Purchase Order Terms & Conditions

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1. AGREEMENT 1.1. Parties. The terms and conditions set forth below, together with those appearing in this purchase order and any attachments hereto, including a Statement of Work (collectively, Order ), constitute an agreement between AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., or any other AGILENT entity identified on the face of this purchase order, including any and all applicable subsidiaries ( AGILENT ), and the party identified in the Issued To box on the face of this purchase order ("Seller"). 1.2. Precedence. In the event of a conflict between this Order and any other written agreement between the parties and specifically covering the same goods or services, the terms and conditions of such agreement shall prevail to the extent of such conflict. A conflict between the terms set forth herein and those set forth in an SOW will be resolved in favor of the SOW. Notwithstanding the above, this Order shall prevail over any differing or additional terms and conditions proposed by Seller, including, without limitation, those contained in any invoice. 1.3. No Modification. No modification of this Order shall be binding unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party. 2. PRICES AND PAYMENT 2.1. Price. Seller shall sell to AGILENT the goods ("Goods") or services ("Services") shown in this Order at the prices specified. Any forecasts provided by AGILENT were provided as an accommodation to Seller, and shall not constitute a commitment of any type by AGILENT. Except as otherwise provided in this Order, prices are exclusive of applicable freight charges and duties. 2.2. Taxes. AGILENT shall be responsible for any applicable sales taxes, provided Seller has submitted appropriate information or documentation to allow AGILENT to recover such taxes as appropriate. AGILENT shall include such taxes with the payment or provide Seller with the appropriate information or documentation to support exemption from such taxes. AGILENT shall have no other or further liability to Seller with respect to any tax, levy or like imposition for which Seller may be liable as a result of the supply of the Goods or Services. 2.3. Payment. Unless indicated otherwise on the face of this purchase order, payment shall be due forty-five (45) days after the latter of AGILENT s receipt of either an appropriate invoice from Seller or the relevant Goods or Services. AGILENT may deduct from such payment any monies owed by Seller to AGILENT. 2.4. Not Acceptance. Payment by AGILENT shall neither constitute acceptance of the Goods or Services, nor impair AGILENT s right to inspect such Goods or Services or invoke any available remedies. 3. SHIPMENT AND DELIVERY 3.1. Shipment Terms. Seller shall ship Goods in the method identified by AGILENT to permit Seller to meet the delivery date(s) identified by AGILENT on the face of this purchase order ( Delivery Date ). If Seller ships by any other method, Seller shall pay any resulting increase in the cost of freight. Except as specified below, shipments of Goods shall be FCA (as that term is defined in the Incoterms 2010 handbook) Seller's place of shipment/export, and title and risk of loss or damage shall pass from Seller to AGILENT upon Seller's delivery of the Goods to the designated carrier at the place of shipment/export. If AGILENT agrees to pay for applicable freight charges and duties as part of the purchase price, shipment shall be DDP, and title and risk of loss or damage shall pass from Seller to AGILENT upon Seller s delivery of the Goods to the "Ship To" address identified by AGILENT on the face of this purchase order. 3.2. Costs. Except as otherwise provided in this Order, Seller shall bear all shipping and transport expenses. Seller shall bear all expenses related to handling, packing, packaging, loading and delivery of Goods to the designated carrier, and loading of Goods onto carrier s conveyance. 3.3. Packaging. Seller shall handle, pack and package the Goods so as to protect the Goods from loss or damage, in conformance with good commercial practice, AGILENT specifications, government regulations (including those applicable to chemicals and hazardous materials) and other applicable requirements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing sentence, Seller shall use packaging materials, including pallets, that are free of pests and comply with all applicable regulations regarding Solid Wood Packing Materials; Seller shall use recycled or reusable packaging materials and minimize the number of different types of packaging materials whenever possible; and Seller shall comply with all applicable requirements regarding packaging recycling, re-use and return, and furnish to AGILENT, upon request, information or documentation of Seller s compliance. Seller shall be responsible for any loss or damage due to its failure to handle, pack and package the Goods in a proper and lawful manner; AGILENT shall not be required to assert any claims for such loss or damage against the carrier involved. In each shipment, Seller shall include a packing list that contains the following: (a) this Order number; (b) the AGILENT part number; (c) the quantity shipped; and (d) the requested delivery date. The information on the packing list must agree with the information on Seller s invoice. 3.4. Prospective Failure. Failure to meet the Delivery Date specified on the face of this Order shall constitute a breach of this Order. Seller shall give AGILENT notice of any prospective failure to ship Goods or provide Services in time to meet the Delivery Date. If only a portion of Goods is available for shipment to meet the Delivery Date, Seller shall ship the available Goods unless directed by AGILENT to reschedule shipment. If only a portion of the Services can be performed on the Delivery Date, Seller shall perform such Services unless directed by AGILENT to reschedule performance. Partial deliveries shall be deemed late shipments and be considered complete only when all Goods and Services have been shipped. Notwithstanding the above, upon Seller s notice of any prospective failure to ship Goods or provide Services in time to meet the Delivery Date, AGILENT reserves the right to terminate the Order and any subsequent Orders without any charge or liability. 3.5. Late Shipment. If, due to Seller's failure to ship Goods in a timely manner, the identified method of transportation would not permit Seller to meet the Delivery Date, Seller shall ship the Goods by air transportation or other means acceptable to AGILENT, and shall pay for any resulting increase in the cost of freight. 3.6. Early Shipment. If AGILENT receives any shipment more than three working days prior to the Delivery Date, AGILENT may either return the Goods or delay processing the corresponding invoice until the Delivery Date. 3.7. Non-Complying Goods. Seller shall be responsible for all risk and expenses, including transportation charges, associated with (a) the return of all Non- Complying Goods (as defined in section 6.1 below), over shipments, and early shipments returned by AGILENT to Seller; and (b) the shipment to AGILENT by Seller of all repaired, replacement and reworked Goods. 4. CHANGES 4.1. Change or Cancellation. AGILENT may, without any charge or liability, change or cancel any portion of this Order, provided AGILENT gives Seller notice (a) for customized Goods or Services (i.e., supplied exclusively in accordance with AGILENT's designs or specifications), within fifteen (15) calendar days prior to shipment; and (b) for all other Goods or Services at any time within fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the Delivery Date. 4.2. Actual Costs. If AGILENT changes or cancels any portion of this Order after the time periods set forth above, AGILENT shall be responsible for any resulting costs incurred by Seller that cannot be avoided by commercially reasonable mitigation efforts. 4.3. Design or Specification Changes. AGILENT may, without any charge or liability, change, effective upon notice to Seller, AGILENT's designs or specifications at any time within fifteen (15) calendar days prior to shipment of corresponding Goods or receipt of corresponding Services. If any such change directly affects the prices or delivery schedules of Goods or Services, an equitable adjustment may be made, provided that Seller makes a written claim for an adjustment within 30 days of AGILENT s notice and prior to shipment of the Goods or provision of the Services, and provided that such equitable adjustment is documented in writing signed by authorized representatives of both parties. If, after reasonable and good-faith efforts, the parties are unable to agree upon the amount of the adjustment, AGILENT may terminate, without any charge or liability, this Order as to all Goods and Services affected. 4.4. No Process or Design Changes. Seller shall not, without the prior written consent of AGILENT, make any process or design changes affecting the Goods. 5. QUALITY AND WARRANTY 5.1. Quality Control. Seller shall maintain an objective quality program for all Goods and Services in accordance with (a) the latest revision of AGILENT's Supplier Quality Systems Requirements DWG A-5951-1665-1; and (b) any general specification set forth in this Order or otherwise supplied by AGILENT. Seller shall furnish to AGILENT, upon request, a copy of Seller s quality program and supporting test documentation. 5.2. Conformance Defects and Liens. Seller warrants that all Goods and Services shall (a) conform strictly to the specifications, design criteria, descriptions, drawings, samples and other requirements described or referenced in this Order or provided by Seller; (b) be free from defects in design, materials and workmanship; and (c) be free of all liens, encumbrances and other claims against title. 5.3. Non-Infringement Warranty. Seller warrants that all Goods and Services do not and shall not infringe any patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right of a third party. 5.4. General Warranties. Seller warrants that (a) Goods are new and do not contain any used or reconditioned parts or materials, unless otherwise specified or approved by AGILENT; (b) Goods are manufactured by or for the original manufacturer and do not contain any counterfeit materials; (c) Goods and results of the Services do not use or incorporate any freeware, shareware or open source software, unless otherwise specified or approved by AGILENT; and (d) all Services shall be performed in a professional manner. 5.5. Duration of Warranties. Seller s warranties of conformance, defects and liens shall be in effect for the longer of either (i) Seller's normal warranty period, or (ii) one year following the date of acceptance of the Goods or Services by AGILENT. All other warranties provided by Seller under this Order shall be in effect perpetually. Seller will be notified of visible defects of the delivered Goods immediately upon discovery. Seller will be notified of hidden defects

of the delivered Goods within six (6) months of delivery. 6. NONCOMPLYING GOODS AND SERVICES 6.1. AGILENT s Options. In addition to the remedies specified in Section 10 below, if any Goods or Service is defective or otherwise not in conformity with the requirements of this Order ("Non-Complying Goods and Non-Complying Services, respectively), AGILENT may either (a) return the Non-Complying Goods for repair, replacement or reworking at Seller's expense; (b) repair the Non-Complying Goods itself and recover its reasonable expenses of repair from Seller; or (c) require Seller to re-perform the Services at Seller s expense. 6.2. Time for Compliance. If AGILENT returns the Non-Complying Goods, Seller shall return the repaired, replacement or reworked Non-Complying Goods no later than five working days after receipt of the Non-Complying Goods from AGILENT. If AGILENT requires Seller to re-perform the Non-Complying Services, Seller shall re-perform the Services within five working days after notice from AGILENT that Services are defective or not in conformity with the requirements of this Order. The cure period specified in Section 10.1 below shall apply only once to any breach of this section 6. 6.3. Failure to Provide Complying Goods. If Seller fails to return repaired, replacement or reworked Goods to AGILENT within five working days of receipt of Non-Complying Goods, AGILENT may reject the Non-Complying Goods, and Seller shall reimburse AGILENT all associated costs paid by AGILENT. If AGILENT rejects the Non-Complying Goods, AGILENT may terminate this Order and procure, upon such terms and in such manner as AGILENT deems appropriate, replacement goods. Seller shall reimburse AGILENT upon demand for all additional costs incurred by AGILENT in purchasing any such replacement goods. 6.4. Failure to Re-Perform Services. If Seller fails to satisfactorily re-perform the Services within five working days after notice from AGILENT, AGILENT may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as AGILENT deems appropriate, replacement services. Seller shall reimburse AGILENT upon demand for all associated costs paid by AGILENT for the Services, as is equitable under the circumstances, and for all additional costs incurred by AGILENT in purchasing any such replacement services. 6.5. End-of-Life Returns. Where lawfully required, Seller shall accept from AGILENT, without any charge or liability to AGILENT, any material included in the Goods or their packaging by return freight prepaid by AGILENT. 7. LICENSE 7.1. License Grant. If Goods include software, Seller grants to AGILENT a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, import, reproduce, and distribute the software in object code form for internal use directly or as integrated into AGILENT products. Seller also grants to AGILENT a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, import, distribute and offer for sale any copies of the software purchased that remain in the original shrink-wrapped packaging. If Goods include documentation, Seller grants to AGILENT a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, reproduce, distribute and prepare derivative works in AGILENT s name all documentation furnished by Seller. AGILENT may reproduce such documentation without Seller s logo or other identification of source, subject to affixing copyright notices to all copies of documentation. These rights with respect to software and documentation shall extend to (a) third parties to use and reproduce the Goods for AGILENT s internal use; and (b) third-party channels of distribution. 8. INDEMNIFICATION, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 8.1 Intellectual Property in Results of Services 8.1.1 Intellectual Property or IP shall mean all inventions, patents (including without limitation applications divisions, reissues, reexaminations, terms extensions, continuations, and any foreign counterparts), works of authorship, copyrights (including without limitation registrations, applications and derivatives), trademarks (including without limitation service marks, trade dress, and other marks indentifying a party or its products), designs, processes, mask works, trade secrets, domain names, proprietary technical information and other similar proprietary information tangible and intangible, whether or not registered or registrable. 8.1.2 Pre-existing IP means IP conceived or developed prior to or independent of performance of this Order. Seller will retain full right, title and interest in and to any Pre-existing IP. Seller will not use any Pre-existing IP in connection with this Order without first obtaining from the owner any rights necessary to enable Seller to fully comply with the terms of this Order. 8.1.3 Seller hereby agrees to and does irrevocably assign and transfer to Agilent all of its worldwide IP in and to all results of the Services. At Agilent s sole expense, Seller shall execute any documents and take all additional steps as reasonably requested by Agilent to perfect, record, and register such assignment. 8.1.4 Seller hereby grants to Agilent a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, transferable license with right to sublicense any Pre-existing IP to the extent necessary for Agilent s full enjoyment and commercial exploitation of the results of the Services as reasonably contemplated by the Order. 8.1.5 Indemnification. Seller agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless AGILENT and its affiliates, subsidiaries, assigns, subcontractors and customers from and against all claims, losses, demands, fees, damages, liabilities, costs, expenses (including attorneys fees), obligations, causes of action, suits or injuries of any kind or nature arising from, in connection with or related in any way to any breach or alleged breach of any of the warranties made by Seller or any act or omission of Seller in the performance of this Order. 8.2. Infringing Goods And Services. Without limiting the above remedy, if AGILENT s use of any Goods or receipt of any Service is enjoined because of any actual or claimed infringement of patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right of a third party (collectively, "Infringing Product"), Seller shall at its expense use its best efforts to procure the right for AGILENT to continue using or receiving the Infringing Product. If Seller is unable to do so, Seller shall at its expense (a) replace the Infringing Product with non-infringing goods or service (as applicable) without loss of functionality; (b) modify the Infringing Product to be non-infringing; or (c) if unable to replace or modify the Infringing Product, refund in full all costs paid by AGILENT for the Infringing Product and reimburse AGILENT upon demand for all additional costs incurred by AGILENT in purchasing any replacement goods or services. 8.3. Removal of AGILENT s Trademarks. Unless otherwise specified or approved by AGILENT, Seller shall remove AGILENT's name and any of AGILENT 's trademarks, trade names, insignia, part numbers, symbols or decorative designs from all Goods rejected or returned by AGILENT or not sold or shipped to AGILENT. 8.4. Confidential Information. Except as required to supply Goods or Services pursuant to this Order or as otherwise instructed by AGILENT, Seller shall not use or disclose any confidential information of AGILENT. Confidential information includes, without limitation, all information designated by AGILENT as confidential; all information or data concerning AGILENT's Goods (including the discovery, invention, research, improvement, development, manufacture or sale thereof) or general business operations (including costs, forecasts, profits, pricing methods and processes); information obtained through access to any AGILENT information assets systems ( IA/S ), including but not limited to, computers, networks and voice mail; and any other information that is of such a nature that a reasonable person would believe it to be confidential. 8.5. Limited IA/S Access. Seller s access to AGILENT s IA/S is limited to those specific IA/S, time periods and personnel authorized by AGILENT, and is subject to AGILENT information protection policies. Any other access is expressly prohibited. Seller warrants that it shall comply with these obligations and that access granted hereunder shall not impair the integrity and availability of AGILENT s IA/S. AGILENT may audit Seller to verify compliance. Seller warrants that each employee, agent or subcontractor who performs work pursuant to this Order has been informed of the obligations contained herein and has agreed to be bound by them. 9. LEGAL COMPLIANCE 9.1. General Compliance. Seller shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing sentence, Seller warrants the following: 9.1.1. Environmental Compliance. All Goods and their packaging shall comply with all applicable environmental, health and safety (EHS) laws, rules and regulations, including The General Specification for the Environment (GSE) DWG A-5951-1745-1. 9.1.2. Chemical Substances. Each chemical substance contained in Goods is on the inventory of chemical substances compiled and published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to the Toxic Substances Control Act; and all required Material Safety Data Sheets, Chemical Safety Data Sheet and other product-content information shall be provided to AGILENT prior to or with the shipment of the Goods and shall be complete and accurate. Seller shall provide product material chemical composition data upon request to verify compliance with applicable product chemical content restrictions. 9.1.3. Substance Classification. No Goods nor any component of any Goods contains any Class I substance or Class II substance as those terms are defined by U.S. law at 42 U.S.C. Section 7671, as now in existence or hereafter amended; or has been manufactured with a process that uses any Class I substance or Class II substance within the meaning of U.S. law at 42 U.S.C. Section 7671j (d) (2), as now in existence or hereafter amended. 9.1.4. Invoice Certification. As a condition precedent to payment thereof, Seller shall, upon request, certify each invoice as follows: We certify that contract deliverables listed hereon were produced in compliance with all applicable requirements of Sections 6, 7, and 12 of the U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended, and of regulations and orders of the U.S. Department of Labor issued under Section 14 thereof. We further certify that any and all additional contract deliverables shall be produced in compliance with the same requirements. 9.1.5. Procurement Regulations. If the Goods and Services are to be sold by AGILENT under a contract or subcontract with the U.S. government, all

applicable procurement regulations required by U.S. law or regulation to be inserted in contracts or subcontracts apply to this Order. 9.1.6 C-TPAT. In connection with providing Goods and Services to AGILENT, Seller shall comply with Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C- TPAT) or equivalent supply chain security measures. When requested by AGILENT, Seller shall demonstrate compliance by providing certification thereof to AGILENT. 9.1.7 ESR. Supplier shall comply with AGILENT s Supplier Environmental and Social Responsibility (ESR) Code of Conduct. (available at http://www.agilent.com/environment/supplier_esr_code_of_conduct.pdf 9.2. Other Requirements. AGILENT will have the right, upon reasonable request, to review Seller's processes, books, records, and accounting practices, and compliance with AGILENT s Supplier Environmental and Social Responsibility (ESR) Code of Conduct for any transactions related to this Order until five (5) years after delivery of the Goods and/or Services. Seller will maintain complete records including but not limited to the costs of all materials and services purchased, work subcontracted to other parties and all payroll costs. All records will be maintained in accordance with GAAP or like accounting rules in other jurisdictions and in such manner as may be readily audited. A failure to provide such records upon AGILENT S request shall be deemed a material breach of this Order. 10. BREACH 10.1. Breach by Seller. If Seller breaches any provision of this Order, AGILENT may terminate the whole or any part of this Order, unless Seller cures the breach within ten (10) working days after receipt of AGILENT s notice of breach. 10.2 Definition of Breach. For purposes of section 10.1 above, the term "breach" shall, without limitation, include (a) any proceeding, whether voluntary or involuntary, in bankruptcy or insolvency by or against Seller; (b) the appointment, with or without Seller's consent, of a receiver or an assignee for the benefit of creditors; (c) Seller s failure to provide AGILENT, upon request, with reasonable assurances of performance; or (d) any other failure by Seller to comply with this Order. 10.3 Termination. In the event that AGILENT terminates this Order in whole or in part as provided above, AGILENT may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as AGILENT deems appropriate, replacement goods or services, and Seller shall reimburse AGILENT upon demand for all additional costs incurred by AGILENT in purchasing such replacement goods or services. 10.4 Rights and Remedies. The rights and remedies granted to AGILENT pursuant to this Order are in addition to, and shall not limit or affect, any other rights or remedies available at law or in equity. 11. IMPORT/EXPORT REQUIREMENTS 11.1. General Compliance. Seller shall comply with all applicable import and export requirements, and shall furnish to AGILENT, upon request, information or documentation of Seller s compliance, as well as any other information or documentation required to enable AGILENT to comply with such requirements applicable to its receipt of any Goods. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing sentence, Seller warrants the following: 11.1.1. Certification. Upon AGILENT's request, Seller shall provide AGILENT with an appropriate certification stating the country of origin for Goods, sufficient to satisfy the requirements of (a) the customs authorities of the country of receipt; and (b) any applicable export licensing regulations, including those of the United States. 11.1.2. Required Marking. All Goods shall be marked (or the container shall be marked if there is no room on the Goods themselves or unless exempted from marking) with the country of origin. 11.1.3. Commercial Invoice. Seller shall issue a commercial invoice containing, without limitation, the following information: invoice number, invoice date, name and address of the shipper, name and address of the seller (if different from the shipper), name and address of the consignee, name and address of the buyer (if different from the consignee), a detailed description of the Goods, model number, AGILENT part-numbers, serial number of Goods (if goods are serialized), AGILENT-assigned Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) number for the destination country, order number, box number, total number of boxes, total box weight ( in kilograms), country of origin, quantities in the weight and measure of the country to which the Goods are shipped, unit price of each Good, value of any customs assists, total invoice value, currency of the invoice, invoice type, Incoterms 2010 term of sale, carrier name and bill of lading number. The invoice must be issued in the language required by the country to which the Goods are shipped. 11.2. Importer of Record. If any Goods are imported, Seller shall when possible allow AGILENT to be the importer of record, unless otherwise specified or approved by AGILENT. If AGILENT is not the importer of record and Seller obtains duty drawback rights to the Goods, Seller shall furnish to AGILENT, upon request, information and documentation required by the customs authorities of the country of receipt to prove importation and to transfer duty drawback rights to AGILENT. 12. MISCELLANEOUS 12.1. No Assignment. Seller shall not assign its rights or obligations without AGILENT's prior written consent. Any attempted delegation or assignment shall be void. 12.2. Waiver. The waiver of any term or condition of this Order must be in writing. No such waiver shall be construed as a waiver of any other term or condition, nor as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same term or condition. 12.3. Choice of Law. Without reference to any conflict of laws provisions, this Order shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the state or locality of the "Ship To" address identified by AGILENT on the face of this purchase order. Seller hereby consents to the jurisdiction and venue of the courts of such state or locality. 12.4. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, UNLESS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED OTHERWISE, IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, SELLER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND UNDER SECTIONS 8 AND 9 ABOVE AND FOR CLAIMS OF BODILY INJURY OR DEATH. 12.5. Non-Restrictive Relationship. Nothing in this Order shall be construed to preclude AGILENT from producing, distributing or marketing the same or similar goods or services as the Goods or Services provided under this Order or purchasing such same or similar goods or services from other third parties. 12.6. Severability. If a body of competent jurisdiction holds any term or provision of this Order to be invalid or unenforceable, such term or provision will be construed, limited or, if necessary, severed to the extent necessary to eliminate such invalidity or unenforceability, and the other provisions of this Order will remain in full force and effect. 12.7. Entire Agreement. This agreement, including its attachments, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior communications, negotiations, understandings, agreements or representations, either written or oral, by the parties regarding such subject matter. This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be an original with respect to the party executing the counterpart and all of which together will constitute one and the same agreement. This agreement is written in the English language, and any translation hereof is for reference only. 12.8. Insurance. When providing Services to Agilent, Seller will secure and maintain insurance providing coverage for liabilities to third parties for bodily injury (personal injury) and damage to property in amounts sufficient to protect AGILENT in the event of such injury or damage, and will be in compliance with any and all laws, regulations or orders. Seller further will maintain such additional types and limits of insurance as is customary for a company of similar size and similar operations to Seller in the jurisdiction or jurisdictions in which Seller s operations take place.

1. 계약 1.1. 당사자들. 이하에서정하여지는조건은본구매오더에나타나는사항들및작업명세서를포함한기타첨부문서 ( 이하 오더 라총칭한다 ) 와함께 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 또는다른모든적용가능한 AGILENT 자회사들을포함한본구매오더에기재된기타 AGILENT 측당사자 ( 이하 AGILENT 라한다 ) 와본구매오더상 수신인 (Issued To) 란에특정된당사자 ( 이하 매도인 이라한다 ) 간의계약을구성한다. 1.2. 우선순위. 당사자들사이에특히동일한상품또는서비스에관하여본오더와다른서면계약사이에상충이발생하는경우당해서면계약의조건이상충되는범위내에서우선적으로적용된다본조건과작업명세서사이에충돌이있는경우, 작업명세서가우선합니다. 그러나, 본오더는매도인이요청한상이한혹은추가적인조건 ( 일체의인보이스에기재된것을포함하되이에한정하지아니한다 ) 보다는우선적으로적용된다. 1.3. 수정금지. 본오더의수정은각당사자의권한있는대표자가서명한서면에의하지아니하고는효력이없다. 2. 가격및지불 2.1. 가격. 매도인은 AGILENT 에게본오더에기재된상품 ( 이하 상품 이라한다 ) 또는서비스 ( 이하 서비스 라한다 ) 를지정된가격에판매하여야한다. AGILENT 가제공한예상견적은매도인에대한편의제공에불과하므로, 이는 AGILENT 에의한어떠한형태의약속도구성하지않는다. 본오더에서달리정하지않는한, 가격에는적용가능한운송료와관세는포함되어있지않다. 2.2. 세금. AGILENT 는적용가능한거래세를부담하기로하되, 다만매도인이 AGILENT 로하여금당해세금을적절하게환급받을수있도록적절한정보또는서류를미리제공하였을경우에만그러하다. AGILENT 는대금지급시상기세금을포함시켜지급하거나또는상기세금을면제받는데필요한정보내지서류를매도인에게제공하여야한다. AGILENT 는상기내용이외에매도인이본건상품또는서비스의공급으로인하여부담하게될여하한세금, 공과금기타부담에대하여는전혀책임을지지아니한다. 2.3. 지불. 본구매오더의문면에달리명기되지않는한, 지불은 AGILENT 가매도인으로부터적절한인보이스를수령한때와관련된상품또는서비스를수령한때가운데나중에도래하는시점으로부터 45 일이되는날에이루어지는것으로한다. AGILENT 는매도인이 AGILENT 에지급하여야할금액을상기지급액에서공제할수있다. 2.4. 불승인. AGILENT 의지불은상품또는서비스의승인으로간주되지아니하며, AGILENT 가당해상품또는서비스를검사할권리또는가능한구제수단을제기할권리를저해하지아니한다. 3. 선적및인도 3.1. 선적조건. 매도인은 AGILENT 가본구매오더의문면에특정한인도일 ( 이하 인도일 이라한다 ) 을맞추기위하여 AGILENT 가지정한방법으로상품을선적하여야한다. 매도인이다른방법으로선적을하는경우에는매도인이그로인한운송비의증가분을지불하여야한다. 아래에서달리정하는경우를제외하고는, 상품의선적은매도인의선적 / 수출장소 FCA ( 인코텀즈 2010 핸드북에정의된것을말한다 ) 로하여야하고, 권리및멸실파손에대한위험은매도인이선적 / 수출장소에서지정된운송인에게상품을인도하는때에매도인으로부터 AGILENT 에게로이전된다. AGILENT 가구매가격의일부로적용가능한운송료와관세를지불하는데동의하는경우, 선적은 DDP 로하여야하며, 권리및멸실파손에대한위험은매도인이 AGILENT 에의해특정된 운송목적지 (Ship To) 의주소로상품을인도한때에매도인으로부터 AGILENT 에게로이전된다. 3.2. 비용. 본오더에달리표시되지않는한, 매도인은모든선적및운송비용을부담한다. 매도인은상품의취급, 포장, 적재및지정된운송인에대한인도, 그리고운송인의수송수단에의적재에관련된모든비용을부담한다. 3.3. 포장. 매도인은상품을멸실이나파손으로부터보호하기위하여상업적관행, AGILENT 의사양서, 정부의규정 ( 화학물질과위험물질에적용가능한것포함 ) 및기타적용가능한요구사항에부합하도록상품을다루고포장하고꾸려야한다. 상기일반기준을제한함이없이, 매도인은유해물이없고견고한목재포장재에관한모든적용가능한관련법규에부합되는포장재 ( 깔판포함 ) 를사용하여야한다. 매도인은재활용된또는재사용가능한포장재를사용하여야하고가능한한포장재의종류수를최소화하여야한다. 매도인은포장재활용, 재사용및반환과관련하여적용가능한모든요구사항을준수하여야하며, 요청이있을경우 AGILENT 에대하여매도인의준수여부에관한정보또는서류를제공하여야한다. 매도인은상품의취급, 포장및꾸림을적절하고적법한방법으로행하지못함으로인하여발생하는모든멸실또는파손에대하여책임을져야하며, AGILENT 는관련된운송인을상대로위와같은멸실또는파손에관한클레임을제기하여줄의무가없다. 개별선적분에대하여, 매도인은다음사항을포함하는포장리스트 (packing list) 를부가하여야한다 : (a) 오더의번호, (b) AGILENT 의부품번호, (c) 선적된수량, (d) 요청된인도일. 포장리스트상의정보는매도인의인보이스상의정보와일치하여야한다. 3.4. 예상되는불이행. 본오더의문면에표시된인도일을맞추지못하는것은본오더의위반을구성한다. 매도인은인도일에맞추어상품의선적또는서비스의공급을할수없다고예상되는경우에는이를 AGILENT 에게통지하여야한다. 상품중일부분에관하여만인도일에 맞출수있게선적가능한경우에는매도인은 AGILENT 가선적일정을재조정할것을지시하지않는한그가능한부분을선적하여야한다. 서비스중일부분에관하여만인도일에제공할수있는경우에는매도인은 AGILENT 가제공일정을재조정할것을지시하지않는한그가능한부분을제공하여야한다. 부분적인인도는지연된선적으로간주되므로모든상품및서비스가선적되는때에완전한인도가있는것으로인정된다. 상기내용에도불구하고, 매도인이인도일에맞도록상품선적또는서비스제공을할수없음이예상된다는통지를함에대하여, AGILENT 는본오더및기타뒤이어발생한오더를어떠한비용또는책임없이종료시킬수있는권리를보유한다. 3.5. 선적지연. 매도인이상품을시기에맞추어선적하지못하였기때문에지정된운송방법에의하여는매도인이인도일을준수할수없는경우에는, 매도인은상품을항공편으로또는 AGILENT 가수용할수있는다른방법으로운송하여야하며, 그로인한운송비의증가분을지급하여야한다. 3.6. 조기선적. AGILENT 가선적분을인도일로부터 3 영업일을초과하여일찍받게되는경우, AGILENT 는당해상품을반환하거나또는상응하는인보이스절차를인도일까지늦출수있다. 3.7. 상품의불일치. 매도인은다음각사유와관련된모든위험및비용 ( 운임비포함 ) 에대하여책임을진다 : (a) AGILENT 가매도인에게반환하는모든불일치상품 ( 이하 6.1 조에서정의한다 ), 과다선적분및조기선적분, 그리고 (b) 매도인이 AGILENT 에대하여행하는모든수리, 교환및재작업된상품의선적. 4. 변경 4.1. 변경또는취소. AGILENT 는매도인에게 (a) 주문제작상품또는서비스 ( 예컨대 AGILENT 의디자인또는사양에따라고유하게공급된것 ) 에대하여는선적일이전 15 일이내에, 그리고 (b) 기타다른상품또는서비스에대하여는인도일이전 15 일이내에통지를할것을조건으로, 아무런비용부담또는책임없이, 본오더의어느부분이라도변경또는취소할수있다 :. 4.2. 실제비용. AGILENT 가위에정하여진기간이후에본오더중어느부분이라도변경또는취소하는경우, AGILENT 는그로인하여매도인에게발생한, 상업적으로합당한경감노력으로도피할수없는비용에대하여책임을져야한다. 4.3. 디자인또는사양변경. AGILENT 는비용또는책임부담없이, 당해상품의선적또는서비스의수령 15 일이내에매도인에대한통지로써, AGILENT 의디자인또는사양을변경할수있다. 만일상기변경으로상품또는서비스의가격또는인도일정에직접적인변동이있을경우에는합리적인조정을할수있되, 다만매도인은 AGILENT 의통지가있은날로부터 30 일이내그리고상품선적또는

서비스제공이전에서면으로조정을요구하여야하고, 또상기합리적인조정은양당사자의권한있는대표자에의하여서명된서면으로문서화되어야한다. 만일합리적이고성실한노력을행한이후에도양당사자가조정에관하여의견이일치하지아니하는경우 AGILENT 는아무런비용부담이나책임없이조정대상인모든상품과서비스에관한본오더를해지할수있다. 4.4. 공정또는디자인변경금지. 매도인은 AGILENT 의사전서면동의가없는한, 상품에영향을미치는공정또는디자인의변경을할수없다. 5. 품질및보증 5.1. 품질유지. 매도인은모든상품및서비스가다음각호에부합하도록객관적인품질프로그램을유지하여야한다 : (a) AGILENT 공급자품질시스템요구사항 (AGILENT's Supplier Quality Systems Requirements DWG A-5951-1665-1) 의최신판, 그리고 (b) 본오더에규정되었거나또는 AGILENT 가제공한기타일반사양. 매도인은요구가있는경우 AGILENT 에게매도인의품질프로그램과관련 test 자료를제공하여야한다. 5.2. 요구사항부합, 결함및제한물권. 매도인은모든상품및서비스가 (a) 본오더에기재되거나인용되거나매도인에의하여제공된사양, 디자인기준, 설명, 도면, 샘플및기타요구사항에엄격히부합된다는점, (b) 디자인, 재료및솜씨에있어서결함이없다는점, 그리고 (c) 어떠한제한물권, 담보권기타소유권에관한다른클레임이없다는점에대하여보장한다. 5.3. 불침해보증. 매도인은모든상품및서비스가제 3 자의어떠한특허권, 상표권, 저작권, 영업비밀또는기타지적재산권도침해하지아니하는것임을보증한다. 5.4. 일반적보증. 매도인은 (a) 상품이신품이며 AGILENT 에의하여달리특정되거나승인되지않은이상중고또는개작된부품또는재료를사용하지아니하였다는점 ; (b) 제품은원생산자가제조하거나원생산자를위해제조됩니다되며모조재료를사용하지아니하였다는점 ; (c) 제품및서비스의결과물은 AGILENT 가별도로지정하거나승인하지않는한, 프리웨어, 쉐어웨어및오픈소스의소프트웨어를사용하거나포함하지않았으며, (d) 모든서비스가전문가적방법으로수행된다는점에대하여보증한다. 5.5. 보증기간. 요구사항부합, 결함및제한물권에관한매도인의보증은다음두가지중더긴시점까지유효하다 : (i) 매도인의통상보증기간, 또는 (ii) AGILENT 가상품또는서비스를승인한날로부터 1 년. 본오더에관한매도인의여타다른보증은종료시점없이계속유효하다. 매도인은인도즉시인도된상품의시각적으로파악가능한결함을통지받기로한다. 매도인은인도일로부터 6 개월이내에인도된상품의숨은결함을통지받도록한다. 6. 불일치상품및서비스 6.1. AGILENT 의선택권. 이하제 10 조에서정하여지는구제수단에추가하여, 상품또는서비스에결함이있거나또는본오더의요구조건과일치하지않는경우 ( 각각 불일치상품 및 불일치서비스 라한다 ) 에 AGILENT 는 (a) 수리, 교체또는재작업을위하여매도인의비용으로불일치상품을반환하거나, (b) 불일치상품을직접수리하고합리적인수리비용을매도인으로부터상환받거나, 또는 (c) 매도인으로하여금매도인의비용으로서비스를다시제공할것을요청할수있다. 6.2. 시정기간. AGILENT 가불일치상품을반환한경우, 매도인은 AGILENT 로부터불일치상품을수령한후 5 영업일이내에수리, 교체또는재작업된당해불일치상품을반환하여야한다. 만일 AGILENT 가매도인에게불일치서비스를다시제공하기를요구하는경우, 매도인은 AGILENT 로부터서비스에결함이있거나또는본오더의요구사항에부합되지않는다는통지를받은때로부터 5 영업일이내에당해서비스를다시제공하여야한다. 이하제 10.1 조에표시된시정기간은본 6 조의위반에대하여단 1 회만적용된다. 6.3. 일치상품제공의무의불이행. 매도인이불일치상품의수령일로부터 5 영업일이내에 AGILENT 에대하여수리, 교체또는재작업된상품을반환하지못하는경우에는, AGILENT 는불일치상품을거부할수있고, 매도인은 AGILENT 가지급한제반비용일체를상환하여주어야한다. AGILENT 가불일치상품을거절하는경우, AGILENT 는본주문을해제및해지할수있으며, 자신이적당하다고여기는조건과방법으로대체상품을조달할수있다. 매도인은요구가있는경우 AGILENT 가상기대체상품을구매함으로인하여부담하게된모든추가비용을 AGILENT 에게상환하여주어야한다. 6.4. 서비스재이행의무의불이행. 매도인이 AGILENT 로부터통지를받은후 5 영업일이내에당해서비스를만족스럽게재이행하지못하는경우에는, AGILENT 는자신이적당하다고여기는조건과방법으로대체서비스를조달할수있다. 매도인은요구가있는경우 AGILENT 가상기대체서비스를구매함으로인하여부담하게된모든타당한관련비용및모든추가비용을 AGILENT 에게상환하여주어야한다. 6.5. 사후반환. 적법한요구가있는경우, 매도인은 AGILENT 가운송비를선지급하여반환하는상품또는그포장에포함된어떤재료라도 AGILENT 에대한비용또는책임부과없이 AGILENT 로부터수령하여야한다. 7. 라이센스 7.1. 라이센스부여. 상품이소프트웨어를포함하고있는경우, 매도인은 AGILENT 에대하여직접적인내부사용을위하여목적코드 (object code) 의형태로되어있거나혹은 AGILENT 상품에통합되어있는소프트웨어를사용, 수입, 복제및배포할수있는비독점적, 로열티없는, 전세계적라이센스를부여한다. 또한매도인은 AGILENT 에대하여구매되어수축포장상태로남아있는소프트웨어의어떤복사본도사용, 수입, 배포및판매목적으로제공할수있는비독점적, 로열티없는, 전세계적라이센스를부여한다. 상품이문서를포함하고있는경우매도인은 AGILENT 에대하여매도인이제공한모든문서를 AGILENT 의이름으로사용, 복제, 배포및, 2 차작업물작성을할수있는비독점적, 로열티없는, 전세계적라이센스를부여한다. AGILENT 는매도인의로고나다른출처표시없이위문서를복제할수있으나, 문서의모든사본에저작물임을표시해야한다. 소프트웨어및문서에관한상기권리들은 (a) AGILENT 의내부사용목적으로당해상품을사용하고복제하는제 3 자, 그리고 (b) 배포계통에있는제 3 자에게도부여된다. 8. 면책, 지적재산권및비밀정보 8.1. 서비스결과물에대한지적재산권 8.1.1 지적재산권은등록이되었거나등록가능여부에상관없이, 모든발명, 특허 ( 분할출원, 재발행출원, 재심사, 기한연장, 계속출원, 및다른외국의대응특허및출원을포함하지만여기에제한되지않으며 ), 저작물, 저작권 ( 등록, 신청및파생물을포함하지만제한되지않으며 ), 상표권 ( 서비스마크, 상품의외장및다른당사자및상품을구별하는마크를포함하지만제한되지않으며 ), 디자인, 프로세스, 배치설계 (mask work), 영업비밀, 도메인이름, 소유기술정보및다른유사한유, 무형의정보를의미합니다. 8.1.2 선행 (pre-existing) 지적재산권은본주문과는별도로혹은이전에개발, 형성된지적재산권을의미합니다. 매도인은선행지적재산권에대한일체의권리및소유권을보유합니다. 매도인은본주문의조건을완전히수행하는데필요한어떠한권리를소유자로부터사전에획득하지않고선행지적재산권을본주문과관련하여사용하여서는안됩니다. 8.1.3 매도인은서비스의모든결과물에대한전세계적일체의지적재산권을변경불가로 AGILENT 에양도하는데동의합니다. AGILENT 의비용으로매도인은해당양도를완성, 기록, 및등록하기위하여 AGILENT 가합리적으로요청한모든추가절차를수행및문서화하여야합니다. 8.1.4 매도인은본주문과관련하여합리적으로예상되는서비스결과물의상업적사용및 AGILENT 의완전한이용에필요한선행지적재산권의재실시권 (sublicense) 과비독점적, 전세계적, 로열티없는, 변경불가한항구적, 양도가능한라이센스를 AGILENT 에부여합니다. 8.1.5 면책. 매도인은매도인의보증위반또는보증위반주장, 및본주문을수행하는데있어서매도인행위및부작위와관련하여발생하는모든클레임, 손실, 요구,

비용, 손해, 책임, 경비 ( 변호사보수금포함 ), 의무, 소송원인, 소송또는어떤종류혹은성질의침해로부터 AGILENT 와그제휴사, 자회사, 양수인, 하청업자및고객을방어하고면책시키고손해를입지않도록하는데동의한다. 8.2. 침해품및서비스. 상기구제와는별도로, 제 3 자의특허권, 상표권, 저작권, 영업비밀또는기타지적재산권의실제적인침해또는침해주장으로인하여 AGILENT 의상품사용또는서비스수령이금지되는경우 ( 통칭하여 침해품 이라한다 ), 매도인은자신의비용으로, AGILENT 가침해품을계속사용하거나수령할수있는권리를취득하도록최선의노력을다하여야한다. 만일매도인이위의조치를할수없는경우에는, 매도인은자신의비용으로, (a) 침해품을권리침해가없는 ( 적용가능한 ) 상품또는서비스로기능손상없이교체하거나, (b) 침해품을권리침해가없도록수정하거나, 또는 (c) 만일침해품의교체또는수정이불가능한경우라면 AGILENT 가침해품을위하여지급한모든비용을상환하고, 요구가있는경우 AGILENT 가교체상품또는서비스를구매함으로인하여발생한추가비용도 AGILENT 에게지급하여야한다. 8.3. AGILENT 상표의제거. AGILENT 가달리표시또는승인하지않는한, 매도인은 AGILENT 가거부또는반환하거나, AGILENT 에게판매되거나선적되지않은모든상품으로부터 AGILENT 의명칭및모든상표, 상호, 표시, 부품번호, 심볼또는장식도안을제거하여야한다. 8.4. 비밀정보. 매도인은본오더에따라상품또는서비스의공급요청을받는경우또는달리 AGILENT 로부터지시를받는경우가아닌한, AGILENT 의비밀정보를사용하거나공개할수없다. 비밀정보는다음각사항을포함하되이에한정되지아니한다 : AGILENT 가비밀정보로지정한정보 ; AGILENT 의상품 ( 그상품의발견, 발명, 연구, 개량, 개발, 생산또는판매포함 ) 또는일반적인사업운영 ( 비용, 예상치, 이익, 가격산정의방법및절차포함 ) 에관한모든정보또는자료 ; 컴퓨터, 네트워크및음성메일을포함하나이에제한되지않는 AGILENT 정보자산시스템 ( IA/S ) 에접근하여얻어진정보 ; 그리고그성질상합리적인사람이라면그것이비밀이라고믿을만한기타정보일체. 8.5. IA/S 접근의제한. 매도인의 AGILENTIA/S 에대한접근은 AGILENT 가허용한특정 IA/S, 특정시간및특정인원에한정하여, AGILENT 정보보호정책에따르는범위내에서허용된다. 기타다른접근은명시적으로금지된다. 매도인은상기의무를준수할것과위와같이허용된접근행위로인하여 AGILENT IA/S 에손상을발생시키거나효용을해하지아니할것임을보장한다. AGILENT 는준수사항을확인하기위하여매도인을감사할수있다. 매도인은본오더에따라업무를수행하는피용자, 대리인또는하청업자가여기에포함된의무사항을고지받고이에 구속되는것에동의하였음을보장한다. 9. 법규의준수 9.1. 일반적준수. 매도인은적용되는모든법령, 규칙, 기타규제사항을준수하여야한다. 상기문장의일반성을제한함이없이, 매도인은아래의사항을보장한다 : 9.1.1. 환경관련. 모든상품및그포장은적용가능한모든환경, 건강및안전관련법령, 규칙및규제사항 ( 환경관련일반사양 GSE DWG A-5951-1745-1 를포함 ) 에부합되어야한다. 9.1.2. 화학물질. 상품에포함된각화학물질은독성물질관리법 (Toxic Substances Control Act ) 에따라미국환경보호국 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) 에서편찬출판된화학물질목록에있는것이어야하고 ; 필요한모든물질안전데이터서식 (Material Safety Data Sheets), 화학안전데이터서식 (Chemical Safety Data Sheet) 및기타제품내용정보가상품의선적이전에또는선적과함께 AGILENT 에제공되어야하며, 이는완결되고정확하여야한다. 매도인은적용가능한화학제품내용규제를준수하였는지여부를확인하기위한요청이있는경우화학물질제품조성데이터 (product material chemical composition data) 를제공하여야한다. 9.1.3. 물질분류. 모든상품과상품의구성부분에는현재존재하거나또는이후에변경되는미국법령 (42 U.S.C. Section 7671) 에정의된제 1 군물질 ( Class I substance ) 또는제 2 군물질 ( Class II substance ) 이포함되어있지않아야하고 ; 또한현재존재하거나또는이후에변경되는미국법령 (42 U.S.C. Section 7671j (d) (2)) 의의미내에서제 1 군물질또는제 2 군물질을사용한공정으로제조되지않아야한다. 9.1.4. 인보이스의인증. 매도인은인보이스지불의전제조건으로, 요청이있는경우, 각인보이스를아래와같이인증하여야한다 : 우리는여기에열거된계약상인도물이모든적용가능한미국근로기준법 ( 변경사항포함 ) 제 6 조, 제 7 조, 제 12 조의준수사항및제 14 조에의하여발령된미국노동부의규정및명령의준수사항에따라생산되었음을인증합니다. 아울러추가되는모든계약상인도물도위준수사항에따라제작될것임을인증합니다. ( We certify that contract deliverables listed hereon were produced in compliance with all applicable requirements of Sections 6, 7, and 12 of the U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended, and of regulations and orders of the U.S. Department of Labor issued under Section 14 thereof. We further certify that any and all additional contract deliverables shall be produced in compliance with the same requirements. ) 9.1.5. 조달법규. AGILENT 가미국정부와의계약또는하청계약에의하여상품및서비스를판매하는경우에는, 미국법규에따라요구되는모든적용가능한조달법규 혹은계약내지하청계약에삽입될수있는규정이본오더에적용된다. 9.1.6. 테러리즘에대한관세무역동맹. AGILENT 에게상품과서비스를제공하는것과관련하여매도인은테러리즘에대한관세무역동맹 (C-TPAT) 또는이에준하는연쇄공급안전수단을준수하여야한다. AGILENT 가요청하는경우매도인은그에관한증빙을 AGILENT 에제공함으로써위준수사항을증명하여야한다. 9.1.7. 환경사회책임. 공급자는 AGILENT 의공급자환경및사회책임 (ESR) 행동규범을준수하여야한다. (http://www.agilent.com/environment/supplier_esr_code_of_conduct.pdf 참조 ) 9.2. 기타필요사항.. AGILENT 는합당한요청에따라제품및 / 또는서비스의전달로부터오 (5) 년까지본주문과관련된판매자의프로세스, 장부, 기록및회계관행, 그리고일체의거래에대한 AGILENT 의공급업체행동규범의준수를검토할권리를가집니다. 판매자는완벽한기록을유지해야하며, 이에는구매한모든재료및서비스의비용, 여타당사자에게하청을준작업및모든급여비용을포함하나이에국한되는것은아닙니다. 모든기록은 GAAP 또는여타사법관할권의이에준하는회계규칙에따라, 또한감사가용이한형태로유지되어야합니다. AGILENT 의요청시해당기록을제공하지못하면, 본주문의중대한불이행으로간주됩니다. 10. 계약위반 10.1. 매도인에의한위반. 매도인이본오더의어느조항을위반한경우, 매도인이당해위반사항을 AGILENT 로부터위반사실의통지를수령한후 10 영업일이내에시정하지않는한, AGILENT 는본오더의전체또는일부를해지할수있다. 10.2. 위반의정의. 상기제 10.1 조의위반은다음각사항을포함하되이에제한되지아니한다 : (a) 매도인에의한또는매도인에대한자발적또는비자발적인파산또는지급불능절차 ; (b) 매도인의동의여부를불문하고, 채권자들을위한수령인또는수탁자의선임 ; (c) 매도인이요청에따라 AGILENT 에게합리적인이행보증을제공하지못하는것 ; 또는 (d) 기타매도인이본오더를준수하지못하는경우. 10.3 해지. AGILENT 가위에규정된바와같이본오더의전체또는일부를종료시키는경우, AGILENT 는자신이상당하다고판단하는조건및방법으로대체상품또는서비스를조달할수있으며, 매도인은 AGILENT 에게요구에따라 AGILENT 가상기대체상품또는서비스를조달하는데에소요된모든추가비용을상환하여야한다. 10.4 권리및구제수단. 본오더에따라 AGILENT 에부여된권리및구제수단은법또는형평법상가능한권리및구제수단에추가되는것이며, 이를제한하거나이에영향을

미치지않는다. 11. 수입 / 수출요구사항 11.1. 일반적준수. 매도인은모든적용가능한수입및수출요구사항을준수하여야하며, 요청이있는경우 AGILENT 에대하여, AGILENT 가상품의수령시적용가능한요구사항을준수할수있도록하는데필요한정보또는문서와함께, 매도인이이를준수함을나타내는정보또는문서를제공하여야한다. 상기문장의일반성을제한함이없이, 매도인은아래의사항을보장한다. : 11.1.1. 증서. AGILENT 의요구가있는경우, 매도인은 AGILENT 에대하여상품의원산국가를나타내는것으로써 (a) 수령국가의세관 ; 그리고 (b) 적용가능한수출면허규정 ( 미국의것을포함 ) 의요구사항을충족시키는데충분한적절한인증을제공하여야한다. 11.1.2. 필요한표시. 모든상품에는원산국가가표시 ( 상품자체에표시할공간이없거나표시가면제되지아니한경우용기에표시 ) 되어야한다. 11.1.3. 상업인보이스. 매도인은다음정보 ( 이에한정하지아니함 ) 를포함하는상업인보이스를발행하여야한다 : 인보이스번호, 인보이스날짜, 해운업자의상호및주소, 매도인의상호및주소 ( 해운업자와다른경우 ), 수탁인의상호및주소, 매수인의상호및주소 ( 수탁인과다른경우 ), 구체적인상품명세, 모델번호, AGILENT 부품번호, 상품의일련번호 ( 상품에일련번호가있는경우 ), 목적국가에관하여 AGILENT 와양수인간통합요율표 (HTS) 번호, 오더번호, 박스번호, 박스들의총수량, 총박스중량 ( 킬로그램단위 ), 원산국가, 상품이배송될국가의무게와단위로표시한수량, 상품의단위가격, 통관소요비용, 총인보이스가격, 인보이스의통화, 인보이스의형태, 인코텀즈 2010 의판매조건, 운송인상호및선하증권번호. 인보이스는당해상품이배송될국가의언어로제공되어야한다. 11.2. 기록상수입자. 상품이수입되면, AGILENT 에의하여달리지정되거나또는승인되지않는한, 매도인은가능한때에 AGILENT 로하여금기록상수입자가될수있게하여야한다. 만일 AGILENT 가기록상수입자로되지아니하고매도인이상품에관한관세환급권을가지게되면, 매도인은요청이있는경우 AGILENT 에대하여, 수입을증명하고관세환급권을 AGILENT 에게양도하기위하여수령국가의세관이요구하는정보및서류를제공하여야한다. 12. 기타사항 12.1. 이전금지. 매도인은 AGILENT 로부터사전서면동의를받지아니하고는자신의권리의무를이전할수없다. 이에반하는어떠한위임이나양도도무효이다. 12.2. 권리포기. 본오더상의조건에대한포기는서면으로이루어져야한다. 그러한포기는다른어떤조건의포기로 PURCHASE ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS C-9320-9009-1 Rev. A.1 1-Aug-2014 해석되지않으며, 같은조건의연속된위반에대한포기로해석되지도않는다. 12.3. 적용법규. 법규정의상충과관계없이, 본오더는 AGILENT 가본오더의문면에특정한운송목적지주소 ("Ship To" address) 의주또는지역의법에따라해석되고규율된다. 매도인은그주또는지역의관할및재판적에동의한다. 12.4. 책임의제한. 법규가허용하는최대한의범위내에서, 달리명시적으로규정되지않은한, 어떤경우에도일방당사자는계약, 불법행위또는기타다른법이론에근거한간접적이거나, 특별하거나, 우연적이거나또는결과론적인손해에대하여책임을지지않는다. 그러나위에도불구하고매도인은제 8 조및제 9 조하의어떤손해및사망및상해와관련된청구에대하여책임이있다. 12.5. 비구속적관계. 본오더의어떤내용도 AGILENT 가본오더에따라제공받은상품또는서비스와동일하거나유사한상품또는서비스를생산하거나, 배포하거나또는마케팅하는것을금지하거나혹은다른제 3 자로부터그와같거나유사한상품또는서비스를구매하는것을금지하는것으로해석되지않는다. 12.6. 가분성. 관할기관이본오더의조건또는조항의일부가무효이거나또는실행불가능하다고판단하는경우, 그조건또는조항은당해무효또는실행불가능성을제거하는데필요한범위내에서해석되고제한되거나또는가능하다면제거되며, 본오더의다른조항은완전히유효하며강제력이있는것으로존속한다. 12.7. 완전한합의. 본합의는그첨부문서를포함하여, 여기에서문제된사항에관하여계약당사자들사이의완전한합의를구성하며, 그와같은사항에관하여계약당사자들사이에서면으로또는구두로행하여진다른선행의의사소통, 협상, 양해, 의견일치또는진술에우선한다. 본합의서는수통의부본으로체결될수있고, 각각은부본을체결한당사자에관하여원본이며, 부본모두가함께단일의그리고동일한합의를구성한다. 본합의는영어로작성되었고, 그어떤번역도단지참조에불과하다. 12.8 보험. 매도인은 AGILENT 에서비스를제공하는동안, 제삼자에대한상해및유체자산의손해책임으로부터 AGILENT 를보호할수있는충분한수준의보험에가입, 유지하고, 모든법규를준수하여하여야하며, 또한매도인이영업을영위하는해당지역의유사한규모및유사한영업의사업장에서관행으로인정되는추가적인종류의보험및보험금을유지하여야한다.