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1 1 VIa,kwboj qeou/ kai. kuri,ou VIhsou/ Cristou/ dou/loj tai/j dw,deka fulai/j tai/j evn th/ diaspora/ cai,rein James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings. 하나님과주( 主 ) 예수그리스도의종야고보는흩어져있는열두지파( 支派 ) 에게문안( 問安 ) 하노라 2 Pa/san cara.n h`gh,sasqe avdelfoi, mou o[tan peirasmoi/j peripe,shte poiki,loij 여기라 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 내형제( 兄弟 ) 들아너희가여러가지시험( 試驗 ) 을만나거든온전( 穩全 ) 히기쁘게 3 ginw,skontej o[ti to. doki,mion u`mw/n th/j pi,stewj katerga,zetai u`pomonh,n because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 이는너희믿음의시련( 試鍊 ) 이인내( 忍耐 ) 를만들어내는줄너희가앎이라 4 h` de. u`pomonh. e;rgon te,leion evce,tw i[na h=te te,leioi kai. o`lo,klhroi evn mhdeni. leipo,menoi Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 인내( 忍耐 ) 를온전( 穩全 ) 히이루라이는너희로온전( 穩全 ) 하고구비( 具備 ) 하여 조금도부족( 不足 ) 함이없게하려함이라 5 Eiv de, tij u`mw/n lei,petai sofi,aj aivtei,tw para. tou/ dido,ntoj qeou/ pa/sin a`plw/j kai. mh. ovneidi,zontoj kai. doqh,setai auvtw/ If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 너희중( 中 ) 에누구든지지혜( 智慧 ) 가부족( 不足 ) 하거든모든사람에게후( 厚 ) 히 주시고꾸짖지아니하시는하나님께구( 求 ) 하라그리하면주시리라 6 aivtei,tw de. evn pi,stei mhde.n diakrino,menoj o` ga.r diakrino,menoj e;oiken klu,dwni qala,sshj avnemizome,nw kai. r`ipizome,nw But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 오직믿음으로구( 求 ) 하고조금도의심( 疑心 ) 하지말라의심( 疑心 ) 하는자( 者 ) 는
2 마치바람에밀려요동( 搖動 ) 하는바다물결같으니 7 mh. ga.r oive,sqw o` a;nqrwpoj evkei/noj o[ti lh,yetai, ti para. tou/ kuri,ou That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 이런사람은무엇이든지주( 主 ) 께얻기를생각하지말라 8 avnh.r di,yucoj avkata,statoj evn pa,saij tai/j o`doi/j auvtou/ he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. 두마음을품어모든일에정( 定 ) 함이없는자( 者 ) 로다 9 Kauca,sqw de. o` avdelfo.j o` tapeino.j evn tw/ u[yei auvtou/ The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. 낮은형제( 兄弟 ) 는자기( 自己 ) 의높음을자랑하고 10 o` de. plou,sioj evn th/ tapeinw,sei auvtou/ o[ti w`j a;nqoj co,rtou pareleu,setai But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position, because he will pass away like a wild flower. 부( 富 ) 한형제( 兄弟 ) 는자기( 自己 ) 의낮아짐을자랑할지니이는풀의꽃과같이 지나감이라 11 avne,teilen ga.r o` h[lioj su.n tw/ kau,swni kai. evxh,ranen to.n co,rton kai. to. a;nqoj auvtou/ evxe,pesen kai. h` euvpre,peia tou/ prosw,pou auvtou/ avpw,leto\ ou[twj kai. o` plou,sioj evn tai/j porei,aij auvtou/ maranqh,setai For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich man will fade away even while he goes about his business. 해가돋고뜨거운바람이불어풀을말리우면꽃이떨어져그모양( 模樣 ) 의 아름다움이없어지나니부( 富 ) 한자( 者 ) 도그행( 行 ) 하는일에이와같이 쇠잔( 衰殘 ) 하리라 12 Maka,rioj avnh.r o]j u`pome,nei peirasmo,n o[ti do,kimoj geno,menoj lh,yetai, to.n ste,fanon th/j zwh/j o]n evphggei,lato o` Ku,rioj toi/j avgapw/sin auvto,n Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. 시험( 試驗 ) 을참는자( 者 ) 는복( 福 ) 이있도다이것에옳다인정( 認定 ) 하심을받은 후( 後 ) 에주( 主 ) 께서자기( 自己 ) 를사랑하는자( 者 ) 들에게약속( 約束 ) 하신생명( 生命 ) 의 면류관( 冕旒冠 ) 을얻을것임이니라
3 13 mhdei.j peirazo,menoj lege,tw o[ti VApo. tou/ qeou/ peira,zomai\ o` ga.r qeo.j avpei,rasto,j evstin kakw/n peira,zei de. auvto.j ouvde,na When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 사람이시험( 試驗 ) 을받을때에내가하나님께시험( 試驗 ) 을받는다하지말지니 하나님은악( 惡 ) 에게시험( 試驗 ) 을받지도아니하시고친( 親 ) 히아무도시험( 試驗 ) 하지 아니하시느니라 14 e[kastoj de. peira,zetai u`po. th/j ivdi,aj evpiqumi,aj evxelko,menoj kai. deleazo,menoj\ but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. 오직각( 各 ) 사람이시험( 試驗 ) 을받는것은자기( 自己 ) 욕심( 慾心 ) 에끌려 미혹( 迷惑 ) 됨이니 15 ei=ta h` evpiqumi,a sullabou/sa ti,ktei a`marti,an h` de. a`marti,a avpotelesqei/sa avpoku,ei qa,naton Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. 낳느니라 욕심( 慾心 ) 이잉태( 孕胎 ) 한즉죄( 罪 ) 를낳고죄( 罪 ) 가장성( 長成 ) 한즉사망( 死亡 ) 을 16 Mh. plana/sqe avdelfoi, mou avgaphtoi, Don't be deceived, my dear brothers. 내사랑하는형제( 兄弟 ) 들아속지말라 17 pa/sa do,sij avgaqh. kai. pa/n dw,rhma te,leion a;nwqe,n evstin katabai/non avpo. tou/ patro.j tw/n fw,twn par w- ouvk e;ni parallagh. h' troph/j avposki,asma Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. 각양( 各樣 ) 좋은은사( 恩賜 ) 와온전( 穩全 ) 한선물( 膳物 ) 이다위로부터빛들의 아버지께로서내려오나니그는변( 變 ) 함도없으시고회전( 回轉 ) 하는그림자도 없으시니라 18 boulhqei.j avpeku,hsen h`ma/j lo,gw avlhqei,aj eivj to. ei=nai h`ma/j avparch,n tina tw/n auvtou/ ktisma,twn He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind
4 of firstfruits of all he created. 그가그조물( 造物 ) 중( 中 ) 에우리로한첫열매가되게하시려고자기( 自己 ) 의 뜻을좇아진리( 眞理 ) 의말씀으로우리를낳으셨느니라 19 {Wste( avdelfoi, mou avgaphtoi,\ e;stw pa/j a;nqrwpoj tacu.j eivj to. avkou/sai bradu.j eivj to. lalh/sai bradu.j eivj ovrgh,n\ My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 내사랑하는형제( 兄弟 ) 들아너희가알거니와사람마다듣기는속( 速 ) 히하고말하기는더디하며성내기도더디하라 20 ovrgh. ga.r avndro.j dikaiosu,nhn qeou/ ouv katerga,zetai) for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. 사람의성내는것이하나님의의( 義 ) 를이루지못함이니라 21 dio. avpoqe,menoi pa/san r`upari,an kai. perissei,an kaki,aj evn prau<thti de,xasqe to.n e;mfuton lo,gon to.n duna,menon sw/sai ta.j yuca.j u`mw/n Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. 그러므로모든더러운것과넘치는악( 惡 ) 을내어버리고능( 能 ) 히너희 영혼( 靈魂 ) 을구원( 救援 ) 할바마음에심긴도( 道 ) 를온유( 溫柔 ) 함으로받으라 22 Gi,nesqe de. poihtai. lo,gou kai. mh. mo,non avkroatai. paralogizo,menoi e`autou,j says. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it 너희는도( 道 ) 를행( 行 ) 하는자( 者 ) 가되고듣기만하여자신( 自身 ) 을속이는 자( 者 ) 가되지말라 23 o[ti ei; tij avkroath.j lo,gou evsti.n kai. ouv poihth,j ou-toj e;oiken avndri. katanoou/nti to. pro,swpon th/j gene,sewj auvtou/ evn evso,ptrw \ Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 누구든지도( 道 ) 를듣고행( 行 ) 하지아니하면그는거울로자기( 自己 ) 의생긴 얼굴을보는사람과같으니 24 kateno,hsen ga.r e`auto.n kai. avpelh,luqen kai. euvqe,wj evpela,qeto o`poi/oj h=n and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he
5 looks like. 제자신( 自身 ) 을보고가서그모양( 模樣 ) 이어떠한것을곧잊어버리거니와 25 o` de. paraku,yaj eivj no,mon te,leion to.n th/j evleuqeri,aj kai. paramei,naj ou-toj ouvk avkroath.j evpilhsmonh/j geno,menoj avlla. poihth.j e;rgou ou-toj maka,rioj evn th/ poih,sei auvtou/ e;stai But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it--he will be blessed in what he does. 자유( 自由 ) 하게하는온전( 穩全 ) 한율법( 律法 ) 을들여다보고있는자( 者 ) 는듣고 잊어버리는자( 者 ) 가아니요실행( 實行 ) 하는자( 者 ) 니이사람이그행( 行 ) 하는일에 복( 福 ) 을받으리라 26 Ei; tij dokei/ qrhsko.j ei=nai evn u`mi/n( mh. calinagwgw/n glw/ssan auvtou/ avllv avpatw/n kardi,an auvtou/ tou,tou ma,taioj h` qrhskei,a If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 누구든지스스로경건( 敬虔 ) 하다생각하며자기( 自己 ) 혀를재갈먹이지아니하고자기( 自己 ) 마음을속이면이사람의경건( 敬虔 ) 은헛것이라 27 qrhskei,a kaqara. kai. avmi,antoj para. tw/ qew/ kai. patri. au[th evsti,n evpiske,ptesqai ovrfanou.j kai. ch,raj evn th/ qli,yei auvtw/n a;spilon e`auto.n threi/n avpo. tou/ ko,smou Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 하나님아버지앞에서정결( 淨潔 ) 하고더러움이없는경건( 敬虔 ) 은곧고아( 孤兒 ) 와 과부( 寡婦 ) 를그환난( 患難 ) 중( 中 ) 에돌아보고또자기( 自己 ) 를지켜세속( 世俗 ) 에 물들지아니하는이것이니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자약1:1~27)
6 1 VAdelfoi, mou mh. evn proswpolhyi,aij e;cete th.n pi,stin tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/ th/j do,xhj My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism. 내형제( 兄弟 ) 들아영광( 榮光 ) 의주( 主 ) 곧우리주( 主 ) 예수그리스도를믿는 믿음을너희가받았으니사람을외모( 外貌 ) 로취( 取 ) 하지말라 2 eva.n ga.r eivse,lqh eivj th,n sunagwgh.n u`mw/n avnh.r crusodaktu,lioj evn evsqh/ti lampra/ eivse,lqh de. kai. ptwco.j evn r`upara/ evsqh/ti Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. 만일( 萬一 ) 너희회당( 會堂 ) 에금( 金 ) 가락지를끼고아름다운옷을입은사람이 들어오고또더러운옷을입은가난한사람이들어올때에 3 kai. evpible,yhte evpi. to.n forou/nta th.n evsqh/ta th.n lampra.n kai. ei;phte auvtw/ ( Su. ka,qou w-de kalw/j kai. tw/ ptwcw/ ei;phte Su. sth/qi evkei/ h' ka,qou w-de u`po. to. u`popo,dio,n mou If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "Here's a good seat for you," but say to the poor man, "You stand there" or "Sit on the floor by my feet," 너희가아름다운옷을입은자( 者 ) 를돌아보아가로되여기좋은자리에앉으소서하고또가난한자( 者 ) 에게이르되너는거기섰든지내발등상아래앉으라하면 4 kai. ouv diekri,qhte evn e`autoi/j kai. evge,nesqe kritai. dialogismw/n ponhrw/n have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? 너희끼리서로구별( 區別 ) 하며악( 惡 ) 한생각으로판단( 判斷 ) 하는자( 者 ) 가되는 것이아니냐 5 VAkou,sate avdelfoi, mou avgaphtoi,\ ouvc o` qeo.j evxele,xato tou.j ptwcou.j tou/ ko,smou tou,tou( plousi,ouj evn pi,stei kai. klhrono,mouj th/j basilei,aj h`j evphggei,lato toi/j avgapw/sin auvto,n Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 내사랑하는형제( 兄弟 ) 들아들을지어다하나님이세상( 世上 ) 에대( 對 ) 하여는
7 가난한자( 者 ) 를택( 擇 ) 하사믿음에부요( 富饒 ) 하게하시고또자기( 自己 ) 를사랑하는 자( 者 ) 들에게약속( 約束 ) 하신나라를유업( 遺業 ) 으로받게아니하셨느냐 6 u`mei/j de. hvtima,sate to.n ptwco,n ouvc oi` plou,sioi katadunasteu,ousin u`mw/n kai. auvtoi. e[lkousin u`ma/j eivj krith,ria But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 너희는도리어가난한자( 者 ) 를괄시( 恝視 ) 하였도다부자( 富者 ) 는너희를 압제( 壓制 ) 하며법정( 法廷 ) 으로끌고가지아니하느냐 7 ouvk auvtoi. blasfhmou/sin to. kalo.n o;noma to. evpiklhqe.n evf u`ma/j Are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong? 저희는너희에게대( 對 ) 하여일컫는바그아름다운이름을훼방( 毁謗 ) 하지아니하느냐 8 eiv me,ntoi no,mon telei/te basiliko.n kata. th.n grafh,n VAgaph,seij to.n plhsi,on sou w`j seauto,n kalw/j poiei/te\ If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right. 너희가만일( 萬一 ) 경( 經 ) 에기록( 記錄 ) 한대로네이웃사랑하기를네몸과같이 하라하신최고( 最高 ) 한법( 法 ) 을지키면잘하는것이거니와 9 eiv de. proswpolhptei/te( a`marti,an evrga,zesqe evlegco,menoi u`po. tou/ no,mou w`j paraba,tai But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 만일( 萬一 ) 너희가외모( 外貌 ) 로사람을취( 取 ) 하면죄( 罪 ) 를짓는것이니 율법( 律法 ) 이너희를범죄자( 犯罪者 ) 로정( 定 ) 하리라 10 o[stij ga.r o[lon to.n no,mon thrh,sei( ptai,sei de. evn e`ni, ge,gonen pa,ntwn e;nocoj For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. 되나니 누구든지온율법( 律法 ) 을지키다가그하나에거치면모두범( 犯 ) 한자( 者 ) 가 11 o` ga.r eivpw,n Mh. moiceu,sh j ei=pen kai, Mh. foneu,sh j\ eiv de. ouv moiceu,seij(
8 foneu,seij de, ge,gonaj paraba,thj no,mou For he who said, "Do not commit adultery," also said, "Do not murder." If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker. 간음( 姦淫 ) 하지말라하신이가또한살인( 殺人 ) 하지말라하셨은즉네가비록 간음( 姦淫 ) 하지아니하여도살인( 殺人 ) 하면율법( 律法 ) 을범( 犯 ) 한자( 者 ) 가되느니라 12 ou[twj lalei/te kai. ou[twj poiei/te w`j dia. no,mou evleuqeri,aj me,llontej kri,nesqai freedom, Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives 너희는자유( 自由 ) 의율법( 律法 ) 대로심판( 審判 ) 받을자( 者 ) 처럼말도하고 행( 行 ) 하기도하라 13 h` ga.r kri,sij avni,lewj tw/ mh. poih,santi e;leoj\ kai. katakauca/tai e;leoj kri,sewj because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment! 긍휼( 矜恤 ) 을행( 行 ) 하지아니하는자( 者 ) 에게는긍휼( 矜恤 ) 없는심판( 審判 ) 이 있으리라긍휼( 矜恤 ) 은심판( 審判 ) 을이기고자랑하느니라 14 Ti, to. o;feloj avdelfoi, mou eva.n pi,stin le,gh tij e;cein e;rga de. mh. e;ch mh. du,natai h` pi,stij sw/sai auvto,n What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? 내형제( 兄弟 ) 들아만일( 萬一 ) 사람이믿음이있노라하고행( 行 ) 함이없으면무슨 이익( 利益 ) 이있으리요그믿음이능( 能 ) 히자기( 自己 ) 를구원( 救援 ) 하겠느냐 15 eva.n de. avdelfo.j h' avdelfh. gumnoi. u`pa,rcwsin kai. leipo,menoi w=sin th/j evfhme,rou trofh/j Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 만일( 萬一 ) 형제( 兄弟 ) 나자매( 姉妹 ) 가헐벗고일용( 日用 ) 할양식( 糧食 ) 이없는데 16 ei;ph de, tij auvtoi/j evx u`mw/n ~Upa,gete evn eivrh,nh qermai,nesqe kai. corta,zesqe mh. dw/te de. auvtoi/j ta. evpith,deia tou/ sw,matoj ti, to. o;feloj If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? 너희중( 中 ) 에누구든지그에게이르되평안( 平安 ) 히가라, 더웁게하라, 배부르게
9 하라하며그몸에쓸것을주지아니하면무슨이익( 利益 ) 이있으리요 17 ou[twj kai. h` pi,stij eva.n mh. e;rga e;ch nekra, evstin kaq e`auth,n In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. 이와같이행( 行 ) 함이없는믿음은그자체( 自體 ) 가죽은것이라 18 VAll evrei/ tij Su. pi,stin e;ceij kavgw. e;rga e;cw\ dei/xo,n moi th.n pi,stin sou evk tw/n e;rgwn sou kavgw, dei,xw soi evk tw/n e;rgwn mou th.n pi,stin mou But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. 혹( 或 ) 이가로되너는믿음이있고나는행( 行 ) 함이있으니행( 行 ) 함이없는네 믿음을내게보이라나는행( 行 ) 함으로내믿음을네게보이리라 19 su. pisteu,eij o[ti o` qeo,j ei-j evstin kalw/j poiei/j\ kai. ta. daimo,nia pisteu,ousin kai. fri,ssousin You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder. 네가하나님은한분이신줄을믿느냐잘하는도다귀신( 鬼神 ) 들도믿고떠느니라 20 qe,leij de. gnw/nai w= a;nqrwpe kene, o[ti h` pi,stij cwri.j tw/n e;rgwn nekra, evstin You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? 아아, 허탄( 虛誕 ) 한사람아행( 行 ) 함이없는믿음이헛것인줄알고자하느냐 21 VAbraa.m o` path.r h`mw/n ouvk evx e;rgwn evdikaiw,qh avnene,gkaj VIsaa.k to.n ui`o.n auvtou/ evpi. to. qusiasth,rion Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 우리조상( 祖上 ) 아브라함이그아들이삭을제단( 祭壇 ) 에드릴때에행( 行 ) 함으로 의( 義 ) 롭다하심을받은것이아니냐 22 ble,peij o[ti h` pi,stij sunh,rgei toi/j e;rgoij auvtou/ kai. evk tw/n e;rgwn h` pi,stij evteleiw,qh You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. 네가보거니와믿음이그의행( 行 ) 함과함께일하고행( 行 ) 함으로믿음이온전( 穩全 ) 케되었느니라
10 23 kai. evplhrw,qh h` grafh. h` le,gousa VEpi,steusen de. VAbraa.m tw/ qew/ kai. evlogi,sqh auvtw/ eivj dikaiosu,nhn kai. fi,loj qeou/ evklh,qh And the scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness," and he was called God's friend. 이에경( 經 ) 에이른바아브라함이하나님을믿으니이것을의( 義 ) 로여기셨다는말씀이응( 應 ) 하였고그는하나님의벗이라칭( 稱 ) 함을받았나니 24 o`ra/te toi,nun o[ti evx e;rgwn dikaiou/tai a;nqrwpoj kai. ouvk evk pi,stewj mo,non You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone. 이로보건대사람이행( 行 ) 함으로의( 義 ) 롭다하심을받고믿음으로만아니니라 25 o`moi,wj de. kai. ~Raa.b h` po,rnh ouvk evx e;rgwn evdikaiw,qh u`podexame,nh tou.j avgge,louj kai. e`te,ra o`dw/ evkbalou/sa In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? 또이와같이기생( 妓生 ) 라합이사자( 使者 ) 를접대( 接待 ) 하여다른길로나가게할 때에행( 行 ) 함으로의( 義 ) 롭다하심을받은것이아니냐 26 w[sper ga.r to. sw/ma cwri.j pneu,matoj nekro,n evstin ou[twj kai. h` pi,stij cwri.j tw/n e;rgwn nekra, evstin As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. 영혼( 靈魂 ) 없는몸이죽은것같이행( 行 ) 함이없는믿음은죽은것이니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자약2:1~26)
11 1 Mh. polloi. dida,skaloi gi,nesqe avdelfoi, mou eivdo,tej o[ti mei/zon kri,ma lhyo,meqa) Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 내형제( 兄弟 ) 들아너희는선생( 先生 ) 된우리가더큰심판( 審判 ) 받을줄을알고 많이선생( 先生 ) 이되지말라 2 polla. ga.r ptai,omen a[pantej ei; tij evn lo,gw ouv ptai,ei ou-toj te,leioj avnh,r dunato.j calinagwgh/sai kai. o[lon to. sw/ma We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check. 우리가다실수( 失手 ) 가많으니만일( 萬一 ) 말에실수( 失手 ) 가없는자( 者 ) 면곧 온전( 穩全 ) 한사람이라능( 能 ) 히온몸도굴레씌우리라 3 ivdou,( tw/n i[ppwn tou.j calinou.j eivj ta. sto,mata ba,llomen pro.j to. pei,qesqai auvtou.j h`mi/n kai. o[lon to. sw/ma auvtw/n meta,gomen When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. 우리가말을순종( 順從 ) 케하려고그입에재갈먹여온몸을어거( 馭拒 ) 하며 4 ivdou. kai. ta. ploi/a thlikau/ta o;nta kai. u`po. sklhrw/n avne,mwn evlauno,mena meta,getai u`po. evlaci,stou phdali,ou o[pou a'n h` o`rmh. tou/ euvqu,nontoj bou,lhtai) Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. 또배를보라그렇게크고광풍( 狂風 ) 에밀려가는것들을지극( 至極 ) 히작은키로사공( 沙工 ) 의뜻대로운전( 運轉 ) 하나니 5 ou[twj kai. h` glw/ssa mikro.n me,loj evsti.n kai. mega,laucei/) VIdou. ovli,gon pu/r h`li,khn u[lhn avna,ptei\ Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 이와같이혀도작은지체( 肢體 ) 로되큰것을자랑하도다보라, 어떻게작은불이 어떻게많은나무를태우는가 6 kai. h` glw/ssa pu/r\ o` ko,smoj th/j avdiki,aj ou[twj h` glw/ssa kaqi,statai evn
12 toi/j me,lesin h`mw/n h` spilou/sa o[lon to. sw/ma kai. flogi,zousa to.n troco.n th/j gene,sewj kai. flogizome,nh u`po. th/j gee,nnhj The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. 혀는곧불이요불의( 不義 ) 의세계( 世界 ) 라혀는우리지체( 肢體 ) 중( 中 ) 에서온 몸을더럽히고생( 生 ) 의바퀴를불사르나니그사르는것이지옥( 地獄 ) 불에서나느니라 7 pa/sa ga.r fu,sij qhri,wn te kai. peteinw/n e`rpetw/n te kai. evnali,wn dama,zetai kai. deda,mastai th/ fu,sei th/ avnqrwpi,nh All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, 여러종류( 種類 ) 의짐승과새며벌레와해물( 海物 ) 은다길들므로사람에게길들었거니와 8 th.n de. glw/ssan ouvdei.j du,natai avnqrw,pwn dama,sai avkata,sceton kako,n mesth. ivou/ qanathfo,rou but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 혀는능( 能 ) 히길들일사람이없나니쉬지아니하는악( 惡 ) 이요죽이는독( 毒 ) 이 가득한것이라 9 evn auvth/ euvlogou/men to.n Qeo.n kai. pate,ra kai. evn auvth/ katarw,meqa tou.j avnqrw,pouj tou.j kaq o`moi,wsin qeou/ gegono,taj With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. 이것으로우리가주( 主 ) 아버지를찬송( 讚頌 ) 하고또이것으로하나님의형상( 形像 ) 대로지음을받은사람을저주( 詛呪 ) 하나니 10 evk tou/ auvtou/ sto,matoj evxe,rcetai euvlogi,a kai. kata,ra ouv crh, avdelfoi, mou tau/ta ou[twj gi,nesqai not be. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should 한입으로찬송( 讚頌 ) 과저주( 詛呪 ) 가나는도다내형제( 兄弟 ) 들아이것이마땅치 아니하니라 11 mh,ti h` phgh. evk th/j auvth/j ovph/j bru,ei to. gluku. kai. to. pikro,n Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 샘이한구멍으로어찌단물과쓴물을내겠느뇨
13 12 mh. du,natai avdelfoi, mou sukh/ evlai,aj poih/sai h' a;mpeloj su/ka ou[twj ouvdemia phgh. a`luko.n kai. gluku. poih/sai u[dwr My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water. 내형제( 兄弟 ) 들아어찌무화과( 無花果 ) 나무가감람( 橄欖 ) 열매를, 포도( 葡萄 ) 나무가무화과( 無花果 ) 를맺겠느뇨이와같이짠물이단물을내지못하느니라 13 Ti,j sofo.j kai. evpisth,mwn evn u`mi/n deixa,tw evk th/j kalh/j avnastrofh/j ta. e;rga auvtou/ evn prau<thti sofi,aj Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 너희중( 中 ) 에지혜( 智慧 ) 와총명( 聰明 ) 이있는자( 者 ) 가누구뇨그는 선행( 善行 ) 으로말미암아지혜( 智慧 ) 의온유( 溫柔 ) 함으로그행( 行 ) 함을보일지니라 14 eiv de. zh/lon pikro.n e;cete kai. evriqei,an evn th/ kardi,a u`mw/n mh. katakauca/sqe kai. yeu,desqe kata. th/j avlhqei,aj But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 그러나너희마음속에독( 毒 ) 한시기( 猜忌 ) 와다툼이있으면자랑하지말라진리( 眞理 ) 를거스려거짓하지말라 15 ouvk e;stin au[th h` sofi,a a;nwqen katercome,nh avllv evpi,geioj yucikh, daimoniw,dhj Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. 이러한지혜( 智慧 ) 는위로부터내려온것이아니요세상적( 世上的 ) 이요정욕적( 情欲的 ) 이요마귀적( 魔鬼的 ) 이니 16 o[pou ga.r zh/loj kai. evriqei,a evkei/ avkatastasi,a kai. pa/n fau/lon pra/gma For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. 시기( 猜忌 ) 와다툼이있는곳에는요란( 擾亂 ) 과모든악( 惡 ) 한일이있음이니라 17 h` de. a;nwqen sofi,a prw/ton me.n a`gnh, evstin e;peita eivrhnikh, evpieikh,j euvpeiqh,j mesth. evle,ouj kai. karpw/n avgaqw/n avdia,kritoj kai. avnupo,kritoj But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and
14 sincere. 오직위로부터난지혜( 智慧 ) 는첫째성결( 聖潔 ) 하고다음에화평( 和平 ) 하고 관용( 寬容 ) 하고양순( 良順 ) 하며긍휼( 矜恤 ) 과선( 善 ) 한열매가가득하고편벽( 偏僻 ) 과 거짓이없나니 18 karpo.j de. th/j dikaiosu,nhj evn eivrh,nh spei,retai toi/j poiou/sin eivrh,nhn Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. 화평( 和平 ) 케하는자( 者 ) 들은화평( 和平 ) 으로심어의( 義 ) 의열매를거두느니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자약3:1~18)
15 1 Po,qen po,lemoi kai. ma,cai evn u`mi/n ouvk evnteu/qen evk tw/n h`donw/n u`mw/n tw/n strateuome,nwn evn toi/j me,lesin u`mw/n What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? 너희중( 中 ) 에싸움이어디로, 다툼이어디로좇아나느뇨너희지체( 肢體 ) 중( 中 ) 에서싸우는정욕( 情欲 ) 으로좇아난것이아니냐 2 evpiqumei/te kai. ouvk e;cete foneu,ete kai. zhlou/te kai. ouv du,nasqe evpitucei/n ma,cesqe kai. polemei/te ouvk e;cete de.( dia. to. mh. aivtei/sqai u`ma/j You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. 너희가욕심( 慾心 ) 을내어도얻지못하고살인( 殺人 ) 하며시기( 猜忌 ) 하여도능( 能 ) 히 취( 取 ) 하지못하나니너희가다투고싸우는도다너희가얻지못함은구( 求 ) 하지 아니함이요 3 aivtei/te kai. ouv lamba,nete dio,ti kakw/j aivtei/sqe i[na evn tai/j h`donai/j u`mw/n dapanh,shte When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. 구( 求 ) 하여도받지못함은정욕( 情欲 ) 으로쓰려고잘못구( 求 ) 함이니라 4 moicoi. kai. moicali,dej ouvk oi;date o[ti h` fili,a tou/ ko,smou e;cqra tou/ qeou/ evstin o]j a'n ou=n boulhqh/ fi,loj ei=nai tou/ ko,smou evcqro.j tou/ qeou/ kaqi,statai You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. 간음( 姦淫 ) 하는여자( 女子 ) 들이여세상( 世上 ) 과벗된것이하나님의원수( 怨讐 ) 임을 알지못하느뇨그런즉누구든지세상( 世上 ) 과벗이되고자하는자( 者 ) 는스스로 하나님과원수( 怨讐 ) 되게하는것이니라 5 h' dokei/te o[ti kenw/j h` grafh. le,gei Pro.j fqo,non evpipoqei/ to. pneu/ma o] katw, khsen evn h`mi/n Or do you think Scripture says without reason that the spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely? 너희가하나님이우리속에거( 居 ) 하게하신성령( 聖靈 ) 이시기( 猜忌 ) 하기까지 사모( 思慕 ) 한다하신말씀을헛된줄로생각하느뇨
16 6 mei,zona de. di,dwsin ca,rin dio. le,gei ~O qeo.j u`perhfa,noij avntita,ssetai tapeinoi/j de. di,dwsin ca,rin But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." 그러나더욱큰은혜( 恩惠 ) 를주시나니그러므로일렀으되하나님이교만( 驕慢 ) 한 자( 者 ) 를물리치시고겸손( 謙遜 ) 한자( 者 ) 에게은혜( 恩惠 ) 를주신다하였느니라 7 u`pota,ghte ou=n tw/ qew/ avnti,sthte tw/ diabo,lw kai. feu,xetai avf u`mw/n Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 그런즉너희는하나님께순복( 順服 ) 할지어다마귀( 魔鬼 ) 를대적( 對敵 ) 하라그리하면 너희를피( 避 ) 하리라 8 evggi,sate tw/ qew/ kai. evggiei/ u`mi/n kaqari,sate cei/raj a`martwloi, kai. a`gni,sate kardi,aj di,yucoi Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 하나님을가까이하라그리하면너희를가까이하시리라죄인( 罪人 ) 들아손을깨끗이하라두마음을품은자( 者 ) 들아마음을성결( 聖潔 ) 케하라 9 talaipwrh,sate kai. penqh,sate kai. klau,sate o` ge,lwj u`mw/n eivj pe,nqoj metastrafh,tw kai. h` cara. eivj kath,feian Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 슬퍼하며애통( 哀痛 ) 하며울지어다너희웃음을애통( 哀痛 ) 으로, 너희즐거움을근심으로바꿀지어다 10 tapeinw,qhte evnw,pion tou/ kuri,ou kai. u`yw,sei u`ma/j Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. 주( 主 ) 앞에서낮추라그리하면주( 主 ) 께서너희를높이시리라 11 Mh. katalalei/te avllh,lwn avdelfoi, o` katalalw/n avdelfou/ kai. kri,nwn to.n avdelfo.n auvtou/ katalalei/ no,mou kai. kri,nei no,mon\ eiv de. no,mon kri,neij ouvk ei= poihth.j no,mou avlla. krith,j Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 형제( 兄弟 ) 들아피차( 彼此 ) 에비방( 誹謗 ) 하지말라형제( 兄弟 ) 를비방( 誹謗 ) 하는
17 자( 者 ) 나형제( 兄弟 ) 를판단( 判斷 ) 하는자( 者 ) 는곧율법( 律法 ) 을비방( 誹謗 ) 하고 율법( 律法 ) 을판단( 判斷 ) 하는것이라네가만일( 萬一 ) 율법( 律法 ) 을판단( 判斷 ) 하면 율법( 律法 ) 의준행자( 遵行者 ) 가아니요재판자( 裁判者 ) 로다 12 ei-j evstin o` nomoqe,thj o` duna,menoj sw/sai kai. avpole,sai\ su. ti,j ei= o]j kri,neij to.n e[teron* There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you--who are you to judge your neighbor? 입법자( 立法者 ) 와재판자( 裁判者 ) 는오직하나이시니능( 能 ) 히구원( 救援 ) 하기도 하시며멸( 滅 ) 하기도하시느니라너는누구관대이웃을판단( 判斷 ) 하느냐 13 :Age nu/n oi` le,gontej Sh,meron kai. au;rion poreusw,meqa eivj th,nde th.n po,lin kai. poih,swmen evkei/ evniauto.n e[na kai. evmporeusw,meqa kai. kerdh,swmen Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." 들으라너희중( 中 ) 에말하기를오늘이나내일( 來日 ) 이나우리가아무도시( 都市 ) 에 가서거기서일년( 一年 ) 을유( 留 ) 하며장사하여이( 利 ) 를보리라하는자( 者 ) 들아 14 oi[tinej ouvk evpi,stasqe to. th/j au;rion poi,a ga,r h` zwh. u`mw/n\ avtmi.j ga.r evstin h` pro.j ovli,gon fainome,nh e;peita de. avfanizome,nh Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 내일( 來日 ) 일을너희가알지못하는도다너희생명( 生命 ) 이무엇이뇨너희는잠간( 暫間 ) 보이다가없어지는안개니라 15 avnti. tou/ le,gein u`ma/j VEa.n o` ku,rioj qelh,sh kai. zh,swmen kai. poih,swmen tou/to h' evkei/no Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." 너희가도리어말하기를주( 主 ) 의뜻이면우리가살기도하고이것저것을하리라할것이거늘 16 nu/n de. kauca/sqe evn tai/j avlazonei,aij u`mw/n\ pa/sa kau,chsij toiau,th ponhra, evstin As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. 이제너희가허탄( 虛誕 ) 한자랑을자랑하니이러한자랑은다악( 惡 ) 한것이라 17 eivdo,ti ou=n kalo.n poiei/n kai. mh. poiou/nti a`marti,a auvtw/ evstin
18 Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. 이러므로사람이선( 善 ) 을행( 行 ) 할줄알고도행( 行 ) 치아니하면죄( 罪 ) 니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자약4:1~17)
19 1 :Age nu/n oi` plou,sioi klau,sate ovlolu,zontej evpi. tai/j talaipwri,aij u`mw/n tai/j evpercome,naij Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. 들으라부( 富 ) 한자( 者 ) 들아너희에게임( 臨 ) 할고생( 苦生 ) 을인( 因 ) 하여울고 통곡( 痛哭 ) 하라 2 o` plou/toj u`mw/n se,shpen kai. ta. i`ma,tia u`mw/n shto,brwta ge,gonen Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 너희재물( 財物 ) 은썩었고너희옷은좀먹었으며 3 o` cruso.j u`mw/n kai. o` a;rguroj kati,wtai kai. o` ivo.j auvtw/n eivj martu,rion u`mi/n e;stai kai. fa,getai ta.j sa,rkaj u`mw/n w`j pu/r evqhsauri,sate evn evsca,taij h`me,raij Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 너희금( 金 ) 과은( 銀 ) 은녹( 綠 ) 이슬었으니이녹( 綠 ) 이너희에게증거( 證據 ) 가되며 불같이너희살을먹으리라너희가말세( 末世 ) 에재물( 財物 ) 을쌓았도다 4 ivdou. o` misqo.j tw/n evrgatw/n tw/n avmhsa,ntwn ta.j cw,raj u`mw/n o` avpesterhme,noj avf u`mw/n kra,zei kai. ai` boai. tw/n qerisa,ntwn eivj ta. w=ta kuri,ou Sabaw.q eivselhlu,qasin Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 보라, 너희밭에추수( 秋收 ) 한품군에게주지아니한삯이소리지르며 추수( 秋收 ) 한자( 者 ) 의우는소리가만군( 萬軍 ) 의주( 主 ) 의귀에들렸느니라 5 evtrufh,sate evpi. th/j gh/j kai. evspatalh,sate evqre,yate ta.j kardi,aj u`mw/n w`j evn h`me,ra sfagh/j You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. 너희가땅에서사치( 奢侈 ) 하고연락( 宴樂 ) 하여도살( 屠殺 ) 의날에너희마음을 살지게하였도다 6 katedika,sate evfoneu,sate to.n di,kaion ouvk avntita,ssetai u`mi/n
20 You have condemned and murdered innocent men, who were not opposing you. 너희가옳은자( 者 ) 를정죄( 定罪 ) 하였도다또죽였도다그는너희에게대항( 對抗 ) 하지아니하였느니라 7 Makroqumh,sate ou=n avdelfoi, e[wj th/j parousi,aj tou/ kuri,ou ivdou. o` gewrgo.j evkde,cetai to.n ti,mion karpo.n th/j gh/j makroqumw/n evp auvtw/ e[wj a'n la,bh u`eto.n prw,i?mon kai. o;yimon Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. 그러므로형제( 兄弟 ) 들아주( 主 ) 의강림( 降臨 ) 하시기까지길이참으라보라 농부( 農夫 ) 가땅에서나는귀( 貴 ) 한열매를바라고길이참아이른비와늦은비를 기다리나니 8 makroqumh,sate kai. u`mei/j sthri,xate ta.j kardi,aj u`mw/n o[ti h` parousi,a tou/ kuri,ou h;ggiken You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. 너희도길이참고마음을굳게하라주( 主 ) 의강림( 降臨 ) 이가까우니라 9 mh. stena,zete kat avllh,lwn avdelfoi, i[na mh. katakriqh/te\ ivdou. krith.j pro. tw/n qurw/n e[sthken Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door! 형제( 兄弟 ) 들아서로원망( 怨望 ) 하지말라그리하여야심판( 審判 ) 을면( 免 ) 하리라 보라, 심판자( 審判者 ) 가문( 門 ) 밖에서계시니라 10 u`po,deigma la,bete th/j kakopaqei,aj avdelfoi, mou( kai. th/j makroqumi,aj tou.j profh,taj oi] evla,lhsan tw/ ovno,mati kuri,ou Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. 형제( 兄弟 ) 들아주( 主 ) 의이름으로말한선지자( 先知者 ) 들로고난( 苦難 ) 과오래 참음의본( 本 ) 을삼으라 11 ivdou. makari,zomen tou.j u`pome,nontaj\ th.n u`pomonh.n VIw.b hvkou,sate kai. to. te,loj kuri,ou ei;dete o[ti polu,splagcno,j evstin o` ku,rioj kai. oivkti,rmwn As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about.
21 The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. 보라, 인내( 忍耐 ) 하는자( 者 ) 를우리가복( 福 ) 되다하나니너희가욥의인내( 忍耐 ) 를 들었고주( 主 ) 께서주신결말( 結末 ) 을보았거니와주( 主 ) 는가장자비( 慈悲 ) 하시고 긍휼( 矜恤 ) 히여기는자( 者 ) 시니라 12 Pro. pa,ntwn de, avdelfoi, mou mh. ovmnu,ete mh,te to.n ouvrano.n mh,te th.n gh/n mh,te a;llon tina. o[rkon\ h;tw de. u`mw/n to. Nai. nai. kai. to. Ou' ou; i[na mh. ei;j u`po.kri,sin pe,shte Above all, my brothers, do not swear--not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No," no, or you will be condemned. 내형제( 兄弟 ) 들아무엇보다도맹세( 盟誓 ) 하지말지니하늘로나땅으로나아무다른 것으로도맹세( 盟誓 ) 하지말고오직너희의그렇다하는것은그렇다하고아니라하는 것은아니라하여죄( 罪 ) 정( 定 ) 함을면( 免 ) 하라 13 Kakopaqei/ tij evn u`mi/n proseuce,sqw\ euvqumei/ tij yalle,tw\ Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. 너희중( 中 ) 에고난( 苦難 ) 당( 當 ) 하는자( 者 ) 가있느냐저는기도( 祈禱 ) 할것이요 즐거워하는자( 者 ) 가있느냐저는찬송( 讚頌 ) 할지니라 14 avsqenei/ tij evn u`mi/n proskalesa,sqw tou.j presbute,rouj th/j evkklhsi,aj kai. proseuxa,sqwsan evp auvto.n avlei,yantej auvto.n evlai,w evn tw/ ovno,mati tou/ kuri,ou Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 너희중( 中 ) 에병( 病 ) 든자( 者 ) 가있느냐저는교회( 敎會 ) 의장로( 長老 ) 들을청( 請 ) 할 것이요그들은주( 主 ) 의이름으로기름을바르며위( 爲 ) 하여기도( 祈禱 ) 할지니라 15 kai. h` euvch. th/j pi,stewj sw,sei to.n ka,mnonta kai. evgerei/ auvto.n o` ku,rioj\ ka'n a`marti,aj h= pepoihkw,j avfeqh,setai auvtw/ And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. 믿음의기도( 祈禱 ) 는병( 病 ) 든자( 者 ) 를구원( 救援 ) 하리니주( 主 ) 께서저를 일으키시리라혹시( 或時 ) 죄( 罪 ) 를범( 犯 ) 하였을지라도사( 赦 ) 하심을얻으리라 16 evxomologei/sqe avllh,loij ta. paraptw,mata( kai. eu;cesqe u`pe.r avllh,lwn o[pwj ivaqh/te polu. ivscu,ei de,hsij dikai,ou evnergoume,nh Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that
22 you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. 이러므로너희죄( 罪 ) 를서로고( 告 ) 하며병( 病 ) 낫기를위( 爲 ) 하여서로 기도( 祈禱 ) 하라의인( 義人 ) 의간구( 懇求 ) 는역사( 役事 ) 하는힘이많으니라 17 VHli,aj a;nqrwpoj h=n o`moiopaqh.j h`mi/n kai. proseuch/ proshu,xato tou/ mh. bre,xai kai. ouvk e;brexen evpi. th/j gh/j evniautou.j trei/j kai. mh/naj e[x\ Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. 엘리야는우리와성정( 性情 ) 이같은사람이로되저가비오지않기를간절( 懇切 ) 히 기도( 祈禱 ) 한즉삼년( 三年 ) 육개월( 六個月 ) 동안땅에비가아니오고 18 kai. pa,lin proshu,xato kai. o` ouvrano.j u`eto.n e;dwken kai. h` gh/ evbla,sthsen to.n karpo.n auvth/j Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. 다시기도( 祈禱 ) 한즉하늘이비를주고땅이열매를내었느니라 19 VAdelfoi, eva,n tij evn u`mi/n planhqh/ avpo. th/j avlhqei,aj kai. evpistre,yh tij auvto,n My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, 내형제( 兄弟 ) 들아너희중( 中 ) 에미혹( 迷惑 ) 하여진리( 眞理 ) 를떠난자( 者 ) 를누가 돌아서게하면 20 ginwske,tw o[ti o` evpistre,yaj a`martwlo.n evk pla,nhj o`dou/ auvtou/ sw,sei yuch.n evk qana,tou kai. kalu,yei plh/qoj a`martiw/n remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins. 너희가알것은죄인( 罪人 ) 을미혹( 迷惑 ) 한길에서돌아서게하는자( 者 ) 가그 영혼( 靈魂 ) 을사망( 死亡 ) 에서구원( 救援 ) 하며허다( 許多 ) 한죄( 罪 ) 를덮을것이니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자약5:1~20)
ꡕ CTQU 10:21-22 CEQ 10:21-22 21. Ven ))) ei=pen\ VExomologou/mai, soi( 21. Ven ))) ei=pen\ VExomologou/mai, soi( pa,ter( ku,rie tou/ ouvranou/ kai. th/j gh/j( o[ti pa,ter( ku,rie tou/ ouvranou/ kai. th/j
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