tional from among reneurs change and passion to build 제 8 회 nefits us all. These special rld s EY 최우수 most 기업가상 dynamic Entrepreneur Of The Year Award

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EY Assurance Tax Transactions Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization and may refer to one or more of the memberfirms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legalentity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about ourorganization, please visit ey.com. About EY Entrepreneur Of The Year EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is the world s most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs. The unique award makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential, and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement. As the first and only truly global award of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in more than 145 cities in more than 60 countries. 2014 Ernst & Young Han Young 2014 Ernst & Young Advisory, Inc. All Rights Reserved. APAC no. 05000167 This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. ey.com/kr Media Partner Supporter the world s most dynami s Entrepreneur Of The Y us business award bec m among a unique group d. They have the courag alue that benefits us all. the world s most dynam reneur Of The Year Awa ts. That s why it s the wo recognizes the most exc e. Where would we be wi Creating the future pass g with Entrepreneurship ple have created many o

tional from among reneurs change and passion to build 제 8 회 nefits us all. These special rld s EY 최우수 most 기업가상 dynamic Entrepreneur Of The Year Award vements. That s why it s ess accolade it recognizes ue group of people. reating the future with Entrepreneurship pecial people Contents Greetings 02 Overview of EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 04 How the program works 06 2014 Judging panel 10 2014 Award winners 12 2007-2013 Award winners & Judging panels 24 Program founder 32 Program partners 36 most dynamic and successful 1

reating the uture with ntrepreneurship Greetings 전세계 60개국 145개도시에서매년개최되는축제가있습니다. 도전과열정, 혁신과창조, 존경, 영감, 가능성, 성공, 이런단어가어울리는축제. 바로 EY 최우수기업가상시상식입니다. 미국에서 28년전시작한 EY 최우수기업가상은이제전세계기업가에게꿈의무대가되었습니다. 여러분은오늘국내에서여덟번째로열리는 EY 최우수기업가상의주인공들을만나보실수있습니다. 어려운환경에서기업가정신으로미래를개척하고대한민국의눈부신경제성장을이끈주역들입니다. 도전과인내로기업을일구고창조와혁신의힘으로회사를키워온기업가들에게아낌없는박수와환호를보내주십시오. 그리고이들의이야기에귀를기울여주십시오. 저는올해시상식에서도우리기업가들의감동적인성공스토리를듣고영감을얻을수있으리라기대하고있습니다. EY한영은우리경제를이끌어갈기업가, 역사의한페이지를장식할위대한기업가를발굴하고경의를표하는것을우리의의무라고생각합니다. 그리고최우수기업가상프로그램을통해우리사회에기업가정신이널리퍼질수있도록하는것은 EY한영의자랑입니다. 오늘수상자들이주는영감이또다른영웅을탄생시킬수있기를, 그리고그들이전하는기업가정신이우리사회를더욱성장시킬수있기를진심으로바랍니다. 권승화 EY한영대표이사 There is a celebration that is held in 145 cities in 60 countries across the world. It is associated with images of challenge, passion, innovation, creativity, reverence, inspiration, potential, success: the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year event. Held for the first time in the US 28 years ago, this event has grown into a dream event for entrepreneurs across the world. The distinguished guests who are with us today will be able to meet the winners of the eighth EOY event held in Korea. They are the leaders who have pioneered the growth of our economy despite tough circumstances. Please congratulate and applaud our winners, listen to their stories, how they have innovated for success. I am once again looking forward to the joy of being inspired by their stories. EY Han Young is committed to identify and recognize the future entrepreneurs who will play a pivotal role in our economy. We take great pride in that our EOY program contributes to the promotion of entrepreneurship in our society. I sincerely hope that our winners tonight will inspire new heroes of tomorrow, and hope that their entrepreneurship will contribute to the growth of our society. SeungWha Gweon CEO, EY Han Young 2 3

퍋ㄱㄷㅍㅐ he world s most restigious usiness award ㅈ Overview 주요수상자 Most recognizable names of Entrepreneur Of The Year winners EY 최우수기업가상은세계최고권위의비즈니스어워드프로그램으로 1986년미국에서뛰어난리더십으로사업의지속적인성장을이룬혁신적인기업가들을기리기위해처음시작되었습니다. 올해로 28주년을맞이한 EY 최우수기업가상은약 60 개국가, 145개도시에서매년 900여명의전세계최고기업가들에게시상되고있습니다. The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is the world s most prestigious business award. The program was created in the United States by EY in 1986 to honor entrepreneurs whose ingenuity and perseverance have created and sustained successful business ventures. This year Entrepreneur Of The Year is celebrating its 28th anniversary. In those years, the program has expanded to 145 cities in 60 countries with awards presented annually to over 900 of the world s most successful and innovative entrepreneurs. It has become the hallmark of success for recognizing entrepreneurs. 각국가의최우수기업가상수상자는매년모나코몬테카를로에서열리는 EY 세계최우수기업가상 에참가해다른나라의수상자들과교류할기회를갖습니다. 그리고이자리에서그해의세계최고기업가가선정됩니다. Each year, the country winners from around the world gather in Monte Carlo, Monaco to be inducted into the World Entrepreneur Of The Year Academy during a recognition awards gala. The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Korea winner will represent Korea at the annual World Entrepreneur Of The Year award held in Monte Carlo and vie for the prestigious WEOY title with the other winners from 60 countries. 제프베조스아마존닷컴, 미국 마이클델델컴퓨터, 미국 안드레아일리일리카페, 이탈리아 라탄타타타타그룹, 인도 세르게이브린 래리페이지구글, 미국 하워드슐츠스타벅스, 미국 가이라리베르테태양의서커스, 캐나다 리처드슐츠베스트바이, 미국 잉그바르캄라드이케아, 스웨덴 피에르오미디마르이베이, 미국 알프레도야오제스트오, 필리핀 존맥케이홀푸드마켓, 미국 차오드왕후야오글래스인더스트리그룹, 중국 마이클스펜서 ICAP, 영국 올리비아럼하이플럭스, 싱가포르 제임스메왕기에쿼티은행, 케냐 함디울루카야초바니, 미국 우다이코닥코닥마힌드라은행, 인도 Jeff Bezos Amazon.com, US Michael Dell Dell Computer Corp., US Andrea Illy Illy caffè S.p.A., Italy Ratan N. Tata Tata Group, India Sergey Brin and Larry Page Google, Inc., US Howard Schultz Starbucks Corp., US Guy Laliberte Cirque du Soleil, Canada Richard M. Schulze Best Buy Co. Inc., US Ingvar Kamrad I KEA, Sweden Pierre Omidyar ebay, Inc., US Alfredo M. Yao Zest-O Corporation, Philippines John Mackey Whole Foods Market, US Cao Dewang Fuyao Glass Industry Group, China Michael Spencer ICAP, United Kingdom Olivia Lum Hyflux Limited, Singapore James Mwangi Equity Bank Limited, Kenya Hamdi Ulukaya Chobani, Inc., US Uday Kotak Kotak Mahindra Bank, India 4 5

How the program works Key dates 후보자선정설립후최소 2년이상지난기업의오너, 설립자또는최고경영자로서최근성과가탁월한경영자들이 EY 최우수기업가상의후보자가됩니다. Candidates To be eligible to receive an EY Entrepreneur Of The Year award, the candidate has to be: The owner/founder/ceo responsible for the recent performance of a company that is at least two years old. 2014 27 June 28 July 1st Judges meeting 2nd Judges meeting 1 차심사위원단미팅 2 차심사위원단미팅 심사과정 Judging process 심사위원단은선별된후보자중에서수상자를선정하게되며, 수상부문및수상자선정과정에있어모든결정권을가지고독립적으로심사를진행합니다. 수상자는다음과같은여섯가지기준에의해선발됩니다. The independent judging panel single out categories and awardees founded on the quality and quantity of the nominations. The judges are allowed complete discretion in determining categories and award recipients. July ~ September 11 September Onsite interviews 3rd Judges meeting 후보자인터뷰진행 최종심사위원단미팅 심사기준 Judging criteria 기업가정신 Entrepreneurial spirit 재무성과 전략적방향 Financial performance Strategic direction 20 November Awards Gala EY 최우수기업가상시상식 국내및세계적영향력 National / Global impact 혁신성 개인적품성및사회적기여도 Innovation Personal integrity / Influence 2015 June World Entrepreneur Of The Year 2015 EY 세계최우수기업가상시상식 6 7

Every successful business venture starts with a vision. 성공하는모든기업들은비전을가지고출발합니다. 기업가들이비전을선도하는힘, 그것이바로남다른기업가정신의증거입니다. 8 9

2014 Judging panel 심사위원단은유능한기업가들을발굴할수있는경륜과통찰을지닌분들로재계, 학계등각계각층의존경받는리더및기업가적역할모델이되는저명한인사들로구성되어있습니다. The judging panel comprises of highly visible and respected leaders in the business and academia arenas as well as entrepreneunal role models who possess the necessary experience and commercial acumen to spot talented entrepreneurs. 심사위원장 이장무 강정애 이승철 전병준 정광선 정지완 카이스트이사장국가과학기술심의회위원장 숙명여자대학교경영학부교수 전국경제인연합회부회장 매일경제논설실장 중앙대학교경영대학명예교수 솔브레인대표이사회장코스닥협회회장 Jang Moo Lee Jung Ai Kang SEUNGCHEOL LEE Byung-Jun Jeon Kwang S. Chung Ji-Wan Chung Chairman of Board of Trustees of KAIST Chairman of National Science and Technology Council Professor of Business Administration at Sookmyung Women s University Vice Chairman & CEO of The Federation of Korean Industries Maeil Business Newspaper Chief Editor/Director Professor Emeritus of Finance at Chung-Ang University Chairman of Soulbrain Co., Ltd. Chairman of KOSDAQ listed Companies Association 10 11

2014 Award winners 산업부문 Industry Entrepreneur Of The Year 이상은각산업부문의대표로서모범적인경영으로탁월한재무성과를내고산업내확고한위치에자리매김한기업가에게수여됩니다. 이중영예의마스터수상자로뽑힌기업가는한국을대표하여모나코몬테카를로에서개최되는 세계최우수기업가상 시상식에참가하게됩니다. This award pays tribute to exemplary entrepreneurs who can show the entrepreneurship as a role model representing innovative entrepreneurs. Master award recipient will be selected among the Industry Winners, to go on to represent Korea as the overall national winner at the 2015 World Entrepreneur Of The Year awards in Monte Carlo, Monaco. 라이징스타 Rising Star Entrepreneur Of The Year 이상은단기간내뛰어난재무성과를기반으로향후지속적인성장가능성이돋보이는기업을이끌고있는기업가에게수여됩니다. The award salutes the entrepreneur whose business exemplifies the start-up process and has shown future sustainability based on financial profit and performances. CONSUMER PRODUCTS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS IT MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY RISING STAR 한세예스 24 홀딩스대표이사회장김동녕 에버다임대표이사전병찬 이녹스대표이사장경호 코나아이 ( 주 ) 대표이사조정일 뷰웍스대표이사김후식 CEO & Chairman of HANSAE YES24 HOLDINGS KIM DONG NYUNG CEO of Everdigm Corp. Jeon Byong Chan CEO of INNOX Corporation Chang, Kyeong-Ho CEO of KONA I Co., LTD. CHUNG IL CHO CEO of Vieworks Co., Ltd. Hooshik Kim 12 13

Consumer Products Entrepreneur Of The Year 1982 년, 김동녕회장은 한국과세계를잇는다 지주회사체제를갖추었습니다. ers in Seoul headquarters and the New 김동녕한세예스24홀딩스대표이사회장 KIM DONG NYUNG CEO & Chairman of HANSAE YES24 HOLDINGS 내실력보다한걸음늦게가는것이결국은빨리가는것이다. Go slower to get faster. 는뜻을담아의류수출회사인 한세실업 을창업하였습니다. 과욕을버리고자신의실력보다한걸음늦게가자 는경영신념으로 30년간품질및디자인개발을통해차별화된기업가치를실현하고있습니다. 한세실업은의류 ODM 선두기업으로나이키, 갭, 랄프로렌, A&F 등유명브랜드뿐만아니라, 유럽의 H&M, 자라, 일본의유니클로등 SPA 브랜드, 그리고월마트, 타켓등대형할인매장의자체상표의류를연간 2억장넘게생산, 수출하고있습니다. 글로벌화의필요성을일찌감치절감한김회장은 1986년사이판에첫해외법인을설립한것을계기로본격적인해외진출을시작하였습니다. 현재는베트남, 인도네시아등 5개국에있는 11개해외법인에 3만 3천여명의근로자가근무하고있고, 서울본사와뉴욕 R&D 센터의최고인재들이디자인과소재개발에매진하고있는글로벌패션전문기업으로자리매김하였습니다. 한편, 김회장은 2003년국내최대의인터넷서점인예스24를인수하며사업을다각화하였고, 인수후내실경영을실천하며 1년만에흑자로전환, 2008년서점업계최초로코스닥시장에상장하였습니다. 또한, 베트남에예스24비나와인도네시아에예스24인도네시아를오픈해동남아시아의전자상거래시장을개척했습니다. 2009년에는각회사들이독립된영역에집중하며전문성과글로벌경쟁력을높일수있도록투자부분을전담하는한세예스24홀딩스를출범해 현재에머물지않는김회장은대한민국의지리적영토를넓힐순없지만, 경제적영토는넓힐수있다고말하며글로벌컴퍼니로우뚝서기위해지금도세계를누비고있습니다. In 1982, Chairman Dong Nyung ㅜ Kim founded HANSAE Co, Ltd., a garment export company, with the aspiration of connecting Korea to the world. Chairman Kim has held true to his managerial principle of put away the greed and take it slow, building a differentiated corporate value through 30 years of efforts to improve quality and design. As a leading ODM apparel company, HANSAE Co, Ltd. produces and exports more than 200 million units per year. Its worldwide business includes Nike, GAP, Ralph Lauren, A&F, as well as top SPA brands such as H&M, ZARA, UNIQLO, and private apparel brands of large mass retail stores like Wal-Mart and Target. Chairman Kim realized early the necessity for a globalized business scope, and started overseas expansion in 1986 by establishing its first overseas subsidiary in Saipan. Today, over 33,000 employees are working at 11 overseas subsidiaries in five countries, with top talent design- York R&D center. HANSAE Co, Ltd. has established itself as a global fashion company. In 2003, Chairman Kim diversified the business by acquiring the nation s largest online bookstore, YES24, and successfully transformed it into a profitable business in just one year after the acquisition. In 2008, YES24 became the industry s first book retailer to be listed on the KOSDAQ market. Furthermore, YES24 took the first step towards globalization by opening YES24 VINA in Vietnam and YES24 INDONESIA, pioneering the e-commerce market in South-East Asia. To ensure the independence of each company and concentrate on the area of specialty and the expertise to compete on a global scale, Chairman Kim decided to establish a holding company. In 2009, HANSAE YES24 HOLDINGS was established, dedicated to the investment arm of the organization. Believing that Korea s economic boundaries are without limits, Chairman Kim continues to explore the world to lead the HANSAE Group to stand as a top global company. 14 15

Industrial Products Entrepreneur Of The Year 1994 년, 전병찬대표는다니던대기업을퇴사하 자리잡을수있었습니다. EVERDIGM expanded its business by No.1 이되기보다는 Only One 이되라. Be the only one, rather than no. 1. 전병찬에버다임대표이사 Jeon Byong Chan CEO of Everdigm Corp. 고동료 7명과함께중고장비를사들여정비 수리후재판매하는중고건설기계매매회사를설립했습니다. 전대표는해외시장수출에진력하였고설립 5년만에에버다임을세계적인중고건설장비유통전문회사로성장시켰습니다. 그후신제품구매를원하는바이어에게국내에서생산되는제품을구매알선하던중 직접장비를제조해서판매하면어떨까 하는생각으로본격적인건설장비제조를시작하게됩니다. 암반을파쇄하는브레이커를시작으로건물철거용크러셔를직접생산하며제조업으로서의기반을다졌고, 이를바탕으로 IMF 이후대기업에서포기한사업을하나씩인수하며건설장비전문기업으로서의입지를굳혔습니다. 전대표는여기서그치지않고아파트및빌딩건설시필요한콘크리트펌프카를비롯, 타워크레인, 터널굴착용락드릴, 발전기, 소방차등으로사업을확대해나갔습니다. 에버다임 (EVERDIGM) 은 Everlasting Paradigm 의합성어로, 끊임없는연구개발로건설기계시장의새로운패러다임을주도하겠다는전대표의철학과의지가담긴사명입니다. 이러한전대표의뜻에따라직원들도회사의발전에온힘을쏟았습니다. 대기업도포기한사업을어떻게할수있겠느냐는주위사람들의우려를씻기위해전직원이밤낮으로매진했고, 이러한노력이모인결과, 현재직원수 500여명, 매출 3,000억원에달하는국내제일의종합건설기계제조회사로굳건히 에버다임은기업의사회적책임을다하기위해지역사회와늘교감하며소외계층을위해다양한나눔과사랑을실천하고있습니다. 또한전대표는에버다임의사명인 Build the future 처럼직원은물론사회로부터도사랑받는아름다운회사를건설해나가고자항상노력하고있습니다. CEO Jeon Byong Chan resigned from a major Korean conglomerate in 1994 and established a company which was involved in a business of used equipment with seven colleagues. Starting from selling refurbished used equipment as its main business, EVERDIGM entered the overseas market and grew rapidly to become a world top class provider of used equipment in 5 years. When he received inquiries about Korean branded new equipment from buyers, an idea occurred to him: What if we manufacture and sell new equipment? EVERDIGM started to gain reputation as a manufacturer by producing proprietary hammers for breaking rock mass and crushers for demolishing. After the 1998 financial crisis, EVERDIGM started to acquire businesses which were abandoned by major companies and developed itself as a specialized construction equipment company. starting concrete pumps truck manufacturing needed for apartment and building construction. Moreover its advanced technology helped to expand EVER- DIGM s business area to tower cranes, drill rigs, generator set and firefighting & rescue apparatus. Starting from the business of used equipment, EVERDIGM has become a midsized company with more than 500 employees, sales record of 300 billion won over its 20 year corporate history. EVERDIGM stands for Everlasting Paradigm. It contains the corporate philosophy and determination for the future of CEO Jeon, to lead the new paradigm of the construction equipment market. Under this vision, all the employees at EVERDIGM have dedicated themselves to the growth of the company. CEO Jeon has practiced the balanced development of society and enterprise with his interest in community, sharing, and fulfills his responsibility as an entrepreneur. Moreover, he is committed to building a great company beloved by not only employees but society by carrying out EVERDIGM s mission of building the future. 16 17

IT Materials Entrepreneur Of The Year 도전과열정 - 미래를향한열쇠 Challenge and passion - Key to the future success. 장경호대표이사는전자정보소재분야연구원으로일하며한국이완제품과소재분야를아우르는진정한 IT 강국이되는데기여한다는신념하나로전자, 정보용소재개발에몰두했습니다. 그러나기술이거의완성될즈음장대표는청천벽력같은소식을듣게되었습니다. 그룹이워크아웃에들어가며모든연구개발투자가중단된것입니다. 장대표는꿈을포기할수없어몇몇뜻있는동료들과회사를나와 2001년에이녹스를창립했습니다. 컨테이너박스에사무실을차리고임직원들과합숙하면서집을팔고차를팔아사업자금을만들었습니다. 그러나장밋빛으로만생각했던사업은결코순탄하지못했습니다. 희망을되살린것은도전정신과열정입니다. 장경호대표는컬러휴대전화에서가능성을발견하고, 반도체소재기술을응용한연성회로기판 복지시설을후원하고저소득장애아동재활치료비를지원하고있으며과학기술분야의씽크탱크육성과화학분야의미래인재육성에도힘쓰고있습니다. 장경호대표는도전정신이야말로진정한경쟁력이며, 미래를향한열쇠라고믿습니다. 장대표는 IT 소재를넘어에너지, 디스플레이, 환경, 바이오등미래고분자신소재분야에서도무한한가능성을열어가기위해최선을다하고있습니다. Prior to founding INNOX, Kyeong-Ho Chang worked as a researcher, developing electronic information materials. His passion was to contribute to Korea s IT leadership in the materials sector finished products. When their technology was finally at the was their passion. President Chang saw potential in color cell phones. INNOX succeeded once again at developing flexible circuit board materials for the first time in Korea. The achievement directly led to a flourishing business and the company grew explosively. There were countless hardships in their journey. Competing with foreign companies and large Korean companies, their sales price dropped 70% due to cutthroat competition. However, they overcame the hardships and grew to become a top global company. Now INNOX is the only Korean company with a full lineup of materials for semiconductor PKGs and the top maker for the FPCB materials. (FPCB) 용소재를국내최초로개발하는데성공, 휴대전화시장의성장과함께이녹스의폭발적인성장을이끌어냈습니다. 이녹스가현재의모습을갖추기까지수많은시련이있었습니다. 해외기업, 국내대기업과의치열한경쟁으로판가가무려 70% 폭락하는위기도있었습니다. 하지만장대표는차별화된경쟁력 finishing stage, however, he was shocked to hear that the company had to undergo workout and all R&D investments had been on hold. President Chang refused to give up his ambition. He left the firm and founded IN- NOX with some of his former colleagues. As a part of his commitment to giving back to society, President Chang not only regularly sponsors child welfare institutions and supports rehabilitation expenses for handicapped children but also invests in developing human resources in the advancement of science and technology. 장경호이녹스대표이사 Chang, Kyeong-Ho CEO of INNOX Corporation 을바탕으로위기를극복해냈습니다. 이녹스는현재국내기업중유일하게반도체 PKG소재의풀-라인업을갖추고있으며, FPCB 소재부문에서세계시장점유율 1위를차지하고있습니다. 장대표는회사의성장에걸맞게기업의사회적책임을다하고자노력하고있습니다. 지역아동 The firm started off in a container box, which also served as a home for Chang and his colleagues. He sold off his home and car to secure capital. However, their dreams and ambitions were challenged. What rescued them from losing hope According to the President Chang, taking up challenges is the key to their success. INNOX will continue to strive to develop and realize potentials in energy, display, environment, bio and future polymer new material fields. 18 19

Technology Entrepreneur Of The Year 부딪쳐야열린다. 끊임없이도전하고또도전하라. Take up challenges to look for opportunities. Never give up challenges. 조정일대표이사는 1998년코나아이창립후지금까지 17년동안스마트카드관련연구에만집중하며외길인생을걸어왔습니다. 교통카드시스템, 전자화폐, 스마트카드플랫폼등코나아이의기술은우리의삶을더욱편리하고스마트하게만들었습니다. 코나아이기술의우수성은세계적으로도이미입증되었습니다. 스마트카드의핵심기술인자바 사랑을몸소실천하고있습니다. 벤처기업으로시작한코나아이를중견기업으로성장시키기까지숱한어려움이있었지만조대표는코나아이가연구하고개발한기술을사람들이편리하게사용하는모습을보면행복하다고이야기합니다. 조대표는앞으로도코나아이가사람들의삶을더욱편리하고스마트하게만드는기업으로성장할수있도록최선을다할것입니다. Mr. Cho spares no cost and makes significant investments in training and securing talented individuals under the conviction that the company can achieve sustained growth only when its employees continue to improve themselves. He provides funds as well as an opportunity for graduate school advancement 오픈플랫폼기반의 IC Chip OS 인 COS(Chip to those with good performance. In addi- Operating System) 를순수국산기술로자체개발하여전세계로수출하고있으며 2014년에는한국무역협회에서인정한 7000만불수출의탑 을수상하였습니다. 또한 2015년에는 1억불수출의탑 을수상할예정입니다. Since the company s foundation in 1998, Chung il Cho, President and CEO of KONA I Co., Ltd., has dedicated his professional life as a smart card developer over the past 17 years. He has been ac- tion, he establishes a systematic in-house training system to help employees learn how to cope with rapidly changing technology trends. Since its establishment, KONA I has been 조대표는임직원들의끊임없는자기계발로진 tively involved in various development showing compassion to neighbors in 정한기업성장을이룰수있다는신념으로, 인재 projects such as transportation card sys- need. The company has been supporting 확보와양성을위해과감한투자를아끼지않았 tem, electronic money and smart card senior citizens who live alone and parent- 습니다. 성과가좋은직원에게는대학원진학을 platforms that have made our lives more less children. Through the company s 지원해줄뿐만아니라체계잡힌사내교육제도 convenient. volunteer activity program, employees 를통해빠르게변화하는기술흐름에대응할기회를제공하고있습니다. 또한, 다른중견기업과차별화된성과급제도로직원들의만족도를높여 일하고싶은회사 를만들고자노력해왔습니다. KONA I has already proved its world-class technical excellence. The company has developed COS (Chip Operation System), Java Open Platform-based IC Chip OS, make a visit to Korea SOS children s village and take care of neighbors in need by looking after babies, helping children study and cleaning up. 코나아이는주변의어려운이웃을위한사회활동 the core technology of smart card, with KONA I which started as a small venture 에도적극적으로참여하고있습니다. 본사소재 pure domestic developed techniques, company, has become a mid-sized en- 지인영등포구와양천구의독거노인및소년 소 exporting products all over the world. terprise despite the many challenges it 녀가장에게도움을줄뿐만아니라, 사내봉사 In addition to receiving a US$70 million had to overcome. Mr. Cho says that he 활동프로그램인 아름답코나 를시행해분기별로 Export Tower award in 2014, KONA I will will continue to devote efforts to mak- 조정일코나아이 ( 주 ) 대표이사 CHUNG IL CHO CEO of KONA I Co., LTD. 한국 SOS 어린이마을에방문, 영유아돌보기, 공부방운영, 숙소청소등다양한활동으로이웃 also be the winner of a US$100 million Export Tower award next year. ing KONA I as a company helping to build smarter and more convenient lives. 20 21

Rising Star Entrepreneur Of The Year 서울대, KAIST 대학원에서물리학을전공한김 김대표는의료기기사업분야의우수한성과와 they launched and sold digital X-ray im- 후식대표이사는삼성테크윈과미국의전문광학 높은신뢰성을바탕으로다양한영상관련사 aging systems, which put their business 자신이잘할수있는일을선택하고그것에집중하라. 개발기업에서다양한광학장비설계 개발경험을쌓았습니다. 1999년, 김대표는당시주목받기시작한디지털 X선영상진단기기시장의성장가능성을보고동료들과창업을결심, 뷰웍스를설립했습니다. 김대표는높은기술력을앞세워뷰웍스설립초 업을확대하고있습니다. 2011년개발한 Flat Panel DR 등포트폴리오를확대하고해외자회사를설립, 사업을다변화하고있습니다. 김후식대표는 최고의열정을쏟아부어우리가가장잘할수있는일을통해경제적가치를창출한다 는전문가의식을늘강조합니다. 김대표 back on track. Since 2004, the company started to mass produce stabilized products. With successful mass production, R&D, manufacture, sales, and investments smoothly took place achieving rapid growth in sales. Choose and focus on what you can do best. 기성공가도를달렸습니다. 그러나 2002년뷰웍스를전폭적으로지원하던의료기전문업체가부도나면서위기가찾아왔습니다. 하지만김대표를포함한 6명의공동창업자는기술력과맨파워를앞세워슬기롭게위기를극복해냈습니다. 그리고마침내 2003년 디지털 X선촬영장치 를출시하면서사업을본궤도에올려놓았습니다. 를중심으로열정으로똘똘뭉친임직원들은뷰웍스를세계적인종합영상솔루션기업으로성장시키기위해오늘도최선을다하고있습니다. CEO Hooshik Kim of Vieworks, studied physics at Seoul National University and KAIST. He gained work experience in Currently, Vieworks possesses the world s top technical skills in digital X-ray imaging system, super-wide-angle lens, Industrial CCD Camera. Digital X-ray reached 90% market share in domestic machinery field and 30% market share in the world market. In 2010, the world s first 9,600 ul- 2004 년을기점으로뷰웍스는연구개발결과 geometrical optics at Samsung Techwin tra high resolution pixel camera and R/F 를안정된제품으로양산하기시작했습니다. 이 and optics development firm in US. When were developed. 때부터 R&D - 생산 - 영업 - R&D로이어지는투자의선순환이일어나면서매출이크게증가하는한편대규모투자도받을수있게되었습니다. 뷰웍스는디지털 X선촬영장치, 초광각렌즈, 산업용 CCD 카메라등하드웨어와이를운영하는 digital X-ray imaging devices market received attention, Mr. Kim saw growth potential and decided to establish Vieworks in 1999 with his former colleagues from Samsung Techwin. Vieworks is continuously expanding industrial fields and image related businesses. In addition, with development completion of Flat Panel DR in 2011, they extended product portfolio, estab- 소프트웨어를통합한제품개발에서세계최고수 Vieworks was on the fast track with high lished overseas subsidiaries and diversi- 준의기술력을가지고있습니다. CCD 방식의디 technical skills in optics industry but it fying their overseas revenue sources. 김후식뷰웍스대표이사 Hooshik Kim CEO of Vieworks Co., Ltd. 지털 X선기기분야국내시장점유율은 90% 에이르며세계시장점유율도 30% 에달합니다. 세계최초로 9,600만화소급 VN 산업용카메라를개발해양산에들어갔으며의료용영상처리장치인 R/F(Radiography and Fluoroscopy) 솔루션 을세계최초로개발, 수출하고있기도합니다. faced a crisis when its major investor company became bankrupt in 2002. Even during this critical situation Mr. Kim and the other six co-founders explored their technical skills and manpower to overcome the crisis and finally in 2003 Mr. Kim always emphasizes his work ethic, Create economic value by investing our passion in what we can do best. Mr. Kim and his passionate employees continue to grow Vieworks as the world s comprehensive image solution company. 22 23

2007-2013 Winners and Judging panels Award winners 허진규일진그룹회장 Chinkyu Huh Chairman of ILJIN Group 김영찬골프존대표이사 Youngchan Kim CEO of GOLFZON 정지완솔브레인대표이사회장 Ji-Wan Chung Chairman of Soulbrain Co., Ltd. IT Display Products Rising star Special Master Culture Technology Chemical Products 김철영미래나노텍대표이사사장 Chul-Young Kim CEO & President of MNtech Co., Ltd. 이재원슈프리마대표이사 Jae-Won Lee CEO of Suprema Inc. 송병준게임빌대표이사 Byung Joon Song CEO of GAMEVIL Inc. Judging panel 심사위원장 송자 학교법인명지학원이사장 Ja Song Chairman of Myoungi Educational Foundation 강정애숙명여자대학교경영학부교수 Jung Ai Kang Professor of Business Administration at Sookmyung Women s University 고광일고영테크놀러지대표이사사장 Kwangill Koh CEO & President of Koh Young Technology 박경서고려대학교경영대학교수 Kyung Suh Park Professor of Finance at Korea University Business School 이구택포스코고문 Ku Taek Lee Advisor of POSCO 장용성 MBN 대표이사부사장 Yong Sung Jang Vice president & CEO of MBN 황철주주성엔지니어링대표이사 Chul Joo Hwang Chairman of the board & CEO of JUSUNG ENGINEERING 24 25

Award winners Award winners 윤윤수휠라글로벌회장 Yoon soo(gene) Yoon Chairman & CEO of FILA Global 故이운형세아그룹회장 Late Woon-Hyung Lee Chairman & CEO of SeAH Group 최평규 S&T 그룹회장 Pyung-Kyu Choi Chairman of S&T Group Technology Rising star Special Master Steel Products Industrial Products 변대규휴맥스대표이사사장 Dae-Gyu Byun President & CEO of HUMAX 김익래키움증권회장 Ik-Rae Kim Chairman of Kiwoom Securities 성규동이오테크닉스대표이사사장 Kyu-Dong Sung President & CEO of EO Technics Rising Star Special Master Banking & Capital Markets Industrial Products 한대근실리콘웍스대표이사사장 Dae-Keun Han CEO & President of Silicon Works 고광일고영테크놀러지대표이사사장 Kwangill Koh CEO & President of Koh Young Technology 김미경이오에스대표이사 Mi Kyung Kim CEO of EOS Corporation 안건준크루셜텍대표이사사장 Keon-Joon Ahn President & CEO of CrucialTec 남수정썬앳푸드대표이사 Caroline Nam CEO of SUN AT FOOD Judging panel Judging panel 심사위원장 윤증현 전기획재정부장관 Jeung-Hyun Yoon Former Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finance 박경서 고려대학교경영대학교수 Kyung Suh Park Professor of Finance at Korea University Business School 성규동 이오테크닉스대표이사 Kyu-Dong Sung President & CEO of EO Technics 안태식 서울대학교경영대학교수 Tae-Sik Ahn Seoul National University Business School Professor 이구택 포스코고문 Ku Taek Lee Advisor of POSCO 장용성 MBN 대표이사부사장 Yong Sung Jang Vice president & CEO of MBN 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 심사위원장 이헌재 전경제부총리 Hun Jai Lee Former Deputy Prime Minister 김대식 보험연구원원장 Dae-Sik Kim President of Korea Insurance Research Institute 박정인 현대모비스고문 Jeong In Park Executive Advisor of Hyundai Mobis 박종원 코리안리대표이사사장 Jong-Won Park President & CEO of Korean Reinsurance Company 안태식 서울대학교경영대학교수 Tae-Sik Ahn Seoul National University Business School Professor 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 26 27

Award winners Award winners 서경배아모레퍼시픽대표이사사장 Kyung-Bae Suh President & CEO of AMOREPACIFIC 류진풍산회장 Jin Roy Ryu Chairman & CEO of POONGSAN 남광희 KH 바텍대표이사 Kwang-Hee Nam CEO & President of KHVatec Insurance Rising Star Special Master Industrial Products Technology 박현주미래에셋회장 Hyeon Joo Park Chairman of Mirae Asset 허용도태웅대표이사회장 Yong-Do Huh Chairman of Taewoong 김택진엔씨소프트대표이사사장 Taek-Jin Kim CEO of NCsoft Consumer Products Rising Star Special Master Industrial Products Entertainment 박종원코리안리대표이사사장 Jong-Won Park President & CEO of Korean Reinsurance Company 서정진셀트리온회장 Jung-Jin Seo Chairman of Celltrion 최승옥기보스틸대표이사 Seung Ok Choi President & CEO of KIBO STEEL 성기학영원무역회장 Kihak Sung Chairman & CEO of Youngone Corporation 김달수티엘아이대표이사사장 Dal-soo Kim President & CEO of TLi 김성주성주그룹회장 Sung-Joo Kim Chairperson & CEO of SUNGJOO GROUP Judging panel Judging panel 심사위원장 이헌재 전경제부총리 Hun Jai Lee Former Deputy Prime Minister 김대식 보험연구원원장 Dae-Sik Kim President of Korea Insurance Research Institute 박정인 현대모비스고문 Jeong In Park Executive Advisor of Hyundai Mobis 성기학 영원무역회장 Kihak Sung Chairman & CEO of Youngone Corporation 윤종용 삼성전자상임고문 Jong-Yong Yun Executive Advisor of Samsung Electronics 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 심사위원장 어윤대 국가브랜드위원회위원장 Yoon-Dae Euh Chairman of the Presidential Council on Nation Branding 강덕수 STX그룹회장 Duk-soo Kang Chairman of STX Group 곽수근 서울대학교교수 Su-Keun Kwak Professor of Seoul National University 서윤석 이화여자대학교교수 Yoon-Suk Suh Professor of Ewha Womans University 윤종용 삼성전자상임고문 Jong-Yong Yun Executive Advisor of Samsung Electronics 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 28 29

Award winners Award winners 김재철동원그룹회장 Jae-Chul Kim Founder & Chairman of Dongwon Group 강덕수 STX 그룹회장 Duk-soo Kang Founder & Chairman of STX Group 민계식현대중공업부회장 Keh-Sik Min Vice Chairman & CEO of Hyundai Heavy Industries Rising Star Special Master Shipping Industry Heavy Industry 박삼구금호아시아나그룹회장 Sam-Koo Park Chairman & CEO of Kumho Asiana Group 라응찬신한금융지주회장 Eung Chan Ra Chairman of Shinhan Financial Group 윤석금웅진그룹회장 Seok-Keum Yoon Chairman of Woongjin Group Telecommunications Rising Star Master Financial Services Consumer Products 윤재승대웅제약부회장 Jae Seung Yoon Vice Chairman of Daewoong Pharmaceutical 박지영컴투스대표이사사장 Ji-young Park Founder & CEO of Com2uS 김신배 SKT 대표이사사장 Shin Bae Kim President & CEO of SKT 박상환하나투어회장 Sang-Hwan Park Chairman & CEO of Hanatour Judging panel Judging panel 심사위원장 강철규 서울시립대학교교수 Chul-kyu Kang Professor of the University of Seoul 김신배 SK C&C 대표이사부회장 Shin-Bae Kim Vice Chairman of SK C&C 곽수근 서울대학교교수 Su-Keun Kwak Professor of Seoul National University 서윤석 이화여자대학교교수 Yoon-Suk Suh Professor of Ewha Womans University 윤종용 삼성전자상임고문 Jong-Yong Yun Executive Advisor of Samsung Electronics 이진강 대한변호사협회협회장 Jin Kang Lee President of Korean Bar Association 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 심사위원장 정운찬 서울대학교교수 Un-Chan Chung Professor of Seoul National University 강철규 서울시립대학교교수 Chul-kyu Kang Professor of University of Seoul 엄기영 MBC 사장 Ki-Young Ohm President of Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation 이윤호 지식경제부장관 Youn Ho Lee Minister of Knowledge Economy 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 제프리존스김앤장법률사무소변호사 Jeffrey D. Jones Lawyer of Kim & Chang 주인기 연세대학교교수 In-Ki Joo Professor of Yonsei University 30 31

Program founder EY 는회계감사, 세무, 재무자문및어드바이저리서비스부문의글로벌리더입니다. 뛰어난통찰과 Argentina Finland Ireland New Zealand Sweden 높은품질의서비스를제공함으로써자본시장, 나아가세계경제의신뢰를높이는데기여하고있습니다. EY는 Building a better working world 를사명으로모든임직원과고객, 나아가사회전체를위해더나은세상을만들고자최선을다하고있습니다. EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Czech Republic Denmark Eastern Africa Estonia France French Speaking - Central Africa French Speaking - West Africa Georgia Germany Greece Hungary India Indonesia Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Korea Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Netherlands Norway Philippines Poland Portugal Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovak Republic Southern Africa Spain Switzerland Taiwan Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States Uruguay Vietnam West Africa 32 33

June 2015 Monte Carlo Celebrating exceptional entrepreneurs from around the world whose vision will create the future www.ey.com/weoy 34 35

Program partners Contact information Please contact us to find out more about the awards program. MEDIA PARTNER SUPPORTER 세계최고의지식신문을추구하는매일경제는대한민국의미래를위한어젠다를제시하는언론으로서의사명을다해왔습니다. 글로벌석학들을한자리에불러지식의향연을펼치는세계지식포럼. 지난 1997년외환위기를예고한 한국보고서 를시발로매년지식강국의내일을위한새로운비전과패러다임을제시하는국민보고대회. 매일경제는이렇게대한민국의내일을늘걱정하고고민하는신문입니다. 특히 기업육성의지침 이라는사시를비탕으로창간이후지금까지기업가정신의중요성을인식하고기업들의비즈니스동반자로자리매김하기위해그역할을다하고자노력하고있습니다. 매일경제는 2007년 1회개최부터 8회를맞는올해시상식까지 EY의최우수기업가상의후원을하게됨을기쁘게생각합니다. 지난반세기동안우리나라는불굴의기업가정신으로유례없는고도의경제성장을이루어냈습니다. 향후반세기는이러한양적성과를바탕으로질적성장을이루어야할시점입니다. 사회와함께꿈꾸고기회를나누며, 사회적책임을다하는새로운기업가정신은따뜻한자본주의를꽃피우는버팀목이될것입니다. EY 최우수기업가상이미래새로운기업가정신의정립을위한이정표를제시하고우리기업인들에게힘을실어주는계기가되기를기원합니다. Maeil Business Newspaper seeks to be a leading knowledgeable newspaper that proposes future agenda. With this mission in mind, Maeil Business Newspaper holds various events: The World Knowledge Forum invites the world s most renowned scholars and leaders to share their thoughts. The World Korean Business Convention, which started in 1997 predicting the following economic crisis that hit Korea, grew into an annual event. Every year, Maeil Business Newspaper sets a new vision and presents Korea s current paradigm through this event. Well aware of the importance of entrepreneurship in Korea, Maeil Business Newspaper has also been making various efforts as a corporate companion. It is an honor and a great pleasure to sponsor the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award program every year since its inception. Korea achieved astonishing levels of economic growth over the past half century as a result of persistent entrepreneurship. In the next half century, we must build on this quantitative growth and focus on qualitative growth. Entrepreneurship should create opportunities and improve society through corporate social responsibility. That is how the society of the future will flourish. We hope the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award will inspire Korean business leaders and set a positive direction for future entrepreneurship. 36