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1 Mentor MCM, PCB 1999, 03, 13 KAIST EE Terahertz Media & System Laboratory
2 MCM, PCB (mentor) : da & Summary librarian jakup & package jakup & layout jakup & fablink jakup & KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 2 / 66
3 ~ : 1 Tutorial : 1 I (30 /1 ) setting 5 type command ~ II (6 /1 ) KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 3 / 66
4 MCM, PCB MCM : Multi-chip Module PCB : Printed Circuit Board Gerber Data artwork Solder_mask solder_mask,, soldering Silkscreen Drill via drill KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 4 / 66
5 (mentor) mentor tool One of the PCB Design Tool CADSTAR OrCAD PADS etc VHDL IC Layout etc more easy : complicate layout more compatible other simulation tool (PN, APSIM, ) directory base data da : symbol, schematic librarian jakup& : component, partlist package jakup& : link layout jakup& : placement, trace fablink jakup& : artwork data top-down menu : top of the window palette menu : right of the window pop-up menu : mouse right button hot-key : key (bottom of the window) stroke : mouse center button license 1 : KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 5 / 66
6 mgccshrc mentor Terminal # # mentor setting # setenv MGC_HOME /user11/mentor setenv MGLS_HOME $MGC_HOME/pkgs/mgls setenv MGLS_LICENSE_FILE $MGC_HOME/install8/mgclicenses setenv MGC_GENLIB /user11/mentor/library/gen_lib unsetenv LANG set path =($path $MGC_HOME/bin $MGLS_HOME/bin ) echo========================================== echo mentor was prepared! echo command : "da&, librarian?&, package?&, layout?&, fablink?&" echo========================================== > mkdir MENTOR < > > cd MENTOR < > > mgccshrc copy : Terminal mentor cadence cadence KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 6 / 66
7 > cd MENTOR < > > source mgccshrc < > > cd kwanri < > da& librarian jakup& package jakup& layout jakup& fablink jakup&,,,,,,,,, KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 7 / 66
8 :, Terminal (readme ),,, MENTOR 1 1 > cd MENTOR < > > mkdir kwanri < > > vi kwanrireadme < > : > cd kwanri < > > mkdir jakup < > > vi jakupreadme < > : > cd jakup < > > mkdir design_lib < > > cd LGMCM 2 MCM PCB Terminal (?) Terminal? KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 8 / 66
9 1 [da &]? : [da 1/15] da Design Architecture da Symbol Schematic Sheet da 50% da kwanri jakup > da & < > Symbol? Schematic Sheet? Symbol 2 da, shift-f12,? KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 9 / 66
10 [da &] : [da 2/15] da kwanri jakup > da & < >,, top-down menu stroke pop-up menu palette menu hot-key KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 10 / 66
11 da Symbol, Sheet : [da 3/15] Symbol ( ) Symbol,, session_palette Open Symbol, navigator, design_lib Pin symbol_draw Palette Add pin, pin, pin Body symbol_draw Palette Add rectangle, symbol body Body (COMP) symbol_text Palette Add Property Pin (PIN_NO) symbol_text Palette Add Property Top-down Sheet ( ) Schematic Symbol Schematic Sheet session_palette Open Sheet, navigator, jakup Symbol schematic_add_route Palette Choose Symbol navigator, design_lib Symbol Wire schematic_add_route Palette Add wire wire Top-down Top-down text_palette REF property, net KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 11 / 66
12 da Symbol 1 : [da 4/15] KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 12 / 66
13 da Symbol 2 : [da 5/15] 4 5 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 13 / 66
14 da Symbol 3 : [da 6/15] KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 14 / 66
15 da Symbol 4 : [da 7/15] 9 10 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 15 / 66
16 da Symbol 5 : [da 8/15] 11 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 16 / 66
17 da Symbol 6 : [da 9/15] 12 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 17 / 66
18 da Symbol 7 : [da 10/15] 13 Check >> With Defaults >> 0 Error File >> Save Symbol >> Defaults KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 18 / 66
19 da Schematic Sheet 1 : [da 11/15] 1 2 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 19 / 66
20 da Schematic Sheet 2 : [da 12/15] 3 4 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 20 / 66
21 da Schematic Sheet 3 : [da 13/15] 5 6 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 21 / 66
22 da Schematic Sheet 4 : [da 14/15] 7 Check >> Sheet >> With Defaults KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 22 / 66
23 da Schematic Sheet 5 : [da 15/15] 8 File >> Save Sheet >> Defaults KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 23 / 66
24 2 [librarian jakup &]? : [librarian 1/15] librarian librarian (pin) 50% (via) (component) (Symbol) librarian kwanri jakup geometry pin via component board catalog partlist > librarian jakup & < > 2 librarian, shift-f12? KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 24 / 66
25 librarian : [librarian 2/15] pin? (Component) (Board), (Pad) via? surface pin thruhole pin (Board) buried via thruhole via component? (Component) pin board? partlist? (Board Outline) (Placement Outline) (Routing Outline) da Symbol librarian Component clearance? ( ),? KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 25 / 66
26 [librarian jakup &] : [librarian 3/15] librarian kwanri jakup > librarian jakup & < >,, 2 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 26 / 66
27 librarian geometry : [librarian 4/15] Pin Top-down Geometry, Create Geometry Surface Pin, pinsurf_*, Via Component Top-down Geometry, Create Geometry Component, comp_* add pin, pin outline, Top-down Geometry, Board Create Geometry ThruholeVia Top-down Geometry,, viathru_* Create Geometry BOARD, BOARD_A (outline), place,, routing outline, KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 27 / 66
28 librarian catalog : [librarian 5/15] Partlist Top-down Catalogs, Create Part Number, Top-down menu Symbols List Symbol Libraries, design unread, Read, read map logic symbol,, librarian artwork order gerber data clearance,,,, Symbol KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 28 / 66
29 librarian pin 1 : [librarian 6/15] 2 1 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 29 / 66
30 librarian pin 2 : [librarian 7/15] Top-down_menu >> Setup >> Grid 3 Top-down_menu >> Check >> Geometry >> Active Geometry Top-down_menu >> File >> Save >> Design_Specify 4 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 30 / 66
31 librarian via 1 : [librarian 8/15] 2 1 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 31 / 66
32 librarian via 2 : [librarian 9/15] 3 Top-down_menu >> Check >> Geometry >> Active Geometry 4 Top-down_menu >> File >> Save >> Design_Specify KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 32 / 66
33 librarian component 1 : [librarian 10/15] 2 1 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 33 / 66
34 librarian component 2 : [librarian 11/15] Top-surface 6 Top-down_menu >> Check >> Geometry >> Active Geometry Top-down_menu >> File >> Save >> Design_Specify >> Geometry KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 34 / 66
35 librarian board 1 : [librarian 12/15] 2 1 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 35 / 66
36 librarian board 2 : [librarian 13/15] Top-down_menu >> Check >> Geometry >> Active Geometry Top-down_menu >> File >> Save >> Design_Specify >> Geometry KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 36 / 66
37 librarian partlist 1 : [librarian 14/15] Top-down_menu >> Catalogs >> Create Part Number 1 Top-down_menu >> Symbols >> List Symbol Libraries 2 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 37 / 66
38 librarian partlist 2 : [librarian 15/15] Top-down_menu >> Check >> Part Number >> Active Part Number Top-down_menu >> File >> Save >> Design_Specify >> Catalog KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 38 / 66
39 3 [package jakup &]? : [package 1/6] package package 50% package build kwanri jakup OK! > package jakup & < > 2 package, shift-f12? KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 39 / 66
40 [package jakup &] : [package 2/6] package kwanri jakup > package jakup & < >,, 2 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 40 / 66
41 package build : [package 3/6] Build palette Load/ Forget Catalog Library, OK palette Build, OK palette Check Build, Demo KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 41 / 66
42 package build 1 : [package 4/6] 1 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 42 / 66
43 package build 2 : [package 5/6] 3 2 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 43 / 66
44 package build 3 : [package 6/6] 4 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 44 / 66
45 4 [layout jakup &]? : [layout 1/8] layout (Placement), (Trace) Areafill placement routing areafill layout 50% layout kwanri jakup > layout jakup & < > 2 PCB layout, shift-f12? KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 45 / 66
46 [layout jakup &] : [layout 2/8] layout kwanri jakup > layout jakup & < >,, 2 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 46 / 66
47 layout placement, routing : [layout 3/8] Top-down Setup Grid palette PLACE Map Grid,, Top-down View Layer Move All visible, OK Topdown View Change View Style Polygon/Trace Style Outline, Text Style Routing Center line palette ROUTE Top-down Setup routing Route Setup, Physical Layer Via Rule, palette Connection Enable ROUTE Route Interact, move Placement KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 47 / 66
48 layout 1 : [layout 4/8] 1 2 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 48 / 66
49 layout 2 : [layout 5/8] 3 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 49 / 66
50 layout Placement 1 : [layout 6/8] 4 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 50 / 66
51 layout Placement 2 : [layout 7/8] 5 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 51 / 66
52 layout Routing : [layout 8/8] 6 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 52 / 66
53 5 [fablink jakup &]? : [fablink 1/12] fablink Simulator interface fablink kwanri jakup Edit Artwork order Artwork data & table extraction Drill data & table extraction Other information extraction Gerber data artwork files table Design gif file : jakup/pcb/mfg fablink 50% > fablink jakup & < > 2 fablink, shift-f12? KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 53 / 66
54 [fablink jakup &] : [fablink 2/12] fablink kwanri jakup > fablink jakup & < >,, 2 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 54 / 66
55 fablink Gerber Data : [fablink 3/12] Artwork Data Palette Edit Art Order Palette Change ART FMT Output Format 3 Artwork >> Change Aperture Table >> Fill Aperture Table Palette Create Art Data Palette Open Art Data, Top-down File >> Save >> Art Data, artwork Palette Report APER TBL table Drill Data Palette Change Drill FMT Output Format 3 Drill >> Change Drill Table >> Fill Drill Table Palette Create Drill Data Palette Open Drill Data, Top-down File >> Save >> Drill Data, artwork Palette Report DRL TBL table KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 55 / 66
56 fablink artwork data 1 : [fablink 4/12] 1 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 56 / 66
57 fablink artwork data 2 : [fablink 5/12] 2 3 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 57 / 66
58 fablink artwork data 3 : [fablink 6/12] 3 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 58 / 66
59 fablink artwork data 4 : [fablink 7/12] 4 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 59 / 66
60 fablink artwork data 5 : [fablink 8/12] 5 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 60 / 66
61 fablink artwork data 6 : [fablink 9/12] 6 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 61 / 66
62 fablink drill data 1 : [fablink 10/12] 3 1 KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 62 / 66
63 fablink drill data 2 : [fablink 11/12] 2 3 Palette >> Create Drill Data >> Palette >> Open Drill Data >> Top-down >> File >> Save >> Drill Data >> Palette >> Report DRL TBL >> KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 63 / 66
64 fablink : [fablink 12/12] Top-down File Save ASCII Geometry Create Neutral File Print Export Graphics Top-down MGC Design Management copy object move object delete object Export screen KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 64 / 66
65 1, da 30 2 (,,, ) KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 65 / 66
66 Summary mentor : useful PCB design tool kwanri/jakup/design_lib da & librarian jakup & package jakup & layout jakup & fablink jakup & Q&A : daedoo or javang KAIST EE Terahertz Media and System Laboratory Mentor Tool Education Seminar 1999/03/13 : 66 / 66
MCM, PCB (mentor) : da& librarian jakup & package jakup & layout jakup & fablink jakup & Summary 2 / 66
Mentor MCM, PCB 1999, 03, 13 KAIST EE Terahertz Media & System Laboratory MCM, PCB (mentor) : da& librarian jakup & package jakup & layout jakup & fablink jakup & Summary 2 / 66 1999 3 13 ~ 1999 3 14 :
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,,,,,, (41) ( e f f e c t ), ( c u r r e n t ) ( p o t e n t i a l difference),, ( r e s i s t a n c e ) 2,,,,,,,, (41), (42) (42) ( 41) (Ohm s law),
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2011년 10월 초판 c 2011 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. 서면 허가 없이 전체 또는 일부를 복제하는 것을 금합니다. 기능 및 규격은 통보 없이 변경될 수 있습니다. Sony와 Sony 로고는 Sony의 상표입니다. G L
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1. MATLAB 개요와 활용 기계공학실험 I 2013년 2학기 MATLAB 시작하기 이장의내용 MATLAB의여러창(window)들의 특성과 목적 기술 스칼라의 산술연산 및 기본 수학함수의 사용. 스칼라 변수들(할당 연산자)의 정의 및 변수들의 사용 방법 스크립트(script) 파일에 대한 소개와 간단한 MATLAB 프로그램의 작성, 저장 및 실행 MATLAB의특징
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5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 6 7 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 OK 46 47 OK 48 OK 49 50 51 OK OK 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
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Copyright 2006 by Human Consulting Group INC. All Rights Reserved. No Part of This Publication May Be Reproduced, Stored in a Retrieval System, or Transmitted in Any Form or by Any Means Electronic, Mechanical,
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Motor Base 설비상태감시원리및 응용 모델 : MCM / PCM Version : 1.0-20070425 기계적 결함 + 전기적 결함 + 에너지 소모량 한 번에 3마리의 토끼를 잡는다! 전화: (031) 726-1672 팩스: (031) 726-1376 홈페이지 : 463-805
DCS 1 DCS - DCS Hardware Software System Software & Application 1) - DCS System All-Mighty, Module, ( 5 Mbps ) Data Hardware : System Console : MMI(Man-Machine Interface), DCS Controller :, (Transmitter
7 LAMPS For use on a flat surface of a type 1 enclosure File No. E Pilot Lamp File No. E Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Part Mate
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(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.
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