1 적절한응답찾기 2 내용일치 / 불일치파악하기 앞의대화 (dialog) 를잘듣고다음질문에답해보세요. (3 분 ) 1. Choose a suitable answer based on the conversation. Why was Mike late? 1. 왜마이크가늦었는가

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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운



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55호 1면

300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름



Yoon s BEFL Note The Animal Contest의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. The Ani

49-9분동안 표지 3.3



Being friends with the face in the mirror


(2005) ,,.,..,,..,.,,,,,





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중급 Level 1-2 Sorry for being late. 상황 / 의사소통기능 사과하기 변명하기 충고하기 등장인물 Sumi, Mike 대화상황 마이크는수미와의저녁약속에한시간늦게도착하여늦은이유를설명하며사과한다. 소리내어연습합시다. Mike Sumi Mike Sumi Mike Sumi Mike Sumi Sorry for being late. Mike, I waited for you for about an hour. I m sorry, but there was a car accident on the road. Sounds awful! You should have taken the subway. I know, but the subway station is too far from my house. I see. Anyway, don t be late next time. Sorry again, Sumi! I won t be late. OK! Let s forget about it. wait for 기다리다 accident 사고 station 역 far 멀리 anyway 어쨌든 next 다음에 road 도로 awful 두려운 again 다시 forget 잊다 happen 일어나다 Sorry for being late. 13

1 적절한응답찾기 2 내용일치 / 불일치파악하기 앞의대화 (dialog) 를잘듣고다음질문에답해보세요. (3 분 ) 1. Choose a suitable answer based on the conversation. Why was Mike late? 1. 왜마이크가늦었는가? * get up 일어나다 * accident 사고 1 because he got up late 2 because of the subway accident 3 because of the car accident on the road 2. Choose T if it is true to the dialog or F if it is not. Mike lives near the subway station. 2. 마이크가지하철을타지못한이유를생각해보자. * subway station 지하철역 T F 3. Write a suitable answer to the question. Who was late, Mike or Sumi? 3. 마이크와수미중에누가늦어서사과하는지생각해보자. * late 늦은 4. Put the numbers in order based on the conversation. 1 Sounds awful! You should have taken the subway. 2 I m sorry, but there was a car accident on the road. 3 Sorry for being late. 4 I have waited for you for about an hour. 4. 대화의순서를맞추려면앞의진술이나질문에어울리는답변을찾아연결해야한다. * awful 끔찍한, 두려운 * wait for 를기다리다 14 중급 Level 1-2

5. Write an suitable answer in the blank based on the conversation. Did Mike take the subway? 5. 마이크가교통수단으로무엇을이용했는지생각해보자. * take 를타다, 먹다, 갖다 6. How long was Mike late in the dialog? 6. 마이크는얼마나늦었는가? 1 for a few minutes 2 for about an hour 3 for a few hours 7. Why couldn t Mike take the subway? 1 because the station is too far from his house 2 because he had no money 3 because there was a car accident on the road 7. 왜마이크는지하철을타지않았는가? * far 거리가먼 * 문장의형식 (5형식) 문장 1형식 주어 + 동사 Birds sing.( 새들이지저귄다.) Flowers come out in spring.( 봄에는꽃이핀다.) 문장 2형식 주어 + 불완전자동사 + 보어 He is a doctor.( 그는의사이다.)-a doctor( 보어 ) She looks pretty.( 그녀는예뻐보인다.)-look은불완전자동사, pretty 는형용사로보어. 문장 3형식 주어 + 완전타동사 + 목적어 He reads books in the morning.( 그는아침에책을읽는다.)-read는타동사, books 는목적어. She loves her son.( 그녀는아들을사랑한다.)-loves는타동사, her son은목적어. 의사소통기능예시문 2-1 Dialog A Do you get up early every morning? B Yes, I usually get up early during weekdays. A How many classes do you have a day? B Well, usually six classes every day. A How do you go to school every day? B I usually go to school by bus. 열심히연습합시다! A 당신은아침일찍일어납니까? B 예, 저는주중에는대개일찍일어납니다. A 하루에수업이몇교시있습니까? B 음, 대개매일 6 교시있습니다. A 매일학교에어떻게가나요? B 대개버스로학교에갑니다. Sorry for being late. 15

1 연계질문에답하기 2 그림묘사하기 앞의대화를다시잘듣고대화와연계된질문에영어로답해보세요. (3 분 ) 1. Listen to the conversation and respond to the dialog. A I waited for you for about an hour. B. 2. Listen to the following and fill the blank with a suitable expression. Mike. Sumi Mike, I waited for you for about an hour. Mike I m sorry, but there was a car accident on the road. 3. Reply to your friend s following apology on your own part. Sorry for being late. 1. 한시간이나기다리게했으니사과와설명을해야한다. * wait for 를기다리다 2. 약속시간에늦게왔을때할수있는말을생각해보자. 3. 친구가사과할때는괜찮다고말하거나, 앞으로는늦지말라는말을할수있다. 4. Answer the following question in English. How long did Sumi wait for Mike? 4. 수미는마이크를얼마나기다렸는지생각해보자. 앞의대화내용을 3~4 개의완성된문장으로요약하여영어로말해보세요. (3 분 ) 대화내용을요약할때는전후상황을파악한다음, 너무세부적인사실보다는전체적인이야기의흐름을전달해야한다. 16 중급 Level 1-2

앞의대화내용을바탕으로빈칸에알맞은표현을써보세요. (3 분 ) 1. Mike makes an apology for. 2. Sumi waited for Mike for. 3. Mike met on the road. 대화의내용을토대로하여문장을완성하는연습이다. 약속에늦어해명하고사과하는내용이므로늦은정도와원인등을알아두었다가표현해보자. * advise 충고하다 4. Mike could not take the subway because the subway station is too. 5. Sumi advises Mike not. 다음그림을보고상상력을동원하여이야기를구성해보세요. (3 분 ) 그림을보면약속장소에앉아소녀가화난모습, 소년이자동차사고에대해설명하는모습등이보인다. 이런상황을영어로표현해보자. Sorry for being late. 17

1 주제, 제목, 요지찾기 2 문장끼워넣기 3 내용순서파악하기 다음의인용문을잘읽고질문에답해보세요. (8 분 ) American business people expect deadlines to be adhered to, and appointments and meetings to start on time. Lateness is interpreted as a lack of interest, arrogance or a sign of poor time management. If you re unavoidably late by more than 15 minutes, apologize and give the reason if possible. In large cities, where traffic delays are common, there s a bit more tolerance, but not much. On the other hand, arriving early will probably surprise the person you re meeting and imply that you re overly anxious or have nothing better to do. Invitations to social engagements state the real time that you should arrive. Don t show up half an hour or 45 minutes late, as is customary in some cultures. There are, however, some regional variations. The residents of large cities sometimes add a fashionably late factor (usually about 30 minutes) to their arrival time. * deadline 마감시간 * adhere to 을고수하다 * appointment 약속 * interpret 해석하다 * arrogance 오만, 건방짐 * management 관리, 경영 * unavoidably 불가피하게 * apologize 사과하다 * delay 지연, 연착 * tolerance 관용, 인내 * imply 의미하다 * overly 몹시, 지나치게 * anxious 갈망하는, 걱정하는 * invitation 초대, 초대장 * engagement 약속, 약혼 * regional 지역적인 * variation 다양성, 차이 * resident 주민, 거주자 1. What is the best topic of the passage? A Excuses for being late B Americans punctuality C How to manage time D Social engagements in America 1. 본문의제목으로가장좋은것은무엇인가? * punctuality 시간엄수 2. Which is closest in meaning to adhered to? A kept strictly B managed loosely C solved quickly D regarded later 2. adhere to 는 을엄수하다 라는의미이다 3. The word arrogance in the passage can be replaced by. 3. arrogance 는 오만 이라는의미이다. A cleverness B economy C honesty D pride 18 중급 Level 1-2

4. How long can people customarily be late for meeting in large cities? 4. 글의마지막부분에힌트가있다. A 15 minutes B 30 minutes C 45 minutes D 60 minutes 5. The word imply in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to. 5. imply 는 을의미하다 라는뜻의동사이다. A hide B cheat C mean D reply 6. The expression show up in the passage means. A disappear B get up C stand up D appear 6. show up 은 나타나다 라는동사구이다. 7. The pronoun their in the second paragraph refers to. 7. 대명사의지시내용은바로앞문장을보면알수있다. A people in some cultures B some regional variations C the residents of large cities D invitations to social engagements * 문장의형식 (5 형식 ) 문장 4형식 주어 + 수여동사 + 간접목적어 ( 사람 )+ 직접목적어 ( 사물 ) Cows give us milk.( 소는우리에게우유를준다.)-us는간접목적어 /milk는직접목적어. 간접목적어는 ~ 에게 로, 직접목적어는 ~ 을 [ 를 ] 로해석됨. He teaches us English.( 그는우리에게영어를가르친다.)-us는간접목적어, English는직접목적어. 문장 5형식 주어 + 불완전타동사 + 목적어 + 목적보어 He made his son a soldier.( 그는아들을군인으로만들었다.)-his son는목적어, a soldier는목적보어. She made her parents happy.( 그녀는부모님을기쁘게했다.)-her parents는목적어, happy는형용사이고목적보어임. Sorry for being late. 19

1 자기의견쓰기 2 그림묘사및추론하기 녹음된내용을잘듣고들은내용을받아써보세요. (2 분 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 받아쓰기는듣기와쓰기를동시에연습할수있기때문에영어학습에매우유용한방법이다. 받아쓰기를잘하려면첫째, 주위를조용하게유지하고녹음내용을집중해서들어야하고, 둘째, 관련내용에대한배경지식과표현들을미리알아두는것이좋다. 5. 다음설명에해당하는단어를빈칸에써보세요. (3 분 ) 1. a long and open way on which mainly cars and trucks can run 2. to fail to or be unable to remember something 3. an expression of regret for a mistake or offence 주어진내용을읽고그에해당하는단어를쓰는연습이다. 각항의설명이나정의를정확히읽고, 신중하게생각한다음한단어로써보자. * mainly 주로 * remember 기억하다 * regret 후회하다 * remote 멀리떨어진 * unexpected 예기치않은 4. distant, remote, or extreme 5. an unexpected event that causes damage or harm 20 중급 Level 1-2

앞의대화내용을참고하여빈칸에알맞은표현을써보세요. (2 분 ) 1. I am sorry being late. 2. There was a car accident the road. 3. I waited you for about an hour. 대화내용을참고하여빈칸에필요한단어를쓰는연습이다. 전후문맥상반드시들어가야할단어를써보자. 4. The subway station is too far my house. 5. Let s forget it. 길을가다가사고로다친사람을발견했다면그사람을어떻게도와줄수있는지영어로말해보세요. (3 분 ) 길거리에서사고로부상당한사람을본다면, 우선상태를살펴보고심각하면 119 에전화하여도움을요청해야한다. 의사소통기능예시문 2-2 Dialog A Do you make friends easily with others? B Yes, I make friends very easily. A How about you? C No, I don t. I m hard to get along with them. Do you get along well with your friends? A Yes, I get along well with them. A 당신은사교성이좋은편인가요? B 예. 저는친구들과잘어울립니다. A 당신은어떤가요? C 아뇨, 전아닙니다. 잘어울리지못합니다. 당신은친구들과잘어울립니까? A 예, 전친구들과잘어울립니다. 열심히연습합시다! Sorry for being late. 21

여기서는앞에서배운내용을총정리하며자기실력을평가해볼수있습니다. 웹프로그램을잘활용하여주어진문제들을풀어봅시다. Time Score Work-Book 09. Sorry for being late. Listen and Do Listen and make a complete sentence with the words in the boxes. 1. Sorry waited being late be a car accident 2. I for I taken was 3. I m should but you it. about on the road. 4. You don t be about for 5. Anyway, sorry, for won t 6. Sorry Let s have late. the subway. late. an hour. 7. OK! again, forget there next time. Dictation Listen to the following and write them correctly on the lines. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Speaking Answer the following questions based on the conversation. 1. Why was Mike late? 2. How long did Sumi wait for Mike? 22 중급 Level 1-2

Reading 1. Word Test Write the meaning of the following words. 1 adhere to 3 interpret 5 management 7 delay 9 invitation 11 regional 2 appointment 4 arrogance 6 apologize 8 anxious 10 engagement 12 resident 2. Sentence Test Read the following sentences and put them into Korean. (1) American business people expect deadlines to be adhered to, and appointments and meetings to start on time. Lateness is interpreted as a lack of interest, arrogance or a sign of poor time management. (2) If you re unavoidably late by more than 15 minutes, apologize and give the reason if possible. In large cities, where traffic delays are common, there s a bit more tolerance, but not much. Writing Fill in the blank with a suitable expression based on the conversation. 1. The subway station is from Mike's house. 2. Mike makes an a pology for. Sorry for being late. 23