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PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Hello, Frank. Are you busy this weekend? M: No, I m free. W: Why don t you go to the concert with me? M: 2

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보


Get your target right with TARGET TEPS 600+ 링구아포럼연구소지음 주인영 정회진 LISTENING


Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com.,. M: Christine, did you solve this math problem? W: Yes, I got the answer after trying for an hour. How about you? M: Not yet. It s too difficult for me. Can you help me? W: solve, 2.,. 2 W: Hi, Hyeonseo. I haven t seen you lately. Where have you been? M: Oh, hi, Jenny. I ve been in Pyeongchang to volunteer at the Winter Olympics. W: That s cool! What did you do there? M: volunteer, ; 2 Sure. I ll show you how I solved the problem. I helped visitors in the Lost and Found.

_803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com Update 208. 4. 5. 3.,. M: Good afternoon. I m your building manager, Brandon Harrison. I m sorry to interrupt your working day, but I have an important announcement to make. We ll be conducting a test of the building s firealarm system shortly. This test is essential for your safety ~ in the event of an emergency, so please be patient during the test. This is only a test of the system, not a fire drill, so you don t need to leave the building at this time. Thank you for your patience. interrupt working day,, make an announcement, conduct, shortly essential, safety emergency, patient, fire drill 4.,. 2 M: Look, mom! I bought a new shirt. What do you think? W: It looks great. M: I m going to wear it when I go out for dinner tonight. W: But you have to wash it first. M: Why? It s new. W: New clothes have chemicals and other harmful stuff on the surface, and they can cause allergic reactions. M: Really? I didn t know that. W: Don t forget to wash new clothes at least once before wearing them. M: Okay. I ll keep that in mind. chemical harmful surface allergic reaction at least keep ~ in mind ~ 2. 2

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com 5.,. W: This is the end of today s tour. Thank you very much. M: Thanks a lot for your helpful explanation, Ms. Kim. explanation architecture royal W: You re welcome. Is this your first visit to a Korean palace? M: Yes. I like it a lot, especially the architecture. W: It s beautiful, isn t it? M: It surely is. I also like the stories you told us about the kings and queens who lived here. W: There re a lot more stories about them, but there wasn t enough time. M: Is there another program where I can learn more about the palace? W: There s a special tour around the royal garden. I ll be guiding it this Saturday. ~ M: Sounds great. I ll be sure to come again on that day. 3

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com 6.,. merrygoround clown balance perform W: Jack, have a look at this picture. My family went to the amusement park last Saturday. M: Wow! You re riding a horse on the merrygoround. I like your sunglasses. W: Thanks. You know the boy wearing a cap, right? M: Yes, he s your brother Kevin. He s on an airplane. W: Look at this clown. He s balancing on a big ball. M: Cool! Is there a clown show there? W: Yes. He performs in the circus tent behind him. M: I see. Oh, there s Peter Pan on the left side of the picture. He s holding balloons in his hand. W: Yeah. They re for visitors. M: Looks like you had a great time there. 4

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com 7.,. M: Hi, Theresa. What are you looking at on your smartphone? W: These are the pictures I took at the entrance ceremony. entrance ceremony article M: You took a lot of pictures. What are they for? W: They re for the school newspaper. I m writing an article about the entrance ceremony. M: I see. W: But I don t think I can use any of these pictures. They don t look good. M: Maybe I can help you. I also took some pictures at the ceremony. W: Ah, you re in the school s Photo Club! Do you have them with you now? M: No, they re on my computer. I ll send them to you by email. W: That d be great. Thank you. 5

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com 8.,. M: Jasmine, you said you were going on a holiday in April, right? W: Yes. I planned to go to Hawaii, but I decided not to. M: Why? Are you going to work on a new project? W: No. My next project begins in May. Actually, I couldn t get an airline ticket. M: Were they all sold out? W: Not really. I couldn t find a cheap one. All the available tickets were too expensive. M: But you booked a hotel already, didn t you? W: That s right. So I had to cancel the reservation. M: I see. I hope you find better deals for your next holiday. sold out available, book cancel reservation deal 6

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com 9.,. [3 ] [Telephone rings.] W: Thanks for calling Yummy Chicken. How may I help you? M: Hi, I d like to order some fried chicken. W: It s $20 for one bucket. How many buckets do you want? M: Two buckets. And I want French fries, too. W: French fries are $2 a box, but you can get it for $0 with chicken. M: That s nice. I ll have one box of French fries. W: Anything else? M: That s all. I have a fivedollar discount coupon. Can I use it? W: Yes, you can. May I have your address? M: It s 02 York Street. W: Okay. It ll be delivered in an hour. M: Thanks. bucket deliver $45 7

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com 0., Haven. W: Paul, do you have any special plans for this weekend? M: Yeah, my Science Club is going on a field trip to the Haven Observatory on Saturday. W: You mean the observatory located in Mount Greenwood? Wow! I heard that it s one of the best places to observe stars and planets. M: Yeah, it has attracted a lot of visitors since its opening in 935. W: Do you have to pay for the entrance? M: No, it s free. W: That s great. You ll be staying until evening, right? M: Sure. The closing time is 0 p.m., so we ll be there until 9 p.m. W: Sounds good. Have a great time there. observatory, located in ~ observe planet attract ( ) entrance, 8

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com. Welton s Coins for Goats,. [3 ] W: Hello, students! This is student president Chloe Ashford. The student council is holding Welton s Coins for Goats, to help poor people in Africa. We re going to raise money, and the money will be used to buy goats for families in Africa. student council raise money, provide participate donation The goats support them by providing milk, cheese, 2 and so on. This event will be held for two weeks starting on April 2. To participate, just put coins in the donation box in the school library. Each goat costs $50, and our goal is to raise $2,000 to buy 40 goats. Let s make it together! Thank you. 3. 9

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com 2.,. W: Honey, fine dust levels are very high these days. We need to buy fine dust masks. M: You re right. Let s order some online. [Clicking sound] This shop sells good ones. fine dust filterout rate W: They all look great. Let s choose from these five models. M: I think the filterout rate should be more than 90%. W: I think so, too. How about the price? M: We shouldn t spend more than $50 a box. W: Then we have two options left. Shall we order the white ones? M: Well, let s choose the other color. W: Okay. Let s place the order. 0

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com 3.,. W: Daniel, what do you want for your birthday? M: I really want a puppy. Can you get me one? effort take care of ~ feeding W: I d love to, but it takes a lot of time and effort to take care of a pet. Walking, washing, and feeding... M: I ll do everything, mom. Don t worry. W: Daniel, it s much harder than you think. Hmm. How about getting a robot pet instead? M: But that s not a real puppy. I can t make friends with a robot. W: It s a lot easier to keep a robot pet, though. It ll be a better option for you. M: Can t you just get me a real one? I promise I ll take good care of it. W: Okay, I ll get you a puppy. Just keep your word.

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com 4.,. [3 ] W: Honey, are you starting to pack for our camping trip? 2 M: Yeah. It s just two days away. pack fix W: Did you check the camping table? I think its legs are too weak. M: Yes. It s too old to fix. Let s go buy a new one tomorrow. W: Okay. How about getting some more chairs, too? M: Why? We have enough chairs for our family. W: The more, the better. M: Well, I don t think it s a good idea to bring more chairs with us. W: You may be right. We d spend too much time packing and unpacking. M: Exactly. Less stuff makes our camping more enjoyable. 2

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com 5., Sam. M: Sam is on his business trip in Toronto, Canada. He s just checked out of the hotel to leave for the airport. business trip check out of ~ on time traffic jam He asks the hotel clerk to call a taxi. The hotel clerk says that a taxi might not get him to the airport on time. She explains that the Toronto Marathon is being held now and it might cause traffic jams on his way to the airport. Sam decides to take the subway, and he wants to know the way to the subway station. In this situation, what would Sam most likely say to the hotel clerk? Please tell me how to get to the subway station.. 3

Update 208. 4. 5. _803 ( ) http://likasuni.tistory.com [6 ~7],. 6.? 7.? 2 W: Hello, class! Let s continue talking about animals. An animal s body is made up of tiny cells, which are mostly water. If the water freezes, it damages the cells. So how do animals stay warm in the cold? Some animals have a material that keeps them warm. For example, birds have feathers. Most mammals have fur or hair, and sea mammals like whales and seals have a layer of fat under the skin. be made up of ~ tiny cell freeze damage feather fur layer antifreeze protein form Reptiles like snakes do not have such material, so they stay underground at night or in cold weather. The temperature below ground does not fall as low as at the surface. Insects also have their own way to keep warm. Insects that live in cold places have special proteins in their bodies, called antifreeze proteins. These proteins stop ice from forming inside their bodies. Now let s watch a video clip about the animals / we talked about. 2 how animals keep warm in the cold fish 4