01 Tube & Plate Microcentrifuge Tube 3 Conical Centrifuge Tube 4 Screw Cap Tube 5 Accessories of Microcentrifuge Tube 7 96-Well Plate 8
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1 Tube & Plate PCR Tube & Plate Real-Time PCR Tube & Plate (Accessories of Exicycler 96) Pipette Tip Tube Rack Plastic Wares Phone: (ext. 4->2)
2 01 Tube & Plate Microcentrifuge Tube 3 Conical Centrifuge Tube 4 Screw Cap Tube 5 Accessories of Microcentrifuge Tube 7 96-Well Plate 8
3 Microcentrifuge Tube Homopolymer Polypropylene Microcentrifuge Tube 바이오니아의 Homopolymer Polypropylene Microcentrifuge Tube 는고품질 polypropylene으로만들어져매우광범위한화학적적합성을보이며, 누수, 원심력, 강도, 뚜껑개폐등에대하여국제표준에준하는엄격한품질테스트를통과한제품입니다 강한내구성으로가열, 유기용매추출에안정 부피확인에용이하도록눈금표시 최대 25,000xg에서사용가능 DNase-, RNase-free Product Color Qty/Unit Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 0.65 ml Microcentrifuge Tubes, Graduated Clear 500/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-21-B1 194, ml Microcentrifuge Tubes, Graduated Clear 500/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-22-B1 120, ml Microcentrifuge Tubes, Graduated Clear 500/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-29-B1 139,200 T-Series 1.5 ml Microcentrifuge Tube 바이오니아의 1.5 ml Microcentrifuge Tube는 Ultraclear Copolymer Polypropylene으로만들어져투명도가요구되는실험에매우적합합니다. Ultraclear TM Copolymer Polypropylene 재질 RNase-, DNase-free Positive seal design (-90 ~ 120 ) 최대 20,000 xg 에서사용가능 높은온도의 boiling에서도견디는강한내구성 색상 - natural, colors, fluorescent assorted NoStick TM hydrophobic lubricant로전처리가능 Product Color Qty/Unit Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) T-Series Ultraclear TM Graduated 1.5 ml Microcentrifuge Tubes Natural 500 T-15-NG 19,200 * Tube 색은 natural, blue, green, orange, red, violet, yellow, amber, assorted, fluor. assorted 중선택가능. 3
4 Cornical Centrifuge Tube Conical Centrifuge Tube 바이오니아의 Polypropylene Conical Centrifuge Tube 는 FDA 기준에부합하는고품질 Polypropylene 으로제작됩니다. 매우투명한벽면을통해관찰이용이하며, 샘플식별에편리하도록넓은 labeling 영역을제공합니다. 또한용액의누수를방지하고개폐가용이하도록디자인되어있어다양한실험에적용가능합니다. Sterile, non-pyrogenic RNase-, DNase-free 샘플잔여물최소화 부피확인에용이하도록눈금표시 -80 ~ -20 의극한온도를견디는내구성 최대 8,000xg (15 ml), 9,500xg (50 ml) 에서사용가능 Product Color Qty/Unit Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 15 ml Conical Centrifuge Tube, 8,000xg, bag pack Clear 25/bag, 20 bag/cs BK-26-SB1 79, ml Conical Centrifuge Tube, 8,000xg, rack pack Clear 50/rack, 10 racks/cs BK-26-SR1 84, ml Conical Centrifuge Tube, 9,500xg, bag pack Clear 25/bag, 20 bags/cs BK-28-SB1 96, ml Conical Centrifuge Tube, 9,500xg, rack pack Clear 25/rack, 20 rack/cs BK-28-SR1 105, ml Conical Centrifuge Tube, free standing, bag pack Clear 20/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-32-SF2 109,200 BIONEER 4
5 Screw Cap Tube Screw Cap Tube Copolymer polypropylene 100% 재질로내용물이 tube 에결합하지않습니다. 열에안정하여액체질소안에서보관하거나가열할수있으며, RNase, DNase, DNA 및 pyrogen 이제거되어있습니다. O-ring 은 autoclave 가가능한 ethylene propylene 으로만들어졌고각 tube 의가장자리를완벽히 sealing 할수있습니다. Figure 0.5 ml Free-standing, ribbed Conical Free-standing 1.5 ml Conical, ribbed Free-standing, ribbed Conical, graduated Free-standing 2.0 ml Conical, ribbed Free-standing, ribbed Conical, graduated Free-standing Cap Standard with o-ring Tethered with o-ring 5
6 Screw Cap Tube Product Size Bottom Rib Graduations Qty/unit Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) Screw Cap Tube without Cap 0.5 ml 1.5 ml 2.0 ml Free-standing O None ,000 Free-standing X None ,000 Free-standing O None ,000 Free-standing (amber) O None ,000 Conical X 0.1 ml INCR ,000 Free-standing X None ,000 Free-standing O None ,200 Conical X 0.1 ml INCR ,200 Free-standing X 0.1 ml INCR ,200 Standard Screw Cap with O-ring Tethered Screw Cap with O-ring , , ml Free-standing X None S0 12,000 Pre-Sterilized Tubes with Standard Cap 1.5 ml 2.0 ml Conical X 0.1 ml INCR S0 12,000 Free-standing X None S0 12,000 Conical X 0.1 ml INCR S0 12,000 Free-standing X 0.1 ml INCR S0 12, ml Free-standing X None S0 12,000 Pre-Sterilized Tubes with Tethered Cap 1.5 ml 2.0 ml Conical X 0.1 ml INCR S0 12,000 Free-standing X None S0 12,000 Conical X 0.1 ml INCR S0 12,000 Free-standing X 0.1 ml INCR S0 12,000 BIONEER 6
7 Accessories of Microcentrifuge Tube Cap Opener and Cap Lock Cap Openers - 많은수량의 microcentrifuge tube를열때편리함 Cap Locks - 가열또는동결시 microcentrifuge tube가새지않도록함 - 끓는물에 microcentrifuge tube를담그거나꺼내기쉬움 - 여러색으로구비되어있어 sample 구별용이 Product Color Qty/Unit Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) Cap Openers Assorted 100 TO-XX-A 31,200 Cap Locks 0.5 ml Assorted 100 CH-05-A 30, ml Assorted 100 CH-15-A 30,000 Biorack TM 동시에 30개의 sample을 vortexing, boiling, incubation 할수있도록독창적으로고안된제품입니다.. 재질 : 스테인레스스틸 구성 : 0.5 ml과 1.5 ml tube 모두적용할수있는양면구조 Product Color Qty/Unit Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) Biorack TM Natural 1 A ,
8 96-Well Plate 96-Well Plate-RV 96-Well Plate-RV는 High Throughput Screening (HTS) 나 96 Deep Well Plate-Dome보다적은 volume의시료를저장할때사용할목적으로제작되었습니다. 고품질의 polystyrene (PS) 으로만들어져화학물질이나고온에서내구성이좋습니다. RNase, DNase, 또는 RNA/DNA polymerase inhibitor 등이없는상태로제공되며, well간의 cross-contamination을최소화하도록 cap design을하였습니다. 또한멸균처리후낱개포장되어있어개봉후남은 plate 의 contamination 문제를해결하였습니다. -70 보관가능 운송, 저장과정의안전을위해특수비닐팩사용 Radiation sterilized A-H, 1-12 라벨이되어있어샘플식별용이 적재형디자인으로여러개를쌓아보관가능 Well 바닥이 V자형태로 pipetting에용이 Product Type Material Qty/unit Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 96-Well Plate-RV RV PS ,000 RV PS , Deep Well Plate-Dome 96-Deep Well Plate-Dome은다양한 sample을한꺼번에 cell culture, DNA extraction 하거나보관할때사용할수있도록제작되었습니다. 재질은 polyprophylene (PP) 으로, 열이나화학반응등에도변성이없으며, 낱개로멸균처리포장되어있어사용이편리합니다. 또한, well이깊어용액의 cross contamination을최소할수있으며, polystyrene 재질의전용뚜껑이포함되어있습니다. -70 보관가능 운송, 저장과정의안전을위해특수비닐팩사용 Radiation sterilized A-H, 1-12 라벨이되어있어샘플식별용이 적재형디자인으로여러개를쌓아보관가능 Well 바닥이 dome 형태로 pipetting에용이 Product Type Material Qty/unit Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 96-Deep Well Plate-Dome Dome Plate - PP Lid - PS , , ,000 BIONEER 8
9 02 PCR Tube & Plate Individual PCR Tube 10 Tube Strip 10 PCR Plate & Sealing Material 11
10 Individual PCR Tube & Tube Strip Overview 바이오니아의 PCR 용 0.2 ml, 0.5 ml tube 는일정한벽면과바닥모양을가지며 thermal cycler 에서열이가장효율적으로전달되도록 design 되었습니다. PCR tube 의 snap seal design 은 PCR 과정또는 incubation 과정에서 tube 의뚜껑이열리는것을방지해줍니다. 8-tube 또는 12-tube strip 은 multi-channel pipette 을사용할때편리하며낱개로분리하여개별사용할수있습니다. RNase 와 DNase 제거처리되었고 natural color 이외에도 6 가지색상으로공급되며멸균처리된것과되지않은것이있습니다. 또한, 0.2 ml tube 는바이오니아, Perkin-Elmer, MJ research 등의최신 thermalcycler 에서사용가능하도록제작되었습니다. Individual PCR Tube with Attached Cap Product Figure Color Qty/unit Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 0.2 ml Flat Cap PCR Tubes Natural 1,000 TC2-02-N 60, ml Flat Cap PCR Tubes Natural 1,000 TC2-05-N 72, ml Dome Cap PCR Tubes Natural 1,000 TC-02-N 60, ml Dome Cap PCR Tubes Natural 1,000 TC-05-N 72,000 * Tube 색은 natural, blue, green, orange, red, violet, yellow, amber, assorted 중선택가능. Tube and Cap Strip Product Figure Color Qty/unit Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 0.2 ml PCR 8-Cap Strip Natural 125 C-028-N 24, ml PCR 12-Cap Strip Natural 80 C-0212-N 24, ml PCR 8-Tube Strip without Cap 0.2 ml PCR 12-Tube Strip without Cap Natural 125 T-028-N Natural 80 T-0212-N 132,000 (Blue 198,000) 120,000 (Blue, Assorted 180,000) 0.2 ml PCR 8-Tube Strip with 8-Cap Strip 0.2 ml PCR 12-Tube Strip with 12-Cap Strip Natural 125 T-028-CN 144,000 Natural 80 T-0212-CN 132,000 8-strip PCR Tube with Attached 8-Cap Strip Natural 125 TC-028-N 144,000 SnapStrip TM 8-Strip PCR Tube with Attached Individual Cap Natural 120 TC-0212-N 132,000 BIONEER * Tube 및 cap 색은 natural, blue, green, orange, red, violet, yellow, amber, assorted 중선택가능. 10
11 PCR Plate & Sealing Material PCR Plate & Sealing Material Product Figure Color Qty/unit Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 24-Well PCR Cycle Plate Natural 40 T-0224-N 60, Well PCR Cycle Plate Natural 20 T-0248-N 60,000 Flat Top 96-Well PCR Cycle Plate Natural 10 T-0296-N 60,000 Semi Skirted 96-Well PCR Cycle Plate Natural ,000 Full Skirted 96-Well PCR Cycle Plate Natural ,000 Full Skirted 384-Well PCR Cycle Plate Natural ,000 SilverSeal 96-well sealing mat ,000 Sealing Mat (silicon rubber) 96-well sealing mat ,000 * 96-well PCR Cycle Plate 는 natural, blue, green, orange, red, violet, yellow, assorted 중색상선택가능. Real-Time PCR 용 96-well PCR Cycle Plate 는제외. 11
12 03 Real-Time PCR Tube & Plate (Accessories of Exicycler 96) PCR 8-Tube Strip Well PCR Plate 14 Sealing Material 15
13 PCR 8-Tube Strip PCR 8-Tube Strip, 0.2 ml 본제품은 polypropylene 재질로만들어졌으며재현성있고민감도높은결과를얻을수있도록제작되었습니다. 0.2 ml Opaque White 8-Tube Strip 은 Exicycler TM 96 을비롯한대부분의 Real-Time PCR 기기에서사용가능하며 RNase 와 DNase free 처리가되어있어핵산분해의위험을최소화하였습니다. 또한집광효율을높여줌으로써높은민감도를보장하며, 일반 tube 와비교하여 noise 대비 signal 비율을증가시켰습니다. 불투명한재질의 tube 는 well 간 crosstalk 및 sample 과 detector 사이의빛의손실을최소화합니다. Features and Benefits Real-Time PCR, luminescence 검출에최적화 Real-Time PCR의민감도와재현성을최대화 Exicycler TM 96을포함한다수의 qpcr 기기에서사용가능 바이오니아 Adhesive Sealing Film과함께사용 Specifications Recommended Rxn Vol. Maximum Capacity Sterility Color 50 μl 300 μl DNase-, RNase-free Opaque, White Product Figure Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 0.2 ml Opaque White PCR 8-Tube Strip, 250 strips ,000 Low Profile PCR 8-Tube Strip, 0.2 ml 0.2 ml Low Profile PCR 8-Tube Strip 은 20 μl 이하의부피로 qpcr 을할때, 보다높은효율을얻을수있는 small volume qpcr 전용 tube 로, polypropylene 재질입니다. 일반 tube 와비교하여높이가낮기때문에, hot lid 와 thermal cycler 혹은 sample 사이의빈공간이줄어듭니다. 이는증발에따른 reaction volume 감소를최소화할수있으며, tube 벽면에 sample 이응축되는것을막아주어, 더욱높은효율의 qpcr 결과를얻을수있습니다. 집광효율을높여줌으로써높은민감도를보장하며, 일반 tube 와비교하여 noise 대비 signal 비율을증가시켰습니다. 불투명 tube 는 well 간의 crosstalk 및 sample 과 detector 사이의빛의손실을최소화합니다. 뿐만아니라, Low profile white qpcr 8-Tube Strip 는 Exicycler TM 96 및다른 Real-Time PCR 기기에도사용가능하며 DNase-, RNase-free 상태로제공하기때문에더욱신뢰성높은결과를얻을수있습니다. Features and Benefits Real-Time PCR, luminescence 검출에최적화 Real-Time PCR 의민감도와재현성을최대화 Exicycler TM 96 을포함한다수의 qpcr 기기에서사용가능 바이오니아 Adhesive Sealing Film 과함께사용 Specifications Recommended Rxn Vol. Maximum Capacity Sterility Color 20 μl 250 μl DNase-, RNase-free Opaque, White Product Figure Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 0.2 ml Opaque White Low Profile PCR 8-Tube Strip, 250 strips ,
14 96-Well PCR Plate 96-Well Semi-Skirted PCR Plate 바이오니아의 Opaque White 96-Well Semi-Skirted PCR plate 는 polypropylene 재질로만들어졌으며, 특히 Real-Time PCR 의결과를재현성있고민감하게측정할수있도록제작되었습니다. Opaque White 96-Well Semi-Skirted PCR Plate 는 Exicycler TM 96 을비롯한다른 Real-Time PCR 기기에도사용이가능하며 RNase-, DNase-free 처리를하여정확한실험결과를얻을수있습니다. 일반 plate 에비해 signal 과 noise 의비율을높였을뿐아니라반사효율을높여민감도좋은결과가보장됩니다. 또한 well 간의 crosstalk 을막고 sample 과 detector 사이의빛의손실을감소시켜 Real-Time PCR 동안민감하게빛을측정합니다. 각각의행은 alphabet 으로, 열은숫자로표시가되어있으므로사용이편리합니다. Semi-skirted plate 는 non-skirted plate 에비해단단하며, 위치를잘잡아주어더욱정확한결과를얻을수있습니다. Features and Benefits Real-Time PCR, luminescence 검출에최적화 Real-Time PCR 의민감도와재현성을최대화 Exicycler TM 96 을포함한다수의 qpcr 기기에서사용가능 바이오니아 Adhesive Sealing Film 과함께사용 Specifications Recommended Rxn Vol. Maximum Capacity Sterility Color 50 μl 300 μl DNase, RNase free Opaque, White Product Figure Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) Opaque White 96-Well Semi-Skirted PCR Plate, 25 plates , Well Skirted, Low Profile PCR Plate (Full skirted) Opaque White 96-Well Skirted, Low Profile PCR plate 는 PCR 중 tube 의옆면에응결되는것을최소화하도록설계되어있으며 20 μl 이하의 Real-Time PCR 실험에적합합니다. 일반 tube 와비교하여높이가낮기때문에, hot lid 와 thermal cycler 혹은 sample 사이의빈공간이줄어듭니다. 이는증발에따른 reaction volume 감소를최소화할수있으며, tube 벽면에 sample 이응축되는것을막아주어, 더욱높은효율의 qpcr 결과를얻을수있습니다. Opaque White 96-well skirted, Low Profile PCR Plate 는 full-skirted plate 로서, nonskirted plate 에비해최대한으로잡아주기때문에기기에의한떨림을최소화시켜줍니다. Features and Benefits Real-Time PCR, luminescence 검출에최적화 Real-Time PCR 의민감도와재현성을최대화 Exicycler TM 96 을포함한다수의 qpcr 기기에서사용가능 바이오니아 Adhesive Sealing Film 과함께사용 Specifications Recommended Rxn Vol. Maximum Capacity Sterility Color 20 μl 250 μl DNase, RNase free Opaque, White Product Figure Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) BIONEER Opaque White 96-Well Skirted, Low Profile PCR Plate, 25 plates ,000 14
15 Sealing Material Adhesive Optical Sealing Film 바이오니아에서제공하는 Adhesive Optical Sealing Film 은열에안정하며투명하여 Real-Time PCR 에사용할수있습니다. PCR 과정중열에의해더욱강력하게접착하기때문에 sample mixture 가증발될염려가없습니다. 쉽게사용할수있도록양면이구별이되어있고, 좌우끝단에절취선이있어쉽게 cover 를제거할수있습니다. 또한 Film 제거시어떤잔여물도남지않고쉽게제거됩니다. Features and Benefits Real-Time PCR 및 luminescence 검출에사용 8-tube strip, 96 well plate에사용가능 Hot lid 열에의한강한압착 Product Figure Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) Adhesive Optical Sealing Film, 100 sheets ,
16 04 Pipette Tip Standard Tip 17 Filter Tip 18 Low Binding Tip 19
17 Standard Tip Features and Benefits 100% 의료용 polypropylene으로제조 길기때문에튜브나플라스크등에서 pipetting 할때편리 Tip 벽면이얇게디자인되어있어사용편의성이높아 RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury, 반복사용긴장성증후군 ) 의위험감소 Ordering Information Description 바이오니아의 Standard Tip 은 Extra-Long 디자인으로, pipetting 시부주의로인한 pipette 과 tip, 또는 pipette 과시료사이의 cross-contamination 을줄여줍니다. 본제품은 Eppendorf, Gilson, Biohit, Thermo, Labsystems, DragonMed 등주요회사들의 pipette 과함께사용가능한만능 tip 으로 100,000 grade clean room 에서제조되어 DNase, RNase, pyrogen 이없는상태로제공됩니다. 부피확인에용이하도록눈금이있으며, 끝이뾰족해지는디자인으로미량샘플을다루기편리합니다. 포장형태 Bulk Package: 이중잠금된 zipper bag Rack Package: Polypropylene 재질의 rack으로 RT에서장시간보관가능, 안전잠금장치로개폐시편리 Refill Package: 다시채워넣을수있도록겹겹이쌓여올려진형태로, 손접촉에의한오염을완벽히차단 Product Packing Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 10 μl Standard Tip μll, clear, bulk pack 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-10-B1 108, μl, clear, graduated, bulk pack 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-11-B1 108, μl, clear, graduated, rack pack 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-11-S1 187, μl, clear, graduated, refill pack 480/rack, 10 racks/cs BK-11-R1 151, μl Standard Tip μl, yellow, graduated, bulk pack 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-12-B2 112, μl, yellow, graduated, rack pack 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-12-S2 189, μl, yellow, graduated, refill pack 480/rack, 10 racks/cs BK-12-R2 153,600 1,000 μl Standard Tip 100-1,250 μl, blue, graduated, bulk pack 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-13-B3 158, ,250 μl, blue, graduated, rack pack 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-13-S3 252, ,250 μl, blue, graduated, refill pack 480/rack, 10 racks/cs BK-13-R3 201,600 Large Volume Tip 5 ml Pipette Tip Product Figure Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) Bulk 5 ml Pipette Tips, clear, 250 ea Volume Range: 0.5 ~ 5 ml Gilson type pipette 에적합 0.5 ml 단위로눈금표시 PT-5ml 19,200 Bulk Eppendorf 5 ml Pipette Tips, clear, 250 ea Volume Range: 0.5 ~ 5 ml Eppendort type pipette 에적합 0.5 ml 단위로눈금표시 PT-5E 19,
18 Filter Tip Description 바이오니아의 Filter Tip 은 aerosol 오염을방지할수있는 tip 으로서, 세포배양, 세균학, 바이러스학, 분자생물학등의연구에서병원성미생물이나바이러스가포함된고위험시료나방사성시료를다룰때특히뛰어난성능을발휘합니다. Filter 는접착성분이나 PCR 저해요소가없는고밀도의 polyethylene 재질로되어있으며, 교차오염과시료의손실을방지하고사용자를잠재적위험으로부터보호합니다. Ordering Information 포장형태 Bulk Package: 이중잠금된 zipper bag Rack Package: Polypropylene 재질의 rack으로 RT에서장시간보관가능, 안전잠금장치로개폐시편리 Features and Benefits 소수성 polyethylene 재질로시료손실과잠재적오염방지 Aerosol에의한교차오염방지 병원성미생물 / 바이러스가포함된고위험시료를다룰때유용 Product Packing Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 10 μl Filter Tip μl, clear, filter, bulk pack 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-50-B1 478, μl, clear, filter, rack pack 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-50-S1 315, μl, clear, filter, graduated, bulk pack 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-51-B1 478, μl, clear, filter, graduated, rack pack 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-51-S1 315, μl Filter Tip 1-20 μl, clear, filter, graduated, bulk pack 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-55-B2 493, μl, clear, filter, graduated, rack pack 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-55-S2 318, μl Filter Tip 1-50 μl, clear, filter, graduated, bulk pack 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-56-B1 493, μl, clear, filter, graduated, rack pack 96/rack, 50racks/cs BK-56-S1 318, μl Filter Tip μl, yellow, filter, graduated, bulk pack 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-54-B1 493, μl, yellow, filter, graduated, rack pack 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-54-S1 318, μl Filter Tip μl, yellow, filter, graduated, bulk pack 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-52-B2 493, μl, yellow, filter, graduated, rack pack 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-57-S0 318, μl Filter Tip μl, blue, filter, graduated, bulk pack 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-53-B3 572, μl, blue, filter, graduated, rack pack 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-53-S3 397,200 BIONEER 18
19 Low Binding Tip Description 바이오니아의 Low Binding Tip 은점도가있는샘플을다룰때최적화된 tip 입니다. 시료가 Tip 에묻어서손실되는것을방지하므로, 점도가높은시료를 pipetting 할때에도정확한결과를보장합니다. Applications 값비싼시료 고도의정확성이요구되는실험 DNA, 단백질, 펩타이드와같이점도가높은시료 Ordering Information 포장형태 Bulk Package: 이중잠금된 zipper bag Rack Package: Polypropylene 재질의 rack으로 RT에서장시간보관가능, 안전잠금장치로개폐시편리 Product Packing Cat. no. Price ( 원 ) 10 μl Low Binding Tip μl, clear, bulk pack, low binding 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-10-B1-L 156, μl, clear, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-10-S1-L 204, μl, clear, filter, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-50-S1-L 372, μl, clear, graduated, bulk pack, low binding 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-11-B1-L 156, μl, clear, graduated, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-11-S1-L 204, μl, clear, filter, graduated, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-51-S1-L 372, μl Low Binding Tip 1-20 μl, clear, filter, graduated, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-55-S2-L 379, μl Low Binding Tip 1-50 μl, clear, filter, graduated, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-56-S1-L 379, μl Low Binding Tip μl, clear, filter, graduated, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-54-S1-L 379, μl Low Binding Tip μl, clear, graduated, bulk pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-12-B2-L 156, μl, clear, graduated, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-12-S2-L 204, μl, clear, filter, graduated, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-52-S2-L 367, μl Low Binding Tip μl, clear, filter, graduated, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-57-S0-L 367,200 1,000 μl Low Binding Tip 100-1,250 μl, clear, graduated, bulk pack, low binding 1,000/bag, 10 bags/cs BK-13-B3-L 218, ,250 μl, clear, graduated, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-13-S3-L 283, ,250 μl, clear, filter, graduated, rack pack, low binding 96/rack, 50 racks/cs BK-53-S3-L 475,
20 05 Tube Rack Tube Rack 21
21 Tube Rack Flipper Rack 32-Well Tube Rack with Lid 64-Well Tube Rack with Lid Flipper Rack 은한손으로들수있을만큼작으면서도대부분의실험과정에필요한 tube 를모두꽂을수있어매우실용적입니다. Copolymer 로만들어진뚜껑이있으며 rack 은 copolymer polypropylene 으로제작되어 autoclave 와 -90 까지의동결이가능합니다. 또한 rack 에는숫자와알파벳으로표시되어있어다량의샘플취급시에도구별하기가매우편리합니다. 양면구성 : 1.5 ml/2.0 ml microcentrifuge tube 용및 0.5 ml/0.7 ml microcentrifuge tube 용 Rack 양면에모두 column index가표시되어있어많은양의 sample 취급시편리 뚜껑이있어 sample의 aerosol 오염을방지하며, 겹쳐쌓기가능 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/Unit Price ( 원 ) TR-32-NL *Natural 1 12, Well Tube Rack with Lid TR-32-FAL Fluor. Assorted 4 45,600 TR-64-NL **Natural 1 8, Well Tube Rack with Lid TR-64-FAL Fluor. Assorted 4 32,400 * 32-Well Tube Rack은 natural, black, fluorescent blue, fluorescent green, fluorescent orange, fluorescent pink, fluorescent yellow 중색상선택가능. ** 64-Well Tube Rack은 natural, black, green, orange, red, violet, yellow, fluorescent blue, fluorescent green, fluorescent orange, fluorescent pink, fluorescent yellow 중색상선택가능. TR-2 4-way Flipper Rack TR-2 4-Way Flipper Rack 은하나의투명한받침에 4 개의각독립된 rack 으로구성되어있습니다. Polypropylene 으로만들어져 autoclave 가가능하고 deep freezer 나 water bath 에넣어사용할수있습니다. 구성 : 거치대 1개, rack 4개 사용가능한 tube 종류와수 - 50 ml conical tube 2개 - 15 ml conical tube 6개 ml/ 2.0 ml microcentrifuge tube 9개 ml microcentrifuge tube 12개 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/Unit Price ( 원 ) TR-2-A TR-2-FA TR-2 4-Way Reversible Rack Assembly Assorted (Blue, Green, Red, Yellow) Tray of 4 racks 60,000 Fluor. Assorted (Green, Orange, Pink, Yellow) Tray of 4 racks 60,
22 Tube Rack TR-4 4-Way Flipper Rack TR-4 4-Way Flipper Rack 은 4 개의면을각기다른종류의 rack 으로사용할수있어다양한크기의 tube 에모두사용가능한제품입니다. Polypropylene 재질이어서 autoclave 가능하고 deep freezer 나 water bath 에넣어도변형이생기지않습니다. 다양한크기의 tube에적용가능 사용가능한 tube 종류와수 - 50 ml conical tube 4개 - 15 ml conical tube 12개 ml/ 2.0 ml microcentrifuge tube 32개 ml microcentrifuge tube 32개 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) TR-4-N *Natural 1 7,200 TR-4 4-Way Reversible Rack TR-4-FA Fluor. Assorted 4 27,600 * Natural, black, fluorescent blue, fluorescent green, fluorescent orange, fluorescent pink, fluorescent yellow 중색상선택가능. TR-8 & TR-12 4-Way Flipper Rack TR-8 & TR-12 4-Way Flipper Rack 은 4 개의면을각기다른종류의 rack 으로사용할수있어다양한크기의 tube 에모두사용가능한제품입니다. Polypropylene 재질이어서 autoclave 가능하고 deep freezer 나 water bath 에넣어도변형이생기지않습니다. TR-8 4-Way rack에사용가능한 tube 종류와수 - 50 ml conical tube 8개 - 20 ml conical tube 20개 - 15 ml conical tube 24개 - 12~13 mm 직경의 tube 40개 TR-12 4-Way rack에사용가능한 tube 종류와수 - 50 ml conical tube 12개 - 20 ml conical tube 20개 - 15 ml conical tube 24개 - 12~13 mm 직경의 tube 40개 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) TR-8-N *Natural 1 20,000 TR-8 4-Way Reversible Rack TR-8-FA Fluor. Assorted 2 39,000 TR-12-B **Blue 1 20,000 TR-12 4-Way Reversible Rack TR-12-A Assorted 2 39,000 * TR-8은 natural, fluorescent blue, fluorescent green, fluorescent orange, fluorescent pink, fluorescent yellow 중색상선택가능. ** TR-12는 black, green, orange, red, violet, yellow 중색상선택가능. BIONEER 22
23 Tube Rack 80-Well Microtube Rack & Container 80-well tube rack 80-Well Microtube Rack Container 는 microtube rack 을보관하기위한투명한 container 로서공기중의오염물질로부터 sample 을보호하고동결보관시서리발생을방지하여줍니다. Tube rack 을쉽게넣고꺼낼수있도록고안되었으며수직으로세울수있어효율적으로공간을활용할수있습니다. 특히 clean bench 에서작업할때또는일반실험공간을정돈된상태로이용하기에효과적인제품입니다. 1.5/2.0 ml tube 80개보관가능 모서리가덜날카롭고 well 직경이넓음 Cone모양의바닥과 labeling 처리가능 Container는 VersaTop hinge design으로분리및뒤로젖혀사용가능 80-well tube rack with container Cat. no. Product Color Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) TR-80-N 80-Well Tube Rack *Natural 1 3,600 TR-80-NC *Natural 1 8, Well Tube Rack with Container TR-80-FAC Fluor. Assorted 4 32,400 * Natural, black, blue, green, orange, red, violet, yellow 중색상선택가능. 81-Well Freezer Storage Rack 81-Well Freezer Storage Rack 은내구성이뛰어난 polypropylene 으로만들어져다양한색상으로공급됩니다. -90 까지보관가능하고 1.5/2.0 ml microtube 는물론 standard cryovial 도보관할수있는경제적인 rack 입니다. 내구성이뛰어난 polypropylene으로 -90 까지보관가능 81개 well로구성되어, 1.5 ml/ 2.0 ml microcentrifuge tube 및 cryovial도보관가능 Rack에 1-9, A-I 표시가되어있어 sample을신속하게구별가능 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) TR-81-NL Natural 1 7, Well Cryo Rack with Lid TR-81-FAL Fluor. Assorted 4 27,600 * Natural, fluorescent blue, fluorescent green, fluorescent orange, fluorescent pink, fluorescent yellow 중색상선택가능. 23
24 Tube Rack 100/ 50-Well Freezer Storage Rack 100/50-Well Freezer Storage Rack은내구성이뛰어난 polypropylene으로제작된저온 storage rack으로 100개또는 50개시료를보관할수있습니다. 내구성이뛰어난 polypropylene 재질 100/50개 sample 보관이가능한뚜껑이있는저온 storage rack Deep freezer 혹은 bench top에서편리하게쓸수있는제품 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) TR-100-NL *Natural 1 7, Well Freezer Rack with Hinged Lid TR-100-FAL Fluor. Assorted 4 27,600 TR-50-NL *Natural 1 6, Well Freezer Rack with Hinged Lid TR-50-FAL Fluor. Assorted 4 22,800 * Natural, fluorescent blue, fluorescent green, fluorescent orange, fluorescent pink, fluorescent yellow 중색상선택가능. Temparature Maintenance Rack Temperature Maintenance Rack은 PCR reagent, 세포, 효소등온도에민감한시료를 deep freezer 보관온도와다른온도조건에서작업할때, 3시간이상 deep freezer의온도를유지할수있도록고안된제품입니다. deep freezer의전원공급이일정치않은경우특히유용합니다. Polycarbonate 재질로내구성이우수 구성 : 한면에는 1.5/2.0 ml tube와 screw cap tube, 반대면에는 0.5 ml tube 적용가능한 20개의 hole CR-20-0: 실온에서최소 3시간동안 0 유지 CR-20-20: 실온에서최소 3시간동안 -15~-20 유지 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) CR-20-0 (0 유지 ) White 1 120,000 Temperature Maintenance Racks CR (-20 유지 ) Blue 1 108,000 BIONEER 24
25 Tube Rack PCR Tube Rack Purple Pink Blue Yellow PCR 반응을위해 sample을준비할때, 4 이하로 4시간동안저온을유지해주는 rack입니다. 따라서별도의 ice 용기에 rack을보관하지않아도되고, rack의온도가 4 이상으로상승하면색이변화하여 sample의안정성에악영향을미치는것을사전에예방하도록특수고안된제품입니다. 높은경제성및편리성 : PCR 반응준비를위한장비 (ice maker, storage box, rack etc.) 불필요 실험공간의효과적활용 PCR 실험에대한높은재현성제공 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) 5640-T4 Purple Pink 2 84,000 IsoFreeze PCR Tube Rack for 0.2 ml PCR Tube 5640-T6 Blue Yellow 2 84, Well Floater Microcentrifuge tube Rack Floater TM Microtube rack 은 water 및 ice bath 에서안전하게사용할수있도록바닥면이개방된부표형태로제작된제품입니다. Polypropylene 재질로 autoclave, 동결가능 구성 : 24 개의 1.5/2.0 ml tube 용 hole, 0.5 ml tube 용 hole Clean bench 에서는일반적인 rack 대용으로사용가능 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) BR-24-B 24-Well Floating Tube Rack Blue 1 15,600 Vialrack Container Vialrack Container 는약품이나 sample 을넣은유리 vial 등을안전하게보관할수있게만든 container 로내부가특수 sponge 로처리되어있습니다. 상단부와하단부에홈이있어 container 끼리연결가능하여고객이원하는형태의 sample rack system 을만드실수있습니다. 또한서랍식으로간편히 sample 을넣고꺼낼수있으며앞부분에는 labeling 가능한구조로되어보관및식별이편리합니다. 35, 80개 sample 보관 -70 보관가능 여러개를쌓아서랍식으로사용 특수 sponge 내장으로 sample 안전성증가 Cat. no. Product Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) Price ( 원 ) Vialrack Container, 80 well 1 35,000 84, Vialrack Container, 35 well 1 35,000 84,
26 Tube Rack 96-Well PCR Rack with Lid 96-Well PCR Rack 은 PCR 수행시 sample 준비와 PCR product 보관에적합한제품입니다. 타제조회사의 PCR plates, PCR tube, 8/12-tube strip 도호환가능합니다. 한번에 96 개의 tube 를꽂을수있고, sample 종류에따른구별을용이하게하기위해다양한색상으로공급됩니다. 0.2 ml tube를 96개꽂을수있는 rack 타제조사의 PCR plate, PCR tube, 8/12-tube strip 사용가능 A~H, 1~12 표시되어대량샘플적용시편리 뚜껑이있어안전하게 sample 보관 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) TR2-96-FBL Fluor. Blue 1 7, Well PCR Rack with Lid TR2-96-FAL Fluor. Assorted 4 27,600 TR-24 Work Up Rack with Lid TR-24 Work Up Rack with Lid 는뚜껑이있는제품으로 0.2 ml PCR tube 를 32 개, 1.5 ml tube 를 24 개, 0.5 ml tube 를 16 개까지꽂을수있습니다. PCR 수행시 sample 준비와 PCR product 보관에용이합니다. 사용가능한 tube 종류및수량 ml PCR tube 32개 - 5 ml/2 ml tube 24개 ml tube 16개 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) TR-24-FBL Fluor. Blue 1 24,000 TR-24 Work Up Rack with Lid TR-24-FAL Fluor. Assorted 2 70,800 TR2-24 PCR Work Up Rack with 96-Well PCR Rack Insert TR2-24 Work Up Rack with 96-Well PCR Rack Insert는 TR-24 Work Up Rack 내부에 96-well PCR Rack이들어가있어서보다많은샘플을처리하기에적합한제품입니다. 96-well PCR Rack이 TR-24 Work Up Rack에들어있는형태 PCR 전후의 sample 처리용이 8/12-strip tube 및 0.5 ml tube 사용시더욱적합 Cat. no. Product Color Qty/unit Price ( 원 ) TR2-24-FBL TR2-24 PCR Work Up Rack with 96- Fluor. Blue 1 36,000 TR2-24-FAL Well PCR Rack Insert Fluor. Assorted 2 70,800 BIONEER 26
Basic CMYK
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Conventional PCR: AllInOneCycler Real-Time PCR: Exicycler 96 Protein Synthesis and Purification: ExiProgen DNA/RNA Preparation: ExiPrep 16 Plus & ExiC
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2 3
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Product Description Apoptosis 혹은 necrosis등에의하여죽거나손상된세포에서방출되는 Lactate dehydrogenase(ldh) 의양을고감도로측정함으로써 cytotoxicity/cytolysis를간단하게측정할수있는 kit 입니다. Cytot
EZ-LDH Cell Cytotoxicity Assay Kit Cat. No. DG-LDH500 DG-LDH1000 FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES. 1 ( 주 ) 대일랩서비스부설두젠생명공학연구소 Product Description Apoptosis 혹은 necrosis등에의하여죽거나손상된세포에서방출되는
DNA/RNA Amplification Overview AccuPower PreMix series 는세계적으로기술력을인정받은특허기술로보다경제적인가격과편리한방법으로실험할수있는제품입니다. Conventional PCR, Real-Time PCR 수행을위한 DNA ampli
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LC-MS 단백질분석을위한 SDS-PAGE staining protocol 및주의할점 Proteomics Core Facility 2017.12.28 Contents LC-MS 분석의뢰용 protein SDS-PAGE staining 시주의할점 Coomassie Blue R-250 을이용한 gel staining (general protocol) Coomassie
HWASUNG VALVES 19~1990 001~010 19. 03 19. 0 1991~000 199. 1 199. 1 199. 11 199. 09 1999. 03 1999. 09 1999. 09 1999. 10 1999. 11 000. 0 000. 03 001~010 001. 03 001. 10 001. 11 00. 0 003. 03 003. 0 00. 01
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Price List valid from 1st of March 2009 English 1/2009 The Profile System Order comments Article-Number - additional specification.60 definines 1 bar of aluminium profile, length 6 m Example: 1.09.016040.14LP.60
1, 1, 2, 1 (1, 2 ) Jin Suk Suh 1, Jong In Kim 1, Ryeong Jae Park 2, Sang Bum Park 1 (1 Korea Forest Research Institute, 2 Korea Traditional Dye Institute) Introduction (2011-2013), (VOCs)., (7 ),,. Materials
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미생물분류는형태적특징, 생리 생화학적성질과상태, 화학분류학적성질과상태등을이용하여구분하는것이일반적이지만, 이와같은방법을이용하면많은시간을필요로한다. 또한분류가힘든경우나, 정확하지못한결과를얻는경우도있다. 최근미생물분류에도분자생물학적인방법을이용하여, 미생물이가지고있는 DNA를
Code RR180A - 연구용 - Bacterial 16S rdna PCR Kit 사용설명서 v201011da 미생물분류는형태적특징, 생리 생화학적성질과상태, 화학분류학적성질과상태등을이용하여구분하는것이일반적이지만, 이와같은방법을이용하면많은시간을필요로한다. 또한분류가힘든경우나, 정확하지못한결과를얻는경우도있다. 최근미생물분류에도분자생물학적인방법을이용하여, 미생물이가지고있는
-, BSF BSF. - BSF BSF ( ),,. BSF -,,,. - BSF, BSF -, rrna, BSF.
1. 2010 6 1, 2 4 Ⅰ,Ⅱ 2013,, -,. - Human Cell.. -,., Biosand Filter(BSF) - BSF Main Filtering (Biofilm) BSF, BSF ( ),. -, BSF BSF. - BSF BSF ( ),,. BSF -,,,. - BSF,. -. -. -. - 2. BSF -, rrna, BSF. 2. -
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( Full Automatic Printer ) 작용업종 : Tube Light ( 형광등 1.2m / 2.4m) 가로등조명. 인테리어산업용조명 Loader 1.2m Stencil Solder LED LD812V Reflow 8 to 10 Hot Air Convecti
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3월 온라인 교육
2013 년 2 분기대리점집체교육 - Protein - Takara Korea Biomedical Protein Workflow Chapter 1: 샘플준비 Chapter 2: Electrophoresis -Precast gel (Lonza/NuSep) -ProSieve EX running buffer -Protein marker Chapter 3: Staining
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[Caution] Attention to red sentence 3-1. Disassembly and Reassembly R520/ 1 2 1 1. As shown in picture, adhere Knob to the end closely into the arrow direction(1), then push the battery up (2). 2. Picture
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Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology HEATRAN Heat Transfer Technology 1. 회사개요 Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer
1508 고려 카달록
트레이용난연케이블의특징 0./1kV XLPE Insulated and Tray FlameRetardant PVC ed Cable (TFRCV) 0./1kV XLPE Insulated and Tray FlameRetardant PVC ed Aluminium Power Cable (TFRCV/AL) 0./1kV XLPE Insulated HalogenFree Flame
Sample Preparation SureBeads TM Magnetic Beads for Immunoprecipitation Protein A 나 Protein G 가결합된형태의 Magnetic Bead + Magnetic Rack System Centrifugati
2016 비엠에스 연말할인행사 2016 년 10 월 17 일 ~ 12 월 16 일까지 Western Blot 장비 / 시약특별이벤트 PCR/qPCR 시약 / 소모품특별이벤트 1 Sample Preparation SureBeads Protein 정량시약류 /HOT DEAL/ Protein Marker Reverse Transcription iscript cdna
Selection chart of Bioneer s cdna synthesis products Categories Application Product cdna Synthesis Kits One step RT-PCR Kits One step RT-qPCR Kits RTa
Selection chart of Bioneer s cdna synthesis products Categories Application Product cdna Synthesis Kits One step RT-PCR Kits One step RT-qPCR Kits RTase 표준 cdna 합성 높은효율의 cdna 합성 복잡한 2 차구조 RNA 의 cdna 합성
140109_다본다 레전드 매뉴얼
DBL-1000H SD 카드 / SD 카드 분리 방법 제품 사용 12 13 16~19 20 21 4G 8G 16G 32G 4G 8G 16G 32G 모드버튼 이벤트버튼 RED LED BLUE LED 시큐리티 (보안)LED 1. 함께 동봉된 메모리카드를 기기의 방향에 맞게 삽입 합니다. 2. 기기 상단부 거치대에 양면 테잎 보호 비닐을 제거해 주세요.
(Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection)
SERVICE MANUAL (Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection) 12 (Storage Bins) 12 (Ice Machine)
Berechenbar mehr Leistung fur thermoplastische Kunststoffverschraubungen
Fastener 독일 EJOT 社에서 만든 최고의 Plastic 전용 Screw 아세아볼트 CO., LTD. 대한민국 정식 라이센스 생산 업체 EJOT GmbH & Co. KG DELTA PT März 2003 Marketing TEL : 032-818-0234 FAX : 032-818-6355 주소 : 인천광역시 남동구 고잔동 645-8 남동공단 76B 9L
Bio-Rad 할인행사, 비엠에스와함께하세요! 성공적인 PCR 실험을위한 Total Solution! 기간 : 2012 년 10 월 15 일 ~12 월 14 일 Gel Documentation System 과개인용 PCR 을특별한가격으로만나보세요! 버튼클릭한번만으로이미
Bio-Rad 할인행사, 비엠에스와함께하세요! 성공적인 PCR 실험을위한 Total Solution! 기간 : 2012 년 10 월 15 일 ~12 월 14 일 Gel Documentation System 과개인용 PCR 을특별한가격으로만나보세요! 버튼클릭한번만으로이미지획득까지! Gel Doc EZ system "UV tray 포함 " 스마트한개인용 PCR
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 60.27(2.37) 490.50(19.31) 256.00 (10.07) 165.00 111.38 (4.38) 9.00 (0.35) 688.00(27.08) 753.00(29.64) 51.94 (2.04) CONSOLE 24CH 32CH 40CH 48CH OVERALL WIDTH mm (inches) 1271.45(50.1)
www.kscia.org Contents 04 06 Review & Column 08 10 Communication 14 Information 04 18 20 Rehabilitation 22 26 Interview 20 28 Life 32 News 28 34 36 37 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 Review JOB 8 9 Column 10 11 Column
Category Index Category Page# Category Page# Category Page# 94 Connectors Banana Plugs & Jacks [see separate Banana Plugs & Jacks section]
Category Index Category Page# Category Page# Category Page# Adapters Adapter Accessories................... 6-25 Adapter Kit, Coaxial Cable.............. 14-17 Banana Jack and Plug................. 29-39
MCM Series 주요특징 MaxiFlo TM (맥시플로) 코리올리스 (Coriolis) 질량유량계 MCM 시리즈는 최고의 정밀도를 자랑하며 슬러리를 포함한 액체, 혼합 액체등의 질량 유량, 밀도, 온도, 보정된 부피 유량을 측정할 수 있는 질량 유량계 이다. 단일 액체 또는 2가지 혼합액체를 측정할 수 있으며, 강한 노이즈 에도 견디는 면역성, 높은 정밀도,
Public Address Power Amplifier PA-63 CONTENTS Specifications... Electrical parts list... top and bottom view of p.c. board... 8 Application... 0 block Diagram... Schematic Diagram... Exploded view of cabinet
M A J E S T I C S E R I E S AMPLIFIER M-500/700/1000 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST (M-500/700/1000) Ref No. Part No. Description Value Qty M500 AMP B'D(4005187700) CR102 CR115-116 3509101231-A CAP CE B 100PF
Takara 와함께하는 Cloning 2014-11-13 다카라코리아바이오메디칼 목차 Cloning 이란? Cloning Flow Chart Cloning DNA / RNA 추출 High Fidelity PCR 제한효소 /ligation/e.coli 형질전환 Clone 확인 이것만은꼭!!! 2 Cloning 이란? Clone 세포나개체의증식에의해서생긴유전적으로동일한세포군
폴리에틸렌 (Polyethylene : PE) 관련 1- 헥센및 1- 옥텐동시분석 2009. 2. 27 목차 1. 개요 - 1- 헥센및 1- 옥텐의물리화학적특성및용도 2. 입안예고주요내용 - 식품의약품안전청공고제 2009-24 (2009. 1. 23) 호 3. 1- 헥센및 1- 옥텐분석방법 4. 향후일정 1 개요 화학구조 1-Hexene 1-Octene H
- 2 -
- 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - [ 그림 1] 산수유 [ 그림 2] 더덕 - 6 - - 7 - sample [ 그림 3] 균분리를위한접종 - 8 - PCA PCA with inoculum Slide glass [ 그림 4] Slide culture 모식도 - 9 - - 10 - Nutrient Medium Paperdisk with Antibiotics
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Ver.4 (KR) All about RT (cdna Synthesis) 8-11 Munpyeongseo-ro, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon 34302, Republic of Korea Tel: (Korea) (Internatio
20170619 Ver.4 (KR) All about RT (cdna Synthesis) 8-11 Munpyeongseo-ro, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon 34302, Republic of Korea Tel: (Korea)1588-9788 (International) +82-42 - 930-8777 Email: sales@bioneer.com Selection
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슬라이드 1
New PCR Instruments 2013. 2. 21 다카라코리아바이오메디칼 Agenda FAST PCR이란? New FAST PCR Instrument _ TP450 New PCR Instrument _ TP350 기기캠페인소개 PCR FAST 관련 PCR 제품관련제품 최고수준의정확성 & 최고의신장속도 ( 신장성 5sec/kb) PrimeSTAR Max
생명의 신비를 푸는 화학
빅뱅의 세 기둥_김희준(서울대학교 화학부 명예교수) 탈레스 등 고대 그리스의 철학자들로부터 출발한 인류의 과학은 2500년 정도의 역사를 지녔고, 갈릴 레오에 의해 근대 과학이 출발한 지도 500년이 지났습니다. 이러한 과학 전체의 역사를 통틀어서 가장 위대한 발견을 하나만 꼽으라면 인간이 우주 자체의 기원을 발견한 것이라고 볼 수 있습니다. 우주의 기 원에
Parts List
COP 1440 Drifter Parts for Atlas Copco Atlas Copco No Crawler Drill Drfter Part Number Part Name Q'ty Unit Price Remarks 3115 1605 90 set of nipple 1set *} front head 3115 0286 00 dome nut 0.26kg 3115
Protein Gel TGX TM Stain-Free Fast Cast Acrylamide Kit Resolving, stacking gel 을별도로굳히지않고한번에 casting UV 하에단백질전체량 detection 가능 Stain-Free 란? 별도염색과정 (Coo
2017 비엠에스 할인행사 행사기간 : 2017년 4월 24일 ~ 6월 23일까지 300만원이상구매시 VELP Vortexer CLASSIC Vortex mixer Protein Gel Protein 정량 / IP 시약 Antibody Western Blot Buffer 소모품 500 만원이상구매시 VWR Heat Block or Manual Pipette
IDG Deep Dive Overview 2 Overview IDGK Overview 3 Overview IDGK 4 5 6 IDGK 7 8 9 IDGK Guide & Tips 10 11 12 13 IDGK 14 15 IDGK 16 17 Case & Opinion 18 Case & Opinion IDGK Case & Opinion 19 Case & Opinion
2011 I Summer PLASTICS news HANWHA CHEMICAL CORPORATION http://hcc.hanwha.co.kr CONTENTS 04 10 31 45 70 74 85 2011 SUMMER 3 2011 Summer HANWHA NEWS 4 PLASTICS NEWS 2011 SUMMER 5 2011 Summer HANWHA NEWS
Materials Material Grades : PL Series Applicaton : Power transformer and Inductor Grades μi Freq. (MHz) Pcv 1) (Kw/ m3 ) Bs 2) (mt) Materials Characteristics PL-7 2,400 ~ 0.2 410 390 Mn-Zn Low loss PL-9
2009 I Winter PLASTICS news HANWHA CHEMICAL CORPORATION http://hcc.hanwha.co.kr CONTENTS 04 08 24 42 50 62 74 2009 WINTER 3 2009 Winter HANWHA NEWS 4 PLASTICS NEWS 2009 WINTER 5 2009 Winter HANWHA NEWS
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- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - Photograph of miniature SiC p-n and Schottky diode detector Photograph SiC chip mounted on a standard electrical package Photograph of SiC neutron detector with
실험 Set Up Guide 실험주제 Real Time PCR 실험원리 Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qrt-pcr) 은 1992년에도입되어생명공학에응용되기시작하였이기술은잘알려져있는 PCR기법을개량한것이다. PCR은핵산의효소증폭을이용하며, 극히적은양
실험 Set Up Guide 실험주제 Real Time PCR 실험원리 Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qrt-pcr) 은 1992년에도입되어생명공학에응용되기시작하였이기술은잘알려져있는 PCR기법을개량한것이다. PCR은핵산의효소증폭을이용하며, 극히적은양의시료를대량으로증폭할수있다는장점과그과정이간단하여 Cloning, Sequencing 등의기본기술로응용되었다.
한국패션디자인학회지 제9권3호 The Korean Society of Fashion Design Vol. 9 No. 3 (2009) pp.1~12 소니아 리키엘 컬렉션에 나타난 니트웨어 색채 특성 The Color Characteristics of Knit Wear Shown in Sonia Rykiel s Collections 이 승 아ㆍ조 주 연ㆍ이 연
. Cooling Tower Cooling Tower Counter Flow Cross Flow,. 1.Cooling Tower. Air Flow 1) Counter Flow System Fan Air Fan Discharge Distributor Fill Counter Flow ( ) Cold Water Basin. 1 Counter Flow System