1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Excuse me. The zipper on my bag is broken. M: Let me take a look. Hmm, I think you need to replace it. It

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Being friends with the face in the mirror

1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Hello, Frank. Are you busy this weekend? M: No, I m free. W: Why don t you go to the concert with me? M: 2




2번 대화를듣고, 남자의심정으로가장알맞은것을고르시오. W :Hey,Mark.WhatareyoudoingthisSaturdaynight? M :Nothingmuch.I m probablyjustgoingtostayhome. W :Oh,realy? M :Yeah.Ireal






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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

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300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름



슬라이드 1

pdf 16..

Pro travel network

Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.


2017 학년도전국연합학력평가 로그인 / 회원가입필요없는무료학습자료사이트 레전드스터디닷컴! http://legendstudy.com 6 월고 2 영어영역 듣기평가대본

1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Excuse me. The zipper on my bag is broken. M: Let me take a look. Hmm, I think you need to replace it. It ll cost 10 dollars. W: Okay, then replace it. Will it take long? M: 1 16

2. 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. M: Amy, Mom s birthday is this Friday. How about having a family dinner? W: Sounds great. Do you have any ideas for a good restaurant? M: Let me see... A seafood restaurant recently opened nearby. Mom really likes seafood. W: 2 16

3. 다음을듣고, 여자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. W: Good morning, students. This is Ms. Smith, your fine arts teacher. Today I d like to tell you about a new cartoon drawing class. The class will be held every Saturday in July, beginning on July 1st. This class is offered with the financial support of the Oakville Community Center. So there s no participation fee. Pens and drawing papers will be provided for free as well. Any student in our school can join the class, but only 40 students will be accepted. Please hurry up and register. I hope you enjoy the special art class. Thank you. 3 16

4. 대화를듣고, 남자의의견으로가장적절한것을고르시오. W: David, look at this chart. The sales of our new products are not good. M: Let me see it. [Pause] You re right. We should look for better ways to promote our products. W: Would you be more specific? M: How about posting pictures on social media to advertise them? W: Advertising? I think newspapers are better than social media. M: Nowadays youngsters like social media more than papers. Most don t even read newspapers at all. W: Well, can social media advertising improve our sales? M: Absolutely, we can attract more young customers. W: All right. But, I don t think we can afford to spend a lot on advertising. You know, we are small business owners. M: Don t worry. Social media advertisement costs very little, which is the beauty of it. W: You re giving me hope for growing sales. 4 16

5. 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. M: Good morning, Julia. How was your holiday? W: Good morning, Mr. Stanley. I had a wonderful time. How was yours? M: Very nice, thanks. Did you check the operation schedule for this week? Is it full? W: No, not yet. M: That s good. We should always be prepared in case of an emergency. W: Is there anything else you need before seeing patients? M: Yeah, I want to see the list of patients who are scheduled for today. W: Okay, here it is. There are appointments with patients in the morning. And in the afternoon, you have two operations. M: Got it. Please measure and record the blood pressure of the patients. I need their records to be up-to-date. W: Don t worry, I ll take care of them! 5 16

6. 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. M: Minji! Was this picture taken when you were in the U.S.? W: Yeah. It was Culture Exchange Day. How do you like the banner hanging on the blackboard? I made it myself. M: Great! It looks like you put a lot of effort into it. W: I did. That day, I introduced the traditional Korean clothing to my foreign friends. M: Then the lady on the right side of the picture is you! You re wearing Hanbok, right? W: Yes. Everyone loved it. Do you see the boy with the hat on? He s from Mexico. M: Ah, that must be a traditional Mexican hat. Then, who is the girl standing behind the table? W: You mean the girl holding the flag? She is from Canada. She explained the meaning of her country s flag. M: Good. What s that next to the window? Is that a kite? W: Right, we all made the kite together, and flew it in the playground. M: It sounds very exciting. I think you had a wonderful experience. 6 16

7. 대화를듣고, 여자가할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Hey, what are you doing? W: I m preparing for a presentation tomorrow. M: You must be busy. What s the presentation about? W: It s about our business plan for the Asian market. M: Sounds like a lot of work. Have you finished the market research? W: Sure. I ve already collected the information and finished analyzing it. M: It must have taken a long time. W: Fortunately, the International Department manager helped me a lot. M: Good for you. Then, what is left to do? W: Now, I have to photocopy handouts and check the microphone in the meeting room. M: I m on my way to the meeting room. I ll check the microphone for you. Then you can make the copies. W: Great! Thank you, Tony. 7 16

8. 대화를듣고, 남자가워크숍에참석할수없는이유를고르시오. M: Hi. Megan. How was your first client meeting? W: It was successful. I won the contract with the buyers. M: Wow! Good job! How did you like meeting with clients? W: It was not easy to meet and talk to new people. I was so nervous. M: That s why we need to keep on developing our communication skills. W: Right. So I m planning to attend a workshop about how to deal with customers this Sunday. M: Oh, I ve heard of it. It ll be held at the Pearson Building, right? W: Yeah. How about going together? I can pick you up. M: Thanks. I d love to, but I can t. W: Why not? Is it the day that you volunteer at the Chicago Animal Shelter? M: No, that s next Sunday. Actually, I m supposed to go on a business trip to Seoul. So I can t make it. W: Okay. Then, I ll give you some good tips later. 8 16

9. 대화를듣고, 남자가지불할금액을고르시오. [3 점 ] W: Hi. Can I help you? M: I d like to buy a bicycle for my son. W: How old is he? M: He s in middle school. W: This hybrid bicycle is popular. It s suitable for riding short distances. It s $190. M: $190? I think it s a little expensive. W: Hmm... What about this folding bicycle? It s convenient for storing anywhere. It s $40 cheaper than the one you just saw. M: Okay, then I ll take this one. Do you also have any safety equipment like helmets? W: Sure. We have an all-inclusive safety package, and that includes a helmet, knee protectors, a safety vest, and so on. It s just $50. M: Sounds good. I ll take that. Do you have any special offers? W: Yes, we do. You get 10 percent off the total price if you pay with a Big Bonus credit card. M: Great. I have that card. Here s mine. 9 16

10. 대화를듣고, International Travel Fair 에관해언급되지않은것을고르시오. M: Honey, summer vacation is coming. How about going abroad this time? W: Why not? I saw an International Travel Fair poster in the subway station. We can get some useful information there. M: Okay. Let s check the fair s official website first. W: [Typing sound] Wow! It says as many as 60 travel agencies are supposed to attend. M: Really? That ll be a big event. When will it be held? W: It s from June 23rd to the 25th. M: And, it ll take place at the Convention Center. W: Great. It s not far from our house. M: What kind of events will there be? W: Folk dance performances, traditional costume shows, and virtual reality experiences. M: Wonderful! It ll surely be good for us. 10 16

11. ABC Cable Network 에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시오. [3 점 ] M: Hello, listeners and viewers! Are you tired of only getting a few television channels? Then it s time to switch to ABC Cable Network. With 150 channels, ABC Network is one of the leading cable providers in the country. For a small monthly service fee, you can enjoy a wide variety of entertainment programs, local and international news, and a good selection of movies. This year, we were recognized as the most watched cable network. To celebrate this achievement, new customers can have a one month free trial for our network channels, excluding movie channels. If you want more specific information on our service plans, visit our website at www.abcnet.co.ca. 11 16

12. 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 두사람이구입할세탁기를고르시오. M: Honey, Electro-Mall is having a big sale on washing machines this week. W: That s good. We need a new washing machine. M: Here, I have their catalog. W: Well... They all look nice, but I don t think we can afford to spend more than five hundred dollars. M: You re right. Then we can choose among these four models. Don t you think 10kg is too small for us? W: I think so. It should be bigger than that. Would the one with a dryer be better? M: Of course. It s really convenient since we don t have to hang the laundry out to dry. W: Fair enough. Hmm... About the warranty, I think five years is not long enough. M: I agree. The longer, the better. W: Okay. Then, let s get this one. 12 16

13. 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. Woman: W: What are you thinking so hard about? M: Well, I m not sure what kind of job is right for me. W: I understand your concerns. I also had the same problem. M: Really? But you ve already made up your mind. W: Sure. I had a chance to participate in a job shadowing program, and it was helpful. M: Job shadowing? What is that? W: It s a kind of job experience program. M: You mean you spend time in a real workplace? W: Exactly! Just like a shadow, I followed different professionals and watched them work. M: Sounds interesting. It must ve been a big help for you. Could that work for me as well? W: 13 16

14. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 Man: 고르시오. [3 점 ] M: Jane, how s it going with the preparations for your play? W: I m working hard on it, Mr. Brown! But, I feel nervous about performing in front of everyone. M: Don t worry. I m sure you ll do fine. W: Thank you for encouraging me. M: I heard that you and Mike are a team. Where s Mike? W: Unfortunately, he s at home with the flu. I guess he won t be able to practice with me for a few days. M: Oh, that s too bad. So you re acting out your script on your own. W: Right. I ll do my best to give a good performance. M: Hopefully your efforts will pay off. W: Thanks, but I m not sure I m doing it the right way. M: 14 16

15. 다음상황설명을듣고, Ben이 Lucy에게할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. Ben: Lucy, W: Lucy is the chief student editor of the school magazine. With the help of students and teachers, finally the completed magazines are all printed out. She is eager to see everyone enjoy reading the magazines, so she plans to hand them out today. Ben, another editor, suggests examining the copies for the last time before distributing them. While turning the pages slowly, Lucy is embarrassed to find the name of the school principal is spelled wrong. She quickly starts correcting spelling errors to meet her original schedule. But Ben thinks they should take more time to correct the wrong names in hundreds of copies. In this situation, what would Ben most likely say to Lucy? 15 16

[16~17] 다음을듣고, 물음에답하시오. M: Hi, class! We talked about the importance of eating healthy foods last class. Today, we re going to look at some foods that can keep our brains healthy. For example, whole grains, like brown rice, allow blood to flow to the brain better. They contain nutrients including vitamin B and vitamin E. When these work together, brain cells are better preserved. Second, blueberries help protect the brain from stress and delay brain aging by 2.5 years. A study on rats found that diets rich in blueberries dramatically improve the learning ability of aging rats. Third, spinach has substances that could slow down memory loss. A study found that eating a lot of this leafy vegetable is associated with reduced memory loss. Furthermore, nuts are terrific sources of vitamin E, which can help prevent the mental processes like knowing and understanding from decreasing as you age. Plus, it s been said your heart will benefit from nuts. There must be other foods you know about. Now let s think about more foods with your partner. 16. 남자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것은? 17. 언급된식품이아닌것은? 16 16