점심 : XANGO 주스, 1-3 온즈 ( 선택가능한 Eleviv 2 차복용, 2 캡슐 ) 저녁 : XANGO 주스, 1-3 온즈 Eleviv 가정신균형을위해작용하는동안 XANGO 주스와 XANGO 3SIXTY5 육체적인건강을위해작용합 니다. 매일 3 가지보조제를함께복

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What is Eleviv? Eleviv is XANGO s scientifically studied wellness supplement formulated to restore your body s natural vigor, helping you feel cheerful, alert, resilient, vigorous and youthful. Eleviv 는무엇인가요? Eleviv 는 XANGO 의과학적으로연구된건강함을위한 보조제로써당신의몸의활력을자연적으로되찾도록 해주며, 생기를느낄수있게도와주며, 정신이깨어 나고, 회복력있고, 활기차고젊게될수있게제조되 었습니다. How do I take Eleviv? The recommended dosage is 2 capsules daily taken with a meal, up to a maximum of 6 capsules daily. The preferred time of day to consume Eleviv is first thing in the morning so the ingredients can work with your body to maintain normal balance during the most stressful part of your day. Although it is not necessary to consume Eleviv with food, those individuals with sensitive stomachs may find that taking Eleviv with a meal or snack reduces the chance of mild gastrointestinal discomfort (i.e. heartburn). 어떻게 Eleviv 을복용하나요? 권장복용량은하루에음식과함께 2 캡슐이며최대 6 캡슐까지드실수있습니다. 하루중 Eleviv 를드시 기를선호하는시간은제일첫아침입니다 - 그래서구성요소들이당신의몸과함께작용하여하루의일상 중가장스트레스가심할때정상적인균형을유지하도록해줍니다. 그러나 Eleviv 를꼭음식과함께드실 필요는없습니다. 민감한위를가진분들은 Eleviv 를음식이나간식과함께드셨을때가벼운위장불편함을 ( 속쓰림 ) 겪을수있는가능성을감소시켜주는것을발견하실수있을것입니다. How do I take Eleviv with XANGO Juice, XANGO 3SIXTY5 and other supplements? Eleviv can be taken in conjunction with XANGO Juice and XANGO 3SIXTY5 daily. A typical regimen would be as follows: Breakfast: XANGO Juice, 1-3 oz. Eleviv, 2 capsules Lunch: XANGO Juice, 1-3 oz. (Optional 2nd dose of Eleviv, 2 capsules) Dinner: XANGO Juice, 1-3 oz. XANGO Juice and XANGO 3SIXTY5 work together for physical wellness, while Eleviv works on mental balance. Taken daily, all three supplements will create the ideal atmosphere for whole body wellness - mind, body, and balance. Eleviv 와 XANGO 주스또는 XANGO 3SIXTY5 그리고다른보조제들과어떻게섭취해야하나요? Eleviv 는 XANGO 주스나 XANGO 3SIXTY5 와매일결합해서드셔도됩니다. 대표적인식이요법은다음과 같습니다. 아침 : XANGO 주스, 1-3 온즈 Eleviv, 2 캡슐

점심 : XANGO 주스, 1-3 온즈 ( 선택가능한 Eleviv 2 차복용, 2 캡슐 ) 저녁 : XANGO 주스, 1-3 온즈 Eleviv 가정신균형을위해작용하는동안 XANGO 주스와 XANGO 3SIXTY5 육체적인건강을위해작용합 니다. 매일 3 가지보조제를함께복용하면몸전체건강의가장이상적인환경이만들어질것입니다 - 정 신, 육체그리고균형. All XANGO products to date have included xanthones. Will Eleviv include xanthones? No. Eleviv is not intended to replace XANGO Juice. While xanthones and XANGO Juice support internal wellness of our physical body, Eleviv supports internal wellness of mind and balance. Both should be taken together for maximum health and wellness benefits. XANGO Juice and Eleviv together maximize the business building opportunity. 지금까지 XANGO 의모든제품들에는크산톤이포함되었습니다. Eleviv 또한크산톤이포함될것인가요? 아니오. Eleviv 는 XANGO 주스를대신하려는의도가없습니다. 크산톤과 XANGO 주스가육체의내적인 건강을지원하는동안 Eleviv 는내면적인정신과균형의건강을지원합니다. 최대의건강과웰빙혜택을누 리시려면두가지를모두함께드셔야합니다. XANGO 주스와 Eleviv 가더불어최대의사업기회를만들 수있습니다. Is Eleviv all-natural? Yes. Eleviv is a proprietary blend of four ingredients, which are natural extracts from citrus (Citrus sinensis), eurycoma roots (Eurycoma longifolia), and green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis). L-theanine is a naturally-occurring amino acid that is found in green tea leaves. Our capsules are vegetarian based and made from chlorophyll. Eleviv 는천연인가요? 네그렇습니다. Eleviv 는시트러스 ( 오렌지 ), eurycoma root ( 통캇알리 ), 그리고녹차잎 ( 차나무 ) 에서자연적 으로추출한독점적인 4 가지로된혼합구성요소입니다. L- 테아닌는녹차잎에서자연적으로발생하는 아미노산입니다. 저희캡슐은채식주의자바탕으로하는엽록소로만들었습니다. Green tea is normally caffeinated, is this where the energy boost in Eleviv comes from? The green tea extract in Eleviv is decaffeinated. Green tea is a tremendous antioxidant (EGCG) along with having other health benefits. Eleviv s unique four ingredient blend works to enhance metabolic balance and provides you with sustained energy without the side effect of caffeine (crash, jitters, irritability). Essentially, as your metabolic balance is brought back into alignment like when you were younger, you regain the energy of your youth. 녹차는보통적으로카페인이함유되어있는데요, Eleviv 의에너지상승이이것에서비롯됩니까? Eleviv 에있는녹차추출물은카페인이없습니다. 녹차는다른건강혜택이탑재된엄청난항산화제 (EGCG) 입니다. Eleviv 의특출한 4 가지혼합물이신진대사균형을향산시키며카페인으로부터올수있는부작용 ( 돌발적인감소, 안절부절못함, 과민성 ) 들없이지탱하는에너지를제공합니다. 근본적으로, 젊었을때의신 진대사균형이다시돌아와서평행을이룬다면젊었을때의에너지를다시찾을것입니다.

Is Eleviv safe for everyone to use? Eleviv is intended for adult (18 and older) use only. As with any dietary supplement, Eleviv is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. If you have any medical condition or are taking medication, consult with a health care professional prior to use. Eleviv 는모든사람이사용해도안전한가요? Eleviv 는성인 (18 세이상 ) 사용으로의도되었습니다. 다른식이보조제와마찬가지로 Eleviv 는임산부, 수 유부에게는추천하지않습니다. 어떠한의료상의문제가있거나또는약을드신다면복용전에전문의와 상담하십시오. Can I take Eleviv if I am Pregnant/Nursing? Can children take Eleviv? No. Although the ingredients in Eleviv are safe, Eleviv is recommended for adult (18 and older) use only and is not intended for use during pregnancy or by nursing mothers. These recommendations are based on our understanding of the ability of Eleviv to help maintain normal balance in healthy (although stressed) adults. 제가임신중이거나모유수유중이면 Eleviv 를먹어도되나요? 아이들은 Eleviv 를먹어도되나요? 아니오. Eleviv 의구성요소가안전하다고해도 Eleviv 는성인 (18 세이상 ) 에게만권장하며임신중이나모 유슈유중인엄마들의복용은허용되지않았습니다. 이런권장은저희가해석한 Eleviv 의능력을바탕으로 한것으로그것은건강한성인의 ( 스트레스를받기는하지만 ) 정상적인균형을유지하도록도와주는것입니 다. Can Eleviv be used in conjunction with other medications? While the product is safe to consume, it is best to first consult your health care professional before you start taking Eleviv if you are on any type of medication. Eleviv 는다른의료약들과결합되어사용해도되나요? 제품이소비하는데있어안전하지만어떠한약을복용중에계시다면 Eleviv 를드시기시작하시기전에먼 저전문의료인과상담하십시오. Can I take Eleviv if I am also on Menopausal Treatments (i.e. Estrogen/Progesterone, Bio-identical hormones )? If you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications, or if under any medical care, it is always a good idea to discuss adding any new dietary supplement or herbal supplement with your personal healthcare provider, physician, or pharmacist. Eleviv does not influence the female reproductive hormones (estrogen/progesterone). 갱년기치료중일때도 Eleviv 를먹어도되나요? ( 예 : 에스트로겐, 프로게스테론, 생물학적동일한호르몬 ) 어떠한처방된약이나일반의약품이나또는어떠한의료건강관리아래계시다면그어떠한식이보조제나 허브보조제를추가하시기전에담당의료인이나의사또는약사와상의하시는게제일좋은방법입니다. Eleviv 는여성의생식호르몬 ( 에스트로겐, 프로게스테론 ) 에영향을주지않습니다.

Does Eleviv contain steroids, testosterone or other banned substances? No. Eleviv is free of any human growth hormones, steroids, or other substances that have been banned by many sports governing bodies, and particularly for use in athletic training. Eleviv 는스테로이드, 테스토스테론또는다른금지된물질을포함하고있나요? 아니오. Eleviv 는인간성장호르몬, 스테로이드또는스포츠관리협회에서나특별히운동선수트레이닝사 용으로금지된많은물질을포함하고있지않습니다. What are metabolic hormones? There are many metabolic hormones that the body uses and their primary responsibility is to help control energy metabolism. Some of the key hormones are thyroid hormone, cortisol, leptin, and testosterone. These hormones perform various functions including regulating body s temperature, energy and stress-coping mechanism. 물지대사호르몬은무엇인가요? 몸에서는많은물지대사호르몬을사용하고있으며그중주요한책임은에너지대사를관리하도록도와주 는것입니다. 일부의핵심호르몬은갑상샘호르몬, 코티솔, 렙틴그리고테스토스테론입니다. 이호르몬들 은몸의체온조절, 에너지그리고스트레스대처방법등다양한기능을수행합니다. How do metabolic hormones relate to well-being? Well-being is a state of balanced energy levels, mood, and mental function. This balance is achieved by the delicate equilibrium of metabolic hormones. 물지대사호르몬과웰빙과어떠한연관성이있나요? 웰빙은마음의안정적인에너지레벨, 감정그리고정신기능입니다. 이균형은물지대사호르몬의섬세 한평정으로성취됩니다. What type of science exists on this product to back up its claims? Has any of it been published? To-date, four human clinical trials have been conducted, two on the patent-pending combination of Citrus Peel extract and Eurycoma longifolia root extract, and two others on the proprietary four-ingredient blend. These results have shown significant benefits for balance and significant improvements in psychological measures of Vigor (mental, physical, and emotional energy) and have been presented at eight of the top peer-reviewed scientific conferences in the world. These results will be published in scientific journals in the months and years to come. In addition, there are a number of published studies behind each of the active ingredients. 어떠한과학의종류가이제품의주장을뒷받침할수있나요? 출판된게있나요? 지금까지, 4 개의인간임상시험을진행했고, 2 개는껍질을벗긴시트러스추출물과통캇알리추출물이조 합된특허출원증과다른 2 개는독점적인 4 가지의구성요소의혼합입니다. 이것의결과들은균형에뚜렷한 혜택들과심리를측정할수있는활력 ( 정신, 육체, 그리고감정적인에너지 ) 에서뚜렷한개선이있었으며 세계적인과학적회담에서 8 번째의최상의상호검토로소개되었습니다. 이러한결과는과학잡지에몇달 이나몇년후에곧발행될것입니다.

Of the research done to date, have any human clinical trials been conducted? Are there any toxicity studies? So far, four third-party, human clinical studies have been performed on the Eleviv proprietary formulation without any adverse incidents to report. In addition, a wide range of independent laboratory and toxicity studies have been conducted on each individual ingredient none of which have suggested any adverse or toxic effects of the individual ingredients or the 4-ingredient blend found in Eleviv. 지금까지의연구중에인간임상시험을진행했었나요? 유독성에대한연구들은없나요? 지금까지, 4 개의제삼자, 인간임상연구가어떠한부정적인사고보고없이 Eleviv 의독점적인형성에실행 되었습니다. 추가적으로, 폭넓은독립적인실험실과그리고유독성연구들이각각의활성한구성요소들에 게이루어졌습니다 그무엇도 Eleviv 에서발견되는각각의구성요소들이나 4 가지의구성요소혼합물에 대해부정적이거나유독성의영향의대해제안된것이없습니다. How does XANGO ensure that the ingredients we source are untainted, of maximum efficacy, and free of toxins such as mercury? In terms of Quality Assurance, our ingredients are standardized extracts to assure potency and safety. Our ingredients are consistent from batch to batch in terms of active compounds, but are also analyzed for microbials and heavy metals (like mercury). The ingredients in Eleviv have undergone clinical evaluation (feeding to humans) and toxicity analysis. XANGO 는어떻게우리가접하는구성요소들이때묻지않은것과최상의효염성그리고머큐리와같은 유독성무첨가라는것을보장하나요? 품질보증이라는뜻은, 저희의구성요소들은효능과안전을위해추출물을표준화했다는것입니다. 저희 구성요소들은배치와배치사이다시말해완성된합성체들은변함이없습니다, 하지만미생물과중금속 ( 머큐리와같은 ) 들을또한분석합니다. Eleviv 에들어있는구성요소들은임상적인평가와 ( 인간에게공급 ) 유독성분석을통과했습니다. Where can I learn more about Eleviv? Visit our website at xango.com or eleviv.com to learn more about Eleviv. 어디서 Eleviv 에대하여더알수있을까요? 저희웹사이트 xango.com 이나 Eleviv.com 을방문하시면더욱자세히알수있습니다.

Eleviv 을한눈에 인생의새로운속도는우리로하여금높은값을치르게합니다. 기분은빨리침체되고, 압박은끊임없이 쌓이고, 인내심은약해지며, 행복은거의완전하게억제되어졌습니다. 당신은간절하게기분이나아지기를바랄것입니다 - 에너지넘치고, 정신이맑고그리고감정적으로만족 된 - 예전에느꼈던것처럼말입니다. Eleviv 의입장 Eleviv 는과학적으로연구된혼합제조품으로당신의몸의자연적인활기를되찾게합니다 당신이쾌활 하고정신이깨어나고회복력있고활기차고그리고젊게느낄수있도록도와줍니다. 저희의독점적인통캇알리, 시트러스껍질추출물, 녹차추출물그리고제약등급 L- 테아닌식물의혼합은 우리몸이필요로하는많은균형과그리고우리가갈망하는웰빙의느낌을도와주도록증명합니다. 당신의마인드을 Eleviv 와함께승격시키세요. Eleviv Eleviv 는천연포뮬라로당신을다시한번기분좋게만들기위해서디자인되었습니다. Eleviv 는최상의 활력에서오는육체적에너지, 정신적예리함, 그리고감적적인웰빙의신진대사균형을해결하고있습니다. 에너지단계를신장시키고피로감소 정신과육체의스태미나를통해활력촉진 스트레스대처능력개선 기분과웰빙느낌향상 집중력과그리고주의력회복 신진대사균형 과학의깊이 활력단계가간단한과학적인설문이라는 & 프로파일무드스테이트 & (POMS) 로측정되고평가됩니다. 이 런기본적인방법은활력단계의모니터링을통해 - 활력점수로알려진 - 숫자를만듭니다. 몇개의휴먼임상실험이 Eleviv 와함께실시되었습니다. 결과를통해모든활력측정이뚜렷하게개선되어 진것으로나타났습니다. 그리고 Eleviv 에서발견되는활성구성요소들의혜택의대하여지원할수있는연 구들이많이출판되었습니다.