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1 SOA 적용전략과적용방안 이석진, 컨설팅본부, 한국오라클 Page 1
2 1. What is SOA? 2. SOA Strategy & Maturity Model 3. SOA Implementation Methods Page 2 Page 2 금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
3 1. What is SOA? 2. SOA Strategy & Maturity Model 3. SOA Implementation Methods Page 3 Page 3 금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
4 230 년 VS. 43 년 230 년역사의자동차와 43 년의역사의 IT 의공통된화두는표준화를통한한번개발을통한공용화 / 재사용성강화임 ( One Build, Many Use ) Dodge Neon 4 doors small sedan 4cyl 132HP, $ % reuse Chrysler PT Cruiser wagon 4cyl 154HP, $ % reuse Dodge Viper sports coupe 10cyl 500HP, $ Page 4 Page 4 금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
5 전통적인 IT VS SOA SOA ( Service Oriented Architecture ) 는 IT 자원을 Web Service 기술을이용하여표준화를통한재사용성강화및 Flexibility 를강화하기위한 Architecture 의 Ideology 임 Agility, Adaptability, Extensibility Traditional IT Service Oriented Architecture 오디오의표준인 RCA 단자 기능추가 / 변경이힘들다 Tightly Coupled System 기능추가 / 변경이쉽다. Loosely Coupled System 표준커넥터를이용하여원하는기기추가 / 변경작업이가능 Page 5 Page 5 금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
6 What is SOA? Definition SOA is a design paradigm based on best practices that facilitates an integrated software infrastructure Goal To achieve loose coupling among interacting software assets Enables reuse and sharing of IT infrastructure including legacy, Java,.Net, and packaged applications & data sources Abstracts complexity of existing assets and presents standards-based, bu siness-oriented interfaces to other applications Traditional Architecture Functionality Driven Designed to last Long development cycles Tightly Coupled Application Specific Object Oriented Service-oriented Architecture Process Oriented Designed for change Iterative development Loosely Coupled Heterogeneous Message Oriented Page 6 Page 6 금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
7 SOA 의기대효과 SOA 를구축하면기존 IT 자원의재사용을통한유연성과민첩성을강화하여 IT 환경통합을더손쉽고빠르게구축할수있음. 소프트웨어의유연성과민첩성향상 코드변경대신에프로세스모델을변경 생산성과재사용성향상 기존비즈니스서비스의토대위에새로운기능구축 소프트웨어수명증가를통한높은 ROI 실현 기존서비스를이용할수있는재사용성 쉬운마이그레이션과좋은운영성 잘정의된인터페이스와미리정해진상호운영성 코드보다비즈니스로직에집중할수있는개발환경 서비스 (Interface) 중심의비즈니스로직구현가능 Page 7 Page 7 금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
8 What is a Service? Service is a software component of distinctive functional meaning that typically encapsulates a high-level business concept. It consists of several parts Service Source : Enterprise SOA, Prentice Hall Press Interface A -Operation 1 -Operation 2 -Operation 3 Implementation Service Contract 서비스정의및도출영역 Interface B -Operation 1 -Operation 2 Business Logic Data Data 개발영역 A service consists of both data and business logic along with interface and their descriptions Page 8 Page 8 금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
9 OO, CBD, Service SOA = CBD 서비스를나누는기준은기술적인관점이아니라비즈니스적인관점에서나눔 UML Use Case Diagram. Function Decomposition Diagram SOA = Modular + Distributed + Loosely Coupled Coarse Grained Service Business Perspective Component Component Technical Perspective Fine Grained Object Object Object Page 9 Page 9 금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
10 SOA 특징 서비스인터페이스 SOA 디자인에서는컴포넌트기능구현을위한설계는부차적인문제이고, 핵심적인사항은서비스인터페이스설계임. 즉, SOA는근본적으로서비스인터페이스들의흐름과이들의관계에관한것임. 블랙박스접근방식 서비스내부의디자인이나구현내용을모르더라도찾고사용하는데충분한정보를갖추어야함. 즉, 블랙박스적인속성을갖추어야한다는것임. 느슨한연계 (Loose coupling) 서비스가특정서비스사용자를염두에두고디자인되지않는것을말함. Page 10 Page 10금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
11 SOA 방향 SOA 는단순하게 Peer-to-Peer 방식에서 SOA 를기반으로한 BPM 으로적용되고있음. Process Enabled SOA Enterprise Layer Source : Enterprise SOA ( Prentice Hall ) Networked SOA Enterprise Layer App App App Process Layer Fundamental SOA Enterprise Layer App App App App App App Intermediary Layer.Net G/W CICS G/W MQ Intermediary Layer.Net G/W CICS G/W MQ Service Layer Service Service Service Service Layer Service Service Service Service Layer Service Service Service Page 11 Page 11금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
12 SOA 적용 Image PCS 고객 Non-PCS 고객 Wire 고객 SP/CP Service Portal Customer Service Billing Service Customer Interactive Service Channel Service CRM Service Composition/Orchestration Customer Process Billing Process Customer Interactive Process Channel Process CRM Process Shared Service Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Service 4 Service 5 Service 6 Service 7 Service 8 Components & Legacy Component Component Component Component Legacy Legacy Legacy 통신업계사례 Page 12 Page 12금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
13 1. What is SOA? 2. SOA Strategy & Maturity Model 3. SOA Implementation Methods Page 13 Page 13금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
14 SOA 를바라보는관점 SOA 에대한정의및관점에따라여러가지로해석될수도있으며가장포괄적인해석은재사용성을높이기위하여표준화된기술을이용한기업내의 IT 자원을서비스화하는총체적인활동이라할수있음. SOA is. 1) 쎅스폰을부는남자 2) 미녀의실루엣 1) EAI 를대체하는표준기술의 Integration 기술 2) IT 자산의서비스화를통한재사용성강화의품질활동 3) IT 를비즈니스관점으로의전환 4) Web Service 기술을통한표준기술적용 5) 웹의새로운표준 이미지출처 : Naver 관점에따라해석이다름 Page 14 Page 14금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
15 전사 Architecture 관점의 SOA SOA 는단순한표준기술을 (Web Service) 적용한 Service 적용이아닌전사 Architecture 관점의통합및표준정의, 재사용, 조합을통한 IT Architecture Agility를극대화하는것임. 통합 Architecture Framework 각 Layer 별로추구하는방향 Information Access Architecture 언제어디서나한번의 Log-In 을통해개인에게필요한모든기업정보에접근가능한환경 UI 표준 /Web Style Guide/Template 적용등 Business Processes Architecture Enterprise Data Architecture 프로세스지향형의모든단위업무가통합된시스템 Service 기반의 BPM 구현, BPP 통합 Data 기반의 Business Prccess 의 Service 화 통합데이터모델을통한모든 Data 가통합된 Single Source of Truth Datahub 개념의 Master/ 기준정보관리 Data Access Layer 의분리및독립 Technical Architecture Grid Computing 기반의저비용고효율의 IT Infrastructure 구축 Infra Service, Utility Service Page 15 Page 15금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
16 Key Underlying SOA Enablers 대부분의기업이제품을선정하고표준을정하면 SOA 를구현할수있는것으로오해하고있으며진정한 SOA 는전략수립부터제품의선정및구현, 관리등의일관된체제를필요로함. Key Underlying SOA Enablers Strategy Architecture Governance Information Organization Processes Technology Standards Delivery Operations Get Maximum Benefits 진정한 SOA 적용은전략수립부터제품의선정및적용그리고관련된체제, 조직, 프로세스확립을하여야완성이됨. Experiment and Learn 대부분의회사가 SOA 제품을도입했다고 SOA 적용을했다고함. 역으로벤더도 SOA 제품을납품하였다고 SOA 사례라고발표 Page 16 Page 16금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
17 SOA Success Strategy Engagement Scopes Think big, Start small : SOA 전략을수립하여순차적으로 ROI 산정이용이한영역부터적용 Planning Enterprise Scope Value/ Benefits Assessment Maturity Assessment & Improvement Candidate SOA Projects Org. Goals and Bus. Drivers SOA Biz Case /ROI Considerations SOA Project Selection SOA Tech. Infrastructure SOA Adoption Model Service Portfolio Planning Governance SOA Roadmap Project Scope SOA Project Delivery Best Practices Solution Requirements Biz Modeling / Service Discovery & Design SOA Ref. Architecture SOA Design Patterns Development Dev. Best Practices Physical Design SOA Appl. Scope Execution Page 17 Page 17금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
18 The Roadmap to SOA SOA 를도입하기위해서는적절한평가방법을이용하여 Maturity model 을적용하여적절한 Implementation 방안을제시하여야함. ASSESS COMPARE VALIDATE PREPARE IMPLEMENT Capability Matrix Maturity Model Metrics and Assumptions Adoption Roadmap Project Execution Readiness Assessment Gap Analysis Business Case Analysis Success Metrics Service & Process Portfolios SOA Success Methodology Page 18 Page 18금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
19 The Path to Level 5 SOA-Maturity Model Level 1 Opportunistic Organize and Strategize Level 2 Tactical Tactical SOA Implementations Level 3 Strategic Process Automation And Improvement With SOA Level 4 Enterprise SOA is Quantitatively Managed Level 5 SOA is industrialized Strategic Goals Tactical Plans Identify Simple quick win Projects Build Services Consume in Portal, BAM Sell Business on SOA Benefits Integrate Services Manage Services Business Process Automation Enterprise Architecture Group Driving SOA Measurement & Improvement Deploy BAM + BPEL for Measurement Be a leader in the industry eco-system and provide/ consume relevant services. Enable the virtual enterprise with business insight, and real time information access Examples Create_customer, Messaging, Error Handling Customer Data Integration Integrated Work Order Management Monitor End Customer SLAs Strategic SOA, B2B, B2C, A2A Page 19 *Source: Accenture + Oracle + The Hartford Page 19금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
20 Level 1 Opportunistic Technology Application Server Platforms Development Tools with Web Services Support Standards WSDL, SOAP, XML WSRP, JSR168 Example : Publish Inventory to Account Reps Inventory Portal Warehouse Management Page 20 Page 20금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
21 Level 2 Tactical INTEGRATION FLOW Siebel CRM Technology BPEL Process Orchestration Enterprise Service Bus Oracle Financi als Registry Web Services Management & Security Standards BPEL, WSIF, JMS, JCA UDDI WS-Security Consumers Web Phone 1 Services Packaged Application sfulfillment Center Customer Service Systems Business Partners 1 Security Monitoring Logging Auditing Apply Policies Page 21 Page 21금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
22 Level 3 Strategic Technology Business Process Modeling Business Rules Engines Data Hubs Integrated Services Environment Metadata Management Standards BPMN, BPEL Industry XML JSF Order submit CREATE ACTIVATION FLOW Applications Customer (DataHub) Order Validation (EJB 3.0)? Promotion Management (Business Rules)? Exception Management Portal Order Hospital BPEL (Human Workflow) Automated & Flexible Order Processing Page 22 Page 22금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
23 Level 4 Enterprise Technology Business Process Simulation Business Activity Monitoring Complex Event Processing Metadata Management Systems Grid Standards Service Component Architecture (SCA) WS-Addressing, WS- Eventing WS-Trust, WS Secure Conversations JSF Exception Rate SLA Management Order submit CREATE ACTIVATION FLOW? BPEL? Applications Customer (DataHub) Order Validation (EJB 3.0) Promotion Management (Business Rules) Exception Management Portal Order Hospital (Human Workflow) Event-Driven Exception Management Page 23 Page 23금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
24 Level 5 - Industrialized SOA Continuous Improvement & Innovation Page 24 Strategy Enable Business Insight, Real-time Information & Automation Achieve Agility with Feedback Architecture Enable Smoother Migration to SOA Governance Enable Automation Transition to Exception Handling Processes Organization Continue to Drive Innovation Page 24금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
25 SOA Maturity 프로젝트에서는 Risk, Schedule, Budget 등을고려하여달성가능한목표 Level 를설정및추진하여 Business Agility 를향상 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Scope & Level Opportunistic (Organize and Strategize) Tactical (Tactical SOA Implementations) Strategic (Process Automation And Improvement With SOA) Enterprise (SOA is Quantitatively Managed) Over and above Enterprise (SOA is industrialized) Strategy Goals Identify Simple quick win Sell Business on SOA Benefits Business Process Automation Measurement& Improvement Be a leader in the industry eco-system and provide/ consume relevant services. Tactical Plans Build Services Integrate Services Enterprise Architecture Group Driving SOA Deploy BAM + BPEL for Measurement Enable the virtual enterprise with business insight, and real time information access Technology Application Server Platforms Development Tools with Web Services Support BPEL Process Orchestration Enterprise Service Bus Registry Web Services Management & Security Business Process Modeling Business Rules Engines Data Hubs Integrated Services Environment Metadata Management Business Process Simulation Business Activity Monitoring Complex Event Processing Metadata Management Systems Grid Enable Business Insight, Real-time Information & Automation Achieve Agility with Feedback Page 25 Page 25금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
26 1. What is SOA? 2. SOA Strategy & Maturity Model 3. SOA Implementation Methods Page 26 Page 26금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
27 SOA Realization Process Enterprise Scope Service Portfolio Planning Service Discovery Project Scope Service Classification Service Specification Application Scope Service Acquisition (Implementation Or 3 rd Party) Page 27 Page 27금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
28 Service Classification 서비스의분류체계는기업및선정된제품에따라적절하게분류되어져야하며기업의핵심이되는서비스에대하여정확한개념으로정리되어져야함. Service Classification - Sample Functionality-based (what does the service provide) Infrastructure services (ex. DNS lookup) Data services (ex. federated query) Business logic services (ex. fraud-check algorithm) Utility services (ex. transformation or routing) Information system services (ex. an ERP functionality) Process control services (ex. an approval process) UI services (ex. a pre-packaged portlet) Usage-based (who typically uses the service) High-level Business Services (ex. PO processing) Supporting Business Services (ex. PO approval workflow) High-level Technology Services (ex. User lookup) Supporting Technology Services (ex. Logging) Construction-based (how the service is put together) Simple Services (ex. a web service provided OUB by app.) Wrapped Services (ex. a WS invoking invoicing in an ERP app.) Composite Services (ex. a loan origination combining credit check and loan bids from multiple banks) Invocation-based (how the service is accessed) Synchronous/Asynchronous (ex. request/reply to specific service) Event-based (ex. notifications for any interested party to consume) Page 28 Page 28금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
29 Service Granularity Service 의크기를결정하는것은매우중요함 Right-Sizing of services. Considerations in service granularity: Loose-Coupling Abstraction Manageability Too many low level services can lead to proliferation of inter-dependent services that are hard to manage. Business Value Every service must provide additional value, and not merely exist as an implementation detail. Page 29 Page 29금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
30 SOA Implementation Workshop 1. WHY? 2. WHAT? 3. HOW? CONCRETE GOAL SETTING BUSINESS-IT ALIGNMENT SOLUTION SPECIFICATION SOLUTION REALIZATION Business Goals (BG) & Knowledge SOA Vision & Expertise Service Discovery Analysis & Logical Design (Design Best Practices) Discovery & Mapping Functional & Operational Specifications Solution Schematics (At different levels of detail) EBPs, KBRs MAP KBR vs. BGs Process Portfolio Service Portfolio Implementation Design (Product Best Practices) KTRs MAP KTRs vs. KBRs MAP Req. vs. SOA Solution Spec. (Incl. a HLA) Implementation details Deployment Architecture Page 30 Page 30금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
31 Service Discovery Methods 각방법을상황별로혼용하여사용하는전략이필요함. In this approach, the business requirements are decomposed iteratively to discover the services required. Define App domain Model biz process Service = Process Activity Inter-Domain Service Top Down 비즈니스요구사항이필요한서비스를도출할때까지반복적으로분해 (decomposed) 하는방법 기존시스템을거의사용하지않는새로운응용프로그램개발프로젝트 (greenfield project) 나기업전반에SOA를적용하는기획 (enterprise-wide planning) 단계에적절함 이방법만사용할경우실제적용에있어서서비스의크기 (Service Granularity) 문제에직면할수있음 Bottom Up In this approach, the existing services and systems are evaluated to catalog the existing services. These services are analyzed to arrive at what services can be composed from these services. The process is iterated to finally arrive at the catalog of Business Services. Define Data Model Design CRUD Service = Assembly of CRUD Intra-Application Service 기존에존재하고있는서비스나시스템을평가하여기존서비스로등록기존서비스를조합하여새로운서비스를만들수있는가를분석 Business Service catalog 가완성될때까지반복 Bottom-up 분석은다른기법에더해거의항상유용하게쓰일수있는방법으로, 존재하고있는서비스에대한 Catalog 를만듦으로써갭 - 분석 (gap analysis) 이가능하게한다. Business Event Driven In this approach, the lifecycle of a particular business event is followed to discover what services are needed to process the event through its lifecycle. The process is then iterated for each key business event. 특정비즈니스이벤트 ( 예 : 계좌소멸, 대출신청, 등 ) 의생명주기전반에걸쳐필요한개별이벤트를나열하고해당이벤트를처리하는있어서어떠한서비스가필요한지를발굴한다. 이과정을모든핵심비즈니스이벤트에대해서반복한다. Business Event Driven 분석방법은기업이만들어놓은서비스포트폴리오가충분한지를검증하는데도움을준다. Page 31 Page 31금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
32 Top-Down Domain Decomposition 비즈니스요구사항이필요한서비스를도출할때까지반복적으로분해 (decomposed) 하는방법으로기업전반에 SOA 를적용하는기획 (enterprise-wide planning) 단계에적절함 Services Retail Customer Business Domain Order Information Store Inventory Reverse Logistics Get Store Inventory Get Backroom Inventory Scrap Info Operations Page 32 Page 32금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
33 Bottom Up Analysis 기존에존재하고있는서비스나시스템을평가하여기존서비스로등록하거나기존서비스를조합하여새로운서비스를만들수있는가를분석하는방법. Page 33 Page 33금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
34 Business Process Tracing 특정비즈니스이벤트 ( 예 : 계좌생성, 대출신청, 등 ) 의 Lifecycle 전반에걸쳐필요한개별내외부이벤트를나열하고해당이벤트를처리하는있어서어떠한서비스가필요한지를발굴한다. Page 34 Page 34금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
35 Service Discovery Method-Summary SOA Implementation 에서의핵심은 Service 를어떻게발견하고 Service 의크기를 (Granularity) 나누는것에달려있음 Project Type/Scope Top Down Bottom Up Business Event Driven Green Field - - Enterprise Wide Re-Use Existing - Increase Re-Use Departmental Project - Applicability : High, Moderate, Low, - None Page 35 Page 35금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
36 Incrementally growing size and scope of SOA 현재 ROI 혹은검증된 Service Size 에대한것은없음. 그러므로기업의적용범위및내용에따라적절한목표를설정하여진행하는것이적합함. Small Medium Large Extra Large # of Published Service < 25 < 100 < 500 > 1,000 # of Service Consumers < 5 < 25 < 50 > 100 # of Service calls/day < 10,000 < 100,000 < 1,000,000 > 1,000,000 # of Service Developers < 10 < 20 < 100 > 100 Scope Single App Inter-App Business Unit Enterprise SOA Backplane Progr. IS, WS ESB Progr. IS, ESB ORB, TP, ESB, MOM ORB, TPM, ESB, MOM, IBS Experimental Mainstream Leading Edge Source : Gartner Page 36 Page 36금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
37 Iteration & MGPP SOA 구현 Project 에서는 6Sigma 의 NPI (New Product Initiative) 의 MGPP (Multi Generation Product process) 방법처럼여러차례에걸쳐완성된시스템을구축하는 Iteration 방법이절대적으로필요함. MGPP Iteration Methods Inception time R 다세대제품개발프로세스 제품에대한요구정의 LO 제품 Concept 개발 R Elaboration D C 제품과공정설계 R T D C 지속적인시장관찰, 평가와고객 Needs 분석 Field Test 및고객평가 Construction 신제품출시 피드백과평가 제품과공정설계 Field Test 및고객평가 Transition LA IOC SP T R D C R T D C R T D C T R D C R T 신제품출시 D C T Production S SO 피드백과평가 제품과공정설계 Field Test 및고객평가 신제품출시 Page 37 Page 37금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
38 Oracle SOA 적용방법론 Oracle 의 OUM (Oracle Unified Methods) 는 UP (Unified Process) 를근간으로 Iteration 한방법으로 Service 를발굴및적용이가능하며방법론은제품의역량못지않게중요한요소임. Page 38 Page 38금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
39 Getting Ready for SOA : R&R SOA 를구현하기위해서는기존의 R&R 과는다른개념의 R&R 이필요함. Role Architecture Team Business Analyst QA Team SOA Team Standardization Team Development Team Integration Team Responsibility Update Architecture Blueprint to enable SOA Define SOA Pattern, Standards and Guideline Setup and manage the service definition process Select proper technology and tools Identify Service / Define size of service granularity Identify message In/Out / Define user requirement End-To-End testing and validation Best support and establish the SOA in the enterprise Guide service define & service development Identify & Design Common component & Design Implement Service / Develop consumer application Change Management Support Service Developer / Implementation SOA Backplane Management of Service Registry Desc Chief Data/Application/Te chnology/service Senior CBD 개발의 Role 참조 ( UI 개발자, Data Handling 개발자, Biz Logic 개발자 ) SOA Product Admin & Implementation Page 39 Page 39금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
40 SOA Do : Applying SOA 다음의영역에 SOA 를적용하면 ROI 및효과가큼 Simple internal integration Rich internal integration Multi channel application Business process automation Multi-interaction channel (multi CRM) Portal (UI) integration and simplification - compare to client/server Core business flexibility Business visibility and information access Business process outsourcing. Page 40 Page 40금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
41 SOA Don t : Anti Patterns SOA 는모든분야에맹목적으로적용을금하며 Service 도출기준에의한부분적인적용이가장권장됨 Do not wrap every interface (API) into a service Do not assume web service development as the same as SOA Do not use proprietary technology for SOA Do not attempt SOA without involving the users Do not blindly apply SOA to every project Page 41 Page 41금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
42 SOA True & Falsehood SOA 는전혀새로운개념이아님표준 Interface 규약을정한다고모든 Apps를바로적용가능한것은아님 SOA 는 Layer의증가로성능의문제를야기할수있음전통적인개념으로 SOA 를접근한다면아무런 Benefit을얻을수없음모든분야전영역을 SOA 로한다는생각은금물새로운 IT 기술보다는좋은 Project Management가더욱더좋은시스템을만들어냄 ( Communication / 변화관리 / Skill전환 / 조직 / Vision / Top의지원등 ) Page 42 Page 42금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
43 Q & A 궁금한것은 으로 Page 43 Page 43금일배포된 CD에는본자료가포함되어있지않습니다. 에서 Down 받으시기바랍니다.
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2003 CRM (Table of Contents). CRM. 2003. 2003 CRM. CRM . CRM CRM,,, Modeling Revenue Legacy System C. V. C. C V.. = V Calling Behavior. Behavior al Value Profitability Customer Value Function Churn scoring
327 Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology ISSN 1598-3986(Print) VOL.24, NO.2, Apr. 2014 ISSN 2288-2715(Online) 개인정보 DB 암호화
Security Overview
May. 14, 2004 Background Security Issue & Management Scope of Security Security Incident Security Organization Security Level Security Investment Security Roadmap Security Process Security Architecture
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오라클의 실시간기업 (Real-Time Enterprise) 구현전략 1 최종욱팀장 BI/DW 팀기술영업컨설팅본부한국오라클 목차 RTE 개요 RTE 정의 주요구성요소 오라클의 RTE 구축지원전략 IDE 소개 오라클의역할 요약및 Q&A 3 RTE 개요 RTE 정의및주요구성요소 4 RTE(Real-Time Enterprise) 란? an enterprise that
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Smartphone Technical Trends and Security Technologies The smartphone market is increasing very rapidly due to the customer needs and industry trends with wireless carriers, device manufacturers, OS venders,
E-BI Day Presentation
E-Business Intelligence Agenda Issue E-BI Architecture ORACLE E-BI Solutions ORACLE E-BI ORACLE E-BI I. Issue? KPI. (KPI ). Jeff Henley, CFO, Oracle Corporation I. Issue? I. Issue Many Sources, Users,and
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SAP ERP 2006.6.14 SAP Korea / Public & IT ( 1/2 )? 94% 6% SAP Korea 2006, SAP ERP 2 업무프로세스혁신을통한차별화 ( 차별화된가치 ) 가관건입니다. 하지만현실은 SAP Korea 2006, SAP ERP 3 SAP Korea 2006, SAP ERP 4 2010 The Public Sector Commitment
이제는 쓸모없는 질문들 1. 스마트폰 열기가 과연 계속될까? 2. 언제 스마트폰이 일반 휴대폰을 앞지를까? (2010년 10%, 2012년 33% 예상) 3. 삼성의 스마트폰 OS 바다는 과연 성공할 수 있을까? 지금부터 기업들이 관심 가져야 할 질문들 1. 스마트폰은
Enterprise Mobility 경영혁신 스마트폰, 웹2.0 그리고 소셜라이프의 전략적 활용에 대하여 Enterpise2.0 Blog : 1 이경상 모바일생산성추진단 단장/경영공학박사 이제는 쓸모없는 질문들 1. 스마트폰 열기가 과연 계속될까? 2. 언제 스마트폰이 일반 휴대폰을 앞지를까? (2010년 10%, 2012년 33%
Contents KOREA COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Chorus Wholesale & lnternational Retail Gen-i AAPT Technology & Shared Services Corporate Centre
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Post - Internet Marketing Contents. Internet Marketing. Post - Internet Marketing Trend. Post - Internet Marketing. Paradigm. . Internet Marketing Internet Interactive Individual Interesting International
歯이시홍).PDF Si-Hong Lee SK Telecom Platform - 1 - 1. Digital AMPS CDMA (IS-95 A/B) CDMA (cdma2000-1x) IMT-2000 (IS-95 C) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) - 2 - 2. QoS Market QoS Coverage C/D
2008년 국내외 SW 시장 전망 2007. 12. 24 오는 2008 년 전 세계 주요국의 경제성장이 둔화될 것으로 전망되고 있는 가운데, 전 세계 IT 수요 역시 소폭 감소할 것으로 전망되고 있다. IDC는 세계 경기의 불확실 성과 경기 하강의 위험으로 미국을 비롯한 여타 지역의 IT 투자 증가세가 꺾일 것으 로 전망하면서, 전 세계 IT 시장 성장률은
Web Windows NT/2000 Server DP&NM Lab 1 Contents 2 Windows NT Service Provider Management Application Web UI 3 . PC,, Client/Server Network 4 (1),,, PC Mainframe PC Backbone Server TCP/IP DCS PLC Network
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정보기술응용학회 발표
, hsh@bhknuackr, trademark21@koreacom 1370, +82-53-950-5440 - 476 - :,, VOC,, CBML - Abstract -,, VOC VOC VOC - 477 - - 478 - Cost- Center [2] VOC VOC, ( ) VOC - 479 - IT [7] Knowledge / Information Management
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2000. 10. 30. ETRI Introduction Clearing. Internet Clearing,,,. B2C B2B,,. Gartner Group Non-EDI B2B ecommerce 2000 1240, 2003 7467 B2B Biller 70% e-billing, 2003 electronic Bill presentment 40 IDC Report
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IBM Partner Program March, 2012 Jaemin, Lee SWG Channels, IBM Korea SWG Channels 2012 IBM Corporation Agenda IBM Korea SWG Channels Software Value Plus Software Value Incentive Revalidation 2 IBM Software
Introduction to execution strategy and case study for R&D Process Innovation Woocheol Jeong, Soyoung Moon Abstract The corporate research and development has a primary role of developing new products,
leehj@nca 1 : 2 : / 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 2 1 : 1.? 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 1.? " MOU (ISO, IEC, ITU, UN/ECE) Electronic Business A generic term covering information definition and exchange requirements
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IBM Software Group IBM ( IBM IBM Agenda 1. 2. 3. IBM 4. Summary IBM Agenda 1. 2. 3. IBM 4. Summary IBM :, (,, ). IBM vs. The age of business process reengineering The age of on demand
1. BSC, Cycle [Uncertainty Issue], P What To Do? -, IT Process ing Issue ( Key Initiative) [Decision Making Issue] Workout -Brain Storming - Logic Tre
1. BSC, 2. BSC 3. 4. CSF 5. 1 1. BSC, Cycle [Uncertainty Issue], P What To Do? -, IT Process ing Issue ( Key Initiative) [Decision Making Issue] Workout -Brain Storming - Logic Tree Process ing What To
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고객DB로 가치를 창출해 내는 CRM 컨설팅 제안? 현장 CRM 컨설팅? 분석 CRM 컨설팅 AGENDA I. I. 공영 DBM 소개 II. II. III. III. IV. 컨설팅 구성 컨설팅 추진 방법론 CRM 컨설팅 사례 V. V. 컨설턴트 소개 -1- I-1 공영DBM 서비스 범위 I. 공영 DBM 소개? 공영DBM은 CRM Portal 전문기업으로써,
3. 클라우드 컴퓨팅 상호 운용성 기반의 서비스 평가 방법론 개발.hwp
보안공학연구논문지 Journal of Security Engineering Vol.11, No.4 (2014), pp.299-312 클라우드 컴퓨팅 상호 운용성 기반의 서비스 평가 방법론 개발 이강찬 1), 이승윤 2), 양희동 3), 박철우 4) Development of Service
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(보험TM) 소개서 2015.12 대표전화 : 070 ) 7405 1700 팩스 : 02 ) 6012 1784 홈 페이지 : 목 차 01. Framework 02. Application 03. 회사 소개 01. Framework 1) Architecture Server Framework Client Framework
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Reasons for Poor Performance Programs 60% Design 20% System 2.5% Database 17.5% Source: ORACLE Performance Tuning 1 SMS TOOL DBA Monitoring TOOL Administration TOOL Performance Insight Backup SQL TUNING
OZ-LMS TM OZ-LMS 2008 OZ-LMS 2006 OZ-LMS Lite Best IT Serviece Provider OZNET KOREA Management Philosophy & Vision Introduction OZNETKOREA IT Mission Core Values KH IT ERP Web Solution IT SW 2000 4 3 508-2
목순 차서 v KM의 현황 v Web2.0 의 개념 v Web2.0의 도입 사례 v Web2.0의 KM 적용방안 v 고려사항 1/29
Web2.0의 EKP/KMS 적용 방안 및 사례 2008. 3. OnTheIt Consulting Knowledge Management Strategic Planning & Implementation Methodology 목순 차서 v KM의 현황 v Web2.0 의 개념 v Web2.0의 도입 사례 v Web2.0의 KM 적용방안 v 고려사항 1/29 현재의
학습영역의 Taxonomy에 기초한 CD-ROM Title의 효과분석
,, Even the short history of the Web system, the techniques related to the Web system have b een developed rapidly. Yet, the quality of the Webbased application software has not improved. For this reason,
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KNOM Tutorial 2005 IT서비스관리 기술 (ITIL & ITSM) 2005. 11. 25 COPYRIGHT c 2005 SK C&C CO. LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 목 차 1. Definition 3 2. Trends 10 3. IT Infrastructure Library(ITIL) 15 4. Service Desk 26
老 老 說 李 理 領 1. (Motion Planning) 理 (Geometric Reasoning) 2. (Artificial Life) 3D 3. (Distributed Virtual Environment) 4. 數 (Affective Computer for Digital Home) 5. Grid Computing 6. 1. (Motion planning/geometric
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SK IoT IoT SK IoT onem2m OIC IoT onem2m LG IoT SK IoT KAIST NCSoft Yo Studio tidev kr 5 SK IoT DMB SK IoT A M LG SDS 6 OS API 7 ios API API BaaS Backend as a Service IoT IoT ThingPlug SK IoT SK M2M M2M
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HSN 2001 Workshop Session IX Service Providers and Business Model Future Business Models for Telecom Industry 1. Internet Economy 2. E-business 3. Internet Economy 4.? 1 1. Internet Economy 1.1 Internet
IBM blue-and-white template
쌍용자동차 CATIA V5 적용사례 쌍용자동차기술관리팀안재민 AGENDA 1. SYMC PRODUCT LINE UP 2. SYMC PDM Overview 3. CV5 & PDM Implementation Overview 4. PDM을이용한 CV5 Relational Design 5. 향후과제 6. Q & A 2 Presentation Title 1 2 1.
S Special Report ORACLE이 주도하는 MODERN MARKETING의 세계 각하게 고민하게 되었다. 유통채널인 Place 요소의 혁신적 변화는 최근 O2O(Online To Offline)나 Omni - Channel 혁신이라는 Keyword로 많이 회
S SPECIAL REPORT Oracle이 주도하는 MODERN MARKETING의 세계 기업의 Marketer들은 고객에게 자사의 상품이나 서비스의 판매를 극대화하기 위해 전통적으로 Marketing Mix라는 4P 요소들 (Products, Price, Place, Promotion)을 통해 전략을 수립하고 실행하기 위한 고민을 해왔다. 최근 이 네 가지
182 183 184 / 1) IT 2) 3) IT Video Cassette Recorder VCR Personal Video Recorder PVR VCR 4) 185 5) 6) 7) Cloud Computing 8) 186 VCR P P Torrent 9) avi wmv 10) VCR 187 VCR 11) 12) VCR 13) 14) 188 VTR %
1. 회사소개 및 연혁 - 회사소개 회사소개 회사연혁 대표이사: 한종열 관계사 설립일 : 03. 11. 05 자본금 : 11.5억원 인 원 : 18명 에스오넷 미도리야전기코리 아 미도리야전기(일본) 2008 2007 Cisco Premier Partner 취득 Cisco Physical Security ATP 취득(진행) 서울시 강남구 도심방범CCTV관제센터
Procurement Extended IP Business Application Business Application Business Application Business Application Business Application Internet Business Application Sourcing Market efficiency Private e-marketplace
` Companies need to play various roles as the network of supply chain gradually expands. Companies are required to form a supply chain with outsourcing or partnerships since a company can not
Oracle Internet Procurement Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction Oracle Solution Overview Oracle Internet Procurement Value Proposition Reference Conclusion e-procurement, E- Commerce Internet Automated Transactions
The Intranet Data Warehouse Richard Tanler Ch4 : Online Analytic Processing: From Data To Information 2000. 4. 14 All rights reserved OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP is a label, rather than a technology
20(53?)_???_O2O(Online to Offline)??? ???? ??.hwp
O2O(Online to Offline)서비스 전략방향 연구 - 모바일 사용자 경험 디자인(UX Design)을 중심으로 - O2O(Online to Offline) Service Strategy Research -Focusing on Mobile UX Design- 주저자 김 형 모 Kim, Hyung-mo BK21플러스 다빈치 창의융합인재양성사업단 BK21Plus
I What is Syrup Store? 1. Syrup Store 2. Syrup Store Component 3.
Deep-Dive into Syrup Store Syrup Store I What is Syrup Store? Open API Syrup Order II Syrup Store Component III Open API I What is Syrup Store? 1. Syrup Store 2. Syrup Store Component 3. 가맹점이 특정 고객을 Targeting하여
첨 부 1. 설문분석 결과 2. 교육과정 프로파일 169
첨부 168 첨 부 1. 설문분석 결과 2. 교육과정 프로파일 169 Ⅰ-1. 설문조사 개요 Ⅰ. 설문분석 결과 병무청 직원들이 생각하는 조직문화, 교육에 대한 인식, 역량 중요도/수행도 조사를 인터넷을 통해 실 시 총 1297명의 응답을 받았음 (95% 신뢰수준에 표본오차는 ±5%). 조사 방법 인터넷 조사 조사 기간 2005년 5월 4일 (목) ~ 5월