Microsoft Word - Korean Through Folktales_Yoon_ docx

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Korean Through Folktales KyungAh Yoon

Created by KyungAh Yoon Portland State University Portland, Oregon U.S.A. 2017 2017 Portland State University

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License You are free to: Share copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt remix, transform, and build upon the material The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms: Attribution You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. NonCommercial You may not use the material for commercial purposes Published by Portland State University Library Portland, OR 97207-1151

About the Book consists of four chapters and each centers on a famous Korean folktale. The lessons and values that famous folktales teach are embedded in and permeate various aspects of Korean culture. Using folktales in the curriculum will provide an engaging way to expose students to a slice of the target culture that native Koreans are naturally exposed to at an early age. Through the selected folktales and various activities offered in the book, students can gain cultural knowledge and insights into traditional and cultural values. They will also receive linguistic lessons to reinforce their acquired skills and to apply the learned materials in an integrated approach. is designed to accompany 1 st -year, 2 nd -year, and 3 rd -year Korean courses offered at Portland State University. However, any Korean teacher can use this book to supplement his/her course materials at elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. There are four chapters in the book. Each chapter will highlight main themes of a widely known folktale introduced in the chapter, followed by links to several videos to watch in order to get the background of the story. The ensuing section will introduce important elements and symbolism embedded in the story so as to provide insights and to enhance the depth of appreciation. After that, three versions of the folktale are presented for different levels, followed by grammar lessons, exercises, and tasks. Traces of folktales and allusions to them are evident in cultural products that many students these days enjoy, such as dramas, movies, and music. Therefore, knowledge of folktales will help students make cultural connections and enrich their experience of learning the Korean language. About the Author KyungAh Yoon is a senior instructor and the section head for the Korean program in the department of World Languages & Literature at Portland State University, Portland, Oregon. Prior to coming to Portland State University, she taught elementary, intermediate, and advanced Korean language courses at Columbia University for seven years, and instructed professionals as an adjunct at The Korea Society, New York City. Prior to teaching at Columbia, she lectured at The Ohio State University and taught Korean language and culture. She is interested in developing technology-assisted instruction and developing online and mobile learning environments for the Korean language. Ms. Yoon holds an Ed.M. in International Educational Development with a concentration in Language, Literacy, & Technology from Columbia University. She received an M.A. in East Asian Languages & Cultures with a concentration in language pedagogy from The Ohio State University, and earned a B.A. in Asian Studies from Williams College.

Acknowledgements I d like to thank Portland State University Library for the support in developing this textbook. In particular, I want to thank Ms. Karen Bjork for her support and patience. I also would like to express my sincere gratitude to the reviewers of this book for their time and insights. Last but not least, I want to thank my son Eric for his continued interest in his mother s work even as a busy teenager, and for the delightful and enlightening questions.

Table of Contents [CHAPTER 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 흥부와놀부... 10 A. Key Themes & Topics... 10 B. Introduction... 10 1. Videos in Korean 한국어비디오... 10 2. Videos in English 영어비디오... 10 C. Warm-up Activities... 10 1. Symbolism... 10 1-1. Terms & Association... 10 1-2. Proverbs & Idioms... 12 2. Key Words & Plot... 13 D. The Story with Key Vocabulary... 14 LEVEL 1... 14 LEVEL 2... 15 LEVEL 3... 16 E. Key Patterns & Forms... 17 1. Level 1: Past Tense in Informal-Polite Style [VCS+ ㅆ어요 ]... 17 2. Level 2: Noun Modifiers... 19 3. Level 3: Indirect Discourse... 24 F. Post-viewing Activities... 27 1. Vocabulary Review... 27 1-1. Level 1 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 28 1-2. Level 2 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 28 1-3. Level 3 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 28 2. Exercises... 28 2-1. Level 1: Past Tense... 28 2-2. Level 1: Summary... 29 2-3. Level 2: Noun Modifier... 29 2-4. Level 2: Summary... 30 2-5. Level 3: Indirect Discourse... 31 2-6. Level 3: Indirect Discourse... 32 2-7. Level 3: Discussion... 32 3. Creative Writing... 34 Level 2 & Level 3:... 34 4. Discussion... 34 Level 2 & Level 3:... 34 [CHAPTER 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 콩쥐와팥쥐... 35 A. Key Themes & Topics... 35 B. Introduction... 35

1. Videos in Korean 한국어비디오... 35 2. Videos in English 영어비디오... 35 C. Warm-up Activities... 35 1. Notable Elements... 35 1-1. Terms & Associations... 35 1-2. Proverbs & Idioms... 38 2. Key Words & Plot... 40 D. The Story with Key Vocabulary... 41 LEVEL 1... 41 LEVEL 2... 42 LEVEL 3... 44 E. Key Patterns & Forms... 46 1. Level 1: Particle Usage 이 / 가 ; 을 / 를 ; 은 / 는 ; 도 ; 한테 / 에... 46 2-1. Level 2: Expressing favor - VCS+ 주다... 48 2-2. Level 2: Obligatory - VCS+ 야되다 / 하다... 49 3-1. Level 3: No matter how much one does V - 아무리 VCS+ 도... 49 3-2. Level 3: VS ends up happening (unfortunately) 그만 VS+ 고말다... 50 F. Post-viewing Activities... 50 1. Vocabulary Review... 50 1-1. Level 1 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 51 1-2. Level 2 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 51 1-3. Level 3 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 51 2. Exercises... 51 2-1. Level 1: Particles... 51 2-2. Level 1: Summary... 52 2-3. Level 2: VCS+ 주다 & VCS+ 야되다 / 하다 & Summary... 53 2-4. Level 3: 아무리 VCS+ 도... 54 2-5. Level 3: 그만 VS+ 고말다... 54 2-6. Level 3: Discussion... 55 3. Creative Writing... 56 Level 2 & Level 3:... 56 4. Discussion... 57 Level 2 & Level 3:... 57 [CHAPTER 3]... 58 The Story of ShimCheong 심청전... 58 A. Key Themes & Topics... 58 B. Introduction... 58 1. Videos in Korean 한국어비디오... 58 2. Videos in English 영어비디오... 58 C. Warm-up Activities... 58 1. Notable Elements... 58 1-1. Terms & Values... 58 1-2. Proverbs & Idioms... 61

2. Key Words & Plot... 63 D. The Story with Key Vocabulary... 64 LEVEL 1... 64 LEVEL 2... 66 LEVEL 3... 68 E. Key Patterns & Forms... 71 1-1. Level 1: Connecting Sentences with VS+ 고 Conjunction... 71 1-2. Level 1: Expressing Purpose of Going & Coming Verbs - VS+( 으 ) 러가다 / 오다... 71 2-1. Level 2: Introducing Name & Quoting N( 이 ) 라고하다... 72 2-2. Level 2: Expressing How Things Turn Out - VS+ 게되다... 73 3. Level 3: Intro Clause + Body Clause: N1 이 / 가 - ㄴ데 + 그건 N2 이다... 74 F. Post-viewing Activities... 75 1. Vocabulary Review... 75 1-1. Level 1 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 75 1-2. Level 2 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 75 1-3. Level 3 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 75 2. Exercises... 75 2-1. Level 1: -고 Conjunction... 75 2-2. Level 1: VS+( 으 ) 러가다 / 오다... 76 2-3. Level 1: Summary... 77 2-4. Level 2: N( 이 ) 라고하다... 78 2-5. Level 2: VS+ 게되다... 78 2-6. Level 3: N1 이 / 가 -ㄴ데 + 그건 N2 이다... 79 2-7. Level 3: Discussion... 79 3. Creative Writing... 81 Level 2 & Level 3:... 81 4. Discussion... 81 Level 2 & Level 3:... 81 [CHAPTER 4]... 83 The Myth of DanGoon 단군신화... 83 A. Key Themes & Topics... 83 B. Introduction... 83 1. Introductory videos and article in English... 83 2. Videos in Korean 한국어비디오... 83 3. Videos in English 영어비디오... 84 C. Warm-up Activities... 84 1. Notable Elements... 84 Founding Philosophy & Symbolism... 84 2. Pre-Reading Questions... 85 3. Key Words & Plot... 86 D. The Story with Key Vocabulary... 87 LEVEL 1... 87 LEVEL 2... 88

LEVEL 3... 89 E. Key Patterns & Forms... 90 1. Level 1: Temporal Conjunction [ VCS+ 서 ]... 90 2. Level 2: Expressing Simultaneous Actions [ VS+( 으 ) 면서 V2 ]... 93 3. Level 3: Providing Reason for Previous Statement: Sentence 1. 이는 ~ sentence 2... 95 F. Post-viewing Activities... 96 1. Vocabulary Review... 97 1-1. Level 1 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 97 1-2. Level 2 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 97 1-3. Level 3 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test... 97 2. Exercises... 97 2-1. Level 1: -서 & -고 Conjunction... 97 2-2. Level 1: Identifying Characters - 나는누구입니까? Who Am I?... 98 2-3. Level 2: VS+( 으 ) 면서 V2... 98 2-4. Level 2: Summary... 99 2-5. Level 3: Sentence 1. 이는 ~ sentence 2 N... 100 2-6. Level 3: Discussion... 101 3. Creative Writing... 102 Level 2 & Level 3:... 102 4. Discussion... 103 Level 2 & Level 3:... 103

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 [CHAPTER 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 흥부와놀부 A. Key Themes & Topics 1. 권선징악 Virtue is rewarded and vice punished; Poetic justice 2. 형제애 Love and care among brothers and sisters 3. 용서 Forgiveness B. Introduction Watch at least two videos of the story, Heungbu and Nolbu 흥부와놀부, in Korean and English. 1. Videos in Korean 한국어비디오 Click Nuri Nori Channel Length 3:46 Click Pink Pong Channel Length 4:17 Click Junior Naver Channel Length 8:30 Click Kids TV OZ Channel Length 7:13 Click Aram Book Channel Length 12:23 2. Videos in English 영어비디오 Click Kids TV OZ Channel Length 1:54 in song Click Hello Kids Channel Length 5:02 Click Bedtime Story Channel Length 12:14 C. Warm-up Activities 1. Symbolism 1-1. Terms & Association 10 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 The terms in blue below are often associated with or symbolize specific qualities and attributes in traditional Korean culture. If you are not familiar with them, search for some images on the Internet first. Then follow the links for each to learn more about it. They will help enhance your appreciation of the story you are about to read, as well as the other three in this book! 1) 초가집 A house roofed with thatch In traditional Korean culture, this is associated with the state of being poor. Click Click 2) 기와집 A house roofed with traditional Korean tiles In traditional Korean culture, this symbolizes wealth. Click Click 3) 제비 Swallows (And about other animals) In traditonal Korean culture, they symbolize good news. Click Click 4) 비단옷 Clothes made with silk In traditional Korean culture, this symbolizes success or wealth. Click Click 5) 도깨비 Goblins These are mythical figures that punish the bad and the wrong; and reward the good. Click Click 11 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 1-2. Proverbs & Idioms Below are a few proverbs or idioms that are imbued with the symbolism and the associations presented in 1-1. Select the choice that is most relevant to the underlying meaning of the given proverb or the idiom. 1) 가난할수록기와집짓는다. The poorer you are, the more you (want to) build a house roofed with tiles. a. This refers to the behavior of people overspending their means to disguise their lack of money in vanity. b. This means poor people work hard to become rich. c. This means you have to lay a solid foundation when building a house. 2) 비단옷입고고항간다. Returning home in silk clothes a. This refers to the advertising of expensive goods for purchase in one s hometown. b. This refers to the custom of going to his/her hometown on a traditional holiday. c. This refers to the showing off of one s success to people s/he knows. 3) 비단옷입고밤길가기 Walking on the street at night in silk clothes a. This refers to a person who steals to become wealthy. b. This refers to a significant deed nobody recognizes; or a situation where one s efforts or successes go unnoticed. c. This refers to a night with festivity.? 4) 제비도은혜를갚는다. Even a swallow returns a favor. a. This refers to a gracious act of a stranger. b. This refers to the wisdom of the bird. c. This refers to the importance of repaying a favor one has received. 12 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 2. Key Words & Plot After watching at least two videos under Section B, provide a summary of the story using the given Key Vocabulary on Quizlet (Click). Regardless of your level though, make sure to use all of the essential words below: 흥부 놀부 ( 마음씨가 ) 착하다 to be goodnatured; to be kind-hearted 마음씨가나쁘다 to be ill-natured; to be mean-spirited 동생 younger sibling 형 older brother 부자이다 to be rich 가난하다 to be poor 제비 swallow (bird) 도와주다 to help 박 gourd 박씨 gourd seed 복 blessing; fortune 갖다주다 to bring and give 기와집 a house roofed with Korean traditional tiles 보물 treasure 도깨비 goblin 재앙 disaster; calamity 미안하다 to be sorry 잘못 wrongdoing; mistake 뉘우치다 to regret; to repent 13 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 D. The Story with Key Vocabulary The words in boldface can be found on the Key Vocabulary list on Quizlet. Click the link to view the list before each story. LEVEL 1 Key Vocabulary on Quizlet Click 옛날옛날에흥부하고놀부가살았어요. 흥부는동생이고놀부는형이었어요. 흥부는마음씨가착했어요. 그런데놀부는마음씨가나빴어요. 흥부하고놀부의부모님이돌아가셨어요. 흥부는너무슬펐어요. 그런데놀부는흥부가족을집에서쫓아냈어요. 흥부가족은아주가난했어요. 초가집에살았어요. 놀부가족은아주부자였어요. 기와집에살았어요. 제비가다리를다쳤어요. 흥부가잘도와줬어요. 제비는박씨로흥부한테복을 갖다줬어요. 그래서흥부가부자가되었어요. 부자흥부는사람들을많이도와줬어요. 14 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 놀부는제비다리를부러뜨렸어요. 제비는놀부한테재앙을갖다줬어요. 그래서흥부가놀부를도와줬어요. 놀부는흥부한테미안했어요. 그리고잘못을뉘우쳤어요. 흥부하고놀부는그때부터같이사이좋게살았어요. LEVEL 2 Key Vocabulary on Quizlet Click 옛날옛날에흥부하고놀부가살았어요. 착한흥부는동생이고욕심꾸러기놀부는형이었어요. 부모님이돌아가신후에마음씨나쁜놀부는마음씨착한흥부를집에서쫓아냈어요. 그래서흥부가족은아주가난하게초가집에살고놀부가족은아주부자로기와집에살았어요. 흥부가족은가난했지만착하게살았어요. 흥부의초가집처마밑에제비한마리가집을짓고살았는데그제비가다리를다쳤어요. 흥부와흥부식구들은정성스럽게제비다리를치료했어요. 고마운제비는다음해봄에다시날아와서흥부한테박씨를갖다주었어요. 흥부가그박씨를심었는데잘익은박에서기와집하고비단옷하고보물이쏟아져나왔어요. 그래서흥부가부자가되었어요. 부자가된흥부는사람들을더많이도와줬어요. 한편, 놀부의기와집처마밑에도제비한마리가집을짓고살았어요. 그런데흥부의소식을들은욕심꾸러기놀부는그제비를보고욕심이생겼어요. 그래서제비의다리를일부러부러뜨리고그다리를다시치료해주었어요. 이제비도다음해봄에다시날아와서놀부한테박씨를갖다줬어요. 놀부가그박씨를심고기다렸어요. 박이익은후에따서박을탔어요. 그런데놀부의박에서는도깨비들이나와서놀부한테벌을주고 15 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 기와집하고비단옷하고재산을다빼앗았어요. 그래서놀부는가난하게되었습니다. 이소식을들은흥부는형놀부한테달려왔어요. 흥부는놀부형과가족들을집으로데리고갔어요. 놀부는흥부한테너무미안했어요. 그리고잘못을뉘우쳤어요. 흥부가족하고놀부가족은그때부터같이사이좋게살았어요. LEVEL 3 Key Vocabulary on Quizlet Click 옛날옛날에흥부하고놀부라는형제가살았습니다. 동생흥부는착하기로소문이났고형놀부는욕심꾸러기로소문나있었습니다. 부모님이돌아가신후에못된형놀부는마음씨착한흥부와가족을집에서나가라고하면서쫓아냈습니다. 놀부는자기와자기가족만부자로기와집에살면서흥부와흥부가족을도와주지않았습니다. 빈손으로쫓겨난흥부가족은허름한초가집에살게되었습니다. 아주어렵고가난했지만서로사랑하고위해주면서살아갔습니다. 흥부는열심히일하고사람들을도와주면서착하게살았습니다. 흥부의초가집처마밑에집을짓고사는제비가못된뱀하고싸우다가다리를다쳤을때흥부와흥부식구들은빨리나으라고하면서정성스럽게다리를치료해주고돌봐주었습니다. 고마운제비는다음해봄에박씨를가지고날아와서흥부마당에떨어뜨렸습니다. 흥부는이제비가가져다준박씨를정성스럽게심어서박이잘자랐습니다. 잘익은박이흥부의초가집지붕에주렁주렁열렸습니다. 흥부식구들이둘러앉아서그박을탔습니다. 그런데놀랍게그박에서기와집하고비단옷하고보물들이쏟아져나왔습니다. 제비가착한흥부에게복을가져다준것이었습니다. 이렇게흥부는부자가되었고, 부자가된흥부는더많은사람들을도와주면서잘살게되었습니다. 16 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 한편, 흥부가부자가되었다는소식을들은놀부는자기의기와집처마밑에집을짓고사는제비를보고욕심이생겼습니다. 그래서제비의다리를일부러부러뜨린후그다리를다시치료해주었습니다. 이제비도놀부한테박씨를가지고날아와서놀부마당에떨어뜨렸습니다. 놀부도이제비가가져다준박씨를심었는데잘익은박이놀부의기와집지붕에도주렁주렁열렸습니다. 놀부는보물을기대하면서그박을열심히탔지만그박에서는보물이아니라도깨비들이나왔습니다. 도깨비들은제비다리를일부러부러뜨린놀부한테벌을주고재산을다빼앗았습니다. 그래서놀부가족은집도없는거지가되었습니다. 도깨비한테서벌을받고거지가됐다는놀부의소식을들은착한동생흥부는깜짝놀랐습니다. 그리고바로형놀부한테달려가놀부와놀부가족을위로하면서자기집으로같이가자고했습니다. 이런착한동생을보면서놀부는마침내잘못을깨달았습니다. 흥부의깊은생각과착한마음씨덕에놀부는잘못을뉘우치고그때부터흥부가족과놀부가족은착한일을많이하면서같이사이좋게살았습니다. E. Key Patterns & Forms 1. Level 1: Past Tense in Informal-Polite Style [VCS+ ㅆ어요 ] The verb stem (VS) is the part that comes before 다 in the verb infinitive, a.k.a. the dictionary form. The general rule for the verb continuative stem (VCS), a.k.a. the 아 / 어 form: If the last syllable in the verb stem (VS) has a vowel ㅏ or ㅗ, add 아 to the stem. If the last syllable in the VS has a vowel other than ㅏ or ㅗ, add 어. There are exceptions to this rule, but we ll focus on the general rules and cover the basics in this lesson. 17 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 Past tense in the informal-polite form: Add ㅆ어요 to VCS = VCS+ ㅆ어요 Here is a table with some of the verbs in the story. What is in the parentheses shows vowel contractions, some deviations, or exceptions to the general rule described above: Verbs in Dictionary Form VCS Past Tense (VCS+ ㅆ어요 ) 살다 살아 ( ㅏ + ㅏ à ㅏ ) 살았어요 N 이다 N 이어 ; N 여 N 이었어요 ; N 였어요 착하다 착해 ( 하 + ㅏ à 해 ) 착했어요 나쁘다 돌아가시다 나빠 ( ㅏ + ㅡ + ㅓ = ㅏ + ㅏ ) 돌아가셔 ( ㅣ + ㅓà ㅕ ) 나빴어요 돌아가셨어요 슬프다 슬퍼 ( ㅡ + ㅡ + ㅓ = ㅡ + ㅓ ) 슬펐어요 쫓아내다 쫓아내 ( ㅐ + ㅓ à ㅐ ) 쫓아냈어요 가난하다 가난해 ( 하 + ㅏ à 해 ) 가난했어요 도와주다 도와줘 ( ㅜ + ㅓ = ㅝ ) 도와줬어요 18 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 갖다주다 갖다줘 ( ㅜ + ㅓ = ㅝ ) 갖다줬어요 되다 되어 / 돼 ( ㅚ + ㅓ à ㅙ ) 되었어요 / 됐어요 부러뜨리다 미안하다 부러뜨려 ( ㅣ + ㅓà ㅕ ) 미안해 ( 하 + ㅏà해 ) 부러뜨렸어요 미안했어요 2. Level 2: Noun Modifiers In Korean, a noun modifier precedes the noun it modifies and gives it a description. In writing, don t forget to leave space between the modifier and the noun. When forming a noun modifier from a verb, consider: 1) whether the given verb is a descriptive or an action verb; and 2) the tense. Then add the appropriate form to its verb stem (VS) as presented in the table: Verbs Tense Past Present Future Action Verbs AVS + ㄴ / 은 AVS + 는 AVS + ㄹ / 을 Descriptive Verbs DVS+ 던 (meaning: used to be DVS ) DVS + ㄴ / 은 DVS + ㄹ / 을 Here are example phrases from Version 2 of the story. The underlined part modifies the noun in green: 19 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 마음씨나쁜놀부 : 마음씨착한흥부 : NolBu who is mean-spirited HeungBu who is kind-hearted 흥부집처마에집을짓고사는제비 : a swallow that has built a home under the 고마운제비 : 잘익은박 : 부자가된흥부 : 흥부의소식을들은놀부 : 이소식을들은흥부 : eaves of HeungBu s home and is living (there) a swallow who is grateful a gourd which is very ripe HeungBu who became rich NolBu who heard the news of HeungBu HeungBu who heard this news Examples for Action Verbs in Different Tenses: Ex 1> 갖다주다 to bring and give 친구한테갖다줬어요. 책이에요. à 친구한테갖다준책이에요. I brought it to my friend. It s a book. à It s a book that I brought to my friend. 친구한테갖다줘요. 책이에요. à 친구한테갖다주는책이에요. I bring it to my friend. It s a book. à It s a book that I bring to my friend. 친구한테갖다줄거예요. 책이에요. à 친구한테갖다줄책이에요. I ll bring it to my friend. It s a book. à It s a book that I ll bring to my friend. Ex 2> 쓰다 to write 제가썼어요. 리포트예요. à 제가쓴리포트예요. I wrote it. It s a report. à It s a report I wrote. 제가써요. 리포트예요. à 제가쓰는리포트예요. I write it. It s a report. à It s a report I write. 20 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 제가쓸거예요. 리포트예요. à 제가쓸리포트예요. I will write it. It s a report. à It s a report I will write. Ex 3> 읽다 to read 제가어제읽었어요. 잡지예요. à 제가어제읽은리포트예요. I read it yesterday. It s a magazine. àit s a magazine I read yesterday. 제가매달읽어요. 잡지에요. à 제가매달읽는잡지예요. I read it every month. It s a magazine. à It s a magazine I read every month. 제가다음달에읽을거예요. 잡지에요. à 제가다음달에읽을잡지예요. I will read it next month. It s a magazine. à It s a magazine I will read next month. Ex 4> 익다 to be cooked; to become ripe 잘익었어요. 김치예요. -> 잘익은김치예요. It s been well fermented. It s Kimchi. -> It s Kimchi that s been well fermented. 잘익어요. 김치예요. -> 잘익는김치예요. It s being well fermented. It s Kimchi. -> It s Kimchi that s being well fermented. 잘익을거예요. 김치예요. -> 잘익을김치예요. It will be well fermented. It s Kimchi. -> It s Kimchi that will be well fermented. Examples for Descriptive Verbs in Different Tenses: Ex 1> 유명하다 to be famous 유명한사람이에요. He is a famous person. 유명한사람이었어요. He was a famous person. 유명하던사람이에요. He is a person who used to be famous. 유명하던사람이었어요. He was a person who used to be famous. 21 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 유명할사람이에요. He is a person who will be famous. Ex 2> 좋다 to be good; to be nice *The sententences below may sound awkward. They are presented to highlight the grammar point being discussed. 좋은날씨예요. It is nice weather. 좋은날씨였어요. It was nice weather. 좋던날씨예요. (It is) the weather that used to be nice. 좋던날씨였어요. (It was) the weather that used to be nice. 좋을날씨예요. It is the weather that will be nice. Examples for Irregular Action Verbs in Different Tenses: In the sections below, study the changes for a few basic action verbs that are irregular: ㄷ-irregular verbs: 듣다 to listen; to hear 사람이에요. 한국노래를들었어요. à 한국노래를들은사람이에요. (S/he) is a person. He listened to Korean songs. à (S/he) is a person who listened to Korean songs. 사람이에요. 한국노래를들어요. à 한국노래를듣는사람이에요. (S/he) is a person. He listens to Korean songs. à (S/he) is a person who listens to Korean songs. 사람이에요. 한국노래를들을거예요. à 한국노래를들을사람이에요. (S/he) is a person. He will listen to Korean songs. à (S/he) is a person who will listen to Korean songs. ㄹ -irregular verbs: 알다 to know 22 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 사람이에요. 알아요. à 아는사람이에요. (S/he) is a person. I know. à (S/he) is a person I know. 사람이에요. 알거예요. à 알사람이에요. (S/he) is a person. I will know. à (S/he) is a person I ll (get to) know. Examples for Irregular Descriptive Verbs in Present Tense In the sections below, study the changes for a few basic descriptive verbs that are irregular: ㄹ -irregular verbs: 달다 to be sweet / 멀다 to be far 후식이에요. 아주달아요. à 아주단후식이에요. It s a dessert. It s very sweet. -> It s a very sweet dessert. 친구집이에요. 멀어요. à 먼친구집이에요. It s my friend s house. It s far. à It s my friend s house that is far. ㅂ-irregular verbs: 맵다 to be spicy / 싱겁다 to be bland / 뜨겁다 to be hot / 춥다 to be cold / 가볍다 to be light (weight) 음식이에요. 매워요. à 매운음식이에요. It s food. It s spicy. à It s spicy food. 반찬이에요. 싱거워요. à 싱거운반찬이에요. They are side dishes. They are bland. à They are bland side dishes. 차예요. 뜨거워요. à 뜨거운차예요. It s tea. It s hot. à It s hot tea. 23 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 날씨예요. 추워요. à 추운날씨예요. It s weather. It s cold. à It s cold weather. 가방이에요. 가벼워요. à 가벼운가방이에요. It s a bag. It s light. -> It s a light bag. ㅎ -irregular verbs: 이렇다 to be this way / 파랗다 to be blue / 빨갛다 to be red 음식이에요. 이래요. à 이런음식이에요. It s food. It s like this. à It s this kind of food. 셔츠예요. 파래요. à 파란셔츠예요. It s a shirt. It s blue. à It s a blue shirt. 의자예요. 빨개요. à 빨간의자예요. It s a chair. It s red. à It s a red chair. 3. Level 3: Indirect Discourse For indirect discourse, we first need to be clear about the intention of the original speaker you are quoting: whether s/he intended to make a statement, to ask a question, to command/demand, or to propose to do something. Here is a summary of the forms to use for different intentions of the original speech: Intention of the original speech to say Statement Question 다고하다 냐고하다 24 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 Imperative; Command Propositive ( 으 ) 라고하다 자고하다 Here are example sentences and phrases from Version 3 of the story: 못된형놀부는마음씨착한흥부와가족을집에서나가라고하면서쫓아냈습니다. The mean-spirited brother NolBu kicked them out, telling kind-hearted Heungbu and his family to leave the house. 흥부와흥부식구들은빨리나으라고하면서정성스럽게다리를치료해주고돌봐주었습니다. HeungBu and his family told (the swallow) to get well soon, and treated her leg wholeheartedly and took care of her. 흥부가부자가되었다는소식을들은놀부 NolBu who heard the news that HeungBu became rich 도깨비한테서벌을받고거지가됐다는놀부의소식을들은착한동생흥부 ~ HeungBu who heard the news that NolBu was punished by goblins and became a beggar ~ 자기집으로같이가자고했습니다. He proposed that they go to his house. Let s take a closer look and see how we form the indirect discourse with more examples: 25 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 Intention of the original speech to say STATEMENT 다고하다 à - 다고해요. N 이다 : -( 이 ) 라고하다 à ( 이 ) 라고해요. 아니다 : 아니라고하다 à 아니라고해요. Examples: 이다아니다하다먹다 한국이라고해요. 한국사람이었다고해요. 한국사람일거라고해요. 한다고해요. 했다고해요. 할거라고해요. 먹는다고해요. 먹었다고해요. 먹을거라고해요. QUESTIONS 냐고하다 à -냐고해요. 화요일이냐고해요. Examples: 화요일이었냐고해요. 이다화요일일거냐고해요. 아니다 하다 먹다 전화아니냐고해요. 전화아니었냐고해요. 전화아닐거냐고해요. 26 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 하냐고해요. 했냐고해요. 할거냐고해요. 먹냐고해요. 먹었냐고해. 먹을거냐고요. IMPERATIVE VS+( 으 ) 라고하다 à -( 으 ) 라고해요. Examples: 하다 먹다 하라고해요. 먹으라고해요. PROPOSITIVE VS+ 자고하다 à - 자고해요. Examples: 하다 먹다 하자고해요. 먹자고해요. F. Post-viewing Activities 1. Vocabulary Review Directions: Follow the links on Quizlet below for various activities to reinforce the learning of the key vocabulary. 27 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 1-1. Level 1 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test 1-2. Level 2 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test 1-3. Level 3 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test 2. Exercises 2-1. Level 1: Past Tense Directions: Complete the sentences to tell the story of HengBu and NolBu with appropriate verbs in the past tense. 1) 흥부는마음씨가. 놀부는마음씨가. 2) 놀부는부자. 그런데흥부는. 3) 놀부는흥부가족을집에서. 4) 흥부는제비다리를. 그런데놀부는제비다리를. 5) 제비는흥부한테복을. 그런데놀부한테는벌을. 28 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 2-2. Level 1: Summary Directions: Based on the video and the reading, fill in the blank with the appropriate word chosen from the given box. For verbs, make sure to change them into the most appropriate form. The completed paragraph will give you an outline of the story s main plot. ( 마음씨가 ) 착하다 갖다주다 마음씨가나쁘다 동생 부러뜨리다 제비 가난하다 다리 도와주다 다치다 치료해주다 부자이다 박씨 재앙 형 복 흥부는놀부의 이에요 / 예요. 놀부는흥부의 이에요 / 예요. 흥부는돈이없었어요. 아주. 놀부는돈이많았어요. 아주. 흥부는마음씨가. 그런데놀부는마음씨가. 이 / 가다리를다쳤어요. 흥부가잘도와줬어요. 그래서제비가 ( 으 ) 로흥부한테 을 / 를갖다주었어요. 놀부는제비다리를. 그래서제비가 ( 으 ) 로놀부한테 을 / 를갖다주었어요. 2-3. Level 2: Noun Modifier Directions: Supply the appropriate noun modifiers to tell the story of HeungBu and NolBu. 29 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 1) A swallow who is grateful 제비 2) A gourd which is very ripe 박 3) HeungBu who became rich 흥부 4) NolBu who heard the news of HeungBu 놀부 5) NolBu, who is mean-spirited, kicked out his younger brother. 놀부는동생을쫓아냈어요. 6) HeungBu, who is kind-hearted, helped others. 흥부는사람들을도와주었어요. 7) A swallow that has built a home under the eaves of HeungBu s house and is living (there) hurt his leg. 제비가다리를다쳤어요. 2-4. Level 2: Summary Directions: Based on the video, the reading, and the completed paragraph above, fill in the blanks with the appropriate words chosen from the given box. Make sure to change the verb into the most appropriate form. 치료해주다 동생 형 갖다주다 비단옷 뉘우치다가난하다 도깨비 제비 부러뜨리다 다리 박씨 복 부자이다 기와집 ( 마음씨가 ) 착하다 보물 재앙 마음씨가나쁘다 도와주다 미안하다 잘못 30 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 흥부는놀부의 이고놀부는흥부의 이에요 / 예요. 돈이 흥부는아주 살았어요. 그런데 돈이 놀부는아주 ( 으 ) 로살았어요. 이 / 가다리를다쳤어요. 마음씨가 흥부는제비의다리를 -. 흥부한테고마운 은 / 는 ( 으 ) 로 흥부한테복을갖다주었어요. 박에서비단옷하고기와집하고보물이나왔어요. 마음씨가 놀부는제비의다리를. 제비는 놀부한테는 ( 으 ) 로 을 / 를갖다주었어요. 박에서도깨비들이나왔어요. 을 / 를받은흥부는 이 / 가되었고 을 / 를받은놀부는가난하게되었어요. 착한동생흥부는형놀부를. 그래서놀부는흥부한테. 그리고잘못을. 그때부터흥부와놀부는같이사이좋게살았어요. 2-5. Level 3: Indirect Discourse Directions: Based on the Level 3 story, answer the questions using the indirect discourse. 1) What do you think HeungBu would have said to his family to show his love and care for them? 31 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 2) What do you think the swallow would have said to HeunBu s famly when she brought the gourd seeds to them? 3) What do you think the swallow would have said to NolBu s famly when she brought the gourd seeds to them? 4) What do you think HeungBu would have said to NolBu when he went to see his brother who was punished and became a beggar? 2-6. Level 3: Indirect Discourse Directions: Watch the video by following the link and write what you hear in the given scenes using the indirect discourse. Click 1) The part where 흥부 and his family were being chased out of their home 2) The part where 흥부 s family is coping with the hardship after being chased out of their home 2-7. Level 3: Discussion Directions: Review the given vocabulary and the key didactic themes of this story presented in the box below. Then, briefly explain how you think each theme is conveyed in the story. Key Vocabulary > ( 마음씨가 ) 마음씨가나쁘다 동생 복 갖다주다 비단옷 기와집 32 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 형 부자이다 가난하다 제비 다리 치료해주다 부러뜨리다 박씨 보물 쏟아져나오다 재앙 도깨비 도와주다 미안하다 잘못 뉘우치다 Key Themes > 1. 권선징악 Virtue is rewarded and vice punished; Poetic justice 2. 형제애 Love and care among brothers and sisters 3. 용서 Forgiveness 33 Korean Through Folktale

[Chapter 1] Heungbu And Nolbu 제 1 과흥부와놀부 3. Creative Writing Level 2 & Level 3: 1) Re-create the scene of 흥부 and 놀부 each splitting the gourds in half by changing what came out of the gourds. 2) Change the swallow and the gourd seed to something else and create your version of the story. 4. Discussion Level 2 & Level 3: 1) What do you think the swallow and the gourd represent? Discuss each in terms of the key didactic theme(s) of the story. 2) There have been some reinterpretations of what Heungbu and Nolbu stand for. For one, some criticize how Heungbu fell into poverty and the way he dealt with it. Select one of the main themes and critique it or discuss how it is relevant (or not) to the present time and culture we live in. 34 Korean Through Folktale

Korean Through Folktale Created by KyungAh Yoon [CHAPTER 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 콩쥐와팥쥐 A. Key Themes & Topics 1. 권선징악 Virtue is rewarded and vice punished; Poetic justice 2. 인과응보 What goes around comes around. 3. 고진감래 After the bitter comes the sweet. B. Introduction Watch at least two videos of the story, KongJwi And PatJwi 콩쥐와팥쥐, in Korean and English. 1. Videos in Korean 한국어비디오 Click Pink Pong Channel Length 3:32 Click Kids TV OZ Length 7:22 Click S-Oil Korea-Arab Channel Length 8:20 Click Hello Kids Channel Length 14:51 2. Videos in English 영어비디오 Click Kids TV OZ Channel Length 1:59 in song Click Hello Kids Channel Length 4:38 C. Warm-up Activities 1. Notable Elements 1-1. Terms & Associations

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 The terms in blue below are often associated with or symbolize specific qualities and attributes in traditional Korean culture. If it is an object and you are not familiar with it, search for some images on the Internet first. Then follow the links for each to learn more about it. They will help enhance your appreciation of the story you are about to read, as well as the other stories in this book! 1) 황소 Ox Back in the old days when Korea was an agricultural society, oxen were an important part of the livelihood as they were used to plow the field. In the story of KongJwi And PatJwi, an ox comes to help KongJwi who was ordered to plow the field by her stepmother. There are idiomatic expressions in which an ox is used to represent strong physical strength as well as hard and honest work, sometimes to the extent of being tactless. It is also associated with being simple and naïve, and even honest to a fault. Look at the images of oxen by following the links below. You will see that they evoke emotions that are different from cattle tended by cowboys and the bullfights of the West: Click Click Click Click 2) 선녀 Celestial maiden; Fairy A Korean-English dictionary definition of the term 선녀 is a fairy. However, the images Koreans associate with 선녀 are quite different from the images you may conjure up in your head with the word fairy. Click on the links below to get a glimpse of what Koreans would associate with the term 선녀. You will see three pictures, each of which is depicting a scene from a famous folktale: A scene from KongJwi And PatJwi A scene from The Fairy and The Woodcutter 36

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 A scene from The Story of ShimCheong 선녀 is associated with awestruck beauty. In most picture book folktales, 선녀 is depicted wearing a celestial robe with wide sleeves that allows them to descend to the human world and ascend back to their land. Two circular braids are another notable feature of 선녀, as you can see in the images from the links above. The world they live in is called 선경, a mysterious and supernatural place where 신선, the hermit with mysterious power, resides. The celestial beings, 선녀 and 신선, transcend the limitations of humans. Several famous folktales have them at the center of the plot, such as 선녀와나뭇군 The Fairy and The Woodcutter and 금도끼은도끼 The Gold Ax and The Silver Ax. In some other folktales, they appear to rescue the main character when s/he is in desperate need of help, as in the story you are about to read, 콩쥐와팥쥐. 3) 계모 Stepmother There are several words for stepmother in Korean: 계모, 의붓어머니, 의모, and 새어머니 (which literally means new mother ). Among the four terms, 계모 in particular is often associated with negative connotations. In Korean culture, there used to be some prejudice toward the relationship between the stepmother and the stepchildren, and it was often perceived to be uncomfortable or in conflict. The stepmothers in two very well-known folktales are portrayed as mean-spirited, ill-intentioned, and cruel. One is the story introduced in this chapter, 콩쥐와팥쥐 KongJwi And PatJwi, and the other is 장화홍련 Janghwa-Hongryeon (a.k.a Janghwa and Hongryeon). * 장화홍련 Janghwa-Hongryeon is famous not only as a folktale, but also for the title of an award-winning horror movie which was based in part on the folktale. The movie with the English title A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) earned acclaim from critics in the West and the success resulted in a remake of the movie in America, The Uninvited (2009). 37

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 4) 참새 Sparrow Before the rapid industrialization and urbanization, sparrows were considered ubiquitous in Korea. People encountered them easily and heard them chirping everywhere. In other words, sparrows were part of their daily life and they were the bird most familiar to Koreans. The element of sparrows is present in many proverbs and idioms as well as in novels and folk paintings. Sparrows are often associated with chattering, being lightweight, or even being shallow. Click Click (A famous painting titled 묘작도 Painting of Cats and Sparrows) Because one staple of the Korean diet is rice, you can encounter several proverbs and idioms with both 참새 and 방앗간, a Korean-style mill where people used to go for pounding and grinding grains. 1-2. Proverbs & Idioms Below are a few proverbs or idioms that are imbued with the values and the attributions discussed in 1-1. Select the choice that is most relevant to the underlying meaning of the given proverb or the idiom. 1) 느릿느릿걸어도황소걸음 Slow the steps may be, they are strides of an ox. a. This refers to an action which may be slow in pace but is reliable and fruitful. b. This refers to a slow walk during which a task gets done. c. This refers to a response which may come slowly but is honest and helpful. 2) 소귀에경읽기 Reading the Buddhist scriptures to a cow a. This means attempting to learn new things that are difficult. b. This means teaching slow learners patiently. 38

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 c. This means talking to someone who has no idea or desire to understand. 3) 소가뒷걸음질하다쥐잡는다. A cow walks backward and catches a mouse. a. This refers to a situation where a person makes a mistake while trying to retract his words. b. This refers to a situation where a person gets a correct answer by chance or accomplishes something by coincidence. c. This refers to a situation where a person hurts others unintentionally. 4) 소잃고외양간고친다. They are fixing the cowshed after losing the cow. a. This refers to a situation where people make a fuss only after experiencing a problem that should have been addressed beforehand. b. This refers to a situation where people learn valuable lessons from their mistakes. c. This refers to a situation where people lose honesty and purity to succumb to social pressure. 5) 하늘에서내려온선녀같다. She looks like Sun-Nyeo who has descended from heaven. a. This is used to refer to a woman with exceptional strength. b. This is used to refer to a woman with exquisite beauty. c. This is used to refer to a woman with spacy looks. 6) 참새가방앗간을그냥지나랴 No way a sparrow will pass up a mill 방앗간. a. This is used when a person cannot ignore or pass up something s/he likes. b. This is used when a person cannot pass by a spectacle and noise due to curiosity. c. This is used when a person cannot turn away from someone in need. 7) 참새가아무리떠들어도구렁이는움직이지않는다. No matter how much sparrows chatter, a serpent does not move. 39

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 a. This means that a stubborn person will always be stubborn and will not listen to others no matter how much people try to convince him/her. b. This means that incompetent people might make a fuss over unimportant things, but those with true knowledge and competence will not be swayed by them. c. This means that chatters and rumors will not change the truth. 2. Key Words & Plot After watching at least two videos under Section B, provide a summary of the story using the given Key Vocabulary on Quizlet (Click). Regardless of your level though, make sure to use all essential words below: 콩쥐 팥쥐 엄마 mom 아버지 father 결혼하다 to get married ( 마음씨가 ) 착하다 to be goodnatured; to be kind-hearted 마음씨가나쁘다 to be ill-natured; to be mean-spirited 일시키다 to order to work 도와주다 to help 황소 ox 참새 sparrow 두꺼비 toad 선녀 Korean fairy 원님 magistrate 잔치 feast; party 꽃신 floral shoes 잃어버리다 to lose 찾다 to find; to look for 벌주다 to punish 40

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 D. The Story with Key Vocabulary The words in boldface can be found in the Key Vocabulary list on Quizlet. Click the link to view the list before each story. LEVEL 1 Key Vocabulary on Quizlet Click 옛날옛날에콩쥐하고홀아버지가살았어요. 콩쥐는마음씨가아주착했어요. 그런데콩쥐아버지가팥쥐엄마를만났어요. 콩쥐아버지는팥쥐엄마하고결혼했어요. 팥쥐엄마는마음씨가나빴어요. 그래서콩쥐를미워했어요. 팥쥐도마음씨가나빴어요. 팥쥐도콩쥐를미워했어요. 팥쥐엄마는콩쥐한테일을많이시켰어요. 콩쥐는너무힘들었어요. 하루는팥쥐엄마가콩쥐한테돌밭일을주었어요. 너무힘들었어요. 그런데황소가콩쥐를 도와줬어요. 그래서콩쥐가일을다끝냈어요. 41

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 또하루는팥쥐엄마가콩쥐한테벼일을주었어요. 그런데이번에는참새들이콩쥐를도와줬어요. 그래서콩쥐가일을다끝냈어요. 또다른하루는팥쥐엄마가콩쥐한테항아리물일을주었어요. 그런데이번에는두꺼비가 콩쥐를도와줬어요. 그래서이번에도콩쥐가일을다잘끝냈어요. 또다른하루는팥쥐엄마가콩쥐한테베일을주었어요. 팥쥐와팥쥐엄마는원님잔치에 갔어요. 그런데이번에는선녀가콩쥐를도와줬어요. 그래서이번에도콩쥐가일을다잘 끝냈어요. 선녀는콩쥐한테비단옷하고꽃신도주었어요. 콩쥐는그비단옷을입었어요. 그리고꽃신을신었어요. 그리고원님잔치에갔어요. 그런데꽃신하나를잃어버렸어요. 원님이그꽃신하나를봤어요. 그래서주인을찾았어요. 팥쥐가그꽃신을신었어요. 그런데너무작았어요. 팥쥐하고팥쥐엄마가화를냈어요. 콩쥐가그꽃신을신었어요. 그꽃신이콩쥐한테잘맞았어요. 그래서원님이콩쥐하고결혼했어요. 원님은팥쥐엄마하고팥쥐한테벌을주었어요. 콩쥐는원님하고같이행복하게살았어요. LEVEL 2 Key Vocabulary on Quizlet Click 옛날옛날에착한콩쥐하고홀아버지하고살았어요. 그런데콩쥐아버지가마음씨나쁜팥쥐엄마를만나서결혼했어요. 그래서팥쥐엄마는콩쥐의새엄마가되었어요. 그런데마음씨나쁜팥쥐엄마는콩쥐를미워했어요. 팥쥐도마음씨가나빴어요. 마음씨나쁜팥쥐도콩쥐를미워했어요. 팥쥐엄마는콩쥐한테너무힘든일을많이시켰어요. 42

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 하루는콩쥐가나무호미로넓은돌밭을갈아야했어요. 콩쥐한테너무힘든일이었어요. 그런데갑자기커다란황소가나타나서돌밭을갈아주었어요. 그리고착한콩쥐일을다해 주었어요. 또하루는콩쥐가많은벼를찧어야했어요. 콩쥐한테너무힘든일이었어요. 그런데갑가지 친절한참새들이날아와서벼를찧어주었어요. 그리고착한콩쥐일을다해주었어요. 또다른하루는콩쥐가구멍이난항아리에물을채워야했어요. 콩쥐한테너무힘든 일이었어요. 그런데갑자기듬직한두꺼비가들어와서항아리구멍을막아주었어요. 그래서 착한콩쥐가항아리에물을다채웠어요. 또다른하루는콩쥐가많은베옷을짜야했어요. 콩쥐한테너무힘든일이었어요. 마음씨 나쁜팥쥐엄마하고팥쥐는원님잔치에갔어요. 그런데갑자기아름다운선녀가내려와서 베옷을짜주었어요. 그래서착한콩쥐일을다해주었어요. 예쁜선녀는콩쥐한테고운비단옷하고꽃신도주었어요. 콩쥐는고운비단옷을입고꽃신을신고원님잔치에갔어요. 그런데꽃신하나를잃어버렸어요. 원님은꽃신이너무예뻤어요. 그래서꽃신주인을찾았아요. 마음씨나쁜팥쥐가그예쁜꽃신을신었어요. 그런데너무작았어요. 마음씨착한콩쥐가그예쁜꽃신을신었어요. 콩쥐한테는꽃신이잘맞았어요. 콩쥐한테반한원님은콩쥐하고결혼했어요. 원님은마음씨나쁜팥쥐엄마하고팥쥐한테벌을주고마음씨착한콩쥐는원님과함께오래오래행복하게살았어요. 43

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 LEVEL 3 Key Vocabulary on Quizlet Click 옛날옛날에콩쥐라는마음씨착한딸하고어머니와아버지가행복하게살고있었습니다. 그런데콩쥐어머니가병으로그만돌아가시고말았습니다. 그후콩쥐아버지가마음씨고약한팥쥐엄마를만나서결혼하게되었습니다. 그래서팥쥐엄마는콩쥐의새엄마가되었는데팥쥐엄마가데려온딸팥쥐도마음씨가나빴습니다. 못된팥쥐엄마와팥쥐는착하고예쁜콩쥐를미워하고구박했습니다. 하루는팥쥐엄마가콩쥐에게나무호미를주면서넓은돌밭을갈아놓으라고했습니다. 그런데돌밭을갈다가나무호미가그만부러지고말았습니다. 콩쥐가돌아가신엄마생각을하면서울고있는데갑자기커다란황소가나타나서넓은돌밭을다갈아주었습니다. 그리고배고픈콩쥐에게맛있는먹을거리도잔뜩주었습니다. 이사실을안팥쥐와팥쥐엄마는콩쥐를더욱구박했습니다. 또하루는팥쥐엄마가콩쥐에게마당에벼를잔뜩쌓아놓고저녁까지다찧어놓으라고했습니다. 그런데아무리찧고찧어도쌀더미는줄지않았습니다. 콩쥐가돌아가신엄마생각을하면서울고있는데갑자기친절한참새떼가날아와서그많은벼를다찧어주었습니다. 그리고슬픈콩쥐에게예쁜노래를불러주고위로해주었습니다. 이사실을안팥쥐와팥쥐엄마는콩쥐를더욱구박했습니다. 또다른하루는팥쥐엄마가콩쥐에게구멍이난항아리에물을가득채워놓으라고했습니다. 그런데아무리물을붓고부어도항아리는채워지지않았습니다. 콩쥐가돌아가신엄마생각을하면서울고있는데갑자기듬직한두꺼비가들어와서구멍을막아 44

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 준다고했습니다. 그래서콩쥐는항아리에물을다채울수있었습니다. 두꺼비는슬픈공쥐에게재미있는옛날이야기를해주고위로해주었습니다. 이사실을안팥쥐와팥쥐엄마는콩쥐를더욱구박했습니다. 또다른하루는팥쥐엄마가콩쥐에게베옷을백벌짜놓으라고했습니다. 그리고원님잔치에팥쥐만데리고가면서콩쥐에게일을다끝내면오라고했습니다. 그렇지만아무리열심히짜도다끝낼수없었기때문에콩쥐는아무리원님잔치에가고싶어도갈수없었습니다. 콩쥐가돌아가신엄마생각을하면서울고있는데갑자기하늘에서아름다운선녀가내려와서베옷을다짜주었습니다. 그리고콩쥐에게고운비단옷과꽃신을주면서원님잔치에가라고했습니다. 콩쥐는기뻐하면서비단옷과꽃신으로단장하고서둘러원님잔치로향했는데가는길에꽃신하나를그만잃어버리고말았습니다. 그런데잠시바람을쐬러나온원님이그예쁜꽃신을보게되었습니다. 원님은신하들에게꽃신의주인을찾으라고명령했습니다. 신하들은여러동네를다니면서꽃신주인을찾았습니다. 마음씨나쁜팥쥐도그예쁜꽃신을신어봤지만너무작아서발이들어가지도않았습니다. 그때신하들이옆에있는콩쥐를보고신어보라고했습니다. 팥쥐엄마하고팥쥐는심술을부리면서방해했지만신하들의도움으로콩쥐가꽃신을신었습니다. 물론콩쥐한테는꽃신이딱맞았고신하들은기뻐하면서콩쥐를원님한테데리고갔습니다. 원님은마음씨착하고예쁜콩쥐를보고반했습니다. 그래서콩쥐를아내로맞이하게되었습니다. 그런데욕심많고마음씨나쁜팥쥐엄마하고팥쥐는계속해서콩쥐를괴롭히고원님모르게콩쥐를원님으로부터그만떼어놓고말았습니다. 마침내이사실을안원님은팥쥐엄마와팥쥐에게큰벌을주고다시는콩쥐앞에나타나지못하게했습니다. 그래서마음씨착한콩쥐는원님과다시만나오래오래행복하게살았습니다. 45

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 E. Key Patterns & Forms 1. Level 1: Particle Usage 이 / 가 ; 을 / 를 ; 은 / 는 ; 도 ; 한테 / 에 The Korean language has a rich particle system. In this section, we ll review a few sets of basic particles. 이 / 가 Particle: 이 follows a noun ending with a consonant and 가 follows a noun ending with a vowel. With a few exceptions, this set is usually attached to the subject of a sentence. These particles highlight or single out the noun to which they are attached. In folktales like the ones you are reading in this book, a story usually begins with 옛날옛날에 (noun) 이 / 가살았습니다 Once upon a time ~ there lived (noun). (You may see a different form of the verb 살다 to live in terms of the speech style and the level, depending on who is telling the story and who the audience is.) Here are a few examples from Version 1 of the story: 옛날옛날에콩쥐하고홀아버지가살았어요. Once upon a time there lived KongJwi and her widowed father. 황소가도와줬어요. 참새들이도와줬어요. 두꺼비가도와줬어요. 선녀가도와줬어요. An ox helped. Sparrows helped. A toad helped A fairy helped. 을 / 를 Particle: 을 follows a noun ending with a consonant and 를 follows a noun ending with a vowel. This set is attached to the object of a sentence. Here are a few examples from Version 1 of the story: 팥쥐엄마를만났어요. (He) met PaJwi s mother. 콩쥐를미워했어요. (They) hated KongJwi. 46

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 콩쥐를도와줬어요. 일을다끝냈어요. 꽃신을잃어버렸어요. (They) helped KongJwi. (She) finished the work. (She) lost her floral shoe. 은 / 는 Particle: 은 follows a noun ending with a consonant and 는 follows a noun ending with a vowel. This set can be attached to both the subject and the object of a sentence. The 은 / 는 set is used to mark the topic of a discourse; and is also used to indicate that the noun it follows is being compared or contrasted with something else that may or may not be mentioned in the discourse. Here are a few examples from Version 1 of the story: 하루는 ~ One day ~ 다른하루는 ~ Another day ~ 이번에는 This time (as opposed to other times) 팥쥐엄마는마음씨가나빴어요. PatJwi s mother (compare to good-natured KongJwi,) was mean-spirited. 팥쥐하고팥쥐엄마는원님잔치에갔어요. PatJwi and PatJwi s mother (as opposed to KongJwi who stayed and started working) went to the Magistrate s party. 도 Particle: 도 indicates that the noun it follows is an addition to something. Here are a few examples from Version 1 of the story: 팥쥐도마음씨가나빴어요. PatJwi too (in addition to her mother) was mean-spirited. 비단옷하고꽃신도주었어요. (She) gave her silk clothes and floral shoes too (in addition to the help she offered) 47

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 한테 / 에 Particle: 한테 follows an animate object and 에 an inanimate object to mean to, indicating to whom/which the action is directed. When -에 is used with a place or a time expression, it means in, on, or at. -한테 and 에 can be combined with the particle 은 / 는 for comparison and 도 for addition. Here are a few examples from Version 1 of the story: 콩쥐한테일을많이시켰어요. 콩쥐한테돌밭일을주었어요. 원님잔치에갔어요. (She) ordered KongJwi to do a lot of work. (She) gave KongJwi stone-field-work. (They) went to the Magistrate s party. 이번에는참새들이콩쥐를도와줬어요. Sparrows helped KongJwi this time (compared to the other time when an ox helped). 콩쥐한테는잘맞았어요. (The shoes) fit KongJwi well (as opposed to PatJwi for whom the shoes were too small) 2-1. Level 2: Expressing favor - VCS+ 주다 The VCS in VCS+ 주다 is an action performed on behalf of someone. Here are a few examples from Version 2 of the story: 황소가돌밭을갈아주었어요. 참새들이벼를찧어주었어요. An ox plowed the stone field (for KongJwi). Sparrows pounded unhulled rice (for KongJwi). 두꺼비가항아리구멍을막아주었어요. A toad blocked the hole in the pot (for KongJwi). 선녀가베옷을짜주었어요. The fairy weaved hemp clothes (for KongJwi). 48

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 2-2. Level 2: Obligatory - VCS+ 야되다 / 하다 The VCS in VCS+ 야되다 / 하다 is an action that must be performed. Here are a few examples from Version 2 of the story: 돌밭을갈아야했어요. (She) had to plowed the stone field 벼를찧어야했어요. (She) had to pound unhulled rice. 항아리에물을채워야했어요. (She) had to fill up the pot with water. 베옷을짜야했어요. (She) had to weave hemp clothes. 3-1. Level 3: No matter how much one does V - 아무리 VCS+ 도 This construction, 아무리 VCS+ 도, means no matter how much one does VCS ~. It is used when the VCS action brings no fruition or result. The futile aspect can be more emphasized by adding VS+ 고 after 아무리, thus creating this form: 아무리 VS+ 고 VCS+ 도. Here are a few examples from Version 3 of the story: 아무리찧고찧어도쌀더미는줄지않았습니다. No matter how much she pounded and pounded, the rice pile didn t get smaller. 아무리붓고부어도항아리는채워지지않았습니다. No matter how much she poured and poured, the pot wouldn t fill up. 아무리열심히짜도다끝낼수없었기때문에 ~ Because she could not finish no matter how hard she weaved ~ 아무리가고싶어도갈수없었습니다. No matter how much she wanted to go, she could not go. 49

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 3-2. Level 3: VS ends up happening (unfortunately) 그만 VS+ 고말다 This construction, 그만 VS+ 고말다, means VS ends up happening and suggests that it is unfortunate for the one who undergoes the experience. We have several events in the story that 콩쥐 unfortunately had to undergo. Here are the sentences from Version 3 of the story: 콩쥐어머니가병으로그만돌아가시고말았습니다. KongJwi s mother ended up passing away due to an illness. 나무호미가그만부러지고말았습니다. The wooden hoe ended up broken. 꽃신하나를그만잃어버리고말았습니다. She ended up losing the floral shoe. 콩쥐를원님으로부터그만떼어놓고말았습니다. They ended up having KongJwi separated from the magistrate. F. Post-viewing Activities 1. Vocabulary Review Directions: Follow the links on Quizlet below for various activities to reinforce the learning of the key vocabulary. 50

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 1-1. Level 1 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test 1-2. Level 2 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test 1-3. Level 3 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard Learn Speller Test 2. Exercises 2-1. Level 1: Particles Directions: Complete the sentences by filing in the blanks with the appropriate particles to tell the story of KongJwi And PatJwi. 1) 옛날옛날에콩쥐하고홀아버지 ( ) 살았어요. 2) 콩쥐 ( ) 마음씨가아주착했어요. 그런데팥쥐 ( ) 마음씨가나빴어요. 3) 팥쥐 ( ) 마음씨가아주나빴어요. 팥쥐엄마 ( ) 마음씨가나빴어요. 4) 팥쥐하고팥쥐엄마는원님잔치 ( ) 갔어요. 5) 황소 ( ) 밭일 ( ) 도와줬어요. 그리고참새 ( ) 벼일 ( ) 도와줬어요. 6) 팥쥐한테꽃신이안맞았어요. 그런데콩쥐 ( )( ) 잘맞았어요. 51

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 2-2. Level 1: Summary Directions: Based on the video viewing and the reading, fill in the blank with the appropriate word chosen from the given box. For verbs, make sure to change them into the most appropriate form. The completed paragraph will give you an outline of the story s main plot. 선녀 새어머니 두꺼비 홀아버지 잃어버리다 마음씨가나쁘다 잔치 황소 벌주다 꽃신 주인 찾다 참새 착하다 결혼하다 원님 시키다 도와주다 콩쥐는 하고살았어요. 콩쥐는마음씨가아주. 콩쥐아버지가팥쥐엄마하고. 그래서팥쥐엄마는콩쥐새엄마가 되었어요. 팥쥐엄마는마음씨가. 콩쥐한테일을많이. 이 / 가돌밭일을도와줬어요. 그리고. 이 / 가벼일을도와줬어요. 그리고 이 / 가항아리물일을도와줬어요. 그리고 이 / 가베일을도와줬어요. 콩쥐가원님 에갔어요. 그런데꽃신을. 원님이꽃신주인을 을 / 를찾았어요. 원님이팥쥐하고팥쥐엄마한테. 콩쥐는원님하고행복하게살았어요. 52

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 2-3. Level 2: VCS+ 주다 & VCS+ 야되다 / 하다 & Summary Directions: Based on the reading and the completed paragraph above, fill in the blanks with the appropriate words chosen from the given box. Make sure to change the verbs into one of the forms appropriate for the context: noun modifier; the VCS+ 주다 ; the VCS+ 야되다 / 하다. 착하다 힘들다 넓다 듬직하다 갈다 막다 찧다 친절하다 아름답다 참새 꽃신 나다 채우다 홀아버지 두꺼비 선녀 짜다 결혼하다 잃어버리다 찾다 ( 마음씨가 ) 나쁘다 커다랗다 황소 잔치 콩쥐는 하고살았어요. 그런데콩쥐의아버지가마음씨 팥쥐 엄마하고. 팥쥐엄마는콩쥐를미워하고 일을많이 시켰어요. 하루는 돌밭을. 그런데 황소가갈아주었어요. 다른하루는벼를많이찧어야했어요. 그런데 참새들이와서. 다른하루는구멍이 항아리에물을. 그런데이번에는 두꺼비가구멍을. 또다른하루는베옷을짜야했어요. 그런데이번에는 53

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 선녀가베옷을. 그래서콩쥐는원님 에갈수있었어요. 그런데꽃신을잃어버렸어요. 콩쥐가 꽃신을원님이. 원님은팥쥐하고팥쥐엄마한테벌을주고마음씨 콩쥐는원님하고행복하게살았어요. 2-4. Level 3: 아무리 VCS+ 도 Directions: Based on the Level 3 story, answer the questions using 아무리 VCS+ 도. 1) 참새들이날아오기전, 콩쥐는벼를다찧을수있었습니까? 2) 두꺼비가나타나기전, 콩쥐는새어머니가채우라고한항아리에물을채울수 있었습니까? 3) 선녀가내려오기전, 콩쥐는베옷백벌을다짤수있었습니까? 4) 선녀가내려오기전, 콩쥐는원님잔치에갈수있었습니까? 2-5. Level 3: 그만 VS+ 고말다 Directions: Complete the given section using 그만 VS+ 고말다 to tell the story. 1) 콩쥐어머니가병으로. 그후 콩쥐아버지는팥쥐엄마를만나서결혼하게되었습니다. 2) 넓은돌밭을나무호미로갈다가호미가. 54

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 3) 급하게원님잔치에뛰어가다가꽃신하나를. 4) 마음씨고약한팥쥐와팥쥐엄마는원님이콩쥐를아내로맞아들인후에콩쥐를 원님으로부터. 2-6. Level 3: Discussion Directions: Review the given vocabulary and the key didactic themes of this story presented in the box below. Then, briefly explain how you think each theme is conveyed in the story. 홀아버지 single father 결혼하다 to get married 착하다 to be good-natured; to be kind-hearted ( 마음씨가 ) 고약하다 to be illnatured; to be mean-spirited 미워하다 to hate 구박하다 to be mean and mistreat 힘들다 to be difficult 넓다 to be big and wide 갈다 to plow 커다랗다 to be big and large 황소 ox 위로하다 찧다 to pound 친절하다 to be kin 참새 sparrow 나다 to appear; to come to exist 채우다 to fill in 듬직하다 to be well-built and looking dependable 두꺼비 toad 막다 to block 아름답다 to be beautiful 선녀 Korean fairy 짜다 to weave 잔치 feast; party 꽃신 floral shoes 잃어버리다 to lose 찾다 to find; to look for 벌주다 to give punishment 1. 권선징악 Virtue is rewarded and vice punished; Poetic justice 2. 인과응보 What goes around comes around. 55

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 3. 고진감래 After the bitter comes the sweet. 3. Creative Writing Level 2 & Level 3: 1) Imagine yourself as PatJwi s mom for a moment and think of two additional chores to give to KongJwi. Then, for each, write a scene describing the challenges she faces, the help she receives, and how the chore gets completed. 56

[Chapter 2] KongJwi And PatJwi 제 2 과콩쥐와팥쥐 2) Change the floral shoe that KongJwi loses to something else and create your version of the story. 4. Discussion Level 2 & Level 3: 1) Can you think of a fairytale or folktale you know of that is similar to 콩쥐와팥쥐, or some aspects of the story that are similar to this? Share that story. 2) The three versions of the story do not tell the details of the events after the marriage of KongJwi and the magistrate. Watch the video here starting at minute 10. Or follow the link here to read the summary provided by The National Folk Museum of Korea with the elaborated ending. Then discuss the aspects that are different from the ending of the Chapter 1 story, Heungbu And Nolbu, and what lessons each shows. 57