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AVCJ Private Equity & Venture Forum AVCJ 사모투자및벤처포럼 Global Perspective, Local Opportunity 글로벌관점으로보는현지의기회 Korea Forum 한국포럼 7 September, Four Seasons Hotel, Seoul 2018 년 9 월 7 일, 포시즌스호텔서울 2018 SERIES AVCJ Private Equity & Venture Forum - Korea has established itself as the premier international event in Seoul focusing on private market investing. Join more than 250 senior professionals from the global alternative investments industry for a day of thoughtprovoking discussion and focused sessions on market trends. Network and connect with 100+ LPs looking to commit capital to private markets across the globe. AVCJ PE VC 한국포럼은사모투자중심의글로벌프리미엄이벤트로자리잡았습니다. 글로벌대체투자분야고위급전문가 250여분과함께다양한화두를제시하는논의와시장트렌드중심의세션에참여하시고, 사모시장투자기회를찾는전세계 100+ 곳의 LP와소통하실수있습니다. 2017 Forum key statistics 2017년포럼주요통계 : 275+ Delegates 참석자 33 Speakers 연사 9 Countries 개국가 170+ Companies 기업 100+ LPs The Forum will be conducted with simultaneous translation in English and Korean 한국어와영어동시통역제공 www.avcjforum.com/korea Join your peers 동료투자자들과함께하세요 #avcjkorea

Sponsors 후원업체 Asia Series Sponsor 아시아연속후원업체 Co-Sponsors 협력후원업체 Exhibitor 기술후원 Supporting Organizations 지원기관 Media s 미디어파트너 Sponsorship opportunities 스폰서참여안내 The AVCJ Forum offers a range of standard and bespoke sponsorship packages that can be tailored to suit your company s budget and business objectives. For more information please contact Darryl Mag on +852 2158 9639 or sponsorship@avcj.com AVCJ포럼은귀사의예산과목적에알맞은일반형 / 맞춤형스폰서십패키지를제공하고있습니다. 담당자 Darryl Mag 에게문의주십시오. (Tel) +852 2158 9639 (E-mail) sponsorship@avcj.com

Benefits of attending include 한국포럼에참여하시면 : Network with 110 global and local institutional investors looking to meet fund managers and make commitments across alternatives Debate the future macro outlook, as well as how investors remain successful during a period of volatility Unlock new opportunities in the South Korean private equity market, from corporate carve-outs to middle-market opportunities Uncover the emerging domestic LP universe and how you can differentiate yourselves to secure commitments Identify strategies to deliver an alpha-generating portfolio 자산운용사와의접촉을통해대체투자기회를물색중인국내외 110 곳의기관투자자들과교류하실수있습니다. 급변하는시장환경의거시적전망과투자자들의성공비결이논의됩니다. 기업분할과미들마켓등국내사모펀드 (PE) 시장내새로운기회를발굴하실수있습니다. 위상이높아지고있는국내 LP 네트워크를구축하고투자유치를위한차별화방법을모색하실수있습니다. 추가수익창출을위한포트폴리오실현전략을수립하실수있습니다. 2017 Attending Companies 지난해참석해주신분들입니다 : 4th Creative Party Aberdeen Korea Aberdeen Standard Investments Adams Street s Affinity Equity s AIG Korea Altos Ventures Alvarez & Marsal Anbang International Ansarada Aon Korea Ascendas Asset Ascendas Korea Austrade Seoul Axiom Asia Private Capital Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Banks Foundation for Young Entrepreneurs BDA s BlackRock Bloomberg Brothers Angel Club Buzzvil Campbell Lutyens Asia Pacific Limited Carlyle Group CD&R (Asia) CDH Investments CITIC Capital s CJ Group CJ Logistics Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Coller Capital Colony NorthStar Construction Workers Mutual Aid Association CPPIB Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank Dongbu Insurance Dongbu Life Donnelley Financial Solutions Doosan East India Capital Elekwuwa Associate Company ERM Korea EverBest s Export Import Bank of Korea First Avenue s Fisher Investments Japan Glendevon Advisors Global M&A Center (KOTRA) Government Employees Pension Service (GEPS) Green Cross Holdings GS Shop Gyeonggi Provincial Government Halla Hamilton Lane Hanwha Asset Hanwha Life HarbourVest s Korea Hogan Lovells International HQ Capital Asia Huchems Fine Chemical Corporation Hyosung Hyundai Insurance Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Hyundai Motor IBK Securities ICG IMM Private Equity Insight Equity Intermediate Capital Asia Pacific Invest Chosun Investor, Korea Herald Isola Capital Jawara,s Trading JC & s Kakao Investment KB Alloy KB Insurance KCA Capital KDB M&A/ PE KEIP KG Inicis/ KG Mobilians KG Logis KG Mobilians KIAT Korea Business Angel Association Korea Development Bank Korea Economic Daily Korea Fire Officials Credit Union Korea Growth Investment Corp. Korea I&S Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology Korea Investment Corporation (KIC) Korea Post Korea Post Insurance Korea Venture Investment Corp. Korean Teachers Credit Union Korean Venture Capital Association KOTRA KPMG Kyobo Life L Catterton Asia LB Investment Lee & Ko LG Chem LGT Capital s Lindeman Asia Investment Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets Marsh MBK s Meritz Merrill Corporation Military Mutual Aid Association Ministry of Employment and Labor Mirae Asset Global Investments MUFG Mvision National Assembly Navis Capital s NH Investment & Securities NICE Group Nikkei Inc. NOROO Holdings NSW Trade and Investment Seoul Ontario Teachers Pension Plan (Asia) PAG Asia Capital, Seoul s Group Pavilion Capital Peninsula House Permira Advisers (China) Permira Debt Managers Portfolio Advisors (HK) Public Officials Benefit Association (POBA) Q Capital s Quintessa Investment Reuters Rich Ventures Ropes & Gray LLP Foreign Legal Consultant Office Samsung Asset Samsung C&T Samsung Electronics Samsung Life Insurance Samsung Venture Investment Samyang Seoul Metropolitan Government Shin & Kim Shinhan Bank Simone Investment SK Engineering & Construction SK Supex SK Telecom SKC Smilegate Investment SparkLabs Spartina s Standard Chartered Private Equity StepStone Group Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Investment Sunjin Synergy IB Investment TA Associates TCK Investment Tencent Terra Firma Capital s Timewise Investment Tokyo University of Science Top Tier Capital s TransLink Capital Unison Capital Vicidice s VIG s Woori Bank

Speakers 연사 Leading GPs and LPs confirmed are 확인된주요 GP 와 LP 들은 : Mark Barnhill PLATINUM EQUITY Greg Belonogoff Principal CARVAL INVESTORS Nicholas Bloy Co-Founder and Managing NAVIS CAPITAL PARTNERS Jeffrey Diehl Managing & Head of Investments ADAMS STREET PARTNERS Pamela Fung Executive Director MORGAN STANLEY ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT PARTNERS Raj Ganguly Co-Founder & B CAPITAL GROUP Najeeb Haider Manager, Investment Operations Department III ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK (AIIB Jay Huh Head of Global Private Equity Investments KOREA INVESTMENT CORPORATION (KIC) 허재영, 사모주식팀, 팀장, 한국투자공사 James Huang Managing PANACEA VENTURE; Managing KPCB CHINA Dong Hun Jang Chief Investment Officer PUBLIC OFFICIALS BENEFIT ASSOCIATION (POBA) 장동헌, 사업부이사장, 대한지방행정공제회 Wooseok Jun Managing Director, Head of Korea Equity and Mezzanine ICG Boyoung Kim Associate, Leader of Korea Private Equity/ Principal Investing Practice MCKINSEY & COMPANY, KOREA OFFICE Jinyo (J.Y) Jung Deputy Director INVEST KOREA (KOTRA 정진요, 전문위원, INVEST KOREA (KOTRA) Jamie Kim Managing Director ADM CAPITAL Mike Kim Vice President BLACKROCK 김민기, 부문장, 블랙록자산운용 Seung-Ho Kim Managing Director HYUNDAI MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE 김승호, 상무, 현대해상화재보험 Shin Kim, Hong Kong & Seoul STEPSTONE GROUP Soomin Kim UNISON CAPITAL 김수민, 파트너, 유니슨캐피탈 For the latest confirmed speakers visit: www.avcjforum.com/korea 현재까지확정된연사를보시려면 www.avcjforum.com/korea/kr 을방문해주세요

Speakers 연사 Leading GPs and LPs confirmed are 확인된주요 GP 와 LP 들은 : Yi-Dong Kim KPMG KOREA 김이동, 전무이사, 삼정회계법인 Bert Kwan Managing Director NORTHSTAR GROUP Chulmin Lee Managing VIG PARTNERS 이철민, 대표 / 파트너, VIG 파트너스 Howard (Hyun) Lee Managing Director / Head of BDA Seoul Office BDA PARTNERS Hae-Joon Joseph Lee & CIO IMM PRIVATE EQUITY, INC 이해준, 부사장, CIO, IMM PRIVATE EQUITY, INC Jake (Jong Kwan) Lee Head of Infrastructure, Alternative Investment Department HYUNDAI INSURANCE Jay Hyun Lee Managing Director, Principal Investment Area GOLDMAN SACHS Richard Lee Senior, Leader of Korea Private Equity/ Principal Investing Practice MCKINSEY & COMPANY, KOREA OFFICE Sunil Mishra ADAMS STREET PARTNERS Heeeun Park Principal ALTOS VENTURES Allard Ruijs DIF Emmett Thomas, Head of Asia ADVANTAGE PARTNERS Ranjit Shah Managing and Co-founder GAJA CAPITAL Eric Xin Senior Managing Director and Managing CITIC CAPITAL Julie Yoon Director MINTZ GROUP Philip SJ Yoon Head of Overseas Corporate Finance Team KOREAN TEACHERS CREDIT UNION 윤승준, 기업금융부기업금융 2 팀장, 한국교직원공제회 David York Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director TOP TIER CAPITAL PARTNERS For the latest confirmed speakers visit: www.avcjforum.com/korea 현재까지확정된연사를보시려면 www.avcjforum.com/korea/kr 을방문해주세요

Programme 7 September 2018 08.15 08.50 09.00 Registration and refreshments Welcome address Private markets in 2018/19 Investors worldwide have flooded private markets with capital, triggering ever larger and faster fund raises across strategies, sectors, and regions. Amid intense competition, GPs need to maintain discipline and focus on entry valuations, while maximising value creation. Our panel examines the investment environment in 2018, Asia s response to events, and how private investors can thrive in the current climate. How is geopolitics impacting the investment landscape? Where does Asia fit globally? What is the impact of prolonged high valuations? How has this affected the investment cycle? What opportunities offer the best returns? How is the exit market evolving across Asia? 10.00 Networking coffee break 10.30 10.40 11.30 12.15 13.15 13.45 Korea: Where success has no limits South Korea: Asia s consistent performer South Korea s private equity market is flourishing, buoyed by investors at home and abroad. Deal flow is surging at every level led by chaebols restructuring, succession deals, and local players seeking partners to reach the next level. The bullish outlook is underpinned by robust exits via every channel. Our panel of experts assess the potential. What are the most interesting opportunities from chaebol restructuring? Where is the proprietary small- and mid-cap deal flow? How are cross-border strategies faring? What challenges do GPs face? How do GPs develop compelling digital strategies for value creation? How are successful GPs exiting their investments? South Asian private equity update In this session, experts will deliver country-specific updates to showcase the opportunities, risks, expected returns, and sectors for investors who are evaluating these markets and looking for partners. Countries include: Indonesia Thailand Vietnam India Networking lunch The continued rise of South Korean private equity Global venture: The next wave of disruptive innovation Global venture looks set to scale a new peak. Digital transformation of the world s major economies and disruptive innovation are providing fresh opportunities for historic returns. As more players crowd in, and early and late stage propositions face off, venture capital retains its allure. Our panel of venture capital experts discuss the current conditions and future expectations, including exciting sectors and how South Korean LPs should invest in today s market. Blockchain, AI, machine learning, and big data How do these impact business? Where are the most interesting innovations? Which sectors offer the greatest rewards? Where does South Korea fit in global venture capital? How can local venture capitalists go global? How is the makeup of LPs changing? What IRR can LPs expect from venture capital in today s market? How should investors value their assets? 14.30 15.45 16.30 Simultaneous interpretation in Korean and English The development of credit and debt strategies Private credit and debt is an increasingly attractive asset class. GPs have raised big funds for strategies spanning direct lending, distressed and stressed debt, infrastructure and real estate debt, and mezzanine. Despite rising interest rates and stiff competition, opportunities abound, and LPs appetites continue to grow. Our panel offers insights into prospects and strategies worldwide. What are the different debt strategies available to LPs? What are the risks/returns propositions for each strategy? Which sectors offer the most promise for debt investors? Will expected interest rates hikes create challenges or opportunities? What are returns like globally and in Asia? 15.15 Networking coffee break Hot sector focus: Opportunities in infrastructure More capital is expected to pour in the infrastructure space with investors worldwide confident of growth despite growing protectionism and closing markets. How will fund managers deal with current challenges including record levels of dry powder, competition for deals from mega-lps, and a fitful pipeline of large-cap opportunities and remain successful? Our panel of experts will discuss the year ahead for global infrastructure investing. What effect could rising interest rates have on global infrastructure? How could trade issues and protectionism affect global infrastructure opportunities? How has the infrastructure landscape evolved and does this affect fund managers approaches? What geographies and sectors are most interesting? How does South Korea compare? How can domestic LPs select the right partners and venues for infrastructure investments? LPs views: What, where, and why to invest in alternatives in 2018 and beyond South Korean LPs have become seasoned alternatives investors, accessing multiple strategies. Some are reviewing the asset class faced with expected interest rate rises, high valuations, and potential market correction. Meanwhile, newer LPs with nascent programmes present a new source of capital for GPs. Our panel of domestic LPs share their views on the current market and discuss where they are looking for alpha. Which assets classes, geographies, and strategies interest LPs most? Are more LPs making larger allocations to Asia as it is getting matured? Big buyout or modest mid-cap? Regional or country specific? Niche or generalist? How do LPs consider the various debt strategies available in the market? What do LPs look for in co-investment? How should they approach this? How important is currency risk to portfolio management? 17.30 Closing remarks and networking cocktail

한국어와영어동시통역제공 프로그램 2018 년 9 월 7 일 08.15 08.50 09.00 입장및간단한다과 환영사 2018 년 / 2019 년사모시장 자금력을갖춘전세계투자자들이사모투자시장에주목하며전략, 산업, 지역전반에서그어느때보다큰규모의자금이보다빠르게투입됐다. 경쟁이치열한가운데 GP는신중을기해낮은밸류에이션에투자하는한편, 최대한의가치를창출해야한다. AVCJ 패널은 2018년투자환경, 주요사건에대한아시아투자자의반응, 그리고사모투자자들의성공전략등에대해논의한다. 지정학적요소가투자환경에미치는영향 세계사모투자시장내아시아의위치 높은밸류에이션지속세의영향과투자주기에대한영향 수익극대화를위한투자기회 아시아투자회수시장의진화 10.00 네트워킹커피휴식 10.30 10.40 11.30 한국 : 그성공의한계는없다 아시아의안정적인사모시장, 한국 한국사모시장은국내외투자자들사이에서전성기를누리고있다. 재벌기업의활발한사업구조조정, 기업승계활동과현지기업들의성장을위한파트너물색등의요인에힘입어한국의딜흐름은사모시장전반에서증가하고있다. 또한 PE 투자회수역시탄탄한흐름을보여밝은전망에힘을싣고있다. AVCJ 전문가패널이한국시장의잠재력을평가한다. 재벌기업사업구조조정에서주목할만한기회 내실있는스몰캡, 미드캡딜이이뤄지는분야 크로스보더전략의현위치및 GP가직면한난제 가치창출을위한 GP의매력적인디지털전략개발법 성공적인 GP들의투자회수전략 동남아시아사모시장업데이트 해당세션에서는전문가들이동남아시아시장진출을검토하고파트너를물색중인투자자를위해국가별투자기회, 리스크, 기대수익률등을점검한다. 이세션에서는다음의동남아시아시장이논의된다 : 인도네시아 베트남 태국 인도 12.15 네트워킹오찬 14.30 15.45 16.30 크레딧, 채권전략의진화 크레딧과채권이점차투자매력을더해가고있다. GP는대출, 부실채권, 인프라, 부동산채권, 메자닌등에투자해대규모자금을유치해왔다. 금리인상과경쟁심화에도불구하고기회는도처에존재하며, LP의투자관심도지속증가하고있다. AVCJ패널은글로벌전망과전략에대한통찰을제공한다. LP가참고할만한다양한채권전략 각전략의리스크 / 수익전략 채권투자분야의유망한섹터 금리인상전망은기회인가, 리스크인가? 글로벌, 아시아수익률전망치 15.15 네트워킹커피휴식 핫섹터스페셜 : 인프라투자기회 날로심화되는보호무역주의와시장폐쇄에도불구하고, 전세계투자자들의성장에대한믿음을바탕으로인프라분야에는대규모자금이유입될것으로예상된다. 사상최고수준의유동성, 초대형 LP 간의딜경쟁, 수요에비해부족한대규모딜기회등여러위기가산재한가운데펀드운용사들은어떻게대처하고성공을이끌어낼까? AVCJ 패널은향후글로벌인프라투자전망을논의한다. 금리인상이글로벌인프라시장에미치는영향 무역분쟁과보호무역주의가글로벌인프라투자기회에미치는영향 인프라투자의변화과정과이변화가펀드운용사의접근법에미치는영향 가장유망한지역과분야, 이들과한국의차이점 국내 LP들의인프라투자파트너와투자지역선택방법 LP 의관점 : 2018 년과이후투자해야하는대체자산, 지역과그이유 국내 LP들의대체투자역사가길어지며이들은다양한전략을구사하고있다. 금리인상전망, 높은밸류에이션, 시장조정가능성등의난제를직면한상황에서이들일부는대체자산투자를검토중이다. 한편, 비교적초기단계의투자프로그램을갖춘신흥 LP는 GP에게는새로운투자자군으로부상했다. AVCJ 의국내 LP패널은현재의시황과이들이알파수익을물색중인분야에대한견해를공유한다. LP들이주목하는자산군, 지역, 전략 : 성숙기에들어선아시아시장에더많은 LP들이투자를확대하는가? 라지캡과미드캡 : 지역별과국가별 : 특정산업과섹터전반? 다양한채권전략에대한 LP들의견해및투자기준? 공동투자에서 LP가원하는것과이들의공동투자접근법? 포트폴리오관리에서환율리스크의중요성? 17.30 폐회사네트워킹칵테일 13.15 13.45 한국사모펀드의성장과한국경제로의기여 글로벌 VC: 차세대파괴적혁신의물결 글로벌벤처캐피탈 (VC) 은새로운정점을찍을준비가된것으로보인다. 세계주요국가들의디지털변혁과파괴적혁신으로전례없는수익률을달성할기회가창출됐다. 보다많은시장참여자들이몰리면서투자전략과투자회수전략이맞물리며 VC는매력을되찾았다. AVCJ의 VC 전문가패널은유망한산업과현상황에서의국내 LP의투자방향등을포함, 현재의상황과향후전망에대해논의한다. 블록체인, 인공지능 (AI), 머신러닝, 빅데이터가산업전반에미치는영향 주목할만한혁신이발생하는분야와수익률극대화가가능한분야 글로벌 VC분야에서한국의위치와현지 VC의글로벌시장진출방안 LP 구성의변화 LP가현상황에서 VC에기대할수있는내부수익률 (IRR) 과투자자의자산밸류에이션산정방향 온라인등록 : www.avcjforum.com/korea/kr

AVCJ Private Equity & Venture Forum AVCJ 사모투자및벤처포럼 Global Perspective, Local Opportunity 글로벌관점으로보는현지의기회 Booking details 예약세부사항 If you have a discount code, please insert: If 割引コードをお持ちの場合は こちらにご入力ください you have a discount code, please insert: : Email this form to book@avcj.com Standard rate 일반등록 US$1,355 Fees include refreshments, luncheon, evening reception and all conference documents. 요금에는간단한간식, 오찬, 저녁리셉션및모든컨퍼런스문서가포함됩니다. Registration details 등록정보 귀하의세부정보를대문자로아래기재란에기입하시거나귀하의명함을첨부해주시길바랍니다. Please complete your details below in BLOCK CAPITALS or attach your business card. Mr/Mrs/Ms 호칭 First name 성함 Last name 성 Job title 직위 Company 회사명 Address 주소 City 도시 Country 국가 Post/zip code 우편번호 Telephone 전화 Fax 팩스 E-mail 이메일 I plan to attend the Evening cocktail reception on Friday, 7 September at 17:50 9월 7일금요일오후 5시 50분이브닝칵테일리셉션에참석하겠습니다. Yes 예 No 아니오 Payment details 등록비결제방식 Credit card 신용카드결제 : (US$) Visa 비자 MasterCard 마스터카드 American Express 아메리칸익스프레스 Card no. 카드번호 Expiry date 유효기간 Credit card country issue 신용카드발급국가 Security code 보안코드 Credit card billing address 청구지주소 Name on card 소지인성명 Signature 서명 Cancellation/refund policy: A cancellation charge of US$300 is applicable to written cancellations received on or before 24 August 2018. No refund will be made for cancellations after the date due to our advance guaranty obligations and administration costs. If you do not attend the event or notify us of your intention to cancel, the full fee will still be payable. A substitute delegate is welcome but the organiser MUST be notified in advance of the meeting to avoid incurring a charge. Substitutions may NOT be made at the meeting. Pay in advance: We will include registrants names on the official delegate list if we have received your registration fees on or before 31 August 2018. All payments should be made within 14 days from your invoice date. Regrettably, no entrance will be permitted for payments not received before the events take place. 취소 / 환불정책 : 2018년 8월 24일이전에서면취소요청시 300달러의취소수수료가부과됩니다. 명시된날짜이후취소시선지급의무및운영비용등으로인해환불이이루어지지않음을양지해주시기바랍니다. 명시일이후에는행사당일불참하시거나불참의사를사전통지하셨어도전액납부하셔야합니다. 대리참석은가능하나, 수수료발생을피하시려면사전에주최측에통보해주시기바랍니다. 당일회의장에서의대리참석은불가할수있습니다. 선납 : 2018년 8월 31일까지등록비를납부하신분들은공식참석자명단에포함됩니다. 모든등록비는청구일로부터 14일내에결제해야합니다. 행사시작전에결제가이루어지지않을경우입장하실수없습니다. Venue and Accommodation 행사장 / 숙소 Four Seasons Hotel Seoul 포시즌스호텔서울 Address: 97, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03183 Korea / www.fourseasons.com/seoul 주소 : 서울시종로구새문안로 97 / www.fourseasons.com/seoul A limited number of rooms at the Hotel have been reserved at a special rate of Deluxe Room from - KRW300,000 per room per night for Single Occupancy. (Room rate is subject to room availability and 10% service charge) for AVCJ Forum participants on a first-come firstserved basis. Please book your room directly with the hotel and identify yourself as an AVCJ Forum participant to qualify for the rate 비즈니스디럭스킹객실의경우한정된수의객실을특별요금으로이용할수있습니다.( 싱글룸 : 객실당 1박에 300,000원 ) 객실요금은객실이용가능여부에따라변동될수있으며, 10% 의봉사료가포함되지않은가격입니다. 특별요금객실은 AVCJ 포럼참가자에게선착순으로제공됩니다. 호텔에직접객실을예약하시기바라며, 해당요금을적용받는 AVCJ 포럼참가자라고말씀해주시기바랍니다. 객실취소 : - 예약시신용카드보증금이필요합니다. - 당일에투숙하지않거나투숙일로부터 24 시간전에취소하지않는예약자에게는예약된객실에대한요금전액과관련서비스요금이부과됨을알려드립니다. AVCJ 사모투자및벤처연례포럼은참가자의이동및숙박에대한책임을지지않습니다. Please note AVCJ Private Equity & Venture Forum does not bear the responsibility for participants travel and accommodation arrangements. Contact us 연락처 Room Cancellation policy - A credit card guarantee is required at the point of reservation. - Please note that full period of reserved room blocks plus applicable service charge will be levied to any no show on expected arrival day or if cancellation is made less thank 24 hours prior to arrival date. To book your room, please contact and email to: 객실을예약하시려면다음이메일이나전화번호로연락주십시오 : 지배인정승연 (Helen Jung) Sales Manager 전화 E: +82 2 6388 5014 팩스 T: +82 2 6388 5700 이메일 E-mail: helen.jung@fourseasons.com Registration enquiries 등록문의 : Anil Nathani t: +852 2158 9636 e: book@avcj.com Speaking opportunities 연사문의 : Jessie Chan t: +852 2158 9650 e: Jessie.Chan@acuris.com Sponsorship enquiries 후원문의 : Darryl Mag t: +852 2158 9639 e: sponsorship@avcj.com Marketing and media enquiries 마케팅및미디어문의 : Rachel Chan t: +852 2158 9665 e: Rachel.Chan@acuris.com 290818