Dispersive-Solid Phase Extraction(D-SPE) Development of Multiple Pesticides Residue Analysis Method in Agricultural Product using Dispersive-Solid Pha
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1 Dispersive-Solid Phase Extraction(D-SPE) Development of Multiple Pesticides Residue Analysis Method in Agricultural Product using Dispersive-Solid Phase Extraction(D-SPE),,,,,,, Han-Taek Kim, Yong-Bae Park, Sun-Il Hwang, Hong-Rae Jung, Yun-Sung Kim, Mi-Hui Son, Wook-Hyun Cho, Kyeng-Suk Chae Anyang Agricultural Products Inspection Team Abstract : Method using Dispersive-Solid Phase Extraciton(D-SPE) was carried out to method development for multiple pesticides residue analysis in agricultural products through application of fast clean-up method and GC-TOF/MS(Time-of-Flight/mass spectrometer) to achieve qualitative and quantitative analysis. To multiple pesticide residue analysis GC/ECD, GC/NPD, and a variety of detection devices are a lot of time and a time consuming job. To complement for the GC and mass spectrometer (MS) and which uses a combination. Particularly, without losing qualitative information to increase selectivity and sensitivity GC-TOF/MS analysis of the pesticide is effective. Widely used clean-up method took about 2 hour of extraction, concentration and purification. Recently, Product using Dispersive-Solid Phase Extraction(D-SPE) should which take about 30 minutes per 1 sample of extraction and purification. Multi-residue analysis of pesticide has been developed with the D-SPE method by concurrent use of GC-TOF/MS. In order to ensure the reliability of the method. The D-SPE for multi-residue analysis method was used to achieve fast extraction and SPE and dispersive clean-up method of pesticide residue analysis. Multi-residue analysis of many pesticides were devised combining with the D-SPE method and followed by GC-TOF/MS residue analysis. To minimize matrix effects, matrix-matched standards were used for calibration curves of the concentration levels of the correlation coefficient was 5-9 points ( mg/kg) standard solution (R 2 >0.999). Average recovery rates ranged from 80 to 130% of all pesticides at fortification levels of nine concentrations ( mg/kg). The results showed that the QuEChERS sample preparation and GC-TOF/MS analysis can be applied to multi-residue analysis of pesticides in agricultural products. Key words : D-SPE(Dispersive-Solid Phase Extraction), QuEChERS, Pesticides, Multiple Pesticides Residue Analysis Method : GC-TOF/MS. GC/ECD, GC/NPD. GC (Mass Spectrometer)., GC-TOF/MS.,, 1 2. D-SPE, 1 20~30. D-SPE GC-TOF/MS. D-SPE GC-TOF/MS %, LOD ~ mg/kg, LOQ ~ mg/kg. 5 ~ 9 ( mg/kg) : D-SPE,,
2 1.,,,,. 1),. EPA, (MRLs : Maximum Residue Limits) 2), 4..,.. 1 (Multiresidue analytical method) (Individual analytical method) FDA Mill 3), California Department of Food & Agriculture(CDFA) 4), GC(Gas Chromatography), LC(Liquid Chromatography).,. 5,6),,. (Agricultural Research Service, ARS) QuEChERS 7) (Quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, safe). GC/NPD, GC/ECD LC/UVD, LC/FLD, GC/MS(Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry), LC/MS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry), GC/MS/MS(Gas Chromatography Mass / Mass Spectrometry), LC/MS/MS(Liquid Chromatography Mass / Mass spectrometry), GC-TOF/MS(Gas Chromatography Time Of Flight Mass Spectrometry), LC-TOF/MS(Liquid Chromatography Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry). 8-22) QuEChERS D- SPE GC-TOF/MS,.
3 Aectonitrile, Hexane, Aectone (Wako, Japan), Dr. Ehrenstorfer(Germany). Magnesium sulfate, Sodium Acetate, Sodium Chloride, Primary Secondary Amine(PSA) Ceramic homogenizer Agilent Technologies (USA). TurboVab LV(Caliper LS, USA) D-SPE. (Lattuce), (Spinach), (Korean cabbage) Extraction GC/ECD, GC/NPD (Agilent Technologies, 7890A, USA) GC-TOF/MS(GC: Agilent, USA, TOF/MSD: Leco, pegasus HT, Singapore), Table Extraction Clean-up Combi-514R(Hanil Science Industrial, Korea) 500g 10g 4.0g ± 0.2g MgSO 4, 1.0g ± 0.05g trisodium citrate dihydrate, 1.0g ± NaCl 50ml (Extraction kit), MeCN(Aectonitrile) 10mL. 1 (3,000 rpm) 5. Table 1. Analytical conditions of GC-TOF/MS Parameter condition Instrument Agilent 7890 Injector Agilent 7683B Detector TOF Column Rtx-5MS(30m 0.25mm,0.25μm) Injection volume 1μL Injection mode Splitless Carrier gas He Flow rate 1.75 ml/min Injector temp. 250 Transfer line temp. 260 Ionization mode EI Ion source temp. 220 Start mass(u) 50 End mass(u) 550 Acqsition(spectra/sec.) 20 spectra/sec Detector viltage 1900V Electron energy(volts) -70 Oven temp. 70 (3min) 20 /min 180 (0min) 5 /min 300 (7.5min)
4 Table 2. Analytical conditions of GC/ECD and GC/NPD Instruments Agilent 7890 Detector type ECD NPD Injection mode & vol. Injector temp. split(5:1), 1μl 270 splitless, 1μl 300 Column front DB-1701(30 m 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm ) DB-35(30 m 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm ) back DB-5(30 m 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm ) DB-5(30 m 0.25 mm, 0.25μm ) Gas N 2 (1 ml/min) He(1 ml/min) Oven temp. 130 (1min) 8 /min 180 (1min) 160 (1min) 4.7 /min 240 (4min 4 /min 210 (3min) 10 /min )13 (min) 275 (17min) 295 (5min) Detector temp Clean-up 3. 6mL 900mg anhydorous MgSO 4, 125mg Primary Secondary Amine(PSA) 15mL, PSA 1. 5 (3,000rpm) 3mL, 600uL(20% Acetone/Hexane) mg/kg. (Limit of detection, LOD) (Limit of quantification) 9 ICH(International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Phamaceuticals for Human Use). LOD=3.3δ/S LOQ=10δ/S δ = The standard deviation of the response S = The slope of the calibration curve ) MeCN. D-SPE. 8.8%, 2.6%. 24), ph. citrate buffer acetate buffer ph. 25,26) extraction citrate buffer.. D-SPE Primary secondary amine(psa) Clean-up. D-SPE A-1, B-1, C-1
5 A-2, B-2, C-2 GC/ECD GC/NPD Chromatogram Fig. 1.. Chlorpyrifos D-SPE A-1(0.36 mg/kg), B-1(0.26 mg/kg) A-2(0.22 mg/kg), B-2(0.13 mg/kg) baseline. C-1 C-2 D-SPE Propamocrab 1.96 mg/kg. Propamocarb D-SPE GC-TOF/MS 122 Retention time, Quant. mass, R 2, Table 3.. R LOD는 ~ mg/kg, LOQ는 ~ mg/kg 으로나타났다. (Lattuce), (Spinach), (Chinese cabbage) Piperophos 147.4%, Difenconazole 148.5% 이외의성분들의회수율은상추 80 ~ 128.3%, 시금치 79.8 ~ 129.8%, 얼갈이 80.8 ~ 129.8% 로양호하였다. Fig. 1. Comparison of chromatogram between D-SPE Method and multiple pesticide residue analysis method by GC/ECD and GC/NPD (A-1, B-1, C-1 : Conducted D-SPE method, A-2, B-2, C-2 : Conducted multiple pesticide residue analysis method)
6 Table 3. Retention time(r.t.), Quant. Mass, Determination Coefficient(R 2 ), LOD, LOQ and Recovery obtained by D-SPE method preparation and GC-TOF/MS analysis Name R.T. Quant Recovery LOD LOQ R 2 Korean mass lettuce spinach Cabbage Acrinathrin 16: Alachlor 10: Aldrin 10: Alpha-BHC 08: Alpha-endosulfan 12: Anilofos 15: Beta-Endosulfan 13: Bifenthrin 15: Bitrertanol 16: Bromacil 10: Bromopropylate 15: Cadusafos 08: Captan 11: Carbophenothion 13: Chlorofenapyr 13: Chlorobenzilate 13: Chlorothalonil 09: Chlorpyrifos(phos) 11: Chloropyrifos-Methyl 10: Cyflufenamid 13: Cyhalothrin 16: Cypermethrin 17: Cyproconazole 13: Cyprodinil 11: Diazinon 09: Dichlorfluanid 10: Dicofol 11: Dieldrin 12: Diethofencarb 10: Difenconazole 12: Dimepiperate 11: Diniconazole 13: Diphenamid 11: Diphenylamine 07: Dithiopyr 10: Endosulfan-sulfate 14: Endrin 13: EPN 15: Esprocarb 10: Ethion 13:
7 Table 3. Continue. Name R.T. Quant mass Recovery LOD LOQ R 2 lettuce spinach Korean Cabbage Etrimfos 09: Fenamidone 15: Fenarimol 16: Fenazaquin 15: Fenobucarb 07: Fenothiocarb 12: Fenoxanil 13: Fenpropathrin 15: Fenthion 10: Fenvalerate 18: Fipronil 11: Fludioxonil 12: Flusilazole 12: Flutolanil 12: Folpet 11: Fthalide 11: GAMMA-BHC 09: Heptachlor-exo-epoxide 11: Hexaconazole 12: Imazalil 12: Indanofan 15: Indoxacarb 19: Iprobenfos 09: Iprodione 15: Isazofos(phos) 09: Isoprothiolane 12: Kresoxim-Methyl 12: Malathion 10: Mecarbam 11: Mepronil 13: Metalaxyl 10: Methidathion 12: Methoxychlor 15: Metrafenone 16: Metribuzin 10: Molinate 07: Myclobutanil 12: Nuarimol 14: Oxadiazone 12: Oxadixyl 13: Parathion 11:
8 Table 3. Continue. Quant Recovery Name R.T. LOD LOQ R 2 Korean mass lettuce spinach Cabbage Parathion-Methyl 10: Penconazole 11: Pendimethalin 11: Permethrin 16: Phenthoate(PAP) 11: Phorate 08: Phosalone 15: Piperophos 15: Pirimicarb 09: Pirimiphos-Ethyl 11: Pirimiphos-Methyl 10: Probendazole 09: Prochloraz 12: Procymidone 11: Profenofos 12: Propamocarb 06: Propisochlor 10: Prothiophos 12: Pyrazophos 16: Pyridalyl 18: Pyrimidifen 18: Pyriminobac-methyl 14: Quinalphos 11: Simazine 08: Simeconazole 10: Tebuconazole 14: Tefluthrin 09: Terbufos 09: Terbuthylazine 09: Tetraconazole 11: Tetradifon 15: Thiazopyr 10: Thifluzamide 12: Thiometon 08: Tolclofos-Methyl 10: Triadimefon 11: Triazophos 13: Triflumizole 11: Trifluralin 08: Vinclozolin 10: Zoxamide 11:
9 Fig. 2. Comparison of chromatogram between D-SPE method and multiple pesticides residue analysis method by GC-TOF/MS. (A-1, B-1, C-1 : Conducted by D-SPE method, A-2, B-2, C-2 : Conducted by multiple pesticide residue analysis method) 3.3 GC-TOF/MS 3.1. GC-TOF/MS Fig. 2.. Chlorpyrifos D-SPE a-1(0.38 mg/kg), b-1(0.23 mg/kg) a-2(0.24 mg/kg), b-2(0.15 mg/kg). Propamocarb D-SPE c-1 c-2. GC-TOF/MS GC/ECD, GC/NPD MS/MS MRM mode Full mass spectrum MS/MS matrix. library ion Ion-ratio MS/MS Mass. 28) D-SPE. c-1 Propamocarb. D-SPE. Mastovska K (2010). 27), matrix GC/ECD, GC/NPD GC-TOF/MS. GC
10 D-SPE,. 1. GC-TOF/MS LOD, LOQ R 2 R , LOD ~ mg/kg, LOQ ~ mg/kg., Piperophos 147.4%, Difenconazole 148.5%, 80 ~ 128.3%, 79.8 ~ 129.8%, 80.8 ~ 129.8%. 2. 경매전농산물 30건을대상으로 D-SPE방법과다종농약다성분방법으로전처리하여 GC/ECD와 GC/NPD로검사하였다. Chlorpyrifos 를 D-SPE 방법전처리한결과가다종농약다성분시험법으로전처리한결과보다검출농도가높게나타났으며, 다종농약다성분분석법으로는전처리되지않는 Propamocarb가 D-SPE 전처리시 1.96 mg/kg 농도로검출되었다. 3. 같은시료를 GC-TOF/MS로분석해본결과 D-SPE 방법으로전처리한 a-1, b-1 a-2, b-2, c-1 Propamocarb. D-SPE, Mass. GC-TOF/MS D-SPE. 4. D-SPE Propamocarb, Eunhye Kim, Hyeri Lee, Hoon Choi, Joonkwan Moon, Soonsung Hong, Mihye Jeong, Kyunghun Park, Hyomin Kee, An Xue Hua, Jeonghan Kim, (2011), Method validation for monitoring of agricultural worker Exposure to insecticide fenthion, The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science, 15, 357~ , (2012), Mills, P.A. Onley, J.H. Guither, R.A. 1963, Rapid method for chlorinated. pesticide residues in nonfatty foods. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem.. 46, Lee, S. M., M. L. Papathakis, H. C. Feng, G. H. Hunter, J. E. Carr, (1991), Multipesticide residue method for fruits and vegetables, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 339, (2008).,,. 6. Park, M, H. Establishment of Multiple Pesticide Residue Analysis Method in Agricultural Products Using GC-MSD, (2012). Dept. of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology. Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology. Gyeongsang National University. Korea. 7. Anastassiades, M., Lehotay, S. J., Stajnbaher, D., Schenck,, F. J. (2003) Fast and easy multiresidue method empolying acetonitrile extraction/partitioning and "dispersive solid-phase extraction" for the determination pf pesticide residues in produce. Journal of AOAC
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[ QuEChERS Simplified ] 간편한 QuEChERS(캐쳐스)
[ QuEChERS Simplified ] 간편한 QuEChERS(캐쳐스) 분산고체상추출 (d-spe) 법에의한 QuEChERS 방법 (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe의약자 ) 은간편한시료전처리기술로, 다양한식품과농산물중의잔류농약, 동물약품및 mycotoxin 등의동시다성분분석에이상적입니다. DisQuE
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