Microsoft Word - Travel Dnation Token Economy Paper ENG v002.docx
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1 Travel dnation Token Economy The value of Travel dnation s tokens is created through supply and demand in its community, and the token value is stabilized through measures described in this document, in order to enable value exchange between community and external 3 rd parties in the travel industry Blocbuster co.,ltd
2 Table of Contents I. Ecosystem 1. Internal Ecosystem 5 2. External Ecosystem 6 II. Pricestable Token 1. 3 Token System Travel dnation Economy Committee Incentivization Rate of each contribution 22. W parameter related with token issuing 23. Loan Rate of Travel Bank 24. Amount of Interest Ratio for NP 25. Decision of Sale of NP 26. Decision of Use of Reserve Fund 27. Decision of incentivizing NOJA instead of NBD 28. Decision of Burning NOJA 3. Token Issuing & W parameter Loan Rate of Travel Bank Open market operation dgreenshoe option & Installment Lockup Reserve Fund 22
3 III. ICO Planning 1. Private Sale Public Sale Usage of ICO Fund 24 DISCLAIMER 25 RISK FACTOR 27
4 I. Ecosystem Travel dnation starts creating and building a community that is transparent, provides fair incentives, and that contributes to the travel industry. As the community expands and becomes more robust, the coins used within the community will become more valuable and stable. A coin that is stable will attract participation from travelrelated companies and professionals, and will also enable Travel dnation value exchange outside the community. Ultimately, Travel dnation is expected to become a travel platform that will have alliances with many travel partners and transform the travel industry. Travel dnation s Ecosystem
5 1. Inner Circle Travel dnation, gives incentives (rewards) to general citizens (users), as well as to contributor from the travel industry, tourist contents producers, translators, travel guides, and Economic Committee members. Incentives can be placed in NBD, a secure asset that can be invested in NP to increase influence within the community, or exchanged for a $1 value of NOJA. Coins that are received as incentives can be used to promote content, "like", and increase the influence of votes within the community. In addition, there will be ample demand within the community because coins can be used as a means of payment to receive local on and offline support during actual travel. [Receiving Rewards as Travel dnation Citizen] 1) Travel content creation: Coins are rewarded according to the number of 'likes' for travel content. Reward distribution: 70% for content creators, 30% for users 'liking'content. 2) Translation of travel content: Coins are rewarded for content that is translated into other languages, based on the amount of 'likes' the content receives. 3) Check in at destination: If travel plan is submitted, users will receive coin rewards for checking in at their scheduled destination. 4) Travel guide: Coin rewards for helping travellers by using different online channels (online travel guide). Coin rewards for meeting and helping travellers offline (offline travel guide). 5) Economic committee: 1% of tokens issued each month will be used to reward the economic committee. Reward distribution: 60% to the 11member economic committee, 40% to the 39 possible committee candidates. [Content Promotion] In order to promote created content, NBD can be used for for publicity purposes. Promoted content is ranked on the travel content menu site, with the daily promotion time and cost being adjustable. The travel content menu page shows contents with the highest daily promotion cost on top.
6 [Economic Committee Voting Rights] Travel dnation citizens who own NP have the right to vote for the Economic Committee. The right to vote may be exercised in proportion to the user s NP score [11000 points] and may distributed to up to five of the Economic Council candidates. It is not possible to doublevote for one candidate. NP are not deducted for exercising voting rights. ['Liking' Influence] Travel dnation citizens who own NP are able to select and 'like' good content. 'Likes' can be given based on the user s NP score [11000 points], and ubvoting rights can be exercised up to 10 times per day. NP are not deducted for using 'likes'. [Paying On/Offline Guide when Travelling] Travel dnation citizens can receive travel advice from other local citizens when they travel. After checking the profile of the desired location, price and time can be arranged. The guide can then be paid in cash and coins, and once the guide s work has been completed, the promised price will be paid by the community to the guide. 2. Outer Circle The Travel dnation community is made up of prospective travellers who like to travel or are ready to leave. This includes members who are engaged in various activities related to travel, even if they do not travel at the moment themselves. At the same time, it is possible to partner with third party members who want to sell travel items, provide information, or advertise to the community, and who share profits with the community. Prices and advertising costs will be paid through cash and coin purchases at first, but the more solid and stable the coin will become, it is expected that the payment portion of the coin will increase. If the internal ecosystem of Travel dnation is integrated smoothly with the external ecosystem, the value of the coin issued by the community will be even stronger. The coin value will be maintained through price stabilization instruments, which will be discussed in detail in the next chapter. Stabilizing coin prices will attract more community members and third parties to create a stable virtuous cycle structure.
7 [Travel Item Puchase] Once Travel dnation reaches a platform phase beyond its own community, it will be possible to purchase travel packages from third party travel companies. To enable direct purchase of travel items, they will be linked to content, in order to increase buyer motivation and conversion rates. After items are categorized, users contents of interests is checked and linked with relevant travel items, facilitating an easy search by travel area. Third parties can add links of all their travelrelated products. For example, airline tickets, train tickets, hotel tickets, package travel vouchers, local activity vouchers, and restaurant reservations. Item prices are determined by the seller and may be paid in cash, NBD, or NOJA. Initially, the ratio of cash to tokens is expected to be 9:1 or 8:2, but the more stable and robust the token values become, the more the share of tokens will increase as well. [Travel Bank Loans] If Travel dnation citizens want to purchase travel items but are unable to pay, they can obtain a NOJA loan by having their accumulated securities (NP) or service credit (service activity history) assessed. In this way citizens have the chance to travel by prepurchasing travel products, and third parties benefit from increased sales. Citizens can pay their loans after prepurchasing with NOJA later, in their role as Travel DNation citizens. If the loan cannot be repaid in a specified time period, it is simply deducted from the user s NP account. Loan rates will be set to around 58%, but may be later adjusted by the Economic Committee, depending on the circumstances. [Targeted Marketing and Advertising for Travellers] Third parties will be able to identify target groups based on travellers travel plans and can deliver targeted marketing content and information to these travellers.
8 Traveller advertising cost and token rewards flow chart Advertising or information (PUSH & GPS) Advertising cost Token reward Settled in NBD Based on advertisement duration and target number Ex) For 2 months from to 05.30, 100 registered travellers: Seoul <-> Osaka Seoul <-> Osaka ticket advertisement: 1000 NBD Osaka hotel advertisement: 800 NBD Above figure shows the flow chart for advertising cost and token rewards for travellers. For the advertisement or information to be accurately sent to the traveller, the GPS of the traveller's device needs to be working properly. The traveller also needs to make sure that the GPS is working properly, in order to receive token rewards for traveling according to a travel plan. Travel dnation is not responsible for missed token rewards due to GPS malfunction. Advertising costs can only be settled with NBD or NOJA, depending on the ad schedule and the number of target groups. [Travel Content Purchase] Within Travel dnation, third parties from the travel industry can link user- generated content to their sites, based on category or region. Advertising fees can only be settled using NBD or NOJA, and depend how long the content can be used.
9 II. Pricestable Coin In order for Travel dnation to evolve into a travel platform that goes beyond a blockchain travel community, ecosystems with various travel partners must be formed, which requires coin price stabilization. The pricestable coin of Travel dnation is a coin whose price is stable in the short term and with little price volatility to allow the purchase of travel items. Travel dnation introduces the following instruments to stabilize coin prices. Three token system Travel dnation Economic Committee Token issuance and W parameters Travel Bank loan rates Open market operation Greenshoe options and installment lockup Reserve fund 1. Three Token System The three token in the three token system are NBD, NOJA, and NP. Each token has the following characteristics: Three Token System Installments 11 weeks Exchange rate 3 days Instant
10 1 NBD (NOJA Backed Dollar) 1 NBD guarantees the exchange to NOJA for $1 regardless of NOJA s price. Scheduled to be traded on external exchanges. When content is produced, NBD and NP rewards can be paid out in a 50:50 or 0:100 ratio. NBD can be exchanged for NOJA for the average price of the last three days, three days after request for exchange. However, NOJA cannot be exchanged to NBD. Because NBD can be considered as a kind of liability, if the market capitalization of NBD exceeds 10% of the NOJA market value, NOJA will be paid instead of NBD 2 NOJA Travel dnation's key currency is issued at midnight to meet the demand calculated for daily services (see "Token Issuance and W Parameters" below for the issued volume). To be listed on external exchanges. NOJA and NP can be immediately exchanged at an 1:1 ratio. If the market capitalization of NBD exceeds 10% of NOJA s market value, the Economic Committee can decide to burn some or all of the coins that are converted from NBD to NOJA. 3 NP (NOJA Power) When content is produced, NBD and NP rewards can be paid out in a 50:50 or 0:100 ratio. If NP is requested to be exchanged into NOJA, it will be exchanged in evenly distributed installments within a time period of 11 weeks. NP enables it s holders to vote for the Economic Committee. The amount of NP held impacts the proportion of influence the holder has when 'liking' content. Cannot be traded on external exchanges. 14% of daily token issued (initial setting) are issued as NP interest payment. The interest is distributed proportionally amongst the holders of NP. 2. Travel dnation Economic Committee The Economic Committee consists of the 11 citizens who control the token economy of Travel dnation. All citizens are given the right to vote for 50 candidates, and the top 11 are authorized to control the parameters of the token economy.
11 Travel dnation s token economic parameters are as follows: 1) Reward rate for each contribution 2) W parameters related to token issuance 3) Travel Bank loan rates 4) NP interest rates 5) NP sales and sales decisions 6) Decisions to use reserve funds 7) Decision to pay rewards with NOJA instead of NBD 8) Decision to burn NOJA 21. Reward (incentive compensation) rate for each contribution In Reward 1: Posts N1 m = I 1 * (!!!! NPS k ) * w 2019, Reward tokens for m th post I 1 = Reward rate for posting is set by the Economy Committee as a parameter. Different I n values can be set for activities that are rewarded. The basic direction is to set the amount of rewards while traveling is on average higher than other activities. C = Total number of people who liked the m th post NPSk = Score of NP (NOJA Power) of the k th like for the m th post, which is an integer with a value from 1 to 1000 w 2019 = W parameter for the months in 2019 set by the Economic Committee N1 TOTAL = during one day!!!!! N1 k, Incentive token amount for posts created produced T1 = Total number of post created during one day Reward 2 : Comments N2 m = I 2 * (!!!! NPS k ) * w 2019, Incentive token amount for m th comment
12 I 2 = Rewards for comments set as a parameter by the Economic Committee C = Total number of people who liked the m th comment NPSk = Score of NP (NOJA Power) of the k th like for the m th comment, which is an integer with a value from 1 to w 2019 = W parameter for the months in 2019 set by the Economic Committee N2 TOTAL =!!!!! N2 k, Sum of reward tokens for comment during one day T2 = Total number of comments during one day Reward 3 : Travellers! N3 m = I 3 * (!!! PD k ) * w 2019, Incentive token amount for m th traveller arriving at a scheduled travel destination I 3 = Rewards for travellers arriving at a scheduled travel destination, set as a parameter by the Economic Committee C = Total number of scheduled destinations of the m th traveller PDk = Travel distance (unit: km) between the k1 th and the k th scheduled destination. PD0 is the point of departure. w 2019 = W parameter for the months in 2019 set by the Economic Committee N3 TOTAL =!!!!! N3 k, Incentive token amount for travellers during one day T3 = Total number of travellers arriving on a scheduled travel destination during one day Reward 4 : Travel Guides N4 m = I 4 * ( guide!!!! TG k ) * w 2019, Incentive token amount for m th travel
13 I 4 = Rewards tokens for on/offline travel guides. Fixed to 0.15 (15%). C = Total number of travels guided on/offline by the m th travel guide. TGk = Amount of coins that were used to compensate the m th travel guide for guiding the k th traveller w 2019 = W parameter for the months in 2019 set by the Economic Committee N4 TOTAL =!!!!! N4 k, Incentive token amount daily tour guiding T4 = Total number of on/offline travel guides during one day 22. W parameter related with token issuance N1 TOTAL (Incentive Token amount of daily posts N2 TOTAL (Incentive Token amount of daily comments N3 TOTAL (Incentive Token amount of daily travelling N4 TOTAL (Incentive Token amount of daily tour guiding w 2018 w 2018 w 2018 w 2018 Daily amount of Token Issuing is decided and released at / every midnight NOJA tokens are issued every midnight according to token demand, which the total of all incentive rewards for all contributions or activities in the Travel dnation community within one day. W parameter starts as w 2019 = 5.00 in 2019 and is decreased by 1.0 to w 2023 = 1.00 in 2023, being fixed as 1.0 from that point on. The Economy Committee can control the portion of decimal points of W value, however, and update it every first day of the month. For example, in 2019, w 2019 = 5.00 is the normal value, but in certain situations, an individual member of the Economy Committee could decide to set the value to w 2019 = 5.25, while another one will decide to set it to w 2019 = In this case
14 the average value of all 11 committee members will be reflected in the W, starting with the first day of the next month. Basically, the W parameter is designed to givie more incentives to those who register in the early stage. The second purpose of the W parameter is to allow the Economy Committee to control the amount of newly issued token in circulation. 23. Loan Rate of Travel Bank In the early stage of service, the loan rate of the Travel Bank will be set to 5%. However, after the launch, the 11 members of the committee can control the % and update the value every first day of the month. Similar to a Monetary Policy Committee of a nation, the committee can control the standard interest on a fixed through fixed term (10x a year for KOREA, 8x a year for the US FOMC, 8x a year for the EU ECB). With the settled interest rate, the amount of tokens circulating in the market is controlled. It is generally known that if the interest rate rises, the amout of tokens will lower and if the interest rate lowers, the amout of tokens will rise. Because of this, the travel loan rate of the Travel Bank can be used to control the amount of tokens through secured and unsecured loans. Relation btw. Interest Rate and Quantity of Money
15 24.Amount of interest ratio for NP In the early stage of the service, the interest ratio for NP is set to 14% (of these 14%, the interest is proportionally distributed to all holders of the NP token, based on the amount of NP tokens held). After the initial stage, the Economic Committee can control the interest ratio. Changing NP s interest ratio can be used as a tool to control the amount of NOJA or NBD tokens circulating in the market. 25. Decision of Sale of NP If the amount of NOJA or NBD tokens in market circulation needs to be decreased for stability, the Economy Committee can decide on the sale of NP tokens. The Commitee can also contro the exchange ratio to NOJA tokens, the amount of sales, the duration of sales and the duration of NP lockup. In order to control a certain amount of money, a central bank of a country can equally adjust the shortterm supply of money through open market operations in addition to interest rate adjustment. NP sales work on a similar principle, also see '5. Open Market Operations'. If more than half of the 11 members of the Economic Committee approve of NP sales, the sale of NP will be determined. After this, price, period, and sales volume will be adjusted on the 1 st day of the next month, based on the value average set by all 11 members of the Committee. 26. Decision of Use of Reserve Fund After the ICO, the Reserve Fund can be used to stabilize coin prices. Reserve funds play the same role as country's foreign exchange reserves. Foreign exchange reserves are foreign currency deposits deposited in central banks and national banks, which are the nature of reserve assets that can be used in crisis situations. In particular, if the foreign exchange market becomes unstable, it is possible to use a foreign currency reserves to intervene in the foreign exchange market. In Korea, the foreign exchange reserves, which had reached US $ 34 billion in 1996, had plummeted to US $ 3.9 billion during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. In addition to the sudden outflow of capital such as the sale of won, there was also a portion that had been exhausted to protect the exchange rate. In the survey of 33 countries between 1995 and 2011, the use of foreign exchange reserves in four countries had been effective in stabilizing the exchange rate. This is because the sales of the dollar were carried out in large scale, communicating with the market.
16 In the case of China, which holds the world's largest foreign exchange reserves, the pressure to raise the yuan has risen. As a result, we have been continuously reducing foreign exchange reserves to maintain a stable exchange rate in order to secure export competitiveness. In a similar way, the Economic Committee can decide on the use of reserve funds, and can set the amount and duration. If more than half of the 11 members of the economic committee approve, the use of these funds is decided. The average value of the 11 Economic Committee members will determine period and sales volumes, an is enforced on the first day of the next month. 27. Decision of incentivizing NOJA instead of NBD If the market capitalization of NBD is more than 10% of the market value of NOJA, the Economic Committee can decide to pay reward incentive compensations in NOJA instead of NBD. If more than a half of the eleven members of the economic committee approve the NOJA incentive compensation, their use will be determined and will be reflected on the first day of the next month, following approval. 28. Decision of Burning NOJA If NBD's market capitalization exceeds 10% of NOJA's market capitalization, the Economic Committee may announce NOJA incineration. More than half of the eleven members have to approve the incineration of NOJA, and from the first day of the month following approval, some or all of the NOJA exchanged from NBD will be incinerated. 3. Token Issuing & W parameter Travel dnation's total token issuance is finalized by adding the above mentioned interest payment, and compensation to the Economic Committee, team, and partners to the calculated incentive supply. The 80% incentive compensation is determined by calculating the amount of incentive compensation that must be paid each day, for each activity, then multiplying this by the W parameter set by the Economic Commission. For details on the W parameter, Please refer to "2. Travel dnation Economic Committee, 22. W parameter related to token issuing"
17 Travel dnation Token Classification by issuing purpose Token Issuing Incentive Interest payment Economic Committee Team & Partner 1% 5% 14% 80% 4. Loan Rate of Travel Bank The loan rate for NOJA lent by users using their NP as a guarantee can be adjusted. At the launch of the service, the initial interest rate will be set to 5%, after which 11 Economic Council members may decide to adjust the loan rate through consultation. The average value of the interest rates chosen by each of the 11 Economic Committee members will be reflected in the new interest rate, starting from the first day of the next month. The interest rate for NPs, which is set to 14% at the start of the service, is also adjustable. The amount of coins paid to users depends on the level of the interest rate. For example, if the interest rate is lowered to 13%, the incentive payment rate rises to 81%. Each of the 11 Economic Committee members can decide to adjust the interest rate, which will be reflected in the new interest rate on the first day of each month, set to an average of all 11 members. 5. Open Market Operation Similar to the way a country's central bank operates on the open market to control its currency, Travel denation can also sell NP (NOJA Power) for open market operations. These open market operations work on similar principles as open bank operations by central banks. Open market manipulations are a means for central
18 banks to control their principal currencies and market interest rates, by buying or selling government bonds or currency stabilization bonds in the financial market. If a central bank purchases public bonds from the financial market, the money it pays for the national bonds will be circulated to increase the amount of currency, increase government bond prices and lower interest rates. On the other hand, a central bank sells government bonds to the financial market when it needs to cut back on money supply in the market. As a result government bond prices will decrease and interest rates will rise. If financial institutions buy government bonds, not only the amount of money in the market is reduced, but the increased interest rate also slows growth in deposit currencies. The open market manipulation was first put into practice by the Bank of England in the 1830s. In the United States, after the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, legislation on open market manipulation was enacted and developed Federal Reserve Bank s core policy measure. In most countries, as financial liberalization has advanced and financial markets have developed since the 1980s, open market manipulation has become the main means monetary policy. Open market manipulation has become a key monetary policy tool because unlike the provisioning policy or loan policy, it is a policy that is consistent with economic principles and its effects are widely and indiscriminately over the financial market, where a wide range of economic entities such as banks and nonbank financial institutions participate. Additionaly, open market operations can be flexibly adjusted by altering the timing, size and conditions of operations, as needed. In the same way, NP sales at Travel dnation can be determined by the Economic Committee, and the committee can also set exchange ratios, sales volume and sales periods for the NOJA token. NP sold by open market operations cannot be exchanged for NOJA immediately, and may be locked for a period of at least 11 weeks. The NP sales are all kept in the community's reserve funds. On the other hand, as described above, sales of NP can reduce the volume of NOJA or NBD tokens on the market. For more information on the role of the Economic Commission's NP sales decisions, see "2. Travel dnation Economic Committee, 25. Decision of Sale of NP". 6. dgreenshoe option & Installment Lockup As an option set for stock price stabilization after the IPO listing, the GreenShoe Option algorithm is applied to the NOJA coin postico in order to protect the token price. GreenShoe Option is a term that was coined, when Green Shoe Manufacturing first used the overallotment option in the company's stock offering.
19 This system is a call option that allows the organizer to acquire additional public shares from stock issuance when there is an oversubscription after listing. If the stock prices rise above the public offering price, the organizer uses the overallotment option and distributes it to the subscribers. The additional share distribution increases the income from stock distribution, and the company issuing the shares can benefit from additional financing. If the stock price falls below the public offering after listing, the organizer will give up the over alloted option, buy she shares from the market and distribute them to the subscribers. If the price of publicly traded stocks is less than the IPO, the IPO sponsor of the public IPO will buy the excess amount of the stock in the market. [dgreenshoe option] After completing the ICO with an over 15 percent allocation option, 1 If the market price rises above the public offering within 30 days of being listed, the preissued 15% of coins will be allocated to users at the public offering price. 2 If the market price falls below the public offering price within 30 days after listing, the company will buy 15% of the coins in the market and distribute them to market users (company purchase price). The internal purchase of 15% of coins causes a price increase. If the market price is below a public offering even after the dgreenshoe option, then a community reserve fund can be used to drive up prices. [Installment Lockup] Installment Lockup is an instrument to prevent a partner company or individual participating in the ICO from selling all coins at once. Partners who have participated in the ICO presale cannot sell more than 10% of their coins at the time of listing, nor may they sell for one month after a single sale. Presale participants who do not comply with the statutes of this white paper may be prohibited or suspended by the community. Individuals participating in the ICO public sale may sell the coins in the order of their participation after the ICO listing. For example, a user who participates in the public sale on the tenth day after the start of ICO can sell 10 days after.
20 7. Reserve Fund 30% of the funds raised through the ICO are deposited as reserve funds. Reserve funds can be used to stabilize prices, in case the prices of Travel dnation s coins become unstable due to transactions on the external exchanges. The use of reserve funds is decided by the Economic Council, which determines the amount and timing of such a use. For more information on the Economic Council's use of reserve fund, see "2. Travel dnation Economic Council, 26. Decision on the use of reserve funds."
21 III. ICO Planning Private Sale Soft Cap: $1M Amount of any token Hard Cap: $5M Amount of any token 1 NOJA Discount Duration Limit $ % ~ None Public Sale Soft Cap: 5,000 people Hard Cap: 30,000 people ROUND A 1 NP Discount Duration Limit $ % ~ $5k/person ROUND B 1 NP Discount Duration Limit $0.1 90% ~ $5k/person ROUND C 1 NP Discount Duration Limit $ % ~ $5k/person According to the Installment Lockup clause, the participants including partner companies or institutions cannot sell more than 10% of their tokens at once per month after the end of the ICO. If the participants do not follow the statutes of this document or the Travel dnation White Paper, the community may prohibit the use of token of those participants. In the case of the Public Sale, if Hard Cap is reached befor round C, the sale will be closed.
22 Usage of ICO Fund Development & Operation Fund will be paid in installments for 10 month after the end of the ICO. Partners include investment partners before ICO.
23 DISCLAIMERS 본백서의목적은백서에서제안하고있는 ICO(Initial Coin offering) 관련하여, Blocbuster co.,ltd ( 이하 회사 ) Travel dnation 서비스, 해당플랫폼에서이용되는토큰 ( NBD, NOJA, NP) 에대한정확한정보를전달하기위함입니다. 본백서는문서에서다루고있는어떠한내용에관해서도개인적, 법적, 세금적또는금융적인자문을주려는것이아닙니다. NBD, NOJA token 또는 Travel dnation 서비스의구매나사용결정에관련한자문이나, 문서에명시된내용에관련된자문은본인이직접전문가를통해얻어야합니다. 문서에명시된정보들은완벽하지않으며, 회사 와본문서를통한참여자사이의어떠한계약적인관계도내포하지않습니다. 본백서의어떠한내용도투자를권유하거나안내하지않으며, 어떤사법관할내의어떤유가증권의구매나구매권유도유도하지않습니다. 본문서는투자자들의보호를위한어떠한사법적인규제나법에대해서언급하지도않으며, 관련내용으로구성되어있지도않습니다. NBD, NOJA, NP 토큰은유틸리티토큰입니다. Travel dnation 의토큰은어떠한형태의디지탈신용화폐 ( 또는비신용화폐 ), 증권, 상품등디지탈금융수단을지원하기위해설계되지않았습니다. Travel dnation 의토큰은 회사 와 Travel dnation 서비스에어떠한형태의소유권도부여하지않습니다. Travel dnation 의토큰은어떠한형태의배분 ( 이익에국한되지않더라도 ), 현금화, 청산, 전매 ( 모든지적재산권을포함하여 ) 로도구성되지않으며, 회사 또는 Travel dnation 서비스의어떠한금융적, 경제적관리또는법적권한으로도구성되지않습니다. Travel dnation 의토큰은판매또는사용이금지된어떤사법권할내에서도판매또는사용되는것이허용되지않습니다. 테러국으로지정된국가또는외국자산관리국 (OFAC) 에서지정하고있는돈세탁의위험이높은국가에거주하는거주자들에게도 ICO 가제공되거나판매되지않을것입니다.
24 Travel dnation 토큰은오직 Travel dnation 서비스내에서만사용되도록설계되었으며, 어떠한다른블록체인응용프로그램, 거래, 투자또는연계매매등의목적을위해설계되지않았습니다. 우리는백서에서특정하고있지않은어떤형태의토큰의사용이나활용에대해보증하지않습니다. 백서에포함되어있는모든문장들, 언론에발표된모든내용들또는공적으로공개된모든내용들그리고, 회사 를포함하여관계자들또는대변인들이구두로설명한내용들은모두 예상되는내용들 입니다. 이러한문장들의몇몇은다름과같은표현들로구분할수있습니다. 목표, 타겟, 기대된다, 믿는다, 가능하다, 예측된다, 예상한다, 만약, 경향이있다, 그럴수있다, 계획이다, 아마도, 하는것이좋다, 그럴것이다, 할것이다 등이외에도이와비슷한표현들이가능합니다. 하지만, 이러한표현들이배타적인의미로 예상되는내용들 를구분하는것은아닙니다. Blocbuster 또는 Travel dnation 서비스, 회사의재정상태, 사업적전략, 계획, 전망그리고수반되어논의되는관련산업들의미래등과관련되는모든내용들은 예상되는내용들 입니다. 회사또는 Travel dnation 의수익모델, 수익성, 전망, 향후계획또는전망되는관련산업의트렌드를포함하는이러한 예상되는문장들 은역사적인사실들이아니고, 그러한예측이만들어진시점에가능한정보와가정에근거한예측들입니다. 문서에포함된정보들은시간이흐를수록다른언어로번역될수도있고, 또는기존의사용자또는대기사용자 / 파트너들에의해문서나구두를통해이용될수도있습니다. 번역과구두를통한전파등에의한오역이나오해등의문제가발생하는경우, 본한글버전의백서가항상우선합니다. 회사 는시간이흐를수록백서에포함되어있는정보들을수정, 보완, 보충할수있는권리를가집니다. 그렇다고의무를가지지는않습니다. Blocbuster 는어떠한변경에대한공지의무를가지지않습니다. 본한글버젼의최신판백서는 에서확인가능합니다. 회사 가백서에포함된정보들을최신의정확한정보로유지하기위해모든가능한노력을하겠지만, 사이트에게시된문서는받는사람입장에서는논의할만한또는자체분석을할만한최신의문서가아닐수있음을염두에두시기를바랍니다.
25 RISK FACTOR Travel dnation 서비스의성공을방해하고저해할수있는요소들은많습니다. 그리고그런한요소들은서비스토큰의유용성을제한할수있습니다. 그요소들은아래와같습니다. 1. 여행관련 3rd Party 들또는여행관련산업종사자들이 Travel dnation 서비스및관련솔루션들을제한적으로채택하는경우. Travel dnation 토큰의가치는내부커뮤니티안에서도수요가있기때문에적정한가치를가질수있습니다. 하지만, 커뮤니티외부즉, 여행산업관련회사나종사자들이토큰을사용할때그가치는더커지고견고해지게됩니다. 따라서, 저희토큰의유용성은여행관련회사또는종사자들이얼마나 Travel dnation 서비스를그들의솔루션으로사용하느냐에달려있습니다. 만약, Travel dnation 서비스가어느정도수준만큼그들에게받아들여지지않으면, 토큰의사용성및수요는제한적이될수있습니다. 2. EOS 프로토콜이생각보다덜일반화되는경우. Travel dnation 서비스는 EOS 프로토콜을근간으로하고있습니다. 토큰기반의스마튼컨트랙트를사용하는플랫폼으로서의 EOS 프로토콜이활성화되지않는경우, Travel dnation 토큰역시제한적이될수있습니다. 또한, EOS 프로토콜보다더효과적으로증명되거나인지되는새로운스마트컨트랙트프로토콜이도입되는경우에도, 저희토큰을포함하여 EOS 기반의토큰들의수요및사용성은줄어들수있습니다. 이런경우, 더나은프로토콜로서비스를이전하기위한일정기간의개발기간이더필요하게됩니다. 3. 블록체인솔루션이활성화되지않는경우. 여행업계에서블록체인솔루션이받아들여지지않거나, 또는토큰사용이외다른방식의블록체인기술이적용되는경우, Travel dnation 의토큰뿐아니라서비스의수요는실질적으로줄어들게될것입니다. 4. 여행업계와관련된일반적인위험요소. Travel dnation 서비스가높은수준의유용성이보장된솔루션임이여행산업관련회사또는종사자들에게입증된다하더라도, 여행업의수요자체가줄어드는경우에는 Travel dnation 서비스의채택은제한적일수밖에없습니다. 게다가, 개인정보보호법또는광고규제의변화, 그리고온라인커머스관련규제들의변화는저희서비스의사용성, 유용성및채택등에영향을줄수있다. 5. Travel dnation 서비스의모방및경쟁. 만약, 저희서비스가여행산업관련회사들또는종사자들에게유용한것으로판명이되면, 다른회사들이저희
26 서비스를모방할수있으며, 비슷하지만조금다른방식들을도입하여사용할수있고, 그런한일들은경쟁을유발할수있습니다. 이런상황에서몇몇경쟁자들은저희 회사 보다큰회사들의지원을받을수있으며, 경쟁자들몇몇은막강한자원과브랜드인지도및기존산업계의관계들을활용하여사업을진행할수있습니다. 게다가, Travel dnation 을구성하는지적재산권의구성요소들을침해하는경쟁자들이있다하더라도, 해당침해들은법적으로인정되지않을수있으며, 인정되더라도결과적으로성공적이지못할수있습니다. 6. 법과규제의변화. 블록체인기술에관련된법과규제의변화또는토큰사용에관련된변화는서비스의유용성과토큰의사용에있어불리하게작용할수있습니다. 토큰사용에있어전면적인규제나일반적인토큰또는특정하게 Travel dnation 토큰을증권, 화폐또는상품으로특정짓게되는경우, 서비스토큰은주요규제대상이될수있습니다. 회사 는서비스토큰의유용성및사용성그리고 Travel dnation 서비스의동작에관련된규제또는그영향을완화하기위한어떠한보증도하지않습니다. 또한, 인터넷중립성에관한법률또는온라인사용또는온라인광고에특정하여불리하게작용할수있는법률들의변화는서비스토큰및서비스자체에불리한영향을끼칠수있습니다.
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182 동북아역사논총 42호 금융정책이 조선에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 일제 대외금융 정책의 기본원칙은 각 식민지와 점령지마다 별도의 발권은행을 수립하여 일본 은행권이 아닌 각 지역 통화를 발행케 한 점에 있다. 이들 통화는 일본은행권 과 等 價 로 연
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Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
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... 수시연구 2009-18.. 고속도로 휴게타운 도입구상 연구 A Study on the Concept of Service Town at the Expressway Service Area... 권영인 임재경 이창운... 서 문 우리나라는 경제성장과 함께 도시화가 지속적으로 진행되어 지방 지역의 인구감소와 경기의 침체가 계속되고 있습니다. 정부의 다각 적인
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2017.09 Vol.255 C O N T E N T S 02 06 26 58 63 78 99 104 116 120 122 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2017.9 3 4 2017.9 6 2017.9 7 8 2017.9 13 0 13 1,007 3 1,004 (100.0) (0.0) (100.0) _Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4 27 37 55 73 111 120 149 2 2016 DGB Financial Group Report 2016 DGB Financial Group Report 3 2016 DGB Financial Group Report 5 2010. 12 2010. 12 2011. _Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4 24 38 54 71 95 104 133 2 2015 DGB Financial Group Report 2015 DGB Financial Group Report 3 2015 DGB Financial Group Report 5 2010. 12 2010. 12 2011.
2009년 국제법평론회 동계학술대회 일정
한국경제연구원 대외세미나 인터넷전문은행 도입과제와 캐시리스사회 전환 전략 일시 2016년 3월 17일 (목) 14:00 ~17:30 장소 전경련회관 컨퍼런스센터 2층 토파즈룸 주최 한국경제연구원 한국금융ICT융합학회 PROGRAM 시 간 내 용 13:30~14:00 등 록 14:00~14:05 개회사 오정근 (한국금융ICT융합학회 회장) 14:05~14:10
#Ȳ¿ë¼® A B yk u δ = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
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Tax Mix Change John Freebairn Outline General idea of a tax mix change Some detailed policy options Importance of casting assessment in the context of a small open economy Economic effects of a tax mix
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 4, August, 30, 2016:319~332 Received: 2016/07/28, Accepted: 2016/08/28 Revised: 2016/08/27, Published: 2016/08/30 [ABSTRACT] This paper examined what determina
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Vol.259 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M
2018.01 Vol.259 C O N T E N T S 02 06 28 61 69 99 104 120 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2018.1 3 4 2018.1 1) 2) 6 2018.1 3) 4) 7 5) 6) 7) 8) 8 2018.1 9 10 2018.1 11 2003.08 2005.08
뉴욕 이코노믹클럽 연설을 통하여 비둘기파적 색채를 드러낸 옐런 Jr.Economist 전병하 2. 3779-8633 매크로 216. 3. 3 Implication Implication 현재 상황에 대한 인식 혼조적 - R
216년 3월 3일 매크로 전병하 경제/투자전략 뉴욕 이코노믹클럽 연설을 통하여 비둘기파적 색채를 드러낸 옐런 탐방 정홍식 유비쿼스 안정적인 네트워크 장비 업체 최석원 유니셈 업황 업데이트 이슈 (기업) 배은영 POSCO 영업 환경 및 실적 점검 성종화 엔씨소프트 주요 포인트 업데이트 이슈 (산업) 유지웅 자동차 전일 BYD 주가 급등, 앞으로 봐야할 것들
MIDME LOGISTICS Trusted Solutions for 02 CEO MESSAGE MIDME LOGISTICS CO., LTD. 01 Ceo Message We, MIDME LOGISTICS CO., LTD. has established to create aduance logistics service. Try to give confidence to
Yonsei Business Review Vol. 47, No. 1 (Fall 2010), 151-179 David vs. Goliath: M&A of HaiTai Confectionery and Foods Co. by Crown Confectionery Co. Hyun-Han Shin** 2004 10 Korea Confectionary Holdings NV
- iii - - i - - ii - - iii - 국문요약 종합병원남자간호사가지각하는조직공정성 사회정체성과 조직시민행동과의관계 - iv - - v - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - α α α α - 15 - α α α α α α
Journal of Fashion Business Vol. 5, No. 4. pp.158~175(2001) A Study on the Apparel Industry and the Clothing Culture of North Korea + Kyu Hwa Cho Prof., Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Ewha Womans University
20, 41..,..,.,.,....,.,, (relevant).,.,..??.,
, 41 (2007 12 ) * 1) *** ***,. IMF..,,,.,,,,.. I.. 1999 (,.),,. 2010 *. ** *** 19 20, 41..,..,.,.,....,.,, (relevant).,.,..??., 21.....,. II. 1967 G. G. Muller International Accounting. 1960. 1970... 1966,,,.
종량제봉투의 불법유통 방지를 위한 폐기물관리법과 조례의 개선방안* 1) 송 동 수** 차 례 Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 종량제봉투의 개요 Ⅲ. 종량제봉투의 불법유통사례 및 방지대책 Ⅳ. 폐기물관리법의 개선방안 Ⅴ. 지방자치단체 조례의 개선방안 Ⅵ. 결론 국문초록 1995년부터 쓰레기 종량제가 시행되면서 각 지방자치단체별로 쓰레기 종량제 봉투가 제작, 판매되기 시작하였는데,
리텀 백서 새로저장-작은용량
White Paper Ver 1.00 Initial Date : 09 May. 2018 Last Date : 07 July. 2018 Copyright 2018 RETURM FOUNDATION LTD. All rights reserved Contents 2 Copyright 2018 RETURM FOUNDATION LTD. All rights reserved
232 233 1) 2) Agenda 3) 4) 234 Invention Capital Agenda 5) 6) 235 7) 8) 9) 236 10) 11) 237 12) 13) 14) 15) knowledge 16) 17) 238 239 18) 240 19) 241 20) 242 243 244 21) 245 22) 246 23) 247 24) 248 25)
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step 1-1
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441 450 458 466 474 477 480 This book examines the research conducted on urban ethnography by the National Folk Museum of Korea. Although most people in Korea
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저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 변경금지. 귀하는이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공할수없습니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우,
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산별교섭에 대한 평가 및 만족도의 영향요인 분석(이주희) ꌙ 87 노 동 정 책 연 구 2005. 제5권 제2호 pp. 87118 c 한 국 노 동 연 구 원 산별교섭에 대한 평가 및 만족도의 영향요인 분석: 보건의료노조의 사례 이주희 * 2004,,,.. 1990. : 2005 4 7, :4 7, :6 10 * ( 88 ꌙ 노동정책연구
Study on the Improvement of Management System through Analysis of golf semi- market: Focus on Physical Education Facility Act Ji-Myung Jung 1, Ju-Ho Park 2 *, & Youngdae Lee 3 1 Korea Institute of Sport
Ⅱ 논술 지도의 방법과 실제 2. 읽기에서 논술까지 의 개발 배경 읽기에서 논술까지 자료집 개발의 본래 목적은 초 중 고교 학교 평가에서 서술형 평가 비중이 2005 학년도 30%, 2006학년도 40%, 2007학년도 50%로 확대 되고, 2008학년도부터 대학 입시에서 논술 비중이 커지면서 논술 교육은 학교가 책임진다. 는 풍토 조성으로 공교육의 신뢰성과
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Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,
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엔젤입문 초급자과정
: 2013.12.19 ( ) 18:30 ~ 22:30 : CCVC AAI : : : ( ) < > 1. CCVC - - 2. Access America Fund, LP / AAI - IR 2 1st Class. 1. 1)! -> ->, -> -> -> VC!,! ->. π 2)! < > a. -, b. ( ) c. -,,! < > a. b. c. BM! a.
BSC Discussion 1
Copyright 2006 by Human Consulting Group INC. All Rights Reserved. No Part of This Publication May Be Reproduced, Stored in a Retrieval System, or Transmitted in Any Form or by Any Means Electronic, Mechanical,
延 世 醫 史 學 제12권 제2호: 29-40, 2009년 12월 Yonsei J Med Hist 12(2): 29-40, 2009 특집논문 3 한국사회의 낙태에 대한 인식변화 이 현 숙 이화여대 한국문화연구원 1. 들어가며 1998년 내가 나이 마흔에 예기치 않은 임신을 하게 되었을 때, 내 주변 사람들은 모두 들 너무나도 쉽게 나에게 임신중절을 권하였다.
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제 출 문 국방부 장관 귀하 본 보고서를 국방부 군인연금과에서 당연구원에 의뢰한 군인연금기금 체 계적 관리방안 연구용역의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 2009. 4 (주)한국채권연구원 대표이사 오 규 철
군인연금기금 체계적 관리방안 연구 2009. 04 (최종보고서) 제 출 문 국방부 장관 귀하 본 보고서를 국방부 군인연금과에서 당연구원에 의뢰한 군인연금기금 체 계적 관리방안 연구용역의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 2009. 4 (주)한국채권연구원 대표이사 오 규 철 목 차 제1장 서론 1 1. 연구의 목적 1 2. 연구의 방법 및 내용 2 제2장 현황분석 (AS-IS
12È«±â¼±¿Ü339~370 k Si 2 i= 1 Abstract A Study on Establishment of Fair Trade Order in Terrestrial Broadcasting Ki - Sun Hong (Professor, Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication,
Logistics Strategic Planning Difference between 3PL and SCM Factors Third-Party Logistics Supply Chain Management Goal Demand Management End User Satisfaction Just-in-case Lower
英 祖 代 戊 申 亂 이후 慶 尙 監 司 의 收 拾 策 李 根 浩 * 105) Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 戊 申 亂 과 憂 嶺 南 說 Ⅲ. 以 嶺 南 治 嶺 南, 독자성에 토대한 통치 원칙 제시 Ⅳ. 鄒 魯 之 鄕 복원을 위한 교학 기구의 정비 Ⅴ. 상징물 및 기록의 정비 Ⅵ. 맺음말 국문초록 이 글은 영조대 무신란 이후 경상감사들이 행했던 제반 수습책을 검토 한 글이다.
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Performance Optimization of SCTP in Wireless Internet Environments The existing works on Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) was focused on the fixed network environment. However, the number of
2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는
일본군 위안부 피해자 구제에 관한 일고( 一 考 ) 1 일본군 위안부 피해자 구제에 관한 일고( 一 考 ) 김관원 / 동북아역사재단 연구위원 Ⅰ. 머리말 일본군 위안부 문제가 한일 간 현안으로 불거지기 시작한 것은 일본군 위안부 피해를 공개 증언한 김학순 할머니 등이 일본에서 희생자 보상청구 소송을 제 기한 1991년부터다. 이때 일본 정부는 일본군이 위안부
00½ÃÀÛ 5š
The Career of Christian Counselor and the Management of Counseling Center Yeo Han Koo 1) 1 17 2011 29 2) 3) 30 4) 5) 6) 7) 2 3 1999 99 2006 23 45 2007 17 19 4 17 2011 95 148 5 100 2014 26 6 29 17 2004
에너지경제연구 제13권 제1호
에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 13, Number 1, March 2014 : pp. 83~119 거시계량모형을이용한유가변동및 유류세변화의파급효과분석 * 83 84 85 86 [ 그림 1] 모형의해결정과정 87 [ 그림 2] 거시계량모형의흐름도 (flow chart) 88 89 < 표 1> 유류세현황 (2013
한국학연구 56(2016.3.30), pp.33-63. 고려대학교 한국학연구소 세종시의 지역 정체성과 세종의 인문정신 * 1)이기대 ** 국문초록 세종시의 상황은 세종이 왕이 되면서 겪어야 했던 과정과 닮아 있다. 왕이 되리라 예상할 수 없었던 상황에서 세종은 왕이 되었고 어려움을 극복해 갔다. 세종시도 갑작스럽게 행정도시로 계획되었고 준비의 시간 또한 짧았지만,
Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh
Page 1 of 6 Learn Korean Ep. 13: Whether (or not) and If Let s go over how to say Whether and If. An example in English would be I don t know whether he ll be there, or I don t know if he ll be there.
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
Reasons for Poor Performance Programs 60% Design 20% System 2.5% Database 17.5% Source: ORACLE Performance Tuning 1 SMS TOOL DBA Monitoring TOOL Administration TOOL Performance Insight Backup SQL TUNING
국립국어원 20010-00-00 발간등록번호 00-000000-000000-00 국어정책 통계 조사 및 통계 연보 작성 연구책임자 이순영 제 출 문 국립국어원장 귀하 국어정책 통계 조사 및 통계 연보 작성 에 관하여 귀 원과 체결한 연 구 용역 계약에 의하여 연구 보고서를 작성하여 제출합니다. 2010년 12월 2일 연구책임자: 이순영(고려대학교 국어교육과)
MKIF_확정투자설명서_ PDF
(Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund) 1 : (Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund) : 110 11(:100-755) : 02-3705-4921 2 : / 3 : (Macquarie Shinhan Infrastructure Asset Management Co, Ltd) ( 110 11Tel: 3705-4921)
2005. 6. 11. *, **, ***, * * ** *** Acknowledgement 2005 BTP. 1. 1-1. 1. (Green Logistics) - 90 2 ( - ) EU - ISO 14001 ( ) -, - 3 1. Liberal Return Policy - (South Florida Stock 2000 1000 ) - (,TV, )
수시과제 2015-13 경기도 지역별 여성일자리 정책 추진 전략 연구책임자 : 최 윤 선 (본원선임연구위원) : 남 승 연 (본원연구위원) 연 구 지 원 : 이 상 아 (본원위촉연구원) 연 구 기 간 : 2015. 9 ~12 2015 발 간 사 여성 일자리는 사회 내 여성과 남성간의 차이를 좁히고 개개인의 삶을 윤택하게 만드는 중요 한 부분입니다. 이에 정부는
에너지경제연구제 16 권제 1 호 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 16, Number 1, March 2017 : pp. 35~55 학술 전력시장가격에대한역사적요인분해 * 35
에너지경제연구제 16 권제 1 호 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 16, Number 1, March 2017 : pp. 35~55 학술 전력시장가격에대한역사적요인분해 * 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 < 표 1> 표본자료의기초통계량 42 [ 그림 1] 표본시계열자료의추이 43 < 표 2> 수준및로그차분변수에대한단위근검정결과
204 205
-Road Traffic Crime and Emergency Evacuation - 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 Abstract Road Traffic Crime
Mary Beth Tatham Norbert Sternat 1:00 PM Al Weyer 4:00 PM Christine Buerger MASS PARTICIPATION: Families are encouraged to participate during the break as well. Altar Servers are needed! Please contact
2012학년도 2학기 중등과정 3학년 국어 수업 계획서 담당교사 - 봄봄 현영미 / 시온 송명근 1. 학습 목적 말씀으로 천지를 창조하신 하나님이 당신의 형상대로 지음 받은 우리에게 언어를 주셨고, 그 말씀의 능 력이 우리의 언어생활에도 나타남을 깨닫고, 그 능력을 기억하여 표현하고 이해함으로 아름다운 언어생활 을 누릴 뿐만 아니라 언어문화 창조에 이바지함으로써
Microsoft Word - 130523 Hanwha Daily_New.doc
Eagle eye-6488호 Today s Issue 이슈 미국 양적완화 축소 가능성 중국 HSBC PMI 제조업 지수 발표 외국인 수급 개선 여부 기상도 NOT GOOD NOT BAD GOOD 리테일정보팀ㅣ 2013. 5. 23 Market Data 주요 지표 종가 주요 지표 종가 KOSPI 1,993.83 (+0.64%) DOW 15,307.17 (-0.52%)
04 형사판례연구 19-3-1.hwp
2010년도 형법판례 회고 645 2010년도 형법판례 회고 2)오 영 근* Ⅰ. 서설 2010. 1. 1.에서 2010. 12. 31.까지 대법원 법률종합정보 사이트 1) 에 게재된 형법 및 형사소송법 판례는 모두 286건이다. 이 중에는 2건의 전원합의체 판결 및 2건의 전원합의체 결정이 있다. 2건의 전원합의체 결정은 형사소송법에 관한 것이고, 2건의
슬라이드 1
CJ 2007 CONTENTS 2006 CJ IR Presentation Overview 4 Non-performing Asset Company Profile Vision & Mission 4 4 - & 4-4 - & 4 - - - - ROE / EPS - - DreamWorks Animation Net Asset Value (NAV) Disclaimer IR
300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름
동화 텍스트를 활용한 패러디 광고 스토리텔링 연구 55) 주 지 영* 차례 1. 서론 2. 인물의 성격 변화에 의한 의미화 전략 3. 시공간 변화에 의한 의미화 전략 4. 서사의 변개에 의한 의미화 전략 5. 창조적인 스토리텔링을 위하여 6. 결론 1. 서론...., * 서울여자대학교 초빙강의교수 300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,...
13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 Korean J Med Hist 13 1 19 Jun 2004 ISSN 1225 505X 1) * * 1 ( ) 2) 3) 4) * 1) ( ) 3 2) 7 1 3) 2 1 13 1 ( 24 ) 2004 6 5) ( ) ( ) 2 1 ( ) 2 3 2 4) ( ) 6 7 5) - 2003 23 144-166 2 2 1) 6)
강의지침서 작성 양식
정보화사회와 법 강의지침서 1. 교과목 정보 교과목명 학점 이론 시간 실습 학점(등급제, P/NP) 비고 (예:팀티칭) 국문 정보화사회와 법 영문 Information Society and Law 3 3 등급제 구분 대학 및 기관 학부(과) 전공 성명 작성 책임교수 법학전문대학원 법학과 최우용 2. 교과목 개요 구분 교과목 개요 국문 - 정보의 디지털화와 PC,
BYT V 1.0 1. BYTEX - - - - / 2. 'BYT BYT - (distribution plan) (lock-up) -BYT (transaction mining) -BYT -BYT 3. BYTEX / / - -BYT 4. BYTEX (IEO Platform) - - 5. - - 6. - 1 BYTEX 1. BYTEX BYTEX,,,. BYTEX.
발간등록번호 11-1371029-000097-01 한국문학분야 주제 가이드 개발 및 구축 :근대문학분야를 중심으로 2014.12. 제 출 문 국립중앙도서관장 귀하 본 보고서를 한국문학분야 주제 가이드 개발 및 구축 : 근대문학분야를 중심으 로 의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 2014년 12월 연 구 기 관 : 책임연구자 : 공동연구원 : 전남대학교 산학협력단
2018.05 Vol.263 C O N T E N T S 02 06 27 61 68 71 74 78 82 89 99 148 153 155 159 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2018.5 3 4 2018.5 * 6 2018.5 1) 2) 3) 7 4) 8 2018.5 5) 6) 7) 9 8) 9)