현대조지아 Authentic Georgia 오랜레시피 Vintage Recipe 채식주의자 Vegan 매운음식 Hot & Spicy Hit! Hit Mishiko Zhdunidze 가마르조바, 게나쯔발레 ( 조지어로 여러분, 안녕하세요!») Gamarjoba Genac

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현대조지아 Authentic Georgia 오랜레시피 Vintage Recipe 채식주의자 Vegan 매운음식 Hot & Spicy Hit! Hit Mishiko Zhdunidze 가마르조바, 게나쯔발레 ( 조지어로 여러분, 안녕하세요!») Gamarjoba Genacvale!* 수프라에오신여러분을환영합니다! Welcome to Supra our Georgian restaurant! 블라디보스톡시민분들께이 수프라 라는식당이름은알면서도놀라울것입니다. 모두가아직전설의스포츠카토요타수프라로기억하실테니까요! For Vladivostok residents, this is a familiar and at the same time surprising name for a restaurant. Everyone here still remembers the legendary Toyota Supra sport car! 조지아어로 수프라 는 식탁보 라는뜻입니다. 즉, 축배가끝없이이어지고힝깔리와하차푸리, 바비큐등으로푸짐하게차려져상다리가부러질것만같은조지아전통상차림을예로부터칭한것입니다. 이렇게저희는이름의마법같이, 혹은하늘이내려준신호처럼 «수프라» 라고이름지었습니다. But in the Georgian language supra means a tablecloth. And from the dawn of time this word has been also used for the traditional feast that has become a real performance in Georgia, where abundant table is groaning with khinkali, khachapuri and shashlik and tamada s toasts never end. That is the magic of a name. Or a sign from above. 이렇게밝고행복한식당을만들기위해, 저희는조지아국민의전통요리레시피와가정의레시피를연구했고저희식당의인테리어를위한크고작은소품들을하나씩모아가며조지아에서많은시간을보냈습니다. 트빌리시에서저희는아블라바르지역의 * Hello Friends! in Georgian 부유한단독주택에서오래된문을, 킨즈마라울리포도밭에서벽과입구를장식한 100 년산사페라비포도덩굴을, 바투미에서아자르 ( 공화국 ) 식하차푸리레시피를가져왔고스바네티에서는저희미시코, 페트로, 그리고바하셰프전문인가장매운힝깔리요리의비밀을수집해왔습니다. To create such a sunny and happy restaurant, we have spent plenty of time in Georgia exploring family recipes of the Georgian cuisine and traditions of the Georgian people and gleaning décor articles and accessories for our big Georgian home. We have brought an antique door from a wealthy mansion from Avlabari area of Tbilisi, from Kindzmarauli vineyards a hundred-year-old Saperavi grapevine that has decorated the walls and the entrance, from Batumi an authentic Adjaruli Khachapuri recipe and from Svaneti secrets for spiciest khinkali that are superbly cooked by our Mishiko, Petro and Bakha chefs. 블라디보스톡은저희수프라를사랑하게될것이고, 수프라는이미당신을사랑합니다! Vladivostok will certainly love our Supra and Supra already loves you!

전채요리 Cold Appetizers 게브잘리야 Gebzhalia 술루구니치즈로만든피에이메룰리치즈, 민트들어간요리 Amazing light appetizer to wine: thinly rolled Sulguni cheese pockets filled with fresh Imeretian cheese and mint 350.- / 240 그램 조지아모둠치즈 Georgian Cheese Platter 조지아전통치즈 : 훈제우유치즈술루구니와체칠, 채소와신선한허브를곁들인이메레티산어린치즈 Traditional Georgian cheeses: milk and smoked Sulguni, milk and smoked Chechil, fresh Imeretian cheese with veggies and green 550.- / 190 그램 바드리드자니 Badrijani 익은토마토소스와민트, 나두기치즈 ( 커드치즈 ) 를가지에말아만든롤요리 Eggplant rolls with fresh Nadugi cheese, mint and rich tomato sauce 280.- / 180 그램 아잡산달리 Ajapsandali 찐가지, 토마토, 파프리카를넣고매콤한허브를가미한유명한야채스튜 Classic vegetable stew of eggplant, tomato and bell pepper seasoned with spicy herbs 290.- / 200 그램 카헤티의선물 Kakheti Gifts 향료와매콤한스바네티소금으로양념한농장채소로가득찬상자. 조지아인들은이요리없이식탁에앉지않죠 A box of seasonal farm fresh veggies with fragrant herbs and spicy Svan salt - must-have at every meal in Georgia 590.- / 550 그램 삿씨비 Satsivi 풋호두와메그렐향신료로만든매콤한소스를곁들인부드러운치킨조각 Tender chicken pieces in aromatic spicy sauce made of walnut and Megrelian spices 350.- / 210 그램 바스투르마 Basturma 향신료와신선한허브로조미하여말린얇고매콤한소고기조각 ( 조지아식육포 ) Thin slices of highly seasoned cured beef with spices and herbs 390.- / 140 그램 가정요리용므츠닐리 Homemade Mtsnili 옛날조지아식토마토, 오이, 마늘, 곰마늘, 존졸리, 구리민족식배추절임요리 Tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, ramsons, jonjoli and Gurian cabbage all pickled to an old Georgian recipe 390.- / 300 그램 수프라의카르툴리 ( 조지아민속춤 ) Kartuli Supra 모둠 - 프칼리, 바드리드자니, 삿씨비, 호두사티소스를뿌린달콤한찌짜카 Assorted platter of pkhali, badrijani, satsivi and sweet tsitsaka in nut sarti 470.- / 300 그램

샐러드 Salads 루스타벨리 Rustaveli 신선한야채, 조지아트빌리시스타일견과소스, 사철쑥이들어간샐러드 Fresh vegetables grown in a sunny land, served with Tbilisi-style spicy nut sauce regarded to be a national treasure of Georgia and fragrant tarragon 350.- / 220 그램 텔라비 Telavi 석류주스와향기로운오일을가미하고보랏빛바질과이메레티산풋치즈를곁들인세가지색의토마토샐러드. 조지아에서가장과즙이풍부한토마토가생산되는텔라비출신미미노 ( 소련시기유명한코미디영화의주인공이름 ) 가좋아하는샐러드 Multicolored tomato trio with fresh Imeretian cheese and purple basil dressed with fragrant oil and pomegranate juice. Favorite salad of Mimino (the main character of the eponymous popular Soviet comedy) who was born in Telavi, the land of the juiciest tomatoes in Georgia 300.- / 250 그램 쩨자리제 Caesaridze 보로디노빵조각과술루구니치즈, 방울토마토, 닭고기바베큐에특제소스를곁들인푸짐한샐러드 Crispy lettuce under specialty dressing with chicken kebab chunks, cherry tomatoes, Sulguni cheese and Borodinsky rye bread croutons 290.- / 230 그램 크바렐리 Kvareli 달콤한포도와훈제체칠치즈, 스파이시소스, 구운아몬드가루를곁들인믹스샐러드 Mixed greens with sweet grape, Chechil smoked cheese, seasoned dressing and roasted flaked almonds 320.- / 175 그램 알라자니벨리 Alazani Valley 카헤티오일과체칠치즈를곁들인푸짐한샐러드 Fresh crispy veggies with Kakhetian oil and Chechil cheese 290.- / 210 그램 나물와치즈를넣은쿠타브 Cheese & Green Qutab 밀가루반죽을얇게펴서고수풀과술루구니치즈를넣어후라이펜에볶은빵 Thinly rolled unleavened dough filled with Sulguni cheese and cilantro and pan-fried 150.- / 105 그램 호박쿠타브 Pumpkin Qutab 밀가루반죽을얇게펴서단호박을넣어후라이펜에볶은빵 Thinly rolled dough filled with sweet pumpkin and pan-fried 150.- / 90 그램 Quark and Maple Syrup Qutab 응유와단풍나무시럽쿠타브 Thinly rolled dough filled with quark and pan-fried 밀가루반죽을얇게펴서속에응유를넣어후라이펜에볶은빵 150.- / 90 그램 체브레키 ( 조지아식군만두 ) Chebureki 송아지체브레키 Veal Cheburek 양파와고수, 송아지포스미트를채워넣고기름에튀겨낸반죽이얇고담백한황금빛체브레키 Turnover made from unleavened dough, filled with ground veal, onion and cilantro and deep fried to a golden perfection 190.- / 200 그램 양고기체브레키 Lamb Cheburek 양파와향료, 양고기포스미트를채워넣고기름에튀겨낸반죽이얇고담백한황금빛체브레키 Turnover made from unleavened dough, filled with ground lamb, onion and spices and deep fried to a golden perfection 190.- / 200 그램 따뜻한에피타이저 Hot Appetizers Mashed Potatoes with Sulguni 술루구니치즈를넣은감자퓌레 310.- / 180 그램 아블라바리식돌마 Avlabari Dolma 약간절인포도잎에포스미트와밥을싸마늘소스를곁들인전통음식 Traditional dish of soft-salted grape leaves stuffed with ground meat and rice. Served with garlic sauce 320.- / 160 그램

전통빵 Traditional Breads 조지아식빵쇼티 Shoti Georgian Bread 매콤한스바네티소금과버터에막구워낸따뜻한빵 Hot from the oven, with butter and spicy Svan salt 50.- / 210 그램 오랜스바네티레시피를따라만든굽다리 Kubdari to an Old Svanetian Recipe 조지아향신료와스바네티소금으로양념한다진송아지고기를넣어만든유명한스바네티하차푸리 Celebrated Svanetian khachapuri with chopped veal seasoned with fragrant Svan salt and Georgian spices 350.- / 340 그램 이메레티식하차푸리 Imeruli Khachapuri 술루구니치즈를채워얇게핀페이스트리파이 Thinly rolled-out flatbread stuffed with Sulguni cheese 320.- / 320 그램 메그렐식하차푸리 Megruli Khachapuri 안에는이메레티치즈를, 위에는술루구니치즈를올린둥근페이스트리파이 Circular flatbread stuffed with Imeretian cheese and topped with Sulguni crust 380.- / 350 그램 페노바니푸리 Penovani Puri 술루구니치즈를넣어만든푸짐한퍼프페이스트리파이하차푸리 Crispy fluffy khachapuri made of puff pastry with Sulguni cheese 320.- / 310 그램 파와마늘하차푸리 Sping Onion and Garlic Khachapuri 반죽속에조지아이메레티치즈, 향기로운파와마을오일을넣고위에슬로구니치즈를덮어만든동그란파이 Khachapuri - Circular flatbread stuffed with Imeretian cheese and topped with Sulguni crust, seasoned with fragrant onion and garlic butter 290.- / 400 그램 아자르식하차푸리 Adjaruli Khachapuri 이메레티산치즈와술루구니치즈, 녹인버터, 살짝익힌달걀노른자를올려만든돛단배모양페이스트리파이. 하차푸리는오직손으로만파이를잘라촉촉한소에적셔서먹습니다 Bread in an open boat shape stuffed with Imeretian and Sulguni cheese and topped with melting butter and lightly cooked egg yolk. The best way to eat khachapuri is with your hands, ripping off the sides of the boat and dipping them into the oozy filling 350.- / 300 그램 호박페노바니푸리 Pumpkin Penovani Puri 폭신한반죽속에단호박을넣은하차푸리 Crispy puff pastry khachapuri with pumpkin filling 290.- / 260 그램

깡칼리 Khinkali ٠ 송아지와돼지고기힝깔리 1 pc. / 105 그램 / 70.- Beef & Pork ٠ 양고기힝깔리 1 pc. / 105 그램 / 70.- Lamb ٠ 다진고기와매운고추가 1 pc. / 105 그램 / 70.- 들어간스바네티힝깔리 Svanetian with Chopped Meat & Hot Pepper ٠ 양고기와사철쑥이들어간힝깔리 1 pc. / 105 그램 / 70.- Lamb & Tarragon ٠ 어린양토마토 1 pc. / 105 그램 / 70.- Lamb and tomatoes ٠ 튀김송아지와 1 pc. / 105 그램 / 70.- Fried with veal ٠ 새우 1 pc. / 105 그램 / 120.- Shrimps

양념케밥 Lula-Kebab 소스 Sauces 빨간살구뜨께말리 Red Cherry Plum Tkemali 30.- / 30 그램 Hit! 닭고기와버섯 Chicken and mushrooms 360.- / 150 그램 / 120 그램 Hit! 양고기 Lamb 490.- / 150 그램 / 120 그램 송아지고기 Veal 390.- / 150 그램 / 120 그램 파란살구뜨께말리 Green Cherry Plum Tkemali 30.- / 30 그램 풍부한석류과즙나르샤랍소스 Narsharab Pomegranate Sauce 30.- / 30 그램 마늘 & 허브마쪼니 ( 조지아요거트 ) 소스 Garlic & Herb Matsoni 30.- / 30 그램 사쩨벨리소스 Satsebeli 30.- / 30 그램 석류향신료소스 Pomegranate Ajika 30.- / 30 그램

곁들임요리 Side Dishes 마차켈라 Machakheli 화로에구운파프리카, 가지, 토마토, 흰양파등의채소를라바시 ( 조지아식또띠아 ) 와매콤한토마토소스에곁들여먹는요리 Grilled vegetables: sweet pepper, eggplant, tomatoes and white onion; served with spicy tomato sauce and lavash flatbread 150.- / 270 그램 / 40 그램 화로바베큐 ( 샤슬릭 ) Shashlik Grilled over Mangal 양고기 Lamb 590.- / 170 그램 / 120 그램 뼈붙은양고기 Lamb on Bone 650.- / 180 그램 / 120 그램 닭고기 Chicken 290.- / 170 그램 / 120 그램 돼지고기 Pork 390.- / 170 그램 / 120 그램 송아지고기 Veal 490.- / 170 그램 / 120 그램 카츠벡 Kazbek 향신료를가미해버터에볶아낸고르스크식감자요리 Mountain-style potato wedges fried in butter with ajika 150.- / 170 그램 샤르다니감자 Shardani 조지아향신료가들어간구운감자 Barbecue potato foil with Georgian spices 150.- / 160 그램 감자케밥 Potato Kebab 150.- / 160 그램

수프 Soups 양고기하쵸 Lamb Kharcho 매콤한카프카즈채소와쌀, 허브를가미하여어린양의다릿살로만든진하고묽은조지아수프. 에피타이저나메인디쉬, 또는점심, 저녁으로모두좋습니다 Georgian thick spicy soup with lamb leg, herbs, rice and Caucasian spices. Goes equally good as the first and the main course, both for lunch and for dinner 520.- / 470 ml 양고기미트볼콩수프 Bean soup with lamb meatballs 빨간콩과양고기미트볼드러가있는톱톱한양고기국물 Rich soup with lamb broth,red beans and lamb meatballs 350.- / 390 ml 카헤티식카슬라마 Kakhetian Khashlama 허브, 마늘, 삶은송아지고기가들어가는기름이진한맑은수프 Rich clear broth with herbs, garlic and boiled veal chunks 350.- / 400 ml 송아지하쵸 Veal Kharcho 쌀, 허브, 매콤한카프카즈향료를가미한조지아전통송아지고기수프 Traditional Georgian spicy soup with rice, herbs, veal and Caucasian spices 390.- / 300 ml 듀쉬바라 Dushbara 조지아식양고기만두를넣은닭육수 fragrant chicken broth with mini lamb khinkali 250.- / 330 ml 아차룰리 ( 조지아춤 ) Acharuli 맑은닭고기육수에삶은계란이들어가는수영풀 ( 소랄 ) 수프 Sorrel soup with clear chicken stock and boiled egg 250.- / 350 ml

보즈바쉬 Bozbash 양갈비, 야채, 쌀이들어간고기수프 Strong meat broth with lamb rack, vegetables and rice 480.- / 450 그램 수프 Soups 송아지하쵸 Khapi 쌀, 허브, 매콤한카프카즈향료를가미한조지아전통송아지고기수프 Creamy soup of baked pumpkin with crunchy pumpkin seeds and smoked Chechil cheese 250.- / 210 그램

차슈슐리 Chashushuli 토마토, 파프리카, 양파, 고수, 마늘, 레드핫소스, 고추와함께조린맛있는송아지고기요리 Mouth-watering pieces of young veal stewed with tomatoes, bell pepper, onion, cilantro, garlic, red ajika and chili 350.- / 300 그램 차나히 Chanakhi 토마토, 마늘, 매운고추, 허브와함께가지, 감자, 파프리카, 부드러운양고기를작은옹기에넣고쪄낸요리 Tender lamb chunks, sweet pepper, potatoes and eggplant stewed in a clay pot with tomatoes, garlic, red hot pepper and herbs 390.- / 350 그램 핫디쉬 Main Course 메그렐식오자후리 Megrelian Ojakhuri 감자, 토마토, 핫소스, 스바네티소금, 허브를가미한홈메이드돼지고기구이 Family meal of roasted pork with potatoes, tomatoes, ajika, Svan salt and herbs 330.- / 330 그램 고도레비 Godorebi 양고기, 토마토, 홈메이드생치즈 Melting lamb chunks slow simmered au jus with tomatoes and fresh home-made cheese 450.- / 290 그램 차코크빌리 Chakhokhbili 양파와향신료를첨가하여잘익은토마토소스에구운닭고기요리 Fried chicken pieces in ripe tomato sauce seasoned with onion and spices 350.- / 290 그램 츠크메룰리 Chqmeruli 시골마을츠크메리아의오랜레시피에따라레드핫소스, 마늘, 스바네티소금을첨가하여크림에구워낸어린닭고기요리 Chicken roasted to an age-old recipe of Chkmeri village in cream sauce with red ajika, garlic and Svan salt 350.- / 230 그램

토르니케 Tornike 호두와삶은연유로만든홈메이드쇼트브레드스낵 Home-made shortcrust pastry nuts filled with Dulce de Leche and walnut 330.- / 240 그램 디저트 Desserts 추르취헬라 Churchkhela 호두를실에꿰어진한포도주스에담가말린달콤하고쓴맛의조지아민족디저트 Classic sweet and pride of Georgia made from thickened grape juice and walnut 150.- / 80 그램 차에타먹는조지아식아자르잼 Georgian Varenye (Fruit Preserve) from Adjara 산사나무열매, 뽕나무열매, 호도, 귀룽나무흰색열매, 전나무열매 Cornel / Mulberry / Walnut / White Cherry / Fir-Cone 350.- / 150 ml 펠로무쉬 Pelomushi 래드포도주스로만들어진조지아전통디저트 traditional Georgian dessert made of red grape juice 180.- / 150 그램

Vladivostok, Admiral Fokin Street, 1B +7 (432) 22 777 22 12:00-24:00 Download the application,