Willow is a type family for multi-lingual typography in Korean, Latin & Greek.

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Willow Ουίλοου 윌로우

Willow is a type family for multi-lingual typography in Korean, Latin & Greek.

Willow is a type family for multilingual typesetting in Korean, Latin, and Greek conceived for an editorial purpose. It is inspired by traditional woodblock printing letterforms and translated into modern characteristics. Willow consists of three weights in roman and italic styles: regular, semibold, and bold. It is also available in two display styles for rich text expressions: black(highcontrast), black-sans(low-contrast). Willow supply the same styles in Latin, Hangul, and Greek. This is able to deal with the same text information hierarchy in the different languages. Latin, Korean, and Greek textures have a similar solid and formal voice, but not compromised their own tones. It can be seen elegant and natural stroke s movements at a closer look. 한글, 라틴, 그리스문자의다국어타이포그라피를위한글자가족. Μια οικογένεια τύπων για πολυγλωσσική τυπογραφία Κορεάτης, Λατινικά & Ελληνικά.

Features Inspired by Korean woodblock printing, and applied its characteristics to Latin and Greek. Reflects the calligraphic movement. Willow is inspired by Korean traditional woodblock printing types and translated into a contemporary style feature. In woodblock printing, original letters are written by brush, then carved with a knife. As a result, it still has the elegance and organic shape of the brush as well as the sharpness of the carving. This is the basic atmosphere of the Willow. asymmetric serif fluent stroke movement fluent stroke movement out stroke of brush movement

Structure Harmonisation To work together well, the alignment and word spacing are adjusted carefully between the different script. At the same time, Korean specific punctuations are supplemented for an independent typesetting. (High B.:3 밝은이.:3) 800 250 950 950 330 950 different width in different weight. (High B.:3 밝은이.:3) 835 200 1000 1000 300 1000 word space for Latin Generally, Korean typeface has a monospaced word space for Korean width in different weights to keep the same text length. Recently, there is various design decision include proportional width. punctuation for Korean Secondary style In a secondary style, the rule of Korean fast handwriting style(hulim) is applied to Latin and Greeks: fast movements, linking strokes, condensed width, and skewed angle. Then I slightly adjusted the angle of the each script for the comfortable text flow, but they have a similar appearance as an upright style italics. Korean fast writing has a skewed angle due to the influence of traditional vertical writing. skewed angle 0 4 condenced 6 fast hand writing

Type family Latin Greek Korean (Hangul) Text Rag Άαμ 달아 Regular Willow consists of three weights in roman Rag Άαμ 달아 Semi Bold and italic styles: regular, semibold, and bold. It is also available in two display styles for rich text expressions: black(high-contrast), blacksans(low-contrast). Willow supply the same Rag Άαμ 달아 Bold styles in Latin, Hangul, and Greek. This is able to deal with the same text information hierarchy in the different languages. Secondary Rag Άαθ 달아 Regular The Greek and Hangul display styles are designed only a few characters for the sample text, and Hangul requires more time Rag Άαθ 달아 Semi Bold to complete the type set because of the huge number of character sets. Rag Άαθ 달아 Bold Display Rag Άας 달아 Black Rag Άας 달아 Black San

Latin ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwx yz.,!?*&@)]}» 1234567890 1234567890 regular 50 pt

Latin_text_italic_display 10 / 14 pt The film was an internationally popular success on its release, and was extensively pirated by other studios, especially in the United States. Its unusual length, lavish production values, innovative special effects, and emphasis on storytelling were regular 18 / 24 pt semi bold bold The greatest difficulty in realising my own ideas forced me to sometimes play the leading role in my films... I was a star without knowing I was one, since the term did not yet exist. The greatest difficulty The in re-greatesalising my own ideas forced realising me my own ideas for difficulty in to sometimes play the leading me to sometimes play the role in my films... I was leading a star role in my films... without knowing I was one, was since a star without knowing the term did not yet exist. was one, since the term did 8 / 11 pt on storytelling were markedly influential on other film-makers and ultimately on the development of narrative film as a whole. Scholars have commented upon the film s extensive use of pataphysical and anti-imperialist satire, as well as on its wide influence on later film-makers and its artistic significance 7 / 10 pt the French theatrical féerie tradition. Though the film disappeared into obscurity after Méliès's retirement from the film industry, it was rediscovered around 1930, when he importance to the history of cinema was beginning to be recognized by film devotees. 6 / 8 pt An original hand-colored print was discovered in 1993 and restored in 2011. A Trip to the Moon was named one of the 100 greatest films of the 20th century by The Village Voice, ranked 84th. The film remains the bestknown of the hundreds of films, and the moment in which the capsule lands in the Moon's eye remains one of the most regular 14 / 20 pt A Trip to the Moon (French: Le Voyage dans la Lune) is a 1902 French silent film directed by Georges Méliès. Inspired by a wide variety of sources, including Jules Verne s novels From the Earth to the Moon and Around the Moon, the film follows a group of astronomers who travel to the Moon in a cannon-propelled capsule, explore the Moon s regular 12 / 16 pt explore the Moon s surface, escape from an underground group of Selenites (lunar inhabitants), and return to Earth with a captive Selenite. It features an ensemble cast of French theatrical performers, led by Méliès himself in the main role of Professor Barbenfouillis, and is filmed in the overtly theatrical style for which Méliès became famous. A Trip to the Moon (French: Le A Voyage Trip to the Moon (French: Le Vo dans la Lune) is a 1902 French silent dans la film Lune) is a 1902 French sile directed by Georges Méliès. Inspired directed by by Georges Méliès. Inspi a wide variety of sources, including a wide Jules variety of sources, includin Verne s novels From the Earth to the Verne s Moon novels From the Earth to th and Around the Moon, the film follows and Around a the Moon, the film foll group of astronomers who travel to a group the Moon of astronomers who travel t in a cannon-propelled capsule, explore Moon the in a cannon-propelled capsu explore the Moon s surface, escape explore the Moon s surface, escape from an underground group of Sele-fronites (lunar inhabitants), and return nites (lunar inhabitants), and return an underground group of Sele- to Earth with a captive Selenite. It to Earth with a captive Selenite. It features an ensemble cast of French the-featureatrical performers, led by himself in the atrical performers, led by himself in the an ensemble cast of French the- main role of Professor Barbenfouillis, and main role of Professor Barbenfouillis, is filmed in the overtly theatrical style and is filmed in the overtly theatrical

Latin_text_italic_display 10 / 14 pt black 55 pt The film was an internationally popular success on its release, and was extensively pirated by other studios, especially in the United States. Its unusual length, lavish production values, 8 / 11 pt on storytelling were markedly influential on other film-makers and ultimately on the development of narrative film as a whole. Scholars have commented upon the film s extensive use of pataphysical and anti-imperialist satire, as 10 / 14 pt The film was an internationally popular success on its release, and was extensively pirated by other studios, especially in the United States. Its unusual length, lavish production values, innovative special 8 / 11 pt on storytelling were markedly influential on other film-makers and ultimately on the development of narrative film as a whole. Scholars have commented upon the film s extensive use of pataphysical and anti-imperialist satire, as well as on its wide influence A Trip to the Moon bold italic 24 pt Le Voyage dans la Lune black sans 12 pt Directed by Georges Méliès Inspired by Jules Verne s novels From the Earth to the Moon bold / regular / italic 18 pt regular / italic 18 pt A group of astronomers who travel to the Moon in a cannon-propelled capsule, explore the Moon s surface, escape from an underground group of Selenites (lunar inhabitants), and return to Earth with a captive Selenite. It features an ensemble cast of French theatrical performers, led by Méliès himself in the main role of Professor Barbenfouillis, and is filmed in the overtly theatrical style for which Méliès became famous. 38 / 48 pt The moment in which th capsule lands in the Moon eye remains one of the mos iconic and frequently refe enced images in the histo ry of cinema. It is widel regarded as the earlie example of the science fiction film genre and, more generally, as one

Greek ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙ ΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡ ΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆ ΈΉΊΪΫαβγδε ζηθικλμνξορπ ςστυφχψωίϊ ΐύϋΰόώάέή regular 52 pt

Greek_text_italic_display 10 / 14 pt γη των Δελφών, εκεί για να παραγγείλετε τον υπέροχο χορό των Μουσών και των Χαρίτων. Εκεί κρέμεται το καμπυλωτό τόξο και τα βέλη της, τα κεφάλια και οδηγεί τους χορούς, κομμένα με χαρά, ενώ όλοι εκφωνούν την ουράνια φωνή τους, τρα- 8 / 11 pt ενώ όλοι εκφωνούν την ουράνια φωνή τους, τραγουδώντας πόσο τακτοποιημένο Leto έβγαλε τα παιδιά υπέρτατα μεταξύ των αθανάτων τόσο στη σκέψη όσο και στην πράξη. Χαίρε σε σένα, παιδιά του Δία και πλούσια μαλλιά Λητώ Και τώρα θα σας θυμηθώ και ένα άλλο τραγούδι επίσης. 7 / 10 pt ενώ όλοι εκφωνούν την ουράνια φωνή τους, τραγουδώντας πόσο τακτοποιημένο Leto έβγαλε τα παιδιά υπέρτατα μεταξύ των αθανάτων τόσο στη σκέψη όσο και στην πράξη. Χαίρε σε σένα, παιδιά του Δία και πλούσια μαλλιά Λητώ Και τώρα θα σας θυμηθώ και ένα άλλο τραγούδι επίσης. 6 / 8 pt ενώ όλοι εκφωνούν την ουράνια φωνή τους, τραγουδώντας πόσο τακτοποιημένο Leto έβγαλε τα παιδιά υπέρτατα μεταξύ των αθανάτων τόσο στη σκέψη όσο και στην πράξη. Χαίρε σε σένα, παιδιά του Δία και πλούσια μαλλιά Λητώ! Και τώρα θα σας θυμηθώ και ένα άλλο τραγούδι επίσης. regular 18 / 24 pt Τραγουδώ για την Άρτεμη, των οποίων οι άξονες είναι χρυσού, που ευθυμίζει τα κυνηγόσκυλα, την καθαρή κοπέλα, τον σκοπευτή των σταλάτ, που απολαμβάνει την τοξοβολία, την αδερφή του regular 14 / 20 pt αδερφή του στον Απόλλωνα με το χρυσό σπαθί. Πάνω από τους σκιώδεις λόφους και τις αιωνόβιες κορυφές, τραβάει το χρυσό τόξο της, χαίρεται στην καταδίωξη και στέλνει θορυβώδεις άξονες. Οι κορυφές των ψηλών βουνών τρέμουν και το μπερδεμένο ξύλο αντηχεί με την κατακραυγή των ζώων: σεισμοί και θάλασσα, όπου και regular 12 / 16 pt τα ψάρια πλημμυρίζουν. Αλλά η θεά με μια τολμηρή καρδιά στρέφει κάθε τρόπο την καταστροφή της φυλής των άγριων θηρίων: και όταν είναι ικανοποιημένος και έχει καλοσύνη την καρδιά της, αυτός ο κυνηγός που απολαμβάνει βέλη χαλαρώνει το εύκαμπτο τόξο της και πηγαίνει στο μεγάλο σπίτι του αγαπημένου του αδερφού Φοίβος Απόλλων, Στην πλούσια γη 38 / 48 pt Άρτεμη Τραγουδώ για Άρτεμη, των οποίων οι ά νες είναι χρυσού, που ευθ ζει τα κυνηγόσκυλα, τη θαρή κοπέλα, τον σκοπε των σταλάτ, που απολαμ την τοξοβολία, την αδερφή στον Απόλλωνα με το χρυ σπαθί. Πάνω από τους σκ δεις λόφους και τις αιωνό

Korean (Hangul)

Korean(Hangul)_text_italic_display 10 / 16 pt 유명한영화기법과편집방법들을대담하게실험했다. 비록특수효과는매우단순하지만일반적으로최초의 SF영화로받아들여진다. 우주선과새로운개척지의발견등 SF 장르의특징적인요소들을제시했고 SF 장르의 8 / 13 pt 디졸브와같은유명한영화기법과편집방법들을대담하게실험했다. 비록특수효과는매우단순하지만일반적으로최초의 SF 영화로받아들여진다. 우주선과새로운개척지의발견등 SF 장르의특징적인요소들을제시했고 SF 장르의대부분의관습을확립했다. 7 / 12 pt 영화는멜리에스가직접연기한바르방프이교수가과학의회에서달탐사여행을가자고동료들을설득하는장면으로시작된다. 일단그의생각이받아들여지고, 탐사일정이짜여지고과학자들은우주선을타고달로간다. 미사일모양의우주선은사람의얼굴로묘사된달 6 / 10 pt 영화는멜리에스가직접연기한바르방프이교수가과학의회에서달탐사여행을가자고동료들을설득하는장면으로시작된다. 일단그의생각이받아들여지자, 탐사일정이짜여지고과학자들은우주선을타고달로간다. 미사일모양의우주선은사람의얼굴로묘사된달의눈에착륙한다. regular 18 / 25 pt «달세계여행» ( 프랑스어 : Le Voyage dans la lune, 영어 : A Trip to the Moon) 은쥘베른 (Jules Verne) 의소설지구에서달까지를각색해서만든, 조르주멜리에스 (Georges Méliès) 감독의 1902 년 regular 14 / 22 pt 흑백무성영화이다. 초당 16프레임에상영시간은 14분이다. 최초의과학영화이며, 당대의혁신적인특수효과로유명하다. 달의눈에로켓이착륙하는장면은스톱모션기법으로만들어진영상가운데최초의것이다. 영화제작의초창기에는, 영화를만드는것자체가영화예술의규칙을세우는과정 regular 12 / 20 pt 이었다. 영화는 2분정도의단편영화들이대부분이었던당시를고려하면그상영시간 ( 약 14분 ) 만으로도혁명적이었다. 달나라여행에는연극배우와마술사로활동했던조르주멜리에스 (Georges Méliès) 감독의개인사적특성이반영되어있다. 그는이영화를통해합성화면이나디졸브와같은 32 / 52 pt 달나라여행 달세계여행 ( 프랑 Voyage dans la lune, 영어 : A T Moon) 은쥘베른 (Jules Verne) «지구에서달까지» 를각색해서조르주멜리에스 (Georges Mé 독의 1902년작흑백무성영화당대의혁신적인특수효과로다. 달의눈에로켓이착륙하는은알려진스톱모션기법으로


빛아래홀로술Drinking Alone by Moonlight A cup of wine, under the flowering trees; I drink alone, for no friend is near. Raising my cup I beckon the bright moon, For he, with my shadow, will make three men. The moon, alas, is no drinker of wine; Listless, my shadow creeps about at my side. Yet with the moon as friend and the shadow as slave I must make merry before the Spring is spent. To the songs I sing the moon flickers her beams; In the dance I weave my shadow tangles and break. While we were sober, three shared the fun; Now we are drunk, each goes his way. May we long share our odd, inanimate feast, And meet at last on the Cloudy River of the sky. written by Li Bai / translation by Arthur Waley Πιείτε μόνο από το φως του φεγγαριού Ένα φλιτζάνι κρασί, κάτω από τα ανθισμένα δέντρα. Πίνω μόνο, γιατί κανένας φίλος δεν είναι κοντά. Ανυψώνοντας το φλιτζάνι μου σηκώνω το φωτεινό φεγγάρι, Γιατί, με τη σκιά μου, θα κάνει τρεις άνδρες. Το φεγγάρι, δυστυχώς, δεν πίνει κρασί. Άγνοια, η σκιά μου σέρνει στο πλευρό μου. Ωστόσο, με το φεγγάρι ως φίλο και τη σκιά ως σκλάβος Πρέπει να ευχαριστήσω πριν περάσει η Άνοιξη. Στα τραγούδια που τραγουδάω το φεγγάρι τρεμοπαίζει τα δοκάρια της. Στον χορό υφαίνω τα σκιά μου και σπάζουν. Ενώ ήμασταν νηφάλιοι, τρεις μοιράζονταν τη διασκέδαση. Τώρα είμαστε μεθυσμένοι, ο καθένας πηγαίνει στον δρόμο του. Μπορούμε να μοιραζόμαστε το περίεργο, άψυχο γλέντι μας, Και συναντήστε επιτέλους στον Ποταμό του ουρανού. 아득히먼은하수에서다시만나리이백지음\ 유병례번역영취취내즐잠그달대달원하하가가겁시림님림잔작사히고기춤노게달자은자들할이담나전을래놀님는술와어친에담면에아추하과날마마달구술한보제는니니벗따실주님없리한우각사하그달하라을이라줄정기이니병림님고움초홀잔을좋모흩자은이그직세대로게르을맺어는서봄림인고사하따어지즐람너성이자다고그른리기이들울이를다술라다고가되다가거기거린느었다전리다에내고하독작]꽃Li Bai (701 762), also known as Li Bo, was a Chinese poet acclaimed from his own day to the present as a genius and a romantic figure who took traditional poetic forms to new heights. He and his friend Du Fu (712 770) were the two most prominent figures in the flourishing of Chinese poetry in the Tang dynasty, which is often called the Golden Age of Chinese Poetry. Type Setting 27 [ 월

Άρτεμις Artemis 아르테미스 αγουδώ για την Άρτεμη, ν οποίων οι άξονες είναι σού, που ευθυμίζει τα κυόσκυλα, την καθαρή κοπέτον σκοπευτή των σταλάτ, απολαμβάνει την τοξοβο-, την αδερφή του στον Άρτεμις (Νέα Ελληνικά: Άρτεμις) ήταν ένα από τα πιο ευρέως λατρευόταν από τους αρχαίους Έλληνες θεούς. Ρωμαϊκή ισοδύναμο της είναι Diana. Μερικοί μελετητές πιστεύουν ότι το όνομα, και μάλιστα η θεά τον εαυτό της, ήταν αρχικά προ-έλληνες. Ο Όμηρος αναφέρεται σε αυτήν ως Αγροτέρας Αρτέμιδος, Πότνια Θηρών: «Άρτεμις της δασικών, Θεά των Ζώων». Οι Αρκάδες πίστευαν ότι ήταν η κόρη της Δήμητρας. Που ευθυμίζει τα κυνηγόσκυλα, την καθαρή σική περίοδο Κατά την κλα- κοπέλα, τον σκοπευτή των της ελληνικής σταλάτ, που απολαμβάνει μυθολογίας, την τοξοβολία, την αδελφή Άρτεμις συχνά του στον Απόλλωνα με το περιγράφεται ως χρυσό σπαθί. η κόρη του Δία Όμηρος, Στην Άρτεμις και της Λητώς, και δίδυμη αδελφή του Απόλλωνα. Ήταν η Ελληνική θεά του κυνηγιού, τα άγρια ζώα, άγρια φύση, τον τοκετό, την παρθενία και προστάτης των νεαρών κοριτσιών, φέρνοντας και την ανακούφιση της νόσου στις γυναίκες? που συχνά απεικονιζόταν σαν κυνηγός που μεταφέρουν ένα τόξο και βέλη. Το ελάφι και το κυπαρίσσι ήταν ιερή γι 'αυτήν. Στα νεότερα ελληνιστικά χρόνια, που ανέλαβε ακόμη την αρχαία ρόλο της Ειλειθυίας στην υποβοήθηση του τοκετού. Artemis(Modern Greek: Άρτεμις) was one of the most widely venerated of the Ancient Greek deities. Her Roman equivalent is Diana. Some scholars believe that the name, and indeed the goddess herself, was originally pre- Greek. Homer refers to her as Artemis Agrotera, Potnia Theron: Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals. The Arcadians believed she was the daughter of who cheers on the hounds, Demeter. In the pure maiden, shooter the classical of stags, who delights in period of archery, own sister to Apollo Greek mythology, Artemis with the golden sword. homer, To Artemis was often described as the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. She was the Hellenic goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women; she often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows. The deer and the cypress were sacred to her. In later Hellenistic times, she even assumed the ancient role of Eileithyia in aiding childbirth. 아르테미스 ( 그리스어 : Άρτεμις) 는그리스신화에나오는달과사냥 야생동물 처녀성의여신이다. 로마신화에나오는디아나 (Diana) 와동일시된다. 제우스와레토사이에서태어난딸로아폴론과는남매지간이다. 곰과사슴, 활과화살, 초승달, 토끼가대표적상징물이다. 호머는아르테미스를 야생동물의아르테미스, 동물의여전사 라고했다. 몸종들과함께숲속에서사냥을하며돌아다니는야달빛아래홀로술잔을들다, 생적인처녀의달아달아밝은달아, 달빛밝모습을하고은바다아래, 파도하나피있으며, 달이어나라, 자유로이빛밝히라. 비칠때그모달아달아밝은달아. 습이나타나는 호머, 아르테미스데그때는산짐승과초목이춤을춘다고한다. 아폴론과마찬가지로활을무기로들고다니며그녀의화살은순식간에목숨을앗아가므로희생물에게아무런고통도주지않는다고한다. 성격이거칠고복수심이강해서그녀의진노에의해희생된사람이허다하다. 고대인들은아르테미스를유방이가득한여신으로묘사할정도로풍요의신으로숭배했는데, 신약성서의사도행전에도아르테미스신앙과기독교가대립하는이야기가등장한 Ό μηρος Ύμνος 27 The Homeric Hymns 27 호머의 Hymns 27

CineMaga A Trip to the Moon Movie & Novel Production Théophile Michault Lucien Tainguy company Star Film Company Release date 1 September 1902 (France) 4 October 1902 (U.S.) Running time 18 minutes (12 frame/s) 16 minutes (14 frame/s) 9 minutes (24 frame/s) France Country Silent Language The greatest difficulty in realising my own ideas forced me to sometimes play the leading role in my films... I was a star without knowing I was one, since the term did not yet exist. A Trip to the Moon (French: Le Voyage dans la Lune) is a 1902 French silent film directed by Georges Méliès. Inspired by a wide variety of sources, including Jules Verne s novels From the Earth to the Moon and Around the Moon, the film follows a group of astronomers who travel to the Moon in a cannon-propelled capsule, explore the Moon s surface, escape from an underground group of Selenites (lunar inhabitants), and return to Earth with a captive Selenite. It features an ensemble cast of French theatrical performers, led by Méliès himself in the main role of Professor Barbenfouillis, and is filmed in the overtly theatrical style for which Méliès became famous. The film was an internationally popular success on «A Trip to the Moon» Georges Méliès Jules Verne's novels «From the Earth to the Moon» 6 Georges Méliès Méliès, a its release, and was extensively pirated by other studi- pioneering French film-maker and os, especially in the United States. Its unusual length, magician now generally regarded lavish production values, innovative special effects, and as the first person to recognize emphasis on storytelling were markedly influential on the potential of narrative film, had already achieved considerable other film-makers and ultimately on the development success with his film versions of of narrative film as a whole. Scholars have commented Cinderella (1899) and Joan of Arc upon the film s extensive use of pataphysical and ancinemega vol.6 27

Character set Latin uppercase ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Greek uppercase ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊΌΎΏΪΫ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊΌΎΏΪΫ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊΌΎΏΪΫ lowercase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz lowercase αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωίϊΐύϋΰόώάέή abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωίϊΐύϋΰόώάέή abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωίϊΐύϋΰόώάέή numeral 1234567890 1234567890 Italic uppercase ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊΌΎΏΪΫ 1234567890 1234567890 ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊΌΎΏΪΫ 1234567890 1234567890 ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊΌΎΏΪΫ lowercase αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωίϊΐύϋΰόώάέή symbols & *#&@ :;,!? _{[(/ \)}] - +<=>± αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωίϊΐύϋΰόώάέή punctuation *#&@ :;,!? _{[(/ \)}] - +<=>± αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωίϊΐύϋΰόώάέή *#&@ :;,!? _{[(/ \)}] - + Diaplay black Άαρτεμις, θεά Italic uppercase ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ black sans Άαρτεμις, θεά ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ lowercase ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Language support uppercase ÁĂÂÄÀĀĄÅÃÆĆČÇĊÐĎĐÉĚÊËĖÈĒĘĞĢĠĦ ÍÎÏİÌĪĮĶĹĽĻŁŃŇŅŊÑÓÔÖÒŐŌØÕŒÞŔŘŖ ŚŠŞȘŦŤŢȚÚÛÜÙŰŪŲŮẂŴẄẀÝŶŸỲŹŽŻ Diaplay black ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz *#&@ :;,!? _{[(/ \)}] - +<=>± ÁĂÂÄÀĀĄÅÃÆĆČÇĊÐĎĐÉĚÊËĖÈĒĘĞĢĠĦ ÍÎÏİÌĪĮĶĹĽĻŁŃŇŅŊÑÓÔÖÒŐŌØÕŒÞŔŘŖ ŚŠŞȘŦŤŢȚÚÛÜÙŰŪŲŮẂŴẄẀÝŶŸỲŹŽŻ black sans ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz *#&@ :;,!? _{[(/ \)}] - ÁĂÂÄÀĀĄÅÃÆĆČÇĊÐĎĐÉĚÊËĖÈĒĘĞĢĠĦ ÍÎÏİÌĪĮĶĹĽĻŁŃŇŅŊÑÓÔÖÒŐŌØÕŒÞŔŘŖ ŚŠŞȘŦŤŢȚÚÛÜÙŰŪŲŮẂŴẄẀÝŶŸỲŹŽŻ

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Many thanks to Gerry Leonidas, Fiona Ross, Gerard Unger, Victor Gaultney, Fred Smeijers, Michael Twyman, James Mosley, all the visiting lecturers, and my classmates. Especially, thanks to my husband Sanghyun for his support and encouragement. Loves to my children, Yejune and Inhoo. ----- Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Arts in Typeface Design, University of Reading, 2017 ----- Designed by Yanghee Ryu yanghee.02@gmail.com