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1 ) (R e m ot e S en s in g ) ( ),.,... Rect if icat io n : (r e ct ificat ion ) Ge o codin g Ge or e fe r en cin g, ( )..,.. 1 ) ( ). 2 )..,,...

2 (Dat a F u s ion ).,.,..,...,., (s k e w )..

3 .,.....,.,. (y aw ), (R oll ), (P it ch ),.

4 ,... (Ge o met ric co rre ct io n),,,. (Ge og raphic c o rre ct io n),,,,... :,. x,y.. x,y.

5 ,. (i.p oin t s )... :,..,,,..,.,..,. re ct if icat io n :, T r ian g - ulat ion, P oly n om in al, Or th o - r e ct ification. ( )., Or th o - r e ctific at ion ( ). Or th o - R e c t if i c at i o n.. Rubbe r S he et ing..,

6 ..,,.., (RMS ).. (r e ct ific at ion ). < > UT M,.,,, (, ),. CAD (t m u tm ).,, ( ). (r e ct ific at ion ),. E ar th R e s our c e Mapp in g ( ), ER Map p er 6.0 Us er g uide, pp ( ),, p Le e, Ch u n - Se o k (s t on e i n j u. a c. k r ), J i n j u Na t i on a l Un i v e r s i t y Se p t , u n d e r GPL

7 Image ry Ove rv ie w im ag e r y - GRAS S. GRAS S IMAGE PROCES SING GRAS S.. GRAS S T ut or ial : Im ag e P r oc e s s in g. GRAS S ( ), (, b an d ).,,. GRAS S LANDS AT m ult i- s p e ctr al s cann e r (MS S ) ( i.t ap e.m s s ), ANDS AT th e m at ic m app er (T M ) ( i.t ap e.t m ), S P OT ( i.t ap e.o th e r ). GRAS S., GRAS S (s upp or t file ),.. GRAS S. GRAS S,,. x,y, UT M.. GRAS S im ag er y x,y. GRAS S.

8 g.h e lp "S e t tin g Up a GRAS S Dat ab as e ". CELL HEADERS ( ) x, y C E L L H E A D E R (, ). -, -. 1., 1. GRAS S, (.. ^ ^ ). ( - ).,. x, y. 0.5., 0.5, 0.5., d.wh er e., , n or th : s outh : w e s t : e as t : n s r e s : 1.0 e w r e s : 1.0 (REGION) (MASK),. GRAS S (R e g ion ),

9 (r e g ion ),. (r e g ion ). GRAS S g.r e ion. (m as k ),. (r e gion ),,.,. r.m as k.,. (GROUPS ).,,. GRAS S (gr oup )..,.,. 1,2,3, nh ap, nh ap.1, n h ap.2, nh ap.3, nh ap. GRAS S i.gr oup. (Reg ist rat ion) (Rect if icat io n). (i.p oin t s ),.,. (i.r e ct ify ),, t ar g e t (i.t ar g e t ).

10 (IMAGE CLAS SIFICATION). (i.clus t er ), (i.m ax lik ).. (i.gr oup ).... (i.m ax lik ). RECTIFIED VS. UNRECTIFIED ANALYSIS. (i.p oin t s ), (i.m ax lik ), (i.r e ct ify ). (i.p oin ts ), (i.r e ct ify ), t ar g er (i.m ax lik ). GRAS S.. GRAS S t ar g e t GRAS S., i.r e ctify,, (r e s am p le ). GRAS S T u t or ial: Im ag e P r oce s s in g d.wh er e g.r e gion i.clus t er i.gr oup i.m ax lik

11 i.p oin ts i.r e ct ify i.t ap e.oth er i.t ap e.m s s i.t ap e.t m i.t ar g e t r.m as k Mich ae l S h ap ir o, U.S.Ar m y Con s tr u ct ion En g in e e r in g Re s e ar ch Lab or at or y Le e, Ch u n - Se o k (s t on e i n j u. a c. k r ), J i n j u Na t i on a l Un i v e r s i t y Se p t , u n d e r GPL

12 i.g ro up i.g r o u p - (gr oup ). (GRAS S Im ag e P r o ce s s in g P r ogr am ) i.gr oup i.gr oup,..,. i.p oin t s, i.r e ct ify, i.or th o.r e ctify. i.clu s t er, i,m ax lik. i.gr oup.,.,..,.. GROUP : (e nt er 'list ' for a list of gr oups ) AFT ER COMPLET ING ALL ANSWERS, HIT (OR ^ C T O EXIT ) < ES C > T O CONT INUE lis t,.

13 i.gr oup. 1. S ele ct a differ e nt gr oup 2. Edit gr oup title 3. Include new r ast er (cell) files in the gr oup or r e move r ast er (ce ll) file s fr om the gr oup 4. As s ign color s to the gr oup 5. Cr eat e a new s ubgr oup within the gr oup RET URN t o exit. 1.S e l e c t a dif f e r e n t g r o up : 1,. Please enter the group to be created/ modified GROUP: _ (enter 'list' for a list of groups) AFTER COMPLETING ALL ANSWERS, HIT <ESC> TO CONTINUE (OR ^C TO EXIT) lis t,. 2. E dit g r o up t it l e : 2,.. TITLE _, : Look ok? (y/ n). 3.In c lu d e n e w r a s t e r ( c e ll ) f il e s in t h e g r o up o r r e m o v e r a s t e r ( c e ll ) f il e s f r o m th e g r o up : 3,.

14 LOCATION: location GROUP: spot MAPSET: demo If you wish to delete a file from group [spot ], remove the 'x' from in front of the file name., x. x_ x_ x_ spot.1 in demo spot.2 in demo spot.3 in demo AFTER COMPLETING ALL ANSWERS, HIT <ESC> TO CONTINUE (OR <Ctrl- C> TO CANCEL),. LOCATION: location GROUP: spot MAPSET: demo Please mark an 'x' by the files to be added in x. group [spot] MAPSET: demo x_ x _ composite1 spotclass1 spotclass2 AFTER COMPLETING ALL ANSWERS, HIT (OR Ct rl- C> TO CANCEL) TO CONTINUE,. 'x '.,. Group [spot ] references the following raster files spot.1 in demo spot.2 in demo spot.3 in demo composite1 in demo spotclass1 in demo Look ok? (y/ n) y,i.gr oup. Group [spot ] updated!

15 n,, x,,,., i.gr oup. 4. A s s ig n c o l o r s t o t h e g r o u p : 4,. Please indicate which files to use for red, green, and blue colors. You may leave any color out. You may specify more than one color per file. However, each color may only be specified once. For example, to get a full color image, specify r,g,b for 3 different files. To get a grey scale image, specify rgb for a single file. (red), (green), (blue).,.,. r,g,b, rgb. b g r spot.1 spot.2 spot.3 composite1 spotclass1 <<< r,g,b can only be specified once >>> AFTER COMPLETING ALL ANSWERS, HIT <ESC> TO CONTINUE (OR <Ctrl- C> TO CANCEL)., ( comp os it e ) ( clas s ifie d ).. Look ok? (y/ n)

16 5.Cr e a t e a n e w s u b g r o up w it h in th e g r o up : ( ).. LOCATION: locat ion MAPSET: spot GROUP: spot1 SUBGROUP: _ ('list' will show available subgroups) AFTER COMPLETING ALL ANSWERS, HIT <ESC> TO CONTINUE (OR <Ctrl- C>TO CANCEL),. Mark an 'x' by the files to form subgroup [123] x_ x_ x _ spot.1 spot.2 spot.3 composite1 spotclass1 AFTER COMPLETING ALL ANSWERS, HIT <ESC> TO CONTINUE (OR <Ctrl- C> TO CANCEL). Subgroup [123] references the following raster (cell) files [123]. spot.1 in demo spot.2 in demo spot.3 in demo Look ok? (y/ n) n,.

17 i.gr oup GRAS S T u t or ial: Im ag e P r oce s s in g i.clus t er i.m ax lik i.p oin ts i.r e ct ify Mich a e l S h ap ir o, U.S.Ar m y Con s tr u ction En gin e er in g R e s e ar ch Lab or at or y Le e, Ch u n - Se o k (s t on e i n j u. a c. k r ), J i n j u Na t i on a l Un i v e r s i t y Se p t , u n d e r GPL

18 i.po int s i.p o in t s - (r e ctifie d ), (m atr ix ),. i.r e ct ify. (GRAS S Im ag e P r o ce s s in g P r ogr am ) i.p o in t s i.p oin ts,. i.p oin t s i.p oin ts i.r e ct ify. (Re ct ification ) (tr an s for m ation ). x,y GRAS S (p lan im e tr ic )., x,y (UT M S P ),. i.p oin ts,, x,y. i.p oin t s (m atr ix )., RMS (r oot m e an s qu ar e ). i.p oin ts (i.r e ct ify ), RMS. i.p oin ts (Zoom ), t ar g e t

19 . t ar g e t P LOT RAS T ER i.p oin t s i.t ar g e t. i.p oin t s. RMS.. i.p oin ts i.t ar g e t,. ERROR: Target informat ion for group [spot ] missing Please run i.target for group [spot],. Use mouse now.... imagery filename (mag) target filename (mag) QUIT ZOOM PLOT RASTER ANALYZE,. Double click on r aster map layer to be plott ed Double click her e t o cance l Mapset demo spotclass spot.1 composite spot.2 spot.3, 12.

20 , (i.r e ct ify ).. (ZOOM) ZOOM. zoom. Cancel Box P oint S e le ct t ype of ZOOM (Box ),,... (Ma rking Po int s ).,,. P oint 1 mar ke d on the image at IMAGE X : IMAGE Y : Enter CONT ROL COORDINAT ES as east,nor th : ( e as t in g ) (n or th in g ) ( ). RET URN,. PLOT RAS TER(CELL), t ar g e t. P LOT RAS T ER.

21 . Cance l Indicat e which s ide should be plott ed,. Double click on Raster (CELL ) map layer to be plott ed Double click her e to cancel Maps et de mo tm.r e ctifie d t m.clas s ifie d Maps et PERMANENT elevation geology s lope s oils aspe ct r oades str eams air fields,,. input method - - > ke yboar d s cr ee n,. KEYBOARD. S CREE N,, t ar g e t,.,. P oint 5 marked on the IMAGE at IMAGE X : IMAGE Y : Contr ol P oint location E as e : Nor th : us e mous e now..., t ar g e t ( ). t ar g e t.

22 (ANALYZE) ( 4-7 ),. RMS ANALYZE,. err or image t arget # r ow col tar get east north east north over all r ms err or : DONE PRINT F ILE Double click on point to be included/ excluded RMS er r or ' r ow " col" , 0 (r ow s ). t ar g e t RMS t ar g e t '. t ar g e t RMS,. RMS (m e t e r ). RMS. im g e ' e as t ' n or th ', t ar g e t t ar g e t ' 'e as t ' 'n or th '. ( ). RMS., i.p oin t s. (QUIT) i.p oin ts QU IT ;,

23 ,. RMS,. RMS 1 (, p ix e l),. i.p oin ts n on e ' (, h e ad - up digit izer ) digit cap.,. GRAS S T u t or ial: Im ag e P r o ce s s in g g.m ap s e ts i.gr oup i.r e ct ify i.t ar g e t Mich a e l S h ap ir o, U.S.Ar m y Con s tr u ction En gin e er in g R e s e ar ch Lab or at or y Le e, Ch u n - Se o k (s t on e i n j u. a c. k r ), J i n j u Na t i on a l Un i v e r s i t y Se p t , u n d e r GPL

24 i.ta rget i.t ar g e t - GRAS S, t ar g e t. (GRAS S Im ag e P r o ce s s in g P r ogr am ) i.t ar g e t i.t ar g e t i.r e ctify (t ar g e t ) GRAS S. i.r e ct ify. i.t ar g e t. i.t ar g e t i.p oin t s i.r e ct ify., t ar g e t.,., t ar g e t. P leas e s e le ct the t arget LOCAT ION and MAPSET for gr oup CURRENT LOCAT ION : location CURRENT MAPSET : demo T ARGET LOCAT ION : T ARGET MAPS ET : (E nter list for a list of locat ion names or maps et s within a locat ion ) AFT ER COMPLET ING ALL ANSWERS, HIT (OR < Ctr l- C > T O CANCEL ) < ES C > T O CONT INUE GRAS S.

25 . GRAS S T u t or ial: Im ag e P r o ce s s in g i.gr oup i.p oin ts i.r e ct ify Mich a e l S h ap ir o, U.S. Ar m y Con s tr u ction En gin e er in g R e s e ar ch Lab or at or y Le e, Ch u n - Se o k (s t on e i n j u. a c. k r ), J i n j u Na t i on a l Un i v e r s i t y Se p t , u n d e r GPL

26 i.rect ify i.r e c t if y - i.p oin t s. (GRAS S Im ag e P r o ce s s in g P r ogr am ) i.r e ct ify i.r e ct ify i.p oin ts. (r e ct ification ).. i.r e ctify x,y, i.p oin ts,.. t ar g e t GRAS S,... P leas e s e le ct the file (s ) to r ect ify by naming an output file spot.1 in de mo... spot.2 in de mo... spot.3 in de mo... spot clas s in demo spotr e ctify.. spotr eje ct in de mo... (E nter list by any name to get a list of existing r ast files ) AFT ER COMPLET ING ALL ANSWERS, HIT (OR T O CANCEL ) T O CONT INUE,.

27 . Please select one of the following options 1. Use the current region in the target location target. 2. Determine the smallest region which covers the image. i.r e ct ify, t ar g e t., 1, t ar g e t. i.r e ct ify (n e ar e s t n e igh b or r e s am p lin g ). i.r e ct ify (lin e ar affin e tr an s for m at ion ) : x' = ax + by + c y ' = Ax + Bt + C a,b,c,a,b,c. (s calin g ), (tr an s lat ion ), (r ot at ion ). (r ub b er - s h e e tin g ) 2 DEM ( or th o - r e ct ification ). ( 1 ), ( 2 ). DEM i.or th o.ph ot o 3 i.r e ct ify 2., 2 i.r e ct ify, E - m ail.,,., t ar g e t.,.

28 ,. GRAS S T u t or ial: Im ag e P r o ce s s in g i.gr oup i.p oin ts i.r e ct ify 2 i.t ar g e t Mich a e l S h ap ir o, U.S. Ar m y Con s tr u ction En gin e er in g R e s e ar ch Lab or at or y Mo difie d for GRAS S 5.0 b y : Lu c a P alm er i (p alm er i@u x 1.un ip d.it ) Bill Hugh e s P ier r e de Mouv e au x (p m au diov u.c om ) Le e, Ch u n - Se o k (s t on e i n j u. a c. k r ), J i n j u Na t i on a l Un i v e r s i t y Se p t , u n d e r GPL



hwp , 14% 18,300.,. ( ),.. 14 % 18,3 0 0., " "., ( ) " ".,... (E PA) (CARB ). " E PA ".. 9 6 5 1 0 1 5 %. CARB ( ). . "9 9 E PA, ".,. 1 3 [H P E 1 0 0 M ]., 7 2 0 0, 5 0 0.,.. " ".., 1 0 %., " 2 0 % ".,. '

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