speak in the Real World. Teaching Tips 교과서에주어진것이외에학생들이만들고싶은맥락을만들어자유롭고창의적으로다양한대화를만들어보게함으로써보다실제적이고창의적인수업을할수있다. Teaching English in English 영어진행수업의부담을줄여드리기위해수업전반에대한 TEE 를제공합니다. Teaching Tips 수업에실질적으로도움이될만한유용한 tip 을제공합니다. 13

5 10 15 YBM 실용영어 I, II 교사용자료 2 교사용지도서 2 교사용지도서한권만있으면수업준비완료! 자세한설명수업에활용할수있는어휘, 표현, 구문, 문법등에대한자세한설명을제공합니다. [ 구 문 설 명 ] One rainy night in New Zealand, 13-year-old Amy Alden(Anna Paquin) is involved in a car accident with her mother, who dies in the accident. : 관계대명사 who 는 and she (her mother) 로바꿀수있다. She takes the eggs in her father s old barn and they hatch while imprinting on her as their mother goose.: they는 the eggs를지칭하며, while imprinting ~ 은접속사 (while) 가생략되지않은분사구문으로 while they imprint 로바꿀수있다. Amy and her father, Thomas attempt to teach the birds to fly by making them follow him in his plane.: her father과 Thomas 는동격으로 그녀의아버지인토마스 로해석되며, make ( 사역동사 ) + them ( 목적어 ; 행위자 ) +follow ( 동사원형 ) 구문이다 No matter how many times they try, the geese prefer to stick close to Amy. : No matter how ~ 주어 + 동사 구문으로 아무리 ~ ( 주어 ) 가 ( 동사 ) 할지라도 를의미한다. Reading A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose: Fly Away Home One rainy night in New Zealand, 13-year-old Amy Alden(Anna Paquin) is involved in a car accident with her mother, who dies in the accident. Amy is taken to her new home in Ontario, Canada, by her father who is an inventor, Thomas Alden(Jeff Daniels). She thinks her new life is miserable until she comes across abandoned goose eggs in a destroyed forest. She takes the eggs in her father s old barn and they hatch while imprinting on her as their mother goose. Because geese learn everything from their mother goose, they will not survive the winter unless Amy can teach them a migration route. Otherwise they must have their wings cut in order to stay in the house. Amy and her father, Thomas, attempt to teach the birds to fly by making them follow him in his plane. No matter how many times they try, the geese prefer to stick close to Amy. Thomas builds a new aircraft with wings and a head that looks like a goose s for Amy. She learns how to fly the plane. To everyone s joy, when Amy flies, the geese follow her in flight. Q 1. What does Amy do with goose eggs in a destroyed forest? 2. How do Thomas and Amy attempt to teach the birds to fly? miserable[ ] abandon[ ] barn[ ] hatch[ ] imprint[imprint] migration[ ] A Girl Becomes a Mother Goose 35 Read the questions at the bottom of the page. Let s work out the answers together. Q 1. What does Amy do with goose eggs in a destroyed forest? She takes the eggs in her father s old barn. Q 2. How do Thomas and Amy attempt to teach the birds to fly? They attempt to teach the birds to fly by making them follow him in his plane. imprint: 각인하다 to fix firmly on the memory migration: ( 철새 ) 이주, 이동 the act of animals moving from one More Questions place to another Q 1. How old is Amy Alden when her mother dies? She is thirteen years old. 영영뜻풀이 Reading material 에나오는어휘들의영어뜻풀이를제공하여별도로사전을찾아보실필요가없습니다. Translation 어느비오는밤뉴질랜드에서, 열세살인 Amy Alden (Anna Paquin) 은엄마와함께자동차사고를당하고엄마가그사고로죽는다. Amy는발명가인아버지 Thomas Alden(Jeff Daniels) 이캐나다오타리오에있는새가정으로데려온다. 그녀는파괴된숲에서버려진거위알들을우연히발견하기전까지자신의새인생이비참하다고생각한다. 그녀는아버지의오래된헛간으로알을가져오고알들이그녀를자신들의어미로각인하면서부화한다. 거위들은모든것을어미거위에게서배우기때문에 Amy가거위에게철새이동경로를가르쳐주지않으면그겨울을버텨내지못할것이다. 그렇지않고집에머물려면날개를잘라내야한다. Amy와그녀의아버지, Thomas는거위들이비행기에탄그를따라오게함으로써나는것을가르치려고시도한다. 아무리여러번시도해보아도, 거위들은 Amy 가까이에딱붙어있는것을더좋아했다. Thomas는 Amy 를위해거위의것처럼보이는머리와날개를가진새비행기를만든다. 그녀는비행기를모는방법을배운다. 모두가기쁘게도, Amy가날자, 거위들도그녀를따라날았다. Q 2. What does Amy s father, Thomas build for Amy? He builds a new aircraft with wings and a head that look like a goose s for Amy. Wrap-up Today, we ve read a story about a girl who tries to teach baby geese to fly. Next class, we will read the rest of the text and see what happens to the girl and the geese. That s all for today. See you. More for Your Class < Script for Some Scene of the Movie > 새끼거위를헛간에서집안으로데려와키우기시작하는에이미와아빠의대화 Amy : Hi, guys. Hey. Dad : Good morning. More for Your Class 다양한추가학습내용을제공하여별도자료를찾아봐야하는번거로움을없애드립니다. More Questions Reading material 과관련된추가질문들을제공하여학생들의이해도를점검하는데활용하실수있습니다. 14

교과서, 자습서와는차별화된자료를제공합니다. 예시정답교과서에제시된예시정답외에추가로예시정답을제공합니다. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Writing 2 Brainstorm When you purchase an item online, you can face some problems. What problem do you want to put in a complaint letter? Prepare Create possible answers for the questions below. 1. What did you buy? 2. When and where did you buy it? 3. What is the problem? 4. What outcome do you expect? Write Complete the complaint letter that describes your problem. Your name / email address Seller s email address Month / Date / Year Subject Possible Answers Harry Potter the title It s a fantasy movie. kind of movie It was released in 2001. release date Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson are starring main characters in it. It was filmed in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. setting It is about Harry and his friends who overcome the Dark plot wizard. Dear Manager, On, I ordered from your online shopping mall... I would appreciate it if you could resolve this matter quickly. Please find the attached photocopy of my receipt as proof of purchase. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. I can be contacted at. Sincerely, Copy of the receipt for Are you done with the writing? Let s share your writing with the class. Any volunteer to present the writing? Good job. Thanks for your presentation. Let s give a big hand to the presenter. Teaching Tips Do You Like Online Shopping? 41 STEP 3 Write Write an introduction of your favorite movie. Look at the sample writing on the left. You can fill in the underlined parts with the answers of Step 2 and complete the writing, or you can fill in them with the things of your most favorite movie. sample writing The King s Speech the title It s a history movie. kind of movie It was released in 2010. release date Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush are starring in it. main characters It was filmed in Britain. setting It is about King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, who gets over his speech problem with help of a speech plot therapist and their friendship. 수준별수업의일환으로, beginners를위해서는 Step 3 Write에있는예시를토대로 Step 2 Prepare 의질문에답을써보게하고, 예시에주어진정답을공책등으로가리게한후, 영화소개작문을완성하게하거나, 공책에 Step 2의답을순서대로써보게한후예시의답과비교해보게한다. 혹은 2명이 pair work로하나의글을완성하여발표하게한다. advanced students를위해서는영화를소개하는데필요한다른질문들을만들어보게한후, 영화소개글을자유롭게써보게한다. Wrap-up Today, we did some writing activities. First, we wrote the titles of some movies, and next we wrote the answers to the given questions about a movie you had chosen. Finally, we wrote an introduction of the movie or your favorite movie. Next class, we will study Express Yourself. See you next class. More for Your Class < Writing Clinic > 대문자쓰기 (capitalization) : 1 문장의첫단어는대문자로시작한다. e.g. The following morning, their amazing journey becomes national news. 2 고유명사 ( 인명, 지명, 나라명, 제품명등 ), 특정한사건, 약어 (BBC, IOC, WHO 등 ) 는대문자를쓴다. Writing Clinic 쓰기지도에도움이되는 writing skill 을제공합니다. 15

YBM 실용영어 I, II 교사용자료 2 교사용지도서 3 학생들의수업성취정도를평가할수있는단원평가와중간 / 기말고사를제공합니다. Further Study 단원평가문제 Lesson 1 1 First, cover the meanings and check to see if you know the words. Then, look at the meanings of the words and see if you re right. I know it Word Meaning pursue 추구하다 courage 용기 pretend ~ 인척하다 broadcast 방송하다 daydream 몽상하다 visualize 시각화하다 attitude 태도 3 Arrange the words in parentheses. (1) When others (of, became, aware) my dream, they laughed at me. (2) How can you (into, turn, your, dream, reality)? (3) The room (was, with, thick, filled, smoke). 4 Match the phrases to complete the sentences. (1) Family is what on my way home. (2) The doctors didn t know really matters to me. (3) I would have a snack why he got sick. I know it Word Meaning scholarship 장학금 criticize 비판하다 determine 결심하다 reality 사실, 실제 accept 받아들이다 court ( 농구 ) 코트 proud 자랑스러운 2 Read the conversation and choose the correct expressions. A: What do you want to be in the future? B: I m not sure. I want to do so many things. How about you? A: I m (so interesting / interested in) hair styling. B: Great! So, are you (planning to / playing to) become a hair stylist? A: Right. But my parents don t agree with me. B: Don t worry. They ll understand you. I ll keep my (legs / fingers) crossed for you. 5 Read the paragraph and answer the questions. When others became aware of my goal, many of them laughed and said it a couldn t done be. I heard all the reasons why I was going to fail: I was not quick enough, I was not fast enough, I didn t shoot well enough. What s more, I played basketball at a small high school in a small community. They would say, No one has ever done it. b Do you think why you re different? I sometimes met people who criticized me and tried to c bring down me. Then I d myself reminded of what Ms. Monaghan had said. Those people didn t know that I had a dream and that I was determined to achieve it. I didn t worry about what others thought. All that mattered was what I thought. (1) How did the writer feel about himself? 1 confident 2 angry 3 discouraged 4 unsatisfied (2) These are the rearranged words of a ~ d. Choose the one that is not correct. 1 a couldn t be done 2 b Why do you think 3 c bring me down 4 d reminded of myself 16

Listening 수업을위해부가자료를만들어야하는번거로움이없도록 Dictation Sheet 를제공합니다. Dictation Sheet Listen A Warm-up B: What do you do in your free time? G: I watch movies. B: Really? I like, too. G: What s your movie of all time? B: My favorite is Fly Away Home. I love animal movies. B Listen and Talk G: Do you know people love pets? It is because they bring so much to us. I have a four-year-old dog. His name is Bruce. He s very like the Hollywood action hero. He likes to play with a toy. When I home from school, he jumps up to me. We walk when we go out. He s to me. I love him. B Listen and Choose G: What s your favorite animal, Junsu? B: I like all kinds of animals. I am an. What about you, Yejin? G: My favorites are dogs. B: Why do you like them? G: Because they are smart and. B: Do you keep any dogs? G: Sure. I have a two-year-old Boxer dog. B: Do you know your dog? G: Of course. I often read guides for pet owners. Listen & Speak 1 A Listen Further B: Do you have any pets, Minju? G: No. We don t have for them. B: What animal keep if possible? G: Well, I d like to own a cat. B: Why do you want a cat for a pet? G: they are cute and friendly. B: Oh, there s one important thing. Do you know what happens to cats and dogs when they? G: As far as I know, they get sick. B: Right, and nuts are also to pets. G: Thank you. C Express Yourself M: Pet owners, may I, please? This is the management. In order to provide a safe and healthy environment for, I d like to remind you a few things. Residents in all our apartments want to be quiet. Please don t your neighbors. When you take your pet on walks, keep the animal on a leash and also bring with you. Nobody wants or damage that is. Never let your pet out alone. Thank you. D Check Yourself B: Do you have any pets, Yejin? G: No, but I really have one. B: What animal would you like to have? G: Well, I d like to. B: Why do you want rabbits as pets? G: Because they look so cute. B: Oh, do you know that the rabbit is in America? G: Really? That s interesting. I didn t know that. B: In particular, is considered lucky. G: Thank you for the good information. 17