Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography Vol. 33, No. 4, 221-229, 2015 ISSN 1598-4850(Print) ISSN 2288-260X(Online) Original article 격자망분석을통한범죄발생취약지역추출기법 Methodology of Extraction of Crime Vulnerable Areas Through Grid-based Analysis 박진이 1) 김의명 2) Park, Jin Yi Kim, Eui Myoung Abstract The urban crimes that threat individual's safety are parts of the serious social problems. However. the information of crime in Korea has only been provided by forms of hot spots around place of crime, or forms of crime statistics without positional information. Those could not provide enough information to users in identifying the vulnerable areas for substantive crimes. Therefore, this study suggested a methodology of extraction in criminal vulnerable areas by using the spatial information, the statistical information and the public sector information. The crime vulnerable areas were extracted through the grid-based spatial analysis and the overlapping analysis from each of the information. In fact, the extracted areas were able to provide detailed vulnerability information than the traditional hot spot-based crime information. Following the study, the extracted results in crime vulnerable areas have displayed highly coincide with Korea safety map, provided by national disaster management institute, which regards to be able to provide crime risk rating in terms of administrative business in future. Keywords : Spatial Information, Statistical Information, Public Sector Information, Grid-based Analysis, Spatial Statistical Analysis, Hot Spot, Crime Vulnerable Areas, Korea Safety Map 초록...,,.... :,,,,,,, Received 2015. 02. 11, Revised 2015. 02. 26, Accepted 2015. 08. 03 1) Member, Department of GIS Engineering, Namseoul University (E-mail: 2) Corresponding Author, Member, Department of GIS Engineering, Namseoul University (E-mail: This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:// which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 221
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Vol. 33, No. 4, 221-229, 2015 1. 서론. (Heo, 2013). (Park et al., 2014) (Kim and Park, 2009). CCTV (Do and Pyo, 2010). (Kim et al., 2012) (Jeong, 2010). (Oh, 2011) (Lee, 2014)...,. Lee(2014),,, CCTV. 2. 방법론 Fig. 1 3. 1 1/5,000. 2. 3, CCTV CCTV. ESRI ArcMap 10.1,. (hot spot),,. Fig. 1. Study flow Table 1. Class of crime vulnerable areas Category Class Safety areas 1 Anxiety areas 2 Attention areas 3 Warning areas 4 Dangerous areas 5, 3, 5 222
Methodology of Extraction of Crime Vulnerable Areas Through Grid-based Analysis 5 (Korea Forest Service, 2015) Table 1,,,, 5. 2.1 공간정보를이용한범죄발생취약지역추출 1 Fig. 2,,,. 1) Kim(2014). Kim (2014),., 1. 2) 19 4, 14 5 9 (MLIT, 2012a; MLIT, 2012b). Ku(2012) 6.4m 6.4m (kernel density). 3),,,,, Table 2 1, 4 4. Table 2. Class of building types for hot spot analysis Types of building Class Building but house 1 Apartment 2 General house, Townhouse 3 Non-walled building, Temporary building 4 ArcMap (model builder). Fig. 2. Flow of first stage 2.2 통계정보를이용한범죄발생취약지역추출 2 223
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Vol. 33, No. 4, 221-229, 2015 Fig. 3,. 1) (MLIT, 2015) (point). Fig. 4. Flow of third stage CCTV CCTV CCTV. CCTV 150m 150m (buffer) CCTV (Park et al., 2012). Fig. 3. Flow of second stage 2),, (raster calculator). 2.3 공공정보를이용한범죄발생취약지역추출 3 CCTV Fig. 4 CCTV. 2.4 각단계별격자망통계분석및중첩분석 (zonal statistics). 5 Table 3. 1 3 2, 1 (Lee, 2014). Table 3. Weights for crime vulnerable area Value Weight Result of first step Road-center line layer 0.35 Building layer 0.15 Result of second step Income data 0.1 Population data 0.1 Result of third step CCTV 0.3 total 1 224
Methodology of Extraction of Crime Vulnerable Areas Through Grid-based Analysis 3. 실험 3.1 실험대상지역선정. (Lee and Cho, 2006). 2 A B. 3.2 범죄발생취약지역추출 1),,. Fig. 5.,,,, (Kim, 2014). Fig. 6. Density analysis by usage of building A, B Fig. 7,. Fig. 7. Hot spot analysis by type of building,, Fig. 8. Fig. 5. Extraction of dangerous road A, B. A B 6.4m. Fig. 6. Fig. 8. Result of step 1 225
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, Vol. 33, No. 4, 221-229, 2015 2),. Fig. 9,. Fig. 10. Density analysis by population Fig. 9. Density analysis by income (Statistics Korea, 2015),,. A, B Table 4. A, B. Table 4. Population information Study area Study area A Study area B Population Fig. 11. Result of step 2 3) A, B 150m CCTV CCTV Fig. 12. Women 26,620 (48%) 5,539 (47%) Children 7,405 (13%) 1,086 (9.4%) Senior citizen 3,828 (69%) 1,659 (14.3%) Table 4 Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Result of step 3 226
Methodology of Extraction of Crime Vulnerable Areas Through Grid-based Analysis 4) 1, 2, 3 Fig. 13. Table 3 (raster calculator) (sum) Table 5, (equal interval) 5. Category Table 5. Classified crime vulnerable area Study area Study area A(%) Study area B(%) Safety areas 12.66 15.67 Anxiety areas 50.36 31.92 Attention areas 26.94 38.67 Warning areas 8.97 11.42 Dangerous areas 1.07 2.32 Total 100 100 3.3 실험결과와의비교분석 (MPSS, 2015).., ArcMap 10.1. Fig. 14 (minus). A 1 12.66%, 2 50.36%, 3 26.94%, 4 8.97%, 5 1.07%. B 1 15.67%, 2 31.92%, 3 38.67%, 4 11.42%, 5 2.32%, A. Fig. 14. Process of verification analysis Eq. (1). Eq. (1) 4 5, Eq. (1). Fig. 15 ( ), 80.74%, 73.05%. (1) Fig. 13. Final crime vulnerable areas A, B,,. 227
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