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1 1 To.n me.n prw/ton lo,gon evpoihsa,mhn peri. pa,ntwn w= Qeo,file w-n h;rxato o` VIhsou/j poiei/n te kai. dida,skein In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach 데오빌로여내가먼저쓴글에는무릇예수의행( 行 ) 하시며가르치시기를시작( 始作 ) 하심부터 2 a;cri h`j h`me,raj evnteila,menoj toi/j avposto,loij dia. pneu,matoj a`gi,ou ou]j evxele,xato avnelh,fqh until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 그의택( 擇 ) 하신사도( 使徒 ) 들에게성령( 聖靈 ) 으로명( 命 ) 하시고승천( 昇天 ) 하신 날까지의일을기록( 記錄 ) 하였노라 3 oi-j kai. pare,sthsen e`auto.n zw/nta meta. to. paqei/n auvto.n evn polloi/j tekmhri,oij di h`merw/n tessara,konta ovptano,menoj auvtoi/j kai. le,gwn ta. peri. th/j basilei,aj tou/ qeou/\ After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 해( 害 ) 받으신후( 後 ) 에또한저희에게확실( 確實 ) 한많은증거( 證據 ) 로친( 親 ) 히 사심을나타내사사십일( 四十日 ) 동안저희에게보이시며하나님나라의일을 말씀하시니라 4 kai. sunalizo,menoj parh,ggeilen auvtoi/j avpo. ~Ierosolu,mwn mh. cwri,zesqai avlla. perime,nein th.n evpaggeli,an tou/ patro.j h]n hvkou,sate, mou On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 사도( 使徒 ) 와같이모이사저희에게분부( 吩咐 ) 하여가라사대예루살렘을떠나지말고내게들은바아버지의약속( 約束 ) 하신것을기다리라 5 o[ti VIwa,nnhj me.n evba,ptisen u[dati u`mei/j de. baptisqh,sesqe evn pneu,mati a`gi,w ouv meta. polla.j tau,taj h`me,raj For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."

2 요한은물로세례( 洗禮 ) 를베풀었으나너희는몇날이못되어성령( 聖靈 ) 으로세례( 洗禮 ) 를받으리라하셨느니라 6 Oi` me.n ou=n sunelqo,ntej evphvrw,twn auvto.n le,gontej Ku,rie eiv evn tw/ cro,nw tou,tw avpokaqista,neij th.n basilei,an tw/ VIsrah,l So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" 저희가모였을때에예수께묻자와가로되주( 主 ) 께서이스라엘나라를회복( 恢復 ) 하심이이때니이까하니 7 ei=pen de. pro.j auvtou,j Ouvc u`mw/n evstin gnw/nai cro,nouj h' kairou.j ou]j o` path.r e;qeto evn th/ ivdi,a evxousi,a He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 가라사대때와기한( 期限 ) 은아버지께서자기( 自己 ) 의권한( 權限 ) 에두셨으니 너희의알바아니요 8 avlla. lh,yesqe du,namin evpelqo,ntoj tou/ a`gi,ou pneu,matoj evf u`ma/j kai. e;sesqe, moi ma,rturej e;n te VIerousalh.m kai. evn pa,sh th/ VIoudai,a kai. Samarei,a kai. e[wj evsca,tou th/j gh/j But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." 오직성령( 聖靈 ) 이너희에게임( 臨 ) 하시면너희가권능( 權能 ) 을받고예루살렘과온 유대와사마리아와땅끝까지이르러내증인( 證人 ) 이되리라하시니라 9 kai. tau/ta eivpw.n blepo,ntwn auvtw/n evph,rqh kai. nefe,lh u`pe,laben auvto.n avpo. tw/n ovfqalmw/n auvtw/n After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. 이말씀을마치시고저희보는데서올리워가시니구름이저를가리워보이지않게하더라 10 kai. w`j avteni,zontej h=san eivj to.n ouvrano.n poreuome,nou auvtou/ kai. ivdou. a;ndrej du,o pareisth,keisan auvtoi/j evn evsqh,ti leukh/ ( They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 올라가실때에제자( 弟子 ) 들이자세( 仔細 ) 히하늘을쳐다보고있는데흰옷입은

3 두사람이저희곁에서서 11 oi] kai. ei=pon( :Andrej Galilai/oi ti, e`sth,kate evmble,pontej eivj to.n ouvrano,n ou-toj o` VIhsou/j o` avnalhfqei.j avf u`mw/n eivj to.n ouvrano.n ou[twj evleu,setai o]n tro,pon evqea,sasqe auvto.n poreuo,menon eivj to.n ouvrano,n "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." 가로되갈릴리사람들아어찌하여서서하늘을쳐다보느냐너희가운데서하늘로올리우신이예수는하늘로가심을본그대로오시리라하였느니라 12 To,te u`pe,streyan eivj VIerousalh.m avpo. o;rouj tou/ kaloume,nou VElaiw/noj o[ evstin evggu.j VIerousalh.m sabba,tou e;con o`do,n Then they returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives, a Sabbath day's walk from the city. 제자( 弟子 ) 들이감람원( 橄欖園 ) 이라하는산( 山 ) 으로부터예루살렘에돌아오니이 산( 山 ) 은예루살렘에서가까와안식일( 安息日 ) 에가기알맞은길이라 13 kai. o[te eivsh/lqon avne,bhsan eivj to. u`perw/ on ou- h=san katame,nontej o[ te Pe,troj kai. VIa,kwboj kai. VIwa,nnhj kai. VAndre,aj Fi,lippoj kai. Qwma/j Barqolomai/oj kai. Matqai/oj( VIa,kwboj ~Alfai,ou kai. Si,mwn o` zhlwth.j kai. VIou,daj VIakw,bou When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room where they were staying. Those present were Peter, John, James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew; James son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. 들어가저희유( 留 ) 하는다락에올라가니베드로, 요한, 야고보, 안드레와빌립, 도마와바돌로매, 마태와및알패오의아들야고보, 셀롯人시몬, 야고보의아들유다가 다거기있어 14 ou-toi pa,ntej h=san proskarterou/ntej o`moqumado.n th/ proseuch/ kai. th/ deh,sei( su.n gunaixi.n kai. Maria, th/ mhtri. tou/ VIhsou/ kai. su.n toi/j avdelfoi/j auvtou/ They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers. 여자( 女子 ) 들과예수의모친( 母親 ) 마리아와예수의아우들로더불어마음을같이하여전( 專 ) 혀기도( 祈禱 ) 에힘쓰니라

4 15 Kai. evn tai/j h`me,raij tau,taij avnasta.j Pe,troj evn me,sw tw/n maqhtw/n ei=pen h=n te o;cloj ovnoma,twn evpi. to. auvto. w`s. e`kato.n ei;kosin( In those days Peter stood up among the believers (a group numbering about a hundred and twenty) 모인무리의수( 數 ) 가한일백( 一百 ) 이십명( 二十名 ) 이나되더라그때에베드로가 그형제( 兄弟 ) 가운데일어서서가로되 16 :Andrej avdelfoi, e;dei plhrwqh/nai th.n grafh.n tau,thn( h]n proei/pen to. pneu/ma to. a[gion dia. sto,matoj Dabi.d( peri. VIou,da tou/ genome,nou o`dhgou/ toi/j sullabou/sin to.n VIhsou/n and said, "Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus-- 형제( 兄弟 ) 들아성령( 聖靈 ) 이다윗의입을의탁( 依託 ) 하사예수잡는자( 者 ) 들을 지로( 指路 ) 한유다를가리켜미리말씀하신성경( 聖經 ) 이응( 應 ) 하였으니마땅하도다 17 o[ti kathriqmhme,noj h=n su.n h`mi/n kai. e;lacen to.n klh/ron th/j diakoni,aj tau,thj he was one of our number and shared in this ministry." 이사람이본래( 本來 ) 우리수( 數 ) 가운데참예( 參與 ) 하여이직무( 職務 ) 의한 부분( 部分 ) 을맡았던자( 者 ) 라 18 Ou-toj me.n ou=n evkth,sato cwri,on evk tou/ misqou/ th/j avdiki,aj kai. prhnh.j geno,menoj evla,khsen me,soj kai. evxecu,qh pa,nta ta. spla,gcna auvtou/\ (With the reward he got for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out. ( 이사람이불의( 不義 ) 의삯으로밭을사고후( 後 ) 에몸이곤두박질하여배가터져창자가다흘러나온지라 19 kai. gnwsto.n evge,neto pa,sin toi/j katoikou/sin VIerousalh,m w[ste klhqh/nai to. cwri,on evkei/no th/ ivdi,a diale,ktw auvtw/n ~Akeldama,( tou/tve;stin Cwri,on Ai[matoj Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood.) 이일이예루살렘에사는모든사람에게알게되어본( 本 ) 방언( 方言 ) 에그밭을이르되아겔다마라하니이는피밭이라는뜻이라 )

5 20 Ge,graptai ga.r evn bi,blw yalmw/n Genhqh,tw h` e;paulij auvtou/ e;rhmoj kai. mh. e;stw o` katoikw/n evn auvth/ kai, Th.n evpiskoph.n auvtou/ la,boi e[teroj "For," said Peter, "it is written in the book of Psalms, "'May his place be deserted; let there be no one to dwell in it,' and, "'May another take his place of leadership.' 시편( 詩篇 ) 에기록( 記錄 ) 하였으되그의거처( 居處 ) 로황폐( 荒廢 ) 하게하시며거기 거( 居 ) 하는자( 者 ) 가없게하소서하였고또일렀으되그직분( 職分 ) 을타인( 他人 ) 이 취( 取 ) 하게하소서하였도다 21 dei/ ou=n tw/n sunelqo,ntwn h`mi/n avndrw/n evn panti. cro,nw evn w- eivsh/lqen kai. evxh/lqen evf h`ma/j o` ku,rioj VIhsou/j Therefore it is necessary to choose one of the men who have been with us the whole time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 이러하므로요한의세례( 洗禮 ) 로부터우리가운데서올리워가신날까지주( 主 ) 예수께서우리가운데출입( 出入 ) 하실때에 22 avrxa,menoj avpo. tou/ bapti,smatoj VIwa,nnou e[wj th/j h`me,raj h`j avnelh,fqh avf h`mw/n ma,rtura th/j avnasta,sewj auvtou/ gene,sqai su.n h`mi/n e[na tou,twn beginning from John's baptism to the time when Jesus was taken up from us. For one of these must become a witness with us of his resurrection." 항상( 恒常 ) 우리와함께다니던사람중( 中 ) 에하나를세워우리로더불어예수의부활( 復活 ) 하심을증거( 證據 ) 할사람이되게하여야하리라하거늘 23 kai. e;sthsan du,o VIwsh.f to.n kalou,menon Barsaba/n o]j evpeklh,qh VIou/stoj kai. Matqi,an) So they proposed two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias. 저희가두사람을천( 薦 ) 하니하나는바사바라고도하고별명( 別名 ) 은유스도라고하는요셉이요하나는맛디아라 24 kai. proseuxa,menoi ei=pon( Su. ku,rie kardiognw/sta pa,ntwn avna,deixon evk tou,twn tw/n du,o e[na o]n evxele,xw Then they prayed, "Lord, you know everyone's heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen 저희가기도( 祈禱 ) 하여가로되뭇사람의마음을아시는주( 主 ) 여이두사람 중( 中 ) 에누가주( 主 ) 의택( 擇 ) 하신바되어

6 25 labei/n to.n klh/ron th/j diakoni,aj tau,thj kai. avpostolh/j evx h`j pare,bh VIou,daj poreuqh/nai eivj to.n to,pon to.n i;dion belongs." to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he 봉사( 奉事 ) 와및사도( 使徒 ) 의직무( 職務 ) 를대신( 代身 ) 할자( 者 ) 를보이시옵소서 유다는이를버리옵고제곳으로갔나이다하고 26 kai. e;dwkan klh,rouj auvtw/n( kai. e;pesen o` klh/roj evpi. Matqi,an( kai. sugkateyhfi,sqh meta. tw/n e[ndeka avposto,lwn Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles. 제비뽑아맛디아를얻으니저가열한사도( 使徒 ) 의수( 數 ) 에가입( 加入 ) 하니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자행1:1~26)

7 1 Kai. evn tw/ sumplhrou/sqai th.n h`me,ran th/j penthkosth/j h=san a[pantej o`moqumado.n evpi. to. auvto, When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 오순절( 五旬節 ) 날이이미이르매저희가다같이한곳에모였더니 2 kai. evge,neto a;fnw evk tou/ ouvranou/ h=coj w[sper ferome,nhj pnoh/j biai,aj kai. evplh,rwsen o[lon to.n oi=kon ou- h=san kaqh,menoi\ Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 홀연( 忽然 ) 히하늘로부터급( 急 ) 하고강( 强 ) 한바람같은소리가있어저희앉은온 집에가득하며 3 kai. w;fqhsan auvtoi/j diamerizo,menai glw/ssai w`sei. puro,j evka,qisen te evf e[na e[kaston auvtw/n They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 불의혀같이갈라지는것이저희에게보여각( 各 ) 사람위에임( 臨 ) 하여있더니 4 kai. evplh,sqhsan a[pantej pneu,matoj a`gi,ou kai. h;rxanto lalei/n e`te,raij glw,ssaij kaqw.j to. pneu/ma evdi,dou auvtoi/j avpofqe,ggesqai All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. 저희가다성령( 聖靈 ) 의충만( 充滿 ) 함을받고성령( 聖靈 ) 이말하게하심을따라 다른방언( 方言 ) 으로말하기를시작( 始作 ) 하니라 5?Hsan de. evn VIerousalh.m katoikou/ntej VIoudai/oi a;ndrej euvlabei/j avpo. panto.j e;qnouj tw/n u`po. to.n ouvrano,n Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. 그때에경건( 敬虔 ) 한유대인( 人 ) 이천하( 天下 ) 각국( 各國 ) 으로부터와서예루살렘에 우거( 寓居 ) 하더니 6 genome,nhj de. th/j fwnh/j tau,thj sunh/lqen to. plh/qoj kai. sunecu,qh o[ti h;kouon ei-j e[kastoj th/ ivdi,a diale,ktw lalou,ntwn auvtw/n When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language.

8 이소리가나매큰무리가모여각각( 各各 ) 자기( 自己 ) 의방언( 方言 ) 으로 제자( 弟子 ) 들의말하는것을듣고소동( 騷動 ) 하여 7 evxi,stanto de. pa,ntej kai. evqau,mazon le,gontej pro./j avllh,louj Ouvk ivdou. pa,ntej ou-toi, eivsin oi` lalou/ntej Galilai/oi Utterly amazed, they asked: "Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? 아니냐 다놀라기이( 奇異 ) 히여겨이르되보라, 이말하는사람이다갈릴리사람이 8 kai. pw/j h`mei/j avkou,omen e[kastoj th/ ivdi,a diale,ktw h`mw/n evn h- evgennh,qhmen Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language? 우리가우리각( 各 ) 사람의난곳방언( 方言 ) 으로듣게되는것이어찜이뇨 9 Pa,rqoi kai. Mh/doi kai. VElami/tai kai. oi` katoikou/ntej th.n Mesopotami,an VIoudai,an te kai. Kappadoki,an Po,nton kai. th.n VAsi,an Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 우리는바대인( 人 ) 과메대인( 人 ) 과엘람인( 人 ) 과또메소보다미아유대와 가바도기아, 본도와아시아 10 Frugi,an te kai. Pamfuli,an Ai;gupton kai. ta. me,rh th/j Libu,hj th/j kata. Kurh,nhn kai. oi` evpidhmou/ntej ~Rwmai/oi VIoudai/oi, te kai. prosh,lutoi Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 브루기아와밤빌리아, 애굽과및구레네에가까운리비야여러지방( 地方 ) 에사는 사람들과로마로부터온나그네곧유대인( 人 ) 과유대교( 敎 ) 에들어온사람들과 11 Krh/tej kai. :Arabej avkou,omen lalou,ntwn auvtw/n tai/j h`mete,raij glw,ssaij ta. megalei/a tou/ qeou/ (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs--we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!" 그레데인( 人 ) 과아라비아인( 人 ) 들이라우리가다우리의각( 各 ) 방언( 方言 ) 으로 하나님의큰일을말함을듣는도다하고 12 evxi,stanto de. pa,ntej kai. dihpo,roun a;lloj pro.j a;llon le,gontej Ti, a;n

9 qe,loi tou/to ei=nai Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, "What does this mean?" 다놀라며의혹( 疑惑 ) 하여서로가로되이어찐일이냐하며 13 e[teroi de. cleua,zontej e;legon o[ti Gleu,kouj memestwme,noi eivsi,n Some, however, made fun of them and said, "They have had too much wine." 또어떤이들은조롱( 嘲弄 ) 하여가로되저희가새술이취( 醉 ) 하였다하더라 14 Staqei.j de. Pe,troj su.n toi/j e[ndeka evph/ren th.n fwnh.n auvtou/ kai. avpefqe,gxato auvtoi/j :Andrej VIoudai/oi kai. oi` katoikou/ntej VIerousalh.m a[pantej( tou/to u`mi/n gnwsto.n e;stw kai. evnwti,sasqe ta. r`h,mata, mou Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: "Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 베드로가열한사도( 使徒 ) 와같이서서소리를높여가로되유대인( 人 ) 들과예루살렘에사는모든사람들아이일을너희로알게할것이니내말에귀를기울이라 15 ouv ga.r w`j u`mei/j u`polamba,nete ou-toi mequ,ousin e;stin ga.r w[ra tri,th th/j h`me,raj These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It's only nine in the morning! 때가제( 第 ) 삼시( 三時 ) 니너희생각과같이이사람들이취( 醉 ) 한것이아니라 16 avlla. tou/to, evstin to. eivrhme,non dia. tou/ profh,tou VIwh,l\ No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 이는곧선지자( 先知者 ) 요엘로말씀하신것이니일렀으되 17 Kai. e;stai evn tai/j evsca,taij h`me,raij le,gei o` qeo,j evkcew/ avpo. tou/ pneu,mato,j mou evpi. pa/san sa,rka kai. profhteu,sousin oi` ui`oi. u`mw/n kai. ai` qugate,rej u`mw/n kai. oi` neani,skoi u`mw/n o`ra,seij o;yontai kai. oi` presbu,teroi u`mw/n evnupni,a evnupniasqh,sontai\ "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. 하나님이가라사대말세( 末世 ) 에내가내영( 靈 ) 으로모든육체( 肉體 ) 에게부어 주리니너희의자녀( 子女 ) 들은예언( 豫言 ) 할것이요너희의젊은이들은환상( 幻像 ) 을 보고너희의늙은이들은꿈을꾸리라

10 18 kai, ge evpi. tou.j dou,louj mou kai. evpi. ta.j dou,laj mou evn tai/j h`me,raij evkei,naij evkcew/ avpo. tou/ pneu,mato,j mou kai. profhteu,sousin Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. 그때에내가내영( 靈 ) 으로내남( 男 ) 종과여( 女 ) 종들에게부어주리니저희가 예언( 豫言 ) 할것이요 19 kai. dw,sw te,rata evn tw/ ouvranw/ a;nw kai. shmei/a evpi. th/j gh/j ka,tw ai-ma kai. pu/r kai. avtmi,da kapnou/\ I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. 또내가위로하늘에서는기사( 奇事 ) 와아래로땅에서는징조( 徵兆 ) 를베풀리니곧피와불과연기( 煙氣 ) 로다 20 o` h[lioj metastrafh,setai eivj sko,toj kai. h` selh,nh eivj ai-ma pri.n h` evlqei/n th.n h`me,ran kuri,ou th.n mega,lhn kai. evpifanh/ The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. 주( 主 ) 의크고영화( 榮華 ) 로운날이이르기전( 前 ) 에해가변( 變 ) 하여어두워지고 달이변( 變 ) 하여피가되리라 21 kai. e;stai pa/j o]j a'n evpikale,shtai to. o;noma kuri,ou swqh,setai And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' 누구든지주( 主 ) 의이름을부르는자( 者 ) 는구원( 救援 ) 을얻으리라하였느니라 22 :Andrej VIsrahli/tai avkou,sate tou.j lo,gouj tou,touj\ VIhsou/n to.n Nazwrai/on a;ndra avpo. tou/ qeou/ avpodedeigme,non eivj u`ma/j duna,mesin kai. te,rasin kai. shmei,oij oi-j evpoi,hsen di auvtou/ o` qeo.j evn me,sw u`mw/n kaqw.j kai. auvtoi. oi;date "Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know. 이스라엘사람들아, 이말을들으라너희도아는바에하나님께서나사렛예수로 큰권능( 權能 ) 과기사( 奇事 ) 와표적( 標蹟 ) 을너희가운데서베푸사너희앞에서그를 증거( 證據 ) 하셨느니라

11 23 tou/ton th/ w`risme,nh boulh/ kai. prognw,sei tou/ qeou/ e;kdoton labo,ntej dia. ceirw/n avno,mwn prosph,xantej Vanei,lete This man was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. 그가하나님의정( 定 ) 하신뜻과미리아신대로내어준바되었거늘너희가법( 法 ) 없는자( 者 ) 들의손을빌어못박아죽였으나 24 o]n o` qeo.j avne,sthsen lu,saj ta.j wvdi/naj tou/ qana,tou kaqo,ti ouvk h=n dunato.n kratei/sqai auvto.n u`p auvtou/\ But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him. 하나님께서사망( 死亡 ) 의고통( 苦痛 ) 을풀어살리셨으니이는그가사망( 死亡 ) 에게 매여있을수없었음이라 25 Dabi.d ga.r le,gei eivj auvto,n Prowrw,mhn to.n ku,rion evnw,pio,n mou dia. panto,j o[ti evk dexiw/n mou, evstin i[na mh. saleuqw/ David said about him: "'I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. 다윗이저를가리켜가로되내가항상( 恒常 ) 내앞에계신주( 主 ) 를뵈웠음이여 나로요동( 搖動 ) 치않게하기위( 爲 ) 하여그가내우편( 右便 ) 에계시도다 26 dia. tou/to euvfra,nqh h` kardi,a mou kai. hvgallia,sato h` glw/ssa, mou e;ti de. kai. h` sa,rx mou kataskhnw,sei evp evlpi,di Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope, 이러므로내마음이기뻐하였고내입술도즐거워하였으며육체( 肉體 ) 는희망( 希望 ) 에거( 居 ) 하리니 27 o[ti ouvk evgkatalei,yeij th.n yuch,n mou eivj a[ dou( ouvde. dw,seij to.n o[sio,n sou ivdei/n diafqora,n because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. 이는내영혼( 靈魂 ) 을음부( 陰府 ) 에버리지아니하시며주( 主 ) 의거룩한자( 者 ) 로 썩음을당( 當 ) 치않게하실것임이로다 28 evgnw,risa,j moi o`dou.j zwh/j plhrw,seij me euvfrosu,nhj meta. tou/ prosw,pou

12 sou You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.' 주( 主 ) 께서생명( 生命 ) 의길로내게보이셨으니주( 主 ) 의앞에서나로기쁨이 충만( 充滿 ) 하게하시리로다하였으니 29 :Andrej avdelfoi, evxo.n eivpei/n meta. parrhsi,aj pro.j u`ma/j peri. tou/ patria,rcou Dabi,d o[ti kai. evteleu,thsen kai. evta,fh kai. to. mnh/ma auvtou/ e;stin evn h`mi/n a;cri th/j h`me,raj tau,thj "Brothers, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day. 형제( 兄弟 ) 들아, 내가조상( 祖上 ) 다윗에대( 對 ) 하여담대( 膽大 ) 히말할수있노니 다윗이죽어장사( 葬事 ) 되어그묘( 墓 ) 가오늘까지우리중( 中 ) 에있도다 30 profh,thj ou=n u`pa,rcwn kai. eivdw.j o[ti o[rkw w;mosen auvtw/ o` qeo.j evk karpou/ th/j ovsfu,oj auvtou/ to. kata. sa,rka avnasth,sein to.n Cristo.n( kaqi,sai evpi. tou/ qro,nou auvtou/ But he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him on oath that he would place one of his descendants on his throne. 그는선지자( 先知者 ) 라하나님이이미맹세( 盟誓 ) 하사그자손( 子孫 ) 중( 中 ) 에서한 사람을그위( 位 ) 에앉게하리라하심을알고 31 proi?dw.n evla,lhsen peri. th/j avnasta,sewj tou/ Cristou/ o[ti ouv katelei,fqh h` yuch. auvtou/ eivj a[ dou( ou;de h` sa.rx auvtou/ ei=den diafqora,n Seeing what was ahead, he spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to the grave, nor did his body see decay. 미리보는고( 故 ) 로그리스도의부활( 復活 ) 하심을말하되저가음부( 陰府 ) 에버림이 되지않고육신( 肉身 ) 이썩음을당( 當 ) 하지아니하시리라하더니 32 tou/ton to.n VIhsou/n avne,sthsen o` qeo,j ou- pa,ntej h`mei/j evsmen ma,rturej\ God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of the fact. 이예수를하나님이살리신지라우리가다이일에증인( 證人 ) 이로다 33 th/ dexia/ ou=n tou/ qeou/ u`ywqei.j th,n te evpaggeli,an tou/ a`gi,ou pneu,matoj labw.n para. tou/ patro.j evxe,ceen tou/to o] nu.n u`mei/j ble,pete kai. avkou,ete Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear.

13 하나님이오른손으로예수를높이시매그가약속( 約束 ) 하신성령( 聖靈 ) 을아버지께받아서너희보고듣는이것을부어주셨느니라 34 ouv ga.r Dabi.d avne,bh eivj tou.j ouvranou,j le,gei de. auvto,j Ei=pen o` ku,rioj tw/ kuri,w mou Ka,qou evk dexiw/n mou For David did not ascend to heaven, and yet he said, "'The Lord said to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand 다윗은하늘에올라가지못하였으나친( 親 ) 히말하여가로되주( 主 ) 께서내주( 主 ) 에게말씀하시기를 35 e[wj a'n qw/ tou.j evcqrou,j sou u`popo,dion tw/n podw/n sou until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet." ' 내가네원수( 怨讐 ) 로네발등상되게하기까지너는내우편( 右便 ) 에앉았으라하셨도다하였으니 36 avsfalw/j ou=n ginwske,tw pa/j oi=koj VIsrah.l o[ti kai. ku,rion kai. Cristo.n auvto.n o` qeo,j evpoi,hsen tou/ton to.n VIhsou/n o]n u`mei/j evstaurw,sate "Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." 그런즉이스라엘온집이정녕( 丁寧 ) 알지니너희가십자가( 十字架 ) 에못박은이예수를하나님이주( 主 ) 와그리스도가되게하셨느니라하니라 37 VAkou,santej de. katenu,ghsan th/ kardi,a ei=po,n te pro.j to.n Pe,tron kai. tou.j loipou.j avposto,louj Ti, poih,somen( a;ndrej avdelfoi, When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?" 저희가이말을듣고마음에찔려베드로와다른사도( 使徒 ) 들에게물어가로되형제( 兄弟 ) 들아우리가어찌할꼬하거늘 38 Pe,troj de. e;fh pro.j auvtou,j Metanoh,sate kai. baptisqh,tw e[kastoj u`mw/n evpi. tw/ ovno,mati VIhsou/ Cristou/ eivj a;fesin a`martiw/n kai. lh,yesqe th.n dwrea.n tou/ a`gi,ou pneu,matoj Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 베드로가가로되너희가회개( 悔改 ) 하여각각( 各各 ) 예수그리스도의이름으로 세례( 洗禮 ) 를받고죄( 罪 ) 사( 赦 ) 함을얻으라그리하면성령( 聖靈 ) 을선물( 膳物 ) 로 받으리니

14 39 u`mi/n ga,r evstin h` evpaggeli,a kai. toi/j te,knoij u`mw/n kai. pa/sin toi/j eivj makra.n o[souj a'n proskale,shtai ku,rioj o` qeo.j h`mw/n The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call." 이약속( 約束 ) 은너희와너희자녀( 子女 ) 와모든먼데사람곧주( 主 ) 우리 하나님이얼마든지부르시는자( 者 ) 들에게하신것이라하고 40 e`te,roij te lo,goij plei,osin diemartu,reto kai. pareka,lei le,gwn Sw,qhte avpo. th/j genea/j th/j skolia/j tau,thj With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." 또여러말로확증( 確證 ) 하며권( 勸 ) 하여가로되너희가이패역( 悖逆 ) 한 세대( 世代 ) 에서구원( 救援 ) 을받으라하니 41 oi` me.n ou=n avsme,nwj avpodexa,menoi to.n lo,gon auvtou/ evbapti,sqhsan kai. prosete,qhsan th/ h`me,ra evkei,nh yucai. w`sei. trisci,liai Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. 그말을받는사람들은세례( 洗禮 ) 를받으매이날에제자( 弟子 ) 의수( 數 ) 가 삼천( 三千 ) 이나더하더라 42 h=san de. proskarterou/ntej th/ didach/ tw/n avposto,lwn kai. th/ koinwni,a kai. th/ kla,sei tou/ a;rtou kai. tai/j proseucai/j They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 저희가사도( 使徒 ) 의가르침을받아서로교제( 交際 ) 하며떡을떼며기도( 祈禱 ) 하기를전( 專 ) 혀힘쓰니라 43 evge,neto de. pa,sh yuch/ fo,boj polla, te te,rata kai. shmei/a dia. tw/n avposto,lwn VEgi,neto Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 나타나니 사람마다두려워하는데사도( 使徒 ) 들로인( 因 ) 하여기사( 奇事 ) 와표적( 標蹟 ) 이많이 44 pa,ntej de. oi` pisteu,ontej h=san evpi. to. auvto. kai. ei=con a[panta koina, All the believers were together and had everything in common.

15 믿는사람이다함께있어모든물건( 物件 ) 을서로통용( 通用 ) 하고 45 kai. ta. kth,mata kai. ta.j u`pa,rxeij evpi,praskon kai. dieme,rizon auvta. pa/sin kaqo,ti a;n tij crei,an ei=cen\ Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 또재산( 財産 ) 과소유( 所有 ) 를팔아각( 各 ) 사람의필요( 必要 ) 를따라나눠주고 46 kaq h`me,ran te proskarterou/ntej o`moqumado.n evn tw/ i`erw/ klw/nte,j te kat oi=kon a;rton metela,mbanon trofh/j evn avgallia,sei kai. avfelo,thti kardi,aj Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 날마다마음을같이하여성전( 聖殿 ) 에모이기를힘쓰고집에서떡을떼며기쁨과순전( 純全 ) 한마음으로음식을먹고 47 aivnou/ntej to.n qeo.n kai. e;contej ca,rin pro.j o[lon to.n lao,n o` de. ku,rioj proseti,qei tou.j sw zome,nouj kaq h`me,ran th/ evkklhsi,a) praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. 하나님을찬미( 讚美 ) 하며또온백성( 百姓 ) 에게칭송( 稱頌 ) 을받으니주( 主 ) 께서 구원( 救援 ) 받는사람을날마다더하게하시니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자행2:1~47)

16 1 evpi. to. auvto, de. Pe,troj kai. VIwa,nnhj avne,bainon eivj to. i`ero.n VEpi. th.n w[ran th/j proseuch/j th.n evnna,thn One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer--at three in the afternoon. 제( 第 ) 구시( 九時 ) 기도( 祈禱 ) 시간( 時間 ) 에베드로와요한이성전( 聖殿 ) 에올라갈새 2 kai, tij avnh.r cwlo.j evk koili,aj mhtro.j auvtou/ u`pa,rcwn evbasta,zeto o]n evti,qoun kaq h`me,ran pro.j th.n qu,ran tou/ i`erou/ th.n legome,nhn ~Wrai,an tou/ aivtei/n evlehmosu,nhn para. tw/n eivsporeuome,nwn eivj to. i`ero,n\ Now a man crippled from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. 나면서앉은뱅이된자( 者 ) 를사람들이메고오니이는성전( 聖殿 ) 에들어가는 사람들에게구걸( 求乞 ) 하기위( 爲 ) 하여날마다미문( 美門 ) 이라는성전( 聖殿 ) 문( 門 ) 에 두는자( 者 ) 라 3 o]j ivdw.n Pe,tron kai. VIwa,nnhn me,llontaj eivsie,nai eivj to. i`ero.n hvrw,ta evlehmosu,nhn labei/n When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. 그가베드로와요한이성전( 聖殿 ) 에들어가려함을보고구걸( 求乞 ) 하거늘 4 avteni,saj de. Pe,troj eivj auvto.n su.n tw/ VIwa,nnh ei=pen Ble,yon eivj h`ma/j Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, "Look at us!" 베드로가요한으로더불어주목( 注目 ) 하여가로되우리를보라하니 5 o` de. evpei/cen auvtoi/j prosdokw/n ti par auvtw/n labei/n So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. 그가저희에게무엇을얻을까하여바라보거늘 6 ei=pen de. Pe,troj VArgu,rion kai. crusi,on ouvc u`pa,rcei moi o] de. e;cw tou/to, soi di,dwmi\ evn tw/ ovno,mati VIhsou/ Cristou/ tou/ Nazwrai,ou evgei/rai kai. peripa,tei Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." 베드로가가로되은( 銀 ) 과금( 金 ) 은내게없거니와내게있는것으로네게주노니곧나사렛예수그리스도의이름으로걸으라하고

17 7 kai. pia,saj auvto.n th/j dexia/j ceiro.j h;geiren paracrh/ma de. evsterew,qhsan auvtou/ ai` ba,seij kai. ta. sfu/ra Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong. 오른손을잡아일으키니발과발목이곧힘을얻고 8 kai. evxallo,menoj e;sth kai. periepa,tei kai. eivsh/lqen su.n auvtoi/j eivj to. i`ero.n peripatw/n kai. a`llo,menoj kai. aivnw/n to.n qeo,n He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. 뛰어서서걸으며그들과함께성전( 聖殿 ) 으로들어가면서걷기도하고뛰기도하며하나님을찬미( 讚美 ) 하니 9 kai. ei=den auvto.n pa/j o` lao.j peripatou/nta kai. aivnou/nta to.n qeo,n\ When all the people saw him walking and praising God, 모든백성( 百姓 ) 이그걷는것과및하나님을찬미( 讚美 ) 함을보고 10 evpegi,nwskon te auvto.n o[ti ou`to.j h=n o` pro.j th.n evlehmosu,nhn kaqh,menoj evpi. th/ ~Wrai,a Pu,lh tou/ i`erou/ kai. evplh,sqhsan qa,mbouj kai. evksta,sewj evpi. tw/ sumbebhko,ti auvtw/ they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. 그본래( 本來 ) 성전( 聖殿 ) 미문( 美門 ) 에앉아구걸( 求乞 ) 하던사람인줄알고그의 당( 當 ) 한일을인( 因 ) 하여심( 甚 ) 히기이( 奇異 ) 히여기며놀라니라 11 Kratou/ntoj de. tou/ ivaqevntoj cwlou/ to.n Pe,tron kai. VIwa,nnhn sune,dramen pro.j auvtou.j pa/j o` lao.j evpi. th/ stoa/ th/ kaloume,nh Solomw/ntoj e;kqamboi While the beggar held on to Peter and John, all the people were astonished and came running to them in the place called Solomon's Colonnade. 나은사람이베드로와요한을붙잡으니모든백성( 百姓 ) 이크게놀라며달려 나아가솔로몬의행각( 行閣 ) 이라칭( 稱 ) 하는행각( 行閣 ) 에모이거늘 12 ivdw.n de. Pe,troj avpekri,nato pro.j to.n lao,n :Andrej VIsrahli/tai ti, qauma,zete evpi. tou,tw h' h`mi/n ti, avteni,zete w`j ivdi,a duna,mei h' euvsebei,a pepoihko,sin tou/ peripatei/n auvto,n

18 When Peter saw this, he said to them: "Men of Israel, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk? 베드로가이것을보고백성( 百姓 ) 에게말하되이스라엘사람들아, 이일을왜 기이( 奇異 ) 히여기느냐우리개인( 個人 ) 의권능( 權能 ) 과경건( 敬虔 ) 으로이사람을걷게 한것처럼왜우리를주목( 注目 ) 하느냐 13 o` qeo.j VAbraa.m kai. VIsaa.k kai. VIakw,b o` qeo.j tw/n pate,rwn h`mw/n evdo,xasen to.n pai/da auvtou/ VIhsou/n o]n u`mei/j paredw,kate kai. hvrnh,sasqe auvto,n kata. pro,swpon Pila,tou kri,nantoj evkei,nou avpolu,ein\ The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus. You handed him over to be killed, and you disowned him before Pilate, though he had decided to let him go. 아브라함과이삭과야곱의하나님곧우리조상( 祖上 ) 의하나님이그종예수를영화( 榮華 ) 롭게하셨느니라너희가저를넘겨주고빌라도가놓아주기로결안( 決案 ) 한것을너희가그앞에서부인( 否認 ) 하였으니 14 u`mei/j de. to.n a[gion kai. di,kaion hvrnh,sasqe kai. hv th,sasqe a;ndra fone,a carisqh/nai u`mi/n You disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you. 너희가거룩하고의( 義 ) 로운자( 者 ) 를부인( 否認 ) 하고도리어살인( 殺人 ) 한사람을 놓아주기를구( 求 ) 하여 15 to.n de. avrchgo.n th/j zwh/j avpektei,nate o]n o` qeo.j h;geiren evk nekrw/n ouh`mei/j ma,rture,j evsmen You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this. 생명( 生命 ) 의주( 主 ) 를죽였도다그러나하나님이죽은자( 者 ) 가운데서살리셨으니 우리가이일에증인( 證人 ) 이로라 16 kai. evpi. th/ pi,stei tou/ ovno,matoj auvtou/ tou/ton o]n qewrei/te kai. oi;date evstere,wsen to. o;noma auvtou/ kai. h` pi,stij h` di auvtou/ e;dwken auvtw/ th.n o`loklhri,an tau,thn avpe,nanti pa,ntwn u`mw/n By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see. 그이름을믿으므로그이름이너희보고아는이사람을성하게하였나니예수로

19 말미암아난믿음이너희모든사람앞에서이같이완전( 完全 ) 히낫게하였느니라 17 kai. nu/n avdelfoi, oi=da o[ti kata. a;gnoian evpra,xate w[sper kai. oi` a;rcontej u`mw/n\ "Now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did your leaders. 형제( 兄弟 ) 들아, 너희가알지못하여서그리하였으며너희관원( 官員 ) 들도그리한줄아노라 18 o` de. qeo.j a] prokath,ggeilen dia. sto,matoj pa,ntwn tw/n profhtw/n auvtou/ paqei/n to.n Cristo.n evplh,rwsen ou[twj But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that his Christ would suffer. 그러나하나님이모든선지자( 先知者 ) 의입을의탁( 依託 ) 하사자기( 自己 ) 의 그리스도의해( 害 ) 받으실일을미리알게하신것을이와같이이루셨느니라 19 metanoh,sate ou=n kai. evpistre,yate eivj to. evxaleifqh/nai u`mw/n ta.j a`marti,aj o[pwj a;n e;lqwsin kairoi, avnayu,xewj avpo, prosw,pou tou/ kuri,ou Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, 그러므로너희가회개( 悔改 ) 하고돌이켜너희죄( 罪 ) 없이함을받으라이같이하면유쾌( 愉快 ) 하게되는날이주( 主 ) 앞으로부터이를것이요 20 kai. avpostei,lh to.n prokekhrugme,non u`mi/n VIhsou/n Cristo,n Jesus. and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you--even 또주( 主 ) 께서너희를위( 爲 ) 하여예정( 豫定 ) 하신그리스도곧예수를보내시리니 21 o]n dei/ ouvrano.n me.n de,xasqai a;cri cro,nwn avpokatasta,sewj pa,ntwn w-n evla,lhsen o` qeo.j dia. sto,matoj pa,ntwn( a`gi,wn auvtou/ profhtw/n avp aivw/noj He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. 하나님이영원( 永遠 ) 전( 前 ) 부터거룩한선지자( 先知者 ) 의입을의탁( 依託 ) 하여 말씀하신바만유( 萬有 ) 를회복( 回復 ) 하실때까지는하늘이마땅히그를받아두리라 22 Mwsh/j me.n ga.r pro.j tou,j pate,raj ei=pen o[ti Profh,thn u`mi/n avnasth,sei ku,rioj o` qeo.j u`mw/n evk tw/n avdelfw/n u`mw/n w`j evme,\ auvtou/ avkou,sesqe kata. pa,nta o[sa a'n lalh,sh pro.j u`ma/j

20 For Moses said, 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you must listen to everything he tells you. 모세가말하되주( 主 ) 하나님이너희를위( 爲 ) 하여너희형제( 兄弟 ) 가운데서 나같은선지자( 先知者 ) 하나를세울것이니너희가무엇이든지그모든말씀을들을 것이라 23 e;stai de. pa/sa yuch. h[tij a'n mh. avkou,sh tou/ profh,tou evkei,nou evxoloqreuqh,setai evk tou/ laou/ people.' Anyone who does not listen to him will be completely cut off from among his 누구든지그선지자( 先知者 ) 의말을듣지아니하는자( 者 ) 는백성( 百姓 ) 중( 中 ) 에서 멸망( 滅亡 ) 받으리라하였고 24 kai. pa,ntej de. oi` profh/tai avpo. Samouh.l kai. tw/n kaqexh/j o[soi evla,lhsan kai. prokath,ggeilan ta.j h`me,raj tau,taj "Indeed, all the prophets from Samuel on, as many as have spoken, have foretold these days. 또한사무엘때부터옴으로말한모든선지자( 先知者 ) 도이때를가리켜말하였느니라 25 u`mei/j evste ui`oi. tw/n profhtw/n kai. th/j diaqh,khj h`j die,qeto o` qeo.j pro.j tou.j pate,raj h`mw/n le,gwn pro.j VAbraa,m Kai. tw/ spe,rmati, sou evneuloghqh,sontai pa/sai ai` patriai. th/j gh/j And you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant God made with your fathers. He said to Abraham, 'Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.' 너희는선지자( 先知者 ) 들의자손( 子孫 ) 이요또하나님이너희조상( 祖上 ) 으로 더불어세우신언약( 言約 ) 의자손( 子孫 ) 이라아브라함에게이르시기를땅위의모든 족속( 族屬 ) 이너의씨를인( 因 ) 하여복( 福 ) 을받으리라하셨으니 26 u`mi/n prw/ton o` qeo.j avnasth,saj to.n pai/da auvtou/ VIhsou/n( avpe,steilen auvto.n euvlogou/nta u`ma/j evn tw/ avpostre,fein e[kaston avpo. tw/n ponhriw/n u`mw/n When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways." 하나님이그종을세워복( 福 ) 주시려고너희에게먼저보내사너희로하여금 돌이켜각각( 各各 ) 그악( 惡 ) 함을버리게하셨느니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자행3:1~26)

21 1 Lalou,ntwn de. auvtw/n pro.j to.n lao.n evpe,sthsan auvtoi/j oi` i`erei/j kai. o` strathgo.j tou/ i`erou/ kai. oi` Saddoukai/oi The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people. 사도( 使徒 ) 들이백성( 百姓 ) 에게말할때에제사장( 祭司長 ) 들과성전( 聖殿 ) 맡은 자( 者 ) 와사두개인( 人 ) 들이이르러 2 diaponou,menoi dia. to. dida,skein auvtou.j to.n lao.n kai. katagge,llein evn tw/ VIhsou/ th.n avna,stasin th.n evk nekrw/n They were greatly disturbed because the apostles were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. 백성( 百姓 ) 을가르침과예수를들어죽은자( 者 ) 가운데서부활( 復活 ) 하는도( 道 ) 전( 傳 ) 함을싫어하여 3 kai. evpe,balon auvtoi/j ta.j cei/raj kai. e;qento eivj th,rhsin eivj th.n au;rion\ h=n ga.r e`spe,ra h;dh They seized Peter and John, and because it was evening, they put them in jail until the next day. 저희를잡으매날이이미저문고( 故 ) 로이튿날까지가두었으나 4 polloi. de. tw/n avkousa,ntwn to.n lo,gon evpi,steusan kai. evgenh,qh o` avriqmo.j tw/n avndrw/n w`sei. cilia,dej pe,nte But many who heard the message believed, and the number of men grew to about five thousand. 말씀을들은사람중( 中 ) 에믿는자( 者 ) 가많으니남자( 男子 ) 의수( 數 ) 가약( 約 ) 오천( 五千 ) 이나되었더라 5 VEge,neto de. evpi. th.n au;rion sunacqh/nai auvtw/n tou.j a;rcontaj kai. presbute,rouj kai. grammatei/j The next day the rulers, elders and teachers of the law met in Jerusalem. 이튿날에관원( 官員 ) 과장로( 長老 ) 와서기관( 書記官 ) 들이예루살렘에모였는데 6 ei;j VIerousalh,m kai. :Annan to.n avrciere,a kai. Kai?a,fan( kai. VIwa,nnhn kai. VAle,xandron kai. o[soi h=san evk ge,nouj avrcieratikou/ Annas the high priest was there, and so were Caiaphas, John, Alexander and the other men of the high priest's family.

22 대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 안나스와가야바와요한과알렉산더와및대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 의문중( 門中 ) 이다참예( 參與 ) 하여 7 kai. sth,santej auvtou.j evn tw/ me,sw evpunqa,nonto VEn poi,a duna,mei h' evn poi,w ovno,mati evpoih,sate tou/to u`mei/j They had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them: "By what power or what name did you do this?" 사도( 使徒 ) 들을가운데세우고묻되너희가무슨권세( 權勢 ) 와뉘이름으로이일을행( 行 ) 하였느냐 8 to,te Pe,troj plhsqei.j pneu,matoj a`gi,ou ei=pen pro.j auvtou,j :Arcontej tou/ laou/ kai. presbu,teroi tou/ VIsrah.l( people! Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: "Rulers and elders of the 이에베드로가성령( 聖靈 ) 이충만( 充滿 ) 하여가로되백성( 百姓 ) 의관원( 官員 ) 과 장로( 長老 ) 들아 9 eiv h`mei/j sh,meron avnakrino,meqa evpi. euvergesi,a avnqrw,pou avsqenou/j evn ti,ni ou-toj se,swstai If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a cripple and are asked how he was healed, 만일( 萬一 ) 병인( 病人 ) 에게행( 行 ) 한착한일에대( 對 ) 하여이사람이어떻게 구원( 救援 ) 을얻었느냐고오늘우리에게질문( 質問 ) 하면 10 gnwsto.n e;stw pa/sin u`mi/n kai. panti. tw/ law/ VIsrah.l o[ti evn tw/ ovno,mati VIhsou/ Cristou/ tou/ Nazwrai,ou o]n u`mei/j evstaurw,sate o]n o` qeo.j h;geiren evk nekrw/n evn tou,tw ou-toj pare,sthken evnw,pion u`mw/n u`gih,j then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. 너희와모든이스라엘백성( 百姓 ) 들은알라너희가십자가( 十字架 ) 에못박고하나님이죽은자( 者 ) 가운데서살리신나사렛예수그리스도의이름으로이사람이건강( 健康 ) 하게되어너희앞에섰느니라 11 ou-to,j evstin o` li,qoj o` evxouqenhqei.j u`f u`mw/n tw/n oivkodo,mou,ntwn( o` geno,menoj eivj kefalh.n gwni,aj He is "'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.' 이예수는너희건축자( 建築者 ) 들의버린돌로서집모퉁이의머릿돌이되었느니라

23 12 kai. ouvk e;stin evn a;llw ouvdeni. h` swthri,a ou;te ga.r o;noma, evstin e[teron u`po. to.n ouvrano.n to. dedome,non evn avnqrw,poij evn w- dei/ swqh/nai h`ma/j Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." 다른이로서는구원( 救援 ) 을얻을수없나니천하( 天下 ) 인간( 人間 ) 에구원( 救援 ) 을 얻을만한다른이름을우리에게주신일이없음이니라하였더라 13 Qewrou/ntej de. th.n tou/ Pe,trou parrhsi,an kai. VIwa,nnou kai. katalabo,menoi o[ti a;nqrwpoi avgra,mmatoi, eivsin kai. ivdiw/tai evqau,mazon evpegi,nwsko,n te auvtou.j o[ti su.n tw/ VIhsou/ h=san When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. 저희가베드로와요한이기탄( 忌憚 ) 없이말함을보고그본래( 本來 ) 학문( 學問 ) 없는범인( 凡人 ) 으로알았다가이상( 異常 ) 히여기며또그전( 前 ) 에예수와함께있던 줄도알고 14 to,n de. a;nqrwpon ble,pontej su.n auvtoi/j e`stw/ta to.n teqerapeume,non ouvde.n ei=con avnteipei/n But since they could see the man who had been healed standing there with them, there was nothing they could say. 또병( 病 ) 나은사람이그들과함께섰는것을보고힐난( 詰難 ) 할말이없는지라 15 keleu,santej de. auvtou.j e;xw tou/ sunedri,ou avpelqei/n sune,balon pro.j avllh,louj together. So they ordered them to withdraw from the Sanhedrin and then conferred 명( 命 ) 하여공회( 公會 ) 에서나가라하고서로의논( 議論 ) 하여가로되 16 le,gontej Ti, poih,somen toi/j avnqrw,poij tou,toij o[ti me.n ga.r gnwsto.n shmei/on ge,gonen di auvtw/n pa/sin toi/j katoikou/sin VIerousalh.m fanero,n kai. ouv duna,meqa avrn,hsasqai\ "What are we going to do with these men?" they asked. "Everybody living in Jerusalem knows they have done an outstanding miracle, and we cannot deny it. 이사람들을어떻게할꼬저희로인( 因 ) 하여유명( 有名 ) 한표적( 標蹟 ) 나타난것이 예루살렘에사는모든사람에게알려졌으니우리도부인( 否認 ) 할수없는지라

24 17 avll i[na mh. evpi. plei/on dianemhqh/ eivj to.n lao,n avpeilh/ avpeilhsw,meqa auvtoi/j mhke,ti lalei/n evpi. tw/ ovno,mati tou,tw mhdeni. avnqrw,pwn But to stop this thing from spreading any further among the people, we must warn these men to speak no longer to anyone in this name." 이것이민간( 民間 ) 에더퍼지지못하게저희를위협( 威脅 ) 하여이후( 後 ) 에는이 이름으로아무사람에게도말하지말게하자하고 18 kai. kale,santej auvtou.j parh,ggeilan auvtoi/j to. kaqo,lou mh. fqe,ggesqai mhde. dida,skein evpi. tw/ ovno,mati tou/ VIhsou/ Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. 그들을불러경계( 警戒 ) 하여도무지예수의이름으로말하지도말고가르치지도말라하니 19 o` de. Pe,troj kai. VIwa,nnhj avpokriqe,ntej pro.j auvtou,j ei=pon Eiv di,kaio,n evstin evnw,pion tou/ qeou/ u`mw/n avkou,ein ma/llon h' tou/ qeou/ kri,nate But Peter and John replied, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. 베드로와요한이대답( 對答 ) 하여가로되하나님앞에서너희말듣는것이하나님말씀듣는것보다옳은가판단( 判斷 ) 하라 20 ouv duna,meqa ga.r h`mei/j a] ei;domen kai. hvkou,samen mh. lalei/n For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." 우리는보고들은것을말하지아니할수없다하니 21 oi` de. prosapeilhsa,menoi avpe,lusan auvtou,j mhde.n eu`ri,skontej to. pw/j kola,swntai auvtou,j dia. to.n lao,n o[ti pa,ntej evdo,xazon to.n qeo.n evpi. tw/ gegono,ti\ After further threats they let them go. They could not decide how to punish them, because all the people were praising God for what had happened. 관원( 官員 ) 들이백성( 百姓 ) 을인( 因 ) 하여저희를어떻게벌( 罰 ) 할도리( 道理 ) 를찾지 못하고다시위협( 威脅 ) 하여놓아주었으니이는모든사람이그된일을보고하나님께 영광( 榮光 ) 을돌림이러라 22 evtw/n ga.r h=n pleio,nwn tessara,konta o` a;nqrwpoj evf o]n evgego,nei to. shmei/on tou/to th/j iva,sewj

25 For the man who was miraculously healed was over forty years old. 이표적( 標蹟 ) 으로병( 病 ) 나은사람은사십여( 四十餘 ) 세( 歲 ) 나되었더라 23 VApoluqe,ntej de. h=lqon pro.j tou.j ivdi,ouj kai. avph,ggeilan o[sa pro.j auvtou.j oi` avrcierei/j kai. oi` presbu,teroi ei=pon) On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. 사도( 使徒 ) 들이놓이매그동류( 同類 ) 에게가서제사장( 祭司長 ) 들과장로( 長老 ) 들의 말을다고( 告 ) 하니 24 oi` de. avkou,santej o`moqumado.n h=ran fwnh.n pro.j to.n qeo.n kai. ei=pon( De,spota su. o` Qeo.j o` poih,saj to.n ouvrano.n kai. th.n gh/n kai. th.n qa,lassan kai. pa,nta ta. evn auvtoi/j When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. "Sovereign Lord," they said, "you made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them. 저희가듣고일심( 一心 ) 으로하나님께소리를높여가로되대주재( 大主宰 ) 여천지( 天地 ) 와바다와그가운데만유( 萬有 ) 를지은이시요 25 o` dia. sto,matoj Dabi.d tou/ paido,j sou eivpw,n ~Inati, evfru,axan e;qnh kai. laoi. evmele,thsan kena, You spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of your servant, our father David: "'Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? 또주( 主 ) 의종우리조상( 祖上 ) 다윗의입을의탁( 依託 ) 하사성령( 聖靈 ) 으로 말씀하시기를어찌하여열방( 列邦 ) 이분노( 忿怒 ) 하며족속( 族屬 ) 들이허사( 虛事 ) 를 경영( 經營 ) 하였는고 26 pare,sthsan oi` basilei/j th/j gh/j kai. oi` a;rcontej sunh,cqhsan evpi. to. auvto. kata. tou/ kuri,ou kai. kata. tou/ Cristou/ auvtou/ The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One.' 세상( 世上 ) 의군왕( 君王 ) 들이나서며관원( 官員 ) 들이함께모여주( 主 ) 와그 그리스도를대적( 對敵 ) 하도다하신이로소이다 27 sunh,cqhsan ga.r evp avlhqei,aj evpi. to.n a[gion pai/da, sou VIhsou/n o]n e;crisaj ~Hrw, dhj te kai. Po,ntioj Pila/toj su.n e;qnesin kai. laoi/j VIsrah,l Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom

26 you anointed. 과연( 果然 ) 헤롯과본디오빌라도는이방인( 異邦人 ) 과이스라엘백성( 百姓 ) 과 합동( 合同 ) 하여하나님의기름부으신거룩한종예수를거스려 28 poih/sai o[sa h` cei,r sou kai. h` boulh, sou prow,risen gene,sqai They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen. 하나님의권능( 權能 ) 과뜻대로이루려고예정( 豫定 ) 하신그것을행( 行 ) 하려고이 성( 城 ) 에모였나이다 29 kai. ta. nu/n ku,rie e;pide evpi. ta.j avpeila.j auvtw/n kai. do.j toi/j dou,loij sou meta. parrhsi,aj pa,shj lalei/n to.n lo,gon sou Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. 주( 主 ) 여이제도저희의위협( 威脅 ) 함을하감( 下鑑 ) 하옵시고또종들로하여금 담대( 膽大 ) 히하나님의말씀을전( 傳 ) 하게하여주옵시며 30 evn tw/ th.n cei/ra, sou evktei,nein se eivj i;asin kai. shmei/a kai. te,rata gi,nesqai dia. tou/ ovno,matoj tou/ a`gi,ou paido,j sou VIhsou/ Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus." 손을내밀어병( 病 ) 을낫게하옵시고표적( 標蹟 ) 과기사( 奇事 ) 가거룩한종예수의 이름으로이루어지게하옵소서하더라 31 kai. dehqe,ntwn auvtw/n evsaleu,qh o` to,poj evn w- h=san sunhgme,noi kai. evplh,sqhsan a[pantej pneu,matoj a`gi,ou kai. evla,loun to.n lo,gon tou/ qeou/ meta. parrhsi,aj After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. 빌기를다하매모인곳이진동( 震動 ) 하더니무리가다성령( 聖靈 ) 이충만( 充滿 ) 하여 담대( 膽大 ) 히하나님의말씀을전( 傳 ) 하니라 32 Tou/ de. plh,qouj tw/n pisteusa,ntwn h=n h` kardi,a kai. h` yuch. mi,a kai. ouvde. ei-j ti tw/n u`parco,ntwn auvtw/ e;legen i;dion ei=nai avll h=n auvtoi/j a[panta koina, All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. 믿는무리가한마음과한뜻이되어모든물건( 物件 ) 을서로통용( 通用 ) 하고제재물( 財物 ) 을조금이라도제것이라하는이가하나도없더라

27 33 kai. mega,lh duna,mei avpedi,doun to. martu,rion oi` avpo,stoloi th/j avnasta,sewj tou/ kuri,ou VIhsou/ ca,rij te mega,lh h=n evpi. pa,ntaj auvtou,j With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. 사도( 使徒 ) 들이큰권능( 權能 ) 으로주( 主 ) 예수의부활( 復活 ) 을증거( 證據 ) 하니 무리가큰은혜( 恩惠 ) 를얻어 34 ouvde. ga.r evndeh,j tij u`ph/ rcen evn auvtoi/j\ o[soi ga.r kth,torej cwri,wn h' oivkiw/n u`ph/rcon pwlou/ntej e;feron ta.j tima.j tw/n pipraskome,nwn There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 그중( 中 ) 에핍절( 乏絶 ) 한사람이없으니이는밭과집있는자( 者 ) 는팔아그판 것의값을가져다가 35 kai. evti,qoun para. tou.j po,daj tw/n avposto,lwn diedi,doto de. e`ka,stw kaqo,ti a;n tij crei,an ei=cen need. 줌이러라 and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had 사도( 使徒 ) 들의발앞에두매저희가각( 各 ) 사람의필요( 必要 ) 를따라나눠 36 VIwsh/j de. o` evpiklhqei.j Barnaba/j u`po. tw/n avposto,lwn o[ evstin meqermhneuo,menon ui`o.j paraklh,sewj Leui,thj Ku,prioj tw/ ge,nei Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means Son of Encouragement), 구브로에서난레위족인( 族人 ) 이있으니이름은요셉이라사도( 使徒 ) 들이일컬어바나바( 번역( 飜譯 ) 하면권위자( 權威者 )) 라하니 37 u`pa,rcontoj auvtw/ avgrou/ pwlh,saj h;negken to. crh/ma kai. e;qhken para, tou.j po,daj tw/n avposto,lwn feet. sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles' 그가밭이있으매팔아값을가지고사도( 使徒 ) 들의발앞에두니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자행4:1~37)

28 1 VAnh.r de, tij ~Anani,aj ovno,mati su.n Sapfei,rh th/ gunaiki. auvtou/ evpw,lhsen kth/ma Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. 아나니아라하는사람이그아내삽비라로더불어소유( 所有 ) 를팔아 2 kai. evnosfi,sato avpo. th/j timh/j suneidui,aj kai. th/j gunaiko,j auvtou/( kai. evne,gkaj me,roj ti para. tou.j po,daj tw/n avposto,lwn e;qhken With his wife's full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles' feet. 그값에서얼마를감추매그아내도알더라얼마를가져다가사도( 使徒 ) 들의발앞에두니 3 ei=pen de. Pe,troj ~Anani,a diati, evplh,rwsen o` Satana/j th.n kardi,an sou yeu,sasqai, se to. pneu/ma to. a[gion kai. nosfi,sasqai avpo. th/j timh/j tou/ cwri,ou Then Peter said, "Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 베드로가가로되아나니아야, 어찌하여사단이네마음에가득하여네가성령( 聖靈 ) 을속이고땅값얼마를감추었느냐 4 ouvci. me,non soi. e;menen kai. praqe.n evn th/ sh/ evxousi,a u`ph/rcen ti, o[ti e;qou evn th/ kardi,a sou to. pra/gma tou/to ouvk evyeu,sw avnqrw,poij avlla. tw/ qew/ Didn't it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied to men but to God." 땅이그대로있을때에는네땅이아니며판후( 後 ) 에도네임의( 任意 ) 로할수가없더냐어찌하여이일을네마음에두었느냐사람에게거짓말한것이아니요하나님께로다 5 avkou,wn de. ~Anani,aj tou.j lo,gouj tou,touj pesw.n evxe,yuxen kai. evge,neto fo,boj me,gaj evpi. pa,ntaj tou.j avkou,ontaj tau/ta) When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. 아나니아가이말을듣고엎드러져혼( 魂 ) 이떠나니이일을듣는사람이다크게두려워하더라

29 6 avnasta,ntej de. oi` new,teroi sune,steilan auvto.n kai. evxene,gkantej e;qayan Then the young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried him out and buried him. 젊은사람들이일어나시신( 屍身 ) 을싸서메고나가장사( 葬事 ) 하니라 7 VEge,neto de. w`j w`rw/n triw/n dia,sthma kai. h` gunh. auvtou/ mh. eivdui/a to. gegono.j eivsh/lqen About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. 세시간( 時間 ) 쯤지나그아내가그생긴일을알지못하고들어오니 8 avpekri,qh de. au]th o` Pe,troj Eivpe, moi eiv tosou,tou to. cwri,on avpe,dosqe h` de. ei=pen Nai, tosou,tou Peter asked her, "Tell me, is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?" "Yes," she said, "that is the price." 베드로가가로되그땅판값이이것뿐이냐내게말하라하니가로되예, 이뿐이로라 9 o` de. Pe,troj ei=pen pro.j auvth,n Ti, o[ti sunefwnh,qh u`mi/n peira,sai to. pneu/ma kuri,ou ivdou. oi` po,dej tw/n qaya,ntwn to.n a;ndra sou evpi. th/ qu,ra kai. evxoi,sousi,n se Peter said to her, "How could you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord? Look! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also." 베드로가가로되너희가어찌함께꾀하여주( 主 ) 의영( 靈 ) 을시험( 試驗 ) 하려 하느냐보라, 네남편( 男便 ) 을장사( 葬事 ) 하고오는사람들의발이문( 門 ) 앞에 이르렀으니또너를메어내가리라한대 10 e;pesen de. paracrh/ma para. tou.j po,daj auvtou/ kai. evxe,yuxen\ eivselqo,ntej de. oi` neani,skoi eu-ron auvth.n nekra,n kai. evxene,gkantej e;qayan pro.j to.n a;ndra auvth/j At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. 곧베드로의발앞에엎드러져혼( 魂 ) 이떠나는지라젊은사람들이들어와죽은것을보고메어다가그남편( 男便 ) 곁에장사( 葬事 ) 하니 11 kai. evge,neto fo,boj me,gaj evf o[lhn th.n evkklhsi,an kai. evpi. pa,ntaj tou.j

30 avkou,ontaj tau/ta Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events. 온교회( 敎會 ) 와이일을듣는사람들이다크게두려워하니라 12 Dia. de. tw/n ceirw/n tw/n avposto,lwn evge,neto shmei/a kai. te,rata evn tw/ law/ \ polla. kai. h=san o`moqumado.n a[pantej evn th/ Stoa/ Solomw/ntoj The apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people. And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon's Colonnade. 사도( 使徒 ) 들의손으로민간( 民間 ) 에표적( 標蹟 ) 과기사( 奇事 ) 가많이되매믿는 사람이다마음을같이하여솔로몬행각( 行閣 ) 에모이고 13 tw/n de. loipw/n ouvdei.j evto,lma kolla/sqai auvtoi/j avll evmega,lunen auvtou.j o` lao,j\ people. No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the 그나머지는감( 敢 ) 히그들과상종( 相從 ) 하는사람이없으나백성( 百姓 ) 이 칭송( 稱頌 ) 하더라 14 ma/llon de. proseti,qento pisteu,ontej tw/ kuri,w plh,qh avndrw/n te kai. gunaikw/n Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number. 믿고주( 主 ) 께로나오는자( 者 ) 가더많으니남녀( 男女 ) 의큰무리더라 15 w[ste kata. ta.j platei,aj evkfe,rein tou.j avsqenei/j kai. tiqe,nai evpi. klin,wn kai. krabba,twn i[na evrcome,nou Pe,trou ka'n h` skia. evpiskia,sh tini. auvtw/n As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter's shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by. 심지어( 甚至於 ) 병( 病 ) 든사람을메고거리에나가침대( 寢臺 ) 와요위에뉘이고 베드로가지날때에혹( 或 ) 그그림자라도뉘게덮일까바라고 16 sunh,rceto de. kai. to. plh/qoj tw/n pe,rix po,lewn ei;j VIerousalh,m fe,rontej avsqenei/j kai. ovcloume,nouj u`po. pneuma,twn avkaqa,rtwn oi[tinej evqerapeu,onto a[pantej Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by evil spirits, and all of them were healed.

31 예루살렘근읍( 近邑 ) 허다( 許多 ) 한사람들도모여병( 病 ) 든사람과더러운 귀신( 鬼神 ) 에게괴로움받는사람을데리고와서다나음을얻으니라 17 VAnasta.j de. o` avrciereu.j kai. pa,ntej oi` su.n auvtw/ h` ou=sa ai[resij tw/n Saddoukai,wn evplh,sqhsan zh,lou Then the high priest and all his associates, who were members of the party of the Sadducees, were filled with jealousy. 대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 과그와함께있는사람즉사두개인( 人 ) 의당파( 黨派 ) 가다 마음에시기( 猜忌 ) 가가득하여일어나서 18 kai. evpe,balon ta.j cei/raj auvtw/n evpi. tou.j avposto,louj kai. e;qento auvtou.j evn thrh,sei dhmosi,a They arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail. 사도( 使徒 ) 들을잡아다가옥( 獄 ) 에가두었더니 19 a;ggeloj de. kuri,ou dia. th/j nukto.j h;noixen ta.j qu,raj th/j fulakh/j evxagagw,n te auvtou.j ei=pen But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out. 주( 主 ) 의사자( 使者 ) 가밤에옥문( 獄門 ) 을열고끌어내어가로되 20 Poreu,esqe kai. staqe,ntej lalei/te evn tw/ i`erw/ tw/ law/ pa,nta ta. r`h,mata th/j zwh/j tau,thj "Go, stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the full message of this new life." 가서성전( 聖殿 ) 에서서이생명( 生命 ) 의말씀을다백성( 百姓 ) 에게말하라하매 21 avkou,santej de. eivsh/lqon u`po. to.n o;rqron eivj to. i`ero.n kai. evdi,daskon Parageno,menoj de. o` avrciereu.j kai. oi` su.n auvtw/ suneka,lesan to. sune,drion kai. pa/san th.n gerousi,an tw/n ui`w/n VIsrah,l kai. avpe,steilan eivj to. desmwth,rion avcqh/nai auvtou,j At daybreak they entered the temple courts, as they had been told, and began to teach the people. When the high priest and his associates arrived, they called together the Sanhedrin--the full assembly of the elders of Israel--and sent to the jail for the apostles. 저희가듣고새벽에성전( 聖殿 ) 에들어가서가르치더니대제사장( 大祭司長 ) 과그와 함께있는사람들이와서공회( 公會 ) 와이스라엘족속( 族屬 ) 의원로( 元老 ) 들을다모으고


DBPIA-NURIMEDIA ꡕ CTQU 10:21-22 CEQ 10:21-22 21. Ven ))) ei=pen\ VExomologou/mai, soi( 21. Ven ))) ei=pen\ VExomologou/mai, soi( pa,ter( ku,rie tou/ ouvranou/ kai. th/j gh/j( o[ti pa,ter( ku,rie tou/ ouvranou/ kai. th/j

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