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1 ESTHER -1,2 Introduction, Background - Chapters One and Two Lesson 1 1 :. FIRST DAY: Read Introduction and Background ( 5:21b ).,,,.. God rules in the kingdom of men (Daniel 5:21b). This truth is clearly seen in the book of Esther. Though God s name is not mentioned, His powerful work is evidenced in the life of the orphan Esther, her cousin Mordecai, the Jews and the Persian Empire. As you study the book of Esther you will realize that even when God is not mentioned by name, He is still working in people s lives to save them and bring them to an acknowledgement of His invincible power and wisdom. SIGNIFICANT DATES: BACKGROUND 538 Zerubbabel s return 538 B.C. 458 Ezra s return 458 B.C. 444 Nehemiah s return 444 B.C Events of Esther 483 to 473 B.C. SETTING: ( ), Shushan (Susa), the winter capital of the Persian Empire 6 7 Events fit between Ezra 6 and 7 MAIN CHARACTERS: ( ), ( ), ( )- King Ahasuerus (Hebrew), Xerxes (Greek), Khshayarsh (Persian) King of Persia - Queen Vashti - first wife of Ahasuerus ( ), ( )- Esther (Persian for star), Hadassah (Hebrew for myrtle) - Jewess living in Persia -, Mordecai - Jew, cousin and guardian of Esther -, Haman - fierce enemy of the Jews, an Agagite and the king s highest ranking noble - Zeresh - Haman s wife CONTENT: The history of God s deliverance of the Jews living in Persia

2 The providence and protection of God over His people The faithfulness, grace and mercy of God The origin of the Jewish Feast of Purim THEMES: The sovereign hand of God over the events and lives of His people The ability and power of God to defeat the enemy and deliver His own The character and courage of Esther 2010 Calvary Chapel Joyful Life Women s Ministries 3800 S. Fairview Rd., Santa Ana, CA Printed in the USA 1... Esther is a familiar book to most Christians. Before starting your lesson, recall what you remember about the Book of Esther. 2.? As you look over the Introduction and Background, what do you hope to glean from your study of the Book of Esther? 3.. Begin your lesson by asking the Lord to use the study of Esther to open your eyes and heart to God s work in the affairs of life. 2 : 1:1-12. SECOND DAY: Read Esther 1: :1,2? According to Esther 1:1,2 how powerful was King Ahasuerus? a.,.? 1:3a Historians identify Ahasuerus as Xerxes, the King of Persia. In the third year of his reign what did the king do? Esther 1:3a (1.)? Who was invited to this feast? (2.)? 1:4 During this feast what was the king doing and for what length of time? Esther 1:4 2. 1:5? After this long celebration, what did the king do according to Esther 1:5? a. : 2

3 Describe the opulence for this seven-day feast by writing a few phrases from: (1.) Esther 1:6 (2.) Esther 1:7 (3.) Esther 1:8 3.,? 1:9 Meanwhile, what was Queen Vashti doing? Esther 1: :10,11a. Observe what happened on the seventh day. Summarize what you see from Esther 1:10,11a. a. 1:11. From Esther 1:11 comment on the king s intention. 5.,? 1:12a Although it was the king s command, what did Queen Vashti do? Esther 1:12a a.? 1:12b. How did the king react to Vashti s refusal? Answer from Esther 1:12b. (1.)? 16:14a. How serious was it to incur the wrath of the king? See Proverbs 16:14a. (2.)? What is your opinion of Vashti? :8-10.? Contrast King Ahasuerus fury with the mercy of God in Psalm 103:8-10. What do you see? a.? How are you blessed to have God as your Sovereign? 3 : 1: THIRD DAY: Read Esther 1: ? 1:13,14 To whom did the king turn for advice? Esther 1:13,14 a.? 14b What special privileges did these men have? verse 14b b. 1:15. Write the king s question in Esther 1:15 in your own words. 2. : 3

4 Highlight Memucan s response to the king from the following verses: a. Esther 1:16 b. Esther 1:17 c. Esther 1:18 d. Esther 1:19 e.,? 1:20 When the king s decree was proclaimed throughout the empire, what effect did Memucan assume it would have? Esther 1:20 3.? 1:21a What did the king and the princes think of Memucan s suggestion? Esther 1:21a 4. : Record what the king did according to: a. Esther 1:21b b. Esther 1:22 (1.)? What was done to ensure that all the people understood the king s letter? 5.? 1:20 Why do you suppose honor was so important to the king? Esther 1:20 a. 2:17? What does 1 Peter 2:17 say about honor? (1.)? How can you show honor? (2.)? How will you honor the Great King? 4 : 2:1-14. FOURTH DAY: Read Esther 2: :1? According to Esther 2:1 what took place after these things? 2.. 2:2-4 Record the suggestion of the king s servant. Esther 2: :5,6? 4

5 What do you learn about Mordecai from Esther 2:5,6? 4. 2:7. From Esther 2:7 write a brief description of Esther, the main character of this historical account. 5. : Comment on the events of the following verses: a. Esther 2:8 b. Esther 2:9 (1.) 5:12.? Link the favor Esther received with Psalm 5:12. What do you see? 6.? 2:10 What secret did Esther keep hidden? Esther 2:10 a.? Why did she do this? 7.? 2:11 While Esther was in the women s quarters, what was Mordecai doing? Esther 2:11 a.? Why? 8. : Use the following verses to comment on Esther s activity: a. Esther 2:12 b. Esther 2:13 c. Esther 2:14 9.? How do you see God s providential care of Esther even in the house of the women? a. 1;12b? How does Paul s declaration in 2 Timothy 1:12b attest to the providential care of God? b.? What do you need to commit into God s keeping? 5 : 2:

6 FIFTH DAY: Read Esther 2: : Describe what happened when the turn came for Esther according to: a. 2:15 Esther 2:15 (1.),? Although Esther could have asked for anything, what did she request? (2.)? What did Esther obtain? b. Esther 2:16 c. Esther 2:17 2.? 2:18 How did the king proclaim his favor for Esther? Esther 2:18 3.? How did Esther continue to show her respect for Mordecai? Esther 2:20 4.,? 2:19b In the meantime, where was Mordecai? Esther 2:19b a.? 2:21 What did he overhear? Esther 2:21 b.? 2:22 What did he do with this information? Esther 2:22 (1.)? What did Esther do? 5.? 2:23 What happened when an inquiry was made? Esther 2:23 a.? 2:23b Where was Mordecai s deed recorded? Esther 2:23b 6. 31:30.? Link Esther s experience with Proverbs 31:30. How does this minister to you? 6 : 6

7 SIXTH DAY: Review 1. : Write a brief sketch of the following characters: a. The king b. Vashti c. Memucan d. Mordecai e. Esther f. ( 2:3,8 ) Hegai (Esther 2:3,8) g. ( 2:21,23 ) Bigthan and Teresh (Esther 2:21,23) 2. 1, 2? How do you see God working in the events of Esther Chapters 1 and 2? Esther obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her. Esther 2:15 7

8 3,4 ESTHER Chapters 3 and 4 Lesson 2 1 : FIRST DAY: Review and Overview 1.? What aspect from last week s lesson or lecture on Esther blessed you? , 4. : Mordecai made a godly choice when he refused to bow before a man. His choice jeopardized the entire Jewish populace. Yet, in all the building drama God was working a greater glory. Read Esther Chapters 3 and 4 noting Mordecai s godly choice, the recriminations of that choice and the drama that followed. Read this fascinating account and write a title for the following divisions: a. Esther 3:1-6 b. Esther 3:7-15 c. Esther 4:1-9 d. Esther 4: Take a moment to ask God to bless and enhance your study of Esther this week. Yet who knows whether you have come into the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:14b 2010 Calvary Chapel Joyful Life Women s Ministries 3800 S. Fairview Rd., Santa Ana, CA Printed in the USA.

9 2 : 3:1-6. SECOND DAY: Read Esther 3:1-6 1.? 3:1 What did King Ahasuerus do after these things? Esther 3:1 2.. : Haman was a descendent of Agag, the king of the Amalekites, who were perpetual enemies of the Jews. Give a brief summary of their history from: a. Exodus 17:8-16 b. Deuteronomy 25:17-19 c. 1 Samuel 30:1-8 (1.). Briefly comment on Amalek s enmity toward God s people. 3. 3:2-4. Summarize the events portrayed in Esther 3:2-4. a.? 3:3,4 Who else got involved in this matter? Esther 3:3,4 (1.)? 4a How often was Mordecai tested? verse 4a (2.)? 4b Why was it that they told it to Haman? verse 4b b.? 4:8b. Why do you suppose Mordecai refused to bow or pay homage to Haman? See Luke 4:8b. (1.) 3:12-18.? Compare Mordecai with the three Hebrews in Daniel 3: What do you see? c.? 3:5 How did Haman react? Esther 3:5 4.? 3:6 Instead of dealing with Mordecai alone what did Haman decide to do? Esther 3:6 5..? Mordecai stood against the pressure to worship a man. How can you withstand the pressure to worship men rather than God? 2

10 3 : 3:7-15. THIRD DAY: Read Esther 3: ? 3:7 What was Haman s first step in his evil plot to kill all the Jews? Esther 3:7 a.. 16:33? Notice that the set date was nearly a year away. What does Proverbs 16:33 declare about this? (1.)? How does this encourage you? 2.,. : After determining the date to annihilate the Jews, Haman needed authorization from King Ahasuerus. Observe and record how he went about this according to: a. Esther 3:8 b. Esther 3:9 3.? 3:10,11 How did the king respond to Haman s scheme? Esther 3:10,11 4.? 3:12a When the king s scribes were called what did they do? Esther 3:12a a.? 3:12b To whom was the decree addressed? Esther 3:12b b.? 3:12c By whose authority was it written and sealed? Esther 3:12c 5.. 3:13 Discover and record the horrific orders in the king s letters concerning the Jews. Esther 3:13 a...,? Consider the scope of this edict. The Persian Empire included all the Jews in the land of Israel. In light of this, who was the real enemy behind this plan and what did he want to achieve by it? b. 3:15b? According to Esther 3:15b where else was the decree proclaimed as the couriers went out? c.? How did the city of Shushan feel about the decree? 3

11 6.,? 59:19b God often allows evil its hour, but what is sure to happen? See Isaiah 59:19b (KJV ). a.? Why is this scripture essential for you to remember? 4 : 4:1-9. FOURTH DAY: Read Esther 4:1-9 1.? : When Mordecai learned all that had happened, how did he react? Answer from: a. Esther 4:1 b. Esther 4:2a (1.)? 4:2b Why did he stop at the king s gate? verse 4:2b c. 4:3. Use Esther 4:3 to describe the response in every province where the king s command and decree arrived. 2. 4:4-9.? 4:4a Esther 4:4-9 chronicles the subsequent messages between Esther and Mordecai. How did Esther find out about Mordecai s unusual behavior? Esther 4:4a a.? 4:4 How did it affect Esther and what action did she take? Esther 4:4 (1.)? 4:4b What did Mordecai do in response to her gesture? verse 4:4b b.? 4:5 What did Esther send Hathach to learn? Esther 4:5 (1.),? 4:7 When Hathach found Mordecai in the city square that was in front of the king s gate, what did he learn from Mordecai? Esther 4:7 (a.)? 4:8a How did Mordecai authenticate his account? Esther 4:8a c. 4:8,9. Record Mordecai s instructions and Hathach s response from Esther 4:8,9. 3.? 19: When King Hezekiah received a similar threat, what did he do? See 2 Kings 19: a.? 19:35. How did God help Hezekiah? See 2 Kings 19:35. b.? How will Hezekiah s example help you respond to future threats? 4

12 5 : 4: FIFTH DAY: Read Esther 4: ( 4:10 ). 4:11. Then Esther spoke to Hathach and gave him a command for Mordecai (Esther 4:10). Write her message in your own words from Esther 4:11. a.? How serious was the challenge that faced Esther? b.. 4:16? Contrast Esther s plight with our privilege to approach the throne of the King of kings. What does Hebrews 4:16 say about this? 2. : So they told Mordecai Esther s words. Consider Mordecai s warning by writing it in your own words from: a. Esther 4:13 b. Esther 4:14 (1.)? 4:14a Of what was he assured concerning the Jews? Esther 4:14a 3.? 3:13,14 Mordecai alerted Esther to what danger? Esther 3:13,14 a.? How did Mordecai awaken Esther from her complacency within the palace? (1.)? 1:12,13 What are the dangers of complacency? See also Zephaniah 1:12,13. b.? 4:14c What divine purpose did Mordecai see in Esther s placement? Esther 4:14c (1.)? What divine purpose do you see in the place where God has you for such a time as this? 4.? 4:16a Upon receiving her uncle s message, what did Esther ask Mordecai to do? Esther 4:16a a.? 4:16b What did Esther commit herself and her maids to do? Esther 4:16b (1.)? What does this communicate to you about Esther? (2.).? 6:18,19 4:3,4. Paul also solicited prayer support. What did he request? See Ephesians 6:18,19 and Colossians 4:3,4. 5

13 b.. 4:16c Print Esther s resolve here. Esther 4:16c 5. 9:23-26.? Link Esther s resolve to Luke 9: What do you see? a.? How did Esther entrust her welfare to God? (1.)? 12:1,2. How will you entrust your welfare to God? See Romans 12:1, :17? According to Esther 4:17 what did Mordecai do? 6 : SIXTH DAY: Review 1. 3,4, : With Chapters 3 and 4 of Esther in mind, write a short description of the following: a. Haman b. King Ahasuerus c. The enemy s plot d. Mordecai e. Esther 2.? How has your study fortified your faith for times of crisis? When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19b 6

14 5,6,7 ESTHER Chapters 5, 6 and 7 Lesson 3 1 : FIRST DAY: Review and Overview 1. 3, 4? What part of your lesson, group discussion or lecture on Esther 3 and 4 lingers with you today? 2...,,. 5,6,7.. Evil seems to build momentum until God s people begin to pray. Then God steps in and begins to work. He foils the enemy s objective, exposes his plans and uses the enemy s devices against him. As you read Esther Chapters 5, 6 and 7 consider the momentum of evil building against the Jews and God s amazing deconstruction of the enemy s plot. Write a subtitle for each section below: a. Esther 5:1-8 b. Esther 5:9-14 c. Esther 6:1-14 d. Esther 7: Take a moment to commit this week s study to the Lord by writing your prayer here. She found favor in his sight. Esther 5:2b 2010 Calvary Chapel Joyful Life Women s Ministries 3800 S. Fairview Rd., Santa Ana, CA Printed in the USA.

15 2 : 5:1-8 SECOND DAY: Read Esther 5: :1. Describe the royal scene on the third day from Esther 5:1. a. 4:11.. 5:2? Recall the risk involved for Esther to approach the king from Esther 4:11. Imagine the intensity of the moment when Esther stood in the court. According to Esther 5:2 what happened? (1.)? 21:1. What does this suggest about the sovereign work of God? See also Proverbs 21:1. (2.)? Where do you suppose Esther received her courage? b.? 5:3. What further evidence of the king s favor did Esther receive? Answer from Esther 5:3. c. 6:37b 4:16.. Compare this scene with the assurance given to us in John 6:37b and Hebrews 4:16. Share your thoughts. 2. 5:4. Paraphrase Esther s response by writing her request in Esther 5:4. a.? How are you inspired by Esther s courage? 3.? 5:5 What happened immediately after Esther invited the king and Haman to the banquet? Esther 5:5 4. 5:6-8. Summarize the conversation at the banquet from Esther 5:6-8. a.? How does Esther s restraint minister to you? 5. : Comment on what the following verses say about God s timing: a. Psalm 31:15 b. Ecclesiastes 3:1 c. Ecclesiastes 3:17 d. Ecclesiastes 8:5 e.? How can you be in harmony with God s timing? 2

16 3 : 5:9-14. THIRD DAY: Read Esther 5: :9 Describe Haman s disposition when he went out that day. Esther 5:9 a.? How was Haman s moment ruined? b. : Using these scriptures compare Haman s fleeting joy with the joy God gives: (1.) Isaiah 35:10 (2.) John 15:11 (3.) John 16: Note Haman s attitudes, actions and verbal communication when he went home: a. Esther 5:10 b. Esther 5:11 c. Esther 5:12 d. Esther 5: :14 Outline the advice of Haman s wife Zeresh and all his friends. Esther 5:14 a.? How did Haman feel about their advice? b.? What action did he take? ? Scan Psalm 37 to find comfort concerning the plots of evil men. What comforts you the most? a..? Consider personalizing this Psalm by labeling the verses that pertain to your part with a small m (me) and God s part with a capital G. What do you see? 4 : 6:1-14. FOURTH DAY: Read Esther 6: ? 6:1 What happened to the king that night? Esther 6:1 a.? 6:2 As the chronicles were read before the king, what was found written there? Esther 6:2 3

17 (1.)? 3a What did the king want to know? verse 3a (2.). 3b Write the servant s answer. verse 3b b.? How do you see God working His supernatural will through these natural circumstances? 2.? 6:4 As Haman entered the outer court, what was on his mind? Esther 6:4 a.? 6:6a Before Haman could say anything, what did the king ask him? Esther 6:6a b. 6:6b? According to Esther 6:6b what did Haman assume? c. 6:8,9. Use Esther 6:8,9 to encapsulate Haman s plan for the man whom the king delights to honor. (1.). 91: Compare how this earthly king desired to honor Mordecai with how your King delights to honor those who love Him. See Psalm 91: ? 6:10 What were the king s orders to Haman? Esther 6:10 a. 6:11.. Observe the turn of events in Esther 6:11. Share your observations. (1.)? How do you suppose Haman felt during this time? 4. 6:12 : Afterward, follow these two men and record what you see in Esther 6:12: a. Mordecai b. Haman (1.)? 6:13b How did the wise men and Zeresh view this turn of events? Esther 6:13b (2.)? 6:14 What happened while they were still talking? Esther 6:14 4

18 5. 6? What evidence do you see in Chapter 6 of God s sovereign hand at work? a.? What evidence do you see in your life of God s sovereign hand at work? 5 : 7:1-10. FIFTH DAY: Read Esther 7: ( 7:1 ): Note the dialogue and reaction when the king and Haman went to dine with Queen Esther (Esther 7:1): a. 7:2 the king s offer - Esther 7:2 b. 7:3,4 Esther s petition and request - Esther 7:3,4 c. 7:5 the king s answer - Esther 7:5 d. 7:6a Esther s declaration - Esther 7:6a f. 7:6b Haman s reaction - Esther 7:6b 2. 7:7,8. Describe the dramatic events and emotions in Esther 7:7,8. 3.? 7:9 Who was Harbonah and what did he point out? Esther 7:9 a.? 7:9b What was the king s order? Esther 7:9b b. : How do these events amplify the truth found in: (1.) Psalm 7:14-16 (2.) Proverbs 11:5,6 (3.) Galatians 6:7 5

19 4.. 50:20? God is able to foil the plots of the enemy and to use them to His advantage. How does Genesis 50:20 verify this truth? a.? What situation do you need God to turn to good in your life? 6 :. SIXTH DAY: Review 1. 5, 6, 7 : In light of your study of Chapters 5, 6 and 7 how do you see God working through: a. Queen Esther b. The king s insomnia c. Mordecai s exaltation d. Haman s humiliation 2. : From your lesson this week cite how you observed God: a. Foiling the enemy s objective b. Exposing the enemy s plans c. Using the enemy s devices against him 3.. Share a way God ministered to you through your study this week. The future of the wicked shall be cut off. But the salvation of the righteous is from the LORD; He is their strength in the time of trouble. Psalm 37:38b,39 6

20 8,9 & 10 ESTHER Chapters 8, 9 and 10 Lesson 4 1 : FIRST DAY: Review and Overview 1. 5, 6, 7. Share a personal blessing or word of encouragement you received from last week s study of Esther 5, 6 and ,9,10. Sin needs to be thoroughly purged from our lives before we can partake of God s joy. Even though Haman had been put down, there were still repercussions from his evil that needed to be dealt with before the Jews could rejoice. Observe the thorough purging of evil and the joy that followed in Esther Chapters 8, 9 and 10 and give a title to the divisions below: a. Esther 8:1-17 b. Esther 9:1-16 c. Esther 9:17-32 d. Esther 10: Complete your study of Esther by writing a prayer asking God to fill you with His light and gladness. The Jews had light and gladness, joy and honor. Esther 8: Calvary Chapel Joyful Life Women s Ministries 3800 S. Fairview Rd., Santa Ana, CA Printed in the USA.

21 2 : 8:1-17. SECOND DAY: Read Esther 8: :1,2. In your own words depict the fascinating turn of events in Esther 8:1,2. a.? 8:2 What symbol of authority did the king give Mordecai? Esther 8:2 b.? How did God use Haman s evil for Mordecai s welfare? (1.)? 5:11. How are you encouraged by this? See also James 5: :3-6. Record Esther s actions and pleas from Esther 8:3-6. a.? What was Esther passionate about and how did she demonstrate it? 3.. 8:7,8 Describe the king s response to Esther. Esther 8:7,8 4. ( 8:7 ),. : Though the wicked Haman had been eliminated (Esther 8:7), the problem of his irreversible decree against the Jews remained. Use the following verses to explain the subsequent plan of action ordered by the king and implemented by Mordecai: a. Esther 8:9 b. Esther 8:10 c. Esther 8:11(12) d. Esther 8:13 (1.) 8:14. Comment on the urgency of the king s command in Esther 8: :15a 4:1.? Contrast Mordecai s apparel in Esther 8:15a with that of Esther 4:1. What do you see? a. 61:10b.. Consider the believer s apparel described in Isaiah 61:10b. Share your thoughts. 2

22 6.. 8:15b-17a. Record the attitudes and reactions of those in the city of Shushan, and the Jews in every province and city. Esther 8:15b-17a a. 3:15c 4:3.. Compare this reaction with the reaction seen in Esther 3:15c and 4:3. Note your observations. (1.) 30:11? What does Psalm 30:11 add to this? (a.). Share a time when God turned your mourning into dancing. 3 : 9:1-16. THIRD DAY: Read Esther 9: ? On the day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, what happened according to: a. Esther 9:1b b. Esther 9:2 c. Esther 9:3 d.? 9:4 What acclaim had Mordecai attained by this time? Esther 9:4 (1.)? How do you see God s hand in these events? 2.. 9:5-10 Write a brief account of the Jews success in defeating all their enemies. Esther 9:5-10 a. 3:13 9:10,15,16.? Contrast the Jews actions in Esther 9:10,15,16 with Haman s decree in Esther 3:13. What do you see? 3.? 9:12c As the number of those who were killed in Shushan the citadel was brought to the king, what questions did he pose to Queen Esther? Esther 9:12c a.? What did the king immediately promise her? Esther 9:12b b. 9:13 2. Note Esther s two-fold request from Esther 9:13. (1.)? 9:14 How did the king respond? Esther 9:14 3

23 4. 9:15,16. Use Esther 9:15,16 to describe what happened on the fourteenth day of the month of Adar. 5.? 9:13 Why do you suppose Esther thought it necessary to extend the decree for another day? Esther 9:13 a.? 2:19b,20. Why is it necessary to thoroughly purge evil from our lives? See also 2 Peter 2:19b,20. 4 : 9: FOURTH DAY: Read Esther 9: ? 9:17,18 What were the Jews who were at Shushan able to do? Esther 9:17, :19b.. In Esther 9:19b notice an additional description of the celebration for the Jews of the villages who dwelt in the unwalled towns. Record what you see. 3.? 9:20,21 As a result of this great deliverance, what celebration did Mordecai establish? Esther 9:20, 21 a.? 9:22 What were they to remember each year? Esther 9:22 b. 9: Record what this custom commemorated from Esther 9: c.? 9:26 What did they call these two days? Esther 9:26 d. 9: Highlight a few details for the establishment of the feast of Purim from Esther 9:27, : Note the actions of Esther and Mordecai to confirm these days of Purim from: a. Esther 9:29 b. Esther 9:30 c. Esther 9:31 d. Esther 9:32 4

24 5.? Why do you suppose the Jews continue to celebrate Purim to the present time? a. 47. Read Psalm 47 and record how the psalmist celebrated God s deliverance. (1.)? How will you celebrate God s deliverance in your life? 5 : 10:1-3. FIFTH DAY: Read Esther 10: :1,2 : Summarize what Esther 10:1, 2 records about these two men: a. King Ahasuerus b. Mordecai 2. 10:3. Describe Mordecai s prominence and pursuit from Esther 10:3. a. ( 3:1-6 ) 10:3.? Contrast Haman s disposition as a ruler (Esther 3:1-6) with Mordecai s in Esther 10:3. What differences do you see? 3.. : History records that Mordecai and two other Jewish men were elevated to a high and noble position by a sovereign ruler. Identify the others from: a. 41:37-44 b. 2:48 c. 75:6,7 3:27? According to Psalm 75:6,7 and John 3:27 who was responsible for Mordecai s promotion? (1.)? 5:44. Whose honor should we be seeking? See John 5:44. (a.)? Why? 5

25 6 :. SIXTH DAY: Review 1. 8, 9, 10 : In response to your study of Esther 8, 9 and 10 write a brief comment about: a. Protection b. Purging c. Promise d. Promotion e. Pursuit f. Purim 2.? In what specific way have you been inspired by the study of Esther? Mordecai the Jew was well received by the multitude of his brethren, seeking the good of his people and speaking peace to all his countrymen. Esther 10:3 6

하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을

하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을 새벽이슬 2 0 1 3 a u g u s t 내가 이스라엘에게 이슬과 같으리니 그가 백합화같이 피 겠고 레바논 백향목같이 뿌리가 박힐것이라. Vol 5 Number 3 호세아 14:5 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한

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