14 3 2010 6 MIL-STD-B 데이터버스를이용한 CDTI 기능을구현한 MFD 제작 홍교영 *, 안동만 *, 홍승범 * Gyo-Young Hong *, Dong-Man Ahn *, and Seung-Beom Hong * 요약 21C, (ICAO) 1980 CNS/ATM, 2010. CNS/ATM. CNS/ATM ADS-B,,. MFD. CNS/ATM MFD,. Abstract Preparing for the rapidly increment of air traffic volume of the 21st century, International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) started for studying a newly developed CNS/ATM System from the 1980s and after 2010, expect that the existing aeronautical facility is overloaded because air traffic volume increase rapidly. For this reason, new CNS/ATM System will be the international standard system in the future. Especially, ADS-B(Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) as the key component of Surveillance and ATM in new CNS/ATM System provides the real-time and same air traffic information to pilots in the aircraft cockpit, air traffic controllers on the ground and surface vehicles at the same time. Information provided is displayed precisely and accurately through Multi-Function Display(MFD). We implement the MFD system being supporting for new CNS/ATM System. And we show the good performance of MFD system in labortory environment using the MIL-STD-B data bus. Key words : CNS/ATM, MFD, CDTI, MIL-STD-B, LabVIEW I. 서론 (ICAO) * (Institute of Aero Technical, Hanseo University) 1 (First Author) : : 2010 6 4 ( ) : 2010 6 4 ( : 2010 6 23 ) : 2010 6 30
314 14 3 2010 6 CNS/ATM (Communication Navigation Surveillance / Air Traffic Management) 1980. CNS/ATM /,,, [1]. CNS/ATM,, (TI: Traffic Information). CNS/ATM 1 (communication), (navigation), (surveillance), (Air Traffic management). CNS/ATM [1][2]. Ⅱ MFD. Ⅲ MFD, Ⅳ MFD Ⅴ. Ⅱ. 기존의다기능디스플레이 2-1 민간항공기 MFD MFD(Multi Function Display) LCD. 1980 747-400 MFD 2.,, (LLZ, Localizer) (GS, Glide Slope) PFD(Primary Flight Display), ND(Navigation Display), / / ED(Engine Display). MFD PFD ED ND 그림 1. CNS/ATM 개요도 Fig. 1. Concept of the ICAO CNS/ATM system. CNS/ATM (CDTI: Cockpit Display Traffic Information) (MFD, Multi-Function Display). CNS/ATM, MIL-STD-B (TI) MFD. - Altitude - Airspeed - Altimeter - Vertical Speed - VOR - Localizer - Glide Slope - RPM - Oil Temp - Oil Pressure - Fuel Pressure - Out Air Temp. - CHT - EGT - 비행관련데이터 - Weather Radar - Flight Plan Route - Map - VOR - etc. 그림 2. MFD 의주요정보 Fig. 2. Display Information of MFD. 2000 Airbus A380 747-400 MFD, TCAS(traffic collision avoidance system) [4-7]. 2-2 군용항공기 MFD MFD HUD(Head-Up Display) MFD. F-16 MIL-
,, ; MIL-STD-B CDTI MFD 315 STD-B [8]. MFD SMS(stores management set), FCR(fire control radar), WPN(weapon), DTE(data transfer equipment), HSD(horizontal situation display), TEST Fault Reporting, HUD 3,. HUD,,,. F-22 F-16 ( ). F-16. CDTI TCAS. 2-3 최근제안된 MDF Garmin G-1000 CNS/ATM,,,,, [9][10]. CDTI(Cockpit Display Traffic Information) MFD. Ⅲ. CDTI 기능의 MFD 패널설계 3-1 CDTI 시스템 CDTI CNS/ATM ADS-B(Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast), TIS-B(Traffic Information Service - Broadcast), ( ) FIS-B(Flight Information Service - Broadcast) [11]. 3 CNS/ATM [3]. 그림 3. CNS/ATM 구성 Fig. 3. Configure of CNS/ATM. ADS-B UAT(Universal Access Transceiver) ADS-B.. ADS-B,, ID,,. ADS-B. (GBT, Ground Based Transceivers) (air traffic surveillance services). ADS-B. TIS-B ADS-B UAT. ADS-B ADS-B GBT (uplink)., TIS-B ADS-B ADS-B. FIS-B UAT..
316 14 3 2010 6 3-2 MFD 패널설계 MFD. CDTI 4 PFD, ED ND/CDTI 3. PFD ED,,. CDTI ND (overlay). (18000ft) MFD, MFD., (transponder squad),,. (arc). viewpoint x1, x2, x4, x5, x10. 표 1. ADS-B Target 형상정보 [9][10] Table 1. ADS-B Target symbol information. 그림 4. MFD 패널구성 Fig. 4. Configure of MFD panel. Ⅳ. 실험및검토 4-1 CDTI 시스템모델링 항공기위치, 속도, ID, etc 항공기 1 항공기 2 항공기 0 ADS-B 장비 Data Bus MFD (CDTI) 데이터 : 항공기위치, 속도, 항공기 ID 항공기 n 그림 6. CDTI 시스템모델링 Fig. 6. CDTI system modelling. 그림 5. CDTI 기능을제공하는 ND 프레임 Fig. 5. ND frame with CDTI function. 5 CDTI /, Heading. 5 1 (symbol). 6 CDTI. ADS-B, FIS-B TIS-B.,, ID,. ADS-B MFD MIL-STD-B., CNS/ATM
,, ; MIL-STD-B CDTI MFD 317., CNS/ ATM. CDTI MFD. B MFD. 데이터생성부 (Flight Simulation X) 데이터전송부 그림 7. CDTI 시스템의테스트베드 Fig. 7. Testbed of CDTI system. 디스플레이부 6 CDTI 7.,,. Flight Simulator X. B, B Coupler, B. B ND/CDTI. 4-2 데이터생성부 PFD, ED, CDTI MFD.. (FSX, Flight Simulator X) EFIS. FSX 2. 8 FSX B. 표 2. 데이터생성 Table 2. Data Generation. 그림 8. FSX 데이터와 BC 연결 Fig. 8. FSX data and BC connection. 4-3 B 데이터전송알고리즘 MIL-STD-1533B.., Manchester II hi-phase. MIL-STD-B 4 [12]. 1, H/W. 2 3 4 transformer coupler EMI/RFI
318 14 3 2010 6 MIL-STD-B Bus controller, Remote terminal, Bus monitor 3. Bus controller( BC). Remote terminal( RT) BC /, Bus monitor( BM). 9 Transmitter BC, B RT. 모니터 키보드 Transmitter PCI Card Distributor cable 노트북 PCMCIA Card Receiver 그림 9. B 구성 Fig. 9. Configuration of the B. B. Sync, command( ), 20bit. B command word, data word, status word. Command word BC RT /. Data word B 2Byte. Status word BC command word, RT. RT BC. 10 B FSX (Ethernet) UDP(User Datagram Protocol). B 2byte. B BC RT 5. 10. B LabVIEW. 데이터생성부 (FSX) Set RT 데이터순서정렬 Command word 문자열 Control word Run BC 1D 배열 double) 그림 10. BC 송신부 Fig. 10. BC sender Run RT FSX 구조체 Get Blknum 그림 11. RT 수신부 Fig. 11. RT receiver 데이터변환 Double type casting Set BC CMD Load Datablk, Command word, Control word. Set BC CMD RT, Load BC Datablk FSX RT. Run BC. Read Datablk B to 실수형변환 BC RT 11 FSX., BC ( 10). RT BC BC. BC Read Datablk
,, ; MIL-STD-B CDTI MFD 319. UDP MFD. UDP MFD. 12 BC RT. (a) BC terminal (b) RT terminal 그림 12. BC 와 RT 연결 Fig. 12. Connection between BC and RT. 13 PFD, ED, ND/CDTI Visual C++ LabVIEW. (a) PFD (c) ND/CDTI 그림 13. MFD Fig. 13. MFD. (b) ED Ⅵ. 결론 1980 CNS/ATM. CNS/ATM,,,. CNS/ATM LCD, CNS/ATM ADS-B, TIS-B FIS-B. CNS/ATM CNS/ATM CDTI MFD CNS/ATM,, MFD, CDTI. MIL-STD-B CDTI CDTI,, Flight Simulation X CDTI., CNS/ATM., CNS/ATM. CDTI MFD. MIL-STD-B MFD. LCD (Portable) (Unit).
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