Click to edit Master title style 적정기술화분으로식물생장탐구하기 Exploring on plant growth with an appropriate technology pot 송은정
Science of 5th Grade in Primary School 21th Century Learner s competencies : Creativity and Innovation Make idea an appropriate technology pot that promotes plant growth in poor surroundings
Making appropriate technology pot by Intel Galileo Board
Flipped Classroom
1 주 Week 1
지구환경변화가식물재배에미치는영향파악하기 Understand the effects of global environmental change in plant cultivation Seeing Reason Tool
식물이잘자라기위한조건알아보기 Exploring conditions required for plants to grow well K-W-L-H Chart
식물공장에대한자료수집 Collect data regarding the existing plant factories Onenote Online
기존의식물공장에대한자료수집하기 Collect data regarding the existing plant factories Research Checklist
적정기술화분설계하기 Design the appropriate technology pot OKmindmap
Presenting task 적정기술화분을제작하기위한공학설계및프로그래밍학습하기 Study on engineering design and programming in order to make the appropriate technology pot
2 주 Week 2
적정기술화분제작하기 Making an appropriate technology pot Intel Galileo Board
빛을감지하여조명을제공하는 LED 인공태양만들기 Make a LED artificial sun that provides light by sensing the lights Intel Galileo Board
흙의습도를감지하는자동급수장치만들기 Make an automatic water supply device by sensing the humidity of soil Intel Galileo Board
식물생장을관찰하고기록할계획세우기 Come up with a plan to observe plant growth and to record Onenote Online
식물생장을관찰하고기록할계획세우기 Come up with a plan to observe plant growth and to record Project Checklist
Presenting task 적정기술화분과일반환경에서키운식물의생장을관찰하고기록하기 Observing and recording the plant growth respectively both in a an appropriate technology pot and in a normal environment
3 주 Week 3
적정기술화분과일반환경에서키운식물의생장을관찰하고기록하기 Observe and record the plant growth of plants grown in the an appropriate technology pot and in normal surroundings Excel Online
적정기술화분과일반환경에서키운식물의생장을관찰하고기록하기 Observe and record the plant growth of plants grown in the an appropriate technology pot and in normal surroundings Rubrics for line graphs
관찰결과비교발표하기 Present the comparison and analyses of observation results Presentation Checklist
식물생장에영향을미치는요소토론하기 Debate on elements affecting plant growth Showing Evidence Tool / K-W-L-H Chart
Presenting Task 식물재배에대한애니메이션과게임을만들기위한앱과프로그래밍학습하기 Study on the topics related to plant cultivation, the apps and programing to make games in relation to plant cultivation
4 주 Week 4
식물을재배하며느낀점과알게된사실을표현하기 Refelct on what they learn and feel while cultivating the plant Story Board
Scratch Game Programming
Toontastic APP Animation
식물을재배하며느낀점과알게된사실을표현하기 Refelct on what they learn and feel while cultivating the plant Cooperation Checklist
식물재배에대해느낀점과알게된사실나누기 Share the realizations and things felt while cultivating plants Youtube / SNS
식물재배에대해느낀점과알게된사실나누기 Share what they learn and feel while cultivating plants Questions for Reflection
Presenting Task 지속적으로식물을보살피며소중함느끼기 Take care of plants continuously after the project and feel its importance
Lesson Plan Lesson Presentation