Korean From Zero_1_Edition_2.1

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중학영어듣기 2학년







- 2 -

Level 2 Lesson To be fast is 빠르다 [ppareu-da]. How do you say to be faster? 2. To be good is 좋다 [jo-ta]. How do you say to be better? 3. How do y


Korean From Zero! Lesson 10 Future, Past, and Present Tenses 159 Before This Lesson 1. Understand how to convert verbs into the BASIC form. 10 Lesson Highlights 2. Understand what it means to be a ( ) irregular verb. Lesson Goals 1. Learn how to make any verb into the future and past tense. From The Teachers 1. Don t worry if you haven t learned everything perfectly from past lessons. A lot of sentences are designed to review prior concepts. If you have some extra time you can always go back and scan prior lessons. 10-1. Past tense 10-3. Future tense for most verbs 10-5. Future tense and present tense without any conjugation 10-8. The months CALENDAR

160 KoreanFromZero.com 10 New Words 새로운단어 무슨요일언제지금어제오늘내일매일매주매달매년시험 what day of the week? when? now, right now yesterday today tomorrow every day every week every month every year test, exam 10 New Action Verbs 새로운동사 가다 가 to go regular 오다 와 to come regular 10 Grammar 문법 In this lesson we introduce action verbs. Up until now we have learned mostly descriptive verbs. The good news is that the conjugation methods, such as BASIC form, taught in section 6-4 work for both types. 10-1. Past tense Up until this point, we have only used the present tense of verbs to say things like There are 2 cats and It is cold. If we want to say There WERE 2 cats and It WAS cold we need to create the past tense form of the verbs. To make verbs past tense you add ㅆ to the bottom of the BASIC form then add 어.

Korean From Zero! Lesson 10 Future, Past, and Present Tenses 161 1. 어제는추웠어요. 5. 집에있었어요. It was cold yesterday. I was at home. 2. 금요일은더웠어요. 6. 고양이가없었어요. Friday was hot. There wasn t a cat. Without 요 this is a casual sentence. Use with friends only! 3. 그김밥은매웠어요. 7. 그주스는달았어! That gimbap was spicy. That juice was sweet! 4. 이책이어려웠어요. 8. 영화는재미있었어요. This book was difficult. The movie was interesting. NOTE: Sentence #5, #6, and #8 can be tricky. The present tense of verbs like 있다 and 없다 sound similar to the past tense of other verbs. These verbs need a DOUBLE ㅆ어 sound for past tense. 10-2. 가다 (to go), 오다 (to come) The location is marked with the location marker 에. (place) 에가다 / (place) 에오다 go to (place) / come to a (place)

162 KoreanFromZero.com The past tense for 가다 and 오다 follows the pattern taught in the prior grammar point. (using locations) 1. 저는학교에갔어요. 3. 제가친구의집에갔어요. I went to school. I went to a friend s house. 2. 아버지는서울에갔어요. 4. 개가여기에왔어요. My father went to Seoul. The dog came here. Time is marked with the time marker 에. The time marker is exactly the same as the location marker in sound. (time) 에가다 / (time) 에오다 go at (time) / come at (time) (using times) 1. 저는화요일에갔어요. 3. 어머니가목요일에갔어요. I went on Tuesday. My mother went on Thursday. 2. 친구가금요일에왔어요. 4. 토요일에왔어요. My friend came on Friday. I came on Saturday. You can use the time and location markers in the same sentence. (using times and locations) 1. 남동생이화요일에서울에왔어요. My younger brother came to Seoul on Tuesday. 2. 목요일에여동생의집에갔어요. I went to my younger sister s house on Thursday. 3. 제여자친구가토요일에편의점에갔어요. My girlfriend went to the convenience store on Saturday. 4. 저는금요일에태국에왔어요. I came to Thailand on Friday.

Korean From Zero! Lesson 10 Future, Past, and Present Tenses 163 10-3. BASIC future tense and present tense Depending on the context of the sentence BASIC form can be future and present tense. You can force context by adding appropriate time words such as 내일 (tomorrow), 매일 (every day), and 지금 (now). Pay attention to how by changing just ONE word the tense of the sentence changes. 1. 매일가요. I go everyday. This is PRESENT tense because 매일 is used. 2. 내일가요. I will go tomorrow. This is FUTURE tense because 내일 is used. 3. 언제가요? When will you go? This is FUTURE tense because 언제 is used. 4. 내일집에있어요? Will you be at home tomorrow? 5. 지금집에있어요. I am at home now. In spoken Korean using the BASIC form is very common. Example conversation 1. A: 언제한국에와요? B: 금요일에가요. The BASIC form of 오다 (to come) is 와 A: When are you coming to Korea? B: I m going on Friday. 2. A: 수요일에어디에가요? B: 학교에가요. A: Where are you going on Wednesday? B: I will go to school. BASIC form can only be future and present tense. The BASIC form is NEVER past tense. To make past tense you must use the pattern taught in section 10-1. Also, without the proper context BASIC form defaults to present tense.

164 KoreanFromZero.com 10-4. Future tense (will do, going to do) Another way to make future tense verbs is ㄹ / 을거예요 form. This form has benefits over the BASIC future tense since it doesn t require context to make it future tense. ㄹ / 을거예요 for regular, and also 르 irregular verbs, is made using the pattern below. 1. 서울에갈거예요. I will go to Seoul. 2. 수요일에친구가올거예요. My friend is coming on Wednesday. 3. 내일사람이많을거예요. There will be many people tomorrow. 4. 오늘은집에있을거예요. I will be at home today.

Korean From Zero! Lesson 10 Future, Past, and Present Tenses 165 10-5. Future tense for ㅂ ( 비읍 ) irregular verbs ㅂ irregular verbs conjugate into the future tense by removing ㅂ from the stem and then adding 울거예요. NOTE!!! This is 울 not 을. 1. 내일은추울거예요? Will it be cold tomorrow? 2. 금요일은더울거예요. Friday will be hot. 3. 시험이어려울거예요. The test will be hard. 4. 시험이쉬울거예요. The test will be easy. 10-6. ㄹ / 을거예요 for probable future outcomes While it s true that ㄹ / 을거예요 means, I will~, or I am going to~, it is also used to assume probable future outcomes. For example with any descriptive verb, it is more natural to translate ㄹ / 을거예요 to It will probably be~ or It might be~, instead of, It will be~. 1. 내일은추울거예요. Tomorrow will probably be cold. 2. 이김밥은매울거예요. This gimbap might be hot. 3. 시험이어려울거예요. The test might hard. 4. 시험이쉬울거예요. The test will probably be easy.

166 KoreanFromZero.com SUMMARY: To verb to rain or to snow uses the verb 오다 (to come). When 비 (rain) and 눈 (snow) fall, Koreans say it s coming using 오다 (to come). 1. 내일비가올거예요. It will rain tomorrow. 2. 지금눈이와요. It s snowing now. 3. 화요일에비가왔어요. It rained on Tuesday. 4. 어제눈이왔어요. It snowed yesterday. 10-7. A note about the time marker 에 The time marker 에 translates to in, on, or at in relation to times. You should not use time marker 에 with 오늘 (today), 어제 (yesterday), and 내일 (tomorrow). You should use 에 after named times like Sunday, March, or 3pm. NOTE: 에 is often dropped in spoken Korean. 1. 내일한국에가요. I will go to Korea tomorrow. 2. 일요일에친구가와요. On Sunday a friend will come. 3. 어제선생님은여기에있었어요. The teacher was here yesterday. 4. 월요일에시험이없을거예요. There won t be a test on Monday. 10-8. The months Korean months are just Chinese number + 월. For practice, the number part will be hangul. the months (Jan Dec) What month? 몇월 January 일월 1 월 July 칠월 7 월 February 이월 2 월 August 팔월 8 월 March 삼월 3 월 September 구월 9 월 April 사월 4 월 October 시월 (not 십 ) 10 월 May 오월 5 월 November 십일월 11 월 June 유월 (not 육 ) 6 월 December 십이월 12 월

Korean From Zero! Lesson 10 Future, Past, and Present Tenses 167 1. 이월에중국에갔어요. 3. 팔월에비가많이왔어요. I went to China in February. It rained a lot in August. 2. 유월에여기에없을거예요. 4. 십이월에눈이왔어요. I won t be here in June. It snowed in December. 10-9. Every Monday, every January etc. You can add 매주 (every week) in front of any week day, or 매년 (every year) in front of any month, to say things like every Monday, and every January. 1. 매주금요일에서울에가요. I go to Seoul every Friday. 2. 매주일요일에교회에가요. I go to church every Sunday. 3. 매년삼월에병원에가요. I go to the hospital every March. 4. 매년오월이더워요. It s hot every May. 10 Question and Answer 질문과대답 1. 매일학교에가요? Do you go to school everyday? 네, 매일학교에가요. Yes, I go to school everyday. 아니요, 매주월요일에가요. No, I go to school every Monday. 2. 언제서울에와요? When do you come to Seoul? 내일가요. I ll go tomorrow. 저는매일화요일에서울에가요. I go to Seoul every Tuesday.

168 KoreanFromZero.com 저는매달서울에갈거예요. I will go to Seoul every month. 3. 어제날씨가추웠어요? Was the weather cold yesterday? 네, 추웠어요. Yes, it was cold. 아니요, 더웠어요. No, it was hot. 10 Conversation 대화 K-E A: 내일학교에갈거예요? B: 아니요, 집에있을거예요. A: 숙제있어요? B: 아니요, 없어요. A: Will you go to school tomorrow? B: No, I will be at home. A: Do you have homework? B: No, I don t. A: 오늘미국에가요? B: 아니요, 내일갈거예요. A: 언제한국에올거예요? B: 삼월에올거예요. A: Are you going to America today? B: No, I will go tomorrow. A: When will you come to Korea? B: I will come on March.

Korean From Zero! Lesson 10 Future, Past, and Present Tenses 169 A: 오늘추워요? B: 네, 진짜추워요. A: 목요일은추워요? B: 아니요, 금요일이추울거예요. A: Is today cold? B: Yes, it s really cold. A: Will it be cold on Thursday? B: No, it will be cold on Friday. 10 Conversation 대화 E-K A: What day of the week is it today? B: It s Sunday. A: Are you going to go to church? (Will you go to church?) B: Yes, I go every Sunday. A: 오늘은무슨요일이에요? B: 일요일이에요. A: 교회에갈거예요? B: 네, 매주일요일에가요. A: Was there a rice cake on the desk? B: No, there wasn t. A: Well then, what was there? B: There were books. A: 책상위에떡이있었어요? B: 아니요, 없었어요. A: 그럼, 뭐가있었어요? B: 책이있었어요.

170 KoreanFromZero.com A: Did you go to bank yesterday? B: No, I went on Wednesday. A: When will you go to bookstore? B: I will go tomorrow. A: 어제은행에갔어요? B: 아니요, 수요일에갔어요. A: 언제서점에갈거예요? B: 내일갈거예요. 10 Sentence Building 문장만들기 In each lesson we will build on a previous sentence. Watch it grow and transform each time new concepts are introduced. 내일콜라두병을살거예요. I will buy 2 bottles of cola tomorrow. Compare how the sentence has changed from the prior lessons: Lesson 7:. My mother s pizza is cold. Lesson 8:. My mother doesn t have a bag. Lesson 9:. 2 bottles of cola and 3 cups of water please.

Korean From Zero! Lesson 10 Lesson Activities 171 10 Lesson Activities A10-1. Reading comprehension At your current level, you should understand all of the grammar and words in the following sections. If you are struggling to understand them, review this and prior lessons. New words in this comprehension: 리키 (Ricky), 가족 (family) 1 리키는매년칠월에멕시코에가요. 2 멕시코에친구와가족이많아요. 3 리키의아버지는멕시코사람이에요. 4 멕시코는아주예뻐요. Dialogue A: 준호씨언제멕시코에가요? B: 칠월에갈거예요. A: 무슨요일에갈거예요? B: 월요일에갈거예요. A10-2. Reading comprehension questions Answer the following questions about the reading comprehension in the prior section. 1. 준호는언제멕시코에갈거예요? 2. 리키의아버지는어느나라사람이에요? 3. 멕시코에누가많아요?

172 KoreanFromZero.com A10-3. Sentence Jumble Using ONLY the words and particles provided, create Korean sentences that match the English translation. Conjugate verbs and reuse items as needed. 1. 제, 이, 오늘, 오다, 서울, 어제, 절, 가다, 이다, 금요일, 는, 가, 친구, 에, 토요일, 저 My friend will come to Seoul on Friday. I am going to go to a Buddhist temple tomorrow. On Friday and Saturday I went to Seoul. 2. 덥다, 에, 집, 은, 는, 가다, 너무, 이, 가, 십이월, 십일월, 국, 저, 뜨겁다, 제, 의 Will November be hot? (casual) This soup is too hot. I went to my friend s house. 3. 매년, 어머니, 약국, 는, 이, 어렵다, 여기, 제, 가다, 어제, 가, 오다, 숙제, 에, 삼월, 정말 I went to a pharmacy yesterday. My mother comes here every March. This homework was really difficult.

Korean From Zero! Lesson 10 Lesson Activities 173 A10-4. Korean translation Translate the following conversation into English. 1. A: 시험은언제예요? B: 수요일이에요. A: 지금성적이좋아요? B: 아니요나빠요. A: B: A: B: A10-5. English translation Translate the following conversation into Korean. 1. A: What month did your younger brother go to Australia? B: He went in December. A: Does he go every December? B: Yes, he goes every December and May. A: B: A: B:

174 KoreanFromZero.com 10 Vocabulary Builder Keep learning new words. As you learn more grammar you will realize that grammar isn t the hard part. You won t get stuck on grammar, but you will easily get stuck on a word you don t know. Group J: things around the house 집안에있는것 침대 bed 거울 mirror 문 door 창문 windows 텔레비전 ( 티비 ) television 약 medicine 가구 furniture 컴퓨터 computer 에어컨 air conditioning Group K: events 이벤트 생일파티생일파티선물여행결혼식크리스마스설날 ( 설랄 ) day of birth party birthday party present trip, travel wedding Christmas New Year s Day