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1 2007 PLM Best Practice Conference 조선산업의 BOM 구조와종류소개 , ( ) jh_lee@inha.ac.kr,kyungho@inha.ac.kr Page 1
2 Contents I. II. BOM III. BOM IV. BOM V. BOM Page 2
3 Product: Material( ) (CAD, BOM),,, Process: Material Flow (BOP, WBS),,, BOM:,,, Resource: Machine (BOR, OBS),, Page 3
4 Product, Process, Resource, BOM and Routing PRODUCT PROCESS RESOURCE [ ] HP, CPC/PDM Page 4
5 BOM [ : mysap PLM] Page 5
6 BOM Usage Project Organization Project Mile stone Activity Page 6
7 Data Interface between PDM and ERP CONFIGURATION Config. Item Effectivity Options Eng. Chge EBOM Mockup Assembly Plan MBOM Part12-V1 Part1-V1 Part4-V1 Part3-V1 Part5-V1 Part5-V1 Part1-V1 Part2-V1 MSA1 MSA2 MSA2-V1 MSA1-V1 Part2-V1 Part1-V1 Part5-V1 Downstream ERP Product Doc. BOM Assy Plan Doc. BOM Book-V1 Book-V1 Chapt1-V1 Chapt2V1 Chapt1-V1 Chapt2V1 Parg1-V1 Parg2-V1 Parg1-V1 Parg2-V1 Page 7
8 BOM Engineering To Order:, Plant, Construction = ( ) Make To Stock :,, = Assemble To Order: DELL Computer = +, Make To Order:,,, Page 8
9 BOM (Modular BOM) Modular BOM product product product part part part Limited Number of Items Made from Many Intermediate Items or Components Ex) Ship Building Many Items Made from a Smaller Number of Intermediate Items or Sets of Components Ex) Motor Engineering Many Items Made from Limited Number of Components Ex) Steel, Chemicals Page 9
10 Contents I. II. BOM III. BOM IV. BOM V. Page 10
11 BOM (Bill Of Material) APICS (American Production and Inventory Control Society) Item: Any unique manufactured or purchased part, material, intermediate, subassembly, or product BOM: A listing of all the subassemblies, intermediates, parts and raw materials that go into a parent assembly showing the quantity of each required to make an assembly BOM (Bill of Material) (Item) (Item) BOM Item (relationship) Product Structure, Bill of Material, Part List BOM,. Page 11
12 BOM example Bicycle Wheels My Bicycle Rear Wheel Front Wheel Q=2 Q=24 Q=2 Q=2 Q=48 Q=24 Tire Hub Rim Spoke #Rear Chain Wheel Page 12
13 What s Your Motivation of BOM? 1. Traditional BOM (Make To Stock) 2. MPS (Demand Management) 3. Product Structure, Option/variant Item master Traditional BOM Modular BOM ATO, MTO 4. MRP Super BOM + Variant BOM Material Plan 5. Lead time Page 13
14 Contents I. II. BOM III. BOM IV. BOM V. BOM Page 14
15 BOM BOM Engineering BOM Manufacturing BOM / BOM Planning BOM Others Modular BOM Percentage BOM ( Ratio BOM ) Super Common BOM (Super BOM in APICS Dictionary) Inverted BOM Family BOM Add/Delete BOM Generic BOM Page 15
16 BOM MTS ATO MTO ETO BOM BOM Planning BOM Project BOM Project BOM Page 16
17 BOM ( /2000) Information BOM Planning BOM Manufacturing BOM Indented BOM E-BOM Where Used BOM Price/Cost BOM M-BOM Matrix BOM Summarized BOM Common Parts BOM Super BOM Modular BOM Aggregate BOM As-Built Configured BOM Customer Order Configured BOM Frozen BOM Page 17
18 BOM A. / 1) Engineering BOM, BOM BOM. (Functional Sub-Systems). 2) Manufacturing BOM BOM, BOM. / (Assemble Groups). 3) Planning BOM BOM. (MPS) (Material planning), BOM. BOM. 4) Others BOM. ). Page 18
19 BOM Planning BOM Modular BOM BOM (management), BOM. (Option), [BALC1992], [ 1996], [BERT2000] : Module. Percentage BOM ( Ratio BOM ) cf) Super BOM Super Common BOM (Super BOM in APICS Dictionary) Inverted BOM Family BOM Add/Delete BOM cf ) Generic BOM, Generative BOM Processing System Page 19
20 BOM B. (Life Cycle) 1) As Designed (develop) BOM., Engineering BOM. 2) As Planned BOM. (Prototype). 3) As Built (Produce) BOM., Manufacturing BOM. 4) As Maintained (Service) BOM. (Service Part) (Warrantee Service) BOM. Page 20
21 Engineering BOM, Manufacturing BOM EBOM (Engineering BOM) (Function) EBOM CAD S/W: (Assembly Product) A, (Product Configuration) Manufacturing BOM BOM MRP BOM MBOM VS EBOM E-BOM Item Page 21
22 Planning BOM (PBOM) PBOM (Planning BOM) (Production Planning) (Master Production Scheduling), Planning BOM Planning BOM (1) Modular BOM (2) Percentage BOM (3) Super Common BOM (Super BOM in APICS Dictionary) (4) Inverted BOM (5) Family BOM (6) Add/Delete BOM Page 22
23 Modular BOM PBOM ATO (Assemble-To-Order) Option. (Manufacturing Strategy) - ATO. Variant, Feature/Option, Product Configuration. Page 23
24 Modular BOM PBOM ) Engine: 1800cc, 2000cc Audio:, Graphic Equalizer, CD ABS, Air bag:, + TCS (Tracking Control System) Seat:, Color: 10 : Option BOM Variant BOM Option BOM Configuration Management Page 24
25 Modular BOM PBOM Option BOM BOM? ) A 3, B 10, C 5, D 5, E 10 >> 3 * 10 * 5 * 5 * 10 = 7500 BOM,, = 33 BOM Modular BOM (Common Parts) Modular BOM, BOM Master Production Scheduling Option, (Final Product) 7500, 33 Common Parts (MTS, ATO, MTO) Make-To-Stock Assemble-To-Order, Make-To-Order Page 25
26 Modular BOM ( Feature, Option and Variant ) Frame: F53, F57, F60, F65 : MR, MT, WR, WT : C, T 4x4x2= 32 Page 26
27 Percentage BOM PBOM, BOM. (1) Color TV 14, 15, 17 Color TV 20%, 30%, 50% Percentage BOM. (2) Modular BOM VS Percentage BOM Option BOM 1800cc 60%, 2000cc 40%, 30%, Graphic Equalizer 30%, CD Player 50% MPS(Master Production Scheduling) : Percentage BOM Page 27
28 Percentage BOM PBOM 1 ) Process Industry 2 ) Module cf ) Super BOM Car Family qty/parent=0.3 qty/parent=0.3 qty/parent=0.3 qty/parent=0.1 Sonata Avante Accent Tiburon * source : [Mather 87] Page 28
29 Super BOM ( Feature, Option ) (Demand Management) Planning Group : Percentage BOM : Super BOM Make To Stock Super BOM. Option Page 29
30 Super BOM ( : Demand Management) F53-MR-C 0.3x0.4x0.7= % Super BOM Modular BOM Page 30
31 Inverted BOM Inverted BOM BOM BOM: / Tree, TOP-DOWN Package Percentage BOM. : BOM (Parent Child Relationship), Parent Item Child Item : ( )., BOM Inverted BOM Page 31
32 Inverted BOM Magnetic tape jumbo roll qty/parent = 0.3 qty/parent = 0.1 qty/parent = 0.2 Reel Packaging Kit - 600ft Reel Packaging Kit - 800ft Reel Packaging Kit ft * source : [Mather 87] Page 32
33 Family BOM (?) Family BOM ( ). Common BOM A Kind of Planning BOM A Kind of Phantom BOM It groups Common Components for a product or family of products into One BOM, Grouping. BOM,. Page 33
34 BOM Multilevel BOM BOM Display BOM Parent Child, Child Child ( ) BOM BOM Single level BOM Multi level BOM Single Where Used BOM Multi Where Used BOM Indented BOM BOM Multilevel BOM Parent Child BOM Page 34
35 BOM Bill Of Activity (WBS) Bill Of Process (BOP) BOM Routing,, /NC / Bill Of Resource (BOR),, Shop, Workstation Page 35
36 CEM Code BOM BOM BOM. C: parent/child E: E-BOM M:M-BOM Page 36
37 1 st Step: Traditional BOM 2 nd Step: Modular BOM BOM 3 rd Step: Family BOM Modular BOM 4 th Step: Generic BOM 5 th Step: Variant BOM, Option BOM Generic BOM Variant Option Option BOM (mandatory, substitute,...) Page 37
38 Modularization Non Modular 제품사양별독립된 BOM 존재 설계변경불가 생산계획불가 Modular: Variant/Option, Product configuration 모듈구성 : 제품에들어가는부품의사용형태분석 Modular BOM 은 Planning BOM의로서만의미를가짐 Product Structure 정보가없음, 따라서 Product Structure를표현할수있는 BOM 정의가추가되어야함. 사양이많이증가할경우에는구현이어려움 조선, Plant와같이복잡한사양을갖는 ETO에적용하기위해서는변화가필요함. Page 38
39 Product Configuration Management Product Group Ship Specification Feature Option Item Assembly Sub Assembly Part Page 39
40 Contents I. II. BOM III. BOM IV. BOM V. BOM Page 40
41 E-BOM, M-BOM Page 41
42 E-BOM, M-BOM Page 42
43 E-BOM Page 43
44 M-BOM Page 44
45 Carpet Cleaner Part No Page 45
46 Indented BOM (Part #6221) Page 46
47 Where Used- Single Level Page 47
48 Where used Multi Level (Part # 4209) Page 48
49 Product Configuration : Feature & Option, Variant Page 49
50 Page 50
51 Page 51
52 Bottom up View Page 52
53 Contents I. II. BOM III. BOM IV. BOM V. BOM Page 53
54 0) Pre-Contractual Hull form General Arrangement Naval Architect Analysis Cost Estimate [FROM Dassault Systemes] 3) Detail Steel Design Finalize design per block Minor stiffeners, shell plates, end-cuts, slots Weld & paint 2.a) Functional Design Primary Steelwork Through whole ship FEM Analysis 1) Concept Design Preliminary Structural Layout Compartment and Zoning Pre. weight estimates 2.b) Work Preparation Build Strategy Assembly hierarchy Welding procedures Interim Product 4) Deliverables extraction Manufacturing Data Assembly drawings Bill of Materials Fixture Tooling / Lofting
55 0) Pre-Contractual Flow Diagrams General Arrangement Propulsion Systems Cost Estimate [FROM Dassault Systemes] 3) Detail Design Piping Spec-modeling HVAC and Raceway placement Structural Foundation Pipe Hangers and Penetration design 2.a) Functional Design P&I/HVAC Diagrams Systems Runs Equipment Layout 4) Deliverables extraction Piping ISOMETRIC Piece Drawings Assembly drawings Bill of Materials Loop Diagrams 1) Concept Design Space Claim Flow Diagram Run Ways allocation Cost Estimate 2.b) Work Preparation Build Strategy Assembly hierarchy Spool Definition
56 Process [FROM TRIBON] Page 56
57 BOM [Modified from Dassault Systemes] Hull Structure Arrangement Fluidic Electrical Conceptual Naval Arch Hull form Gen. Arrang Preliminary Estimates EBOM (MML_ Space Reservation Equipment Layout Refined Estimates Process Flow Fiagram Process Simulation Cableway Reservation Functional Hull Structures Functional Design EBOM Piping & Instrumentation Diagram HVAC Schematics EBOM Piping & Instrumentation Diagram Flow Analysis HVAC Schematics Air Flow Analysis Cable Block Diagram ISOMETRIC Diagtrams Deck Plans One Line Diagram Electrical Analysis EBOM Detail Hull Structures Detail Design Mechancal Design (nonstandard) Piping Hangers H VAC Cableway Definition Hangers Build Strategy FEM) Mass Prop. Piping Stress H VAC Stress Cable Routing Manufact. & Const. Manufacturing Data (NC) MBOM Assembly Drawings Tooling/Lofting MBOM Drawings Piping Isometrics Piping Spools HVAC Drawings HVAC Flat Wrap Cable Lists BOM From/to Lists Cable Lengths/Size MBOM MBOM Page 57
58 BOM ( ) Inquiry / POS /Maker Maker DWG / S/C BOM G/A M/A BOM(MML) Key Plan(Midship S., T.BHD) Key Plan(Con-Pro/Shell Exp.) Acc. Plan( ) ( ) M/A( ) P&ID( ) P&ID( ) P&ID( ) DHI 3D Modeling C/A( ) P/A( ) Steel Outfitting Arr t( ) Wiring Diagram( ) EBOM BLK BOM G/A of Electric Equip.( ) BOM POR Rev A / ( ) EBOM Pipe List Valve List Inst. List Equip. List H/P Rev 0 NC Data Hole Plan MFG( )INST( ) H/P MFG( )INST( ) MFG( )INST( ) MFG( ) BOM H/P MFG( )INST( ) BOM BOM PML BOM PML BOM PML Page 58
59 Structure Model Equip. Page 59
60 E-BOM Page 60
61 Structure Design Page 61
62 E-BOM & M-BOM E-BOM Page 62
63 E-BOM (Block BOM) < Parts List > Page 63
64 Page 64
65 BOM Page 65
66 E-BOM (MML) 1 Rule A Rule B Rule C 2 Rule D Rule E Rule F MASTER BOM Option A Option B Option C Option D BOM 1 BOM 2 Option E Option A Option A Rules Option C Option B Validation Check BOM Option D Option D Page 66
67 E-BOM (MML) Configuration Editor Master Option Master BOM Page 67
68 Engine Room Piping Hull Piping Accom.. Piping Piece List Cutting Plan Page 68
69 Piece List Piece Drawing Weight List Material List Page 69
70 Pipe Support Seat Page 70
71 Why BOM? What BOM? ATO, ETO, MTO, MTS (P,P,R,S/C) BOM Modular BOM? Project BOM? Page 71
72 Bill Of Material Accuracy Accuracy: 98~100%. MRP 98%. Exception Message BOM! 1. Team Meeting 2. Sampling WOD 3. Manufacturing & Disassemble 4. Greatest Experts Page 72
73 Jerry Clement, Adndy Coldrick and John Sari, Manufacturing data Structures, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992,,,2003 [ 97], BOM, 1997, [ 97], Web-based BOM, 1997, / 97, pp [ 96], Family BOM, 1996, / 96, pp [ 96], BOM BOM, 1996, 96, pp [ 96], Modular BOM,1996,, Multi Views BOM,, 1998 August-Wilhelm Scheer, Business Process Engineering - Reference Models for Industrial Enterprises,, Springer-Verlag K. J. Balcerak et al., Structuring Modular Bills of Material with Usage Pattern analysis, IJPR, 1992, Vol. 30, No 2 YunKung Chung et al., A Conceptual Structure and Issues for an Object-oriented Bill of materials Data Model, Computers ind Engng, 1994, Vol. 26, No 2 Jerry Clement et al. Manufacturing Data Structures, 1992, Oliver Wight Publications Michael Cunningham et al., A Decision Support Tool for Planning Bill-of-material, Production planning and control, 1996, Vol. 7, No 3 Hal Mather, Bills of Material, 1988, Dogwood Publishing Company, BOM BOM,,,, Page 73
조선산업과자동차산업의 PLM 특성비교 2008. 7. 10 이장현, 이경호 ( 인하대학교 ), 서흥원 ( 대우조선해양 ( 주 )) 목차 PLM 의정의 조선과타산업의설계특성 PLM 도입배경의차이점 PLM 구축범위의차이 인하대학교선박해양공학과 2 PLM 의정의 다양한의견 References 外 10 여권의 PLM 도서 外수백건의문서및 PLM 기술자료, 논문 인하대학교선박해양공학과
(특수선) 장치 ㆍ 장치 /젂자/ ㆍ 장치도 경력 보유자 ㆍ 장비 배치 가능자 ㆍ배기관 배치 및 상세 철의장 ㆍ함정 및 상선의 배기관 및 배치, ㆍ배기관 상세/생산 가능자 기관실 통풍량 계산 및 덕트 배치 ㆍ기관실 통풍계통 경력자 기장 ㆍ수상함, 잠수함, 특수선박의 배
'15 현대중공업 경력사원 상세모집분야 사업부 (기본) 기장 기본 ㆍ일반상선/가스선 ㆍMachinery Arrangement, Engine Room Piping Diagram / 선장선실 기본 ㆍHull Outfitting & Accommodation Piping ㆍ기본실 근무 경력 보유자 젂장 기본 ㆍControl/Power/Navigation /젂자 배관
I 1 1) TESCO, 1993, ( 96, 98, 99) - : : 354 (19993 ~ , 1 =1737 ) - : 845 ( : 659 ) - : ) CM 9 (CM), CM , 2 CM, -
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PARTS BOOK KM-340BL 고속 1본침 본봉 상하송 재봉기 High Speed, 1-Needle, Upper and Lower Feed Lock Stitch Machine W/Large Hook PME-100707 SunStar CO., LTD. INFORMATION A. Parts Book Structure of Part Book Unique code
4 CD Construct Special Model VI 2 nd Order Model VI 2 Note: Hands-on 1, 2 RC 1 RLC mass-spring-damper 2 2 ζ ω n (rad/sec) 2 ( ζ < 1), 1 (ζ = 1), ( ) 1
: LabVIEW Control Design, Simulation, & System Identification LabVIEW Control Design Toolkit, Simulation Module, System Identification Toolkit 2 (RLC Spring-Mass-Damper) Control Design toolkit LabVIEW
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Supply Chain Management / Logis5cs 1 Old View of the World (,,, ). 2 Ver5cal Integra5on ( ) (Ford) Rouge Plant (Toyota ) ( ),,,,,,,...,,, 1927 Model A 15 15,000,000 120,000 3 Old View of the World 7-Eleven
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2012학년도 2학기 중등과정 3학년 국어 수업 계획서 담당교사 - 봄봄 현영미 / 시온 송명근 1. 학습 목적 말씀으로 천지를 창조하신 하나님이 당신의 형상대로 지음 받은 우리에게 언어를 주셨고, 그 말씀의 능 력이 우리의 언어생활에도 나타남을 깨닫고, 그 능력을 기억하여 표현하고 이해함으로 아름다운 언어생활 을 누릴 뿐만 아니라 언어문화 창조에 이바지함으로써
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1. 연구 개요 q 2013년 연구목표 제2-1과제명 건축물의 건강친화형 관리 및 구법 기술 연구목표 건강건축 수명예측 Lifecycle Health Assessment (LHA) 모델 개발 건축물의 비용 기반 분석기술(Cost-based Lifecycle Health
지속가능 건강건축을 위한 비용기반 LHA 모델 2013. 11. 15-16 목 차 1. 연구 개요 2. Cost-based LHA 모델의 개념 3. Cost-based LHA 모델의 운용 4. 결론 2 283 1. 연구 개요 q 2013년 연구목표 제2-1과제명 건축물의 건강친화형 관리 및 구법 기술 연구목표 건강건축 수명예측 Lifecycle Health
Disclaimer IPO Presentation,. Presentation...,,,,, E.,,., Presentation,., Representative...
DEXTER STUDIOS INVESTOR RELATIONS 2015 Disclaimer IPO Presentation,. Presentation...,,,,, E.,,., Presentation,., Representative... Contents Prologue 01 VFX 02 China 03 Investment Highlights 04 Growth Engine
학습영역의 Taxonomy에 기초한 CD-ROM Title의 효과분석
,, Even the short history of the Web system, the techniques related to the Web system have b een developed rapidly. Yet, the quality of the Webbased application software has not improved. For this reason,
Digital Amplifier MA-110 CONTENTS Specifications... 1 Electrical parts list... 2 top and bottom view of p.c. board... 10 Application... 12 block Diagram... 13 Schematic Diagram... 14 Exploded view of cabinet
<4D F736F F D20955C955C8E8682C697A0955C8E8693E091A42E646F63>
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엔젤입문 초급자과정
: 2013.12.19 ( ) 18:30 ~ 22:30 : CCVC AAI : : : ( ) < > 1. CCVC - - 2. Access America Fund, LP / AAI - IR 2 1st Class. 1. 1)! -> ->, -> -> -> VC!,! ->. π 2)! < > a. -, b. ( ) c. -,,! < > a. b. c. BM! a.
WOMA Pumps - Z Line
High-Pressure Plunger Pumps Z-Line (up to 1500 bar) 150 Z 250 Z 400 Z 550 Z 700 Z 1000 Z High-Pressure Plunger Pump Type 150 Z 211 133 250 615 100 95 Discharge 60 -Konus 9.5 deep M12x17 deep 322 255 331
FPS게임 구성요소의 중요도 분석방법에 관한 연구 2 계층화 의사결정법에 의한 요소별 상관관계측정과 대안의 선정 The Study on the Priority of First Person Shooter game Elements using Analytic Hierarchy Process 주 저 자 : 배혜진 에이디 테크놀로지 대표 Bae, Hyejin AD Technology
Power Distributor PD-659 CONTENTS Specifications... 1 Electrical Parts List... 2 Top and Bottom View of P.C. Board... 5 Wiring Diagram... 7 Block Diagram... 8 Schematic Diagram... 9 Exploded View of Cabinet
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IMDS Ver 2.0 2006. 2 GM DAEWOO Auto & Technology Co. [ ] GMDAT IMDS 1.....4page 2. IMDS...4page 3. IMDS. 5page 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 GMDAT 4. IMDS....6page 4.1 IMDS 4.2 Activity -1- [ ] IMDS 0...7page 1.....8page
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2 016 0 5 www.kepco-enc.com 2016년 5월호 E 세계로, 미래로 나아가는 힘. nergy 우리의 열정과 노력이 KEPCO E&C의 에너지를 만들어냅니다. C ommunication 더 현명하게, 더 여유롭게 더 건강하게, 더 적극적으로 이 세상과 소통합니다. 04 K-Message 경영 메시지 28 新성장지도 오월의 경주, 고도의 향취
제 출 문 농림수산식품부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 트위스트 휠 방식 폐비닐 수거기 개발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출 합니다. 2008년 4월 24일 주관연구기관명: 경 북 대 학 교 총괄연구책임자: 김 태 욱 연 구 원: 조 창 래 연 구 원: 배 석 경 연 구 원: 김 승 현 연 구 원: 신 동 호 연 구 원: 유 기 형 위탁연구기관명: 삼 생 공 업 위탁연구책임자:
SAS Korea / Professional Service Division 2 3 Corporate Performance Management Definition ý... is a system that provides organizations with a method of measuring and aligning the organization strategy
화판_미용성형시술 정보집.0305
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(specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements) 11 (location selection) 12 (storage bin) 12 (i
SERVICE MANUAL N200M / N300M / N500M ( : R22) e-mail : jhyun00@koreacom homepage : http://wwwicematiccokr (specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements)
11. 일반 10 김린 지니 3(cwr).hwp
仁 荷 大 學 校 法 學 硏 究 第 18 輯 第 4 號 2015년 12월 31일, 225~260쪽 Inha Law Review The Institute of Legal Studies Inha University Vol.18, No.4, December, 2015 VMI 관련 계약의 법적 쟁점 * ** - 하도급거래 공정화에 관한 법률을 중심으로 - 김 린 인하대학교
M&A 1. M&A M&A M&A M&A M&A 3 2005 1998 M&A 4 15 M&A 129 M&A M&A M&A 2. 2.1. 1973 2 1991 private banking risk management credit scoring system VIP 4 1 10 2 JP M&A 2.2. 1959 1962 1976 1995 130 1982 6 1997
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Copyright 2006 by Human Consulting Group INC. All Rights Reserved. No Part of This Publication May Be Reproduced, Stored in a Retrieval System, or Transmitted in Any Form or by Any Means Electronic, Mechanical,
cwseo@netsgo.com Si-Hong Lee duckling@sktelecom.com SK Telecom Platform - 1 - 1. Digital AMPS CDMA (IS-95 A/B) CDMA (cdma2000-1x) IMT-2000 (IS-95 C) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) - 2 - 2. QoS Market QoS Coverage C/D
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Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Vol. 13, No. 2 pp. 866-871, 2012 http://dx.doi.org/10.5762/kais.2012.13.2.866 증강현실을 이용한 아동교육프로그램 모델제안 권미란 1*, 김정일 2 1 나사렛대학교 아동학과, 2 한세대학교 e-비즈니스학과
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