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1 112(2001 8) J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg 2001;11(2):92-101, Hyunwook Kim Kangyoon Kim Department of Preventive Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea Institute of Occupational Health, Korean Industrial Health Association, Seoul, Korea (, 1999), (,,, 1992), 80%, (NIOSH, 1987) 20%, %, 812% (, 1994;, 1995;, , ( 60-4 Tel , Fax , kykim91@freechalcom) 1999; Kim, 2000;, 2001) (
2 93, 1987) (stiffness), (anthropometric data), (Coblentz, 1991),,,, (, 1996) Gross Horstman(1990),,,,, () (, 1999), (, 1996), Gross Hostman(1990), %, 83-85%, (, 2001) %, % (1994), (virtual human),,,,,,, (, 1996) 3, (, 1994) 3,,, 3 4 (, 2000) 3 / ( )
3 94, 3, 3,, AU(Action Unit) 3, 3 44,, 44 AU Gordon(1989) 3, 44 1,,,,, 04, AU,,,,,,,,, 2,, 80-90%, 3, (, 100%, ),, 100%, 97% (, 1996),,,, 3 Ekman Friesen(1977), FACS(Facial Action Coding System),,, AU 1) No AU Name AU No AU Name ) AUAction Unit
4 95,,,,,,,,, 114,,, (, 1994), TV 3, 2 3, 3 (Modeling Based Coding), 3 3,,,,,, (adaptation),, TV (Altobelli, 1994),,,,,,, 114, 1, (ma- 114, thematical-statistical technique), 3,,, (stereophotometry), (Kroemer, 1989) 3 (3-dimen-, sional laser scanner) TV,,,,,
5 96,,, (1999) (3351) (3385) (3510) ,, ( ) 3103(3753), (Trichion-Gnathion) (bizygomatic breadth, face width) 1992;, 1997;, 1999; 1:137, 1:131, 1:,, 2000), 133, (Nasion-Subnasale),,,, 6491, (1999) (Subnasale-Gna- thion),, 6605 (2000), 6410, 6283,,, , 14100, 13927, (1999) (Bico-,,, ronale breadth),,,, 334:294:372 (1999) 12066, 11900, :335:340 ( ),, 9550,, 9839, 9860 half-facepiece mask quarter-facepiece (Bigonial breadth) mask 1179, 11536, ,, 2 (1998, 1999), Kim (2000) (2001) Kim (2000) (face width), (lip, length), (nose width) (nasal root breadth),,, (1999) (1995) 178, Trichion(tr)-Nasion(n) Nasion(n)-Subnasale(sn) Subnasale(sn)-Gnathion(gn) (,,
6 97 (Benfer, 1975) (Abraham, 1979) (anterior facial projection) (Gordon, 1989; 4 Marras & Kim, 1993), East- man Kodak ,, , (orbit), Marras Kim(1993), 184, ,,,, 2 3 (Kroemer, 1989) 1980 (stereometric mea- surement), 20,, (, 1993) Berner(1954) Pierson(1961) 1979 ( (stereophotogrammetric method) 13 Marco Polo ) 18, ,, Hertzberg (1957), Weissman (1967), 46 Weissman(1968) 1825 Blumenbach, 28, KS ( Alexander von Humboldt 1849 Cosmos, 1980) 1986 (Herron, 1976), Skylab 2(, 1986), ( (Whittle, 1976, 1800 Adolphe Quetelet, 1992), ( 1979),, 1997) (Kaleps, 1984), Von Meyer, Braune Fisher (1976) 1906, Moss (1988, 1989), (1993) (Kroemer, 1989) 63, 16, Schmitt O'Brien Shelton(1941) 4 (1985) 10, Fernandez (1989) 3D videolaser, Vision 3D, 23 (National Center for Health Statistics) ,645,
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