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1 The Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Room A 신생폴립을설명하는암화경로와대책 박동일 성균관대학교의과대학강북삼성병원소화기내과 Carcinogenesis Pathway for the Newly Developed Polyp and Coutermeasures Dong Il Park, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Internal Medicine, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea 서론중간암이란대장내시경검사후제시된대장내시경추적검사기간내에발생하는암을말한다. 중간암이발생하는원인으로이전대장내시경검사에서병변을간과한경우나발견된폴립을완전절제못해잔여병변이남는경우등과같이대장내시경술기와관계지어생각할수있는데, 실제로중간암이크기가작고, 우측대장에서많이발생하고, 대장내시경수련을받은소화기내과의사보다가정의학과의사에게대장내시시경검사를받은경우발생률이높고, 폴립절제술을받은대장분절에서발생하는경우가 27% 였다는연구결과는시사하는바가크다. 1,2 하지만일부중간암은독특한분자생물학적기전에의해성장속도가매우빠르게발생할수있다는가설이제시되고중간암이산발암에비해미소위성체불안전성 (microsatellite instability, MSI) 나 CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) 발생률이높다는연구결과가제시되어주목받고있다. 3,4 특히무경성톱니샘종 (sessile serrated adenoma, SSA) 은 CIMP양성대장암의전구병변으로주로우측대장에서발생하고대장내시경도중간과하기쉽기때문에최근많은관심을받고있다. 본고에서는 SSA의발생기전인톱니신생물경로 (Serrated neoplasia pathway) 를중심으로알아보고자한다. 본론 1. 톱니폴립 (Serrated polyp) 의분류톱니폴립이란폴립을구성하는 crypt 상피의모양이톱니모양으로주름잡힌것을말하며, 상피세포의종류나 crypt의모양에따라여러가지로분류된다 (Table 1). 5 SSA는 crypt기저부가확장되면서점막근판과평행하게자라나 T자나 L자모양의 crypt를형성하기때문에 serration 은주로 crypt의기저부에서만관찰된다. 과형성폴립은주로좌측대장에호발하는 goblet cell type과 goblet cell의수가감소하면서점액생성으로인한낭을형성하는 microvesicular type으로구분된다. 전통톱니샘종 (Traditional serrated adenoma; TSA) 은 serration된 crypt가이형성상피세포로구성되면서융모상피가장관내로팽창하는모양으로자라며간혹이소성 crypt를형성한다. 2. 톱니경로의분자생물학적병인 1) CIMP: DNA의 cytosine 염기에 methyl 기가붙는것을메틸화라고하는데이과정을통해 DNA염기서열의변화없이유전자의기능이억제될수있다. Cytosine 기와 guanine 기가연속적으로나란히붙어있는곳을 CpG island라고하는데이는모든유전자 promoter 부위의약 50% 에서관찰된다. 암억제유전자 promoter 부위의 CpG island에서과메틸화가일어나면암억제유전자의기능이소실되어암이발생할수있는데대표적인예가 hmlh1 유전자과메틸화에의한암발생이다 (Fig. 1). 메틸화는나이가들면서자연스럽게발생하는 A형과메틸화와암발생과관여되어발생하는 C형과메틸화가있다. C형과메틸화는대장암환자의 20-30% 에서관찰되는데이를 CIMP라한다. CIMP 양성은 5개의 marker 중 4가지이상에서과메틸화가발견될경우로정의하는데일반적으로 MVHP 7%, SSA 48% 가 CIMP 양성이고, MSI 양성산발성대장암의대부분은 CIMP 양성이나반대로 CIMP 양성대장암의 50% 는 hmlh1 과메틸화나 MSI 음성이다. 6,7 CIMP는과형성폴립증후군과 SSA에서관찰되는데특히과형성폴립증후군환자의정상대장점막에서도관찰되기때문에톱니경로의 field effect를설명할수있고 MVHP 에서 SSA로진행하는비교적초기과정에관여함을알수있다. 8 2) BRAF: 톱니경로에서두가지기념비적인발견은 CIMP와암유전자 BRAF 돌연변이이다. 암유전자 BRAF 돌연변이는 MSI 양성대장암과톱니폴립에서관찰된다. KRAS와더불어 BRAF는 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) 경로에관여하는중요유전자인데 BRAF를지속적으로활성화시키는점돌연변이 (V600E) 로 MAPK 경로가지속적으로활성화되면세포자멸사가억제되고 Vol. 43 (Suppl 1), 2011 (57-61) 57
2 Table 1. Common Categories of Serrated Colorectal Polyps Histological classification Abbreviation Features of polyp type Hyperplastic polyp Typically small polyps in the distal bowel with normal Architecture and proliferation Goblet cell-rich type GCHP Abundance of mature goblet cells in the upper crypt Microvesicular type MVHP Enlarged microvacuolated columnar cells in the upper crypt Sessile serrated adenoma SSA Distinction from hyperplastic polyps based mainly on abnormal architectural features including branching of crypts, dilatation of the base of the crypts, and growth of crypts parallel to the muscularis mucosa. Does not usually demonstrate cytological dysplasia Traditional serrated adenoma TSA Overall protuberant growth pattern with villiform projections and contain cytologically dysplastic cells with elongated nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm Mixed serrated polyp MP Individual components should be listed A B Figure 1. CpG island methylation leads to gene silencing. The aberrant addition of methyl group (CH3) to CpG sites in the promoter region interferes with gene transcription, resulting in silencing. 세포는지속적으로증식하게된다 (Fig. 2). BRAF 돌연변이는 SSA 의대부분에서관찰되지만일반적인대장선종이나 HNPCC 에서는일어나지않고, CIMP와의상관관계가높기때문에톱니경로를설명하고폴립의발생기전을감별하는데매우유용한인자이다. 3) 톱니경로의시작과진행 : BRAF나 KRAS가돌연변이로활성화되면즉시세포의과증식이일어나지만 p16ink4a나 p53과같은암억제유전자의역할에의해곧세포주기가중단되면서세포는노화되는데, 이러한암억제유전자가과메틸화등의기전에의해억제되면세포노화에서벗어나톱니경로가지속될수있다. 멜라닌세포에서 BRAF가돌연변이에의해활성화되면 p53유발세포노화의중요매개체인 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 (IGFBP7) 의합성이촉진된다. 하지만 BRAF 돌연변이양성대장암세포주에선 CIMP에의해 IGFBP7 과메틸화가발생하여기능을 Figure 2. KRAS and BRAF mediate transduction of signals from extracellular stimuli via the MAPK signaling pathway. Activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) can translocate to the nucleus, where it activates transcription factors to alter expression of genes that regulate cell growth and proliferatioin. Mutations in the oncogenes KRAS or BRAF result in constitutive activation of the pathway and uncontrolled cell proliferation. 잃게되며, 따라서세포는지속적으로과증식된다. 이러한현상은 aberrant crypt foci나 MVHP 단계에서부터관찰되므로결국 SSA 로진행하게된다. 이와같이 BRAF 돌연변이와 CIMP에의한암억 58 The Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
3 제유전자 p16ink4a나 IGFBP7 과메틸화의동시발생은톱니경로활성화의중요기전이된다. 암억제유전자 APC의돌연변이에의해시작되는 Wnt 신호경로는산발성선종발생의주요기전이다. APC가돌연변이에의해기능을상실하면 β-catenin 이핵내로이동하게되는데이와같은 β -catenin 의핵내이동은 Wnt 신호경로활성화의유용한지표로과형성폴립단계에서는관찰되지않고 SSA에서 41% 관찰되는것으로보아 SSA로의진행에관여할가능성이있다. 9 톱니경로에서 Wnt 신호경로활성화기전은산발성선종에서와차이가있는데주로 mutated in colorectal cancer (MCC) 유전자의과메틸화가관여한다. MCC promoter 과메틸화에의한 Wnt 신호경로활성화는 BRAF 돌연변이, CIMP, p16ink4a 과메틸화와상관관계가있으며과형성폴립과 SSA에서도흔히관찰된다. 10 SSA의악성화기전에관한연구는 SSA에서이형성증이나암이발생하여한병변에 SSA와악성화병소가공존하는증례를통해이루어졌다. 이러한병변에 hmlh1 면역염색을해보면 SSA 부위는 hmlh1 면역염색양성이나암종부위에선음성으로관찰되고, MSI 또한 SSA 부위에선관찰되지않고고도이형성증이나암종부위에서만관찰되는것으로보아 hmlh1 과메틸화가 SSA에서 MSI 양성대장암으로진행하는속도를조절하는중요단계임을알수있다. 이러한 hmlh1 과메틸화는좌측대장보다는우측대장에서발생하는톱니폴립에서호발한다. 11 4) Alternative Pathway: BRAF나 KRAS는모두 MAPK 경로에관여하기때문에둘중하나가돌연변이에의해활성화되면결국 MAPK 경로활성화라는같은결과를초래한다. Weisenberger 등 6 이사용한전형적인 CIMP 표지자를사용하면 CIMP 양성대장 종양은거의대부분 BRAF돌연변이가양성이고 hmlh1 과메틸화가관찰된다. 하지만좀더많은수의표지자를사용하여 CIMP를판정할경우 BRAF 돌연변이가없이 KRAS 돌연변이만관찰되는 CIMP 양성종양을관찰할수있는데, 이때는 BRAF 돌연변이 -CIMP 양성종양에서보다적은수의 CIMP 표지자가과메틸화되어 CIMP-low 종양이라고분류하였다. Shen 등 12 은이러한종양을 CIMP2 라고명명하기도했는데이러한종양들은 methylguanine methyltransferase (MGMT) 유전자 promoter 과메틸화가공통적으로관찰된다. MGMT 과메틸화양성-KRAS 돌연변이양성, CIMP-low 의특징을보이는 alternative pathway 종양들은분자생물학적, 형태학적특징이관상융모선종이나 TSA와일치하는점이많은데분자생물학적특징은 MAPK 경로활성화와과메틸화, 형태학적으로는표면이융모형이면서점액생성을많이하는특징이그예이다. 5) 대장암발생기전 : 기존에알려진대장암발생의분자생물학적기전은 Fig. 3에요약되어있다. 발생하는분자생물학적변화의조합뿐만아니라발생순서도매우중요하다. 산발성선종에선 BRAF 돌연변이가거의관찰되지않는데그이유는 Wnt 신호경로가활성화된상태에서그후 BRAF 돌연변이가발생하면그세포는생존할수없게되기때문이다. 하지만 BRAF 돌연변이가발생한폴립에선세포의정상적인구조물에많은변화가발생하기때문에나중에 Wnt 신호경로가활성화되어도세포의생존엔영향을미치지않는다. KRAS 돌연변이는 TSA나관상융모선종에서융모형변화를일으키는데관여하는데 Wnt 신호경로가활성화된산발성선종에서 KRAS 돌연변이는관상선종에서관상융모선종으로진행을촉진시킨다. 또한이를통해 MAPK 경로활성화에관여하 Figure 3. Model of colorectal tumorigenesis. Vol. 43 (Suppl 1), 2011 (57-61) 59
4 Table 2. Proposed Management Strategy for Patients with Hyperplastic Polyposis Colonoscopy every 1-2 years with the aim of removing all polyps > 5 mm in size. If this is not possible because of the sized or number of polyps or the patient does not wish to have such frequent colonoscopies or cancer is detected, colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis should be considered in patients without significant comorbidity. It there is significant comorbidity or the patient declines surgery and all polyps > 5 mm cannot be removed endoscopically, colonoscopy with biopsy and/or removal of the largest and most adenomatous-appearing lesions in reasonable, but patients must understand there is a significant risk of cancer that may not be detected at an early stage. First-degree relatives should be offered screening colonoscopy from 10 years younger that th index case. 는 BRAF와 KRAS 돌연변이가항상완전히일치하는결과를초래하지않는다는것도알수있다. 3. 톱니종양의위험인자 선천적으로유전자 promoter 의과메틸화가발생할수있는경우는과형성폴립증후군이그대표적인예이지만발생률이매우낮다. 13 과메틸화없이톱니폴립이발생할수있는경우는 MYH 폴립증이그예인데발생하는폴립의대부분은산발성선종이지만 KRAS 돌연변이양성톱니폴립발생도증가하게된다. 14 발생기전은 MYH 유전자의 biallelic germline 돌연변이로인해 APC와 KRAS 유전자에서 G:C to T:A transversion 이발생하여 MAPK 경로가활성화되기때문이다. 4. 임상적의미 1) 톱니경로암종의임상적특징 : CIMP-high, MSI 양성대장암은임상적으로고령의여성에서우측대장에호발하며, 예후가좋고, 병리소견에서분화도가불량하면서, 점액을생성하고, tumor infiltrating lymphocyte를관찰할수있는특징이있다. CIMP-high, MSS 대장암의특징은확실치않지만 BRAF V600E 돌연변이가많고, MSI 양성종양과마찬가지로고령에서우측대장에호발하고, 점액을생성하며, 진행된상태에서발견되고, 비교적예후가불량한것으로알려져있다. 6 MGMT 과메틸화양성-KRAS 돌연변이양성, CIMP-low 의특징을보이는 alternative pathway 암들의예후는잘알려져있지않지만 KRAS나 BRAF 돌연변이는상피세포성장인자수용체 (epidermal growth factor receptor) 특이항체인 cetuximab과 panitumumab 에대한치료반응의예측인자로사용된다. 2) 톱니폴립의발견및추적검사 : 톱니폴립은산발성선종보다출혈이적기때문에대변잠혈검사로발견하기어렵다. SSA 는융기가적고미세한색조변화만관찰되는경우가많기때문에 CT colonography로진단하기어려우며색소내시경으로발견율을 2배향상시킬수있다. SSA의간과는중간암발생의중요한원인중하나로생각되는데그이유는발견되는중간암중많은수가우측대장에서발생하는점액생성이많은암이고, MSI-high 가산발암보다 4배많으며, BRAF 돌연변이양성-CIMP- high, MSI 양성대장암환자에서동시성대장종양이호발하기때문에다. 하지만 SSA나 TSA를절제한후추적검사를언제시행해야하는지에대해선연구가많지않은데기존의가이드라인은산발성선종에준해서크기와숫자, 이형성증의정도를참고하여 3년혹은 10년간격으로추적대장내시경을시행하라고권고하고있다. 15 과형성폴립증후군의추적검사가이드라인은 Table 2에요약되어있다. 결론 신생폴립이나중간암발생의분자생물학적기전에서톱니경로가중요한역할을하는데, 이러한톱니경로의핵심은 CIMP, BRAF 돌연변이, KRAS 돌연변이, MSI 발생의조합뿐만아니라발생순서가결정함을알았다. 하지만 MGMT 과메틸화양성-KRAS 돌연변이양성, CIMP-low 의특징을보이는 alternative pathway 종양의발생기전이나특징은잘알려져있지않고, 또한 SSA나 TSA를절제한후추적검사를언제시행해야하는지에대해서도추가적인연구가필요하다. 참고문헌 1. Farrar WD, Sawhney MS, Nelson DB, Lederle FA, Bond JH. Colorectal cancers found after a complete colonoscopy. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2006;4: Singh H, Nugent Z, Demers AA, Bernstein CN. Rate and predictors of early/missed colorectal cancers after colonoscopy in Manitoba: a population-based study. Am J Gastroenterol 2010; 105: Sawhney MS, Farrar WD, Gudiseva S, et al. Microsatellite instability in interval colon cancers. Gastroenterology 2006;131: Arain MA, Sawhney M, Sheikh S, et al. CIMP status of interval colon cancers: another piece to the puzzle. Am J Gastroenterol 2010;105: Snover DC, Jass JR, Fenoglio-Preiser C, Batts KP. Serrated polyps of the large intestine: a morphologic and molecular review of an evolving concept. Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124: Weisenberger DJ, Siegmund KD, Campan M, et al. CpG island methylator phenotype underlies sporadic microsatellite instability and is tightly associated with BRAF mutation in colorectal cancer. Nat Genet 2006;38: Samowitz WS, Albertsen H, Herrick J, et al. Evaluation of a large, population-based sample supports a CpG island methyl- 60 The Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
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내시경 conference
부울경소화기내시경학회 6월집담회 고신대학교복음병원소화기내과전임의서광일 F/63 CASE C.C) epigastric pain for 2 wks P. I) 2014.04.16 EGD at LMC adm via OPD for further evaluation. P. Hx) CASE HTN/DM/Hepatitis/Tbc (+/+/-/-) S. Hx) N-S ROS)
측방발육형종양의병리학적및분자생물학적특성 국립암센터병리과 장희진 서 론 소화기계의표재성종양은발육형태상크게용종형과비용종형으로나누고있으나, 내시경학적으로비용종형은다시편평형과궤양형으로나누며, 편평형은다시표면융기형, 표면편평형, 표면함몰형으로세분하고있다. 1 대장점막의표재성병변중 94% 가용종형또는표면융기형으로, 나머지유형은 6% 미만으로보고되고있다. 2 Kudo는편평형의종양중장벽을기준으로수직방향이아닌수평방향,
Grade I Grade II Grade III 12 대한혈관외과학회지 : 제 20 권 제 1 호 2004 Control Group A Group B Fig. 4. Microscopic findings of vein wall in control, group A and group B on the day of 7 after venous occlusion. The
C-II. 안전하고 완전한 대장내시경을 위하여 Room C 김 지 원 서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 서울특별시 보라매병원 내과 Difficult Colonoscopy: How to Overcome? Ji Won Kim Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University oramae Hospital, Seoul
Very low-risk Low-risk Intermediate-risk High-risk Appendiceal mucinous tumours Mucinous adenoma Mucinou
I. Workshop 결과에대한설문조사결과 A. 종양의행태 (behavior) 코드부여에이견이있는소화기계암에대한설문조사결과 Organ or Subject Stomach Colon Diagnosis 응답자수 ( 총 240 명 ) Low grade adenoma/dysplasia 230 10 0 1 2 3 6 무응답 High grade adenoma/dysplasia
Intest Res 2013;11(4): 의하면 50 세이상성인에서선별대장내시경검사를시행하였을때대장샘종은 40.5%, 진행샘종은 2.5% 에서발견되고있다. 3 대장샘종을절제한환자는
ORIGINAL ARTICLE ISSN 1598-9100(Print) ISSN 2288-1956(Online) http://dx.doi.org/10.5217/ir.2013.11.4.276 Intest Res 2013;11(4):276-282 Clinical Practice of Surveillance Colonoscopy according to the Classification
IL-1β, IL-1RN, IL-8, MUC, NAT, GST 등 ) IL-1β, IL-1RN, IL-8, MUC, NAT, GST 등 ) IL-1β, IL-1RN, IL-8, MUC, NAT, GST 등 ) l l l α β α β β α β β α β 목적 (Background/Aims): 위암의가족력과 Helicobacter pylori 감염은각각위암발생의위험인자로알려져있으나,
Pharmacotherapeutics Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee Univ
Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee University College of Medicine & Hospital E mail : ycell2@yahoo.co.kr Abstract
갑상선자극호르몬이갑상선암세포의 VEGF, 신생혈관형성, 성장, 침윤및전이에미치는영향 Effects of TSH on the Production of VEGF, Angiogenesis, Growth, Invasion and Metastasis in Thyroid Cancer Cells Euy Young Soh, M.D., Hee Boong Park, M.D.,
Chromosomal Alterations in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines Detected by Comparative Genomic Hybridization Sang Jin Park 1, Mahn Joon Ha, Ph.D. 1, Hugh Chul Kim, M.D. 2 and Hyon Ju Kim, M.D. 1 1 Laboratory
Special Issue Colorectal Polyps : Endoscopic Diagnosis and Polypectomy Seung Taek Oh, M.D. Department of General Surgery The Catholic University of Ko
Colorectal Polyps : Endoscopic Diagnosis and Polypectomy Seung Taek Oh, M.D. Department of General Surgery The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital E mail : stoh@catholic.ac.kr
A 617
Special Issue Diabetic Retinopathy Won Ki Lee, M.D. Department of Ophthalmology The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Kangnam St. Mary s Hospital E mail : wklee@catholic.ac.kr Abstract R
Lumbar spine
Lumbar spine CT 32 111 DOI : 10.3831/KPI.2010.13.2.111 Lumbar Spine CT 32 Received : 10. 05. 23 Revised : 10. 06. 04 Accepted : 10. 06. 11 Key Words: Disc herniation, CT scan, Clinical analysis The Clinical
Biliary Cystadenoma and Cystadenocarcinoma of the Liver Jae Hoon Lee, M.D., Dong Ho Choi, M.D. 1, Kyeong Geun Lee, M.D., Hwon Kyum Park M.D. and Kwang Soo Lee, M.D. Department of Surgery, College of Medicine,
Y 1 Y β α β Independence p qp pq q if X and Y are independent then E(XY)=E(X)*E(Y) so Cov(X,Y) = 0 Covariance can be a measure of departure from independence q Conditional Probability if A and B are
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J KMA Special Issue Myelodysplastic Syndrome June Won Cheong, MD Yoo Hong Min, MD Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine E mail : jwcheong70@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr minbrmmd@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
슬라이드 1
위선종 / 이형성 Gastric adenoma/dysplasia Jun Haeng Lee. Department of Medicine Sungkyunkwanuniversity School of Medicie, Seoul, Korea Dysplasia in Barrett s esophagus Ideally, the management of a disorder is
2015.03.04 부울경소화기내시경지회 Intramucosal gastric cancer: The rate of lymph node metastasis in signet ring cell carcinoma was as low as that in welldifferentiated adenocarcinoma 인제대부산백병원 소화기내과 지삼룡 Signet ring
Comparison of Laparoscopy and Exploration in the Distal Pancreatectomy BACKGROUND: To determine the benefits of laparoscopic surgery compared with exploration, the clinical outcomes of open and laparoscopic
임상내과 대장폴립 모두제거해야하나? 연세대학교의과대학내과학교실 천재희 문창모교수 I. 서론 대장의폴립은대장점막의표면에서장관내강으로돌출한기질을포함한모든세포병소로정의되며대장내시경을시행하는의사들이임상에서접하게되는가장흔한병변이다. 폴립이임
대장폴립 모두제거해야하나? 연세대학교의과대학내과학교실 천재희 문창모교수 I. 서론 대장의폴립은대장점막의표면에서장관내강으로돌출한기질을포함한모든세포병소로정의되며대장내시경을시행하는의사들이임상에서접하게되는가장흔한병변이다. 폴립이임상적으로중요하게생각하는이유는대장폴립중선종은대장암의전구병소이고, 이에대장내시경시행을통한폴립절제술이대장암예방에중요한역할을하고있기때문이다. 하지만,
Δ Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is well established target for cancer treatment and EGFR tyrosine kinase (TK) inhibitors such as gefinitib and elotinib have been developed as anti-cancer drugs.
1. 이형성 (dysplasia) 과선종 (adenoma) 의개념 Doland 의학사전에서 dysplasia( 이형성 ) 는 abnormality of development; in pathology, alteration in size, shape, and organiz
위이형성의진단과치료 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원내과이준행 Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastric Dysplasia Jun Haeng Lee, M.D. Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
< C6AFC1FD20B1E8BFB5C8A32E687770>
대한내과학회지 : 제 79 권제 2 호 2010 특집 (Special Review) - 대장암의조기발견및치료에대한전략 대장암의유전학적관련성의최신지견 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원소화기내과 김영호 Understanding of molecular pathogenesis and genetic markers in colorectal cancer Young-Ho Kim,
- iii - - i - - ii - - iii - 국문요약 종합병원남자간호사가지각하는조직공정성 사회정체성과 조직시민행동과의관계 - iv - - v - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - α α α α - 15 - α α α α α α
The Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Room B 악성대장종양 이기명 아주대학교의과대학소화기내과학교실 Malignant Timorous Lesions of Colon Kee Myung Lee Department of Gastroenterology, Ajou University School of Medicine,
MHC T cell Receptor Antigen Antigen-presenting cell Antigen-reactive T cell CD28 B7 Activation (proliferation Cytokine production Cytotoxicity) Antigen-presenting cell Antigen-reactive T cell Dormant State
대한소화기내시경학회지 2008;37:14-19 대장용종에서겸자생검과내시경절제술사이의병리소견차이 중앙대학교의과대학내과학교실 송인도ㆍ김정욱ㆍ오인수 The Pathological Differences of Colorectal Polyps Examined between the Use of a Forcep Biopsy and Endoscopic Resection In
대한소아소화기영양학회지 : 제 10 권제 2 호 2007 증례 뇌수모세포종및가족성선종성용종증으로발현한 Turcot 증후군 1 예 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원소아과학교실, * 진단병리과학교실 정수인ㆍ서정민ㆍ이지혁ㆍ이해정ㆍ이지현ㆍ성기웅ㆍ송혜정 * ㆍ최연호 Medulloblastoma and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis in a 24-year-old
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비인강암의방사선치료결과및생존율에관한예후인자분석 2005 2 1 2005 3 28. :, Tel: 053)250-7665, Fax: 053)250-7984 E-mail: jhkim@dsmc.or.kr 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 Carcinoma of the nasopharynx treated by radiotherapy
위장관용종의분류와감별진단 고싞대학교복음병원병리과 장희경 Gastrointestinal Polyp A circumscribed nodular lesion or tumor that protrudes above the surrounding mucosal surface. The role of pathologist is to establish a diagnosis or
전립선암발생률추정과관련요인분석 : The Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II (KCPS-II)
전립선암발생률추정과관련요인분석 : The Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II (KCPS-II) 전립선암발생률추정과관련요인분석 : The Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II (KCPS-II) - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - vii - - viii - - ix - -
대한내과학회지: 제 76 권 제 2 호 2009 의학강좌-개원의를 위한 모범처방(Current Clinical Practice) 간기능검사의 이해와 적용 인제대학교 의과대학 일산백병원 내과학교실 김 경 아 Understanding and application of liver function tests Kyung-Ah Kim, M.D. Department of
549_561_특집- 장동경
DOI: 10.5124/jkma.2010.53.7.549 pissn: 1975-8456 eissn: 2093-5951 http://jkma.org Focused Issue of This Month Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of Colorectal Cancers Dong Kyung Chang, MD Department of
l l l l l l l l l Lee, Geon Kook None This project was designed to establish the Tumor Bank of National Cancer Center in 2000. From the first tumor sample in 2000, the total of tumor and tumor-related
Volume 12, Number 1, 6~16, Factors influencing consultation time and waiting time of ambulatory patients in a tertiary teaching hospital Jee-In Hwang College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University :
Does Real-time Compound Imaging Improve Evaluation of reast Cancer Compared to Conventional Sonography? o Kyoung Seo, M.D., Yu Whan Oh, M.D., Kyu Ran Cho, M.D., Young Hen Lee, M.D., Hyung Joon Noh, M.D.,
Korean J Gastroenterol Vol. 59 No. 2, 99-117 http://dx.doi.org/10.4166/kjg.2012.59.2.99 SPECIAL REVIEW 폴립절제후추적대장내시경검사가이드라인 홍성노 1, 양동훈 2, 김영호 3, 홍성필 4, 신성재 5, 김성은 6, 이보인 7, 이석호 8, 박동일 3, 김현수 9, 양석균 2, 김효종
Chapter 26
11 주 RNA 합성 11.1 DNA-dependent synthesis of RNA: Bacteria에서의 transcription l RNA polymerase (5 subunits로구성 : 2α, β, β, σ) l 효소에의한 RNA 합성의특징 - Complementary sequence to template DNA - RNA chain의합성방향 : 5
갑상선의 Poorly Differentiated (Insular) Carcinoma Insular Carcinoma: An Aggressive Subtype of Differentiated Thyroid Neoplasms Seok-Jin Nam, M.D., Sang-Dal Lee, M.D., Hal-lin Park, M.D., Young-Ryun Oh, M.D.
대한수혈학회지:제권 제호, 0 한 대학병원의 혈액 폐기 분석 김병철ㆍ서영익ㆍ채금란ㆍ신정원ㆍ최태윤 = Abstract = 순천향대학교 의과대학 서울병원 진단검사의학교실 Analysis of Discarded Blood Components at a University Hospital in Korea Byung Chul Kim, Young Ik Seo, Gum Ran
민속지_이건욱T 최종
441 450 458 466 474 477 480 This book examines the research conducted on urban ethnography by the National Folk Museum of Korea. Although most people in Korea
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2018 KSGO PS KSGO position statement for HGC: HOC & HEC 임명철 / 국립암센터 (written/reviewed by 김미선, 최민철, 김민규, 서동훈, 김재원 ) 2018 년 11 월 17 일 16:00~16:20 KSGO Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer symposium 2018 KSGO-PS
Korean J Gastroenterol Vol. 60 No. 1, 36-41 http://dx.doi.org/10.4166/kjg.2012.60.1.36 ORIGINAL ARTICLE 대장암의가족력이대장선종발생에미치는영향 최민영 1,3, 김병관 1,3, 김지원 1,3, 이국래 1,3, 정지봉 1,3, 이재경 1,3, 정용진 1,3, 김원 1,3, 안동원 1,3,
2011 연세대학교의과대학소화기학연수강좌 하부위장관질환의최신가이드라인 연세대학교의과대학내과학교실 홍성필 생활습관과식생활의서구화, 비만인구의증가로최근국내에서대장직장폴립, 대장직장암, 염증성장질환등의하부위장관질환이급격히증가하고있다. 이에따라하부위장관질환의진단및치료에대한관심이높아지고있으며대장직장폴립을진단하고동시에치료할수있는대장내시경의시행건수도증가하고있다. 그러나아직까지대장내시경의적응증이나선별검사,
서론 34 2
34 2 Journal of the Korean Society of Health Information and Health Statistics Volume 34, Number 2, 2009, pp. 165 176 165 진은희 A Study on Health related Action Rates of Dietary Guidelines and Pattern of
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Original Article Korean J Health Promot 2014;14(4):141-146 pissn: 2234-2141 eissn: 2093-5676 http://dx.doi.org/10.15384/kjhp.2014.14.4.141 제주지역무증상성인의대장용종위험요인 나연자 1, 엄미라 1, 공미희 1,2, 김현주 1,2 1 제주대학교병원가정의학과,
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직장암환자의전직장간막절제술의 예측인자분석 : 불완전절제와절제시간에영향을미치는인자에관한연구 Analysis of Factors Affecting the Degree of Difficulty in Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer: Investigation of the Factors Affecting Incomplete
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2011 Guide for U.S. Graduate School Admissions Table of Contents 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 13 15 21 LEADERS UHAK INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SERVICE www.leadersuhak.com Leaders Uhak International Students
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 2007 ; 13 : 571-575 DOI: 10.3350/kjhep.2007.13.4.571 이번 호의 간 병리(32) 혼합 간세포-담관세포암종 순천향대학교병원 병리과 진윤미 진소영 Combined Hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma Yoon-Mi Jeen, M.D. and
The Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Room C 용종절제술후적절한결과의판정 이석호ㆍ이창균ㆍ조현득 * 순천향대학교의과대학천안병원내과학교실, * 병리학교실 The Appropriate Histologic Interpretation after Colonoscopic Polypectomy Suck-Ho Lee, M.D.,
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여성암지키미 대장암지키미 Green Cross Genome Items Internal use only, not for distribution! 1 한국인의암유병률 비호지킨림프종기타암 담낭및기타담도 췌장암 2% 2% 18% 4% 2% 전립선암 7% 유방암 8% 간암 폐암 10% 갑상선암 19% 위암 15% 대장암 13% Internal use only, not
지능정보연구제 16 권제 1 호 2010 년 3 월 (pp.71~92),.,.,., Support Vector Machines,,., KOSPI200.,. * 지능정보연구제 16 권제 1 호 2010 년 3 월
지능정보연구제 16 권제 1 호 2010 년 3 월 (pp.71~92),.,.,., Support Vector Machines,,., 2004 5 2009 12 KOSPI200.,. * 2009. 지능정보연구제 16 권제 1 호 2010 년 3 월 김선웅 안현철 社 1), 28 1, 2009, 4. 1. 지능정보연구제 16 권제 1 호 2010 년 3 월 Support
ABO Rh A study on the importance of ABO and Rh blood groups information in Public Health 2000 2 1 ABO Rh A study on the importance of ABO and Rh blood groups information in Public Health 2000 2 2 ABO Rh
Crt114( ).hwp
cdna Microarray Experiment: Design Issues in Early Stage and the Need of Normalization Byung Soo Kim, Ph.D. 1, Sunho Lee, Ph.D. 2, Sun Young Rha, M.D., Ph.D. 3,4 and Hyun Cheol Chung, M.D., Ph.D. 3,4 1
개원의와함께하는임상강좌 2011 역류성식도질환제대로이해하기 Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kyung Hee University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Jae-Young Jang, M.D., PhD. 개원의와함께하는임상강좌 2011 109 최신치료
- 혈액내대장종양표지자확립제 3 세부과제 : 저질량대사체의분석용기기로 MALDI-TOF/TOF를이용하여대장암을진단할수있는방법을연구하였음. Training set으로정상 203명, 대장암 277명, 유방암 136명, 림프종 51명, 위암 86명의 serum을이용하여대장암을진단할수있는식을생성함. Validation set으로정상, 대장암, 유방암, 림프종, 위암,
190 2016 JEL Classification Number J24, I21, J20 Key Words JILPT 2011 1 190 Empirical Evidence on the Determinants of Success in Full-Time Job-Search for Japanese University Students By Hiroko ARAKI and
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 4, August, 30, 2016:319~332 Received: 2016/07/28, Accepted: 2016/08/28 Revised: 2016/08/27, Published: 2016/08/30 [ABSTRACT] This paper examined what determina
김경환 박병호 충북대학교 도시공학과 (2010. 5. 27. 접수 / 2011. 11. 23. 채택) Developing the Traffic Severity by Type Kyung-Hwan Kim Byung Ho Park Department of Urban Engineering, Chungbuk National University (Received May
case of brugada syndrome presented as chest pain STRCT rugada syndrome was described in 1992 as a new clinical entity characterized by electrocardiographic STsegment elevation in the right precordial leads
Korean J Gastroenterol Vol. 65 No. 2, 90-98 http://dx.doi.org/10.4166/kjg.2015.65.2.90 pissn 1598-9992 eissn 2233-6869 ORIGINAL ARTICLE 우측대장에서대장내시경후굴에의한추가적인폴립발견율 김흥업, 부선진, 나수영, 송현주 제주대학교의학전문대학원내과학교실 Additional
Received : 2012. 11. 27 Reviewed : 2012. 12. 10 Accepted : 2012. 12. 12 A Clinical Study on Effect of Electro-acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar
2 1896 2 26 ( ) 2 7-20 2) 1897 1898 ( )3) 6 1902 8 1904 10 10 (19 05-1914 ) ( ) ( ) 4) 1915 ( ) ( ) 1917 2) 3) 4) 285
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Purpose: Delayed massive hemorrhages from pseudoaneurysm rupture of the peripancreatic large arteries, after pancreaticoduodenectomy, are fatal. We reviewed the clinical course and outcome of bleeding
대한소화기내시경학회지 8;7:5- 대장용종의임상적고찰 김원묵기념봉생병원내과 고원욱ㆍ김종인ㆍ남주연ㆍ정정임ㆍ안진광ㆍ김광진ㆍ김형욱ㆍ박원일ㆍ양웅석 Clinical Observation of Colorectal Polyps Won Ook Ko, M.D., Jong In Kim, M.D., Ju Yeon Nam, M.D., Jung Im Jung, M.D., Jin Kwang
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대한위장관기질종양연구회 01 GIST 06 02 11 03 Imatinib 14 04 05 06 07 Sunitinib 32 40 44 48 GIST 6 01 7 GIST Guide book GIST 8 01 9 GIST Guide book GIST (CT) MRI FDG-PET 10 02 11 GIST Guide book 12 02 (Imatinib)
대한내과학회지 : 제 74 권제 3 호 28 대장용종의겸자생겸과내시경적절제후의병리조직소견의비교 건양대학교의과대학내과학교실 1, 해부병리학교실 2, 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원병리과 3 강구흠 1 허규찬 1 김선문 1 이태희 1 임의혁 1 최용우 1 김범경 2 강영우 1 강구현 3 Histological comparison of colon polyps by
충북의대학술지 Chungbuk Med. J. Vol. 27. No. 1. 1~ Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease 환자의마취 : 증례보고 신일동 1, 이진희 1, 박상희 1,2 * 책임저자 : 박상희, 충북청주시서원구충대로 1 번지, 충북대학교
충북의대학술지 Chungbuk Med. J. Vol. 27. No. 1. 1~5 2017 Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease 환자의마취 : 증례보고 신일동 1, 이진희 1, 박상희 1,2 * 책임저자 : 박상희, 충북청주시서원구충대로 1 번지, 충북대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실, 의학연구소 (28644), happycat19@hanmail.net
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대한내과학회지 : 제 77 권제 3 호 2009 원저 08-043 대장용종에서 ILK (Integrin-linked kinase) 와 beta-catenin 의발현 가톨릭대학교의과대학 1 내과학교실, 2 병리학교실 채현석 1 김진수 1 손혜숙 1 노상영 1 김형근 1 조영석 1 이보인 1 강진형 1 최규용 1 맹이소 2 장은덕 2 Integrin-linked
` Companies need to play various roles as the network of supply chain gradually expands. Companies are required to form a supply chain with outsourcing or partnerships since a company can not
고위험군유두상갑상선암환자에대한방사성옥소최대허용선량측정법및치료법의검증 Verification of Measurement Methods and Therapeutic Efficacy of Maximum Permissible Dose of I-131 in High Risk Patients with Differentiated Papillary Thyroid Cancer
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기관고유연구사업결과보고 작성요령 2001 ~ 2004 2005 ~ 2007 2008 ~ 2010 2001 ~ 2004 2005 ~ 2007 2008 ~ 2010 1 2/3 2 1 0 2 3 52 0 31 83 12 6 3 21 593 404 304 1,301 4 3 1 8 159 191 116 466 6 11 (`1: (1: 16 33 44 106
달생산이 초산모 분만시간에 미치는 영향 Ⅰ. 서 론 Ⅱ. 연구대상 및 방법 達 은 23) 의 丹 溪 에 최초로 기 재된 처방으로, 에 복용하면 한 다하여 난산의 예방과 및, 등에 널리 활용되어 왔다. 達 은 이 毒 하고 는 甘 苦 하여 氣, 氣 寬,, 結 의 효능이 있
대한한방부인과학회지 THE JOURNAL OF ORIENTAL OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY VOL.17, NO.2 : 115-122 (2004) 달생산이 초산모 분만시간에 미치는 영향 * 북경한의원, ** 윤산부인과의원, *** 최은림산부인과의원, 상지대학교 한의과대학 부인과학교실 ****, 경희대학교 동서의학대학원 김성준 *****, 윤왕준
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암세포의위험한여행 한국과학기술원 김미영 강의개요 전이란무엇인가? 전이는어떤과정을통해진행될까? 전이예측방법은어떤것들이있을까? Cancer ( 악성종양 ) US South Korea 질병사망률질병사망률 1. 심장병 26% 1. Cancer 26.7% 2. Cancer 23% 2. 뇌출혈 12.7% 3. 뇌출혈 5.6% 3. 심장병 7.9% >20,000 환자가악성종양에의해매일사망함
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Surgical Extent and Types in Pancreatic Cancer Song Cheol Kim, M.D. Department of Surgery, Ulsan University College of Medicine & Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea Pancreatic cancer continues to pose a
A Spatial Location Analysis of the First Shops of Foodservice Franchise in Seoul Metropolitan City Younghee Lee* 1 1 (R) 0 16 1 15 64 1 Abstract The foodservice franchise is preferred by the founders who
25 3 (2004 9 ) J Korean Oriental Med 2004;25(3):20-31 1), 2), 3) 1) 2) 3) Grope for a Summary Program about Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Knowledge (TK)etc. Discussed in WIPO Hwan-Soo
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2013. 2. 2 대한간암연구학회 7차 심포지움 및 학술대회 Indication and Clinical Outcomes of Metachronous HCC Metastasectomy Shin Hwang Division of Liver Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgery, Asan
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Chapter 3 Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs Automatic Control Systems, 9th Edition Farid Golnaraghi, Simon Fraser University Benjamin C. Kuo, University of Illinois 1 Introduction In this chapter,
2016 gastroenterology Winter School Session 3. 대장 목차 빈틈없고안아프게대장내시경하기 7 대장염증성병변의진단 35 대장종양성병변의진단과치료 73 2016 gastroenterology Winter School 빈틈없고안아프게대장내시경하기 김은란 2016 gastroenterology Winter School 7 빈틈없이안아프게하는대장내시경
대한병리학회지 : 제 35 권제 4 호 2001 The Korean Journal of Pathology. 2001; 35: 결장선암종에병발한선종에서 K-ras 유전자돌연변이와 K-ras, p16, Cyclin D1, p53 단백발현 오화은 조성진 1 원남희
대한병리학회지 : 제 35 권제 4 호 2001 The Korean Journal of Pathology. 2001; 35: 291-8 결장선암종에병발한선종에서 K-ras 유전자돌연변이와 K-ras, p16, Cyclin D1, p53 단백발현 오화은 조성진 1 원남희 1 이대일 1 김인선 1 염범우 1 관동대학교의과대학명지병원해부병리과 1 고려대학교의과대학병리학교실
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Problem New Case RETRIEVE Learned Case Retrieved Cases New Case RETAIN Tested/ Repaired Case Case-Base REVISE Solved Case REUSE Aamodt, A. and Plaza, E. (1994). Case-based reasoning; Foundational
J Korean Soc Coloproctol: Vol. 25, No. 2, 129-38, 2009 DOI: 10.3393/jksc.2009.25.2.129 REVIEW 대장암에서유전자불안정성의임상적의의 이강영 연세대학교의과대학외과학교실 Genomic Instability in Colorectal Cancer; from Bench to Bed Kang Young
Abstract Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Related Factors for Nurses and Radiological Technologists Wearing a Lead Apron for Radiation Pro t e c t i o n Jung-Im Yoo, Jung-Wan Koo 1 ) Angio Unit, Team of Radiology,
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare tumers of the alimentary tract, and these tumors arise from primitive mesenchymal cells. Duodenal GISTs comprise 4-5% of all GISTs. In this article, we
w wz 16«1y Kor. J. Clin. Pharm., Vol. 16, No. 1. 2006 x w$btf3fqpsu'psn û w m w Department of Statistics, Chonnam National University Eunsik Park College of Natural Sciences, Chonnam National University
May 10~ Hotel Inter-Burgo Exco, Daegu Plenary lectures From metabolic syndrome to diabetes Meta-inflammation responsible for the progression fr
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