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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


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수능 CAT

For example: 행복하다 = happy 행복 = happiness 성공하다 = succeed 성공 = success 말하다 = speak 말 = speech/words 성취하다 = achieve 성취 = achievement 취득하다 = acquire 취득 =



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2008 Korean Second Language Written examination

Just Grammar Starter Level 3-º»¹®.PDF

(016~037) Task1





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49-9분동안 표지 3.3


3 Lesson Beauty Tips for Teens 단원설정취지 일상생활에서흔히일어나는미용과관련한고민에대해생각해보고이야기해보며, 그해결책과관련된정보를찾아이해하고활용한다. 단원목표 Communicative Functions 걱정이야기하기 I m concerned about my skin. 조언구하기 Can you give me some advice about oily hair? 금지하기 You d better not drink soft drinks. Grammar Points Lack of sleep contributes to weight gain because you then eat sugar-filled products to stay awake. Avoid touching your face with your fingers. Period Section Page Activity Master Plan 1 Listen Listen & Speak 1 pp. 52~53 Listening to dialogs about beauty care Having a conversation about damaged hair 2 Listen & Speak 2 Speak in the Real World pp. 54~55 Listening to a dialog about beauty tips and doing a role-play Having a conversation about skin care at a beauty shop 3 Before Reading Reading pp. 56~57 Building background knowledge of the main text Reading the first part of the text 4 Reading p. 58 Reading the second part of the text 5 Reading After Reading pp. 59~60 Reading the last part of the text Working with comprehension check-up questions 6 Language Focus Writing 1 pp. 61~62 Reviewing vocabulary, useful expressions, and grammar points Answering some questions related to grammar points 7 Writing 2 p. 63 Writing advice about exercise 8 Express Yourself pp. 64~65 Listening to a monolog about skin care with cucumbers Reading a passage about foods for skin care Talking and writing about ways for skin care 9 Check Yourself pp. 66~67 Reviewing this lesson by answering five types of questions 10 Project Culture Link pp. 68~69 Making a beauty magazine Reading about world beauty secrets

1 Listen / Listen & Speak 1 pp. 52~53 학습목표 : 수업자료 :,,, Listen A Warm-up Listen and choose what the speakers are talking about. a b c Warm-up Hello, everyone. Open your books to page 50. What is the title of this lesson? Right, the title is Beauty Tips for Teens. As you can guess, this lesson is about many useful beauty tips. Today, we are going to study Listen and Listen & speak 1. First, let s start with Listen. You will learn how to talk about your worries, how to get advice, and how to tell others not to do something. B Listen and Choose 1. Why did the girl skip breakfast? a It is because she got up late. b It is because she wanted to lose weight. c It is because she planned to have a big lunch. 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a tip to lose weight? a exercising b eating breakfast c drinking soft drinks Development Listen A Warm-up 1. Listen to the dialog and choose the picture that matches the dialog. Script B: There s a red spot on your face. 네얼굴에붉은반점이있어. G: Do you think I should squeeze it out? 이것을짜버려야할까? B: No. Just leave it. 아니. 그냥내버려둬. G: I hope it doesn t get worse. 더나빠지지는않아야할텐데. squeeze out ~ 을짜내다 What is the answer? That s right. They are talking about a red spot on the face. Teaching Tips Warm-up에제시된사진은앞으로진행될본단원의내용과밀접한관련이있으므로듣기문제를푼후, 각각의사진의내용을살펴보며사진과관련된자신의경험에대해자유롭게이야기해보게함으로써학생들로하여금본단원의주제에대해환기시킬수있다. B Listen and Choose 1. Let s move on to B. Listen to a dialog and choose the right answers to the two questions. 52 Lesson 3 Script C Listen and Answer Listen and choose the most appropriate response from the box. 1. 2. 3. a Yes, I m concerned about the test next week. b Don t use hair conditioner every day. It s not good for oily hair. c I m afraid of going to see a doctor. d You d better not eat them so often. They are not healthy. B: Why do you eat so little? 왜그렇게적게먹니? G: I m on a diet to keep my weight down these days. 요즘살빼려고다이어트중이야. B: But you already skipped breakfast. 하지만너는벌써아침을걸렀잖아. G: I m concerned about gaining weight. 체중이늘까봐걱정이야. B: Do you know that I lost 3 kg last year? 내가작년에 3킬로그램감량한것알지? G: Wow, I didn t know that. What is your secret? 와, 그건몰랐어. 비법이뭐야? B: Exercise! Also I never skipped breakfast. 운동이지! 그리고난아침밥을한번도거르지않았어. G: Can you give me more advice? 나에게좀더조언해줄래? B: You d better not drink soft drinks. Drink a lot of water, instead. 청량음료는마시지않는편이좋아. 대신에물을많이마셔. 86 Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Beauty Tips for Teens Listen Further 1. Which is NOT correct according to the dialog? a Minju is a high school student. b Minju is talking with her friend. c Minju is losing confidence because of her looks. 2. What is a tip for taking care of pimples? a to squeeze them b to reduce stress c to skip meals Listen and Talk 1. Listen and check the answer to each question. 1 What is the first tip? get a regular hair cut once a week once a month 2 What is the second tip? use your hair dryer at the setting of low heat or cool mid heat or hot 3 What is the third tip? do a weekly treatment with a right shampoo conditioner 2. Complete the dialog with the answers from above and practice it with your partner. A : I m worried about my damaged hair. Can you give me some advice? B: If you are concerned about that, try these tips. First, (first tip). Second, (second tip). Third, (third tip). A : Thank you for your advice. Listen to the dialog again and check the answers. C Listen and Answer 1. This time, you will listen to three short dialogs and choose the most appropriate responses from the box. Before listening, read the choices in the box first. Do you understand all the sentences? Script Listen & Speak 1 Beauty Tips for Teens 53 1. B: I m concerned about my skin. 나는내피부가신경쓰여. G: Are you under stress? Usually stress is the reason. 스트레스받고있니? 대개스트레스가원인이거든. B: Yes, I m concerned about the test next week. 응, 다음주에있는시험때문에걱정하던중이었어. 2. G: Can you give me some advice about oily hair? 내지성머리에대해서조언좀해줄수있어? B: OK. First, please tell me how you are taking care of your hair. 그럼. 먼저네가어떻게머리를손질하는지이야기해줘. G: I use hair conditioner every day. 난매일헤어컨디셔너를사용해. B: Don t use hair conditioner every day. It s not good for oily hair. 헤어컨디셔너를매일사용하지마. 그건유분이많은머리에좋지않아. 3. G: What did you eat for lunch? 점심으로무엇을먹었니? B: A hamburger and fried chicken! I d love to eat them every day. 햄버거랑치킨을먹었어. 그것들을매일먹고싶어. G: You d better not eat them so often. They are not healthy. 그런음식들을자주먹지않는편이좋아. 건강에좋은음식이아니야. under stress 스트레스를받고있는 take care of ~ 을돌보다, ~ 에신경을쓰다 Let s check the answers together. Listen & Speak 1 Now, let s move on to page 53, Listen & Speak 1. Listen Further 1. Let s listen and answer some questions. Before listening, read the questions and choices first. If you have any questions, please ask me or your friend. Now, listen carefully and choose the answer to each question. Script G1: After I entered high school, I started losing my confidence. 고등학교에들어온뒤, 나는자신감을잃기시작했어. G2: What s wrong, Minju? 무슨일이니, 민주야? G1: I m concerned about my looks because of my pimples. 내여드름때문에외모가신경쓰여. G2: Relax. That s not just your problem. 진정해. 그건단지너만의문제가아니야. G1: I know, but it s still giving me trouble. Can you give me advice? 알아, 하지만여전히신경이쓰여. 나한테조언좀해줄래? G2: Don t touch them and remember that stress can make them worse. 여드름을만지지말고, 스트레스를받으면더심해진다는것을기억해. G1: I see. I have one more problem. I m gaining weight, too. Do you think I should eat less? 알겠어. 문제가하나더있어. 나는살도찌고있어. 먹는걸줄여야될까? Beauty Tips for Teens 87

Lesson 3 Beauty Tips for Teens G2: You d better not skip meals. Just exercise in your free time. 식사는거르지않는것이좋아. 남는시간에운동을해. G1: Thank you for your advice. It s really good to have a big sister. 조언해줘서고마워. 언니가있으니정말좋아. Now, let s check the answer. 먼저한달에한번정기적으로머리를자르세요. Second, use your hair dryer at the setting of low heat or cool. 두번째로, 저온이나시원한온도에맞추어드라이어를사용하세요. Third, do a weekly treatment with a right conditioner. 세번째로, 자신에게맞는컨디셔너로일주일마다관리해주세요. A: Thank you for your advice. 조언감사드립니다. Listen and Talk 1. Now, you will listen to a woman s speech about how to take care of damaged hair. Listen carefully and choose the answer to each question. Script W: Your hair can be damaged by coloring or heat from hair dryers. If you are concerned about damaged hair, you can try some of the following tips. First, get a regular hair cut once a month. This will get rid of damaged hair. Second, use your hair dryer at a low heat or cool setting. You d better not use irons. Third, find a conditioner that works for your hair and do a weekly conditioning treatment. 당신의머리는염색이나드라이어의뜨거운열로손상될수있습니다. 손상모발이걱정된다면, 다음의조언들을시도해보세요. 먼저, 한달에한번정기적으로머리를자르세요. 그렇게하면손상된모발을없앨수있습니다. 두번째로, 드라이어를사용할때저온이나서늘한온도에맞추어사용하도록하세요. 고데기는사용하지않는편이좋겠습니다. 세번째로, 당신의머릿결에맞는컨디셔너를찾아일주일에한번머리를관리해주세요. Are you finished? Then, let s check the answers together. 3. Look at the dialog below the questions. Fill in the blanks with the answers in the first part and complete the dialog. Then, practice the dialog with your partner. Script A: I m worried about my damaged hair. Can you give me some advice? 저손상된머릿결이너무신경쓰여요. 조언좀해주시겠어요? B: If you are concerned about that, try these tips. 그것이신경쓰이신다면, 이조언들을따라주세요. First, get a regular hair cut once a month. Wrap-up Let s review today s lesson. When you worry about something, you can say I m concerned(worried) about~. If you want to get advice from your friend, you can say Can you give me some advice? You want to tell your friend not to do something. What would you say? Good. You can say You d better not ~. Practice these expressions and don t forget them. You did very well today. Next class, we will do more listening and speaking activities. See you next time. Teaching Tips 학생들의수준에맞는 dictation worksheet를준비하여좀더적극적인듣기활동을장려할수있다. 학생들의수준을고려하여빈칸의개수와빈칸에들어갈어휘를조절할수있다. More for Your Class Useful Expressions for This Lesson I m concerned about pimples. = I m worried about pimples. = I m anxious about pimples. = Pimples are giving me trouble. Can you give me some advice on oily hair? = I d like to ask your advice on oily hair. = What would you suggest on oily hair? = Please give me some advice on my oily hair. You d better not do that. = Don t do that. = You must(should) not do that. = Try to avoid doing that. 88 Lesson 3

2 Listen & Speak 2 / Speak in the Real Lesson World pp. 2 54~55 A Girl becomes a Mother Goose 학습목표 : 수업자료 :,,, Warm-up Hello, everyone. Today, we re going to study Listen & Speak 2 and Speak in the Real World. Open your books to page 54. Listen & Speak 2 Dialog Practice 1. Listen and fill in the blanks. Junsu: Hello, Dr. Lee. I am a 17-year-old boy from Seoul. Dr. Lee: Hello. What is your problem? Junsu: I m concerned about oily skin. Dr. Lee: To care for that, washing your face with the right skin products is important. Junsu: Can you give me some more advice? Dr. Lee: Use oil-free products for your skin. Junsu: Is there anything I need to avoid? Dr. Lee: You d better not eat high-fat foods like hamburgers. Junsu: I see. Thank you for your advice. 2. Listen again and check your answers. Then, practice the dialog with your partner. Development Listen & Speak 2 Dialog Practice 1. Read the dialog and guess the words or expressions for the blanks. Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks. Dialog Role-play Do a role-play with the information below. a dry skin applying cream to your skin wear sunscreen when you go out wash your face too often c 54 Lesson 3 stomach fat eating healthy food exercise every day eat fast foods b d dry hair using a proper shampoo massage your scalp regularly use hair coloring products Your Own B: Hello, Dr. Lee. I am a 17-year-old boy from Seoul. 안녕하세요, 이박사님. 저는서울에살고있는 17살남학생입니다. M: Hello. What is your problem? 안녕하세요. 무슨문제가있나요? B: I m concerned about oily skin. 지성피부때문에걱정이됩니다. M: To care for that, washing your face with the right skin products is important. 그런피부를돌보려면, 피부에맞는제품으로세안을하는것이중요합니다. B: Can you give me some more advice? 다른주의사항은없나요? M: Use oil-free products for your skin. 피부를위해유분이없는제품을사용하도록하세요. B: Is there anything I need to avoid? 제가피해야할것들이있나요? M: You d better not eat high-fat foods like hamburgers. 햄버거와같이지방함량이높은음식들은섭취하지않는것이좋습니다. B: I see. Thank you for your advice. 네, 알겠습니다. 말씀감사드립니다. 3. Did you fill in all the blanks? Okay, let s check the answers while watching a video clip. 4. Now, practice the dialog with your partner. Take the role of Junsu or Dr. Lee and practice. When you are done, switch the role and practice again. Role-play Let s move on to the next part, Role-play. 1. Look at the pictures and read the information for each picture. The pictures show one problem, two things to do, and one thing not to do. You can change the colored parts of the dialog with this information. Using the given dialog and information, do a roleplay with your partner. Script B: Hello, Dr. Lee. I am a 17-year-old boy from Seoul. 안녕하세요, 이박사님. 저는서울에서온 17 살남학생입니다. M: Hello. What is your problem? 안녕하세요. 무슨문제가있나요? B: I m concerned about dry skin/dry hair/stomach fat. 건조한피부 / 건조한머리 / 뱃살때문에걱정이됩니다. Beauty Tips for Teens 89

Listen & Speak 2 / Speak in the Real World pp. 54~55 M: To care for that, applying cream to your skin/ using a proper shampoo/eating healthy food is important. 그문제를관리하려면, 얼굴에크림을바르는것 / 적절한샴푸를쓰는것 / 건강에좋은음식을먹는것이중요합니다. B: Can you give me some more advice? 다른주의사항은없나요? M: Wear sunscreen when you go out./massage your scalp regularly./exercise every day. 외출할때자외선차단제를바르세요./ 정기적으로두피를마사지하세요./ 매일운동하세요. B: Is there anything I need to avoid? 제가피해야할것들이있나요? M: You d better not wash your face too often/use hair coloring products/eat fast foods. 세안을너무자주하지 / 염색제품을사용하지 / 패스트푸드를먹지않는것이좋습니다. B: I see. Thank you for your advice. 네, 알겠습니다. 말씀감사드립니다. For the last one, come up with your own problem and advice. Then, do a role-play. 1. Fill in the form and compare your answers with your partner s. 2. Check the conversation below. At a Beauty Shop Name: Speak in the Real World Age: 1. What is your skin condition? normal dry oily 2. Do you have any skin problems? What kind of problems do you have? 3. What are you using for your skin? lotion moisturizer sunscreen 4. How often do you wash your face a day? A : Good morning! How may I help you? B: I m looking for a moisturizer. A : I see. Do you have any skin problems? B: I m always concerned about my pimples. A : In that case, you d better not use the products for normal skin. Actually, we have all the products for pimple prevention. B: Really? Please show them to me. A : This is the moisturizer and it will prevent pimples. B: I will take this. 3. Make your own dialog and do a role-play with your partner. Beauty Tips for Teens 55 3. I d like you to volunteer for your dialog presentation. Any volunteers to present? Sample Dialog : B : Hello, Dr. Lee. I am a 17-year-old boy from Seoul. M: Hello. What is your problem? B : I m concerned about oily hair. M: To care for that, washing your hair every day is important. B : Can you give me some more advice? M: Use a special shampoo for oily hair. B : Is there anything I need to avoid? M: You d better not sleep without drying your hair. B : I see. Thank you for your advice. Teaching Tips 고민과상담의특성이있는대화문을학습하고있으므로학생들이대화에들어갈정보를스스로만들어대화를완성하는활동을하기전에대화를완성할정보들을미리조사하여실제적으로도움이될수있는유용한정보를활동에활용할수있도록한다. Speak in the Real World Now, let s move on to page 55. It s time to talk about what we do at a beauty shop. 1. Look at the picture. Where do you think is the girl? She is at a beauty shop. What is the girl doing? Right, she is looking at skin products. Look at the form to the right of the picture. Read the questions and choices in the form. Are there any words or expressions you don t understand? Now, fill in the form and compare your answers with your partner s. 3. Watch a video clip and listen to the conversation at a beauty shop. What is the customer s skin trouble? Right. He s concerned about his pimples. And the clerk recommended the moisturizer with the function 90 Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Beauty Tips for Teens of pimple prevention. Now, let s think about your own experience. Have you ever been to a beauty shop? What did you do there? What did you say to a clerk? Talk about your experience. Script A: Good morning. How may I help you? 안녕하세요. 무엇을도와드릴까요? B: I m looking for a moisturizer. 저는수분제품을찾고있어요. A: I see. Do you have any skin problems? 그러시군요. 혹시피부에어떤문제가있으신가요? B: I m always concerned about my pimples. 여드름때문에항상신경을쓰고있어요. A: In that case, you d better not use the products for normal skin. Actually, we have all the products for pimple prevention. 그렇다면, 일반피부용제품은사용하지않으시는편이좋아요. 사실, 저희가게에는모든여드름방지용제품들이있답니다. B: Really? Please show them to me. 그래요? 제게좀보여주세요. A: This is the moisturizer and it will prevent pimples. 이건수분제품인데여드름방지효과가있어요. B: I will take this. 이것으로할게요. More for Your Class English on Cosmetics Anti-aging - Concentrate - Dermatologist tested - Essence -, Fragrance-free - Hydra - Lifting - lift Moisturizer - Peeling -, Pore tightening - Water-resistant - Radiance - SPF - Sun Protection Factor Toner - look for ~ 을찾다 I will take this. ( 물건을살때 ) 이것으로할게요. 4. Make your own dialog with your partner. Use the answers you wrote in the form. Now, do a role-play with your partner. Take the role of a customer or a clerk. When you are done, switch roles and practice again. Essence Teaching Tips 학습내용과학생들의실생활을연결시키는것이이활동의목적이므로학생들이화장품을사는과정에서경험한일들을말해보게한다. 교과서에나온질문지의내용이외에받은질문이있다면무엇인지, 또는화장품가게점원에게어떤질문을하고싶은지함께이야기해본다. 일상생활에서흔히접하는화장품광고에서무엇을강조하는지이야기하는것도학생들의흥미를유발할수있는좋은활동이될수있다. Moisturizer Wrap-up Good job, everybody! I hope you can talk about your problems with others, using the expressions you learned today. From the next class, we will read some questions and answers about beauty tips. See you next time. Sunscreen(SPF 50) Beauty Tips for Teens 91

3 Before Reading / Reading pp. 56~57 학습목표 : 수업자료 :,, Warm-up Before Reading A Check your knowledge about beauty care. 1. People with greasy hair shouldn t use hair conditioner. 2. Using more shampoo can make hair cleaner. 3. Pimples are not just a problem for teenagers, but for everyone. 4. Skipping meals is effective in losing weight. 5. Eating late will cause you to gain weight. T F Hello, everyone! In this lesson, we are going to read interesting Q&As about beauty tips. Today, we are going to do some activities before you read the main text and then read the first page of the main text. First, open your books to page 56. We will check our knowledge about beauty care and our skin types before we start to read the main text. Development Before Reading A Check your knowledge about beauty care. 1. There are five sentences to check your knowledge about beauty care. Read them and check whether they are true or false. B What is your skin type? Choose A, B or C for each question. 56 Lesson 3 How do you feel when you use face wash products? A Tight B Smooth and comfortable C Fine, quite comfortable How often does your skin have spots? A Rarely B Sometimes C Often A 3 points B 2 points C 1 point Sum up all points you get. If you get... 10-12 points You have dry skin. 4-6 points You have oily skin. How does your skin usually look in the afternoon? A Dry and white spots appearing B Fresh and clean C Shiny How do you feel feel when you use lotion? A Feel pain B No problems C Feel fresher 7-9 points You have normal skin. Are you done? Then, let s check the answers and compare your answers with your partner s. B What is your skin type? Choose A, B or C for each question. 1. Let s move on to B. There is a skin type test of four simple questions. Read the questions and choose A, B, or C for each question. Are you finished with answering the questions? Answer A is 3 points, B is 2, and C is 1. Add all points you get from four questions. If you get from 10 to 12 points, it means you have dry skin. From 7 to 9 points means normal skin and from 4 to 6 means oily skin. What is your skin type? Reading Let s move on to page 57. This text is about beauty tips, especially for your hair. 1. Look at the pictures on page 57. Can you guess what the text is about? First, let s learn the new words at the bottom of the page. [ New Words ] expert n. someone who has a special skill or special knowledge of a subject greasy a. producing a lot of natural oil scalp n. the skin on the top of your head unfortunately ad. unluckily conditioner n. a liquid that you put on your hair after washing it to make it softer contact n., a situation in which people or things touch each other 92 Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Beauty Tips for Teens Reading Beauty Tips Q & A get worse, lead to designed for, apply A to B, A rather than B Q A Q 1. How do we have to clean our hair to prevent greasy hair? 2. What kinds of food should be avoided? expert[ ] greasy[ ] scalp[ ] unfortunately[ ] conditioner[ ] contact[ ] Not interested in beauty advice written for moms? Yeah, we understand. Here you will find useful beauty tips every teen should know. Experts will give you the tips you need to know. I m losing my confidence because of my greasy hair. I wash my hair every day, and sometimes twice a day! The grease never goes away and it is getting worse. What should I do? Your scalp produces natural oil. This is a good thing because it helps your head and hair stay healthy and shiny. Unfortunately, too much oil leads to what you call greasy hair. Here are some tips on this problem. First, wash your hair daily with a shampoo designed for oily hair. I recommend massaging the scalp gently while shampooing hair. Second, apply the conditioner to only the mid and ends of your hair rather than to the roots. Third, brush your hair briefly and not too often. When you brush, avoid contact with the scalp. Finally, watch your diet. Oily and fatty foods can make your skin and scalp greasy. Good luck with your hair! Beauty Tips for Teens 57 5 10 15 4. Read again and find what the main idea is. 5. [ Structures ] This is a good thing because it helps your head and hair stay healthy and shiny. Unfortunately, too much oil leads to what you call greasy hair. I recommend massaging the scalp gently while shampooing hair. Translation 엄마를위한미용관련조언에는관심이없다고요? 네, 이해합니다. 여기모든십대가알아야하는유용한미용정보가있습니다. 전문가들이당신이알아야하는정보들을제공할것입니다. 저는지성머릿결때문에자신감을잃고있습니다. 저는매일머리를감고때로는하루에두번이나머리를감습니다! 하지만기름기가사라지지않고더심해지고있습니다. 전어떻게해야하죠? 우리의두피는천연유분을만들어냅니다. 이는우리의머리와머리카락을건강하고윤기있게유지해주므로좋은것이죠. 불행히도과다한유분은흔히말하는 지성모발 이라는문제를일으킵니다. 여기이러한문제에대한몇가지조언이있습니다. 첫째, 지성모발용샴푸로매일머리를감으십시오. 머리를감는동안두피를부드럽게마사지할것을권장합니다. 둘째, 컨디셔너는모근보다는머리카락의중간과끝부분에만바르십시오. 셋째, 머리빗질은짧은시간동안만하고너무자주하지마십시오. 머리를빗을때두피와의접촉은피하세요. 마지막으로식단에신경쓰십시오. 기름지고지방이많은음식은피부와두피를지성으로만들수있습니다. 머릿결관리잘하길빕니다! 6. Read the questions at the bottom of the page. Let s work out the answers together. Answer : More Questions 1. We have to wash our hair daily with a shampoo designed for oily hair. 2. Oily and fatty foods should be avoided. 1. What is the function of natural oil from your scalp? It helps your head and hair stay healthy and shiny. 2. What is the right way to brush greasy hair? We have to brush the hair briefly and not too often. Also, we have to avoid contact with the scalp. 3. Now, read the text silently and check the unfamiliar words or phrases. [ Useful Phrases ] be interested in Wrap-up Today, we ve read beauty tips about how to take care of greasy hair. Next class, we will read useful tips about other beauty problems. That s all for today. See you. Beauty Tips for Teens 93

4 차시 Reading p. 58 학습 목표: ➊ 그림을 보고 읽기 지문의 내용을 예측할 수 있다. ➋ 제시된 새로운 어휘와 표현을 익힐 수 있다. ➌ 읽기 지문을 읽으면서 그 내용을 이해할 수 있다. 수업 자료: textbook, computer, CD-ROM Q A Warm-up Last class, we read a text about beauty tips to deal with oily hair. Today, we re going to read beauty tips about another problem. Open your books to page 58. Hello! I m a 17-year-old boy. My life is miserable because of pimples. Please tell me how to treat them. You get upset when you wake up and find a huge pimple on your face. The good news is that there are ways to prevent and treat pimples. First, it is important to wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap made for people with 5 pimples. Gently massage your face in a circular motion. Second, do not squeeze your pimples. Squeezing them can push dirty material further into the skin. It causes more swelling and redness, and can damage your skin permanently. Avoid touching your face with your fingers. Touching your face spreads the bacteria. To keep bacteria away, wash Development your hands before applying anything like 10 treatment, creams or makeup to your treatment Reading face. face Finally, keep your hair clean and out of your face to stop additional dirt and oil 1. 사진을 보고 본문 내용 추측하기 skin. from touching your skin Look at the pictures on page 58. Guess the topic of the text. 2. 새로운 어휘 학습하기 mild soap First, let s learn the new words at the bottom of the page 58. Q 1. What kind of soap do you have to use to treat pimples? 2. Why is touching your face with your fingers bad for pimples? [ New Words ] 58 pimple n. 여드름, 뾰루지 small spot on the face circular a. 원형의, 둥근 shaped like a circle squeeze v. (보통 손가락으로) 짜다 to press firmly usually with hands swell n. 붓다. 부어오르다. to increase size of an area in your body caused by an injury or an illness permanently ad. 영구적으로 lasting forever additional a. 추가의 extra [ Useful Phrases ] in a circular motion : 원을 그리는 동작으로 This time, read the text aloud and find what s going on in the text. [ Structures ] Please tell me how to treat them. : how to + 동사원형 은 94 Lesson 3 squeeze[ ] swell[ ] Lesson 3 ~하는 방법 의 의미이다. how to treat them이 동사 tell의 직접목적 어로 사용되었다. The good news is that there are ways to prevent and treat pimples. : to 이하는 앞의 ways를 수식하는 to부정사의 형 용사적 용법이다. 5. 구문 확인하기 Let s check the structures. additional[ ] 질문 안녕하세요! 저는 17세 남학생입니다. 여드름 때문에 제 삶이 우울합니 다. 여드름을 어떻게 다루어야 할지 알려 주세요. 답변 아침에 일어나서 얼굴에 난 큰 여드름을 발견하면 기분이 좋지 않죠. 좋은 소식은 여드름은 예방하고 치료할 방법들이 있다는 것입니다. 첫째, 하루에 두 번, 미지근한 물과 여드름 피부를 위한 순한 비누로 세안하는 것이 중요합니다. 얼굴을 원을 그리며 부드럽게 마사지하세요. 둘째, 여드름을 짜지 마세요. 여드 름을 짜면 더러운 물질이 피부에 더 깊숙이 침투하게 됩니다. 그렇게 되면 여드 름이 더 부풀고 빨갛게 되며 피부가 영구적으로 손상될 수 있습니다. 손가락으 로 얼굴을 만지는 것도 피하세요. 얼굴을 만지면 박테리아가 퍼질 수 있습니다. 박테리아를 멀리하기 위해서는 얼굴에 트리트먼트나 크림 또는 화장품 등을 바 르기 전에 손을 씻어야 합니다. 마지막으로, 추가적인 먼지나 기름이 피부에 닿 는 것을 막기 위해 모발을 청결히 유지하고 얼굴에 접촉하지 않도록 하십시오. Now, read the text silently and check the unfamiliar words or phrases. 4. 본문을 다시 읽고 중심 내용 파악하기 circular[ ] Translation 3. 본문을 읽고 표현 정리하기 pimple[ ] permanently[ li] First, it is important to wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap made for people with pimples. : it은 가주어, to 이하가 진주어인 문장이다. 문장의 주어 가 긴 경우는 주어 자리에 it을 쓰고, 긴 주어를 뒤로 빼는 것이 보통

Lesson 3 Beauty Tips for Teens Finally, keep your hair clean and out of your face to stop additional dirt and oil from touching your skin. 6. Read the questions at the bottom of the page. Let s work out the answers together. Answer : 1. You have to use a mild soap made for people with pimples. 2. It is because touching your face with your fingers spreads the bacteria. More Questions 1. What can be caused by squeezing pimples? Squeezing causes more swelling and redness, and can damage your skin permanently. 2. Why is keeping the hair clean and out of the face important in treating pimples? It is because it can stop additional dirt and oil from touching your face. Wrap-up Today, we ve read beauty tips related to pimples. Next time, we ll read beauty tips about another problem and review the whole text we ve learned. See you. More for Your Class More Beauty Tips Q&A More Beauty Tips Q&A Q: I have used soap to wash my hair. Is it bad? A: You can use soap to wash your hair. But soaps for the body or hands may contain stronger greaseremoving materials that can hurt delicate hair. The good news is that there are shower gels for both hair and body. So, if you want to use soap for your hair, choose the right product. Q: Is it OK for me to use my sister s skin care products? I m a 17-year-old boy. A: You can use them if you have the same skin type. But if your sister s skin is dry and your skin is oily, you must get your own. It is important to figure out how dry or oily your skin is and use products meant specifically for your skin type. Q: These days I am using a moisturizer with SPF 28. One of my friends suggests that I had better apply moisturizer and sun block separately to get a better result. What would you say? A: It s definitely OK to use your moisturizer with sunscreen! It s an easy way to apply facial sunscreen. You re doing the right thing, and you don t need to add another step to the process. But, know that the sun protection won t last all day. So, if you re outdoors, you ll need to apply some later in the day. 동사의목적어 to agree, ask, choose, decide, expect, hope, promise e.g. I promised her to call her as soon as possible. admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, deny, enjoy e.g. We should consider hiring a new employee. to begin, continue, start, like, love e.g. He continued playing(to play) the guitar all day. to forget -ing: ( ) ~ forget to: ( ) ~ e.g. I forgot having told Dad about it. I forgot to tell Dad about it. Beauty Tips for Teens 95

5 차시 Reading / After Reading pp. 59~60 학습 목표: ➊ 읽기 지문을 읽고 그 내용을 이해할 수 있다. ➋ 읽기 지문의 내용에 대한 이해를 확인하는 문제에 답할 수 있다. 수업 자료: textbook, computer, CD-ROM Q A Warm-up Today, we re going to read a text about beauty tips. Let s start today s lesson. I really want to keep my weight down. I eat as little as possible, so I am always hungry. Still, nothing happens to my weight! What am I doing wrong? It is important to stay healthy and maintain a weight that is right for your body. Unfortunately, many teens turn to unrealistic diets that promise weight loss in unhealthy 5 ways. To lose weight, you need to follow these instructions. First, do not even think about a diet that requires you not to Development eat. Those diets lower your body s need for food and will reduce your energy, slowing down weight loss. If you are hungry, eat something. In particular, eat a healthy breakfast. Reading 10 Eating in the morning starts your body s functions for the day. Next, keep checking how many calories you consume 1. 사진을 보고 본문 내용 추측하기 from liquids. Consuming juice and soft drinks can easily Open your books to page 59. Please look at the pictures. Can you guess the topic of the text? add up to hundreds of calories. Drink water, instead. maintain a weight It is also important that you find a physical activity that you can enjoy. Healthy activities 15 include running, biking, swimming and so on. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Finally, get a good night s sleep every night. Lack of sleep contributes to weight gain because you then eat sugar-filled products to stay awake. 2. 새로운 어휘 학습하기 Before reading the text, let s learn the new words. Q [ New Words ] maintain v. 유지하다 to make something stay the same unrealistic a. 비현실적인 not likely or possible lower v. 낮추다 to reduce something in number, amount, or strength consume v. 먹다, 마시다 to eat or drink physical a. 신체의 relating to your body contribute v. 기여하다, ~의 원인이 되다 to be one of the things that help to make something happen 1. Why is skipping meals bad for your diet? 2. How does lack of sleep contribute to weight gain? maintain[ ] unrealistic[ stik] physical[ ] contribute[ ] lower[ u ] consume[ ] Beauty Tips for Teens Translation 질문 저는 정말 체중을 줄이고 싶습니다. 가능한 한 적게 먹고 있는데, 그래서인 지 항상 허기집니다. 그런데도 몸무게에는 변화가 없습니다! 뭐가 잘못된 거죠? 답변 건강한 상태로 자신에게 적절한 체중을 유지하는 것은 중요합니다. 불행 히도, 많은 십대들이 건강하지 않은 방식으로 체중 감량을 보장하는 비현실적 인 다이어트에 의지합니다. 몸무게를 줄이기 위해서는 다음의 지시를 따라야 합니다. 첫째, 굶는 다이어트는 생각도 하지 마십시오. 그러한 다이어트는 신 체가 필요로 하는 음식의 양을 줄여 에너지를 감소시키고 결국 체중 감량의 속 도는 더 느려지게 됩니다. 만약 배가 고프다면 무언가 먹어야 합니다. 특히 건 강한 아침 식사를 하는 것이 중요합니다. 아침 식사를 함으로써 여러분의 신체 는 하루를 위한 기능을 시작합니다. 다음으로, 여러분이 음료수로 섭취하는 칼 로리의 양을 체크하세요. 주스와 청량음료의 섭취만으로도 쉽게 수백 칼로리 에 이르게 됩니다. 청량음료 대신 물을 마시도록 하세요. 여러분이 즐길 수 있 는 신체 활동을 찾는 것 또한 중요합니다. 달리기, 자전거 타기, 수영 등이 여기 에 해당합니다. 적어도 하루에 30분씩 운동하세요. 마지막으로, 매일 밤 숙면 을 취하도록 하세요. 수면 부족이 체중 증가의 원인이 됩니다. 왜냐하면 잠들지 않기 위해 당이 든 음식을 먹기 때문입니다. 3. 본문을 읽고 표현 정리하기 Now, read the text silently and check the unfamiliar words or phrases. [ Useful Phrases ] turn to : ~에 의지하다 in particular : 특히 lack of : ~의 부족, 결핍 4. 본문을 다시 읽고 중심 내용 파악하기 This time, read the text aloud and find out what s going on in the text. not to eat. : that 이하는 a diet를 수식하는 관계대명사절이다. 5. 구문 확인하기 require + 목적어 + to부정사 는 (목적어)에게 하도록 요구하 Let s check the structures. 다 의 의미이다. to부정사를 부정할 때는 not을 to부정사의 앞에 [ Structures ] First, do not even think about a diet that requires you 96 Lesson 3 놓는다. Those diets lower your body s need for food, slowing 59

Lesson 3 Beauty Tips for Teens After Reading A Complete the table by filling in the blanks. Problem greasy hair pimples weight B Check True or False. 60 Lesson 3 down weight loss. : Next, keep checking how many calories you consume from liquid. : 6. Answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Let s work out the answers together. Answer : More Questions Advice Wash your hair every day. Apply the conditioner only to the mid and ends. Brush your hair briefly and not too often. Watch your diet. Wash your face twice a day. Do not squeeze your pimples. Avoid touching your face with your fingers. Keep your hair clean and out of your face. Do not skip meals. Check calories you get from liquids. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Get a good night s sleep. 1. A gentle massage of the scalp while you shampoo hair is good for oily hair. 2. Touching your face after washing hands can keep the bacteria away. 3. If you do not eat when you feel hungry, you can lose weight quickly. 4. Drinking various soft drinks is necessary to keep your weight down. 1. It is because skipping meals lowers your body s need for food and reduces your energy. 2. Lack of sleep makes people eat sugarfilled products to stay awake. 1. Why is breakfast important? It is because eating in the morning starts your body s functions for the day. 2. How long should we exercise a day? At least 30 minutes a day T F C Match [A] with [B] to complete each sentence. (A) (B) 1. Oily and fatty foods a can make what you call greasy hair. 2. fingers sleep hair liquids every diet squeeze Eating in the morning b can damage your skin permanently. Squeezing pimples causes more starts your body s functions for the 3. c swelling and redness, and day. After Reading A Complete the table by filling in the blanks. 1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Are you done? Let s check the answers. B Check True or False. 1. Read the sentences and check T or F. Are you done? Let s check the answers together. C Match [A] with [B] to complete each sentence. 1. In task C, make three sentences by matching the left side and the right side. Check the answers and read the complete sentences. Wrap-up You did very well. Next class, we will study Language Focus and Writing 1. Bye. Beauty Tips for Teens 97

6 Language Focus / Writing 1 pp. 61~62 학습목표 :, 수업자료 :,, Language Focus Vocabulary 1. healthy greasy dirty 2. useful thankful hopeful Warm-up Hello, everyone. Today, we are going to study vocabulary, useful expressions, and grammar in this lesson. Open your books to page 61. Development Language Focus Vocabulary 1. Look at the words in the box. These words are adjectives made by adding the suffixes -y and -ful to nouns. Complete the sentences by changing the given words. 1. This room was so dirty that it took all day to clean it. (dirt) 2. She was so thankful for all the love she received from her parents. (thank) Useful Expressions 1. Too much oil leads to what you call greasy hair. 2. To keep bacteria away, wash your hands before applying anything to your face. 3. Consuming juice and soft drinks can easily add up to hundreds of calories. Fill in each blank to complete the sentence. 1. Keep liquids away from the computer. 2. The number of students who took part in that event added up to 500. 3. The events led to the start of the Second World War. Grammar 1. I recommend massaging the scalp gently while shampooing hair. Avoid touching your face with your fingers. cf. She enjoys walking around the park every morning. 2. Keep your hair clean and out of your face to stop additional dirt and oil from touching your skin. Lack of sleep contributes to weight gain because you then eat sugar-filled products to stay awake. Now, let s do the Check-up questions. Complete the sentences by changing the given words. Teaching Tips 학생들이 -y, -ful 로끝나는다양한어휘들을친숙하게익힐수있도록어휘찾기게임을할수있다. 4~6명씩모둠을이루어각모둠별로 A3 종이를한장씩준다. 일정한시간을정해모둠원들이알고있거나또는사전에서찾은 -y, -ful 로끝나는어휘를모두적도록한다. 형용사이면서 -y, -ful 로끝나는파생어를가장많이적은모둠이우승이다. 또는파생어를이용하여학생들개별게임인빙고게임을할수있다. 이를통해본차시에서배운파생어에익숙해지도록유도할수있다. Useful Expressions 1. Let s review the expressions we ve seen in the main text. Read the sentences in your textbook and try to understand the meaning of the expressions in the box. 1. lead to Beauty Tips for Teens 61 e.g. Chronic stress can lead to heart disease. 2. keep something away e.g. Keep children away from the fire. 3. add up to e.g. The movie s ticket sales add up to $39 million. Now, let s do the Check-up questions. Fill in the blanks with a proper expression from the box above. Grammar 1. Now, let s review the grammar points of this lesson. 98 Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Beauty Tips for Teens Writing 1 62 Lesson 3 Grammar Check-up in Writing A. Complete each sentence using the given words. 1. I need a good shampoo to improve my hair condition. (improve) 2. She decided to wake up early to attend swimming class. (attend) 3. Wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun s harmful rays. (protect) B. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box. 1. Avoid using that product because it can cause skin problems. 2. If you are concerned about hair damage, I recommend cutting your hair regularly. 3. The actress enjoys eating a lot of colorful fruits for her beauty. Grammar in Context Correct the underlined sentences. cut use eat You can look beautiful without spending a lot of time and money. Here are some helpful tips. First, get beauty sleep. Getting enough sleep every night really makes a difference in your skin. (A) Second, your body needs water to keeping your body and skin young. Drink enough water. (B) Third, keep wear sunscreen. Sunscreen is important to protect your skin from the sun s damaging rays. Fourth, use moisturizer. Moisturizing prevents skin from becoming old and dry. (C) Last, avoid to sleep in your makeup. (D) Wash your face every night remove oil and dirt from your face. 1.,,,, e.g. She admitted cheating on the test. think about the meaning of each sentence. Let s check the answers. B Fill in the blanks using the words from the box. 1. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box., Are you done? Let s check the answers together. Grammar in Context 1. Correct the underlined sentences. Translation 당신은많은시간과돈을들이지않고도아름다워질수있습니다. 다음은유용한몇가지비결입니다. 첫째, 아름다움을지키기위해충분한수면을취하세요. 매일밤충분한수면을취하면여러분의피부가달라집니다. 둘째, 우리몸은신체와피부를건강하게유지하기위해수분이필요합니다. 충분한물을마십시오. 셋째, 자외선차단제를바르십시오. 당신의피부를해로운태양광선으로부터보호하기위해서는차단제가중요합니다. 넷째, 보습제를사용하세요. 보습은모든피부의노화와건조를예방합니다. 마지막으로화장을한상태로잠들지마십시오. 얼굴에서기름기와먼지를제거하기위해매일밤세안을해야합니다. 2.,,, e.g. I went to the party to meet her. Writing 1 We will check up the grammar points with the tasks in Writing 1. Open your books to page 62. Grammar Check-up in Writing 1. Complete each sentence using the given words. Then Are you done? Then, let s check the answers. Answer : (A) keeping keep (B) wear wearing (C) to sleep sleeping (D) remove to remove Wrap-up Today, we ve reviewed the vocabulary, useful expressions, and grammar structures. Do you have any questions? If you have any, feel free to ask me. No one. Then let s call it a class. See you. Beauty Tips for Teens 99

7 Writing 2 p. 63 학습목표 : 수업자료 :,, Step 1 Writing 2 Brainstorm What have you done to be healthy and in good shape? Talk with your group members about exercises you have tried or heard about. Warm-up Hello, everyone! This class, we re going to write a letter of advice about exercises for healthy body. Open your books to page 63. OK. Let s start with Brainstorm. Development Writing 2 Here are three steps for your writing. STEP 1 Brainstorm 1. What have you done to be healthy and in good shape? Talk with your group members about exercises you have tried or heard about. Sample Answer : fast walking, hiking, running, dancing to music, jumping rope, basketball, volleyball, biking, tennis, badminton, soccer, swimming, martial arts, yoga, etc. Step 2 Step 3 Prepare Answer the following questions. 1. What kinds of exercises have you tried or heard about? 2. What is/are effective in making a healthy body? Why? 3. What are the steps to do the effective exercises? 4. What should you avoid to have a healthy body? Why? Write Write down the advice for a high school boy. Q Hi! I am a high school boy who wants to have a healthy body. I don t know how to start. Can you give me some advice? A There are many ways to help you stay healthy and in good shape. Some are effective but others are not. Here are my tips. It is good to However, you d better not.. Good luck to you! Beauty Tips for Teens 63. Are you done? Compare your answer with your partner. STEP 2 Prepare 1. Choose one of the exercises you ve written above. Now write the answers to the following questions. Sample Answer 1 : 1. fast walking and jumping rope 2. Fast walking is effective because it is easy to do. 3. Walk briskly for 15 minutes after each meal. 4. We should avoid eating one type of food. Sample Answer 2 : 1. dancing to music and yoga 2. Dancing to music is effective because it is fun to do. 3. Do easy stretches for 5 minutes to warm up. Then, play dynamic music you like and dance to the music for 20 minutes. When doing this, move your body as much as possible. 4. We should avoid too much exercise. It makes us tired. STEP 3 Write 1. Write a letter of advice for a high school boy who wants to have a healthy body. Are you ready? Then, let s get started. Sample Writing 1 : There are many ways to help you stay healthy and in good shape. Some are effective but others are not. Here are my tips. It is good to walk briskly for 15 minutes after each meal. However, you d better not eat one type of food. It can harm your health. Good luck to you! 100 Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Beauty Tips for Teens Sample Writing 2 : There are many ways to help you stay healthy and in good shape. Some are effective but others are not. Here are my tips. It is good to dance to music. It is fun to do. I have tried yoga but it was too boring. Before dancing, do easy stretches for 5 minutes to warm up and play dynamic music you like. Then, dance to the music for 20 minutes. When doing this, move your body as much as possible. However, you d better not exercise too much. It makes you tired rather than healthy. Good luck to you! 2. Are you done with the writing? Who s not done yet? Let s share your writing with the class. Any volunteers to present the writing? Good job. Thanks for your presentation. Let s give a big hand to the presenter. Wrap-up Today, we did some writing activities. First, we talked about exercises, and then we wrote the answers to the given questions about exercises you have tried or heard about. Finally, we wrote a letter of advice on exercise. You all did a good job. Next class, we will study Express Yourself. In Express Yourself, we ll do four kinds of activities related four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. See you next class. More for Your Class Writing Clinic Colon[:] Semicolon[;] (1) Colon [:] e.g. According to Socrates, there are three parts of the soul: rational part, spirited part, and appetitive part. e.g. The prime minister said: We will fight. We will not give up. We will win the next election. (2) Semicolon [;] e.g. The festival is very popular; people from all over the world visit each year. e.g. The three biggest cities in Canada are Toronto, Ontario; Montreal, Quebec; and Vancouver, B.C. Dash[ ] Hyphen[-] (1) Dash [ ] e.g. Mild, wet, and cloudy these are the characteristics of weather in Sydney. e.g. The children Tom, Laura, and James went to the store. Most Koreans but not all voted in the last election. e.g. The woman said, I want to ask when it began to thunder. (2) Hyphen [-] e.g. sweet-smelling, water-resistant e.g. anti-french, non-contact e.g. one-quarter, twenty-four Beauty Tips for Teens 101

8 Express Yourself pp. 64~65 학습목표 : 수업자료 :,, Express Yourself A Listen and answer the questions. Listening 1. What is the topic of the speech? the effect of cucumber on skin care 2. Why is a cucumber good for moisturizing the skin? It is because it consists of 90 percent water. Warm-up Today, we re going to study pages 64 and 65. In this section, we will do four kinds of activities related to four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Let s start with a listening activity in A. Development B Read and answer the questions. Reading Eating healthy foods is as important for skin care as the moisturizer or the face wash you use daily. There are some foods that doctors and food specialists recommend for beautiful skin. First, reach for tomatoes. A tomato pack helps prevent skin damage by the sun s rays when combined with olive oil. Tomato also helps slow down cell damage. Second, try to drink four cups of green tea throughout the day. Green tea is high on the list of skin friendly liquids and it helps your skin stay young. Next, try walnuts. Walnuts are helpful in putting shine in your hair and making your skin smoother. Express Yourself A Listen and answer the questions. 1. Now, you re going to listen to a monolog and answer the two questions. Before listening, let s check the questions. Do you understand them? OK. Let's get started. 64 Lesson 3 1. What is the title of the passage? sage? Foods for Beautiful Skin 2. Match each food with its effect. ⑴ tomato a shining your hair ⑵ green tea b helping skin stay young ⑶ walnut c preventing skin damage by the sun s rays Script W: A cucumber is good for moisturizing the skin because it consists of 90 percent water. It relaxes your skin and makes it soft. It is also effective in reducing swollen eyes. When you are concerned about swollen eyes, put slices over your eyes. Also, it is helpful in treating many skin problems. If you want to have good skin, then a cucumber is the answer. 오이는피부보습에좋은데그것은오이가 90퍼센트의수분으로이루어져있기때문이다. 그것은피부를진정시켜주며부드럽게해준다. 또한오이는부은눈을가라앉히는데효과가있다. 부은눈이걱정이라면, 오이조각들을눈위에놓아라. 또, 오이는여러피부트러블들을치료하는데도움이된다. 당신이좋은피부를가지고싶다면, 오이가바로그답이다. consist of ~ 으로이루어지다, 구성되다 be effective in ~ 에효과가있다 1. Before reading, look at the pictures under the text. We can see some food like tomatoes, a cup of tea, walnuts. So we can guess the reading text will talk about them. Now, read and answer the questions. Translation 건강한음식을먹는것은당신이매일사용하는보습제나세안제만큼피부미용에중요합니다. 의사들과식품전문가가아름다운피부를위해추천하는몇가지식품들이있습니다. 첫째, 토마토를이용하세요. 토마토로만든팩은올리브오일과함께쓰면태양광선에의한피부손상을예방할수있습니다. 토마토는또한세포손상이완화되도록돕습니다. 둘째, 하루에녹차네잔을마시세요. 녹차는피부친화적인음료들에서상위를차지하고피부를젊게유지해줍니다. 다음으로호두를드세요. 호두는모발을윤기있게하며피부를매끈하게하는데도움이됩니다. Now, listen to the monolog again and check your answers. B Read and answer the questions. 3. Now, let s check the answers together. C Your Opinion 1. 102 Lesson 3

k iting+spea Lesson 3 Beauty Tips for Teens C Your Opinion Wr ing 1. Discuss with your group members the ways that you have tried or heard about to take care of your skin. year-old. He says it is because he enjoys eating tomatoes and black bean. 3. Many famous actresses say that they drink a lot of water. Drinking water must be good for skin. 4. I make a face pack with lettuce, milk, and flour. It is good to treat pimple. 2. Summarize your group discussion with the given table. Name Jina Ways for skin care washing face with used water from washing rice bright skin Effectiveness 3. Prepare your report about your group s discussion. You can use the following expressions. In our group, we talked about ways to take care of skin. They are. Among them, I think are effective ways. However, are not recommended because. 3. Summarize your group discussion with the given table and prepare your report about your group s discussion. I will give you five minutes. Sample Writing 1 : In our group, we talked about ways to take care of skin. They are washing face with used water from washing rice, carrot pack, massage with milk, and no makeup. Among them, I think washing face with used water from washing rice and carrot pack are effective ways. However, milk massage and wearing no makeup are not recommended because milk is expensive to use and a face with no makeup can be damaged by the sun s rays. 4. Do a one-minute speech in front of your class. Beauty Tips for Teens 65 First, discuss the ways that you ve tried or heard about to care for skin with your group members. Let s fill in the table with the skin care tips you ve talked with your group members. Sample Answer 1 : 1. I wash face with used water from washing rice. It is helpful in making skin bright. 2. I ve heard carrot pack is very good for skin with pimples. 3. Some people think no makeup is good for skin, but I ve heard it s bad because harmful sun s rays damage skin without makeup. 4. My mother used to massage her face with milk. But she quit because milk is expensive to use. Sample Writing 2 : In our group, we talked about ways for skin care. They are using expensive cosmetics, eating tomatoes and black bean, drinking a lot of water, and applying a face pack made of lettuce and milk. Among them, I think eating tomatoes and black bean, drinking a lot of water, and applying a lettuce pack are effective ways. However, using expensive cosmetics is not recommended because it costs a lot of money and is not very effective. 4. Are you finished? I need some volunteers to do a oneminute speech in front of class. Any volunteers? Listen carefully to your classmates while he or she is making a speech on the discussion topic. Take notes on his or her speech. Teaching Tips - 학생들이다른모둠의 one-minute speech를듣고가장효과적이라고생각하는피부관리법을말해보게한다. - 모든모둠의피부관리법을들은뒤, 가장인기있는피부관리법이무엇인지설문조사를하고그에대해이야기해본다. Sample Answer 2 : 1. My sister buys and uses very expensive cosmetics. I don t think it s effective because her skin is not so good. 2. A famous actor is over 40, but he looks like a 20- Wrap-up You did very well today. I hope you enjoyed all the activities you did in today s class. See you. Beauty Tips for Teens 103

9 Check Yourself pp. 66~67 학습목표 :,,,, 수업자료 :,, Warm-up Check Yourself A Listen and answer the questions. 1. What are the problems the boy is worried about? a his weight and oily hair b his weight and dry hair c his dry skin and oily hair d his oily skin and dry hair 2. Which one is NOT the girl s advice? a Enjoy stress. b Wash hair daily. c Do not skip meals. d Walk as much as possible. Open your books to pages 66 and 67, Check Yourself. Today, we re going to check your comprehension of the whole lesson. In this section, there are five types of tasks: listening, speaking, vocabulary, reading and writing tasks. B Look at the pictures and answer the questions using the given expressions. 1. What is the boy doing? 2. What is the boy s advice on losing weight? Development Check Yourself Let s start with A, the listening task. A Listen and answer the questions. 1. Look at the questions in A. Do you understand them? Listen carefully and answer the questions. Script B: After I entered high school, I started losing my confidence. G: What s wrong, Minho? B: I m worried about my weight. G: But you look good. You don t have to worry. B: Thank you, but I am gaining a lot of weight these days. Do you think I should eat less? G: You d better not skip meals and walk as much as possible. B: I see. I have one more problem. My hair is very greasy. Can you give me advice? G: Wash your hair every day with a shampoo for oily hair. B: Thank you for your advice. It s nice to have a good friend. gain weight 살이찌다 skip a meal 식사를거르다 Let s check the answers. B Look at the pictures and answer the questions using the given expressions. 1. C 66 Lesson 3 concerned / squeeze Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the box. better not / high-fat foods / exercise expert huge maintain contribute contact 1. She is a/an expert on Korean history. 2. New ways of working can contribute to further improvement. 3. It is very hard and expensive to maintain that office. 4. Only three people live in that huge house. 5. Do not forget to wash your hands if you come into contact with babies. There are two pictures and questions. Read them and ask me if you don t understand. Do you understand all the questions? 2. I will ask you the speaking questions one by one. Please answer the questions. Are you ready? 3. Let s check the answers together. Sample Answer : 1. He is concerned about his pimple. So he is trying to squeeze it out. 2. You d better not eat high-fat foods. Also, you have to exercise in your free time. C Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the box. 1. There are five words in the box. Read the sentences and fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the box. 104 Lesson 3