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1 CAD Computer Aided Design, 컴퓨터지원설계 컴퓨터를이용하여설계하는것 수작업으로수행하던설계작업을컴퓨터에의한지원으로효율을높이기위함 컴퓨터에의한설계지원도구 (CAD시스템) 컴퓨터를이용한제도시스템? Computer assisted drafting, computer assisted drawing CAD Introduction - 1

2 Evolution of Computer-Aided Design (1) development of descriptive geometry in the 16th and 17th centuries creation of engineering drawings changed very little until after World War II 1950s, development of real-time computing, particularly at MIT The Fathers of CAD largely credited with setting the stage for what we know today as CAD Patrick Hanratty: the Father of CADD/CAM 1957, GE, PRONTO (Program for Numerical Tooling Operations): first commercial CNC programming system Ivan Sutherland 1962, Ph.D. thesis at MIT Sketchpad, A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System : first graphical user interface (Dec 1, 2010) CAD Introduction - 2

3 Evolution of Computer-Aided Design (2) 1960s first digitizer (from Auto-trol) DAC-1: first production interactive graphics manufacturing system Commercialization: SDRC, Evans & Sutherland, Applicon, Computervision, M&S Computing 1970s: 2D 3D Ken Versprille: invention of NURBS for his Ph.D. thesis, basis of modern 3D curve and surface modeling Alan Grayer, Charles Lang, and Ian Braid: PADL (Part and Assembly Description Language) solid modeler Early 80s emergence of UNIX workstations: commercial CAD systems like CATIA showing up in aerospace, automotive, and other industries introduction of the first IBM PC in 1981: Autodesk/AutoCAD(1983), first significant CAD program for the IBM PC CAD Introduction - 3

4 Evolution of Computer-Aided Design (3) The CAD Revolution AutoCAD: deliver 80% of the functionality of the other CAD programs of the day, for 20% of their cost (still largely 2D) 1987, Pro/ENGINEER, CAD program based on solid geometry and feature-based parametric techniques for defining parts and assemblies 3D modeling kernels, most notably ACIS and Parasolids basis for other history-based parametric CAD programs 1995, SolidWorks Solid Edge, Inventor, and others first significant solid modeler for Windows many of the original CAD developers from the 1960s acquired by newer companies and a consolidation of the industry into four main players Autodesk, Dassault Systèmes (which acquired SolidWorks in 1997), PTC, and UGS (now Siemens PLM) CAD Introduction - 4

5 Evolution of Computer-Aided Design (4) CAD Today, CAD Tomorrow improvements in modeling, incorporation of analysis, and management of the products we create, from conception and engineering to manufacturing, sales, and maintenance (PLM, product lifecycle management) Engineers and designers are being asked to create more, faster, and with higher quality (Siemens PLM) combines the precision and control of featurebased design with the speed and flexibility of explicit modeling (PTC) ease-of-use, interoperability, and assembly management problems with CAD (Autodesk) new, very friendly, very interactive interfaces, embedded simulation, and the cloud CAD Introduction - 5

6 The Calma Digitizer workstation, introduced in 1965, allowed coordinate data to be entered and turned into computer-readable data. The famous AutoCAD sample nozzle drawing was created by Don Strimbu with AutoCAD PTC Creo, the company s new product line scheduled for 2011, will deliver taskspecific applets (2D design, 3D parametric design, rendering, analysis, and more), an approach that s closer to Apple ipad and iphone applications than to traditional CAD. CAD Introduction - 6

7 CAD in Automotive 1950s / General Motors using Graphic Display System DAC-1 for prototype of a CAD system INCA for NC processing for Master Model CADANCE(70s), CGS(80s) + commercial soft 1970s and 80s / in-house CAD System Nissan / CAD-I, CAD-II & GNC / Mazda Integrated CAD/CAM / Toyota 1990s / Commercial CAD Software CAD Introduction - 7

8 CAD in Aerospace 1960s and 1970s CADAM / Lockeed for NC tape CADD / McDonnell-Douglass CATIA / Dassault ICAM Project in USAF 1980s / Standardization Network by CIIN IGES(Initial Graphic Exchange Specification) Format 1990s / New Standardization CAD Introduction - 8

9 CAD 의종류 기계용 CAD ( 메카CAD) 건축용 CAD BIM(Building Information Modeling) 주택전용 CAD 건축설비용 CAD 토목용 CAD 전기용 CAD ( 회로용 CAD, 기판용 CAD) CAD Introduction - 9

10 기계용 CAD ( 메카 CAD) 2D CAD 3D CAD 2.5D CAD 업무대상, 형상요소형태, 가격대에따라서 High end: 자동차 항공기등의장성이요구되는설계 Middle range: 가전제품, 일반OA제품, 양산이전에시작품제작회수저감목적으로도입 CAD Introduction - 10

11 기계용 CAD ( 메카 CAD): 사례 CAD Introduction - 11

12 건축용 CAD 건축물 ( 건물, 구조물 ) 의입체를평면도, 입면도, 단면도, 투시도등도면으로표현하여시공 ( 건축물을제작 ) 전문영역에따라의장 / 구조 / 설비등도면작성 S/W BIM 3차원모델을건물의설계 공정 라이프사이클전반에활용 중립파일포맷 : IFC(Industry Foundation Classes) 의장 구조 설비 적산 시공 유지관리데이터를포괄 건설업계의 S/W간의데이터공유와상호운영이가능 Architecture (Bently), Revit (Autodesk), ArchiCAD (Graphisoft) 건축설비용 CAD 공조 급배수 ( 위생 ), 전기설비의시공도, 설계도 CAD Introduction - 12

13 건축용 CAD: 사례 CAD Introduction - 13

14 전기계 CAD 전자기기, 반도체등전기계의설계작업을자동화 기본적으로 2차원, 회로도 / 레이아웃 ( 프린트기판 / 포토마스크 ) 회로도 : 전기, 전자회로, 논리회로등접속정보를표현, 치수는중요하지않음 CAD? 레이아웃 : 기판이나여러종류의배선등을표현하기위한레이어 ( 층 ), 블록을이용한계층설계가능 EDA (Electronic Design Automation) CAD Introduction - 14

15 전기계 CAD: 사례 CAD Introduction - 15

16 CAD Software Revenue CAD Introduction - 16

17 CAD Company Market Share ( ) Trend: cloud computing, mobile devices, and virtualization CAD Introduction - 17

18 3 차원 CAD Software 회사소프트웨어홈페이지 Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) Dassault Systèms (Euronext: DSY) Siemens PLM Software PTC (NASDAQ: PMTC) Autodesk Product Design Suite CATIA SolidWorks NX Solid Edge Creo (Pro/ENGINEER) edge Bently Systems MicroStation Intergraph Process, Power & Marine Aveva (UK) Plant/Marine/Enterprise solutions Nemetscheck (DE) Vectorworks Designer CAD Introduction - 18

19 CATIA (1) Dassault Aviation How can we define, with the computer, the shape of airplane, which is the input to aerodynamic analysis? 1977~1980, development of CATI (Computer Aided Tri-dimensional Interactive application) CATIA, four software engineers Internally keeping or new business? CADAM( Lockheed Aircraft) CALMA( McDonnell Douglas Aircraft) CAD Introduction - 19

20 CATIA (2) Dassault Systèmes July 1981, 50/50 revenue share agreement with IBM President: Francis Bernard, 20 engineers, first customer: Honda Business transformation rather than 2D CAD/CAM solution a revolutionary new way to design and manufacture 1986, great success with Boeing Mainframe UNIX based workstations (late 80 s) PCs with Windows (late 90 s) 1995~, President: Bernard Charles 2009, acquire the IBM sales force, 15+ acquisitions, employees, 100,000+ customers, 1,252 m revenue 2000, PLM (Product Life Cycle Management): DELMIA, ENOVIA, SIMULIA, SolidWorks, 3DVIA CAD Introduction - 20

21 3 차원 CAD 시스템선정기준 소프트웨어사용의편리성 설계엔지니어들에게가장중요한사항 기존데이터의재활용 기존의 2 차원데이터를활용 기술지원능력과경험 유지관리 시스템도입비용 확장성 CAD Introduction - 21

22 주요파일포맷 (1) DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) CAD S/W에서작성한도면의파일포맷, ascii/binary CAD도면의정보교환의기본표준 2차원및 3차원도형을벡터데이터로저장 AutoCAD의상이버전간의데이터호환을목적으로제정 내부사양이공개되어많은 CAD제품에서취급 Header/classes/tables/blocks/entities/objects/end of file DWG AutoCAD 의표준화일형식, binary IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) 이종 CAD간데이터교환에사용하는중간파일포맷 ANSI가제정, 자동차산업을중심으로실질적세계표준 CAD Introduction - 22

23 주요파일포맷 (2) STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data): ISO Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange 컴퓨터가읽을수있는공업제품데이터의표현및교환규격 특정시스템에의존하지않는형식으로제품에관한모든데이터를기술하는방법을제공할목적 CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM/EDM 등의시스템에서데이터교환에사용 : 기계설계 / 전자설계 / 분석 / 제조데이터 ISO 기술위원회 TC 184 (Technical Industrial automation systems and integration) 의분과회 SC4(Industrial data) 에서제정, 보수 CAD Introduction - 23

24 주요파일포맷 (3) 구분이름파일형식 중립파일포맷 상용모델링커널포맷 상용 3D CAD 제품 STEP IGES Parasolid ACIS CATIA V5 CATIA V4 UG/NX Creo/Parametric SolidWorks Solid Edge Inventor Part/Assembly *.stp, *.step *.igs, *.iges *.x_t,*.xmt_txt, *.x_b, *.xmt_bin *.sat, *.sab, *.asat, *.asab *.CATPart, *.CATProduct, *.CGR *.model, *.exp, *.session *.prt *.ptr, *asm *.sldprt, *.sldasm *.x_t,*. x_b *.ipt, *.iam CAD Introduction - 24

25 3D 데이터확보방법비교 3D-CAD 등모델링툴을사용하는방법 장점 : 자유도높은 3D 데이터생성이가능 단점 : 3D-CAD 구입에따른투자필요, 사용법습득에시간소요, 형상이복잡해질수록작업공수증가 3D 스캐너를사용하는방법 장점 : 기존형상을재현하기용이, 보면서모델링하는것보다정확하고용이, 외관색등표면매핑도가능 단점 : 기본적으로점데이터로 3D 프린팅을위해서데이터변환이필요, 스캔불가또는부정확한부분에대한추가작업필요 (X선CT) 데이터공유사이트를이용하는방법 장점 : 쉽고빨리 3D 데이터입수, 모델링툴이나 3D 스캐너구입이나사용법숙련도불필요 단점 : 지적재산권보호, 책임소재 CAD Introduction - 25

26 GrabCAD 2009 년에스토니아기계설계엔지니어 2 인이미국에서설립 3D 데이터형식이나 3D-CAD 등툴에신경쓰지않고다수가자유롭게사용할수있는설계환경의필요성 2014년 Stratasys사가인수 세계최대 3D 데이터공유사이트 사용자등록하면누구나무료로다운로드, 업로드 사용자수 215만명, 파일등록 82만개이상 (2015년 5월기준 ) 공유뿐아니라다수가협업하여물건을만드는 open innovation 기반 GrabCAD Workbench: 다수유저에의한공동프로젝트를지원 GrabCAD Community: 파일공유와커뮤니케이션기능제공 GrabCAD Challenge: 디자인이나설계아이디어를전세계기술자로부터공모 CAD Introduction - 26

27 파일공유뿐아니라협업을지원하는다양한기능제공 CAD Introduction - 27

28 GrabCAD Workbench 웹브라우저를사용하여다양한 3D 데이터를공유가능구성트리를보거나단면형상을보는것도가능클라우드상에협업을위한프로젝트생성가능 ( 주최자 ) 참가멤버초대, 정보열람 / 수정 / 코멘트추가 CAD Introduction - 28

29 GrabCAD Community GrabCAD Workbench 사용자증가 프로젝트를넘어협업으로발전 카테고리로 3D 데이터검색 (Library) 키워드이외에 3D-CAD 명칭과버전, 업종등 결과 : 등록시기, 다운로드수, 코멘트수등으로분류가능 규격품설계 : 작업효율화, 시간단축 검색, 다운로드, 수정 ( 코멘트 ), 업로드 S/W 뿐만아니라 H/W 분야에서도오픈소스개발사례등장 3D 프린터의보급 chair 란키워드로검색한결과로 3D 데이터에연결된다양한정보가포함되어있음 CAD Introduction - 29

30 GrabCAD Challenge (GE 사례 ) Jet Engine 의 bracket 설계안공모 ( 화면은하중조건 ) 하중조건부착부형상재질사용환경온도 3D 프린터 1 차심사 : ~ 명, 각 USD1,000 총 USD 10,000 2 차심사 : ~ 등 USD7,000 2 등 USD5,000 총 USD 20,000 CAD Introduction - 30

31 GrabCAD Challenge (GE 사공모결과 ) 2033g 327g (a) 1 차심사 : 640 설계안제출 (b) 우승 (84% 나경량화 ), 인도네시아엔지니어 CAD Introduction - 31

32 설계의종류 노하우를통해보안이요구되는설계 기존대로사내에서실시 규격품등동일한품질이가능한설계 GrabCAD Community 에서검색 새로운아이디어나획기적인신규설계 GrabCAD Challenge 를활용, 꼼꼼히분류하여대응하는것이중요 CAD Introduction - 32

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