제 2 장대기오염물질의특성 Prof. Byungchul Choi School of Mechanical Engineering Chonnam Nat. Univ. 1 1 차오염물질 (1)Carbon compounds(co 2, CO) (2)Nitrogen compounds(nox) (3)Organic compounds(hc, VOC) (4)Sulfur compounds (SOx) (5)Halogen compounds (6)Metallic compounds (7)Fine particles (<100 μm) (8)Coarse particles (>100 μm) 2 1
Carbon compounds 각종연료의 CO 2 배출량 Fuel kg CO 2 /t Solid fuels (95.1) 2,984 Heavy fuel oil (99.2) 3,113 Home heating oil (100.2) 3,142 Light fuel oil (100.2) 3,142 Diesel (100.4) 3,149 Regular and premium grade gasoline (100) 3,137 Natural gas (73) 2,290 Propane (86.1) 2,700 3 1986 년세계의 CO 2 배출량 Fuel World Consumption(Mt) World CO 2 (Mt) Heavy fuel oil 437.5 1,362 Diesel 757.5 2,385 Premium grade gasoline oil 647.5 2,031 Total 1,842.5 5,778 * 3.14 kg CO2 /kg oil 4 2
CO : 무취, 무색, 강한독성발생원 불완전연소 : 대기중반응으로 CO 2 CO + OH* CO 2 + H* H* + O 2 HO 2 * HO 2 * + NO OH* + NO 2 5 automobiles 530 470 wood combustion basic emission 150 120 other sources 겨울철오래곤에서의 CO 발생원비율 (in ppbv) 6 3
NOx 각종연료의단위질량당배출되는 NO 2 의양 Vehicles Type of traffic Urban Rural Expressway Average speed( km /h) 10 to 50 50 to 80 80,100,120 Private cars ㆍGasoline ㆍ4-stroke 23 41 44,55,62 ㆍ2-stroke 7(average) ㆍDiesel 15(average) Vans(<3.5t) ㆍGasoline 42(average) ㆍDiesel 15(average) Trucks(>3.5t) ㆍDiesel trucks 50 55 60(average) ㆍBuses 50 60 70(average) ㆍGasoline trucks 20(average) Motorcycles & mopeds ㆍGasoline 5.5(average) Locomotive 20(average) Interior navigation craft 70(average) Farm tractors 50(average) 7 유럽각국의 1980 년교통수단의배출가스상대비교 Pollutant (%, total emitted) Country A DK SF F D I NL N P S CH GB SO 2 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 1 NOx 64 33 43 37 47 55 51 32 45 48 66 34 VOC(traffic) 25 35 11 37 33 29 42 14 10 18 24 33 VOC(natural) 36 21 71 34 11 26 5 57 63 64 13 4 질산 (HNO 3 ), 아산화질소 (N 2 O), 암모니아 (NH 3 ), 시안 (HCN) 8 4
휘발성유기성분 (VOC) 배출정도 Emitting Activity Emission factor Diesel-powered vehicle 5 kg /t diesel Petroleum industry 0.04% of crude oil treated Solvents 85% tonnage consumed Natural gas production 3.1g/ m3 Heating fuel oil 0.15 kg /t Heating gas 0.05 g/ m3 Coal (Power plant) 0.15 kg /t Coal (Industry) 0.7 kg /t Coal (Domestic use) 2.0 kg /t Forest 30 μg / m2 per min of terpenes Grassland 2.7 μg / m2 per min in summer 9 유럽의메탄을포함하지않은 VOC 배출특성 (1983) Source OECD EEC-10 kt % kt % Mobile sources ㆍ Gasoline-powered vehicles 3390 34.4 2725 36.0 ㆍDiesel-powered vehicles 300 3.0 225 3.0 ㆍAviation 40 0.4 30 0.4 ㆍRailroads 40 0.4 30 0.4 ㆍCoastal and barges 10 0.1 10 0.1 Total 3780 38.3 3020 39.9 Petroleum Industry ㆍProduction 20 0.2 15 0.2 ㆍTransport 50 0.5 15 0.5 ㆍRefineries 220 2.2 180 2.4 ㆍDistribution 510 5.2 415 5.5 Total 800 8.1 650 8.6 10 5
유럽의메탄을포함하지않은 VOC 배출특성 (1983) Solvents (all types) 4020 40.8 2850 37.7 Industry(except solvents) 405 4.2 300 4.0 Natural gas Production 75 0.8 300 4.0 Distribution 570 5.8 550 7.1 Total 645 6.6 605 7.9 Refuse dumps 110 1.1 65 0.9 Combustion of fixed sources 85 0.9 58 0.8 Anthropogenic total 9845 100 7565 100 Natural total 10000 7500 11 가솔린엔진의탄화수소계의배출특성 Chemical compound % Weight C 2 alkanes 1.2 C 5 alkanes 7.5 C 6 alkanes.6 Total alkanes 13.3 C 2 alkenes 10.0 C 3 alkenes 6.0 C 4 alkenes 1.5 Total alkenes 17.5 C 6 aromatic 8.8 C 7 aromatic 16.5 C 8 aromatic 19.3 C 9 aromatic 10.8 Total aromatics 55.2 Other 14.0 Total 100.0 12 6
디젤엔진의배기중의 VOC 성분 Compound Total hydrocarbons (mol %) Idling Full load C 2 to C 5 32 44 C 6 to C 11 14 2 C 12 to C 18 35 38 C 18 to C 24 10 15 Other 9 1 Total 100 100 13 가솔린저장탱크로부터배출되는성분 Hydrocarbon % Weight C 4+ alkanes C 3+ alkanes aromatics benzene toluene xylenes 89.2 6.9 1.1 2.0 0.8 Total 100.0 14 7
PAH (Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons) : 2 개이상의벤젠또는복잡한모양의 cyclopentane 링의결합방향족탄화수소 - 동물에발암성물질 인체?? 주요 PAH 물질 (1) Acenaphthene (C12H10) (2) Anthracene (C14H10) (3) Benzo(a)anthracene (C18H12) (4) Benzo(a)pyrene (C20H12) (5) Crysene (C18H12) (6) Fluoranthene (C16H10) (7) Fluorene (C13H10) (8) Naphthalene (C10H18) 좀약 (9) Pyrene (C16H10) etc. 15 국외도시대기중의 PAH 농도 ( unit : ng/m 3 ) 국 명 Benzo(a)pyrene Chrysene Phenanthrene Pyrene 스웨덴스톡홀름 1.1 1.8 1.1 1.3 미국뉴욕 1.2 1.6 0.4 1.0 미국 LA 0.5 0.6-0.5 미국뉴저지 0.2 0.4-0.2 인도캘커티 30-120 22-60 11-21 20-44 일본오사카 5.7 8.6 100 25 프랑스파리 26 25 28 28 이탈리아제노바 50 50-50 독일디스부르그 4.7 28-28 오스트리아빈 3.9 8.7 112 55 그리스아테네 2.9 4.4-2.9 16 8
각지역에서공기중의 HCHO 농도 Location [HCHO] ppb above the ocean rural areas urban areas normal traffic dense traffic Los Angeles pure air zone in residential and offices up to 5 up to 12 up to 16 up to 56 up to 165 0.4 to 3.8 8.3 to 833 17 Sulfur compounds (SOx) : 산성비 SO 3 (SO 2 ) + H 2 O H 2 SO 4 각종연료의유황 (S) 함유율 Fuel S(% by weight) coals ignites petroleum coke wood and charcoal household refuse residual fuel oil diesel gasoline 1(average) to 4(maximum) 1 4 0 0.17 3 0.3 0.08 18 9
1980-1985 년사이의세계 SO 2 배출량 Fuel SO 2 (Millions of tons) coal and lignite oil ore processing miscellaneous 128 52 22 6 total 208 19 Halogenated compounds Hydrochloric, hydrobromic, hydrofluoric acid (HCl, HBr, - - -) : 소각과정에서 polyvinyl chloride HCl treatment 자동차에서소량발생 (4 에틸납, 오일첨가제등 ) 20 10
금속화합물 발생원 (1) 토양의부식과침식 (2) 석탄연료와도시쓰레기소각 (3) 자동차배출가스 납 (Pb), 귀금속 (Pt, Pd, Rh), 망간 (Mn), Al, Cr, Fe, As, Ni, Cu,Ba, - - - 21 파리의금속성입자물질의배출특성 (1976-1982) Element Urban average (ng/m 3 ) General relative importance Relative importance in highway tunnel iron lead aluminum zinc magnesium barium vanadium copper manganese nickel cadmium arsenic chromium mercury 830 770 265 250 220 57 42 38 38 22 14 6 4 3 1.08 1.00 0.34 0.32 0.29 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.008 0.005 0.004 0.68 1.00 0.03 0.06 0.07 - - 0.06 0.007 0.0012 - - 0.0012-22 11
자동차용가솔린의 KS 규격 항목 옥탄가 색상 인 (g/l) 리서치법 모터법 납 (g/l) 물과침전물 ( 부피 %) 동판부식 (50,3h) 1 95이상 87이상 노랑 색계 2 91이상 83이상 통 0.0013 이하 0.013 이하 0.01 이하 1 이하 23 120 Supply Demand PM supply & demand (ton 100 80 60 40 20 Pt Pd Rh 39 16% 91% 0 S. Africa N. America Russia Others Refining Automotive Chemical Elcctronics Glass Juwely Others Precious Metals supply and demand 24 12