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Social functions of the intimate speech style: The case of the Korean as a Foreign Language (KFL) classroom Mi Yung Park University of Hawai'i

Korean speech styles [Plain] pi ka o-n-ta. Rain NM come-in-dc It s raining. [Intimate] pi ka w-a. come-int [Familiar] pi ka o-ney. come-fml [Blunt] pi ka o-o. come-bln [Polite] pi ka w-a.yo. come-pol [Deferential] pi ka o-p-ni-ta.

General usage of the intimate speech style (1) Fri 1: Ne to wuli lang kath.i kaca. 너도우리랑같이가자. Go with us. Fri 2: Ung. 응 Yes. (2) Mom: pap mek.e. 밥먹어. Eat. Son: Ney. 네 (3) Prof: eti sal.a? 어디살아? Where do you live? Stud: hakkyo kisuksaey salkoiss-e.yo. 학교기숙사에살고있어요. I live in the school dormitory.

Sentence endings for the intimate style Declarative Interrogative Propositive Imperative Intimate style -e, -ci, -key, -nunkwun, -tey, -ketun, -nuntey, -ko -tana, -cana, -ulana, -nuntako, -nunyako, -cako, -ulako, -nuntanikka, -naynikka, -canikka, -ulanikka, -illay, ulkey, -nunkel, -ulkel, -komalko, -tamata -e, -ci, key, ney, nunka, na, tey, nuntey, ko, -tani, -nyani, -cani, -ulani, -nuntako, -nunyako, -cak, -lako, -nuntamyense, -camyense, -ulamyense, -nuntay, -nuntaci, -ulkka, -ullay, -nunci -e, -ci -e, -ci, -ko Yoon, 2010, p.120

General linguistic practices of the classroom p In KFL classrooms, teachers seem to employ the polite style as a baseline. p Students are instructed to use the polite style in daily interaction with their peers and teachers. p Although the teachers largely employ the polite style when teaching, they sometimes shift their speech styles. p The question then arises how to explain the occurrence of certain shifts to the intimate style.

Previous studies p Kim & Suh, 2007 [elementary classrooms]: manage the classroom, for actions such as disciplining, warning, or advising p Lee, 2000 [TV talk shows]: change the context from a more serious interview into a casual conversation, such as joking p Yoon, 2010 [TV programs]: convey the most direct expressions of a speaker s own thoughts, ideas, emotions, and feelings

Research questions p In what situations do the teachers employ the intimate style in the KFL classrooms? p What types of social functions does the intimate style serve in such contexts?

Data Teacher Gender Course Semester Students Duration of recording A M KOR 380 S10 14 (H12/N2) 8 hrs B F KOR 401 S07 10 (H8/N2) 8 hrs C F KOR 401 F10 16 (H12/N14) 8 hrs

Functions of the intimate style Inner thoughts Solidarity Self-addressed questions Exclamations Discussions of intimacy-building topics 9

1. Inner thoughts

1) Self-addressed questions Extract 1: Microphone 1 T 여러분들의마이크가잘되는지안되는지꼭확인해보세요. Please check if your microphone works. 2 피씨랩에있는컴퓨터로시험을보는거기때문에. Because you will take the oral examination using the computer at the PC lab. 3 S 사분씩이라구요? Did you say it would take four minutes? 4 T 네 Yes. ((The teacher is checking Audacity, the audio recording program, on his computer.)) 5 이게되나? Does this work? 6 네, 되요. Yes, it works. Asks a self-addressed Q: Communes with himself and processes his thoughts

Extract 2: OHP transparency ((The teacher is looking for the OHP transparency.)) 1 T: 아, 여기있구나! Shows a sudden realization Oh, here it is. 2 자선생님이저번에또낫다라고해가지고 뜻이조금다르게쓰이거든요. Okay. Last time, I said nasta which has a different function. ((The teacher is setting up the overhead projector.)) 3 준비를해왔는데보이나? I came prepared. Can the students see? 4 보이겠다! They can see. Asks herself out loud whether or not the students can see the text on OHP transparency

2) Exclamatory remarks Extract 3: Final project 1 T: 파이널 ( 프레즌테이션 ) 토픽있어요? Did you decide on your topics for your final presentations? ((Students remain silent.)) 2 생각은있어요? 스크립트있어요? Do you have an idea? Do you have a script? ((Students remain silent.)) 3 그거부터해야돼요. 아주디제스터예요. 지금까지아무것도안하고. 안돼요. You have to do that first. This is a disaster. You haven t done anything up until now. It can t happen. 4 자, 그러면, 선생님이얘기해볼테니까일주일더주면할수있어요? Okay, if I give you one more week to prepare, will you all be able to finish?

5 Ss: 네. Yes. 6 S: 선생님, 그때까지안하면혼나는거예요? Will we be in trouble if we don t complete it? 7 T: 당연히혼나죠. Of course you are going to be in trouble. 8 내가얼마나권위가없으면 You must think I have no authority. 9 아주큰일이야! (talking to herself) Hmm, this is troublesome! Exclaims in a loud, surprised tone of voice, shifting to the intimate style A reflection of the speaker s inner thoughts of disappointment and frustration

Extract 4: Pokemon cartoon T-shirt (at the beginning of the lesson) 1 T 시험줄게요. I will give you the test. 2 여러분, 안녕하세요. Hello, everyone. 3 Ss: 안녕하세요. Hello. 4 T 네, 여러분파이널프로젝트가지고왔어요? Yes, everyone, did you bring your final project? 5 시험보는동안여기옮기게지금주세요. While you are taking the test, give me your project (saved on your flash drive) so that I can transfer it.

6 Ss 네. Yes. ((Students take out their final projects.)) 7 T 자, 그리고, 여러분, 오늘시험보고월요일 Okay, everyone, there is going to be a test today and on Monday ((A student wearing a Pokemon cartoon T-shirt enters the classroom.)) 8 어머, 귀여워! (Looking at the student) Oh my gosh, that s so cute! Pauses and exclaims in high pitch, showing her surprise for the unexpected situation

2. Solidarity

Extract 5: Korean karaoke 1 C 선생님, 같이부를거잖아요. Teacher, you re going to sing with us. Right? 2 T 당연히불러야지. Of course, I m going to sing. 3 C 솔이가랩하는거들어야되는데.. I m supposed to listen to Sol s rap. 걔는원래노래쪽으로좋아해서.. She s always liked singing. 4 T 어, 그래. 잘해? Oh, yeah. Is she good? ((Sol enters the classroom)) Complies with excitement Asks a follow-up question to C

Requests her to rap tomorrow in a playful manner 5 T 솔이오늘늦은걸로내일랩불러. Sol, since you re late today, rap tomorrow. 6 S 감기걸려서목소리가잘안나오는데요. 죄송합니다. I caught a cold so my voice isn t really good. I apologize. Humorously insists that S 7 T 아니야, 벌이야. should sing a song No, that s okay. It s a punishment. 8 Ss: 하하하하하 ha ha ha ha ha

Abstract Extract 6: Mafia game 1 T 전통혼례. 택일까지했었죠. Korean traditional wedding ceremony. We did up to the selection of the wedding date. 2 납폐부터할거예요. We re going to start with the presentation of the gifts to the bride. 3 E 선생님, 근데우리한테뭐줬잖아요. 심심할때하라고. Teacher, you gave us some kind of a handout. A handout to do when we re bored. 4 T 그래, 나그거하고싶어. 근데나레이터를누가해? Yeah, I want to play the mafia game. But, who s going to be the narrator? Expresses her interest in playing the game and asking who can be the narrator in the game

5 E 할수있는데 I can do it 6 T 진짜하고싶은데너가좀하면안돼? 다음시간에? 규칙알아요? I really want to. Can t you just do it? During the next time? Do you know the rules? 7 T 엘리엇씨랑너가다음시간까지준비해와. You and Elliot come prepared for next time. Asks E and another student to learn the rules for next time

Conclusion & limitations p The findings show teachers using the intimate style indexes the speaker s inner thoughts and solidarity. p The outcomes of this study may introduce new ways for students and teachers to experience a deeper understanding of Korean speech styles. p Further studies should expand the range of teachers in numerous classroom situations.

References p Kim, K-H., & Suh, K. H. (2007). Style shift in Korean pedagogical discourse. Sahoyenehak [The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea], 15(2), 1 29. p Lee, C. (2000). A frame-based analysis of Korean talk shows. Enewa Enehak [Language and Linguistics], 25, 177 197. p Yoon, S. (2010). Situated meanings and functions of Korean speech styles. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Hawaii a Mānoa.

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