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1 ISSN 한국우주과학회보 Bulletin of The Korean Space Science Society 제23권 2호 2014년 10월 사 단 법 인 한 국 우 주 과 학 회 The Korean Space Science Society

2 한 국 우 주 과 학 회 임 원 회 장: 민경욱 (과기원, , 부 회 장: 김용기 (충북대, , 김호일 (천문연, , 최기혁 (항우연, , 총무이사: 문홍규 (천문연, , 학술이사: 이 유 (충남대, , 재무이사: 조중현 (천문연, , 이 사 강영운 (세종대, , 경재만 (천문연, , 김천휘 (충북대, , 박상영 (연세대, , 박장현 (천문연, , 박재우 (전자연, , 박필호 (천문연, , 손영종 (연세대, , 심은섭 (항우연, , 이대영 (충북대, , 이병선 (전자연, , 진 호 (경희대, , 한원용 (천문연, , 감 사 천문석 (연세대, , 양종만 (이화여대, , 편집위원회 위원장 이 유 (충남대, , 부위원장 이은상 (경희대, , 위 원 김방엽 (항우연, , 김상혁 (천문연, , 나자경 (천문연, , 박찬덕 (연세대, , 이대희 (천문연, , 이병선 (ETRI, , 이수창 (충남대, , 이재진 (천문연, , 이주희 (항우연, , 이지윤 (과기원, , 임홍서 (천문연, , 지건화 (극지연, , 최영준 (천문연, , 최인호 (연세대, , Chung Yue Hui (Chungnam National University, Daejeon Korea) Xinlin Li (University of Colorado, Boulder USA) Tapas Kumar Das (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Calcutta India) Edward F. Guinan (Villanova University, Pennsylvania USA) Boonrucksar Soonthornthum (Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai Thailand) Paul A. Evenson (University of Delaware, Newark USA) David Ruffolo (Mahidol University, Bangkok Thailand) Jeongwoo Lee (New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark USA) Eunhwa Kim (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton USA) 포상위원회 위원장 한원용 (천문연, , 위 원 문홍규 (천문연, , 윤태석 (항우연, , 이 유 (충남대, , 진 호 (경희대, , 학술대회준비위원회 위원장 이대영 (충북대, , 위 원 김방엽 (항우연, , 이재우 (천문연, , 이주희 (항우연, , 최영준 (천문연, , 사무처 사무과장: 고미희 (학회, , 편집간사: 김숙경 (학회, , 사단법인 한국우주과학회 서울시 서대문구 신촌동 134 연세대학교 천문대 내 Tel: (042) Fax: (042) Homepage: 이 발표논문집은 2014년도 정부재원(교육과학기술부)으로 한국과학기술단체총연합회의 지원을 받아 발간되었음

3 ISSN 한국우주과학회보 Bulletin of The Korean Space Science Society 제23권 2호 2014년 10월 사 단 법 인 한 국 우 주 과 학 회 The Korean Space Science Society


5 차 례 2014년 가을학술대회 일정표 (CONFERENCE PROGRAM) 7 구두발표 논문제목 및 시간표 (PAPER TITLES) 13 포스터발표 논문제목 (POSTER TITLES) 27 구두발표논문 초록 (ABSTRACTS) 39 포스터발표논문 초록 (ABSTRACTS-POSTER) 73 프로시딩 (PROCEEDINGS) 109 (사) 한국우주과학회 정관 및 규정 163 (사) 한국우주과학회 제 32차 정기총회 177 연구홍보 / 광고 198 <사단법인 한국우주과학회 입회 안내> 사단법인 한국우주과학회는 천문 우주과학 및 관련분야에 종사하는 여러분의 입회를 환영합니다. 우리 학회에 입회를 희망하시는 분은 입회원서 양식에 인적사항을 기재하시어 학회로 보내주시거나 홈페이지에서 가입하시고 입회비와 년회비는 학회 은행계좌로 송금하시기 바랍니다. 보낼곳: 한국우주과학회 서울시 서대문구 연세로 50 연세대학교 천문대 내 전화 팩스 은행계좌: 국민은행 우리은행 예 금 주 한국우주과학회 회비납부안내 회원구분 입회비 연회비 학생회원(학부생) 정회원 평의원 이사,감사 부회장 회 장 기관회원 - 10,000원 ,000원 30,000원 60,000원 100,000원 300,000원 500,000원 50,000원 회원의 구분은 정관 제6조에 의거하며, 변 경된 연회비는 2013년 제1차 이사회에서 개 정된 사항입니다. 뒷면의 입회원서를 복사하여 사용해 주십시오.

6 입 회 원 서 성 명 한글 생 년 월 일 년 월 일 성 별 남 여 영문 주민등록번호 - 자택주소 우편번호 전 화 직장주소 우편번호 전 화 이동전화 직 장 명 직 위 학위명 입학년도 학위취득일 학교명 전 공 학 력 경 력 연구 업적 위 본인은 귀 학회의 설립 목적과 취지에 찬동하여 이에 회원 가입을 신청합니다. 년 월 일 신청인: (인) 위 사람을 귀 학회의 회원으로 추천합니다(참고: 정관 7조 1항에 따라 추천인은 우리 학회 정회원이면 누구나 가능합니다). 추천인 : 직장 및 직위 성명 (인) 추천인 : 직장 및 직위 성명 (인) 사단법인 한국우주과학회 귀중

7 한국우주과학회 2014년 가을학술대회 일정표 일 시 : (수) ~ (금) 장 소 : 제주 샤인빌 리조트 발표논문 : 초청강연 3편, 구두발표 130편, 포스터발표 145편, 총 278편 발표시간 : 초청강연(40분), 연구발표(15분) 4세션 동시 진행 포스터발표 : (수) 13:00 ~ 31(금) 09:00 사단법인 한국우주과학회

8 등록 및 교통 안내 1. 등록 정회원의 등록비는 120,000원이며, 학생회원과 정회원 중 석.박 사과정(전일제) 학생은 60,000원입니다. 사전등록을 하신 회원 은 등록자 명부에 서명 후 학회보, 명찰, 등록비 영수증(계산서) 을 수령하시기 바랍니다. 2. 회원 가입 회원가입을 원하시는 분은 학회 홈페이지에서 회원가입신청 후 입회원서를 인쇄하여 추천인(2인) 서명을 받아 학회 사무국으로 송부하여 주시고 입회비와 연회비는 학회계좌로 송금하여 주시 기 바랍니다. 입회비: 10,000원, 연회비: 30,000원 (학부학생회원은 입회비 면제, 연회비는 10,000원)입니다. 학회계좌: 국민은행 우리은행 예금주 한국우주과학회 3. 발표자료 준비 구두발표: 발표자료는 파워포인트 파일로 준비하시기 바랍니다. 포스터발표: 회원들이 시간적 여유를 가지고 포스터를 관람할 수 있도록 10월 29일(수) 13시까지 지정된 장소에 게시하여 주시 고, 31일(금) 09시에 수거하여 주시기 바랍니다. 집중발표 시간 에 발표자는 자신의 포스터 앞에서 회원들의 질문에 답할 수 있도록 준비해 주시기 바랍니다. 포스터를 부착하지 않거나 학회 종료 후 수거하지 않은 회원은 추후 학회발표가 제한될 수 있습 니다(2006년 3차 이사회 결정). 5. 교통 가. 주소 : 제주도 남제주군 표선면 일주동로 (Tel : ) 나. 찾아오시는 길 공항무료셔틀버스 이용(예약자만 탑승 가능) -예약 : 탑승장소: 대형버스 주차장 C10 -소요시간: 50분 구분 공항 리조트 공항출발 리조트 공항 리조트출발 1회차 10:30 09:00 2회차 13:30 12:00 3회차 15:30 13:30 4회차 17:00 15:30 5회차 20:30 18:30 승용차 이용 -제주공항 신제주 농업시험장 제주대교차로 비자림로 소인국미니월드 수망리교차로 남원파출소 태흥리 수농원 샤인빌 럭셔리 리조트 자세한 내용은 리조트 홈페이지를 참조 4. 발표장 발표형식 구분 분과명 구두발표 포스터 발표 포스터 발표 1발표장 (팜파스) 2발표장 (오피리스) 3발표장 (아잘레아) 4발표장 (바이올렛) 신관 로비 1,2층 초청강연, 태양 및 우주환경I, 태양 및 우주환경II, 큐브위성 특별I, 큐브위성 특별II, 달과학 특별I, 달과 학 특별II, 우주전파국제컨퍼런스I, 우주전파국 제컨퍼런스II, 태양 및 우주환경III, 태양 및 우주환경IV, Sun, 태양 및 우주환경V 우주천문I, 우주천문II, 우주천문III, IonosphereI, 우주환경국내위성자료 활용 특별, Space Optoelectronics 특별, 우주기술/응용 I, 우주기술/응용 II, 우주전파국제컨퍼런스III 8 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 23(2), Oct 2014

9 PROGRAM 2014 KSSS FALL CONFERENCE PROGRAM 11:00 12:00~ Registration Open Lunch 13:00~13:10 Opening Ceremony (PAMPAS) Plenary Session / Invited Speech I : Yoshifumi Saito 13:10~13:50 13:50~14:00 Chair : Junga Hwang (KASI) / Room : PAMPAS Coffee Break ROOM PAMPAS OPHRYS AZALEA VIOLET Session I Space Weather Int'l Sun/Space Environment I Space Astronomy I Space Tech/Applications I Conference I Chair : Young-Sook Lee Chair : Young-Soo Kim Chair : Eun-Jung Choi Chair : Dong-Hun Lee (KASI) (KASI) (KASI) (KHU) 14:00~14:15 Kwangsun Ryu Terry Onsager Wonyong Han Youngseok Oh 14:15~14:30 Kwang-Seob Jeong Rodney Viereck Woong-Seob Jeong Eun-Joo Kwon 14:30~14:45 Jong-Min Choi Kent Tobiska Bongkon Moon Chang Ho Kim October 29 (Wed.) 14:45~15:00 Hee-Eun Kim Jae Woo Park Kyeongyeon Ko Ki Ryeok Yong 15:00~15:15 Tae-Yong Yang Sunhak Hong Ueejeong Jeong Ho-cheol Jeon 15:15~15:30 Ho-Sung Choi Minhee Kang Jin Woo 15:30~15:40 Session II Coffee Break Space Weather Int'l Sun/Space Environment II Space Astronomy II Space Tech/Applications II Conference II Chair : Junga Hwang Chair : Sang-Hyeon Ahn Chair : Ki Ryeok Yong Chair : Jae Woo Park (KASI) (KASI) (KARI) (WeSPACE) 15:40~15:55 Eunjin Choi Huiseong Gu Jang-Ho Park Jo Ryeong Yim 15:55~16:10 Dong-Hee Lee Eun-Gwi Park Min-Ji Jeong Jeong-Yeol Han 16:10~16:25 Sang-Yun Lee Sunhee Woo Byeong-Hee Mihn Kyung Yun Choi 16:25~16:40 Ensang Lee Jaeyeol Lee Junhyeok Jeon Byung-hoon Lee 16:40~16:55 Junhyun Lee Seon Young Ham Youn-Kyu Kim 16:55~17:10 Cheong Rim Choi Sang Hyuk Kim Eun-Jung Choi 17:10~17:25 Min-Soo Lee 17:25~17:40 Hyungkyu Jang 8:30 ROOM PAMPAS OPHRYS Registration Open AZALEA VIOLET Session III Space Weather Int'l CubeSat (Special) I Sun/Space Environment III Ionosphere I (Int'l) Conference III Chair : Sanghyuck Han Chair : Cheong Rim Choi Chair : Young-Sil Kwak Chair : Jong-Kyun Chung (KARI) (KAIST) (KASI) (KASI) 09:00~09:15 Sanghyuck Han Kang-Woo Yi 09:00~09:20 Larry J. Paxton(Invt) Jong-Tae An October 30 (Thu.) 09:15~09:30 Dongyeop Shin Hyuck-Jin Kwon 09:20~09:35 Woo Kyoung Lee Young-Min Lim 09:30~09:45 Jae-Pil Park Khan-Hyuk Kim 09:35~09:55 Yuichi Otsuka(Invt) Jun-Chul Mun 09:45~10:00 EunJi Lee Gi-Jeong Kim 09:55~10:10 Sunkara Eswaraiah Yong-Hoi Park 10:00~10:15 Kwangwon Lee Jiwon Choi 10:10~10:30 Hyosub Kil(Invt) Jeong-Nyun Kim 10:15~10:30 Young-Bum Song Eunsu Park 10:30~10:45 Nicholas Ssessanga Sung-ho Lee 10:30~10:45 Jin-Soo Kim 10:45~11:00 Young-Sook Lee Jun-Chul Mun 10:45~11:00 Seung-Yong Yeom 11:00~11:20 11:20~12:00 Photo Time Plenary Session / Invited Speech II : Larry J. Paxton / Chair : Hyosub Kil (JHU APL) / Room: PAMPAS 12:00~13:30 Lunch 한국우주과학회보 제23권 2호, 2014년 10월 9

10 PROGRAM ROOM PAMPAS OPHRYS AZALEA VIOLET Session IV CubeSat (Special) II Chair : Joo Hee Lee (KARI) Sun/Space Environment IV Chair : Ensang Lee (KHU) Space Astronomy III Chair : Wonyong Han (KARI) 13:30~13:45 Han-ik Kim Sangwoo Lee Young-Soo Kim Space Weather Int'l Conference IV 13:45~14:00 Jeongho Lee Sunhak Hong Hyukmo Kang 14:00~14:15 Jehyuck Shin Junga Hwang Ki-Won Kim 14:15~14:30 Su-Eun Jang Jun-Chan Lee BongJae Kuk 14:30~14:45 Soo-Jin Kang Yongmyung Seo Joo Hyeon Kim 14:45~15:00 Soyeon Koo Jieun Kim 15:00~16:00 Poster Session Lunar Sciences 2nd Workshop October 30 (Thu.) Session V Korean Satellites/Data Lunar Sciences (Special) I Sun (Int'l) (Special) Chair : Joo Hee Lee Chair : Kyung-Suk Cho Chair : Dae-Young Lee (KARI) (KASI) (Chungbuk Nat l Univ.) 16:00~16:15 16:00~16:20 Sungsoo S. Kim Vasyl Yurchysyn Kyoung Wook Min 16:15~16:30 16:20~16:35 Jin-Ho Jo Sujin Kim Jongho Seon 16:30~16:45 16:35~16:50 Junga Hwang Anand D Joshi Young-Sil Kwak 16:45~17:00 16:50~17:05 Go Woon Na J.-E. Hwangbo Kyung-Chan Kim 17:00~17:15 17:05~17:20 Takao Kobayashi Bhuwan Joshi Dae-Kyu Shin 17:15~17:30 17:20~17:35 Yi Re Choi Jin-Yi Lee Jaejin Lee 17:40~18:40 18:40~21:00 Regular General Meeting Banquet : Ceremony of the 30th Anniversary of KSSS Greetings Award Ceremony Banquet - Proposal of a Toast & Congratulatory Message - Commemorative Video Clips - Video Taped Interview Clips - Clebration Performance (A String Quartet) (* This program may be changed circumstantially.) 9:00 Registration Open ROOM PAMPAS OPHRYS AZALEA VIOLET 09:30~10:10 Plenary Session / Invited Speech III : Vasyl Yurchyshyn / Chair : Kyung-Suk Cho (KASI) / Room: PAMPAS October 31 (Fri.) 10:10~10:20 Coffee Break Space Optoelectronics Session VI Lunar Sciences (Special) II Sun/Space Environment V (Special) Chair : Yu Yi (CNU) Chair : Jin-Yi Lee (KHU) Chair : Youngchun Youk (KARI) 10:20~10:35 Haingja Seo Kyungsuk Cho Dai Ho Ko 10:35~10:50 Ik-Seon Hong Jongyeob Park Sangsoon Yong 10:50~11:05 Jongil Jung Kangjin Lee Seongyeol Pyo 11:05~11:20 Eung Seok Yi Su-Chan Bong Sang-Gyu Lee 11:20~11:35 Seul-Min Baek Jae-Ok Lee Young-Wan Choi 11:35~11:50 Young-Joo Song Eun-Young Ji Hagyong Kihm 11:50~12:05 Seunghee Son Harim Lee 19:00~22:00 Commemorative Event : the 30th Anniversary of KSSS Joint Lecture of KSSS - Jeju Starlight World / Stellar Observation Joint Lecture (Lecturer : Junga Hwang, Joo Hee Lee) Stellar Observation (* Place : Jeju Starlight World) 10 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 23(2), October 2014

11 PROGRAM No Area Author Affil. No Area Author Affil. P-1 Space Tech. Sang-Wook Kang1 KARI P-40 Space Tech. Young-Joo Song1 KARI P-2 Space Tech. Soo-Jin Kang Chosun U. P-41 Space Tech. Jae-Min Shin1 KARI P-3 Space Tech. Woo-Yong Kang KARI P-42 Space Tech. Jae-Min Shin2 KASI P-4 Space Tech. Dai Ho Ko KARI P-43 Space Tech. Jehyuck Shin KHU P-5 Space Tech. Kiho Kwon KARI P-44 Space Tech. Hyun-Kyu Shin KARI P-6 Space Tech. Dong-Young Kwon1 KARI P-45 Space Tech. Seung-Eun Yang KARI P-7 Space Tech. Dong-Young Kwon2 KARI P-46 Space Tech. Jeong-Hwan Yang KARI P-8 Space Tech. Eun-Joo Kwon1 KARI P-47 Space Tech. Jeoung-Heum Yeon KARI P-9 Space Tech. Eun-Joo Kwon2 KARI P-48 Space Tech. Shi-Hwan Oh KARI P-10 Space Tech. Sun-Won Kim KARI P-49 Space Tech. Sung-Hyun Woo KARI P-11 Space Tech. Youngwook Kim KARI P-50 Space Tech. Young-Jin Won KARI P-12 Space Tech. Young-Yun Kim KARI P-51 Space Tech. Seok-Teak Yun KARI P-13 Space Tech. Yong Bok Kim KARI P-52 Space Tech. Hee-Kwang Eun KARI P-14 Space Tech. Eunghyun Kim KARI P-53 Space Tech. Sang-Rok Lee KARI P-15 Space Tech. In Jun Kim ETRI P-54 Space Tech. Seongwhan Lee KHU P-16 Space Tech. Joong-Pyo Kim KARI P-55 Space Tech. WonBeom Lee1 KASI P-17 Space Tech. Chang Ho Kim KARI P-56 Space Tech. WonBeom Lee2 KARI P-18 Space Tech. Han-ik Kim KAIST P-57 Space Tech. Jae-Seung Lee KARI P-19 Space Tech. Hyungwan KIM KARI P-58 Space Tech. Jong-Min Im KARI P-20 Space Tech. Hye-Won Kim KARI P-59 Space Tech. Hyun-Su Lim1 KASI P-21 Space Tech. Hwayeong KIm KARI P-60 Space Tech. Hyun-Su Lim2 KARI P-22 Space Tech. Hui-Kyung Kim KARI P-61 Space Tech. Hyeonjeong Yim KARI P-23 Space Tech. Seong-Min Noh KARI P-62 Space Tech. Min-ho Jang KARI P-24 Space Tech. Sung-Jun Roh Poster Session (Wed) 13:00 ~ 31.(Fri) 09:00 Chungbuk N. U. P-63 Space Tech. Sung-Soo Jang1 KARI P-25 Space Tech. Hwan-Chun Myung1 KARI P-64 Space Tech. Sung-Soo Jang2 KARI P-26 Space Tech. Hong-Yeol Moon KARI P-65 Space Tech. Jaewoong Jang KARI P-27 Space Tech. Keun Joo Park KARI P-66 Space Tech. Jong-Hyub Jun1 KARI P-28 Space Tech. Bong-Kyu Park KARI P-67 Space Tech. Jong-Hyub Jun2 KARI P-29 Space Tech. Sun-Ju Park1 KARI P-68 Space Tech. Hyeon-Jin Jeon KARI P-30 Space Tech. Sun-Ju Park2 KARI P-69 Space Tech. Ok-Chul Jung KARI P-31 Space Tech. Sun-Sik Park1 KARI P-70 Space Tech. Seung Won Cho KARI P-32 Space Tech. Sun-Sik Park2 KARI P-71 Space Tech. Young-Jun Cho KARI P-33 Space Tech. Young-Woong Park KARI P-72 Space Tech. Chang-Kwon Cho KARI P-34 Space Tech. Eungsik Park KARI P-73 Space Tech. Hyokjin Cho KARI P-35 Space Tech. Joo-Ho Park1 KARI P-74 Space Tech. Yungoo Huh KARI P-36 Space Tech. Joo-Ho Park2 KARI P-75 Space Tech. Soojeon Lee ETRI P-37 Space Tech. Hong-Won Park KARI P-76 Space Tech. Ju Woo KHU P-38 Space Tech. Myung-Jin Baek KARI P-77 Space Appl. Jong-Pil Kong KARI P-39 Space Tech. Hyun-Ho Seo KARI P-78 Space Appl. Seonghui Kim KARI 한국우주과학회보 제23권 2호, 2014년 10월 11

12 PROGRAM No Area Author Affil. No Area Author Affil. P-79 Space Appl. Youngsun Kim1 KARI P-113 Sun/Space Env. Jeong-Deok Lee SELab P-80 Space Appl. Youngsun Kim2 KARI P-114 Sun/Space Env. Jong-Gil Lee KASI P-81 Space Appl. Jong-Moon Park KARI P-115 Sun/Space Env. Ji-Hee Lee KMA P-82 Space Appl. Seok-Bae Seo KARI P-116 Sun/Space Env. Junghee Cho Chungbu k N. U. P-83 Space Appl. Sang-Youn Shin KARI P-117 Sun/Space Env. Kyu-cheol Choi SELab P-84 Space Appl. Haeng-Pal Heo1 KARI P-118 Sun/Space Env. Young-Bae Ham KPRI P-85 Space Appl. Haeng-Pal Heo2 KARI P-119 Sun/Space Env. Jinhy Hong KHU P-86 Space Astro. Yong-Woo Kang KASI P-120 Sun/Space Env. Eunmi Hwang KASI P-87 Space Astro. Y. C. Kim Yonsei U. P-121 Sun/Space Env. CheolOh Jeong ETRI P-88 Space Astro. Hwan-Chun Myung KARI P-122 Solar System/Space Expl. Eojin Kim KARI P-89 Space Astro. Jongdae Sohn KAIST P-123 Solar System/Space Expl. Joo Hyeon Kim KARI P-90 Space Astro. Ami Yun WeSPACE P-124 Solar System/Space Expl. Holak Kim KAIST P-91 Space Astro. Seongsuk Lee CNU P-125 Solar System/Space Expl. Kyunghwan Dokgo KAIST P-92 Space Astro. Jung-Kyu Lee KHU P-126 Solar System/Space Expl. Haingja Seo KARI P-93 Space Astro. Jin-seong Lee KAIST P-127 Solar System/Space Expl. Young-Joo Song2 KARI P-94 Space Astro. Gyeong-Bok Jo CNU P-128 Solar System/Space Expl. Hyojeong Lee KHU P-95 Space Astro. Goeun Choi KASI P-129 Solar System/Space Expl. Minsup Jung KHU P-96 Space Astro. Hyungkyu Jang Chungbuk N. U. P-130 Solar System/Space Expl. Eunjin Cho CNU P-97 Sun/Space Env. Taesig Go KARI P-131 Solar System/Space Expl. Kyeong Ja Kim KIGMR P-98 Sun/Space Env. Bogyeong Kim CNU P-132 Miscellaneous Sang-Wook Kang2 KARI P-99 Sun/Space Env. Yong Ha Kim CNU P-133 Miscellaneous Sunghwan Kim P-100 Sun/Space Env. Jin-Hee Kim Chungbuk N. U. Cheonju P-134 Miscellaneous Soon-Young Park KARI P-101 Sun/Space Env. HyangPyo Kim KASI P-135 Miscellaneous Jong Youn Park KARI P-102 Sun/Space Env. Keunchan Park CNU P-136 Miscellaneous Kyoun-Su Seo KARI P-103 Sun/Space Env. Mi-Young Park SELab P-137 Miscellaneous Il Sang Yoo KARI P-104 Sun/Space Env. Sarah Park KSWC P-138 Miscellaneous Youngchun Youk KARI P-105 Sun/Space Env. Sun Mie Park KSA/KAIST P-139 Miscellaneous Eun Seok Lee KARI P-106 Sun/Space Env. Wooyeon Park CNU P-140 Miscellaneous Kyung-Duk Jang KARI P-107 Sun/Space Env. Ji-Hye Baek KASI P-141 Miscellaneous Yonghyun Chung KARI P-108 Sun/Space Env. Jongdae Sohn2 KAIST P-142 Miscellaneous Dong Hyun Cho KARI P-109 Sun/Space Env. Suyeon Oh Chonnam N. U. P-143 Miscellaneous Hongrae Kim KAU P-110 Sun/Space Env. Eunsong Oh KIOST P-144 Miscellaneous Seongmin Choi KAU P-111 Sun/Space Env. Jongyeon Yun RRA P-145 Miscellaneous Dongho Jung KARI P-112 Sun/Space Env. Jae-Hyung Lee RRA U. 12 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 23(2), October 2014

13 PAPER TITLES Paper Titles Plenary Session / Invited Speech I Session Chair : Junga Hwang (KASI) Oct :10~13:50 Room : PAMPAS 13:10 [IS-I] New Views of the Lunar Plasma Environment Unveiled by Kaguya Yoshifumi Saito 1, Shoichiro Yokota 1, Masaki N. Nishino 2, Hideo Tsunakawa 3, KAGUYAMAP-PACETEAM 1 Institute of Space and Astronautical Science / Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 2 STEL / Nagoya University 3 Tokyo Instituteof Technology Sun/Space Environment I Session Chair : Young-Sook Lee (KASI) Oct. 29 (Wed.) 14:00~15:30 Room : PAMPAS 14:00 [I-1-1] On the Suspected Precursory Ionospheric Disturbances Related to the M7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake of May 2008 Kwangsun Ryu 1, Jang-Soo Chae 1, Kwang Seob Jeong 1, Son-Goo Kim 1, Michel Parrot 2, Sergey Pulinets 3 1 SaTReC, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 2 LPC2E/CNRS, France 3 Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences 14:15 [I-1-2] Possibility of GPS Data as an Analysis Object in Detecting Precursory Ionospheric Disturbances of a Volcano Kwang-Seob Jeong, Jang-Soo Chae, Kwang-Sun Ryu, and Son-Goo Kim KAIST Satellite Technology Research Center, Korea 14:30 [I-1-3] Periodicity in the occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles Jong-Min Choi 1,2, Hyosub Kil 3, Young-Sil Kwak 2, Wookyoung Lee 2, Yongha Kim 1, P. A. Roddy 4, and O. de La Beaujardiere 4 1 Chung-nam National University, Daejeon, South Korea 2 Advanced Astronomy and of Space Science Division, Korea Astronomy and space Science Institute, Daejeon, South Korea 3 Space Department, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Laurel, Maryland, USA 4 Space vehicles Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts, USA 14:45 [I-1-4] Variations of the ionospheric electron density due to high-speed solar wind streams observed by the DEMETER satellite Hee-Eun Kim 1, Ensang Lee 1, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Dong-Hun Lee 1, Kwangsun Ryu 2, Jang Soo Chae 2, M. Parrot 3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, South Korea, 2 Satellite Technology Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea, 3 LPC2E/CNRS 3A, Avenue de la Recherche Scientifique, Orleans, France 15:00 [I-1-5] Statistical characteristics of nighttime mid-latitude F-region field-aligned irregularities observed by Daejeon VHF coherent scattering radar in South Korea Tae-Yong Yang 1,2, Young-Sil Kwak 1,2, Hyosub Kil 3, Young-Sook Lee 1, Wookyoung Lee 1, and Young-Deuk Park 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 University of Science and Technology, 3 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 15:15 [I-1-6] Analysis of Ionospheric plasma irregularities during solar maximum & minimum Ho-Sung Choi 1, Hyosub Kil 2, Young-Sil Kwak 3, Hyeon-Seock Jeon 1 1 Republic of Korea Air Force, 2 Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory, 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Space Weather Int l Conference I Session Chair : Dong-Hun Lee (KHU) Oct. 29 (Wed.) 14:10~15:40 Room : OPHRYS 한국우주과학회보 제23권 2호, 2014년 10월 13

14 PAPER TITLES 14:00 [I-2-1] Worldwide Efforts to Strengthen and Coordinate Space Weather Services Terry Onsager Space Weather Prediction Center 14:15 [I-2-2] SWPC s Activity for The Aviation Rodney Viereck Space Weather Prediction Center 14:30 [I-2-3] The Effect on Radiation & Communication (Automated Radiation Measurements for Aviation Safety (ARMAS) Kent Tobiska 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Seoul National University, 4 Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, 5 Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica 14:15 [I-3-2] Preliminary Design of the Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer, NISS onboard NEXTSat-1 Woong-Seob Jeong 1,2, Sung-Joon Park 1, Bongkon Moon 1, Dae-Hee Lee 1, Jeonghyun Pyo 1, Youngsik Park 1, Il-Joong Kim 1, Won-Kee Park 1, Duk-Hang Lee 1, Kyeongyeon Ko 1, Chan Park 1, Ukwon Nam 1, Myungshin Im 3, Hyung-Mok Lee 3, Jeong-Eun Lee 4, Goo-Hwan Shin 5, Jangsoo Chae 5, Toshio Matsumoto 1,6,7 1 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, Korea 2 University of Science & Technology, Korea 3 Seoul National University, Korea 4 Kyung Hee University, Korea 5 SaTReC, KAIST, Korea 6 ASIAA, Taiwan 7 ISAS/JAXA, Japan 14:45 [I-2-4] The Effect of Space Environment on the Satellite Operation Jae Woo Park WeSPACE 15:00 [I-2-5] The Automatic Solar Synoptic Analyzer and Space Weather Forecasting Sunhak Hong 1,2, Yung-Kyu Kim 1, Sangwoo Lee 3, Dong-Hun Lee 2 1 Korea Space Weather Center, National Radio Research Agency 2 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 3 SELab Inc. Space Astronomy I Session Chair : Young-Soo Kim (KASI) Oct. 29 (Wed.) 14:10~15:40 Room : AZALEA 14:00 [I-3-1] Preliminary Observational Results with Infrared Space Telescope, MIRIS Wonyong Han 1,2, Jeonghyun Pyo, 1, Il-Joong Kim 1, Dae-Hee Lee 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 1,2, Bongkon Moon 1, Youngsik Park 1, Sung-Joon Park 1, Dukhang Lee 1,2, Won-Kee Park 1, Kyeongyeon Ko 1, Uk-Won Nam 1, Seo-gu Lee 1, Hyung Mok Lee 3, Toshio Matsumoto 1,4,5 14:30 [I-3-3] Preliminary design of NISS structure for the NEXTSat-1 Bongkon Moon 1, Dukhang Lee1, 2,Kyeongyeon Ko 1,2, Chan Park 1, Sung-Joon Park 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 1,2, Dae-Hee Lee 1, Youngsik Park 1, Jeonghyun Pyo 1, Won-Kee Park 1, Il-Joong Kim 1, Uk-Won Nam 1, Toshio Matsumoto 1,3,4 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 2 University of Science and Technology, Korea 3 ASIAA, Taiwan 4 ISAS/JAXA, Japan 14:45 [I-3-4] Design of Dewar for the NISS onboard NEXTSat-1 Kyeongyeon Ko 1,2, Bongkon Moon 2, Dukhang Lee 1,2, Chan Park 2, Woong-Seob Jeong 1,2, Sung-Joon Park 2, Dae-Hee Lee 2, Jeonghyun Pyo 2, Won-Kee Park 2, Youngsik Park 2, Il-Joong Kim 2, Uk-Won Nam 2, Toshio Matsumoto 2,3,4 1 University of Science and Technology, Korea 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 3 ASIAA, Taiwan 4 ISAS/JAXA, Japan 15:00 [I-3-5] Development for Electronics System of IGRINS Ueejeong Jeong 1, Moo-Young Chun 1, Jae Sok Oh 1, Chan 14 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 23(2), October 2014

15 PAPER TITLES Park 1, Bi-Ho Jang 1, Heeyoung Oh 1, Jeong-Gyun Jang 1, In-Soo Yuk 1, Kang-Min Kim 1, Michael Pavel 2, Kyeong Yeon Ko 1, Young Sam Yu 1, Daniel T. Jaffe 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 The University of Texas at Austin Phased Array Radar Prototype Design And Application Plans For The Space Object Surveillance And Deep Space Communication Ho-Cheol Jeon 1, Tae-Yeong Kim 1, Tae-Jin Chung 2, Kyung-Soo Choi 1, Jae-Woo Park 1 15:15 [I-3-6] A New Stellar Substructure of M31 system Minhee Kang 1, Sang-Hyun Chun 2, DooSeok Jung 1, Young-Jong Sohn 1 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 2 Yonsei University Observatory, Seoul, Korea Space Tech/Applications I Session Chair : Eun-Jung Choi (KASI) Oct. 29 (Wed.) 14:10~15:40 Room : VIOLET 14:00 [1-4-1] Reflection Light Simulation of GEO Satellite Youngseok Oh 1, Ho Jin 1, Kap-Sung Kim 1, Sun-Youp Park 2, Jang-Hyun Park 2, Young-Jun Choi 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 14:15 [1-4-2] The Current State and the Future Prospect of INR Technologies Eun-Joo Kwon 1, Han-Dol Kim 1, Do-Chul Yang 1, Chul-Min Park 2, Bang-Yeop Kim 1 14:30 [1-4-3] TDesign of Central Tube for Geo-stationary Satellite Chang Ho Kim, Sun Won Kim, Kyung Won Kim, Jae Hyuk Lim, Sung-Hoon Kim 1 Radar Solution Engineering co. Ltd 2 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 15:15 [1-4-6] COMS MI INR Performance According to Landmark Selection Jin Woo, Byung-il Lee, Hyunjong Oh, Jeong-sik Kim, and Hyuk-jin Yun Satellite Operation Division, National Meteorological Satellite Center, Korea Meteorological Administration Sun/Space Environment II Session Chair : Junga Hwang (KASI) Oct. 29 (Wed.) 15:40~17:50 Room : PAMPAS 15:40 [II-1-1] A Study of the Evolution of Double Layer and Electrostatic Shock using PIC simulations Eunjin Choi 1,2, Kyoung-Wook Min 1, Junga Hwang 2, Cheong -Rim Choi 1 1 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 15:55 [II-1-2] Statistical Test of the Relation Among Substorm Onset, Electron PSD Anisotropy and Chorus Wave Occurrence Using THEMIS Satellite Observations Dong-Hee Lee, Dae-Young Lee, Dae-Kyu Shin, Jin-Hee Kim, Jung-Hee Cho Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University 14:45 [1-4-4] Orbit State Vector Estimation using Star Vectors for Geometry Correction of Earth Optical Image Ki Ryeok Yong, Kyoung Wook Jin, Jae Dong Choi, Sang Ryool Lee 15:00 [1-4-5] 16:10 [II-1-3] Development and Test of 2-Dimensional Electromagnetic PIC simulation code Sang-Yun Lee, Ensang Lee, Khan-Hyuk Kim, Dong-Hun Lee, Jongho Seon, and Ho Jin School of Sapce Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 16:25 [II-1-4] 한국우주과학회보 제23권 2호, 2014년 10월 15

16 PAPER TITLES Wave-Particle Interaction during Nonlinear Development of ULF waves in the Upstream of Earth's Bow Shock Ensang Lee 1, George K. Parks 2, Naiguo Lin 2, Jinhy Hong 1, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Dong-Hun Lee 1, Jongho Seon 1, and Ho Jin 1 1 School of Sapce Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Space Sciences Lab., University of California, Berkeley 16:40 [II-1-5] The Unusual Enhancement of Internal Charging Observed by Van Allen Probes in the Outer Radiation Belt Junhyun Lee 1, Ensang Lee 1, Jongho Seon 1, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Dong-Hun Lee 1, Jaejin Lee 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 16:55 [II-1-6] Pitch Angle Diffusion of Electrons via Stochastic Motion in Earth s Radiation Belt Cheong Rim Choi 1, M. H. Woo 2, K. H. Dokgo 1, S. B. Kang 1, E. J. Choi 1, K. W. Min 1, J. Hwang 3, Y. D. Park 3, D. Y. Lee 4 1 Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon , Korea 2 National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon , Korea 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, , Korea 4 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea Space Weather Int l Conference II Session Chair : Oct. 29 (Wed.) 15:40~17:50 Room : OPHRYS Jae Woo Park (WeSPACE) 15:40 [II-2-1] The Space Weather Impact on the Aviation Shin, Pil Ho Korean Air 15:55 [II-2-2] The Staus and Future Plan of HF Communications for Aircraft Seoul Regional Aviation Administration Eun-Gwi Park 16:10 [II-2-3] The Space Weather Impact on Satellite Sunhee Woo 16:25 [II-2-4] The Study of the Relation Between Space Weather and Satellite Anomalies in KT SAT Lee Jaeyeol Space Astronomy II Sesseion Chair : Sang-Hyeon Ahn (KASI) Oct. 29 (Wed.) 15:40~17:50 Room : AZALEA 15:40 [II-3-1] AE Cassiopeia : Physical Property of Semi-detached Binary and It's Orbital Behavior Jang-Ho Park 1,2, Jae Woo Lee 1, Chun-Hwey Kim 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Korea Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea :55 [II-3-2] The Eclipsing Binary System V1094 Cassiopeiae Min-Ji Jeong 1, Chun-Hwey Kim 1, and Jo-Na Yoon 1,2 1 Chungbuk National University in Korea 2 Chungbuk National University Observatory 16:10 [II-3-3] The Similar Characteristics of a Scale-Notching System in the Jianyi ( 簡 儀 ) and the Yangyi ( 仰 儀 ) Byeong-Hee Mihn 1,2,3, Sang Hyuk Kim 1,2, Ki-Won Lee 4, Yong Sam Lee 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 Korea University of Science and Technology 3 Chungbuk National University, 4 Catholic University of Daegu 16:25 [II-3-4] The Verification of Taebaek-Juhyun ( 太 白 晝 見, the Venus was Observed in daytime) Recorded in the Sillok Junhyeok Jeon 1,2, Young-Joo Kwon 1,3, Yongsam Lee 1 1 Chungbuk National University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute, 3 National Meteorological Satellite Center 16:40 [II-3-5] 16 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 23(2), October 2014

17 PAPER TITLES A Study on the Structure of Water-hammering Type Honcheonui( 渾 天 儀 ) in the Reign of King Sejong Seon Young Ham 1,2, Sang Hyuk Kim 2,3, Byeong-Hee Mihn 1,2,3, Min Soo Lee 1, Yong Sam Lee 1 1 Chungbuk National University, 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 3 Korea University of Science & Technology 15:55 [II-4-2] Initial Tool Influence Function (TIF) Study for Polishing of Silicon Carbide Material Jeong-Yeol Han 1, Myung Cho 2, Gary Poczulp 2, Hyun-Joo Seo 1,3, Jakyung Nah 1, Kyung-Mo Tahk 1, Dong-Kyun Kim 4, Jinho Kim 4, Minho Seo 4, Jonggun Lee 4 and Sung-Yeop Han 4 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 National Optical Astronomy Observatory, 16:55 [II-3-6] A Preliminary Study on the Yangcheoncheok( 量 天 尺 ) in the Late Joseon Dynasty Sang Hyuk Kim 1,2, Byeong-Hee Mihn 1,2,3, Yong Sam Lee 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Korea University of Science and Technology, 3 Chungbuk National University 17:10 [II-3-7] A Study on the Public Service Video Clip Production of Ganui-Dae Project for Education and Information Min-Soo Lee 1, Sang-Hyuk Kim 2,3, Byeong-Hee Mihn 1,2,3, Junhyeok Jeon 1,2, Seon-Young Ham 1,2, Yongsam Lee 1 1 Chungbuk National University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 3 Korea University of Science and Technology 17:25 [II-3-8] Report on the training program for professional manpower related to the science museum exhibition Hyungkyu Jang & Yonggi Kim Chungbuk National University 3 Yonsei University, 4 Green Optics Co., Ltd. 16:10 [II-4-3] CubeSat Structure Design and Structural Analysis for CANYVAL-X Mission Kyung Yun Choi 2, Guk Nam Kim 1, Jungpyo Lee 2, Sang-Young Park 1 1 Department of Astronomy, 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University 16:25 [II-4-4] Operation Status and Performance Analysis of Star Trackers developed for Small Satellites Byung-hoon Lee, Young-Gyo Jeong, Sang-Il Kim, Young-Wan Choi, Hyun-Woo Lee Satrec Initiative 16:40 [II-4-5] Muscle-Cell Culturing Experiment on International Space Station and Bioreactor Design Youn-Kyu Kim, Hyun-Jin Jang, Jaeyeon Jeong, Joohee Lee, Gi-Hyuk Choi Space Tech/Applications II Sesseion Chair : Ki Ryeok Yong (KARI) Oct. 29 (Wed.) 15:40~17:50 Room : VIOLET 15:40 [II-4-1] Accommodations Optimization for Line of Sight Vectors of Attitude Sensor Star Trackers Jo Ryeong Yim 1,2, Hong-Taek Choi 1 1 Korea Aerospace Reseach Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 16:55 [II-4-6] New Operation System for High Repetition Rate Satellite Laser Ranging System Eun-Jung Choi 1, Ki-Pyeong Sung 1, Seong-Cheol Bang 1, Hyung-Chul Lim 1, In-Young Kim 2, Chan-Kyu Jung 2, Jae-Seung Choi 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Satrec Initiative CubeSat (Special) I Session Chair : Sanghyuck Han (KARI) Oct. 30 (Thu.) 09:00~11:00 한국우주과학회보 제23권 2호, 2014년 10월 17

18 PAPER TITLES Room : PAMPAS 09:00 [III-1-1] Analysis of Representative Commercial On Board Computers for Cubesat Sanghyuck Han, Sungtae Moon, Hyeon Cheol Gong, Gi-Hyuk Choi 09:15 [III-1-2] Development State of SDR Transceiver for CubeSat Dongyeop Shin, Sanghyuck Han, Sangman Moon, Hyeoncheol Gong Korea Aerospace research Institute, 10:15 [III-1-6] Design Operation Scenario of 1U for CANYVAL-X Mission Young-Bum Song 1, Jae-Pil Park 1, Seung-hee Lee 1, Sang hoon Kwon 2, Dongshin Lee 2, Sang-Young Park 1 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University 2 Department of Computer Science, Yonsei University 10:30 [III-1-7] Comparsion Analysis of CubeSat Structure between Integral Type and Separate Type : Economic and Structural Stability Aspects Jin-Soo Kim 1, Ji-Sung Lim 1, Hong-rae Kim 1, Young-Keun Chang 2 1 Korea Aerospace University, 2 Korea Aerospace University, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 09:30 [III-1-3] CubeSat System Design for Demonstrating Vision Alignment Technology Jae-Pil Park, Sang-Young Park, Sung Woo Kim, Kwangwon Lee, Hyungjik Jay Oh, EunJi Lee, Song young bum, Seung-hee Lee, Guk Nam Kim, Daniel Han, Yong Woo Kim, Kyung Sun Lee, Seok Ju Kang, Jin-Kyoung Du, Jin-Chul Yim, Kang Been Lee, Myung-Bo Shim, Kyung Yun Choi, Soon-Hong Hwang, JiSoo Sim, Soo Hwi Lee, Jungpyo Lee, Sang hoon Kwon, DongShin Lee Yonsei University 09:45 [III-1-3] Design, Construct and Management of UHF Ground Station for CANYVAL-X EunJi Lee 1, Yong Woo Kim 1, Kyung Sun Lee 1, Jin-Kyoung Du 2, Sang-Young Park 1 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 2 Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University 10:00 [III-1-4] Design of Attitude Determination and Control System for Cube Satellite in CANYVAL-X Mission Kwangwon Lee 1, Hyungjik Jay Oh 1, Seok Ju Kang 1, Ji Su Sim 2, Jae-Pil Park 1, Sang-Young Park 1 1 Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University 10:45 [III-1-8] Analysis of Collision Avoidance of Cubesat Launched from ISS Seung-Yong Yeom, Hongrae Kim, Young-Keun Chang School of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Korea Aerospace University Sun/Space Environment III Session Chair : Cheong Rim Choi (KAIST) Oct. 30 (Thu.) 09:00~11:00 Room : PAMPAS 09:00 [III-2-1] The association of spacecraft anomalies with space environment data (electron/proton fluxes and Kp index) Kang-Woo Yi 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1,2 and Jin-Yi Lee 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea, 2 Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University, Korea 09:15 [III-2-2] A statistical study of geomagnetic field responses to solar flares Hyuck-Jin Kwon 1, Khan-Hyuk Kim 2, Geonhwa Jee 1, Jong-Kyun Chung 3 1 Korea Polar Research Institute 2 Kyung Hee University 18 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 23(2), October 2014

19 PAPER TITLES 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 09:30 [III-2-3] Plasmapause Location Under Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions (Kp 1): THEMIS Observations Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Hyuck-Jin Kwon 2, Geonhwa Jee 2 1 Kyung Hee University 2 Korea Polar Research Institute 09:45 [III-2-4] A statistical study of EMIC waves observed at THEMIS probes in the outer (L > 7) magnetosphere under quiet geomagnetic conditions Gi-Jeong Kim, Khan-Hyuk Kim, Jong-Sun Park, Ensang Lee, and Dong-Hun Lee Kyung Hee University 10:00 [III-2-5] Field Line Resonances in Non-axisymmetric Dipole Geometry Jiwon Choi, Dong-Hun Lee, Khan-Hyuk Kim, Ensang Lee Kyung Hee University far ultraviolet emission data Woo Kyoung Lee 1, Yongliang Zhang 2, Hyosub Kil 2, Young-Sil Kwak 1, and Larry J. Paxton 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 09:35 [III-3-3] GPS Network Observation of Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances over New Zealand Yuichi Otsuka 1, Chulhyo Lee 1, Kazuo Shiokawa 1,Michi Nishioka 2, Takuya Tsugawa 2 1 STEL, Nagoya University 2 NICT 09:55 [III-3-4] Case studies on response of mesosphere -lower thermosphere to recent minor and major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events at southern high latitudes Sunkara Eswaraiah, Yong Ha Kim, Junseok Hong Chungnam National University 10:15 [III-2-6] Observational test of magnetopause location models using geosynchronous satellite data Eunsu Park, Yong-Jae Moon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University Inosphere I (International) Session Chair : Young-Sil Kwak (KASI) Oct. 30 (Thu.) 09:00~11:00 Room : AZALEA 09:00 [III-3-1] Understanding the Ionosphere and Thermosphere Larry J. Paxton, Hyosub Kil, the GUVI and SSUSI Science Teams 09:20 [III-3-2] An empirical model of the particle precipitation into the auroral oval based on the TIMED/GUVI 10:10 [III-3-5] Non-migrating tidal signature in the occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles Hyosub Kil 1, Young-Sil Kwak 2, WooKyoung Lee 2, Jonathan Krall 3, Joseph D. Huba 3, Seung-Jun Oh 4 1 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, USA 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, South Korea 3 Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA 4 Space Environment Laboratory, Inc., Seoul, South Korea 10:30 [III-3-6] Estimation of ionospheric parameters (TEC, fof2) over the Korean region using IRI-2012 and GPS TEC Nicholas Ssessanga, Yong Ha Kim, Jaemin Kim Chungnam National University 10:45 [III-3-7] Observation and interpretation of blasting plasma clouds of meteor trail at arrival of penetrating 한국우주과학회보 제23권 2호, 2014년 10월 19

20 PAPER TITLES meteors in the summer polar upper mesosphere Young-Sook Lee 1, Sheila Kirkwood 2, Gordon G. Shepherd 3, Young-Sil Kwak 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Box 812, SE Kiruna, Sweden 3 Centre for Research in Earth and Space Science, York University, Toronto, Ontario Space Weather Int l Conference Session Chair : Jong-Kyun Chung (KASI) Oct. 30 (Thu.) 09:00~11:00 Room : VIOLET 09:00 [III-4-1] The Staus and Fture Plan of RTK Service for Land Survey Jong-Tae An National Geographic Information Institute 09:15 [III-4-2] The Staus and Future Plan of DGPS Service Young-Min Lim DGPS Central Office 09:30 [III-4-3] GPS Impact of Space Weather Jun-Chul Mun Korean Space Weather Center 09:45 [III-4-4] Development of GPS Signal Surveillance & Monitoring System Yong-Hoi Park 1, Jun-Chul Mun 2 1 DusiTech Co., Ltd. 2 Korean Space Weather Center 10:00 [III-4-5] The Satus and Future Plan of Marine Communication Service Jeong-Nyun Kim National Federation Fisheries Cooperatives 10:15 [III-4-6] Development of a HF Frequency Prediction Service Based on an Assimilative IRI Model for III the East Asian Region Sung-ho Lee 1, Mi-Young Park 1, Il-Suk Kim 1, Jeong-Deok Lee 1, Seung-Jun Oh 1, Jun-Chul Mun 2 1 SELab Co.,Ltd. 2 Korean Space Weather Center 10:30 [III-4-7] HF communication Impact of Space Weather Jun-Chul Mun Korean Space Weather Center Plenary Session Invited Speech II : Larry J. Paxton Session Chair : Hyosub Kil (JHU APL) Room : PAMPAS 11:20 [IS-II] Understanding the Upper Atmosphere Using Ultraviolet Remote Sensing Larry J. Paxton, Hyosub Kil, the GUVI and SSUSI Teams CubeSat (Special) II Session Chair : Joo Hee Lee (KARI) Oct. 30 (Thu.) 13:30~15:00 Room: PAMPAS 13:30 [IV-1-1] Introduction of the Techniques of Manufacturing CubeSat And Development of Multi Needle Langmuir Probe on CubeSat Han-ik Kim 1, Yee-Rang Lim 2, Kyung-Wook Min 1 1 Department of Physics, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea 2 Department of Aerospace Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea 13:45 [IV-1-2] Design of the Flight Software for the SIGMA CubSat mission Jeongho Lee 1, Junghoon Cheon 2, Hanjun Kim 2, Hanmin Noh 2, Seongwhan Lee 1, Jung-Kyu Lee 1, Hyojeong Lee 1, Jehyuck Shin 1, Ho Jin 1, Uk-Won Nam 3, Hyomin Kim 4 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea, 2 Department of Electronics and Radio Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea, 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea, 4 Center for Space Science and Engineering Research, Virginia Tech, USA 20 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 23(2), October 2014

21 PAPER TITLES 14:00 [IV-1-3] Development of Solar Panel with UTJSC and TASC for CubeSat Mission Jehyuck Shin, Jung-Kyu Lee, Hyojeong Lee, Seongwhan Lee, Ho Jin, Kap-Sung Kim School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 14:15 [IV-1-4] Payload Level Launch Environment Verification Test of STEP Cube Lab. Su-Eun Jang 1, Su-Hyeon Jeon 1, Sung-Cheol Kwon 1, Myeong-Jae Lee 1, Sung-Hyeon Han 1, Tae-Young Park 1, Tae-Seong Jang 2, Hyun-Ung Oh 1, 1 Chosun University 2 KAIST Satellite Technology Research Center 14:30 [IV-1-5] Verification of Functional Performance for STEP Cube Lab. Payloads through Thermal Vacuum Test Soo-Jin Kang 1,3, Heon-Woo Ha 1,3, Sung-Hyeon Han 1,3, Joung-Ki Seo 2, Hyun-Ung Oh 1,3 1 Space Technology Synthesis Laboratory, Department of Aerospace Engineering 2 SaTreC(Satellite Technology Reserach Center), KAIST 3 Chosun University 14:45 [IV-1-6] Development of Payload and Subsystem for CNUSAIL-1 Soyeon Koo, Gyeonghun Kim, Yeona Yoo, Sua Song, Sungkeun Kim, Bockyoung Oh, Beomki Woo, Chang-Gu Han, Seungkeun Kim Chungnam National University Sun/Space Environment IV Session Chair : Ensang Lee (KHU) Oct. 30 (Thu.) 13:30~15:00 Room : OPHRYS 13:30 [IV-2-1] A New Approach to Establishing a Prediction Model of Solar Flares based on ASSA Sunspot Catalogue Sangwoo Lee 1, Sunhak Hong 2,3, Jeong-Deok Lee 1, Seung Jun Oh 1, Ki Chang Yun 2, Jae Hun Kim 2, Yung Kyu Kim 2, Kyu-Cheol Choi 1, My-Young Park 1 1 SELab, Inc., Seoul, Korea 2 Korean Space Weather Center, RRA, Jeju, Korea 3 School of Space Research, KHU, Yong-in, Korea 13:45 [IV-2-2] The Automatic Solar Synoptic Analyzer and Space Weather Forecasting Sunhak Hong 1,2, Yung-Kyu Kim 1, Sangwoo Lee 3, Dong-Hun Lee 2 1. Korea Space Weather Center, National Radio Research Agency 2. School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 3. SELab Inc. 14:00 [IV-2-3] Korean Radiation Exposure Assesment Model for aviation route dose: KREAM Junga Hwang 1,2, Kyunghwan Dokgo 1,3, Eunjin Choi 1,3, Kyung-Chan Kim 1, Hang-PyoKim 1,2 and Kyung-Suk Cho 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) 14:15 [IV-2-4] Development of Space Plasma Detector for ISSS to Measure the Equatorial Region of Ionospheric Plasma Jun-Chan Lee 1, Kyoung-Wook Min 1, Jong-Dae Sohn 1, Myeong-Ryong Nam 2, Dae-Soo Oh 2, Goo-Hwan Shin 3 1 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 2 JNM System 3 Satellite Technology Research Center 14:30 [IV-2-5] Development of Medium Energy Particle Detector in the range of 20 ~ 400 kev for the Study of Space Storm Yongmyung Seo 1, Seyoung Yoon 1, Ju Woo 1, Jongho Seon 1, Jongdae Sohn 2, Kyungwook Min 2, Goohwan Shin 3, Jangsoo Chae 3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 3 Satellite Technology Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Space Astronomy III Session Chair : Wonyong Han (KARI) Oct. 30 (Thu.) 13:30~15:00 Room : AZALEA 한국우주과학회보 제23권 2호, 2014년 10월 21

22 PAPER TITLES 13:30 [IV-3-1] Development Status of the GMT FSM Prototype Young-Soo Kim 1, Jihun Kim 1, Je Heon Song 1, Myung Cho 2, Ho-Soon Yang 3, Joohyung Lee 3, Ho-Sang Kim 4, Kyoung-Don Lee 4, Hyo-Sung Ahn 5, Won Hyun Park 6 1 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute 2 National Optical Astronomy Observatory 3 Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, 4 Institute for Advanced Engineering 5 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology 6 The University of Arizona 13:45 [IV-3-2] Performances of CAA Agorithms for Alignment State Estimation Simulations for Three-mirror Anastigmat Earth Observation Optical System Hyukmo Kang 1,2, Eunsong Oh 1,2, Sangwon Hyun 3, Geon-Hee Kim 3, Young-Je Park 1, and Sug-Whan Kim 2 1 Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Korea 2 Dept. of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Korea 3 Korea Basic Science Institute, Korea 14:00 [IV-3-3] Source Dependent Cross-talk Stray Light Analysis and Suppression Structure Design for Deep Space Albedo Measurement Ki-Won Kim, Dongok Ryu, Sehyun Seong, Sug-Whan Kim Dept. of Astronomy, Yonsei University 14:15 [IV-3-4] Development of Data Reduction Tool of Mid-Wave Infrared Spectrometer for Space Exploration BongJae Kuk, Joo Hyeon Kim, Haingja Seo, Eojin Kim, Seunghee Son, and Joo Hee Lee 14:30 [IV-3-5] Infrared Spectroscopic Observations of Solar System Objects for Public Outreach and Education Joo Hyeon Kim, BongJae Kuk, Eojin Kim, Seunghee Son, Haingja Seo, Joo Hee Lee Space Science Team 14:45 [IV-3-6] Development of Scintillator Gamma-ray Detector with Silicon Photomultiplier for Application of Small-Satellite Jieun Kim, Jang-Soo Chae Satellite Technology Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Lunar Sciences (Special) I Session Chair : Joo Hee Lee (KARI) Oct. 30 (Thu.) 16:00~17:30 Room : PAMPAS 16:00 [V-1-1] Muti-band Surface Polarimetry of the Moon and Other Solar System Bodies Sungsoo S. Kim Dept. of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University 16:20 [V-1-2] Development Plan of Space Internet Technologies for Korea Lunar Mission Jin-Ho Jo, Byoung-Sun Lee, Jae-Young Ahn Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 16:35 [V-1-3] In-Situ Observation of Lunar Space Plasma Environment Junga Hwang 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 University of Science and Technology 17:20 [V-1-5] Studies on Anti-coincidence Compton Suppressed Gamma-ray Spectrometer for Korea lunar mission Yi Re Choi 1,2, Kyeong Ja Kim 2, K.B Lee 3, Eeung Seok Yi 2 1 University of Science and Technology, Korea 2 Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources 3 Korea Institute of Standards & Science Sun (International) Session Chair : Kyung-Suk Cho (KASI) Oct. 30 (Thu.) 16:00~17:30 Room : OPHRYS 22 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 23(2), October 2014

23 PAPER TITLES 16:00 [V-2-1] Dynamics of Magnetic Fields in Sunspot Light Bridges Vasyl Yurchysyn 1,2 1 Big Bear Solar Observatory, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 16:45 [V-2-2] Vertical Kink Oscillation of a Magnetic Flux Rope Structure in the Solar Corona Sujin Kim 1, V. M. Nakariakov 2,3,4, Kyung-Suk Cho 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 2 University of Warwick, UK 3 Kyung Hee University, Korea 4 Central Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science at Pulkovo, Russia 16:30 [V-2-3] A Trio of Flares Observed in AR Anand D Joshi 1, Terry G Forbes 2, Sung-HongPark 1, Kyung-Suk Cho 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 2 University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, USA 16:45 [V-2-4] Magnetic Structure and Nonthermal Electrons in the X6.9 Flare on 2011 August 09 J. E. Hwangbo 1,2, Jeongwoo Lee 3,4,, Seong-Hong Park 1, Su-Chang Bong 1, D.-Y. Lee 2, Kyung-Suk Cho 1, Yeon-Han Kim 1, Y. D. Park 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 Departmemt of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk, National University 3 Physics Department, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 4 Chungnam National University 17:00 [V-2-5] Large-scale Contraction and Subsequent Disruption of Coronal Loops During Various Phases of the M6.2 Flare Associated with the Confined Flux Rope Eruption Bhuwan Joshi 1, Upendra Kushwaha 2, Astrid Veronig 3, Y. J. Moon 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea 2 Udaipur Solar Observatory, Physical Research Laboratory, Udaipur, India 3 Kanzelhohe Observatory/Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Graz, Austria 17:15 [V-2-6] Mass and Energy of Erupting Hot Plasma in X-rays Jin-Yi Lee 1, John C. Raymond 2, Katharine K. Reeves 2, Yong-Jae Moon 1,2, Kap-Sung Kim 1,2 1 Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University, Korea 2 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 3 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA Korean Satellites/Data (Special) Session Chair : Dae-Young Lee (Chungbuk Nat l Univ.) Oct. 30 (Thu.) 16:00~17:30 Room : AZALEA 16:00 [V-3-1] Progress of Next Generation Small Satellite-1 Kyoung Wook Min 1 and ISSS team 1 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 16:15 [V-3-2] Space Weather Monitor KSEM aboard the Korean Geostationary Satellite GEO-KOMPSAT- 2A Jongho Seon 1, K. S. Chae 1, Y. Seo 1, S. Yoon 1, Y. C. Shin 1, J. H. Jeon1 1, T. K. Yun 1, J. Woo 1, S. H. Chung 1, E. Lee 1, J. Lee 1, K. H. Kim 1, D. H. Lee 1, H. Jin 1, J. G. Sample 2. D. Larson 2, G. K. Parks 2, M. P. McCarthy 2, A. Hilgers 3, J-P. Luntama 3, J-Y. Park 4, K-W. Jin 5, K. H. Yang 5, H. S. Lee6, D. H. Kim 6 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Space Science Laboratory, UC, Berkeley, USA 3 ESTEC, European Space Agency, Netherland 4 Satrec Initiative Co. Ltd. 5 6 Korea Meteorological Administration 16:30 [V-3-3] Application Plan of Domestic Satellite Data for Ionospheric and Upper Atmospheric Researches Young-Sil Kwak 1,2 and Jae-Jin Lee 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 2 University of Science and Technology, Korea 한국우주과학회보 제23권 2호, 2014년 10월 23

24 PAPER TITLES 16:45 [V-3-4] Science Topics with Radiation Belts and Suggestions for GK-2A Kyung-Chan Kim 1, Dae-Young Lee 2, Jaejin Lee 1, Junga Hwang 1, Dae-Kyu Shin 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2 Chungbuk National University 17:00 [V-3-5] Development of Prediction Model of the Geosynchronous Electron Fluxes at a Wide Energy Range Based on a Neural Network Scheme Dae-Kyu Shin 1, Dae-Young Lee 1, Kyung-Chan Kim 2 1 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 17:15 [V-3-6] Expected Electron Microburst Energy Dispersion Caused by Chorus Wave Interaction Jaejin Lee 1, Kyuing-Chan Kim 1, Yeon-Han Kim 1, George Parks 2, Young-Deuk Park 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab Plenary Session / Invited Speech III Vasyl Yurchyshyn Session Chair : Kyungsuk Cho (KASI) Oct. 31 (Fri.) 09:30~10:10 Room : PAMPAS 09:30 [IS-III] The Chromosphere above the Sunspot Umbra as seen in New Solar Telescope and Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph Vasyl Yurchyshyn Big Bear Solar Observatory, USA Lunar Sciences (Special) II Session Chair : Yu Yi (CNU) Oct. 31(Fri.) 10:20~12:05 Room : PAMPAS 10:20 [VI-1-1] Observational simulation for functional qualification of Mid-Wave InfraRed Spectrometer (MWIR Spectrometer) Haingja Seo, Enjin Choi, BongJae Kuk, Joo Hyeon Kim, Seunghee Son, Joo Hee Lee 10:35 [VI-1-2] Geological Composition Analysis of the Lunar Regions Containing the Pit Craters Ik-Seon Hong, Yu Yi Chungnam National University 10:50 [VI-1-3] Verification of the Lava Tube from the Lunar Pit Craters Based on Pit Crater Images Jongil Jung, Ik-Seon Hong, Yu Yi Chungnam National University 11:05 [VI-1-4] The Morphological Characteristics and Origin of the Double Ray in the Third Quadrant of the Mare Nubium Eung Seok Yi 1, Sung Soon Lee 2, Yi re Choi 3, Kyeong Ja Kim 2, Yong Ha Kim 1 1 Chungnam National University 2 Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, 3 Korea University of Science and Technology 11:20 [VI-1-5] Characteristics of Small-scale Magnetic Anomalies Outside of Mare Crisium Seul-Min Baek 1, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Ho Jin 1, Jung-Kyu Lee 1, Hyo-Jeong Lee 1, Ian Garrick-Bethell 1,2, Doug Hemingway 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Earth and Planetary Science, UC Santa Cruz 11:35 [VI-1-6] More Science with Less Launch Opportunities: Trajectory Options for Future Planetary Missions in Korea Young-Joo Song 24 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 23(2), October 2014

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