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1 w» wz, 14«2y(2012) Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 14, No. 2, (2012), pp. 71~78 DOI: /KJAFM Author(s) CC Attribution 3.0 License. y»zp mw y y 1 Áx ù 1 *Á wš 2 Á y 2 1 w y lw, 2 y» l ( ; ; ) Study on the Growth Environment of Gangwha-mugwort Through the Climatological Characteristic Analysis of Gangwha Region Joong-Bae Ahn 1, Jina Hur 1 *, Hae Gon Jung 2 and Jong-Ho Park 2 1 Division of Earth Environment, Pusan National University, 30 Jangjeon-dong, Geumjeong-gu, Busan , Republic of Korea 2 Gangwha Agricultural Technology Service Center, Gangwha, Korea (Received January 9, 2012; Revised June 17, 2012; Accepted June 30, 2012) ABSTRACT Eupatilin, one of representative medical components of mugwort, can be efficiently extracted from the Gangwha Sajabalssuk. The Eupatilin content may depend on environmental factors such as soil and regional climate in addition to a genetic factor and Gangwha region has a profitable environmental condition for the mugwort growth. In this study, the climatological characteristics of Gangwha was analyzed in order to find the environmental condition of mugwort containing high Eupatilin in term of atmospheric, oceanographic and land variables. The climate of Gangwha is characterized by the relatively low daily temperature and large diurnal variation with plenty of solar radiation, long sunshine duration and less cloudiness. According to our correlation analysis, the long sunshine duration and the large diurnal temperature variation are highly correlated with the Eupatilin contents. The result implies that Gangwha has the favorable conditions for the cultivation and the habitat of the high-eupatilin concentrated mugwort. Because of the sea surrounding Gangwha Island with low salinity and moderate wind, the salt contained in sea breeze is relatively low compared to other regions. Furthermore, Gangwha has clean atmospheric environment compared to other regions because the concentrations of toxic gases harmful to crop growth such as nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), sulfite gas (SO 2 ) and fine dust (PM- 10) are lower in the air. The ozone (O 3 ) concentration is moderate and within the level of natural production. It is also found that moderately coarse texture or fine loamy soils known as good for water drainage and for the growth and cultivation of the Gangwha-mugwort are distributed throughout the areas around mountainous districts in Gangwha, coinciding with those of mugwort habitat. Key words: Gangwha-mugwort, Eupatilin, Mugwort, Correlation analysis I. w Eupatilin y, e (Jang et al., 2003; Park et al., 2006; Kim et al., 2005), e (Park et al., 2006) z t. w z Eupatilin y p (Ryu et al., 2005; Ryu, 2008a) ƒ š š * Corresponding Author : Jina Hur (hjn586@pusan.ac.kr)

2 72 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 14, No. 2. Ryu(2008a) 2004 l 2006 ¾ w 210 w Eupatilin w y w, Eupatilin w x. Eupatilin šw y y ¾ w mw. Ryu (2008a) y Eupatilin w w d w wš w. ù w z w w š y 2005, w Eupatilin w y û w w. w t m» y w w, y Eupatilin šw w w y ƒ š w. Ryu (2008a) p 2007 y,,, Eupatilin w» w t w» y w sƒw. Ryu(2008b) ƒ mw t w w sw wt w œ ù y ü Eupatilin w, m ƒ ywš t w ƒ œ z t w w w š w. ù p w w w w w w Eupatilin y y w» w. w Ryu(2008b) y m y»z š w w y w wš d k w y y w v w. Eupatilin šw» w y w» w y s ww d» w y» w p w. w Ryu(2008a)ƒ w Eupatilinw w,» Eupatilin w» w. w y w s ww w w d w y d» w. 30m m w y w y w p r. II. y» w y w» w Eupatilin w Ryu(2008a) w 2004 l 2006 ¾ 210 Eupatilin y,,,,» w 2004 l 2006 ¾ l 6 30 ¾ 10 y» w w. y» w y w» w 1971 l 2000 ¾» (3 l 6 ¾ ) 12 s³ y w y w ew,,,, s y w,» y w.,» Eupatilin w» w» w 2004 l 2006 ¾ 3 s³ y,,»» ü 5 10 l 6 30 ¾ 10 s³»., w w. w y û w ew w w ew l 2008 ¾ 10 s³ s³ w.» d 2004 l 2008 ¾ 5 s³ y ƒ, y,, w y ew w y w ew,,, s, š y w, sww 7 w. Fig. 1 y», w š» d ùkü. m ƒ w l œw y w 30m 30m šw m, m š m v w (Water Management Information System, 2006). Fig. 2 y x ƒ xy

3 Joong-Bae Ahn et al.: Study on the Growth Environment of Gangwha-mugwort Through the Climatological Fig. 1. The topography(m) of South Korea and locations of the use of meteorologicalg (red filled circle), oceanographic (black quadrangle), and air qualityg(black triangle) datau ùkü m s y w» w y» l œw 2008 l 2009 ¾ s³ ƒ s. III. š 3.1. y» w p 30 s³» w, y»zp» w ew 5 ew 2», t, ƒ ûš, ƒ jš, ¼ ùkû (Table 1). t» y s³» 8 ƒ û 12.8 o C s³ 13.4 o C 0.6 o C û š,» 12 ƒƒ 10.8 o C, 10.1 o C 8 wì ƒ.» ü j ƒ p š w w w y ü ew w j.» 351mm s³ 360mm 9mm ù mm s³ 1234mm 83mm.» s³ t 1.8m/s wì ƒ û d, w ü ew, w û ù w y w wt w w.» s³ y 69% s³ 71% 2% û d, s³, ƒ û 72% s³ 73% 1% û d.» 952hr s³ 854hr 98hr ¼, 49% 8 ƒ y ƒ t w ùkû. p y û» j, ù w w ûš j ùkù, w ù w Table 1. The averaged meteorological values during the growing season in mugwort observed at stations located the same longitude and latitude with Gangwha region Station Factor Temp. ( o C) Daily Temp. Range ( o C) Accumulated Prec. (mm) Wind Speed (m/s) Humidity (%) Duration of Sunshine (hr) Cloudiness (10%) Gangwha 12.8(10.9) 10.8(10.1) 351(1317) 1.8(1.6) 69(72) 952(2510) 4.9(4.7) Incheon 12.9(11.7) 08.0(7.6) 314(1152) 3.6(3.3) 70(70) 874(2337) 5.0(4.8) Seosan 13.1(11.7) 10.8(10.0) 362(1232) 2.6(2.3) 72(75) 868(2223) 5.2(5.2) Boryeong 13.1(12.1) 10.7(9.8) 368(1237) 2.1(2.0) 73(76) 864(2540) 5.2(5.2) Gunsan 13.5(12.6) 08.3(7.8) 377(1201) 4.2(3.9) 75(75) 812(2162) 5.2(5.2) Mokpo 14.2(13.8) 08.9(8.3) 399(1125) 4.1(4.2) 73(73) 785(2164) 5.5(5.4) Seoul 14.2(12.2) 09.7(8.7) 358(1344) 2.7(2.4) 64(67) 820(2114) 5.3(5.1) Suwon 13.5(10.9) 11.0(11.3) 351(1267) 1.8(1.4) 69(72) 856(2198) 5.1(5.2) Mean 13.4(12.0) 09.8(9.2) 360(1234) 2.9(2.6) 71(73) 854(2281) 5.2(5.1) õthe Average Value from March to June (the Average Annual Value) Table 2. Correlation coefficients between the meteorological factors during the growing season and the Eupatilin status of the mugwort leaves on collection region

4 74 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 14, No. 2 w y š w»zw p. j t w»z y w» y œ w (Park, 2008). w w wt ww w wt w û w t w w w y œw š w y û t sww w w (Kim et al., 2010; Purty et al., 2008; He and Cramer, 1992). 3.2.» y z, y» Eupatilin w» mw s³» ûš j»zw y z w y. Ryu(2008a) ûw y (214.5Û10.9mg/100gleaves), (188.8Û18.1mg/ 100gleaves), (12.5Û5.3mg/100gleaves), (10.4mg/100gleavs) Eupatilin.» ( ) 48 w 1 w 3 w w (Ryu, 2008a). Eupatilin w» r» w Eupatilin 4 Eupatilin w» s³»» w (Table 2).»» s³»,,, t. t s³ -0.5 Eupatilin w ƒ š, ƒ û y Eupatilin šw Table 2. Correlation coefficients between the meteorological factors during the growing season and the Eupatilin status of the mugwort leaves on collection region Meteorological Factor Growing Season Mar Apr May Jun Mean Temperature Daily Temp. Range Accumulated Prec Wind Speed õ(**)90% confidence interval: Û0.9, (*)80% confidence interval: Û0.8 ƒ., t s³ 0.3,» z w t j y Eupatilin w t w ƒ ù t- w w 90% 80% w w ƒƒ 0.9, 0.8 š w, m w w. Ryu et al.(2007) w» Eupatilin w j yw p y» 5 6 w ƒ j, y» ùkù ³e z w»» yƒ Eupatilin w w e ƒ w.»»» y z w w (Table 3).» w Ryu et al.(2007) w w,»» 10 s³ y w., w w. t Eupatilin», š s³ ƒƒ -0.4, -0.3, -0.4» ûš, ƒ û» y Eupatilin šw ƒ. z w 0.5, 0.6 ƒ š ƒ jš ¼ z šw ƒ. p w 90% ( : 0.73) sw w Table 3. Correlation coefficients between meteorological factors and Eupatilin status of the mugwort leaves according to harvesting date in 3-years Meteorological Factor Year Mean Temperature ** Daily Temp. Range ** Accumulate Prec Wind Speed Humidity ** Duration of sunshine -0.8** -0.8** õ(**)90% confidence interval: Û0.73, (*)80% confidence interval: Û0.61

5 Joong-Bae Ahn et al.: Study on the Growth Environment of Gangwha-mugwort Through the Climatological w ƒ. t s³ 0.0 ƒ š z w. m w z s³», ƒ š, y w ¼ ƒ j» Eupatilin z w ww y w w p, w, y w w ƒ ûš ƒ j û (Table 4). t y w s³ s³ 15.3 o C 1.2 o C ƒ û 14.1 o C ùkù, w û ùkù y w ùkù p. r 2.3 o C, 13.3 o C s³ 7.0 o C, 15.6 o C 4.7 o C, 2.3 o C ƒ û, ƒ ƒƒ 15.4 o C, 25.5 o C s³ 14.4 o C, 24.2 o C 1.0 o C, 1.3 o C. w, ûš, ƒ ƒ š ƒ j. j û». s³ s³ û 23.0 ùkù, w û ùkû.,, ƒ, ƒƒ 28.3, 23.4, 15.1, 25.1 s³ ƒƒ 4.3, 8.5, 14.6, 6.7 ƒ û s ³ ƒ j, yƒ w w ew». w j ƒ.» w y w š w, w Á w e w y wù. wš w» w v wù, w n z y ww w» w (Purty et al,, 2008; He and Cramer, 1992). y w û w» y. w w p r w (w t), w y w w» y œw y y w p y w d r, y Table 4. The sea surface temperature and salinity in Feb., May, Aug. and Nov. averaged during 10 years from 1999 to 2008 Variable Sea Surface Temp. ( o C) Salinity ( o C) Station Incheon Taean Jeonjupo Shinan Goheung Tongyeong Busan Wolpo Samcheok Yangyang Mean Feb May Aug Nov Anuual Average Anuual Range Feb May Aug Nov Anuual Average Anuual Range

6 76 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 14, No. 2 Table 5. The annual average values of the observed air quality data at each station Factor Station SO 2 (ppm) NO 2 (ppm) PM10* (mg/m 3 ) O 3 (ppm) Gangwha Incheon Suwon Seoul Seosan Gunsan Mokpo *PM10 : find dust ww y ƒ y, ƒ, w y ƒ š (Table 5). t y s³ y ƒ, y, 7 ƒ û 0.004ppm, 0.009ppm, 42.6µg/m s³ ppm, 0.021ppm, 55.0µg/m ppm, 0.02ppm, 7.4µg/ m ƒ 2. y ƒ (SO 2 ) y (NO 2 ) yyx q,, ù x»w w, (PM10) Ÿ g w j wù (Chauhan and Joshi, 2010; Farhad et al,, 2009; Fowler et al,, 1988) š w y ƒ w ƒ» y ƒ š. y s³ 0.031ppm w 0.01 ƒ. j Ÿyw w w w ƒ w ù, k ³ k z ƒ ƒ 0.035ppm(Yun, 2001) š w y s wì w w ü w y ƒ š w. y w w œ w w»» y ƒ š y m w p Ryu(2008b) w y ƒ ywš Fig. 2. The fine topography(m) of Gangwha and the percentage of mugwort farms averaged for 2008 to 2009U œ p m w š w. w y m p d r, ü sw y Áû ƒ yw, y ew (Fig. 3). Fig. 3 (a)m, (b)m, (c)m v ùkü, Water Management Information System (2006) w. Fig. 3(a) m ƒ yw ü (14) 42.3% ƒ sw š, ƒ y w ü (6), ü (7) 25.5% 15.7% s, sw. w y w ù (49) š ƒ w, m sw m y ƒ š. Fig. 3(b) m ùkü 1 y, 6 w. Fig. 3(b) ƒ yw Fig. 3(a) d ü ü s w œ s ƒ y w. y ü,,, x, w ƒ yw m y ƒ. Fig. 3(c) y (6) (7) 42.1%, 37.1%

7 Joong-Bae Ahn et al.: Study on the Growth Environment of Gangwha-mugwort Through the Climatological Fig. 2 ƒ, ¼ (18.2%), ¼ (14.6%) š y (12.8%) ewš. w y ƒ yw ü sw y Áû ew (Ryu et al., 2007). y m p ƒ m y œw. IV. Eupatilin šw y wš w. w w mw Eupatilin šw š y» w p r š,, y» Eupatilin w» w. w y w,», m š s w y w w. ¼š ƒ j z w w y, y w ¼ ƒ j» Eupatilin w ww. w y w wt w û w w w û w w»y ƒ š., y ƒ yw ü sw w m s s ew., w w» š ƒ yw m Eupatilin w w y. Fig. 3. The soil type(a), drainage(b) and coverage(c) map over Gangwha regionu, v.,,, x, w, w,, ¼ s sw. y v ƒ y œw. œ ( y:200901oft ) w w. REFERENCES Chauhan, A. and P. C. Joshi, 2010: Effect Of Ambient Air

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