[ 붙임 4-2] 퇴직 ( 중도사직 ) 자보안서약서양식 PLEDGE 본인은퇴직후근무기간중지득한비밀등중요자료를누설하거나사적으로이용하지않을것이며 만일누설한때에는발생한손해에대해배상하고 민 형사상책임을질것을서약합니다 서명일 서약자 성명 서약집행자 직위 성명

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[ 붙임 4-1] 중도사직서양식 ( 예시 ) Letter of Resignation Date: October 20, 2014 To : Superintendent of Gangwon Provincial Office of Education From : Jason Smith Workplace : Chuncheon Girls' Middle School Dear Mr. Min, 30, 2014. It is with regret that I submit this letter of resignation, effective November I have found my time here in Korea to be a very valuable experience, and I wish to express my appreciation and high esteem to you and teachers. I feel those teachers I have been in contact with have done their best to ensure that the foreign assistant teacher's stay in Korea is a rewarding and memorable one. This has been the case for myself personally, and I wish to assure you that I leave for purely personal reasons; not as a result of any fault or oversight of the school. Yours sincerely, Jason Smith

[ 붙임 4-2] 퇴직 ( 중도사직 ) 자보안서약서양식 PLEDGE 본인은퇴직후근무기간중지득한비밀등중요자료를누설하거나사적으로이용하지않을것이며 만일누설한때에는발생한손해에대해배상하고 민 형사상책임을질것을서약합니다 서명일 서약자 성명 서약집행자 직위 성명

[ 붙임 4-3] 인수인계서 ( 양식 - 예시 ) ( 원어민용 ) Name Total contact dates worked at the school Exit Form ( 인수인계서 ) ( 원어민용 ) School Name Please circle what you re planning to do Transferring Leaving ***FEEL FREE TO USE AS MUCH SPACE AS NEED BE*** 1. Please explain your teaching situation (class schedule,, number of students total and per class, number of co-teachers, etc.). Grades you teach 지도학년 The number of class 학급수 The number of students per class 급당학생수 Extra traveling school 순회학교 2. Please explain how you ran your class (routines, class room management, incentive system, punishment system, etc.) and how effective it was (on a scale of 1-10, 1=not effective, 10=extremely effective). 3. Please explain any problems you had at this school, why these problems occurred, and how you (tried to solve) solved these problems. 4. How was your relationship with your co-teacher(s), please list their name and relationship on a scale of 1-10 (1=poor, 10=excellent), and a small explanation. 5. Please explain any concerns or things to note regarding your housing situation (such as boiler controls, maintenance fees, utility bills, problems with housing). 6. Things to look out for and/or other helpful tips. 7. What kind of EPIK teacher should replace you (sex, personality, age, etc.)? Please email a copy of this form to your District Coordinator, and leave a hard copy for your successor. In addition to this form, also leave a folder (whether computer or hard copy) for the next EPIK teacher. Thank you.

<example> Exit Form ( 인수인계서 ) Name Frederick Lee McHenry Jr. School Name HuPyeong Boys Middle School Total contact dates worked at the school February 25th-Oct 25th Please circle what you re planning to do Transferring Leaving ***FEEL FREE TO USE AS MUCH SPACE AS NEED BE*** 1. Please explain your teaching situation (class schedule,, number of students total and per class, number of co-teachers, etc.). Grades you teach 지도학년 The number of class 학급수 The number of students per class 급당학생수 3 1 28 4 2 30/29 5 1 30 6 3 29/28/30 Extra traveling school 순회학교 My schedule consisted of 22 hours per week, with 36 students in each class. I had 4 co-teachers divided amongst the 1 st and 2 nd grade students. 2. Please explain how you ran your class (routines, class room management, incentive system, punishment system, etc.) and how effective it was (on a scale of 1-10, 1=not effective, 10=extremely effective). I generally ran my classes as a listening/conversation class. Occasionally I would do activities such as games and group work. My punishment was give students yellow cards that would take points away from their overall student points. Its wasn t very effective. 3. Please explain any problems you had at this school, why these problems occurred, and how you (tried to solve) solved these problems. I had problems with the school giving me things that the contract said I was entitled too. Such as housing issues and appliances and a TV. The school never provided a TV. I told them that I was without a TV and their response was that they don t have any monies. Also when I requested to have my apartment changed due to the poor conditions of the apartment, I was told I had to wait until the apartment lease was completed. I requested the monthly allowance and they told me it wasn t possible, because the school has no monies. I was given a mattress which was molded out. 4. How was your relationship with your co-teacher(s), please list their name and relationship on a scale of 1-10 (1=poor, 10=excellent), and a small explanation. My lead co-teacher Mrs. Choi was slightly helpful. I didn t work with her in a class setting. She just handles my EPIK paperwork. (Rating 6) Mrs. Kim 1 st grade and Mrs. Kim 2 nd grade were both great co-teachers and very helpful. (Rating 9) Mrs. Choi my 2 nd grade co-teacher was very helpful (Rating 9) Mr.An my 1 st grade co-teacher wasn t the best at helping me control the class. We had a lot discipline issues in our class, often times interrupting the lesson. I felt that I had to discipline the student and teach, making my job harder. (Rating 3) 5. Please explain any concerns or things to note regarding your housing situation (such as boiler controls, maintenance fees, utility bills, problems with housing). The School eventually moved my housing to a newer building and cleaner living conditions. I have no complaints about the new apartment. 6. Things to look out for and/or other helpful tips. I would say make the most out of the situation. 7. What kind of EPIK teacher should replace you (sex, personality, age, etc.)? A male teacher, with an exciting personality and a loud voice. Possibly interested in music and sports. Maybe 25-35 I an ideal age for the students. Please email a copy of this form to your District Coordinator, and leave a hard copy for your successor. In addition to this form, also leave a folder (whether computer or hard copy) for the next EPIK teacher. Thank you.

[ 붙임 4-4] 학교장의견서양식 ( 예시 ) 학교장의견서 원어민보조교사인적사항 소속 성명 성별 연령 계약기간 당초 사직희망일 현임교총근무기간 학교장의견 간략히서술 본교에근무중인원어민영어보조교사 선생님 계약기간 께서본국에서의가정사정으로인해 자로사직하고자합니다 지난 월부친의사망과현재모친이병환 암 으로입원중이어서병간호와가정을돌보기위해부득이하게중도에사직하고귀국하기를원하고있어이를허락하고자합니다 강원도교육감귀하 학교장 직인이미지

[ 붙임 4-5] 근무평가서 ( 학교용 ) 2014 원어민보조교사근무평가서 ( 학교용 ) 평가일 : 2014... ( 평가기준일 ) 지역중심학교명협력교사명원어민보조교사명계약기간 대상원어민보조교사가 2 명이상일경우원어민보조교사 1 명당각각작성, 제출 1. 근무상황및연수실적 유형 (Type) 연가 (vacation) 특별휴가병가 (special (sick leave) leave) 공가 (official leave) 출장 (business trip) 결근 (unpaid leave) 지각 (Tardy) 조퇴 (Early Leave) 연수실적 ( 총시간 ) 총일 ( 시간 ) 수 2. 원어민보조교사근무평가 반드시순회학교평가를반영하여종합적으로작성바람 평가요소 평가내용 배점 평점 A B C D E 점수 복무태도 생활태도 수업지도 종합평가 무단결석, 조퇴, 지각등이없는등성실한가? 관련규정및지시사항을준수하였는가? 책임의식과열의를갖추고있는가? 일상생활에문제가없고자기관리에충실한가? 사고가건전하고육체적으로건강한가? 학교활동에협조적이며, 문화차이를이해하고극복하려고노력하는가? 지도안및수업자료개발등준비도교수법의효율성및수업성실도다양한수업방법연구노력및연수실적등 학생의수업만족도긍정적인변화및발전가능성원어민보조교사의역할수행에대한종합적인평가 20 20 16 12 8 4 20 20 16 12 8 4 30 30 25 20 15 10 30 30 25 20 15 10 합계 100 종합평가 : ( ) 점 평가위원 교감 교사 확인자 교장