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INSRTS & HOLRS eing the best through innovation SP OHRMSSR - or eneral Machines and rilling Large iameters Longer Tool Life and High Productivity - VHM für lange Standzeit; -PM für große urchmesserund konventionelle Maschinen. rßere Produktivität als andere ohrer


SP 쪾 5 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛쫛쫛 쫛쫛 쫛쫛 쫛 쫛쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛 쫛쫛 쫛 쫛쫛 쫛쫛 쫛쫛 쫛쫛 쫛쫛 쫛쫛쫛쫛 쫛쫛쫛 쫛쫛 쫛쫛 쫛 쫛쫛 쫛쫛 쫛쫛 쫛 쫛쫛 쫛쫛, ree arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum opper lloys ~HRc4 (~H5) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) ~HRc9 (~H) HRc9~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H8) ~H : xcellent 쫛 : ood

SP SRIS, i- SP RILL INSRTS - M4 - INW OHRINSTZ - M4 or general use in steels and cast irons. ür allgemeine nwendung in Stahl und usseisen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine machine. ny non-standard size available. Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.35 HP OL-P SP THNIL T, ree ~HRc4 (~H5) Min. Max. 7.53 (.69?) 4.38 (.96?) 4.4 (.96?) 35.5 (.38?) 45/64? 3/3? 47/64? 49/64? 5/3? 5/64? 3/6? 7/3? 55/64? 7/8? 57/64? 9/3? 59/64? 5/6? 3/3? 63/64?? -/64? -/3? -3/64? -/6? iameter 7.86 8. 8.6 8.5 8.65 9. 9.5 9.45 9.5 9.84..4.5.64..43.83..3.6 3. 3. 3.4 3.8 4. 4.6 5. 5.4 5.8 6. 6.9 6.59 6.99 7. ecimal.73?.787?.788?.783?.7344?.748?.75?.7656?.7677?.783?.7874?.7969?.87?.85?.868?.8438?.8594?.866?.875?.896?.955?.963?.99?.9375?.9449?.9688?.9843?.?.56?.36?.33?.469?.65?.63? 4. (5/3?) 4.8 (3/6?) arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S4545 S4558 S4546 S45585 S4547 S4559 S4548 S4549 S45595 S455 S455 S455 S4555 S455 S455 S4554 S4555 S455 S4556 S4557 S4553 S4558 S4559 S456 S4554 S456 S4555 S45 S45 S4556 S45 S453 S454 S4557 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) (M4) S445 S468 S446 S4685 S447 S469 S448 S449 S4695 S45 S46 S45 S465 S45 S46 S454 S455 S46 S456 S457 S463 S458 S459 S46 S464 S46 S465 S4 S4 S466 S4 S43 S44 S467 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S4545 S4658 S4546 S46585 S4547 S4659 S4548 S4549 S46595 S455 S465 S455 S4655 S455 S465 S4554 S4555 S465 S4556 S4557 S4653 S4558 S4559 S456 S4654 S456 S4655 S45 S45 S4656 S45 S453 S454 S4657 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H 5쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS,3 SP RILL INSRTS - M4 i- INW OHRINSTZ - M4 or general use in steels and cast irons. ür allgemeine nwendung in Stahl und usseisen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine - machine. ny non-standard size available. Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.35 -RP, ree ~HRc4 (~H5) Min. Max. 4.4 (.96?) 35.5 (.38?) 3 34.37 (.353?) 47.8 (.88?) -3/3? -7/64? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? - -9/3? -5/6? -/3? -3/8? -3/3? -7/6? -5/3? -/? -7/3? -9/6? -9/3? -5/8? iameter 7.78 8. 8.8 8.58 9. 9.37 3. 3.6 3.96 3. 3.75 3. 3.54 33. 33.34 34. 34.3 34.93 35. 35.7 36. 36.5 37. 37.3 38. 38. 38.89 39. 39.69 4. 4.48 4. 4.8 4. ecimal.938?.4?.94?.5?.47?.563?.8?.875?.88?.5?.5?.598?.83?.99?.35?.3386?.3438?.375?.378?.463?.473?.4375?.4567?.4688?.496?.5?.533?.5354?.565?.5748?.5938?.64?.65?.6535? 4.8 (3/6?) 6.4 () arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S456 S4558 S457 S458 S4559 S45 S4553 S45 S454 S4553 S456 S4553 S458 S45533 S45 S45534 S45 S454 S45535 S456 S45536 S458 S45537 S453 S45538 S453 S4534 S45539 S4536 S4554 S4538 S4554 S454 S4554 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) (M4) S46 S468 S47 S48 S469 S4 S463 S4 S44 S463 S46 S463 S48 S4633 S4 S4634 S4 S44 S4635 S46 S4636 S48 S4637 S43 S4638 S43 S434 S4639 S436 S464 S438 S464 S44 S464 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S456 S4658 S457 S458 S4659 S45 S4653 S45 S454 S4653 S456 S4653 S458 S46533 S45 S46534 S45 S454 S46535 S456 S46536 S458 S46537 S453 S46538 S453 S4534 S46539 S4536 S4654 S4538 S4654 S454 S4654 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H HP OL-P SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 53

SP SRIS 3,4 i- SP RILL INSRTS - M4 - INW OHRINSTZ - M4 or general use in steels and cast irons. ür allgemeine nwendung in Stahl und usseisen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine machine. ny non-standard size available. Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.35 HP OL-P SP THNIL T, ree ~HRc4 (~H5) Min. Max. 3 34.37 (.353?) 47.8 (.88?) 4 46.99 (.85?) 65.8 (.57?) -/3? -/6? -3/3? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? -7/8? -9/3? -5/6? -3/3?? -/3? -3/64? -/6? -3/3? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? iameter 4.7 4.86 43. 43.66 44. 44.45 45. 45.4 46. 46.4 46.83 47. 47.63 48. 48.4 49. 49. 5. 5. 5.8 5. 5.59 5. 5.39 53. 53.8 53.98 54. 54.77 55. 55.56 56. 56.36 57. ecimal.6563?.6875?.699?.788?.733?.75?.777?.783?.8?.85?.8438?.854?.875?.8898?.963?.99?.9375?.9685?.9688?.?.79?.33?.47?.65?.866?.938?.5?.6?.563?.654?.875?.47?.88?.44? 6.4 () 7.9 (5/6?) arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S454 S4544 S45543 S4546 S45544 S4548 S45545 S455 S45546 S455 S4554 S45547 S4556 S45548 S4558 S45549 S456 S4555 S456 S45 S4555 S45 S4555 S454 S45553 S456 S458 S45554 S45 S45555 S45 S45556 S454 S45557 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) (M4) S44 S444 S4643 S446 S4644 S448 S4645 S45 S4646 S45 S454 S4647 S456 S4648 S458 S4649 S46 S465 S46 S4 S465 S4 S465 S44 S4653 S46 S48 S4654 S4 S4655 S4 S4656 S44 S4657 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S454 S4544 S46543 S4546 S46544 S4548 S46545 S455 S46546 S455 S4554 S46547 S4556 S46548 S4558 S46549 S456 S4655 S456 S45 S4655 S45 S4655 S454 S46553 S456 S458 S46554 S45 S46555 S45 S46556 S454 S46557 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H 54쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS 4,5 SP RILL INSRTS - M4 i- INW OHRINSTZ - M4 or general use in steels and cast irons. ür allgemeine nwendung in Stahl und usseisen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine - machine. ny non-standard size available. Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.35 -RP, ree ~HRc4 (~H5) Min. Max. 4 46.99 (.85?) 65.8 (.57?) 5 6.38 (.456?) 76. (3.?) - -9/3? -5/6? -/3? -3/8? -3/3? -7/6? -5/3? -/? -7/3? -9/6? -/? -7/3? -9/6? -9/3? -5/8? -/3? -/6? -3/3? - -5/3? -3/6? iameter 57.5 57.94 58. 58.74 59. 59.53 6. 6.33 6. 6. 6.9 6. 6.7 63. 63.5 64. 64.9 65. 65.9 63.5 64. 64.9 65.9 65.88 66. 66.68 67.47 68. 68.6 69.5 69.85 7. 7.64 7.44 ecimal.5?.83?.835?.35?.38?.3438?.36?.375?.46?.463?.4375?.449?.4688?.483?.5?.597?.533?.559?.565?.5?.597?.533?.565?.5938?.5984?.65?.6563?.677?.6875?.788?.75?.7559?.783?.85? 7.9 (5/6?). (7/6?) arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S456 S458 S45558 S45 S45559 S45 S4556 S454 S4556 S456 S458 S4556 S453 S45563 S453 S45564 S4534 S45565 S4536 S45 S45564 S454 S456 S4538 S45566 S454 S454 S45568 S4544 S4546 S4548 S4557 S455 S455 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) (M4) S46 S48 S4658 S4 S4659 S4 S466 S44 S466 S46 S48 S466 S43 S4663 S43 S4664 S434 S4665 S436 S4 S4664 S44 S46 S438 S4666 S44 S44 S4668 S444 S446 S448 S467 S45 S45 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S456 S458 S46558 S45 S46559 S45 S4656 S454 S4656 S456 S458 S4656 S453 S46563 S453 S46564 S4534 S46565 S4536 S45 S46564 S454 S456 S4538 S46566 S454 S454 S46568 S4544 S4546 S4548 S4657 S455 S455 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H HP OL-P SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 55

SP SRIS 5,6,7 i- SP RILL INSRTS - M4 - INW OHRINSTZ - M4 or general use in steels and cast irons. ür allgemeine nwendung in Stahl und usseisen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine machine. ny non-standard size available. Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.35 HP OL-P SP THNIL T, ree ~HRc4 (~H5) Min. Max. 5 6.38 (.456?) 76. (3.?) 6 76.3 (3.?) 89.8 (3.57?) 7-7/3? -7/8? -9/3? -5/6? -3/3? 3? 3-/3? 3-/6? 3-3/3? 3-3-5/3? 3-3/6? 3-7/3? 3-3-9/3? 3-5/6? 3-/3? 3-3/8? 3-3/3? 3-7/6? 3-5/3? 3-/? 3-7/3? 3-9/6? iameter 7. 7.3 73.3 73.8 74. 74.6 75.4 76. 76. 76.99 77.79 78. 78.58 79.38 8. 8.7 8.96 8.76 8. 8.55 83.34 84. 84.4 84.93 85.73 86. 86.5 87.3 88. 88. 88.9 89.69 9. 9.49 ecimal.8346?.8438?.875?.963?.934?.9375?.9688?.99? 3.? 3.33? 3.65? 3.79? 3.938? 3.5? 3.496? 3.563? 3.875? 3.88? 3.83? 3.5? 3.83? 3.37? 3.35? 3.3438? 3.375? 3.3858? 3.463? 3.4375? 3.4646? 3.4688? 3.5? 3.533? 3.5433? 3.565?. (7/6?). (7/6?). (7/6?) arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S4557 S4554 S4556 S4558 S45574 S456 S456 S45576 S453 S453 S4534 S45578 S4536 S4538 S4558 S453 S453 S4534 S4558 S4536 S4538 S45584 S453 S453 S4534 S45586 S4536 S4538 S45588 S4533 S4533 S45334 S4559 S45336 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) (M4) S467 S454 S456 S458 S4674 S46 S46 S4676 S43 S43 S434 S4678 S436 S438 S468 S43 S43 S434 S468 S436 S438 S4684 S43 S43 S434 S4686 S436 S438 S4688 S433 S433 S4334 S469 S4336 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S4657 S4554 S4556 S4558 S46574 S456 S456 S46576 S453 S453 S4534 S46578 S4536 S4538 S4658 S453 S453 S4534 S4658 S4536 S4538 S46584 S453 S453 S4534 S46586 S4536 S4538 S46588 S4533 S4533 S45334 S4659 S45336 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H 56쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS 7,8 SP RILL INSRTS - M4 i- INW OHRINSTZ - M4 or general use in steels and cast irons. ür allgemeine nwendung in Stahl und usseisen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine - machine. ny non-standard size available. Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.35 -RP, ree ~HRc4 (~H5) Min. Max. 7 87.76 (3.455?).6 (4.?) 8.63 (4.?) 4.48 (4.57?) 3-9/3? 3-5/8? 3-/3? 3-/6? 3-3/3? 3-3-5/3? 3-3/6? 3-7/3? 3-7/8? 3-9/3? 3-5/6? 3-3/3? 4? 4-/64? 4-/6? 4-3/3? 4-4-3/6? 4-4-5/6? 4-3/8? 4-7/6? 4-/? iameter 9.8 9. 9.8 9.87 93.66 94. 94.46 95.5 96. 96.4 96.84 97.63 98. 98.43 99....8.6. 3.9 4. 4.78 6. 6.36 7.95 8. 9.54..3..7 4. 4.3 ecimal 3.5938? 3.6? 3.65? 3.6563? 3.6875? 3.78? 3.788? 3.75? 3.7795? 3.783? 3.85? 3.8438? 3.8583? 3.875? 3.963? 3.937? 3.9375? 3.9688? 4.? 4.57? 4.65? 4.945? 4.5? 4.73? 4.875? 4.5? 4.5? 4.35? 4.337? 4.375? 4.494? 4.4375? 4.488? 4.5?. (7/6?). (7/6?) arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S45338 S4559 S4534 S4534 S45344 S45594 S45346 S45348 S45596 S4535 S4535 S45354 S45598 S45356 S45358 S455 S4536 S4536 S454 S455 S4544 S4554 S4548 S4556 S454 S4546 S4558 S454 S455 S4544 S455 S4548 S4554 S4543 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) (M4) S4338 S469 S434 S434 S4344 S4694 S4346 S4348 S4696 S435 S435 S4354 S4698 S4356 S4358 S46 S436 S436 S44 S46 S444 S464 S448 S466 S44 S446 S468 S44 S46 S444 S46 S448 S464 S443 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S45338 S4659 S4534 S4534 S45344 S46594 S45346 S45348 S46596 S4535 S4535 S45354 S46598 S45356 S45358 S465 S4536 S4536 S454 S465 S4544 S4654 S4548 S4656 S454 S4546 S4658 S454 S465 S4544 S465 S4548 S4654 S4543 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H HP OL-P SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 57

SP SRIS Y,Z, i- SP RILL INSRTS - SUPR T5 - INW OHRINSTZ - SUPR T5 or use in high nickel alloys and materials over 8 rinell. Zur nwendung bei legierten Stählen mit hohem Nickelanteil Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the und Werksffen über 8 rinell machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.35 HP OL-P SP THNIL T Y 9.5 (.374?).7 (.436?) Z.(.437?).95(.5?), ree ~HRc4 (~H5) Min. Max..98 (.5?) 7.65 (.695?) 3/8? 5/64? 3/3? 7/64? 7/6? 9/64? 5/3? 3/64? /? 33/64? 7/3? 35/64? 9/6? 37/64? 9/3? 39/64? 5/8? iameter 9.5 9.53 9.8 9.9... 3. 3. 3.49 3.5 3.89 4. 4.9 4.5 4.68 5. 5.8 5.48 5.5 5.88 6. ecimal.374?.375?.386?.396?.3937?.46?.463?.434?.49?.45?.433?.4375?.458?.453?.4688?.474?.4844?.49?.5?.58?.556?.533?.535?.5469?.55?.565?.579?.578?.596?.5938?.694?.6?.65?.699?.4 (3/3?).4 (3/3?) 3. () arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S5595 S54 S5598 S55 S55 S55 S56 S555 S57 S558 S55 S58 S555 S59 S53 S55 S53 S555 S53 S553 S533 S534 S5535 S535 S554 S536 S5545 S537 S555 S538 S539 S5555 S54 S556 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) SUPR (T5) S695 S4 S698 S5 S6 S6 S6 S65 S7 S68 S6 S8 S65 S9 S3 S6 S3 S65 S3 S63 S33 S34 S635 S35 S64 S36 S645 S37 S65 S38 S39 S655 S4 S66 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S6595 S54 S6598 S55 S65 S65 S56 S655 S57 S658 S65 S58 S655 S59 S53 S65 S53 S655 S53 S653 S533 S534 S6535 S535 S654 S536 S6545 S537 S655 S538 S539 S6555 S54 S656 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H 58쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS, SP RILL INSRTS - SUPR T5 i- INW OHRINSTZ - SUPR T5 or use in high nickel alloys and materials over 8 rinell. Zur nwendung bei legierten Stählen mit hohem Nickelanteil Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the und Werksffen über 8 rinell - machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.35 -RP iameter Min. Max..98(.5?) 7.65(.695?) 7.53 (.69?) 4.38 (.96?) 4/64? /3? 43/64? /6? 45/64? 3/3? 47/64? 49/64? 5/3? 5/64? 3/6? 7/3? 55/64? 7/8? 57/64? 9/3? 59/64? 5/6? 6.7 6.5 6.67 7. 7.7 7.46 7.5 7.86 8. 8.6 8.5 8.65 9. 9.5 9.45 9.5 9.84..4.5.64..43.83..3.6 3. 3. 3.4 3.8 4. ecimal.646?.6496?.6563?.6693?.679?.6875?.689?.73?.787?.788?.783?.7344?.748?.75?.7656?.7677?.783?.7874?.7969?.87?.85?.868?.8438?.8594?.866?.875?.896?.955?.963?.99?.9375?.9449? 3. () 4. (5/3?) TiN TiN TiIN S54 S5565 S54 S557 S543 S544 S5575 S545 S558 S546 S5585 S547 S559 S548 S549 S5595 S55 S55 S55 S555 S55 S55 S554 S555 S55 S556 S557 S553 S558 S559 S56 S554 SUPR (T5) S4 S665 S4 S67 S43 S44 S675 S45 S68 S46 S685 S47 S69 S48 S49 S695 S5 S6 S5 S65 S5 S6 S54 S55 S6 S56 S57 S63 S58 S59 S6 S64 S54 S6565 S54 S657 S543 S544 S6575 S545 S658 S546 S6585 S547 S659 S548 S549 S6595 S55 S65 S55 S655 S55 S65 S554 S555 S65 S556 S557 S653 S558 S559 S56 S654 HP OL-P : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 59

SP SRIS,3 i- SP RILL INSRTS - SUPR T5 - INW OHRINSTZ - SUPR T5 or use in high nickel alloys and materials over 8 rinell. Zur nwendung bei legierten Stählen mit hohem Nickelanteil Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the und Werksffen über 8 rinell machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.35 HP OL-P SP THNIL T 4.4 (.96?) 35.5 (.38?) 3 34.37(.353?) 47.8(.88?), ree ~HRc4 (~H5) Min. Max. 3/3? 63/64?? -/64? -/3? -3/64? -/6? -3/3? -7/64? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? - -9/3? -5/6? -/3? -3/8? -3/3? -7/6? -5/3? iameter 4.6 5. 5.4 5.8 6. 6.9 6.59 6.99 7. 7.78 8. 8.8 8.58 9. 9.37 3. 3.6 3.96 3. 3.75 3. 3.54 33. 33.34 34. 34.3 34.93 35. 35.7 36. 36.5 37. 37.3 38. ecimal.9688?.9843?.?.56?.36?.33?.469?.65?.63?.938?.4?.94?.5?.47?.563?.8?.875?.88?.5?.5?.598?.83?.99?.35?.3386?.3438?.375?.378?.463?.473?.4375?.4567?.4688?.496? 4.8 (3/6?) 6.4 () arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S56 S555 S5 S5 S556 S5 S53 S54 S557 S56 S558 S57 S58 S559 S5 S553 S5 S54 S553 S56 S553 S58 S5533 S5 S5534 S5 S54 S5535 S56 S5536 S58 S5537 S53 S5538 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) SUPR (T5) S6 S65 S S S66 S S3 S4 S67 S6 S68 S7 S8 S69 S S63 S S4 S63 S6 S63 S8 S633 S S634 S S4 S635 S6 S636 S8 S637 S3 S638 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S56 S655 S5 S5 S656 S5 S53 S54 S657 S56 S658 S57 S58 S659 S5 S653 S5 S54 S653 S56 S653 S58 S6533 S5 S6534 S5 S54 S6535 S56 S6536 S58 S6537 S53 S6538 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H 6쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS 3,4 SP RILL INSRTS - SUPR T5 i- INW OHRINSTZ - SUPR T5 or use in high nickel alloys and materials over 8 rinell. Zur nwendung bei legierten Stählen mit hohem Nickelanteil Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the und Werksffen über 8 rinell - machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.35 -RP, ree ~HRc4 (~H5) Min. Max. 3 34.37 (.353?) 47.8 (.88?) 4 46.99 (.85?) 65.8 (.57?) -/? -7/3? -9/6? -9/3? -5/8? -/3? -/6? -3/3? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? -7/8? -9/3? -5/6? -3/3?? -/3? -3/64? -/6? iameter 38. 38.89 39. 39.69 4. 4.48 4. 4.8 4. 4.7 4.86 43. 43.66 44. 44.45 45. 45.4 46. 46.4 46.83 47. 47.63 48. 48.4 49. 49. 5. 5. 5.8 5. 5.59 5. 5.39 53. ecimal.5?.533?.5354?.565?.5748?.5938?.64?.65?.6535?.6563?.6875?.699?.788?.733?.75?.777?.783?.8?.85?.8438?.854?.875?.8898?.963?.99?.9375?.9685?.9688?.?.79?.33?.47?.65?.866? 6.4 () 7.9 (5/6?) arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S53 S534 S5539 S536 S554 S538 S554 S54 S554 S54 S544 S5543 S546 S5544 S548 S5545 S55 S5546 S55 S554 S5547 S556 S5548 S558 S5549 S56 S555 S56 S5 S555 S5 S555 S54 S5553 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) SUPR (T5) S3 S34 S639 S36 S64 S38 S64 S4 S64 S4 S44 S643 S46 S644 S48 S645 S5 S646 S5 S54 S647 S56 S648 S58 S649 S6 S65 S6 S S65 S S65 S4 S653 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S53 S534 S6539 S536 S654 S538 S654 S54 S654 S54 S544 S6543 S546 S6544 S548 S6545 S55 S6546 S55 S554 S6547 S556 S6548 S558 S6549 S56 S655 S56 S5 S655 S5 S655 S54 S6553 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H HP OL-P SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 6

SP SRIS 4 i- SP RILL INSRTS - SUPR T5 - INW OHRINSTZ - SUPR T5 or use in high nickel alloys and materials over 8 rinell. Zur nwendung bei legierten Stählen mit hohem Nickelanteil Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the und Werksffen über 8 rinell machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.35 iameter HP OL-P Min. Max. 4 46.99 (.85?) 65.8 (.57?) -3/3? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? - -9/3? -5/6? -/3? -3/8? -3/3? -7/6? -5/3? -/? -7/3? -9/6? 53.8 53.98 54. 54.77 55. 55.56 56. 56.36 57. 57.5 57.94 58. 58.74 59. 59.53 6. 6.33 6. 6. 6.9 6. 6.7 63. 63.5 64. 64.9 65. 65.9 ecimal.938?.5?.6?.563?.654?.875?.47?.88?.44?.5?.83?.835?.35?.38?.3438?.36?.375?.46?.463?.4375?.449?.4688?.483?.5?.597?.533?.559?.565? 7.9 (5/6?) TiN TiN TiIN S56 S58 S5554 S5 S5555 S5 S5556 S54 S5557 S56 S58 S5558 S5 S5559 S5 S556 S54 S556 S56 S58 S556 S53 S5563 S53 S5564 S534 S5565 S536 SUPR (T5) S6 S8 S654 S S655 S S656 S4 S657 S6 S8 S658 S S659 S S66 S4 S66 S6 S8 S66 S3 S663 S3 S664 S34 S665 S36 S56 S58 S6554 S5 S6555 S5 S6556 S54 S6557 S56 S58 S6558 S5 S6559 S5 S656 S54 S656 S56 S58 S656 S53 S6563 S53 S6564 S534 S6565 S536 SP THNIL T : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) 6쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS Y,Z, SP RILL INSRTS - PRMIUM M48 i- INW OHRINSTZ - PRMIUM M48 or use in high temperature alloys and materials with 35~5 rinell. Zur nwendung bei hitzebeständigen Legierungen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the und Werksffen mit 35~5 rinell - machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.35 -RP Y 9.5 (.374?).7 (.436?) Z.(.437?).95(.5?), ree ~HRc4 (~H5) Min. Max..98 (.5?) 7.65 (.695?) 3/8? 5/64? 3/3? 7/64? 7/6? 9/64? 5/3? 3/64? /? 33/64? 7/3? 35/64? 9/6? 37/64? 9/3? 39/64? 5/8? iameter 9.5 9.53 9.8 9.9... 3. 3. 3.49 3.5 3.89 4. 4.9 4.5 4.68 5. 5.8 5.48 5.5 5.88 6. ecimal.374?.375?.386?.396?.3937?.46?.463?.434?.49?.45?.433?.4375?.458?.453?.4688?.474?.4844?.49?.5?.58?.556?.533?.535?.5469?.55?.565?.579?.578?.596?.5938?.694?.6?.65?.699?.4 (3/3?).4 (3/3?) 3. () arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S55595 S554 S55598 S555 S555 S555 S556 S5555 S557 S5558 S555 S558 S5555 S559 S553 S555 S553 S5555 S553 S5553 S5533 S5534 S55535 S5535 S5554 S5536 S55545 S5537 S5555 S5538 S5539 S55555 S554 S5556 HRc3~ (H~) PRMIUM (M48) ~HRc8 (~H75) S5695 S54 S5698 S55 S56 S56 S56 S565 S57 S568 S56 S58 S565 S59 S53 S56 S53 S565 S53 S563 S533 S534 S5635 S535 S564 S536 S5645 S537 S565 S538 S539 S5655 S54 S566 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S56595 S554 S56598 S555 S565 S565 S556 S5655 S557 S5658 S565 S558 S5655 S559 S553 S565 S553 S5655 S553 S5653 S5533 S5534 S56535 S5535 S5654 S5536 S56545 S5537 S5655 S5538 S5539 S56555 S554 S5656 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H HP OL-P SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 63

SP SRIS, i- SP RILL INSRTS - PRMIUM M48 - INW OHRINSTZ - PRMIUM M48 or use in high temperature alloys and materials with 35~5 rinell. Zur nwendung bei hitzebeständigen Legierungen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the und Werksffen mit 35~5 rinell machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.35 iameter HP OL-P Min. Max..98(.5?) 7.65(.695?) 7.53 (.69?) 4.38 (.96?) 4/64? /3? 43/64? /6? 45/64? 3/3? 47/64? 49/64? 5/3? 5/64? 3/6? 7/3? 55/64? 7/8? 57/64? 9/3? 59/64? 5/6? 6.7 6.5 6.67 7. 7.7 7.46 7.5 7.86 8. 8.6 8.5 8.65 9. 9.5 9.45 9.5 9.84..4.5.64..43.83..3.6 3. 3. 3.4 3.8 4. ecimal.646?.6496?.6563?.6693?.679?.6875?.689?.73?.787?.788?.783?.7344?.748?.75?.7656?.7677?.783?.7874?.7969?.87?.85?.868?.8438?.8594?.866?.875?.896?.955?.963?.99?.9375?.9449? 3. () 4. (5/3?) TiN TiN TiIN S554 S55565 S554 S5557 S5543 S5544 S55575 S5545 S5558 S5546 S55585 S5547 S5559 S5548 S5549 S55595 S555 S555 S555 S5555 S555 S555 S5554 S5555 S555 S5556 S5557 S5553 S5558 S5559 S556 S5554 PRMIUM (M48) S54 S5665 S54 S567 S543 S544 S5675 S545 S568 S546 S5685 S547 S569 S548 S549 S5695 S55 S56 S55 S565 S55 S56 S554 S555 S56 S556 S557 S563 S558 S559 S56 S564 S554 S56565 S554 S5657 S5543 S5544 S56575 S5545 S5658 S5546 S56585 S5547 S5659 S5548 S5549 S56595 S555 S565 S555 S5655 S555 S565 S5554 S5555 S565 S5556 S5557 S5653 S5558 S5559 S556 S5654 SP THNIL T : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) 64쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS SP RILL INSRTS - PRMIUM M48 i- INW OHRINSTZ - PRMIUM M48 or use in high temperature alloys and materials with 35~5 rinell. Zur nwendung bei hitzebeständigen Legierungen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the und Werksffen mit 35~5 rinell - machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.35 -RP iameter Min. Max. 4.4 (.96?) 35.5 (.38?) 3/3? 63/64?? -/64? -/3? -3/64? -/6-3/3? -7/64? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? - -9/3? -5/6? -/3? -3/8? 4.6 5. 5.4 5.8 6. 6.9 6.59 6.99 7. 7.78 8. 8.8 8.58 9. 9.37 3. 3.6 3.96 3. 3.75 3. 3.54 33. 33.34 34. 34.3 34.93 35. ecimal.9688?.9843?.?.56?.36?.33?.469?.65?.63?.938?.4?.94?.5?.47?.563?.8?.875?.88?.5?.5?.598?.83?.99?.35?.3386?.3438?.375?.378? 4.8 (3/6?) TiN TiN TiIN S556 S5555 S55 S55 S5556 S55 S553 S554 S5557 S556 S5558 S557 S558 S5559 S55 S5553 S55 S554 S5553 S556 S5553 S558 S55533 S55 S55534 S55 S554 S55535 PRMIUM (M48) S56 S565 S5 S5 S566 S5 S53 S54 S567 S56 S568 S57 S58 S569 S5 S563 S5 S54 S563 S56 S563 S58 S5633 S5 S5634 S5 S54 S5635 S556 S5655 S55 S55 S5656 S55 S553 S554 S5657 S556 S5658 S557 S558 S5659 S55 S5653 S55 S554 S5653 S556 S5653 S558 S56533 S55 S56534 S55 S554 S56535 HP OL-P : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 65

SP SRIS Y,Z, i- - SP RILL INSRTS OR ST IRON - (K) INW OHRINSTZ - VOLLHRTMTLL(K) High performance on ray cast iron over rinell, malleable este Leistung in rauguss über rinell, kurzspanendem Kugelgraphitguss, cast iron with short chips, silicon aluminum and copper alloys. Si-luminium und Kupferlegierungen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.36 HP OL-P SP THNIL T Y 9.5 (.374?).7 (.436?) Z.(.437?).95(.5?), ree ~HRc4 (~H5) Min. Max..98 (.5?) 7.65 (.695?) 3/8? 5/64? 3/3? 7/64? 7/6? 9/64? 5/3? 3/64? /? 33/64? 7/3? 35/64? 9/6? 37/64? 9/3? 39/64? 5/8? iameter 9.5 9.53 9.8 9.9... 3. 3. 3.49 3.5 3.89 4. 4.9 4.5 4.68 5. 5.8 5.48 5.5 5.88 6. ecimal.374?.375?.386?.396?.3937?.46?.463?.434?.49?.45?.433?.4375?.458?.453?.4688?.474?.4844?.49?.5?.58?.556?.533?.535?.5469?.55?.565?.579?.578?.596?.5938?.694?.6?.65?.699?.4 (3/3?).4 (3/3?) 3. () arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S65595 S654 S65598 S655 S655 S655 S656 S6555 S657 S6558 S655 S658 S6555 S659 S653 S655 S653 S6555 S653 S6553 S6533 S6534 S65535 S6535 S6554 S6536 S65545 S6537 S6555 S6538 S6539 S65555 S654 S6556 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) (K) S6695 S64 S6698 S65 S66 S66 S66 S665 S67 S668 S66 S68 S665 S69 S63 S66 S63 S665 S63 S663 S633 S634 S6635 S635 S664 S636 S6645 S637 S665 S638 S639 S6655 S64 S666 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S66595 S654 S66598 S655 S665 S665 S656 S6655 S657 S6658 S665 S658 S6655 S659 S653 S665 S653 S6655 S653 S6653 S6533 S6534 S66535 S6535 S6654 S6536 S66545 S6537 S6655 S6538 S6539 S66555 S654 S6656 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H 66쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS, i- SP RILL INSRTS OR ST IRON - (K) INW OHRINSTZ - VOLLHRTMTLL(K) High performance on ray cast iron over rinell, malleable este Leistung in rauguss über rinell, kurzspanendem Kugelgraphitguss, cast iron with short chips, silicon aluminum and copper alloys. Si-luminium und Kupferlegierungen - Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.36 -RP iameter Min. Max..98(.5?) 7.65(.695?) 7.53 (.69?) 4.38 (.96?) 4/64? /3? 43/64? /6? 45/64? 3/3 47/64? 49/64? 5/3? 5/64? 3/6? 7/3? 55/64? 7/8? 57/64? 9/3? 59/64? 5/6? 6.7 6.5 6.67 7. 7.7 7.46 7.5 7.86 8. 8.6 8.5 8.65 9. 9.5 9.45 9.5 9.84..4.5.64..43.83..3.6 3. 3. 3.4 3.8 4. ecimal.646?.6496?.6563?.6693?.679?.6875?.689?.73?.787?.788?.783?.7344?.748?.75?.7656?.7677?.783?.7874?.7969?.87?.85?.868?.8438?.8594?.866?.875?.896?.955?.963?.99?.9375?.9449? 3. () 4. (5/3?) TiN TiN TiIN S654 S65565 S654 S6557 S6543 S6544 S65575 S6545 S6558 S6546 S65585 S6547 S6559 S6548 S6549 S65595 S655 S655 S655 S6555 S655 S655 S6554 S6555 S655 S6556 S6557 S6553 S6558 S6559 S656 S6554 (K) S64 S6665 S64 S667 S643 S644 S6675 S645 S668 S646 S6685 S647 S669 S648 S649 S6695 S65 S66 S65 S665 S65 S66 S654 S655 S66 S656 S657 S663 S658 S659 S66 S664 S654 S66565 S654 S6657 S6543 S6544 S66575 S6545 S6658 S6546 S66585 S6547 S6659 S6548 S6549 S66595 S655 S665 S655 S6655 S655 S665 S6554 S6555 S665 S6556 S6557 S6653 S6558 S6559 S656 S6654 HP OL-P : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 67

SP SRIS i- - SP RILL INSRTS OR ST IRON - (K) INW OHRINSTZ - VOLLHRTMTLL(K) High performance on ray cast iron over rinell, malleable este Leistung in rauguss über rinell, kurzspanendem Kugelgraphitguss, cast iron with short chips, silicon aluminum and copper alloys. Si-luminium und Kupferlegierungen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.36 iameter HP OL-P Min. Max. 4.4 (.96?) 35.5 (.38?) 3/3? 63/64?? -/64? -/3? -3/64? -/6? -3/3? -7/64? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? - -9/3? -5/6? -/3? -3/8? 4.6 5. 5.4 5.8 6. 6.9 6.59 6.99 7. 7.78 8. 8.8 8.58 9. 9.37 3. 3.6 3.96 3. 3.75 3. 3.54 33. 33.34 34. 34.3 34.93 35. ecimal.9688?.9843?.?.56?.36?.33?.469?.65?.63?.938?.4?.94?.5?.47?.563?.8?.875?.88?.5?.5?.598?.83?.99?.35?.3386?.3438?.375?.378? 4.8 (3/6?) TiN TiN TiIN S656 S6555 S65 S65 S6556 S65 S653 S654 S6557 S656 S6558 S657 S658 S6559 S65 S6553 S65 S654 S6553 S656 S6553 S658 S65533 S65 S65534 S65 S654 S65535 (K) S66 S665 S6 S6 S666 S6 S63 S64 S667 S66 S668 S67 S68 S669 S6 S663 S6 S64 S663 S66 S663 S68 S6633 S6 S6634 S6 S64 S6635 S656 S6655 S65 S65 S6656 S65 S653 S654 S6657 S656 S6658 S657 S658 S6659 S65 S6653 S65 S654 S6653 S656 S6653 S658 S66533 S65 S66534 S65 S654 S66535 SP THNIL T : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) 68쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS Y,Z, SP RILL INSRTS - (K) i- INW OHRINSTZ - VOLLHRTMTLL(K) or use in ray cast iron up rinell, nonferrous metals, Zur nwendung in rauguss bis rinell, Nichteisen - Metallen, copper, brass and aluminum. Kupfer, Messing und luminium - Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.36 -RP Min. Max. Y 9.5 (.374?).7 (.436?) Z.(.437?).95(.5?), ree ~HRc4 (~H5).98 (.5?) 7.65 (.695?) 3/8? 5/64? 3/3? 7/64? 7/6? 9/64? 5/3? 3/64? /? 33/64? 7/3? 35/64? 9/6? 37/64? 9/3? 39/64? 5/8? iameter 9.5 9.53 9.8 9.9... 3. 3. 3.49 3.5 3.89 4. 4.9 4.5 4.68 5. 5.8 5.48 5.5 5.88 6. ecimal.374?.375?.386?.396?.3937?.46?.463?.434?.49?.45?.433?.4375?.458?.453?.4688?.474?.4844?.49?.5?.58?.556?.533?.535?.5469?.55?.565?.579?.578?.596?.5938?.694?.6?.65?.699?.4 (3/3?).4 (3/3?) 3. () arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S75595 S754 S75598 S755 S755 S755 S756 S7555 S757 S7558 S755 S758 S7555 S759 S753 S755 S753 S7555 S753 S7553 S7533 S7534 S75535 S7535 S7554 S7536 S75545 S7537 S7555 S7538 S7539 S75555 S754 S7556 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) (K) S7695 S74 S7698 S75 S76 S76 S76 S765 S77 S768 S76 S78 S765 S79 S73 S76 S73 S765 S73 S763 S733 S734 S7635 S735 S764 S736 S7645 S737 S765 S738 S739 S7655 S74 S766 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S76595 S754 S76598 S755 S765 S765 S756 S7655 S757 S7658 S765 S758 S7655 S759 S753 S765 S753 S7655 S753 S7653 S7533 S7534 S76535 S7535 S7654 S7536 S76545 S7537 S7655 S7538 S7539 S76555 S754 S7656 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H HP OL-P SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 69

SP SRIS, i- SP RILL INSRTS - (K) - INW OHRINSTZ - VOLLHRTMTLL(K) or use in ray cast iron up rinell, nonferrous metals, Zur nwendung in rauguss bis rinell, Nichteisen - Metallen, copper, brass and aluminum. Kupfer, Messing und luminium Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.36 iameter HP OL-P Min. Max..98(.5?) 7.65(.695?) 7.53 (.69?) 4.38 (.96?) 4/64? /3? 43/64? /6? 45/64? 3/3? 47/64? 49/64? 5/3? 5/64? 3/6? 7/3? 55/64? 7/8? 57/64? 9/3? 59/64? 5/6? 6.7 6.5 6.67 7. 7.7 7.46 7.5 7.86 8. 8.6 8.5 8.65 9. 9.5 9.45 9.5 9.84..4.5.64..43.83..3.6 3. 3. 3.4 3.8 4. ecimal.646?.6496?.6563?.6693?.679?.6875?.689?.73?.787?.788?.783?.7344?.748?.75?.7656?.7677?.783?.7874?.7969?.87?.85?.868?.8438?.8594?.866?.875?.896?.955?.963?.99?.9375?.9449? 3. () 4. (5/3?) TiN TiN TiIN S754 S75565 S754 S7557 S7543 S7544 S75575 S7545 S7558 S7546 S75585 S7547 S7559 S7548 S7549 S75595 S755 S755 S755 S7555 S755 S755 S7554 S7555 S755 S7556 S7557 S7553 S7558 S7559 S756 S7554 (K) S74 S7665 S74 S767 S743 S744 S7675 S745 S768 S746 S7685 S747 S769 S748 S749 S7695 S75 S76 S75 S765 S75 S76 S754 S755 S76 S756 S757 S763 S758 S759 S76 S764 S754 S76565 S754 S7657 S7543 S7544 S76575 S7545 S7658 S7546 S76585 S7547 S7659 S7548 S7549 S76595 S755 S765 S755 S7655 S755 S765 S7554 S7555 S765 S7556 S7557 S7653 S7558 S7559 S756 S7654 SP THNIL T : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) 7쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS SP RILL INSRTS - (K) i- INW OHRINSTZ - VOLLHRTMTLL(K) or use in ray cast iron up rinell, nonferrous metals, Zur nwendung in rauguss bis rinell, Nichteisen - Metallen, copper, brass and aluminum. Kupfer, Messing und luminium - Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.36 -RP iameter Min. Max. 4.4 (.96?) 35.5 (.38?) 3/3? 63/64?? -/64? -/3? -3/64? -/6? -3/3? -7/64? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? - -9/3? -5/6? -/3? -3/8? 4.6 5. 5.4 5.8 6. 6.9 6.59 6.99 7. 7.78 8. 8.8 8.58 9. 9.37 3. 3.6 3.96 3. 3.75 3. 3.54 33. 33.34 34. 34.3 34.93 35. ecimal.9688?.9843?.?.56?.36?.33?.469?.65?.63?.938?.4?.94?.5?.47?.563?.8?.875?.88?.5?.5?.598?.83?.99?.35?.3386?.3438?.375?.378? 4.8 (3/6?) TiN TiN TiIN S756 S7555 S75 S75 S7556 S75 S753 S754 S7557 S756 S7558 S757 S758 S7559 S75 S7553 S75 S754 S7553 S756 S7553 S758 S75533 S75 S75534 S75 S754 S75535 (K) S76 S765 S7 S7 S766 S7 S73 S74 S767 S76 S768 S77 S78 S769 S7 S763 S7 S74 S763 S76 S763 S78 S7633 S7 S7634 S7 S74 S7635 S756 S7655 S75 S75 S7656 S75 S753 S754 S7657 S756 S7658 S757 S758 S7659 S75 S7653 S75 S754 S7653 S756 S7653 S758 S76533 S75 S76534 S75 S754 S76535 HP OL-P : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 7

SP SRIS 3 i- SP RILL INSRTS - (K) - INW OHRINSTZ - VOLLHRTMTLL(K) or use in ray cast iron up rinell, nonferrous metals, Zur nwendung in rauguss bis rinell, Nichteisen - Metallen, copper, brass and aluminum. Kupfer, Messing und luminium Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the machine. ny non-standard size available. Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.36 iameter HP OL-P Min. Max. 3 34.37 (.353?) 47.8 (.88?) -3/3? -7/6? -5/3? -/? -7/3? -9/6? -9/3? -5/8? -/3? -/6? -3/3? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? -7/8? 35.7 36. 36.5 37. 37.3 38. 38. 38.89 39. 39.69 4. 4.48 4. 4.8 4. 4.7 4.86 43. 43.66 44. 44.45 45. 45.4 46. 46.4 46.83 47. 47.63 ecimal.463?.473?.4375?.4567?.4688?.496?.5?.533?.5354?.565?.5748?.5938?.64?.65?.6535?.6563?.6875?.699?.788?.733?.75?.777?.783?.8?.85?.8438?.854?.875? 6.4 () TiN TiN TiIN S756 S75536 S758 S75537 S753 S75538 S753 S7534 S75539 S7536 S7554 S7538 S7554 S754 S7554 S754 S7544 S75543 S7546 S75544 S7548 S75545 S755 S75546 S755 S7554 S75547 S7556 (K) S76 S7636 S78 S7637 S73 S7638 S73 S734 S7639 S736 S764 S738 S764 S74 S764 S74 S744 S7643 S746 S7644 S748 S7645 S75 S7646 S75 S754 S7647 S756 S756 S76536 S758 S76537 S753 S76538 S753 S7534 S76539 S7536 S7654 S7538 S7654 S754 S7654 S754 S7544 S76543 S7546 S76544 S7548 S76545 S755 S76546 S755 S7554 S76547 S7556 SP THNIL T : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) 7쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS Y,Z, SP RILL INSRTS - (P4) i- INW OHRINSTZ - VOLLHRTMTLL(P4) or general use in carbon steels and alloy steels. ür allgemeine nwendung in Kohlensffstählen und legierten Stählen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine - machine. ny non-standard size available. Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.36 -RP Min. Max. Y 9.5 (.374?).7 (.436?) Z.(.437?).95(.5?), ree ~HRc4 (~H5).98 (.5?) 7.65 (.695?) 3/8? 5/64? 3/3? 7/64? 7/6? 9/64? 5/3? 3/64? /? 33/64? 7/3? 35/64? 9/6? 37/64? 9/3? 39/64? 5/8? iameter 9.5 9.53 9.8 9.9... 3. 3. 3.49 3.5 3.89 4. 4.9 4.5 4.68 5. 5.8 5.48 5.5 5.88 6. ecimal.374?.375?.386?.396?.3937?.46?.463?.434?.49?.45?.433?.4375?.458?.453?.4688?.474?.4844?.49?.5?.58?.556?.533?.535?.5469?.55?.565?.579?.578?.596?.5938?.694?.6?.65?.699?.4 (3/3?).4 (3/3?) 3. () arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc8 (~H75) HRc8~ (H75~) ~HRc37 (~H35) HRc37~ (H35~) ~HRc4 (~H5) HRc4~ (H5~) ~HRc3 (~H) TiN TiN TiIN S85595 S854 S85598 S855 S855 S855 S856 S8555 S857 S8558 S855 S858 S8555 S859 S853 S855 S853 S8555 S853 S8553 S8533 S8534 S85535 S8535 S8554 S8536 S85545 S8537 S8555 S8538 S8539 S85555 S854 S8556 HRc3~ (H~) ~HRc8 (~H75) (P4) S8695 S84 S8698 S85 S86 S86 S86 S865 S87 S868 S86 S88 S865 S89 S83 S86 S83 S865 S83 S863 S833 S834 S8635 S835 S864 S836 S8645 S837 S865 S838 S839 S8655 S84 S866 ~HRc9 (~H) ast lron : xcellent HRc9~ (H~) S86595 S854 S86598 S855 S865 S865 S856 S8655 S857 S8658 S865 S858 S8655 S859 S853 S865 S853 S8655 S853 S8653 S8533 S8534 S86535 S8535 S8654 S8536 S86545 S8537 S8655 S8538 S8539 S86555 S854 S8656 luminum ~HRc8 (~H8) 쫛 : ood opper lloys ~H HP OL-P SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 73

SP SRIS, i- SP RILL INSRTS - (P4) - INW OHRINSTZ - VOLLHRTMTLL(P4) or general use in carbon steels and alloy steels. ür allgemeine nwendung in Kohlensffstählen und legierten Stählen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine machine. ny non-standard size available. Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.36 iameter HP OL-P Min. Max..98(.5?) 7.65(.695?) 7.53 (.69?) 4.38 (.96?) 4/64? /3? 43/64? /6? 45/64? 3/3? 47/64? 49/64? 5/3? 5/64? 3/6? 7/3? 55/64? 7/8? 57/64? 9/3? 59/64? 5/6? 6.7 6.5 6.67 7. 7.7 7.46 7.5 7.86 8. 8.6 8.5 8.65 9. 9.5 9.45 9.5 9.84..4.5.64..43.83..3.6 3. 3. 3.4 3.8 4. ecimal.646?.6496?.6563?.6693?.679?.6875?.689?.73?.787?.788?.783?.7344?.748?.75?.7656?.7677?.783?.7874?.7969?.87?.85?.868?.8438?.8594?.866?.875?.896?.955?.963?.99?.9375?.9449? 3. () 4. (5/3?) TiN TiN TiIN S854 S85565 S854 S8557 S8543 S8544 S85575 S8545 S8558 S8546 S85585 S8547 S8559 S8548 S8549 S85595 S855 S855 S855 S8555 S855 S855 S8554 S8555 S855 S8556 S8557 S8553 S8558 S8559 S856 S8554 (P4) S84 S8665 S84 S867 S843 S844 S8675 S845 S868 S846 S8685 S847 S869 S848 S849 S8695 S85 S86 S85 S865 S85 S86 S854 S855 S86 S856 S857 S863 S858 S859 S86 S864 S854 S86565 S854 S8657 S8543 S8544 S86575 S8545 S8658 S8546 S86585 S8547 S8659 S8548 S8549 S86595 S855 S865 S855 S8655 S855 S865 S8554 S8555 S865 S8556 S8557 S8653 S8558 S8559 S856 S8654 SP THNIL T : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) 74쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS SP RILL INSRTS - (P4) i- INW OHRINSTZ - VOLLHRTMTLL(P4) or general use in carbon steels and alloy steels. ür allgemeine nwendung in Kohlensffstählen und legierten Stählen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine - machine. ny non-standard size available. Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.36 -RP iameter Min. Max. 4.4 (.96?) 35.5 (.38?) 3/3? 63/64?? -/64? -/3? -3/64? -/6? -3/3? -7/64? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? - -9/3? -5/6? -/3? -3/8? 4.6 5. 5.4 5.8 6. 6.9 6.59 6.99 7. 7.78 8. 8.8 8.58 9. 9.37 3. 3.6 3.96 3. 3.75 3. 3.54 33. 33.34 34. 34.3 34.93 35. ecimal.9688?.9843?.?.56?.36?.33?.469?.65?.63?.938?.4?.94?.5?.47?.563?.8?.875?.88?.5?.5?.598?.83?.99?.35?.3386?.3438?.375?.378? 4.8 (3/6?) TiN TiN TiIN S856 S8555 S85 S85 S8556 S85 S853 S854 S8557 S856 S8558 S857 S858 S8559 S85 S8553 S85 S854 S8553 S856 S8553 S858 S85533 S85 S85534 S85 S854 S85535 (P4) S86 S865 S8 S8 S866 S8 S83 S84 S867 S86 S868 S87 S88 S869 S8 S863 S8 S84 S863 S86 S863 S88 S8633 S8 S8634 S8 S84 S8635 S856 S8655 S85 S85 S8656 S85 S853 S854 S8657 S856 S8658 S857 S858 S8659 S85 S8653 S85 S854 S8653 S856 S8653 S858 S86533 S85 S86534 S85 S854 S86535 HP OL-P : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 75

SP SRIS 3 i- SP RILL INSRTS - (P4) - INW OHRINSTZ - VOLLHRTMTLL(P4) or general use in carbon steels and alloy steels. ür allgemeine nwendung in Kohlensffstählen und legierten Stählen Set up time can be reduced due changing inserts easily on the Reduzierte Rüstzeiten, einfacher insatzwechsel auf der Maschine machine. ny non-standard size available. Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.36 iameter HP OL-P Min. Max. 3 34.37 (.353?) 47.8 (.88?) -3/3? -7/6? -5/3? -/? -7/3? -9/6? -9/3? -5/8? -/3? -/6? -3/3? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? -7/8? 35.7 36. 36.5 37. 37.3 38. 38. 38.89 39. 39.69 4. 4.48 4. 4.8 4. 4.7 4.86 43. 43.66 44. 44.45 45. 45.4 46. 46.4 46.83 47. 47.63 ecimal.463?.473?.4375?.4567?.4688?.496?.5?.533?.5354?.565?.5748?.5938?.64?.65?.6535?.6563?.6875?.699?.788?.733?.75?.777?.783?.8?.85?.8438?.854?.875? 6.4 () TiN TiN TiIN S856 S85536 S858 S85537 S853 S85538 S853 S8534 S85539 S8536 S8554 S8538 S8554 S854 S8554 S854 S8544 S85543 S8546 S85544 S8548 S85545 S855 S85546 S855 S8554 S85547 S8556 (P4) S86 S8636 S88 S8637 S83 S8638 S83 S834 S8639 S836 S864 S838 S864 S84 S864 S84 S844 S8643 S846 S8644 S848 S8645 S85 S8646 S85 S854 S8647 S856 S856 S86536 S858 S86537 S853 S86538 S853 S8534 S86539 S8536 S8654 S8538 S8654 S854 S8654 S854 S8544 S86543 S8546 S86544 S8548 S86545 S855 S86546 S855 S8554 S86547 S8556 SP THNIL T : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) 76쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

Special features of SM-Point Spade rill This new Hybrid Point combines the strength of the standard point with additional Web Thinning. This new point increases stability, reduces thrust, improves centering and allows increased speeds and feeds. Multiple thinning form at the botm of the large thinning. The optimum thinning for the difference from the cutting speed, the cutting quantity and the cutting load according the distance from the drill point the cutting edge. Multiple web thinning with the cutting edge of small web thinning. ood self-centering Radius back face Wide chip space Less ol lead off Reduction in bell mouthing, thrust Increased stability our-facet point Self-centering Less thrust force

SP SRIS i- SM-POINT SP RILL INSRTS - M4 - SM-POINT INW OHRINSTZ - M4 or general use in steels and cast irons. ür allgemeine nwendung in Stahl und usseisen Improved stability and hole straightness by newly developed rhöhte Stabilität und luchtgenauigkeit durch neu thinning design. Less thrust force and excellent self-centering. ny non-standard size available. entwickeltequerschneidengeometrie Verminderte ohrkraft und ausgezeichnete Selbstzentrierung Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar -RP cutting conditions : P.35 iameter HP OL-P Min. Max. 7.53 (.69?) 4.38 (.96?) 45/64? 3/3? 47/64? 49/64? 5/3? 5/64? 3/6? 7/3? 55/64? 7/8? 57/64? 9/3? 59/64? 5/6? 7.86 8. 8.6 8.5 8.65 9. 9.5 9.45 9.5 9.84..4.5.64..43.83..3.6 3. 3. 3.4 3.8 4. ecimal.73".787".788".783".7344".748".75".7656".7677".78".7874".7969".87".85".868".8438".8594".866".875".896".955".96".99".9375".9449" 4. (5/3?) SM4545 SM4558 SM4546 SM45585 SM4547 SM4559 SM4548 SM4549 SM45595 SM455 SM455 SM455 SM4555 SM455 SM455 SM4554 SM4555 SM455 SM4556 SM4557 SM4553 SM4558 SM4559 SM456 SM4554 (M4) TiN TiN TiIN SM445 SM468 SM446 SM4685 SM447 SM469 SM448 SM449 SM4695 SM45 SM46 SM45 SM465 SM45 SM46 SM454 SM455 SM46 SM456 SM457 SM463 SM458 SM459 SM46 SM464 SM4545 SM4658 SM4546 SM46585 SM4547 SM4659 SM4548 SM4549 SM46595 SM455 SM465 SM455 SM4655 SM455 SM465 SM4554 SM4555 SM465 SM4556 SM4557 SM4653 SM4558 SM4559 SM456 SM4654 SP THNIL T : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) 78쪾 phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,,

SP SRIS SM-POINT SP RILL INSRTS - M4 i- SM-POINT INW OHRINSTZ - M4 or general use in steels and cast irons. ür allgemeine nwendung in Stahl und usseisen Improved stability and hole straightness by newly developed rhöhte Stabilität und luchtgenauigkeit durch neu - thinning design. Less thrust force and excellent self-centering. ny non-standard size available. entwickeltequerschneidengeometrie Verminderte ohrkraft und ausgezeichnete Selbstzentrierung Jede bmessung außerhalb des Kataloges lieferbar cutting conditions : P.35 -RP iameter Min. Max. 4.4 (.96?) 35.5 (.38?) 3/3? 63/64?? -/64? -/3? -3/64? -/6? -3/3? -7/64? - -5/3? -3/6? -7/3? - -9/3? -5/6? -/3? -3/8? 4.6 5. 5.4 5.8 6. 6.9 6.59 6.99 7. 7.78 8. 8.8 8.58 9. 9.37 3. 3.6 3.96 3. 3.75 3. 3.54 33. 33.34 34. 34.3 34.93 35. ecimal.9688".9843".".56".36".3".469".65".63".938".4".94".5".47".56".8".875".88".5".5".598".8".99".35".3386".3438".375".378" 4.8 (3/6?) SM456 SM4555 SM45 SM45 SM4556 SM45 SM453 SM454 SM4557 SM456 SM4558 SM457 SM458 SM4559 SM45 SM4553 SM45 SM454 SM4553 SM456 SM4553 SM458 SM45533 SM45 SM45534 SM45 SM454 SM45535 (M4) TiN TiN TiIN SM46 SM465 SM4 SM4 SM466 SM4 SM43 SM44 SM467 SM46 SM468 SM47 SM48 SM469 SM4 SM463 SM4 SM44 SM463 SM46 SM463 SM48 SM4633 SM4 SM4634 SM4 SM44 SM4635 SM456 SM4655 SM45 SM45 SM4656 SM45 SM453 SM454 SM4657 SM456 SM4658 SM457 SM458 SM4659 SM45 SM4653 SM45 SM454 SM4653 SM456 SM4653 SM458 SM46533 SM45 SM46534 SM45 SM454 SM46535 HP OL-P : xcellent 쫛 : ood, opper arbon lloy High lloyed steels Structural Tool ast lron luminum ree lloys ~HRc4 ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc8 HRc8~ ~HRc37 HRc37~ ~HRc4 HRc4~ ~HRc3 HRc3~ ~HRc8 ~HRc9 HRc9~ ~HRc8 ~H (~H5) (~H75) (H75~) (~H75) (H75~) (~H35) (H35~) (~H5) (H5~) (~H) (H~) (~H75) (~H) (H~) (~H8) SP THNIL T phone:+8-3-56-99, fax:+8-3-56-4373,, 쪾 79