Multiple Choice Questions 1. Before morning and evening homage ceremonies, monks play four percussion instruments to summon earth-bound, air-borne, wa

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중학영어듣기 1학년

Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp DOI: A study on Characte

Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp DOI: * The Grounds and Cons

영상문화27호 (보람편집)_수정 (4).hwp


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The Winner 2016 Test for IDI applicants. (Not official) LightOn International Dharma Instructor s Association

Multiple Choice Questions 1. Before morning and evening homage ceremonies, monks play four percussion instruments to summon earth-bound, air-borne, water-borne and tormented beings to the Buddha Hall to take part in the ceremony and become enlightened. These four instruments are: 1 large drum, wind chime, wooden fish, and the mokt ak 2 wooden pillar, wind chime, wooden fish and large bell 3 large drum, cloud gong, wooden fish and large bell 4 large drum, wind chime, wooden fish and mokt ak 2. One of the following does NOT meet temple etiquette standards. Which one? 1 prostrate three times in the center of the Buddha Hall in from of the main Buddha image 2 bow from the waist with hands together when crossing in front of the Buddha image 3 enter the hall one foot at a time and perform a bow in the direction of the Buddha image before going to sit 4 leave the hall one foot at a time without turning your back to the Buddha image 3. Which of the following is NOT a World Cultural Heritage Site as designated by UNESCO? 1 Haeinsa Tripitaka Koreana Respository 2 Suwon Fortress 3 Hall of Eternal Life, Buseoksa Temple 4 Sokguram Grotto 4. Which of the following correctly matches, in order, the four holy sites of the Buddha s birth, enlightenment, first sermon and passing away? 1 Lumbini, Buddhagaya, Sarnath, Kusinara 2 Lumbini, Sarnath, Buddhagaya, Kushinara

3 Lumbini, Nalanda, Vesai, Kusinara 4 Lumbini, Vesali, Nalanda, Buddhagaya 5. The Neranjara River, bathing, a young girl named Sujata, and rice boiled in milk are all related to one important event in the life of the Buddha. Which one? 1 Renunciation 2 Ending asceticism 3 The Buddha s first Dharma talk 4 Birth in Lumbini Park 6. Which of the following is NOT directly related to the Four Noble Truths? 1 The basis of existence is suffering 2 The three poisons 3 The Noble Eightfold Path 4 The Four Immeasurable Virtues of a Bodhisattva 7. The meaning of Sangha is: 1 Community for harmony 2 Community for chanting 3 Community of leave-takers 4 Community for total asceticism 8. Mahayana is many things, but NOT one of the following: 1 A lay movement that began prior to the beginning of the common era 2 A philosophy that underlines the more transcendental aspects of the Buddha s teachings 3 The Bodhisattva ideals 4 A school of Buddhism that rode the Silk Road into China, Korea, Japan and the Philippines 9. In what year was the Buddha s Birthday first designated as one of Korea s national holidays?

1 1945 2 1968 3 1975 4 1988 10. There are several major types of temple paintings, and one of the most common is a depiction of the historical Buddhas Sakyamuni delivering the Lotus Sutra, surrounded by bodhisattvas, the guardians of the four directions, and his 10 disciples. To which category of paintings does this belong? 1 Sweet Dew paintings 2 Main Platform paintings 3 Guardian paintings 4Paradise paintings Short Answer Questions 11. What are Jogye Order s Five Major Monasteries, and what do we call the main administrator of one? 12. Korea has three temples representing the Triple Gems of Buddhism, i.e. the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. Which ones are they? 13. The Buddhist community has four classifications of members, both monastic and lay. What are they? 14. Who is the current Patriarch of the Jogye Order and where does he reside? 15. What are the Five Lay Precepts? Subjective Questions 16. The bodhisattva ideal is preeminent to Mahayana Buddhism. What is a

bodhisattva? 17. What do you perceive as similarities and differences between Buddhism and Christianity? 18. What kinds of activities are of most interest to you as an International Dharma Instructor? 19. Which part of the Noble Eightfold Path do you consider most important, and why? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1. Describe some major differences between Buddhism and other major religions. 2. As a lay Buddhist, what kind of practice have you been doing recently? Short Answers 1. Write, in order, Three Universal Characteristics and the Four Noble Truths. 2. Write, in order, the components of the Noble Eightfold Path. 3. List at least three major differences between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism. 4. Write the original words from Pali for the Three Baskets, I. e., the scriptures, discipline, treatise. 5. Essential to Mahayana are the Six Paramitas. In this instance, what is the meaning of "paramita"? 6. What are the Three Gems, or Jewels, of Buddhism?

7. Twenty schools of Theravada Buddhism were developed out of two basic orders. What were they? 8. Name at least two major features of Chinese Buddhism. 9. Name at least three major features of Korean Buddhism. 10. ( ) had ambitious plans to expand his empire through military conquests. In his invasion of the neighbouring state of Kalinga, many thousands were killed, wounded or captured. The tremendous loss of lives in this invasion proved a turning point in the life of Ashoka. Disenchanted with war, he decided not to undertake any more military expeditions. He turned to religion instead and soon became a devoted Buddhist. 11. Name the three types of karma. In Buddhism, which is the most important? 12. Humanity is marked by birth, ageing, sickness and death. What marks the universe? 13. In yogacara(or vijnanavada), what is the storehouse of consciousness called? 14. What is the first of 12 links of interdependent co-arising? 15. List the five skandas and give modern interpretations of their meanings. 16. List the Eight Great Scenes of Buddha's Life. 17. In the Buddha's prior life as a Bodhisattva ( ), ( ) Buddha predicted that he would become a Buddha in the future. 18. Which sutra best represents the Jogye Order's teachings?

19. What are the three core teachings of the Jogye Order? 20. Rahula's mother, who later became the first female monk, was? Multiple Choice Questions 1. List the 12 causes of dependent origination in order: ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) ignorance - action - consciousness - name and form - six sense organs - contact - sensation - desire - grasping - being, existing - birth - old age & death 2) ignorance - action - consciousness - six sense organs - name and form - contact - desire - grasping - sensation - being, existing - birth - old age & death 3) ignorance - action - consciousness - six sense organs - name and form - contact - grasping - desire - sensation - being, existing - birth - old age & death 4) ignorance - action - consciousness - name and form - six sense organs - contact - desire - sensation - grasping - being, existing - birth - old age & death 2. Of the Three Baskets, which came first? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) Scriptures 2) Discipline 3) Treatise 3. Which of the following is incorrect? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1)Buddha delivered his first sermon at Sarnath 2)Buddha became enlightened in Rajagrha 3)Buddha was born in Lumbini 4) Buddha entered Nirvana at Kushinagara 4. Which of the Buddha's disciples proposed to convene a council after the Buddha's passing? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) Ananda 2) Upali 3) Katyayana

4) Mahakasyapa 5) Subuti 5. Which of the following has no relation to the 1st congress? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) Rajagrha 2)500 Council 3) Vesali 4) Cave of the Seven Leaves 5) Ananda 6. Which has no relation to Mahayana Buddhism? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) lay Buddhism 2) achieving Buddhahood 3)Bodhisattvayana 4) Six Perfections 5) Renunciation 7. Which does not apply to the Four Noble Truths? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) Life is suffering 2) Suffering is caused by desire 3) Emptiness 4) The cure is the Noble Eightfold Path 5) There is a cure to suffering 8. Select two from the following that are not part of the Three Studies: ( ANSWER NO. ) 1)Discipline 2)Mediation 3)Knowledge of liberation 4) Liberation from Suffering 5) Wisdom 9. Select two from the following that do not belong to the Noble Eightfold Path: ( ANSWER NO. ) 1)Correct views 2) Correct conduct 3) Correct path 4)Correct mindfulness 5) Correct occupation 6) Correct practice 10. Select 1) the founder of the Jogye Order and 2) the monk responsible for a major revival: ( 1) ANSWER NO. ), ( 2) ANSWER NO. ) 1) National Master Doui 2) National Master Pojo 3) National Master Po-u 4) Zen Master Songchol 5) Zen Patriarch Huineng 11. Select the two temples that are not Three Jewel temples of Korea:

( ANSWER NO. ) 1) Haeinsa 2) Beomeosa 3) Songgwangsa 4) Sudeoksa 5) Tongdosa 12. Which monk was responsible for setting the foundation for comprehensive Buddhism: (ANSWER NO. ) 1) Uisang 2) Wonhyo 3) Seosan 4) Jinul 5) Daehyae 13. Which of the following was not included in the Buddha's first sermon, the Turning of the Wheel? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) 12 causes of dependent origination 2) Noble Eightfold Path 3) Middle Way 4) Four Noble Truths 5) Meditation 14. Which of the following does not apply to the Four Noble Truths? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) Craving 2) Meeting people you dislike 3)Elimination of craving 4)the five skandas 5) impermanence 15. Which does not apply to the 10-14 questions that the Buddha did not answer? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) the world as finite or infinite 2) the existence of the Tathagata after passing 3) the relationship of the body and the spirit 4) the unity of the atman and the brahman 16. Which is the correct match for the names of the Buddha's parents? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) Suklodhanaraja Yasodhara 2) Suddhodana Maya 3) Suklodhanaraja Maya 4) Suddhodana - Yasodhara

17. At the time of the Buddha, society was a caste system. Which caste did the Buddha belong to? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1)Brahman 2)Vaishya 3)Shudra 4) Kshatriya 18. Which of the following is correct regarding the physical attributes of the Buddha? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) 32 marks and 81 features 2) 32 marks and 80 features 3) 30 marks and 80 features 4) 30 marks and 81 features 19. When did the Buddha say to "be a lamp unto thyself"? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) after enlightenment 2) at the Deer Park 3) when passing into Nirvana 4) when telling his disciples to go forth to preach the Dharma 20. At what ages did the Buddha become enlightened and enter Nirvana? ( ANSWER NO. ) 1) 29-70 2) 29-80 3 )35-70 4)35-80 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (3 points each) 1. Which of the following correctly matches, in order, the four holy sites of the Buddha s birth, enlightenment, first sermon, and passing away? 1) Lumbini, Buddhagaya, Sarnath, Kusinara 2) Lumbini, Sarnath, Buddhagaya, Kushinara 3) Lumbini, Nalanda, Vesai, Kusinara 4) Lumbini, Vesali, Nalanda, Buddhagaya 2. Which of the following is NOT correct about Eight Scenes from the Life of the Buddha?

1) Announcement of the Imminent Birth - Shakyamuni Buddha is descending from heaven riding an elephant under the escort of heavenly beings. 2) The Birth - The baby being born in Lumbini Park with beautiful flowers blooming and mystical birds singing. 3) Four Scenes of Human Existence - Prince Siddhartha saw an old person, sick person, a corpse and an ascetic. And then he left the palace. 4) Asceticism - For six years he studied and meditated to find the truth. 3. The meaning of Sangha is: 1) Community for harmony 2) Community for chanting 3) Community of leave-takers 4) Community for total asceticism 4. The Neranjara River, bathing, a young girl named Sujata, and rice boiled in milk are all related to one important event in the life of the Buddha. Which one? 1) Renunciation 2) Ending asceticism 3) The Buddha s first Dharma talk 4) Birth in Lumbini Park 5. He was one of the important new additions to the early Sangha with Moggallana and became one of the Buddha's chief disciples. He had formally been a disciple of another spiritual teacher, Sanjaya (the leader of the Sceptics), but had not gained complete understanding through his teachings. On hearing the Buddha's Dharma on "Dependant Origination," he made up his mind to become a member of the Sangha. Who is he? 1) Kashapa 2) Sariputta 3) Upali 4) Ananda 6. Which of these was one of the most important results of the Buddhist Council held under the patronage of the emperor Asoka? 1) More monasteries and pagoda were constructed throughout India.

2) All the Buddhist monks were gathered together for the first time. 3) Buddhist missionaries were sent out all over the ancient world. 4) The Buddhist Scriptures were written down for the first time. 7. ( ) is the bodhisattva of perfect compassion. The name means Hearer of Cries. She is often pictured with her head slightly tilted as if listening to the pleas of the suffering. She also assumes a thousand-eyed and thousand-armed form. Each hand bears an eye so that the bodhisattva can see how to help those in distress. 1) Avalokitesvara 2) Ksitigarbha 3) Samantabhadra 4) Manjushri 8. Which of the following is NOT true about the mind-ox-painting? 1) It is one type of Zen art and is a metaphor to seeking one s true nature. 2) It shows ten stages of practice so is often called as the ox-herding series. 3) The last stage of the painting is to become a person who has completely forgotten the existence of the ox. 4) BoMyong's corresponding painting is called the ox-herding-painting because its meaning can be herding an ox. 9. Which of the following is NOT a World Cultural Heritage Site as designated by UNESCO? 1) Haeinsa Tripitaka Koreana Respository 2) Suwon Fortress 3) Hall of Eternal Life, Buseoksa Temple 4) Sokguram Grotto 10. Which is NOT a major monastery (Chong-Lim) in the Jogye-Order? 1) Songgwang-sa 2) Haein-sa 3) Bulguk-sa 4) Baekyang-sa ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN ENGLISH. (5 points each) 11. What are the Five Aggregates?

12 What are the Six paramitas (perfections)? 13. What are the Three Marks of Existence(the Three Dharma Seals)? 14. What are The Four Noble Truths?. 15. Please write The Noble Eightfold Path. 16. People mostly offer six things such as incense, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) and ( ) to the Buddha in the Buddha Hall. PLEASE ANSWER BRIEFLY IN ENGLISH (10 POINTS EACH) 17. What is the definition of Dependent Origination? Explain it with an example from your own daily life. 18. What kind of practice do you do, and why? 19. Please describe the reason the Buddha left his palace to became a seeker. 20. TRANSLATE INTO KOREAN Buddha is a good friend to all people. If Buddha finds a man suffering from the heavy burden of worldly passions, he feels compassion and shares the burden with him. If he meets a man suffering from delusion, he will clear away the delusion by the pure light of his wisdom. Like a calf which enjoys its life with its mother, those who have heard the Buddha s teachings are afterward unwilling to leave him because his teachings bring them happiness. (S.N35-5) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

PLEASE FILL IN THE BLANKS. 1. Buddha was born in the city of, attained the Enlightenment in, first taught the Dharma in and passed away in. Lumbini/ Bodgaya/ Saranath/ Kusinagar 2. "He who sees Dependent Arising, sees the." Dharma 3. When there is this, that is. With the arising of this, that arises. When this is not, neither is that With the cessation of this, that. is extinguished, (or disappears, vanishes, ceases) 4. If we cultivate, we receive good results. wholesome causes, or good causes 5. Dependent on tanha (craving) there arises. Upadana, or grasping, clinging, attachment 6. Kushala or means intelligent, or skillful. It refers to those intentional actions which are beneficial to oneself and others, springing out from kindness, compassion, renunciation and wisdom. good karma 7. The Six Indriyas (adhyatma-ayatana, ajjhatta-ayatana) Six Internal Bases, Six Sense-organs, or Six internal Places are eye, ear, nose, tongue, and. a. body b. mind 8. The Six Gunas (bahira-ayatana), Six External Bases, or Six Dusts are sight, sound,, taste, and..

a. scent, or smell b. tangibles, or touch c. dharma or idea 9. By practicing the Ten Good Deeds and Ten Meritorious Deeds, the fully ripened fruit of these wholesome actions consists of rebirth in the higher realms of happiness, i.e. Man, Asura and Deva. Conversely, the full ripened fruit of the unwholesome action consists of rebirth in the lower realms of suffering, i.e. Hell, and Animals. Hungry Ghosts 10. The Six Consciousnesses are the and the discriminative ability of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, and.. a. perceptions b. body c. mind 11. The third Council was held at Pataliputra (modern patna) under the patronage of the Emperor about 200 years after Parinirvana. Ashoka 12. The Five Skandhas or Five Aggregates are, the five components of intelligent beings, or psychological analysis of the mind. They are,,,, and Consciousness. a. Matter or Form (rupa) b. Sensation or Feeling (vedana) c. Recognition or Conception (samjna, sanna) d. Volition or Mental Formation (samskara, sankhara) 13 The Hall of Great Calm and Brilliance is dedicated to Buddha. Vairocana 14. The Madhyamika was founded by, a South Indian philosopher of genius whose method was dialectic and aims at pointing to sunyata by ruthless negating all pairs of opposites. Nagarjuna 15. 's philosophy asserts the first three of Buddhism's four truths in

that it associates will with desire, appetite, and craving. However, instead of the fourth truth, he describes a twofold path. Denial of the will is attained by either. In The World as Will and Representation, he proposed that humans living in the realm of objects are living in the realm of desire, and thus are eternally tormented by that desire. His idea of the role of desire resembled that of Vedanta Hinduism and Buddhism, and he drew attention to these similarities. Schopenhauer PLEASE ANSWER BRIEFLY IN ENGLISH 16. List the Five Precepts. to refrain from killing any living beings, taking anything that is not given sexual misconduct lying and bad speech all intoxicants 17. What is Tripitaka (Tipitaka )? Vinaya, Sutra (Sutta), Abhidharma (abhidhamma) 18. Please list the five major monasteries (Chongrims, 叢林 ) in Korea? Haein ( 海印 ), Youngchook ( 靈竺 ), Jogye ( 曹溪 ), Deoksoong ( 德崇 ), Gobul ( 古佛 ) 19. What was the name of the first temple in China? Baekmasa ( 白馬寺 ) 20. Young Prince Gautama Siddhartha encountered four sights outside the gates of his castle. What were they? Sick man/ Old man/ Dead man/ Mendicant 21. What did Gautama Siddhartha eventually discover after his long practice?

The Middle Path or Dependent Origination 22. What were the Buddha's last words? Everything is impermanent, Practice with diligence. (Subject to change are all things, strive on with diligence) 23. Please list The Three Marks of Existence in order. Impermanence / No Self (Impersonality) / Suffering 24. Please list The Four Noble Truths in order. Suffering / Cause of suffering / End of suffering or cessation / Ways out of suffering 25. Where do all sufferings come from? Ignorance & Attachment 26. What is the way to be free from all sufferings? The Noble Eightfold Path 27. Please list The Noble Eightfold Path in order. Right view / intention / speech / action / livelihood / effort / mindfulness / concentration 28. Please list the 12 links in order. Ignorance-action- consciousness- formation (name and formation) - six senses- contact- sensation or feeling- craving- attachment- becoming- birth- old and death 29. What is the definition of karma? All actions with body, by telling, by mind 30. What are Six-Paramitas (The Perfections)? Write in order. Generosity (Giving) - Ethics (Morality) -Patience (perserverence)

- Effort (Determination)-Concentration (Meditation)-Wisdom 31. Please explain the similarity and difference between Daeungjeon ( 大雄殿 ) and Daeungbojeon ( 大雄寶殿 )? Sakyamuni Buddha is enshrined commonly, but the Dae-ung-jeon the Buddha has two attendant Bodhisattvas while there are three Buddha triads in the Daeungbojeon 32. What are three poisons we try to remove? Desire, Hatred, Ignorance 33. Who is the ideal person in Theravada and in Mahayana Buddhism? Arahat / Bodhisattva 34. Please list The Four Percussion Instruments ( 四物 ) in a temple. Big bell drum cloud gong wooden fish 35. Sometimes on the wall of the Main Buddha in a temple you can find a series of pictures depicting the life of Buddha. What is this series called? Pal Sang do (The Eight Scenes from the Buddha s Life) 36. In Korea there are Three Jewel temples. What are they? Tongdosa-Haeinsa-Songkwangsa 37. The Buddha was only depicted by symbols before the advent of the Buddha images in human form. What do the following symbols represent? a) wheel b) stupa Buddha's teaching Buddha's final nirvana. 38. Early stupa art functioned as a visual text. What practice among the Six Perfections is implied in the Vessantara jataka scene of the Sanchi Great Stupa? Generosity or great virtues

39. When was the first image of the Buddha in human form created? the first century C.E. 40. What was enshrined in the ancient Buddhist stupa? Buddha's relics or remains 41. What was a conceptual model for Mathura artists to make a Buddha image in the very first stage? the Great men or Great Being ( Mahapurusa) in ancient Indian tradition 42. What was the physical model for Mathura artists for making a Buddha image? a Yaksa (or a local male deity, a local god) 43. How many auspicious marks are mentioned in the Digha Nikaya? 32 marks 44. What does the protuberance of the Buddha's head symbolize? Buddha's spiritual superiority 45. Who built the stupa after the Buddha s parnirvana? the laity 46. The hand gestures ( mudra) of the Buddha implies symbolic meanings. What does the earth-touching gesture mean in early Buddhist art? a witness of the earth 47. When did the first Buddhist art begin? third century BCE (Asoka s ruling period) 48. Translate into English 제악막작 ( 諸惡莫作 ) 중선봉행 ( 衆善奉行 ) 자정기의 ( 自淨其意 ) 시제불교 ( 是諸佛敎 ) Not to do any evil, to do good, to purify the mind, these three principles are

fundamental in Buddhist doctrine. 49. Translate into Korean. "Now, what is the difference between Mahayana and Theravada? I have studied Mahayana for many years, I find there is hardly any difference between Theravada and Mahayana with regard to the fundamental teachings. - Both accept Sakyamuni Buddha as the Teacher.- The Four Noble Truths are exactly the same in both schools.- The Eightfold Path is exactly the same in both schools.- The Paticca-samuppada or the Dependent Origination is the same in both schools.- Both rejected the idea of a supreme being who created and governed this world. - Both accept Anicca (Impermanence), Dukkha (Suffering), Anatta (No self) and Sila (Rules or Precepts), Samadhi (Concentration), Panna (Wisdom) without any difference." (Dr.Rahula) 소승불교와대승불교의차이는무엇일까? 나는오랫동안소승과대승불교에관하여공부를했지만부처님의가르침의기본에있어서그둘사이의차이를발견하기는힘들었다. - 석가모니부처님을스승으로모시는것은동일하다 - 사성제는두학파에서일치한다 - 팔정도는두학파에서일치한다 - 연기법은두학파에서일치한다 - 이세상을주관하거나창조했다는超人의존재사상은인정하지않는다 - 두학파모두제행무상일체개고제법무아그리고계와선정그리고지혜를받아들임에는하등의차이가없다. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Please choose the best one (@ 1 point) 1. Which one of the characteristics listed below is not one of 3 unique to Korean Buddhism? 1 Interpenetrated Buddhism 2 Zen Buddhism 3 Wishing fulfillment Buddhism 4 Defense-country Buddhism

2. Which list is the Three Jewels temple? 1 Haein-sa, Buseok-sa, Bulguk-sa 2 Baekyang-sa, Songgwang-sa, Bulguk-sa 3 T'ongdo-sa, Beopju-sa, Jogye-sa 4 T'ongdo-sa, Haein-sa, Songgwang-sa 3. In the Temple Structure, which gate comes first? 1 The Guardians Gate 2 The One Pillar Gate 3 The Non-duality Gate 4 The Liberation Gate 4. What idea do these phrases deal with? 1) The Lotus Flower Bridge and the Seven Gems Bridge of Bulguksa Temple 2) Anyangmun, the Non-duality Gate, at Buseoksa Temple 1 The way to the world of Humanity 2 The way to the Lotus world 3 The way to the Pure Land 4 The way to the world of Virocana 5. Which contains the Rules of disciplines? 1 Vinaya 2 Sutra(Sutta) 3 Abhidharma 4 Suttanipata 6. Which sutra does the Jogye Order depend on? 1 The Diamond Sutra 2 The Garland Sutra 3 The Lotus Sutra 4 The Mahaparinirvana Sutra 7. Who is the writer of the following Zen-poem? 菩提本無樹明鏡亦非臺 There is no bodhi tree, nor stand of a mirror bright. 本來無一物何處惹塵埃 Since all is void, where can the dust alight.

1 Won-hyo( 元曉 ) 2 Shen-hsiu( 神秀 ) 3 Chi-nul( 知訥 ) 4 Hui-neug( 慧能 ) 8. Around the 2nd to 3rd century CE, who was often referred to as the second Buddha, systematically organizing Mahayana philosophy? 1 Vasubandhu 2 Nagarjuna 3 Asanga 4 Mahsamghikas 9. Which are the three root-defilements in Buddhism? 1 greed, hate, aggregates 2 upekha, hate, delusion 3 mudita, impermanence, delusion 4 greed, hate, delusion 10. Which is the main idea of Heart sutra, one of six perfections? 1 generosity 2 morality 3 wisdom 4 meditation 11. Meditation is necessary for 1 enjoying life 2 having a calm mind 2 increasing wisdom 4 seeking beautiful mind 12. He tried to purify Goryo Buddhism by a new movement named The Concentration and the Wisdom ( 定慧結社 ). Who was he? 1 Dosun 2 Uicheon 3 Chinul 4 Bowoo 13. Where was the Zen-Buddhism introduced in Korea? 1 Goguryo 2 Shilla 3 Goryo 4 Baikjae 14. "The main theme of his works was that of proof at the most fundamental level of understanding of the lack of conflict in the apparently divergent doctrines of the various schools of Buddhism that had developed in India and China." Who was he? 1 Uisang 2 Wonhyo 3 Chinul 4 Bowoo

15. Who was an Englishman and the founder of Pali Text Society with his wife? 1 Rhys Davids 2 Christmas Humphreys 3 Schopenhauer 4 Edwin Arnold Please write all in English (each 2~5 points) 16. Who is the supreme patriarch of Jogye Order now? (2) His holiness Ven. Dorim Beopjun( 道林法傳 ) 17. Statues of the Buddha were not produced until some 500 years after His parinirvana. During this period, the Buddha was represented by symbols such as (, ). Please list two items more. (2) the Bodhi tree, the Dharma wheel, footprints, stupa, and so on 18. Who introduced Tiantai from China to Goryo Dynasty? (2) Uichun( 義天 ) did. 19. Where did Buddha enter into the Parinirvana? (2) He entered under the sala grove at Kushinara(Kusinagara) 20. Who erected the huge columns in many places throughout his great empire, the one pillar with four seated lions excavated at Sarnath is the most famous for its excellent workmanship? (2) Ashoka did 21. Fill in the blanks correctly. The (A) (B) Hall is the center of the monastery not only

architecturally but also spiritually. The (A) (B) Hall was originally called the Golden Hall due to the gilded body of the Buddha Image. Depending on which Image of the Buddha is enshrined and upon the Temple s character and size, several different names can be used for the (A) (B) Hall. (2) Main Buddha 22. The reason for building the two Pagodas at the same site is to follow the statement found in the Lotus Sutra that the Buddha of the Past is standing besides the Buddha of the Present to witness the Buddha s teaching. What are these two Pagodas? (2) The Pagoda of Many Gems & the Three-story Stone Pagoda of Sakyamuni at Bulguksa 23. Dancheong is the method of painting the wooden parts of buildings with cosmic design. Please describe the purpose of Dancheong. (2) "refer to the protection of the wood" is OK 24. Korea has five Jeokmyeolbogung( 寂滅寶宮 ) shrines that house Buddha s sarira and head bones that Jajang, a monk in the Silla Dynasty, brought from the Tang Dynasty. Please write them. (3) They are T'ongdo-sa, Beopheug-sa, Jeongam-sa, Bongjeong-ahm, Sangwonsa(Woljeong-sa) 25. Usually in Korean temple, the Great Hero Hall is dedicated to the historical Buddha, Sakyamuni with two attendant Bodhisattvas supporting Him. Who is on His right and on His left? (3) They are Samantabhadra, the bodhisattva of Action and Majusri, the Boddhisattva of wisdom.

26. The Eight fold path can be divided into three categories Ethical Conduct, Mental Development and Wisdom. Ethical conduct contains ( ), ( ),( ). Fill in the blanks. (3) right speech, action, livelihood 27. The Garland sutra(avatamsaka sutra) emphasizes the doctrine of 'the three Bodies of the Buddha'. Please explain the Buddhas dedicated in the Hall of Great Calm and Brilliance. (3) Vairocana Buddha(Dharmakaya) in the center, Rocana Buddha (Sambhokaya) to the left and Sakyamuni Buddha(Nirmanakaya) to the right 28. Brahmavihāra (Pali and Sanskrit) can be translated as Sublime Attitudes or Abodes of God. They are also called the "Four Immeasurables," or "the four sublime attitudes. Please list the Four Immeasurables. (4) They are loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity ( or metta, karuna, mudita, upekha.) 29. Please explain the place and reason of the second council in early Buddhism? (4) The council was held at Vesali(Vaisali), and because of some debates between the Elders and the Mahasangha about 100 years after the Parinirvana. 30. Some Buddhists meditate on (or contemplate) the Buddha as having nine characteristics: the Buddha is a worthy, omniscient, full of ( ) and virtue, wellgone, ( ) of all worlds, and ( ) charioteer of people, ( ) of gods and men, Enlightened, Blessed one! (4) knowledge/ Knower /Incomparable /Teacher 31. Please write down the Paramitas in order from Generosity(Dana). (5) Conduct(Morality) Patience(Endurance) Vigor(Effort Energy Determination) Meditation Wisdom

32. Please write down Dependent Origination, in reverse order. (5) Old and death/ Birth/ Becoming/ Attachment(Grasping)/ Craving/ Feeling/ Contact/ Six senses/ Mind and Body/ Consciousness/ Volitional action(mental formation/ Ignorance Please select one and translate into Korean. (5) 33-a. ".. they should see insightfully, correctly, and repeatedly that even the five aggregates are empty of inherent nature. Form is empty, emptiness is form, Emptiness is not other than form, form is also not other than emptiness. Likewise, sensation, discrimination, conditioning, and awareness are empty. In this way, Sariputra, all things are emptiness; they are without defining characteristics; they are not born, they do not cease, they are not defiled, they are not undefiled. They have no increase, they have no decrease. "<Heart sutra Tibetan version.> 그들은직관 ( 통찰력 ) 을가지고, 올바르게, 반복하여오온 ( 몸과마음, 색수상행식 ) 의타고난본성은공한것이라고봐야한다. 몸은공한것이고, 공은몸이고, 공은형상과다른것이아니고, 형상은몸과다른것이아니다. 마찬가지로, 감각 ( 수 ), 차별 ( 상 ), 검사 ( 행 ), 인식들도공한것이다. 이와같은방법으로, 사리불이여, 모든것은공함이니라 : 모든것들은뭐라고규정할수없는성질이다 : 모든것들은태어나지도않았고, 사라지지도않으며, 더럽혀지지도않았고, 깨끗해지지도않았다. 그것들은수적으로늘어나는것이아니고수적으로적어지는것도아니다. 33-b. Samatha bhavana and Vipassana bhavana The purpose of Samatha meditation is to attain deep concentration of the mind on a single object. Samatha is one of the factors of the Noble Eightfold Path. On the one hand, Samatha means cittavisuddhi, purity of mind which comes into being through the elimination of five hindrances. The method of Vipassana is the realization of the three characteristics of existence or mental and physical phenomena as they are impermanence, suffering, and no self nature. Therefore we have to observe any mental state or physical process that is arising at that moment as it actually occurs. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Multiple Choice Questions 1. Of the three Gates in the Temple Structure, which come first? 1) The Guardian Gate 2) The One Pillar Gates 3) The Nonduality Gate 2. What idea do these paragraphs deal with? 1) The Lotus Flower Bridge and the Seven Gems Bridge of Bulguksa Temple 2) Anyangmun, the Non-duality Gate, at Buseoksa Temple 1) The way to the world of Humanity 2) The way to the Lotus world 3) The way to the Pure Land Short Answer Questions 1. What is the general term in English language for a tiered tower with multiple eaves common to Nepal, China, Japan and Korea and other part of Asia? In Korea, it was made of wood, earth, brick, stone or other materials. 2. Fill in the blanks. The Hall is the center of the monastery not only architecturally but also spiritually. The Hall was originally called the golden Hall due to the gilded body of the Buddha Image. Depending on which Image of the Buddha is enshrined and upon the Temple s character and size, several different names can be used for the Hall. 3. The reason for building the two Pagodas at the same site is to follow the statement found in the Lotus Sutra that the Buddha of the Past is standing besides the Buddha of the Present to witness the Buddha s teaching. What are these two Pagodas and in which Realm of the world of Buddha are they? 4. Upon the basic building arrangement of the Buddhist Temple in Korea, there are various structures depending on the location and temple s character. Please list the

buildings in the Monastery. Composition 1. Please describe the architecture of the Great Hero Hall in general. 2. Dancheong is the method of painting the wooden parts of buildings with cosmic design. Please describe the purpose of Dancheong. 3. The natural materials are basically used for Buddhist Architecture in Korea. What are they and where are they used for? Answer Multiple Choice Questions: 1. 2) 2. 2) Short Answer Questions: 1. Pagoda 2. Main Buddha 3. The Pagoda of Many Gems & the Three-story Stone Pagoda of Sakyamuni at Bulguksa / The world of Humanity 4. Main Halls, Boddhisattvas Halls, Shrines and Pavilions, and Academies and Living quarters Composition: 1. ideas of general description is OK 2. refer to the protection of the wood is OK 3. soil(mud, earth), wood, and stone / stone footings and platforms, wooden column and mud wall etc @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Fill in the blanks with using indicated words 1. The Buddha Such indeed is the Buddha: worthy, omniscient, full of ( ) and virtue, wellgone, ( ) of all worlds, and ( ) charioteer of people, ( ) of gods and men, Enlightened, ( )! 답 : knowledge/ Knower /Incomparable /Teacher /Happy 2, The Dharma Wellexpounded is the Dharma by the Buddha: to be ( ): with immediate results: inviting ( ): leading to Nirvana: to be ( ) by the wise each for ( ).

답 : Selfrealized/ Investigation/ Understood/ Himself. 3. The Sangha Of good conduct is the Order of the disciples of the ( ) ( ): of upright conduct is the Order: of wise ( ) is the Order; of dutiful conduct is the Order. This Order of the disciples of the Happy One - namely, these ( )( ) of people - worthy of ( ), is worthy of ( ) is worthy of ( ), is an incomparable field of merit to the ( ). 답 : Happy. One Conduct. Four. Pairs. Hospitality Gifts. Reverence. World <Understood. Happy. Himself. Gifts. Reverence. Knower. World. Selfrealized. Teacher. Investigation. Conduct. One. Four. Hospitality. Pairs. Incomparable. Knowledge. > 4. Accroding to The Buddha in the Samyutta-Nikaya there are three kinds or levels of suffering (Dukka). Which of the following is not true about them? (text 52P) 1) suffering as pain 2) suffering inherent in the formations 3) suffering in change 4) suffering depart from beloved one. 답 : 4. 5. What is the only way to end of suffering? 답 : The 8 fold path 6. The Eight fold path can be divided into three categories Ethical Conduct, Mental Development and wisdom. Fill in the blanks. Ethical conduct contains ()()() 답 : right speech, action, livelihood Mental Development contains ()()() 답 : Right effort mindfulness concentration Wisdom contains ()() 답 : right understanding intention 7. Meditation is necessary for 답 : 2 교재 72 페이지 1) enjoying life 2) increasing wisdom 3) having a calm mind 4) seeking beautiful mind 8. Please write down The Perfections in order.

답 : Generosity(Giving, Charity) Conduct(Morality) Patience(Endurance) Vigor(Effort Energy Determination) Meditation Wisdom 9. A Bodhisattva practices all the perfections for the sake of 1) developing supernatural power 2) attaining enlightenment for himself 3) attaining enlightenment for others 4) good luck Please down Write down Dependent Origination the other round. 답 : Old and death/ Birth/ Becoming/ Attachment(Grasping)/ Craving/ Feeling/ Contact/ Six senses/ Mind and Body/ Consciousness/ Volitional action(mental formation/ Ignorance @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1. Please list the Four Holy Sites of Buddhism and explain them briefly. Ans) Buddha was born in Lumbini, attained the Enlightenment in Bodhgaya, He gave His first teaching in Saranath, and passed away in Kusinagar. 2. Please explain the Second Council of Buddhism. Ans) It was held at Vaishali, 100 years after the first. After debates between a more liberal group and traditionalists, the liberal group left and labeled themselves the Mahasangha -- "the great sangha. "They would eventually evolve into the Mahayana tradition of northern Asia. The traditionalists, now referred to as Theravada or "teaching of the elders", developed a complex set of philosophical ideas beyond those elucidated by Buddha. These were collected into the Abhidharma or "higher teachings. 3. A young prince, Gautama Siddhartha saw four sights out of his castle. What were those four?

Ans) They were a Sick man, an Old man, a Dead man, a Monk(Practitioner). 4. What does 'Shunyata(Śūnyatā) mean in Nāgārjuna's Madhyamaka school? Ans) Shunyata means emptiness. But this doesn't mean that nothing exists. It means that nothing exists in and of itself, but only as a part of a universal web of being. Of course, it is actually a restatement of the central Buddhist concepts of anātman(anatta), anitya(anicca), and dukkha 5. Yogachara, is credited to two brothers, who lived in India in the 300's CE. Who were they and what is their main ideas? Ans) They were Asanga and Vasubandhu, and they believed that everything that exists is mind or consciousness. 6. What are three poisons that we have to remove in Buddhism? Ans) They are Desire, Hatred, Ignorance. 7. Please explain 'Anicca(Anitya)' with your experiences? 8. Korea has three temples, representing the three Gems of Buddhism. Please write the temple of Dharma-Gem and explain the reasons. Ans) It is Haein-sa, which has Korean Tripitaka. 9. Please introduce Ananda, one of Buddha's ten disciples. Ans) He was a cousin of Buddha, and served Him for 20 years. Because of his good memory, he recite Buddha's discourse at the First Council. So we can see 'Thus have I heard' in every sutra. 10. What is 'Dukkha' in Buddhism? Please explain with some examples. Ans) causes and solutions 11. If you have any sufferings in your daily life, what do you think the fundamental reasons are?

Ans) Ignorance & attachment 12. Please explain 'Dependent Origination ( ā ' with some examples. Ans) 13. There were 10 foremost Buddha s disciples including Sariputra and Mahakasapa, then who was the most famous disciple in spreading the Dharma? Ans) Purna 14. Please list the Five Skandhas(Aggregates) in Buddhism. Ans) 1. "form" or "matter" (rūpa) 2. "sensation" or "feeling" (vedanā): 3. "perception" or "cognition" (saññā): 4. "mental formations" or "volition" (saṅkhāra) : 5. "consciousness" (viññāṇa): 15. Please explain the Law of Karma in Buddhism more positively. Ans) 16. Please list Six Paramitas, choose one of them, which is your favorite practicing way and explain how to practice in your daily life. Ans) Dāna paramita( 布施波羅蜜 ) : generosity, giving of oneself Śīla paramita( 持戒波羅蜜 ) : virtue, morality, discipline, proper conduct Kṣānti(kshanti)paramita( 忍辱波羅蜜 ):patience,tolerance, forbearance, acceptance, endurance Vīrya paramita( 精進波羅蜜 ) : energy, diligence, vigour, effort Dhyāna paramita( 禪定波羅蜜 ) : one-pointed concentration, contemplation Prajñā paramita( 智慧波羅蜜 ) : wisdom, insight 17. Would you explain 'Samsara' for some foreigners or young people who are

non-buddhists, in Buddhist's view? Ans) 18. In many temples, they have four instruments to hit. Please write down them and explain the reasons to hit. Ans) Big bell Beings in hell / Drum in a land / Wooden fish in water / Cloud gong in air 19. There are many misconceptions to the Buddhism, such as Buddhism is pessimistic or a monastic and impractical religion for monks. what do you think about this? Ans) 20. He is a monk in Shilla Dynasty. He returned his fatherland after his studies from Chinese Monk named Su-Dang( 西堂智藏 ). He became a famous monk for spreading Zen Buddhism in his times. So he is highly respected as a founder of Korean Jogye Order. Who is he? Ans) Doui ( 道義 ) 21. A Korean monk well-known for his impact in China became a major disciple of the eminent Chinese Consciousness-only master and translator Xuanzang ( 玄奘 ; 596-664). His commentary on the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra( 解深密經 ) had a strong influence in Tibetan Buddhism as well. Who is he? Ans) Weonchuk ( 圓測 ) 22. Usually in a main Buddha Hall, Sakamuni Buddha statue is enshrined in a center and supported by the Bodhisattvas, Samantabadhra to his left and Manjusri to his right. What does each Bodhisattva symbolize? Ans) Samantabadhra( 普賢菩薩 ) - power(universal practice or action), Manjusri( 文殊菩薩 ) - wisdom 23. Please explain the main Hall of Haein-sa.

Ans) It is Daejurkkwangjeon( 大寂光殿 ), which is enshrined Vairocana Buddha. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PLEASE FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH PROPER WORDS ( 1~4 points/each question) 1. Mental energy is the force behind right effort; it can occur in either wholesome or unwholesome states. The same type of energy that fuels desire, envy, aggression, and violence can on the other side fuel self-discipline, honesty, benevolence, and kindness. Right effort is detailed in four types of endeavors that rank in ascending order of perfection: (4) ⑴ to prevent the arising of unraised (unwholesome) states, ⑵ to abandon (unwholesome) states that have already arisen, ⑶ to arouse (wholesome) states that have not yet arisen, and ⑷ to maintain and perfect (wholesome) states already arisen. 2. Right mindfulness is the controlled and perfected faculty of cognition. It is the mental ability to see things as they are, with clear consciousness. Right mindfulness enables us to be aware of the process of conceptualization in a way that we actively observe and control the way our thoughts go. Buddha accounted for this as the four foundations of mindfulness: (4) ⑴ contemplation of the (body ), ⑵ contemplation of (feeling ) ⑶ contemplation of the state of (mind ), and ⑷ contemplation of the (phenomena). 3. The Exalted Buddha has said: "Whoever sees Dependent Arising, he sees ( ); Whoever sees ( ), he sees Dependent Arising." (2) A; (Dhamma) or (Dharma) 4. Dependent on Vinnana(consciousness) there arises ( ), and dependent on

( ) there arises Upadana (grasping, clinging or attachment). (2) A; (Nama Rupa or Mind and matter), (Tanha or Craving) 5. After attaining enlightenment, the Buddha went to ( Sarnath ); and it was here that he preached his first discourse there to set in motion the ( 'Wheel of the Dharma'. ) (2) 6. In 249 BC, when the Emperor Ashoka visited ( Lumbini ). it was a flourishing village. Ashoka constructed four stupas and a stone pillar with a figure of a horse on top. It remained neglected for centuries. In 1895, Feuhrer, a famous German archaeologist, discovered the great pillar while wandering about the foothills of the Churia range. (1) 7. Ashoka sent missionaries all over India and beyond. Some went as far as Egypt, Palestine, and Greece. St. Origen even mentions them as having reached Britain. The Greeks of one of the Alexandrian kingdoms of northern India adopted Buddhism, after their King (Menandros or Milinda) was convinced by a monk named ( Nagasena )- the conversation immortalized in the Milinda Pañha. (2) 8. The second philosophical innovation, Yogachara, is credited to two brothers, Asanga and Vasubandhu, who lived in India in the 300's CE. They elaborated earlier movements in the direction of the philosophy of idealism or chitta-matra. Chittamatra means literally ( mind only ). (1) 9. An Indian monk by the name of ( Nagarjuna ) took an idea and expanded on it to create the philosophy that would be known as Madhyamaka, in a book called the Mulamadhyamaka-karika, written about 150 CE. Basically a treatise on logical argument, it concludes that nothing is absolute, everything is relative, nothing exists on its own, everything is interdependent. (1) 10. The ( stupa ) symbolizes the Buddha and His teachings since it enshrines the sarira of the Buddha. In early days, before the Images of Buddha had been

enshrined in temple halls. Traditionally, it was built in the central area of temples. PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN BRIEF ENGLISH. (2~4 points / each question) 11. What refers to underlined it? (2) It begins with the intuitive insight that all beings are subject to suffering and it ends with complete understanding of the true nature of all things. Since our view of the world forms our thoughts and our actions. right view 12. Who is He in the following sentence? (2) He was a German philosopher best known for his work "The World as Will and Representation". His metaphysical theory is the foundation of his influential writings on psychology, aesthetics, ethics, and politics which influenced Friedrich Nietzsche, Wagner, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Sigmund Freud and others. His idea of the role of desire resembled that of Vedanta Hinduism and Buddhism, and he drew attention to these similarities. ( Schopenhauer ) 13. Please explain the underlined 'Kuknakjon( 極樂殿 )'. (4) Climbing Yonhwagyo( 蓮花橋 ) and Ch'ilbogyo( 七寶橋 ) (if one could) leads to Anyangmun( 安養門 ), the second gate at the front of Bulguksa, which is both smaller and less ornate than Chahamun( 紫霞門 ). Passing through Anyangmun leads one to the separate courtyard housing the Kuknakjon( 極樂殿 ). It enshrines an image of Amit'a (Amitabha) Buddha who is the Buddha of Western Paradise(Pureland) 14. The noble eightfold path is divided into three parts. They are Wisdom(panna), Ethical Conduct(sila), Mental Development(samadhi). Please list them in each part. (3)

⑴ Wisdom: Right View, Intention ⑵ Ethical Conduct: Right Speech, Action, Livelihood ⑶ Mental Development: Right Effort, Mindfulness, Concentration 15. What is Tripitaka ( Tipitaka )? (3) It means three baskets for Buddhist Canon of scriptures, which are classified in three baskets, such as Vinaya, Sutra (Sutta), Abhidharma (abhidhamma) 16. Please list two causes and two effects in the four noble truth.(4) Two causes; There is the origin of suffering, which is attachment to desire. (Samudaya) There is the Eightfold Path, (the atthangika magga) Two effects; There is suffering, (dukkha). There is the cessation of suffering, of dukkha. (Nirodha) 17. What does "Dalai Lama" mean in the following sentence? (2) The lineage of Tibetan Buddhism continues down to the present 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, born 1935. In 1989, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts on behalf of his people and nation, which had been taken over by the Communist Chinese in 1951. "It means a guru as great as the ocean." 18. What is the Buddhists' view of Saṃsāra? (3) Saṃsāra, the Sanskrit and Pāli term for "continuous movement" or "continuous flowing" refers in Buddhism to the concept of a cycle of birth (jāti) and consequent decay and death (jarāmaraṇa), in which all beings in the universe participate and which can only be escaped through enlightenment. Saṃsāra is associated with suffering and is generally considered the antithesis of nirvāṇa or nibbāna. 19. Please explain "whether the law of Karma (Kamma) is a kind of fatalism or not". (3) Karma means action, means "to do". Immediately we have an indication that the

real meaning of karma is not fate because karma is action. It is dynamic. But it is more than simply action because it is not mechanical action. It is not unconscious or involuntary action. It is intentional, conscious, deliberate, willful action. 20. Please list the four Sublime States( 四無量心 ) (4) metta(loving kindness), karuna(compassion), mudita(sympathetic joy), upekkha(equanimity) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PLEASE FILL IN THE BLANKS. ( 2 points / each question) 1. (" ") was the only son of Siddhartha Gautama and Princess Yasodharā. It means fetter. Siddhartha Gautama recognized that the child could be a tie that bound him to his wife Yashodhara and the comforts of the life of a householder. 답 Rāhula 2. The Buddha proceeded to a place called Pava where he and His disciples were invited to dinner by a lowly blacksmith, ( ). After the meal, however, the Buddha, who was already in a weakened condition, became seriously ill. 답 Chunda 3. The Third Buddhist Council was held with the support of Mauryan king, ( ) at Pataliputra in India some 100 years after the second council. 답 Ashoka 4. He was one of the important new additions to the early Sangha with Moggallana and became one of the Buddha's chief disciples. He had formally been a disciple of another spiritual teacher, Sanjaya (the leader of the Sceptics), but had not gained complete understanding through his teachings. On hearing the Buddha's Dharma on "Dependant Origination," he made up his mind to become a member of the Sangha. Who is he?

답 Sariputta 5. ( ) Buddha has this mudra, it shows the left index finger being grasped by the right hand, and the right thumb touching the tip of the left index finger. 답 Virocana 6. ( ) is the guiding sutra of Jogye Order 답 Diamond Sutra 7. ( ) was the Buddhist monk traditionally credited as the transmitter of Chán to China, dating his arrival to the Liáng( 梁 ) Dynasty, active in the lands of the Northern Wèi Dynasty. 답 Bodhidharma 8. ( ) is the bodhisattva of perfect compassion. The name means Hearer of Cries. She is often pictured with her head slightly tilted as if listening to the pleas of the suffering. She also assumes a thousand-eyed and thousand-armed form. Each hand bears an eye so that the bodhisattva can see how to help those in distress. 답 Avalokitesvara 9. ( ) is enshrined in the main hall( 無量壽殿 ) of Buseoksa( 浮石寺 ). 답 Amitabha Buddha 10. ( ) stayed at Geojosa Temple and founded a retreat community called The Retreat Community of Samadhi and Prajna. After some time he moved to Sangmujuam Hermitage, and continued with the retreat community for three years. When he read on The Record of Dahui, he attained complete enlightenment. 답 Bojo Chinul(Jinul) PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS SHORTLY IN ENGLISH. (4 points / each question)

11. What was the last preaching of Buddha? 답 He declared to His disciples: "All elements of personality are subject to decay. Strive on untiringly!" 12. Siddartha was born from Queen Maya's right side. What does it mean? 답 It means that His caste was Ksatriya 13. Please write in order, the four holy sites of the Buddha s birth, enlightenment, first sermon and passing away. 답 Lumbini, Buddhagaya, Sarnath, Kusinara 14. When we visit a Korean Temple, we usually pass three gates to the main Buddha Hall. Please write these three Gates. 답 One-pillar Gate, Guardian Gate, Non-duality(Liberation) Gate. 15. Write the temples of Three Jewels in Korea. 답 1) Tongdo-sa 2) Haein-sa 3) Song Gwang-sa 16. According to the Buddha's teaching, what is the origin of suffering? 답 Attachment (to transient things) and Craving(Ignorance) 17. Write the Great Four Vows in order. 답 I vow to save all beings I vow to end all sufferings I vow to learn all Dharma teachings I vow to attain Enlightenment 18. What is the Five Skandhas(Aggregates)? 답 Form, feeling, perception, volition(impulses, mental formation), consciousness 19. What are the Five Precepts for lay-buddhists?